How to store photos in icloud. How to backup iPhone without hassle

And Apple developers have provided for this: any iPhone owner can use the backup function and transfer important information to HDD PC. Initially, backup copies were created exclusively through the program iTunes, but now it has become possible to copy information to the “cloud” iCloud If you have a fast Wi-Fi connection, this method is even more convenient. The article will tell you how to create a backup copy of your iPhone using iTunes, Wi-Fi and one of the alternative file managers.

Apple technology is considered reliable, but it does not last forever. It’s easy to imagine the following situation: an iPhone that has served for years personal assistant in business, it suddenly broke down - it simply stopped turning on. You can go to the store and buy a new Apple gadget, but where can you get the information that was stored on the old one - phone numbers of business partners, suppliers, important notes? The answer is obvious: from backup. It is enough to connect new smartphone from your PC and download a copy - the information will be there.

The user should be aware that not all information is stored in the backup copy - it includes:

  • All photographs.
  • Telephone directory plus call history.
  • Notes – contents of the application of the same name.
  • SMS (including iMessage).
  • Calendars and scheduled events.
  • Safari information (such as bookmarks).
  • Audio recordings made from a voice recorder.
  • Desktop wallpaper.
  • Settings for connecting the gadget to global network(VPN, wireless network access point).
  • Application settings and achievements in games.
  • Location of shortcuts on the screen.

Not included in the backup copy:

  • Music and video.
  • Games and mobile applications.

Ringtones are only saved in the iCloud backup.

Selecting information for Reserve copy due to weight- say, a telephone directory and notes take up little space in memory, but are of undoubted value to the user. Movies and musical compositions weigh a lot, but they can always be downloaded again, so it is not advisable to backup them.

Movies and music albums purchased from the iTunes Store, as well as purchases from App Store applications are assigned to a specific Apple ID, so you won’t have to buy this data a second time if the gadget is lost or broken.

How to make a backup via iTunes?

Through the program iTunes backup copies are created in this way:

Step 1. Connect your smartphone to your PC with a cable and open iTunes.

Step 2. Go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of a smartphone.

Step 3. Scroll down to the block " Backups"and decide where you want to save the copy - on a PC or in iCloud.

Remember: in iCloud Only 5 GB of space is available to you for free. If you intend to make copies regularly for preventive purposes, it is better to select the storage location " This computer».

Step 4. Encrypt the copy if you think it is necessary - check the box next to “ Encrypt backup" and enter the password twice.

Then click " Set a password».

Step 5. Click " Create a copy now».

Step 6. iTunes will prompt you to transfer applications from the gadget to your media library. If you prefer the option " With copies of programs", then the process of creating a backup copy will take more time, however, in the future, download programs again you won't have to.

Step 7. Wait for all 4 synchronization steps to complete. After this you will see that in the field " Latest copies” the current date and time are displayed, which means that the creation of the copy was successful.

Backups to personal computers are stored at the following addresses:

  • On Mac - User/Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/.
  • On Windows 7/8 – Users/AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/MobileSync/Backup/.

There is another way to create a backup copy - through the menu " File» select « Devices» — « Create a backup».

When using this method, copies are created simultaneously in iCloud and on your hard drive.

How to backup iPhone to iCloud?

To create a backup in iCloud no cable required and no PC at hand – just connect to Wi-Fi. The copy is made like this:

Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " iCloud" and go into it.

Step 2. Scroll down and go to the subsection " Storage and copies».

Step 3. Make sure that there is enough space for backup in the “cloud” - in the “ Place storage", there is an item " Available", where it is indicated how much free memory left.

In our example, 4.5 GB of 5 GB are free.

Step 4. Find out approximately how much one of your backups weighs. To do this you need to go to the subsection " Storage" in the block " Storage».

It can be seen that the weight of one copy is 485 MB; about 2 MB more iCloud spent on messenger and wallet data. Using simple calculations, we determine that there is enough space in the storage for about 9 more backup copies. We can also open a ready-made backup and analyze what type of data takes up the most memory.

In our copy, 482 of 485 MB are occupied by photographs. You should carefully “sort through” the album and leave only the most important pictures - then you will be able to significantly reduce the weight of one copy. You can completely exclude a photo from the backup copy - to do this, you need to toggle the slider next to “ camera roll» to the inactive position.

Step 5. If there is enough space in the “cloud”, in the block “ Backup copy "Activate the toggle switch opposite " Copy to iCloud».

Step 6. A confirmation window will appear - click " OK"; this will confirm that you want to start copying to iCloud.

Step 7. Click " Create a copy" and wait for the process to complete. Rejoice: the backup is ready and saved in the cloud!

Field " Create copy" will be inactive if the iPhone is not connected to a wireless network.

If there is not enough free space in iCloud you can purchase it here, in the subsection “ Storage and copies"via the button" Buy another seat».

The prices are very affordable: 50 GB will be available for just 59 rubles per month, and as much as 2 TB for 1,490 rubles - this is an abyss of information!

How to create a backup using the alternative file manager iTools?

Attitude to iTunes Users of Apple technology have an ambiguous situation: the official program for transferring files regularly “pleases” with problems and “bugs” and, in addition, is quite difficult to master - new iPhone owners, as a rule, tend to postpone getting acquainted with iTunes"V long box" However, you still need to upload data to the iPhone somehow - many users turn to alternative file managers, which are simpler software. Such programs can do everything that they can do. iTunes, including - create backup copies.

iTools– the most convenient file manager for iPhone. Thanks to this program you can make backups absolutely free– for comparison iPhone Backup Extractor(another well-known copy utility) costs $25. Advantage iTools before iTunes is that iTools Allows you to create backups of video and music files. Download Russified iTools Can .

Backup via iTools done like this:

Step 1. Connect your iPhone to your PC with a cable and launch the utility.

Step 2. Go from the section " Device" to the section " Toolbox».

Step 3. In the block " Data Management» select the item « Super Backup».

Step 4. In the next window, determine what data you would like to see in the backup.

iTools doesn't copy files like, say, notes and browser data.

Check the box next to what you want, then click " Next».

Step 5. The next window will appear where you can determine the save path - this is done through the “ Browse" The default path is: D:iToolsBackup.

Step 6. Click " Start Backup" - this will start the backup process.

If the copy includes only " Contacts”(as in our case), then its creation will take no more than a second. When saving heavy files (video or music), you will have to wait much longer. Signs of completion of the process are a value of 100% on the right and a check mark on the left.

Step 7. Click " Backup complete» and find a copy in your PC memory.

If necessary, you can easily erase backups that are no longer relevant.

Erase copies from iCloud and PC

Delete copies made via iTunes, of course, you can by finding files on your hard drive, however, it’s easier to do this through the program itself.

Step 1. Go to the menu " Edit" and select " Settings» or click CTRL+, (comma).

Step 2. In the next window, go to " Devices».

You will see how many backup copies iTunes stored on the hard drive.

Step 3. Select the unnecessary copy and click on “ Delete backup».

Step 4. Confirm that you really want to erase the backup - click " Delete».

Copies will be deleted permanently - they will not be found in the trash!

Erase backup from iCloud can be done as follows:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « iCloud» — « Storage and copies" and go to " Storage».

Step 2. Go to " Properties» a copy that is no longer needed.

Step 3. On the next screen, scroll down and find " Delete copy" and click on it.

Step 4. Confirm that you want to delete backup data from iCloud and stop backing up.

After this you will notice that in your “cloud” free space increased significantly.

Why is a backup not created: possible problems?

Using software users rarely encounter problems when creating backups. If you cannot create a backup using iTunes, you need to take two measures: update iTunes before latest version(if some buttons are inactive) and check the status of the hard drive memory.

Backup to iCloud– on the contrary, the matter is very problematic. If the iPhone reports that copying is impossible, proceed as follows:

  • Check if there is enough space in the cloud to create a backup.
  • Check the quality Wi-Fi signal using other applications - for example, see how quickly pictures load " In contact with" If the download is slow, you might want to look for a different Wi-Fi source.
  • Log out of your account iCloud and come back again.
  • Remove those contained in iCloud backups. How this is done has been described previously.

If there is still no result, reset the settings: follow the path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset" and select " Reset all settings" You don’t have to worry about your personal data and content: after such a reset, they will remain where they were.

A big and inexplicable problem with saving data in iCloud is definitely present in iOS 9: backups are not created or deleted! Apple developers are aware of this problem and recommend that users update to at least iOS 9.3 - this is the only way to solve it.


The user must choose a data backup method based on his own needs and capabilities. Let's say, if a user wants to create a backup copy of his favorite movies, he has no other choice but to start mastering an alternative file manager iTools. If USB cable iPhone has long been torn and gone to scrap, the owner of the smartphone does not have to go for a new one - he can create a backup via Wi-Fi.

Each of the methods for creating an iPhone backup guarantees that the user will be able to “resurrect” the most important data, even though Apple developers emphasize in every possible way that a full copy is obtained only when used iTunes.

After reading these instructions, you will be able to understand the popular issue of transferring and saving photos to the cloud on an iPhone, additional settings for your phone, and choosing the data storage service that is most convenient for you.

Every year, the development of cloud storage for saving personal photos or documents is becoming more popular among iPhone users. This may be due to the small amount of memory on the device or, conversely, to the convenience that online data storage services offer us.

How does the cloud work on iPhone? Operating principle in general terms

The operating principle of cloud storage is based on streaming files to local Apple server storage.

When an iPhone user takes a new photo, records a video file, or works with bookmarks on the gadget, the built-in iOS monitoring system records and stores results about new or previously changed files in the device's internal cache. When you connect to Wi-Fi, you are automatically connected to iCloud cloud storage. iOS sends a command to the server about changed or new documents, and they are automatically uploaded to Apple's local storage.

The file, when uploaded from the iPhone to the cloud, is divided into equal parts and distributed across storage servers. Each document or photo has multiple backup copies, which allow you to store information in different places. In case of loss of data about the downloaded file or equipment malfunction, the backup copy will allow you to instantly obtain information about previously downloaded media content to the cloud.

When an iPhone user logs into cloud storage and downloads the file he needs, it is automatically, using powerful computing equipment, put together and transmitted through secure encryption to the owner’s phone.

What is the best cloud to choose for iPhone nowadays?

Indeed, many iPhone users often wonder where to store their photos and videos. How can you access them most quickly from any part of the planet where there is Internet.

The task of choosing cloud storage for your iPhone comes down to several competitors in this area. We will try to talk in more detail about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The evaluation of cloud storage services for iPhone will be based on the following criteria:

    Ease of use



iCloud, Apple's cloud storage service

iCloud is a powerful and high-tech cloud service that can keep your personal media files safe and secure from unauthorized persons. In addition to storing photos and data, it is capable of: tracking the location of your iPhone, computer or other phone; Quickly and remotely set up iPhone, calendar events and much more.

Talk about the ease of use of the iCloud service, which is specially designed by Apple It makes no sense for iPhone or iPad buyers and users. It's quite simple.

By purchasing new iPhone, You create an iCloud cloud account that is linked to one or more devices if you have several.

To access the cloud on your iPhone, you'll need to log in to your device's settings, and any previously saved photos or personal data, such as contacts, calendar entries, or notes, are automatically downloaded to your iPhone. This adds the maximum number of points to the ease of use of the iCloud service, because... You don't need to install additional software on your phone.

When registering for an Apple cloud storage account, the user is given 5 GB of free storage for their most important files on the iPhone cloud. To expand the storage capacity in the cloud, you are offered a choice of three subscription options, which are presented in the screenshot below. The cost is indicated in rubles per month of use.

Yandex Disk is one of the ways to choose cloud storage for photos and videos on iPhone

We recently described in detail one of the processes for downloading music to an iPhone using the Yandex Disk cloud storage. You can read about this.

In addition to downloading music, this service will allow you to store all the photos and video files that are on your iPhone in your cloud spaces.

Many iPhone buyers use cloud storage services. This is primarily due to the small amount of memory in the device. Yandex Disk offers about 20 GB of free space for uploading media files to the cloud from an iPhone. This space is more than enough to understand all the capabilities of the service in free mode.

The ease of use of Yandex Drive on iPhone does not seem to be as promising as in the case of iCloud. Autoload YAD will allow you to automatically upload only photo and video files from iPhone to cloud storage.

As for the cost. Yandex offers, as we said earlier, about 20 GB of permanent cloud space for free, as well as the ability to expand memory for an additional fee. Acquainted with current tariffs(at the end of 2017) You can see the screenshot below.

Attention! Yandex Disk constantly holds free promotions with partners that will allow you to significantly increase your iPhone cloud storage space. The price and cost of these services may differ from the prices presented on the official website of the software product.

Brief summary of choosing cloud storage for iPhone

We looked at just a few options for the most popular services for storing photos and videos from iPhone on the Internet. Exists great amount competitors who can offer you the most favorable conditions for renting storage. The main thing is not to forget that proven and popular services have reliable data protection against hacking, which will prevent the leakage of personal files to the Internet. Choose the most convenient option for storing data in the iPhone cloud, based on our summary table of advantages and disadvantages.

The rating of the proposed cloud storage options for iPhone is based on personal experience use, reviews from colleagues and users on the Internet. iPhone owners categorically reject the use of the Dropbox service and are reluctant to look away Google Drive.

How to create a cloud on an iPhone using a PC or phone?

The process of registering or creating an online storage account on iPhone will not take much of your time. Let's take a closer look at the situation using the example of registering the iCloud cloud and Yandex Disk from start to finish.

Create an Apple ID and register iCloud for iPhone

Go to the official cloud storage website: Complete the registration by clicking on the “Create” button next to the Apple ID inscription, as shown in the screenshot below.

Fill in the personal information required to register the iCloud cloud.

We advise you to write down new apple ID and password to log in account. Registered cloud service data is required for correct iPhone settings under your account. When iPhone sales or transfer it to third parties, be sure to log out of your account so that your personal data is not transferred to other users.

It is possible to create an iCloud cloud not only from a computer, but also directly from an iPhone. To do this, go to “Settings”, etc.

Registering the Yandex Disk cloud on iPhone

We will need to download official application from the App Store.

The registration process is quite simple. Open the application and click

If you already have a login from your mail or Yandex Music listening service, you do not need to register. Enter your account details and log in to the application.

Correctly setting up Yandex Disk and iCloud will allow you to use services in automatic mode. We will tell you how to set up cloud services without errors a little later.

How to quickly access the cloud via iPhone or computer?

If you need to download photos or videos to your computer from iPhone cloud storage, we recommend using the official and free program from Apple for operating systems Windows systems- ICloud for PC

Install the downloaded program and make the minimum settings that will be requested automatically.

To access the Apple cloud directly from your iPhone, we recommend that you perform additional settings on your phone, which will allow you to view files without using additional software. Go to Settings. Select the “iCloud” section.

After you have entered the general iCloud menu, scroll to the very bottom to the optional checkbox that allows you to store documents and data in the iPhone cloud. Activate it.

After confirming the storage of data from programs that use the iCloud service, the necessary files and backup copies of applications will be automatically copied to the information storage service from the iPhone.

To view files in Apple storage from your iPhone, go to your phone's home screen or desktop. will appear installed application"iCloud Drive" as shown in the screenshot.

The program will allow you to view files in iCloud from iPhone in the form file manager. For the most detailed viewing of not only files and documents from the iCloud cloud storage, we recommend using a data synchronization program for your computer.

It is important to know! Try to study all the functions and settings of the cloud storage of your iPhone device. “How to use the cloud on iPhone?” There's nothing complicated. Just follow each step in our instructions, and it will answer all your questions in more detail.

How to save photos to the iPhone or Yandex Disk cloud?

To upload photos from your iPhone to the cloud, go to the “Settings” section. Click on your Apple ID account. Next “iCloud” - “Photos”. Make the checkbox next to “Media Library” active.

Apple cares about its users and leaves detailed description functions to the most popular menu items in iPhone settings.

As you can already understand, by activating this menu item in the settings, you can upload photos to the cloud on your iPhone. Next, set, if desired, additional settings for saving original photos or, conversely, optimizing the device’s storage.

If you are not sure about synchronizing and transferring photos to iCloud from an iPhone, we advise you to check the downloaded files through the storage program for your personal computer.

The simplest and most affordable option for storing photos in the device cloud is to use the Yandex Disk service. The main advantage of this program is comfort and ease of use, and also, compared to iCloud, you are provided with much more free space for saving photos.

Open the disk program and try to configure it according to our instructions. Go to the settings section by tapping the gear in the upper left corner of the display. Pay attention to the menu item “Autoload photos”. We recommend that you enable active photo uploading only via Wi-Fi to save money. cash, if your telecom operator does not provide an unlimited tariff.

You can see the current status of downloaded photos and video files in the “Camera” section. A running bar with the amount of downloaded material will be displayed in the upper status bar of the program. With the Yandex Disk program, you will forever forget about this question, “How to save photos to the cloud on an iPhone?” The application will automatically do everything for you.

Also don’t forget, Disk has a separate program not only for the iPhone, but also for the computer. Therefore, downloading photos and video files from the cloud to your computer will be a pleasure.

To transfer a single photo to the cloud on your iPhone from Yandex, click on “Photo”. Select the photo you would like to upload to the server. Click on the sharing button in the lower left corner. You will see a pop-up window with additional information about the copy or slide show. Scroll all the way down the apps bar until you find “Disk.” Select or create the desired folder, in which you would like to store photos from your iPhone.

In the case of Yandex Disk, you greatly facilitate the process of uploading not only photos, but also videos from your iPhone to cloud storage.

Don't forget to sync or urgently download photos from the cloud iCloud storage You will need to install additional program on PC. Yandex Disk allows you to download any files up to 2GB in size from the cloud without installing software.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments to this article.

One of the most simple ways save data from the memory of your mobile device - make backup copies regularly. This is a fairly simple process that does not require special skills. We will try to tell you about all its subtleties and features.

The iPhone data backup feature appeared 8 years ago. It allows you to save on your computer an almost complete copy of all the data stored in the smartphone’s memory. Recently, a backup copy can be saved not only on a computer, but also in the iCloud cloud service.

The backup includes:

— Album “Camera Film”
— Notes app data
— Mail accounts
Phone book and call history
— Contents of the Calendar application
- All data Safari browser(bookmarks, cookies, etc.)
— Autocomplete for pages on the Internet
— Web programs database
— SMS and iMessage messages
— Voice recorder audio recordings
— Full network and connection settings
— A bunch of keys
— App Store data about installed programs
— Options, settings and application data
— In-app purchases
— Game Center account
— Desktop wallpaper
— Map data and settings
Bluetooth devices, combined in a pair.

The backup does not include:

— Ringtones
- Music
- Video
- Games and applications.

There are only two ways to create a backup - through iTunes and through iCloud. In the first case, you will need to connect to your computer and you will be able to choose where to store the copy. The second option can be done directly from your mobile device; you can also configure automatic saving of a copy when connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Backing up data from iPhone

1. On mobile device go to Settings - iCloud.

2. Select Backup.
3. Activate the iCloud Backup item.

4. After activating copying, you can create a copy yourself by clicking the Create a copy button in iCloud settings.

With this feature, your smartphone or tablet will automatically create a copy (or overwrite it) every time you connect to the network.
In the storage settings, you can further change the contents of the backup, find out its weight and customize the copy in detail as you wish. iCloud provides users with 5 GB of free storage. This is more than enough to backup your iPhone data. The remaining space is purchased for an additional monthly fee.

Create an iCloud backup using iTunes

3. Select your iPhone or iPad from the list of devices and go to the sync page.

4. In paragraph Automatic creation copies select iCloud.
5. If necessary, set a password to protect your backup. A password will be required when attempting to restore a backup.
6. Confirm creating a backup by clicking the Create a copy now button.

Create a backup using iTunes on your computer

If desired, the user can store a backup on his Mac or PC. The good thing about this method is that you don’t need a network connection to access the backup. To create a copy, you need iTunes.

1. Launch the iTunes application on your computer.
2. Connect your device to your Mac or PC via USB cable.

3. From the File menu, select Create Backup. This method will allow you to save a backup on your computer, even taking into account the automatic saving of a copy to iCloud.
4. You can save a copy by changing iCloud to This PC in the Automatically create copies option.

Backup storage locations:

User_folder/Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

Windows XP:
\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple

Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Deleting backups

This need does not arise very often, but some users are faced with such a need, for example, when selling their iPhone.

1. Launch the iTunes application.
2. Go to Edit – Settings.
3. All backups will be displayed in the Devices tab.
4. Delete unnecessary backups.

iTunes, iCloud, alternative software and third parties cloud services.

Test iOS versions, experiments with jailbreaking, constant transition from device to device, crash tests, as well as tons of software from the App Store and bypassing it - these are not all the reasons, why have I ever lost important personal data from iPhone.

But such difficulties are faced not only by hardened geeks who never rest. Despite the incredible reliability of Apple technology, important information, which you don’t want to lose, you still need to prepare copies in a safe place.

To protect you from possible annoying misunderstandings, I have put together all the backup options that I have personally tested.

1. iTunes and Backup to Mac or PC Hard Drive

Advantages: with backup via iTunes, you can access information without the Internet - even in an open field. Moreover, it is one of the fastest options to save almost all the data from iPhone.

Flaws: It’s a pity, but making a backup copy or restoring data without a computer will not work, even if you want to. Backing up information from a large iPad Pro to a MacBook 12’’ looks especially funny. Plus - the copy takes up quite a lot of disk space, which is very noticeable on a Mac with small SSDs.

What can you save?: almost everything except content from the App Store and iTunes Store (it will be downloaded over the Internet), content synchronized through iTunes (imported audio recordings, etc.), stored in photo clouds (for example, iCloud Photo Stream), Touch settings ID and Apple Pay. Please note that some data requires password protection for your backup.

How to do it: It's simple - just go to iTunes, go to the device tab and press one single button to create a copy or restore it.

My opinion: I myself use backup to my hard drive MacBook Pro only before some stressful moment - installing a test version of iOS, jailbreaking, and so on. In other situations, I prefer other types of storing personal information.

2. Alternatives to iTunes for backups using iMazing as an example

Advantages: with their help you can not only access data without the Internet, but also feel like a real geek who uses not only standard software. In addition, alternatives may be more convenient in some specific cases - for example, to quickly save photos to your hard drive.

Flaws: all backup processes still require a computer, which is not always accessible.

How to do it: in most cases, a backup in iTunes alternatives is created or restored by pressing one or two buttons (for example, in the same iMazing). But each specific option may have its own nuances - in some solutions you can separately save messages, contacts or other data.

My opinion: In some cases, using alternatives for iTunes may be even more than appropriate - especially on PCs, for which Apple’s program is simply not tailored. It works extremely clumsily even on fairly powerful computers. But on Mac today I’m still leaning towards the standard solution.

3. iCloud as a cloud storage for iPhone backups

Advantages: In this case, a computer is not needed. And that's great.

Flaws: Potential payment for a large amount of storage for those who find the free 5 GB too little. Plus - without the Internet all this is useless.

How to do it: you need to go to the backup menu from the iCloud section in the device’s system settings (Settings - iCloud - Backup)- all the necessary functions are available here.

My opinion: despite the fact that today I only use Apple devices (MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad), many interesting services have been “living” with me since the days of my first Android smartphone (HTC Wildfire, if memory serves). That's why my main cloud is Google Drive, not iCloud. And in the latter, I rarely have enough free space for backups.

4. iCloud and Apple branded services for saving data from iPhone

Advantages: Data is synchronized in real time. And during recovery, you can safely use the device. This is especially convenient when, for example, you are testing a new iPhone from partners. You enter your Apple ID details, and personal information is slowly pulled up via the Internet, without distracting you from using the device.

What can you save?: photos, mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, Safari bookmarks, notes, Wallet data, music selection in Apple Music and so on. The vast majority of modern mobile applications can work with iCloud Drive, and it can be very convenient.

How to do it: set of synchronized in iCloud data available from its section in the device system settings (Settings - iCloud). Since many third party applications can store information in iCloud Drive, you need to dig into their settings. Other Apple branded services (for example, Apple Music) provide access to information after Apple input ID.

My opinion: despite the fact that iCloud Drive is far from the main storage of my personal information, its free volume is constantly occupied by data from some applications (only text files There’s just a bunch of Byword here). And it's very convenient. And I’m generally silent about the coolness of modern Apple branded services - just look at Apple Music. And it successfully stores all my data without any outside help.

5. Third-party cloud services for storing information using Google as an example

Advantages: Greatest versatility and access from any device. For example, branded Google services Perfect for users who complement their work with iPhone with an Android smartphone.

Flaws: limitations of iOS (after all, Apple gives preference to branded services), the ability to save not all data, as well as the need to access the Internet.

What can you save?: mail, contacts, calendars, notes, as well as photos in Google Photos, music in Google Music, files in Google Drive, and so on. And the same story with other similar services - for example, files of any type can be safely stored in Dropbox, and they will not go anywhere even in the most emergency cases.

How to do it: setting up synchronization of mail, contacts, calendars and Google notes is available from the corresponding section system settings devices (Settings - Mail, addresses, calendars), and the loading of other data is configured from each individual third-party application.

My opinion: If you use multiple devices from different manufacturers (perhaps you have a PC instead of a Mac, or an Android instead of an iPhone), you'll definitely find it convenient to store basic data in Gmail - mail, calendars, and contacts. In other cases, it is better to give all your information to Apple hands- it is more comfortable.

Everything at once to minimize the risk of losing important records

How can I transfer photos and other data from iCloud to my computer to free up space on cloud storage? Using a web interface and a client on Windows to manage information on iCloud.

Saving photos to iCloud

To transfer photos, you first need to configure their saving to iCloud:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Click on your iCloud account.
  3. Go to the "iCloud" section.
  4. Open the Photos submenu and turn on iCloud Photo Library.

When this option is activated, the phone will transfer photos and videos to the storage; you cannot split the Media Library. As an alternative, you can use the “My Photo Stream” option - only photos will be sent to iCloud, but they are stored for only 30 days, and you cannot upload more than 1000 photos per month.

In iCloud settings, you can also enable synchronization of contacts, notes, reminders, calendar, etc. If there is not enough space and you cannot transfer data to your computer, you will have to increase the storage capacity:

  1. Open the "iCloud" section.
  2. Click on the "Storage" button.
  3. Select "Buy a seat"
  4. Specify the required volume and pay for capacity expansion And.

If you don't want to pay, periodically clear your storage of large files. Transferring photos to computer - great way free up space on iCloud.

Using the web interface

The easiest way to transfer photos to your computer is to download them from the iCloud website:

The main inconvenience in the web interface is the absence of a “Select all” button. If you want to download all the photos, select the first file with the mouse, then go down to the last photo, hold down the Shift key and click on it. This will select all the files on the page.

If you want to figure out how to transfer contacts, then there is nothing complicated here either. The iCloud website has a “Contacts” section, which displays records synchronized with the iPhone.

You can download them all or individually as vCard files and then open them in Windows Contacts.

iCloud Drive

Another convenient way to upload photos to cloud storage and download them to your computer is to use iCloud app Drive. Its advantage is that you can upload pictures separately. This is also a disadvantage: mass uploading of files is not provided.

  1. Open to iPhone photo, which you want to save in the cloud.
  2. Click on the arrow button in the bottom corner.
  3. Select Add to iCloud Drive.

You will have to repeat the operation for each photo you want to send to iCloud. Next, you can use the instructions on how to transfer data from iCloud to your computer via the web interface, or install the iCloud program for Windows on your PC. Mac owners do not need to install additional software - the iCloud management program is built into the system.

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