How to start accepting payments without registering a legal entity. faces

From the author: Hello, friends! According to statistics, about 10% of online store visitors are eliminated at the stage of paying for their purchase, because they simply cannot understand how to pay for a product or service, or the form of payment presented on the site is inconvenient for them. In our article today you will learn how to make a payment in an online store. And this is perhaps the easiest way to increase the number of sales without investment.

Since most people start creating an online business without legal registration, we will consider the process of connecting payment to an online store for an individual. Our task today is to organize the process of transferring money from site users who want to purchase goods to your bank card. Moreover, everything should work in automatic mode.

If you are creating an online store for the first time, we recommend that you first read about creating effective commercial websites. If you have an online platform ready for sales, you can immediately proceed to consider the question of how to organize payment in the online store.

Technical side of the issue

From a technical point of view, the process of creating a payment in an online store is as follows. The customer makes a purchase and is issued an invoice. Next, he selects a suitable payment system and enters the necessary data to make the payment.

If the user specified everything correctly, then the server payment system sends a request to the pre-specified URL of the online store, and trading platform, in turn, transfers money to the client’s account. In case of incorrectly specified data or other technical failures, the system will notify the person that the payment has not gone through.

If the operation is successful, the person will be redirected to a special page where there will be a comment indicating that the payment has been made and the money has been credited.

Selecting a payment system

There are a lot of different payment systems, however, let's focus on how to set up payment in an online store based on the 5 most popular of them.


The connection takes place in several simple steps: register on the website, provide online store details, set up a payment form on your website. The specifics of working with Robokassa also require special moderation. The system requires the following specific details to be present on your website:

contact information with store representatives.

The payment fee varies depending on the chosen payment system and can reach 12%.


Connection occurs in a similar way: registration, specifying personal data, setting up parameters for own needs. Commission - from 3%.

Qiwi wallet

The basic connection procedure is also simple. you pass quick registration, then you are assigned a specific manager, with whom you undergo further consultation on technical issues. The specifics of the Qiwi wallet require, in addition to entering standard data by the user, also checking the validity of the phone number.

Qiwi commission is 1% on all transfers.

Yandex money

This is one of the most popular types of payment systems, so we decided to mention it so that you don’t have any questions about this. The Yandex.Money system does not involve working with individuals. Moreover, even if you are a legal entity, there is still a minimum financial limit below which cooperation with an online store seems impossible.

Therefore, you will have to wait a little while connecting Yandex.Money until the store gains proper momentum. If the availability of this payment method is important for you, then give preference to Robokassa as the main payment system for your online store. This is the only external platform that supports Yandex.Money.


Organizing automatic payment acceptance in the WebMoney system will require a little more time. First of all, you need to register your personal passport. This may take about a week, because WebMoney requires sending a notarized application using Russian Post.

After this, add the online store to the site catalog on It will take another 1-3 days. The advantage of the system is that you can test the payment (in fact, everything goes in a standard way, only money is not withdrawn). This advantage allows you to catch errors in the code in advance.

Funds transferred by the client go to the address specified during registration WebMoney wallet. The commission is provided only for making the payment itself (it is withdrawn from the client).

What is the value of connecting online payment?

However, owners of physical goods will also benefit significantly from connecting the payment system to the online store. The latter will save a lot of time from sending account numbers to clients and unnecessary waiting for people to deposit the required amount. In turn, payment systems will allow customers to save on delivery and save them from financial red tape.

It is worth noting that we have not studied all existing payment systems, but only the most popular ones.

What should legal entities do?

To connect online payment to an online store for a legal entity, you need to perform almost the same steps. Just keep in mind that it will take a little more time to organize the process. This is due to the need to conclude a formal agreement providing for more thorough checks of your activities.

You received a detailed answer on how to choose a payment system for an online store and connect it properly. The procedure is not complicated, the main thing is to carefully fill out the data when registering, otherwise you will then spend a lot of time correcting them in support.

If you would like to know more about functionality your online store, we recommend taking note of several useful online courses from.

The ability to pay with a bank card has long ceased to be a luxury. More and more buyers are paying attention to this option when choosing an online store. If your resource does not yet support online payments, it’s time to enable payment by bank card on the website .

Those banks that provide the opportunity to accept payments on the Internet using their plastic cards are called acquiring banks. There are two main ways to set up payment by bank card on your website:

  • Connect the acquiring bank module directly.
  • Take advantage payment service. So-called payment aggregators make the online payment process convenient for users, and make it easier for website owners to work with payment systems.

By the way, with the help of payment aggregator services, you can receive payments on the site not only with bank cards, but also with other popular methods (Yandex. Money, WebMoney, QIWI, etc.).

How to pay by card on the website safe?

When paying and accepting payments with bank cards, buyers and sellers have a question: how safe is it? Customers of an online store want to be sure that when making a purchase they will not be charged more than the amount paid. Website owners want to protect themselves from scammers who withdraw payments from the bank after receiving the goods.

The issue of accepting payments arises before every owner of an online store - from choosing payment methods to connecting them to the site.

You can accept payments on the site in different ways:

  • directly through the acquiring bank (payment by plastic cards);
  • through a specific payment system (for example, Yandex.Money, QIWI, PayPal);
  • using a payment aggregator that combines several payment systems (examples: Robokassa, Yandex.Kassa, PayOnline).

As a rule, the appropriate methods are chosen as follows:

Option 1: The company is young, the turnover is small, we need to quickly connect to accepting payments using the most popular methods.

In this case, we use a payment aggregator. The commission will be the highest of all the options indicated (3-6%). But the easiest way to connect is to register an account with the aggregator, install a module from the aggregator on the site - and you already accept the 5-10 most popular payment methods.

Option 2: The company is already established, the turnover is average, it is necessary to reduce the costs of processing payments.

Here we look at the statistics to see what the most popular methods are used by clients. We go to the websites of these particular payment systems and find out what the commission is there. If the commission is lower than in the aggregator, then we connect these methods directly, and leave the aggregator only for other methods (in which the differences in commission are insignificant).

Option 3: The company has a large turnover of bank card payments.

Here you need to look towards Internet acquiring. For example, in the direction of the bank where your company’s account is already open. The commission percentage for payments will be lower, the higher the company’s turnover, and the funds will be credited to your bank account (that is, you will not need to think about how to withdraw these amounts from the aggregator).

And payment by card through an acquiring bank is perceived by users as safer than payment through an aggregator (which is important for large companies).

Internet acquiring connection

If you have chosen online acquiring, you first need to choose a bank. Look at the size of the bank's commission for each operation, the cost of connection, the period for crediting funds to the account, the availability of round-the-clock technical support and the types of cards from which payments can be made (the minimum set is VISA and Mastercard).

When you have chosen a bank, look on its website for an application for connecting acquiring and a list of required documents. We fill everything out and send it to the bank. Bank employees will check the documents and also look at the website to make sure that acquiring can be connected to it. If everything is ok, you will be notified of a positive decision and given instructions for setting up.

All payments that go through acquiring will come directly to your current account. That is why the commission for payments is lower - there is no intermediate intermediary, as is the case with a payment aggregator.

It is worth noting that all information about the receipt of funds into the account is transmitted to the tax office.

Among the disadvantages is bureaucracy =) You need to collect and send an impressive package of documents to the bank. Accordingly, activation of the service may take a couple of weeks.

But there is a good plus: during the payment process, data is transmitted via 3D-Secure and SecureCode protocols (developed for VISA and Mastercard systems), which ensures high level payment protection.

Payment aggregators

A payment aggregator combines several payment systems at once. He acts as an intermediary between the entrepreneur and the payment system.

The main advantage of this method is that you get a lot different options accepting payments ( bank cards too), but you do not need to enter into an agreement with each payment system separately. Although the commission is higher than in the previous version. The money is first credited to the aggregator’s account, and then transferred from it to your details.

There are many payment aggregators; according to the 2016 Rating of Payment Instruments, the most popular of them are Yandex.Kassa, Robokassa, RBK Money, PayU, PayAnyWay, Wallet One.

The criteria for choosing an aggregator are approximately the same: commission size, connection conditions and terms, availability of technical support.

Connecting payment acceptance to the site

So, you have decided on the method of accepting payments. Now the next question arises - how to connect it to your online store?

The setup is quite simple - almost all CMS have built-in modules for connecting payment systems. If there is no built-in module, you can download it from the payment system website.

For example, choosing Yandex.Checkout modules:

Moreover, for each CMS there are detailed instructions for connecting.

For Bitrix, setup is just a few simple steps:

Connecting the Robokassa aggregator seems more complicated - as indicated on the service description page, you will need a specialist with knowledge of Perl, PHP, ASP or ASP.NET. However, there is nothing supernatural in the setup; there are modules designed for specific CMS, and detailed instructions by setting.

Full list of supported CMS:

When connecting to Internet acquiring, everything is also quite simple - installing and configuring the payment module for CMS is as follows:

  1. download the finished module;
  2. install it in your CMS;
  3. configure the module using access data from personal account acquiring;
  4. check functionality.

Each CMS has detailed instructions.

Examples of modules from Tinkoff Bank acquiring:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about connecting payment acceptance to the site. The main thing is to decide on the method, and then install ready-made modules and configure according to the instructions.

If you still experience difficulties, then write to our specialists. We'll help you choose, connect, and configure.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who are planning to launch an online store face this dilemma. How to do this correctly without breaking the law? Let's find out in this article.

In general, there are two ways to organize payments online: organize direct payment acceptance through the acquiring bank and, that is, through an intermediary.

Which method is more profitable? It depends on the size of your business. For a fairly large company with decent turnover, the first option will be much more profitable: the costs of connecting to the payment system will pay off relatively quickly. For small companies just starting a business, it is recommended to pay attention to the second option. The payment aggregator allows you to connect several types of payment at once, which can be beneficial in order to attract customers. The aggregator commission in this case will be cheaper than the fee for using the payment system.

How to directly connect Internet acquiring

To accept money by plastic cards on your website, you first need to select the bank with which you will work. This is not an easy task. What is recommended to pay attention to?

  • Commission. Banks set a certain commission amount, usually a certain percentage of each payment made. Find out the bank's conditions in advance. Note that the optimal commission size is up to 3%.
  • Does the bank charge a connection fee? Many banks do not charge an additional fee for this operation.
  • Does the bank have its own processing center? If there is, then the cost of such a bank’s services will be lower compared to other offers.
  • Payments from which cards can be accepted. Acceptance of the most common cards - VISA and MasterCard - must be configured.
  • Does the bank require collateral in the form of a deposit? If there is no such requirement, then you do not need to always have an untouchable amount in your account.
  • Does the bank have technical support? Technical support It should be even better if it is 24/7. This way you will protect yourself from unforeseen situations, as you will always be able to resolve the issue that arises.

Evaluate the banks according to all the listed parameters and choose the best option. Then you need to submit an application for connection and a package of documents to the selected bank. The composition of the documents provided is determined by the bank. The bank also checks your website: it complies technical requirements or not. If all the requirements are met, then you can set up integration with the bank’s system.

With this option, all customer payments will be sent to your bank checking account. It should be noted that Internet acquiring as a procedure is completely transparent to tax authorities.

What to do with an electronic wallet

There are many nuances to accepting payments into electronic wallets.

Firstly, a separate law “On the National Payment System” is devoted to this area. According to this regulation, if you want to use a wallet for business purposes, it must be a corporate wallet. This means that to create it, you must indicate the details of your company, and then link it to your current account: you can only top up your wallet or withdraw funds from it to this linked account.

Secondly, to create such a wallet, you need to sign an agreement with the chosen payment system. It must comply with the provisions of the law and apply to credit institutions. The most famous of such systems are Yandex.Money, Paypal, and some use QIWI. Webmoney is also very popular, but it is not covered by the law mentioned above, so it can offer an agent work scheme. The nuance is that in this case you will not have to register in the system itself, that is, there will be no violation of the law on your part.

Thirdly, the chosen payment system will also check your site. The main requirements are:

  • first/second level domain;
  • hosting the site on a paid server (a free server will cause failure);
  • the relevance of the contacts listed on the site.

You will be able to conclude an agreement and set up payment acceptance only if you receive a positive conclusion after verification.

Finally, upon reception electronic money there are restrictions. Payments can only be made individuals, individual entrepreneurs and organizations cannot make payments between themselves using electronic money - this is prohibited by law. The limit on the balance of money on a corporate wallet is set at 600 thousand rubles; all funds in excess of the limit will be transferred to the current account without your order.

Thus, using a personal wallet in business activities is prohibited. This is considered a violation. If small turnovers of 10-30 thousand rubles can go unnoticed, then it is impossible to use it in a business with large turnovers.

How to work with a payment aggregator

The payment aggregator allows you to use several payment methods at once; for this it is not necessary to sign agreements with each payment system.

The aggregator, within the framework of a single agreement, will set up the required payment acceptance option for you, acting as an intermediary between the entrepreneur and the service provider. This significantly speeds up the procedure for connecting to online payments. You don't need to monitor several wallets at once. All funds from clients will be credited to the aggregator’s account, and then transferred from it to your details. For such a service, the intermediary usually charges a higher commission.

There are many popular aggregators, for example the well-known ones. You need to choose an aggregator based on approximately the same criteria as the acquiring bank: you should pay attention to the size of the commission, the conditions and terms of connection, and the availability of technical support.

Internet sales tax

Beginning Internet businessmen most often pay taxes according to the simplified tax system. According to the law, tax should be calculated on the amount received from the client, and not on the amount that arrived in your current account after deducting the commission. This is due to the fact that income from sales is considered as the cost of all goods and services. When calculating tax on the simplified tax system, income is reflected on the date of payment by the client.

If you use the simplified tax system with the “income minus expenses” base, then the amount of the commission can be taken into account as part of the expenses. Confirming the date of receipt of income can be an extract from an electronic wallet, a register of payments or another report that the aggregator provides you. The commission is usually taken into account on the date of the confirming document, since it is written off immediately when the payment is made and it is quite problematic to take it into account as of the same day.

At the beginning, I would like to immediately draw your attention to the steady increase in the percentage of payments on the Russian Internet for goods and services using plastic cards. Personally, in my business, clients pay by card in 10%-15% of cases. According to my observations, almost 80% of them would simply move on and not purchase my goods or services if I had not offered them to use their plastic card as a payment method. That is, if I didn’t accept cards, my sales would be 7%-13% lower, and every month this amounts to a figure for which it is definitely worth making an effort and implementing the possibility of paying with cards on any commercial website, incl. and on yours. Consider also the fact that the trend of paying with plastic cards in the Runet will only grow and very soon will seriously compete with virtual cash and other payment methods that are widespread and familiar to the Runet now. Let me remind you once again that paying with a plastic card has quite serious advantages for both the seller and the client:

  1. Speed.
    Payment using a plastic card takes place in real time and takes up to 1 minute, and generally 20-30 seconds. It is after this time that the money will be withdrawn from the client’s card and will be credited to you as payment. Naturally, in the case of a successful transaction, if you are selling an information product, program or some kind of web service, then you can immediately and automatically deliver it to the client. As a result, the sales process is fully automated and accelerated as much as possible, which frees you from routine and the client from anxiety while waiting for the paid product or service.
  2. Profitability.
    This is especially true for the buyer. In some cases, he will pay only the cost of the product or service and it will not cost him anything else. This can cost the seller on average from 3% to 5%, and in the case of high sales using plastic cards - even less. Also, unlike payment with virtual cash (WebMoney, Yandex.Money), neither the seller nor the buyer needs to lose interest and time converting virtual money into real money and back.
  3. Reliability.
    Despite the fact that fraud with plastic cards is common today, payment with plastic remains one of the most reliable and guaranteed types of payments. Actually, if you follow all security rules, and also never store large sums on cards unnecessarily, then the problem of fraud disappears altogether. In addition, the client, when paying with a card, has the opportunity to make a chargeback (return) of money back to the card within a certain period, which allows him not to worry about being deceived in an online store by selling a low-quality product or service.
  4. Convenience.
    The most important thing is that for many people today a plastic card is a much more well-known, convenient and familiar means of payment than a virtual wallet. In fact, cards are already a common means of payment and cash withdrawal, which is used even by pensioners.
So, if you understand all the benefits I described above of accepting payments from plastic cards on your website, then you certainly want to know how you can start using this as quickly as possible. Next, I will show you several official (and not only) methods for accepting payments from “platistics” on your website, and you can decide for yourself what is more convenient, profitable and acceptable for you in your situation.

For citizens of the Russian Federation

OFFICIALLY, there are now three common ways to connect your websites to Internet acquiring (that is what this service is called in the field of banking operations).

METHOD No. 1: Card operator - ASSIST company

This company has been operating on the Runet market for a long time and has proven itself to be a reliable partner. Through "ASSIST" you can accept cards: Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard, Diners Club, STB, JCB). The ASSIST system has a convenient and simple interface for integrating payment acceptance into your website, and also provides very detailed instructions on how to carry out the entire integration process step by step. It is also convenient to view statistics on all your payments and always be aware of the situation. The only serious drawback of ASSIST is that if you live outside the reach of one of the bank branches with which ASSIST works, you will not be able to connect to the system. For example, I couldn’t, because my city is located on the outskirts of Russia, where there are no branches of these banks in the regional center. Another convenient feature of ASSIST is that you can accept through them not only card payments, but also payments in virtual cash (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, E-Port, Credit-Pilot), which will help you bypass conversion operations virtual cash in rubles and tax accounting of these funds. In this case, all payments will ultimately come to your current account, which you will open for yourself, as an individual entrepreneur or for your enterprise. How to connect to "ASSIST"? After you have already become legal entity and opened your current account with the bank, you go to the website of the company and submit an application for registration using the link, your application is considered within a few days and then they help you decide on which bank is best to use for online acquiring in your case. How much will it cost to connect to ASSIST? The cost of connecting to accepting cards through ASSIST will range from $120 to $180. But you need to take into account that depending on the type of agreement and the bank with which the agreement is concluded, you will have to pay or accumulate the amount of the security deposit. This deposit is necessary for the bank to cover the risks associated with possible refunds to your clients on the card, etc. This amount can be from $100 to $300 and above, depending on your goods and services. If you determine the ASSIST company as a suitable option for you, then do not forget to check with them the amount of the security deposit and the full financial costs upon your connection. What percentage does ASSIST take from each transaction for its services? This percentage will depend on the bank with which you will sign an agreement further to accept cards through the Assist company. But the percentage can range from 3% to 5% from each successful transaction towards your services or goods.

METHOD No. 2: Card operator company "CYBERPLAT" This company has also been working on the Runet market for a long time ecommerce and claims to become the number ONE universal Russian card operator! Unlike ASSIST, the CYBERPLAT company is a division of the PLATINA bank and therefore does not depend on the whims of third-party banks. As a result, you can connect faster and cheaper to the CYBERPLAT system, regardless of the region of your residence within Russia. Through "CYBERPLAT" you can accept cards: Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard, Diners Club, E-Port). But a significant drawback of CYBERPLAT is its interface for integrating payment acceptance into your website. Despite the fact that the company has given very detailed guide and instructions on how to carry out the whole process step by step, you will still have to seek the help of a programmer to install and configure all the necessary scripts on your server, generate keys and start accepting cards through CYBERPLAT. How to connect to CYBERPLAT? I also liked the fact that you can immediately open a current account at PLATINA bank with management via the Internet. Then you will have everything in one place. As a result, you will receive a complete and convenient solution for your e-commerce business with minimal translation costs and maximum speed. How much will it cost to connect to CYBERPLAT? Connecting to this system will cost you less than connecting to ASSIST. The connection fee is the equivalent of $100. But the security deposit with CYBERPLAT is ironclad and amounts to 9,000 rubles or ~$300. The only thing is that you can not pay it, but simply accumulate it in your transit account at PLATINA bank while already working and accepting payment for your services and goods. That’s exactly what I did and quickly enough I collected the required deposit amount. What percentage does CYBERPLAT take from each transaction for its services? This percentage is 4.5%, but as soon as your monthly turnover exceeds 100,000 rubles, it will automatically be reduced. And further, the greater the turnover, the less CYBERPAYT will charge you in interest. My personal comments on the CYBERPLAT system... In general, it took me a long time to decide who to work with and went through almost all the options on this topic for residents of Russia. As a result, my choice settled on the CYBERPLAT company. There are many reasons, but here are the main ones:
  1. Firstly, normal attitude towards clients, regardless of their business status. The company is happy to connect both large and small clients! Also good and prompt support.
  2. Secondly, the connection speed is literally 1-2 days. And if you start connecting to ASSIST, the verification process in one of their banks may take up to a month or more! Just some kind of disaster :))
  3. Third, a good and affordable cost for connecting to the system and fairly competitive service rates.
  4. The only thing I had to tinker with was the connection, but it’s worth it to then get all the benefits of this payment system. I recommend!

METHOD No. 3: - Agree with one of the banks directly.

Today, the Internet acquiring service is becoming more and more popular, so many large modern banks are starting to implement and offer it. Therefore, these proposals can be considered as a good option. To do this, you need to make a list of the largest and most modern banks in your region of residence, and then call each one and ask them about the availability of a service for accepting card payments via the Internet and find out what prices, conditions and mechanisms they offer you for this. But my experience in contacting banks has shown that their solutions are not always the most profitable, convenient and acceptable for my purposes. For example, when I tried to connect to Internet acquiring at IMPEXBANK, I was very disappointed in their offer. Firstly, they only work with Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, and secondly, for small volumes they take 10% from each transaction... Well, where is this good?

For citizens of Ukraine

OFFICIALLY, there are currently two main ways to connect your websites to Internet acquiring:

METHOD No. 1: Internet acquiring of "PRIBATBANK".

This bank, in my opinion, is the most advanced and popular in Ukraine and indeed has always been a pioneer in introducing some modern and high-tech services for its clients. I think that you really should open a current account with PRIVATBANK as an entrepreneur, and also take advantage of their Internet acquiring offer to get a full range of banking services in one place. If you decide to accept cards through PRIVATBANK, then you will only be offered card acquiring: Visa and MasterCard/EuroCard. But if you consider that almost 90% of all card payments in the world occur using cards of these systems, then I think that such a restriction will have almost no effect on your business. You should check with the bank employees about the cost of connecting to PRIVATBANK’s Internet acquiring, but the stated terms and the tempting 1% from each card transaction can only please and surprise me :-))

METHOD No. 2: Ukrainian Processing Center Company This company is a division of the Ukrainian commercial bank "AVAL", which is the second largest after "PRIVATBANK". I liked the approach to Internet acquiring from UPC more than from PRIVATBANK, because technically everything was solved quite simply and reliably. Just like Internet acquiring of "PRIVATBANK", the offer from "UPS" will allow you to accept cards: Visa and MasterCard/EuroCard. Declared card type American Express in fact, it is not yet accepted. What’s a shame is that I couldn’t find information about tariffs for connection and transactions anywhere on the UOC website. But if you live in Ukraine and have decided to accept cards for your goods or services, then do not be lazy to go to their website and contact the support service of this company to clarify all the details. And now I will offer you two UNOFFICIAL ways start accepting cards on your websites as one of the payment methods. I have found only a couple so far, but perhaps someone will be more agile than me and will find more of them... Here I can only thank such a person for providing me with such information. So, unofficial methods are well suited for e-commerce beginners who are just starting to take their first steps on the Internet and lack even small funds for legal and investment support for their business. In such a starting situation, paying taxes and using traditional Internet banking acquiring is very expensive, because it will require at least $200-$400 in expenses from a beginner. And many people have a very bad financial situation, but at the same time the desire to start their own business on the Internet is great... If you are one of these newly minted entrepreneurs, then the information below is a real treasure for you!

METHOD No. 1: International card operator "2CHECKOUT". This company has been operating in the global card acceptance market for many years and is the only Western company that allows residents of the CIS countries to receive services at their place. The only "BUT" is that you will have to speak at least a little English in order to connect and use the capabilities of "2CHECKOUT" because this is the only language spoken this system with you and your clients who will pay for your services or goods. Therefore, you need to take into account, if you choose “2CHECKOUT”, that you must additionally describe the process of payment by card through their system for your future clients. Among the advantages of this system, one can highlight the ease of integration of their payment system into your website. Perhaps, in this they are ahead of many They also have a very low fee for initial connection to the system - only $49. And the system of statistics and control of transactions is also simple and convenient. But what’s frustrating about “2CHECKOUT” is their fees, which they will charge for each transaction. by card - $0.45 + 5.5%. But you need to understand that for a beginner the offer from “2CHECKOUT” remains interesting and profitable. The registration process is very simple, just keep in mind that you will have to pay for connecting to “2CHECKOUT” with your plastic card. which must be topped up with a minimum of $50 or the equivalent at the exchange rate in the currency of your card. But for insurance, it’s better to top up the card with a small reserve of $5-10.

METHOD No. 2: International payment system "VIP-PAY". But this option is the most delicious place in this article, because it offers a unique service for the Runet today. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the system is universal, speaks Russian and accepts almost all payment methods common in Runet, including plastic cards! When I first came to their website, I immediately thought that the RUPAY.COM payment system had some kind of clone and competitor. Indeed, the idea and interface are very similar. BUT! Still, there are serious, I would say GLOBAL differences... Here is their complete list:
  1. Firstly, these are lower rates for entering the system and withdrawing money to the seller. For some payment methods this difference is up to 2% -3% relative to RUPAY. For example, WebMoney withdrawal will cost only 1%.
  2. Secondly, there is support in English in the payment interface, which allows you to accept payments not only within the Runet, but also globally throughout the world;
  3. Third, much greater coverage of various payment methods than RUPAY.
  4. Fourth, as one of the payment options, PLASTIC CARDS ACCEPT FOR PAYMENT! Transactions are processed using four types of cards: Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard, American Express, Discovery. That is, there is a fairly wide coverage of your possible clients and their means of payment.
  5. Fifthly, the system has a shopping cart, which is very convenient when selecting several products with a one-time payment for everything.
  6. At sixth, there is a simple and convenient interface for instant delivery of information and software products and services to the buyer after payment. There is a detailed guide describing the entire process of connecting the site and implementing instant delivery after payment.
  7. Seventh, the technical staff of "VIP-PAY" willingly meets the needs of their clients and customizes their system to suit their individual needs. That is, in fact, there is a VIP approach.
The "VIP-PAY" system appeared recently, so I can't say anything about its stability and 100% reliability yet, but I think that in the near future we will all find out this by starting to use it as one of the options for accepting payments. I believe that “VIP-PAY” is the simplest and most accessible means of accepting plastic cards and other types of payment for your goods or services. Judge for yourself: the connection is free, a huge selection of payment methods, low rates for depositing and withdrawing money. What else does a web entrepreneur need to be completely happy? To summarize the article, I will say that everyone is free to choose their ideal option for accepting plastic cards on their websites. Some people strive for transparency of their business and maximum convenience for their clients, while others need cheaper and simple solution this task. In any case, there are no bad or good methods for accepting “plastic”. There are methods that suit you for a number of reasons, suit you and guarantee maximum efficiency for you and your business!

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