How to open a bottle. How to boot from a DVD or USB Flash drive

When installing operating system you need to go to the boot menu ( Boot Menu) to tell your computer which device to boot from. This is also necessary when you need to start from a Live CD or bootable USB flash drive. Today I will tell and show you how to enter Boot Menu both on PC motherboards and laptops.

Just like you need to press a special key (F2 or Del) to enter the BIOS or UEFI, there is also a specific button to bring up the boot menu. As a rule, these are the F11, F12 or Esc keys, but there are exceptions. Usually, when you turn on the computer, under the splash screen you can see a key that is responsible for calling the Boot Menu.

You can, of course, do without the Boot Menu by simply selecting a certain order for loading devices in the BIOS, but if you want to boot one-time (checking for viruses or installing a system), then I would advise using the boot menu, because it is much faster.

So, why do you need the Boot Menu at all - you ask. This menu shows a list of devices connected to the PC from which you can boot (flash drives, CDs, hard drives) for further installation of the system or for testing components.

Logging into the Boot Menu in Windows 8 and Windows 10

If you are the proud owner of a laptop on which Windows 8, 8.1 or Windows 10 was originally installed, then you may not be able to enter the Boot Menu. I’ll explain why: shutdown in these systems is not complete, since it is more like hibernation, so when you press F11, F12, Esc, the boot menu may not open. There are several ways to fix this:
- hold down the Shift button when selecting “Shutdown” and then the PC should turn off completely;
- disabling quick system startup - in G8, go to the Control Panel,

Go to "Power Supplies"

On the left, click on "Power button actions"

Disable the “Enable fast startup” item (you can do this even if not on a laptop).

Logging into the Boot Menu on Asus laptops and motherboards

Almost all desktop computers Asus, to enter the boot menu you need to press the F8 button immediately when the computer turns on. If we press F9 or Del, we will get to the BIOS.

Regarding laptops, it's a little confusing. The Esc key opens the boot menu on modern models; on older laptops, the F8 key works, and mainly on models whose names begin with the letter k or x. In short, if the Esc key does not bring up the Boot Menu, then we reboot and try pressing F8.

Logging into the Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

To open the boot menu on Lenovo laptops, just press the F12 key. If you want to use additional boot options, press the additional arrow key,

Logging into the Boot Menu on Acer laptops

On all Acer laptops and all-in-one PCs, the Boot Menu can be accessed using the F12 key when turned on. But laptops from this company have one unpleasant feature - the ability to call the boot menu is disabled in the BIOS settings. To fix this, let's get into the BIOS by pressing the F2 key. Now let's find the "F12 Boot Menu" parameter and activate it so that the word Enabled appears next to it. All that remains is to save the settings and exit the BIOS.

The computer does not boot, what should I do? In the operation of the system, this is possible due to the action of various viruses, your errors in using Windows or using the wrong drivers. But don’t despair, I suggest you learn to get out of such situations with dignity.

You can always try to fix such sudden problems using the F8 key and the Windows 7 additional boot options menu.

When starting the computer, After loading BIOS press F8 key, which will bring up a menu for managing additional boot options for Windows 7.

About boot modes: " Safe mode", "Safe Mode with Boot network drivers" and "Safe Mode with support command line"You can read the article

Let's consider the remaining parameters:

Load Logging- here Windows will log the loading of all drivers and services by writing it to the file ntbtlog.txt, which is located in the Windows folder. After an unsuccessful system startup, this mode will view the boot log from the system recovery console and find the driver or service that is responsible for the boot failure.

Enabling low resolution video mode (640x480). Boots the computer with a screen resolution of 640 x 480. This eliminates incorrect setting monitor and video adapter, for example, if your monitor cannot support the set parameter.

Last Known Good Configuration (optional)- when loading in this mode, the saved computer state data is used after the last successful boot of the system, which cancels changes made in the settings after this save. This allows you to uninstall the installation of a driver or change the settings of services or the operation of installed equipment. Use this mode to cancel installed drivers or unsuccessful change of parameters in the operation of services.

Directory Services Restore Mode- This option works on server systems and restores the directory service on the domain controller.

Debug mode used by professional programmers to debug the system. When using this mode, debugging information is sent to another computer via a serial port.

Disable automatic reboot on system failure- In default settings, when critical error During the boot process, the system automatically reboots. When you select this item, the mode automatic reboot will be turned off, which will help you examine the error message in detail.

Disabling mandatory driver signature verification- this option allows you to disable verification when loading the digital signature system for drivers. Sometimes this check can be the source of a download problem. This option will also allow you to install an unsigned driver. However, to use such drivers, you will need to constantly select this item when booting Windows.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to boot a computer (or laptop - there is no difference) bypassing the installed operating system, from external media: CD/DVD disks or flash drives. These can be so-called LiveCD or other utilities for recovery, testing and other needs.

1. Insert the flash drive into the USB connector or install the disk into the drive. In the case of a disk drive, you can only open it while the computer is running (we won’t talk about the method using a needle or pin).

2. Turn on the computer. A window appears with a splash screen (usually the motherboard logo) and at the bottom of the screen, as a rule, it will be written which key you need to press on the keyboard to download Bios And get to the Boot Menu. You need to have time to press the desired key before the operating system starts loading. Otherwise, you will have to restart your computer and try again.

Advice: Press the desired key repeatedly as soon as the monitor screen lights up when you turn it on.

If you need to perform a one-time boot operation from external media, you can use the quick Boot Menu (the settings will not be remembered). If you plan to boot from disks and flash drives regularly, you can configure the Bios. I do not recommend doing this to boot from flash drives, because then when starting up, the system will first try to boot from flash drives each time (if you forgot to remove them), and only then contact your hard drive. This will take additional time when turning on the computer and loading the operating system. This was a lyrical digression, let's return to practical actions.

In most cases, on motherboards from different manufacturers, the start buttons Bios And Boot Menu different.

3.1. For launch Boot Menu Usually one of the keys on the top row of the keyboard is used. Most often: Esc, F1, F2, F7, F11, F12 .

The Boot Menu looks something like this:

The list shows all the media from which you can try to boot: disk drives, hard disks, flash drives (in this case HL-DT-STDVDRAM GT40N- this is a disk drive and WDC WD5000BPVT-60HXZT3 - HDD, if you insert a flash drive, then it will appear in this list). Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the desired media and press Enter. The download will begin from the specified media, but our choice will not be remembered. If you need to download again, the operation will have to be repeated.

3.2. If for some reason you were unable to boot from a disk or flash drive using the description from paragraph 3.1., then proceed to Bios settings.

The most common keys used for Bios downloads also the keys of the top row of the keyboard: Del, F2, Esc, F10, F12 .

We get to Bios. The figure shows one of its options appearance. The interface on different motherboards may differ, but the essence of the required settings remains the same.

Finding the section Boot(or Boot Menu). Go to it by pressing the arrow keys - left-right - and press Enter, to expand the section.

Select with arrows Boot Option #1(may be called First Boot Priority or similar) and press Enter. A selection window opens. Here we indicate which device we want to boot from first. Select and click Enter .

Similarly, you can assign a device from which we will boot in the second place, etc.

If you don’t find yours in the list of devices (for example, if you are going to boot from a flash drive, and the computer decides that it is another hard drive). Then you should go to the section Hard Drive Priorities. All hard drives will be listed there, and you can set the boot order for them in the same way.

When all the necessary changes have been made, click F10 (which actually calls the command Save and Exit - Save and Exit) and confirm saving the settings by selecting Yes(sometimes you need to enter a letter y from the keyboard).

That's all. Good luck!

Out of habit, or out of ignorance, some computer and laptop users use the BIOS or UEFI menu to boot from a device that contains Windows installation files, to run a LiveCD, or backup copy systems. But you can use the Boot Menu for this, especially since this option is more practical and simpler. Just call up the menu with a special key and select the device (hard drive, flash drive, DVD drive) from which to boot.

You can learn how to enter the Boot Menu on laptops and computers from this guide.

Since manufacturers do not have a specific rule for assigning a button to call the Boot Menu, each of them chooses the one that they think is ideal for this task. These instructions list the keys that, in most cases, allow you to display the boot menu. In addition, the nuances of calling it on laptops with pre-installed Windows 10 are mentioned here and specific examples are given for laptops from Asus, Lenovo, Samsung and others, as well as motherboards from Gigabyte, MSI, Intel and so on.

General information on entering the BIOS boot menu

Manufacturers provide special keys for both entering the BIOS or UEFI and calling the Boot Menu. In the first case it could be Del, F2, or a combination Alt+F2. In the second they can be used Esc, F11 or F12, but there are exceptions, which are given later in the article. Typically, a key prompt for entering the Boot Menu appears on the screen when the computer starts, but this does not always happen.

Features of loading Boot Menu on Windows 10

On laptops and computers running Windows 10, the above keys may not work. This is because shutting down in this operating system is not exactly like that. This process is more like hibernation. Therefore, when using F12, F11, Esc and other boot menu keys may not appear.

In this case, one of the methods below may help to enter the Boot Menu:

How to open the Boot Menu on Asus

In the case of maternal Asus boards, you can enter the Boot Menu using the key F8 immediately after turning on the computer. Actually, the same as when trying to enter the BIOS or UEFI using the keys Del / F9. On ASUS laptops, one of the options can be used - entering the Boot Menu with the key F8, or Esc.

How to enter the Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

On almost all all-in-one PCs and laptops from Lenovo, the key is responsible for launching the Boot Menu. F12. It, like on other devices, must be pressed when turning it on. There are also models where a separate small arrow button is provided to enter the boot menu. It is often located near the power button.

How to open Boot Menu on Acer laptops

Acer laptops and all-in-ones have a single key to enter the Boot Menu - F12. However, you can enter this menu only after enabling a special option. To activate it, when you start your computer, you need to get into the BIOS using the key F2 and change state Disabled on Enabled opposite the point F12 Boot Menu in the main BIOS settings.

Other models of laptops and motherboards

Below is a list of keys for entering the Boot Menu on laptops and PCs with motherboards from different manufacturers.


  • Gigabyte - F12.
  • MSI - F11.
  • Intel - Esc.
  • AsRock - F11.
  • American Megatrends - F8.

Laptops and monoblocks:

  • HP - F9, or Esc, and then the F9 key.
  • Dell - F12.
  • Samsung - Esc.
  • Sony - F11.
  • Toshiba - F12.
  • Packard Bell - F12.

Boot Menu is a menu that allows you to select the device that the system will process first. This function is actively used to replace operating systems and to carry out diagnostics, such as random access memory with MemTest.

This function is extremely convenient, as it is intended for a one-time launch of the equipment as the main carrier. This same function is needed when Windows installation, since it does not require a change in priorities.

After completing the steps required to enter the menu, all devices that are currently connected to the computer and with which the program is potentially likely to be launched will be displayed.

Unfortunately, there is no single denominator in the matter of entering the described menu, since there is no strict standard in this industry yet. However, there is a dependence of the manufacturer and the actions required to launch the Boot Menu, which will be discussed in detail in the article.

General information on entering the Boot Menu

Boot Menu is used to specify which device the program should be launched from. Of course, the BIOS already has such functionality, but for one-time use, for example a program, it is better to use the boot menu.

An interesting question is how to call up the boot menu on the motherboard because there are no standards in this regard. Each manufacturer uses different options. Most often, a hint appears on how to go to the section. In general, the F8, F9, F11, F12 and Esc buttons are used.

To launch the desired menu, press the key corresponding to your brand of motherboard during system startup. Often several of the above buttons are used. You can get more accurate information by going to the section that corresponds to your computer manufacturer.

There are also slight differences in launching the necessary menu in all-in-one PCs and laptops that have Windows 8 and higher pre-installed.

How to access the boot menu on a netbook? – The situation is complicated by the fact that laptop computers may not use a full shutdown, but instead use hibernation. This option is quite justified, as it returns the PC to a working state faster, but is not suitable for entering the menu. You only need to completely turn off the netbook by holding Shift and clicking on “Shutdown”. If this does not help, then you need to configure the “Power Options” section.

Launching Boot Menu in Windows 8, 8.1, 10

The whole point is that personal computers In this configuration, hibernation mode is most often used instead of the usual shutdown. Often this has a positive effect on the system boot time, and processes launched in the previous work session are restored, but in this case this method is not suitable for us, to do this, use one of the following options:

1. Restart the computer using the appropriate option in the menu, you don’t need to just turn it off with the button and turn it on again, for the reason just described;

2. At the moment when you click on the “Shutdown” button, hold down the Shift key, thanks to this procedure the PC will completely turn off, then press the desired key at the time of startup;

3.You may need to disable Fast Startup.

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Go to “Control Panel”;
  • Select the tile named "Power";

  • Follow the link “Actions of the power buttons”;

  • Disable the "Quick Launch" item.

After completing these steps, when the system starts, you will need to press the required key, usually Esc, F8, F9, F11, F12. More detailed information on your motherboard model is indicated below in the appropriate paragraph.

Login to Boot Menu for Acer manufacturer

This manufacturer uses the same key to enter the Boot Menu on all versions of computers, all-in-one computers and laptops, this button is F12. Distinctive feature is only an item in the BIOS or UEFI that includes the necessary handler, that is, nothing will happen until you enable this function, sometimes it works by default, for this:

1.Go to BIOS, for this boot press F2 or Del;

2.Find the “F12 Boot Menu” item;

3.You need to replace the value with “Enabled”;

4.Restart your computer.

After completing these steps, the boot menu should become available by pressing F12.

Boot Menu for Asus

For the vast majority of computers on which this platform is located, you need to press F8 to launch the Boot Menu, but with laptops everything is a little more complicated; there is some division here.

For most Asus laptops, the Esc button is used, but this is more likely for more or less modern PCs, and for models that start with K and most with X, F8 can be used.

Logging into the Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

It’s quite easy to go to the menu of interest thanks to the F12 key, it is used in all models. This situation also applies to monoblocks from the same manufacturer. Distinctive feature is special button, located on the case, next to the standard switch, there is usually a circular arrow drawn on it; by clicking on it, you can get to the menu of special system startup options.

Information on other manufacturers

For most manufacturers, there is no point in describing instructions for going to the Boot Menu, since the only difference is the required key, and everything else works according to the standard scheme, so:

  • Dell, Toshiba laptops and Gigabyte motherboards – F12;
  • Samsung laptops and Intel motherboards – Esc;
  • HP laptops – F9;
  • AsRock and MSI Motherboards – F

This should be enough to launch the Boot Menu for any computer configuration; if you have a little-known manufacturer, you should use the instructions, which should be presented on the manufacturer’s website.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to enter the Boot Menu on a laptop and computer?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Do you want to boot your computer from a flash drive or disk? To do this, you don’t have to go to BIOS settings. Especially if you don’t understand much about it. After all, there is an easier way. In this case, just enter the Boot Menu and change the device boot priority. This is done in about 10 seconds. And most importantly, there is no shamanism in the BIOS.

What do users usually do to reinstall Windows? As a rule, they record a licensed digital copy and then execute it.

How to call Boot Menu

It's very simple - click one key when Windows boots. Which one? It depends on the:

  • BIOS version;
  • motherboard;
  • laptop models.

That is, the situation is exactly the same as with the BIOS. For example, you need to press the Del or F2 button, but to open the Boot Menu you need to click another one.

Most often this is Esc or F12. Although, as mentioned above, the call button may differ on different PCs.

Launch Boot Menu on PC with mat. Asus board couldn't be easier

You need to press the F8 key when it boots (at the same time that you would normally enter the BIOS).

Most often this is the Esc button, although it can also be F8. However, there are only 2 keys.

The boot menu on Acer opens by pressing the F12 button

But there is one small nuance here. The fact is that the Boot Menu is usually disabled on Acer laptops. And when you press F12, nothing will happen. To make it work, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the “Main” tab.

The system will reboot and you can enter the boot menu on your Acer laptop using F12.

On Samsung you need to press the Esc key. But owners of Samsung laptops need to know one feature. The fact is that to call the Boot Menu you need to click the Esc button once! If you click twice, the window will simply close.

Therefore, you will have to get used to it in order to know exactly when to press the Esc key. Although there is nothing complicated here - just a couple of attempts.

HP also has its own specifics

Launching the Boot Menu on HP also has its own specifics. After all, opening the Boot Menu is done a little differently.

  1. Ready.

After this, the boot menu of the HP laptop will open, and you can set the priority for turning on devices (using the arrows).

Boot menu on Windows 10 or 8

If Windows 8 or Windows 10 is installed on your PC or laptop, then you most likely will not be able to enable the Boot Menu.

The fact is that these OSs have a small peculiarity - by default they have “Quick Start” enabled, so they are not completely turned off. This is called hibernation (something like sleep mode). Therefore, when you boot your PC or laptop, you will not be able to open this menu on Windows 10.

  1. Hold Shift when turning off your laptop or PC. After this, it will turn off normally (in the usual sense of the word). And then you can launch it on Windows 10 by pressing the desired key.
  2. Instead of turning off your PC, you can restart it. And at the moment of turning on, just press a specific key corresponding to your laptop brand or motherboard.

For your convenience, below is a screenshot showing the keys to launch the Boot Menu for popular laptops and PCs

For example, for computers running on a mat. MSI board– this is the F11 button. And the Boot Menu on Sony VAIO laptops is launched using F12. In general, you can figure it out for yourself - the table is simple and understandable.

Do you want to boot your computer from a flash drive or disk? To do this, it is not necessary to go into the BIOS settings. Especially if you don’t understand much about it. After all, there is an easier way. In this case, just go to the Boot Menu and change the device boot priority. This is done in about 10 seconds. And most importantly, there is no shamanism in the BIOS.

Boot Menu - what is it?

What do users usually do to reinstall Windows? As a rule, they write bootable USB flash drive via UltraISO, and then configure the BIOS to boot from a flash drive. In principle, this is not difficult, but there is an easier option - calling the Boot Menu. What is this?

Boot Menu (or boot menu) is an extremely useful BIOS option. With its help, you can quickly set the boot priority of devices. Simply put, launching the Boot Menu opens a small window in which you can immediately put the flash drive (or DVD) in first place, and the hard drive in second. In this case, you do not need to enter the BIOS.

In addition, changing settings in the Boot Menu does not affect the BIOS settings. That is, this option works once - for one activation. And when you restart your PC, Windows will boot from the hard drive (as usual). If you need to run again Windows installation from a flash drive - call the Boot Menu again.

If you remember, when changing the settings in the BIOS, you had to go into it again and change the device boot priority back (i.e. put the hard drive in first place). But in the case of the Booth Menu, you don’t need to do this.

How to open Boot Menu? It's very simple - click one key when Windows boots. Which one? It depends on the:

  • BIOS version;

  • motherboard;

  • laptop models.

That is, the situation is exactly the same as with the BIOS. For example, to enable the BIOS on a laptop, you had to press the Del or F2 button, but to open the Boot Menu you need to click another one.

Most often this is Esc or F12. Although, as mentioned above, the Boot Menu button may differ on different PCs.

Therefore, below we will look at how to launch the Boot Menu on popular brands of laptops and personal computers.

How to enable Boot Menu on Lenovo laptops

Owners of Lenovo laptops should not have any difficulties. After all, the Boot Menu on Lenovo is launched very simply - by pressing the F12 key when loading Windows.

Plus, on the body of many models there is a special button with a curved arrow. You can press it if you want to select additional. download options.

How to open Boot Menu on Asus

Here it is immediately worth noting that there are Asus motherboards (installed on PCs) and laptops of this brand.

Launch Boot Menu on your computer. The Asus board is as easy as shelling pears - you need to press the F8 key when it boots (at the same time when you usually enter the BIOS).

And there is a little confusion with Asus laptops. It seems that the manufacturer is the same, but there are several buttons to launch the Boot Menu. After all, starting the Boot Menu on Asus laptops carried out using one of two keys:

Most often this is the Esc button, although it can also be F8. However, there are only 2 keys, so you will quickly figure out which one is responsible for launching the Boot Menu on your Asus laptop.

How to open the Boot Menu on Acer laptops

The Boot Menu on Acer opens by pressing the F12 button. But there is one small nuance here. The fact is that the Boot Menu is usually disabled on Acer laptops. And when you press F12, nothing will happen. To make it work, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the BIOS (when booting the laptop, press the F2 button).

  2. Go to the “Main” tab.

  3. Look for the line “F12 Boot Menu” and change the value “Disabled” to “Enabled”.

  4. Save the changed settings and exit the BIOS.

The system will reboot and you can enter the Boot Menu on your Acer laptop using F12.

How to enable Boot Menu on Samsung laptops

To open the Boot Menu on Samsung, you need to press the Esc key. But owners of Samsung laptops need to know one feature. The fact is that to call the Boot Menu you need to click the Esc button once! If you click twice, the window will simply close.

Therefore, you will have to get used to it in order to know exactly when to press the Esc key. Although there is nothing complicated here - just a couple of attempts, and you will go to the Boot Menu on a Samsung laptop.

How to enter the Boot Menu on HP laptops

Launching the Boot Menu on HP also has its own specifics. After all, opening the Boot Menu is done a little differently. To enter the Boot Menu on an HP laptop, you need:

  1. At turning on Windows Immediately press the Esc key.

  2. The launch menu will be displayed - press the F9 button.

  3. Ready.

After this, the Boot Menu of the HP laptop will open, and you can set the priority for turning on devices (using the arrows).

How to enter the Boot Menu on Windows 10 or 8

All of the methods described above allow you to launch the Boot Menu on Windows 7. If Windows 8 or Windows 10 is installed on your PC or laptop, then you most likely will not be able to enable the Boot Menu.

The fact is that these OSs have a small peculiarity - by default they have “Quick Start” enabled, so they are not completely turned off. This is called hibernation (something like sleep mode). Therefore, when you boot your PC or laptop, you will not be able to open the Boot Menu on Windows 10.

There are three ways to fix this:

  1. Hold Shift when turning off your laptop or PC. After this, it will turn off normally (in the usual sense of the word). And then you can launch the Boot Menu on Windows 10 by pressing the desired key.

  2. Instead of turning off your PC, you can restart it. And at the moment of switching on, simply press a specific key corresponding to your brand of laptop or motherboard.

  3. Disable the Quick Start feature. For this:

That’s it – now you can easily access the Boot Menu on Windows 10 or Windows 8.

List of keys to enter the Boot Menu

For your convenience, below is a screenshot showing the keys to launch the Boot Menu for popular laptops and PCs. For example, for computers running on a mat. MSI board is the F11 button. And the Boot Menu on Sony VAIO laptops is launched using F12. In general, you can figure it out for yourself - the table is simple and understandable.

Also, for convenience, buttons for entering the BIOS are written. If for some reason you are unable to open the Boot Menu, you can always change the device boot priority in a standard way- via BIOS.

Good day everyone.

When installing Windows (for example), it is very often necessary to select boot media other than the hard drive. This can be done in two ways:

1) Go to the BIOS and change the boot queue (i.e. put the flash drive in the boot queue before the HDD - this way the PC will first check the flash drive for boot entries, and only then the hard drive);

2) Call the Boot Menu and select the specific media to boot at the moment. In my opinion, this option is even better than the first: faster and no need to go back and forth into the BIOS to change the boot queue.

To enter the BIOS (call Boot Menu) in most cases the following keys are used: F2, Del, Esc, F12 (depending on the device manufacturer). The button must be pressed immediately after turning on the computer (you can do it several times so as not to miss the right moment.

By the way, if you look closely at the first screen, which is visible immediately after turning on the computer, then there is often a button written on it to enter required settings(call menu). An example in the screenshot below.

Rice. 1. Dual Bios. DEL button - enters BIOS settings, F12 button - Calls Boot Menu.

Table No. 1: hot keys for computers

To use the table, you need to know what motherboard you have, BIOS version. There are several ways to find out, here are the fastest:

Simple free program, which will tell you quite a lot about your hardware. For example, you can find out information about: processor (CPU), RAM (Ram), motherboard (Motherboard), video card (Graphics), HDD drives, SSD (Storage), etc. In addition, you can find out and control the temperature online main components: hard drive, video card, processor.

A screenshot of the operation of this utility is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Speccy - obtaining information about the motherboard

Table No. 1

Motherboard BIOS version Hotkey Which menu will be open
Acer Del Enter Setup
F12 Boot Menu
ASRock AMI F2 or DEL run Setup
F6 Instant Flash
F11 Boot Menu
TAB switch Screen
Asus Phoenix Award DEL BIOS Setup
TAB Display BIOS POST Message
F8 Boot Menu
Alt+F2 Asus EZ Flash 2
F4 Asus Core Unlocker
BioStar Phoenix Award F8 Enable System Configuration
F9 Select Booting Device after POST
ChainTech Award DEL Enter SETUP
ECS (Elite Group) AMI DEL Enter SETUP
FoxConn (WinFast) TAB POST Screen
ESC Boot Menu
GigaByte Award ESC Skip memory test
DEL Enter SETUP/Q-Flash
F9 Xpress Recovery Xpress Recovery 2
F12 Boot Menu
Intel AMI F2 Enter SETUP

Table No. 2: hot keys (Bios/Boot Menu, etc.) for laptops

Note: on modern laptops the key combination in Windows works the same way: hold down the SHIFT button + select the restart button with the mouse.

The Boot Menu is a small window in which, using the mouse (arrow keys on the keyboard), you can select the device from which to boot. An example of such a menu is shown in Fig. 3.

Depending on the manufacturer of your device, the menu may differ slightly, but the principle of operation is the same everywhere.

Table No. 2

Laptop manufacturer BIOS version Hotkey Function/menu call
Acer Phoenix F2 Enter Setup
F12 Boot Menu (Change Boot Device,Multi Boot Selection Menu)
Alt+F10 D2D Recovery (disk-to-disk system recovery)
Asus AMI F2 Enter Setup
ESC Popup Menu
F4 Easy Flash
Phoenix Award DEL BIOS Setup
F8 Boot Menu
Benq Phoenix F2 BIOS Setup
Dell Phoenix,Aptio F2 Setup
F12 Boot Menu
eMachines (Acer) Phoenix F12 Boot Menu
Fujitsu Siemens AMI F2 BIOS Setup
F12 Boot Menu
Gateway (Acer) Phoenix Click mouse or Enter Menu
F2 BIOS Settings
F10 Boot Menu
F12 PXE Boot
HP (Hewlett-Packard)/Compaq Insyde ESC Startup Menu
F1 System Information
F2 System Diagnostics
F9 Boot Device Options
F10 BIOS Setup
F11 System Recovery
Enter Continue Startup
Next F1 Calling Boot Menu
F2 BIOS setup
Lenovo (IBM) Phoenix SecureCore Tiano F2 Setup
F12 MultiBoot Menu
MSI (Micro Star) *** DEL Setup
F11 Boot Menu
TAB Show POST screen
F3 Recovery
Packard Bell (Acer) Phoenix F2 Setup
F12 Boot Menu
Toshiba Phoenix Esc,F1,F2 Enter Setup
Toshiba Satellite A300 F12 Bios

Table No. 3: recovery from a hidden partition (for laptops)

Most modern laptops have a built-in hidden section with the ability to restore Windows OS using a “pair” of keys (there is no need to prepare a bootable USB flash drive, download ISO images from Windows, etc.).

As a rule, to launch the recovery function, after turning on the laptop, just press one key (F9, for example, on Asus laptops). Next, a window will appear in which you need to follow the instructions of the recovery wizard.

Note: when restoring information, the system drive "C:\" is often formatted and all information is deleted from it. Make a copy of important data from it in advance.

Rice. 4. ACER laptop - recovery service utility

Table No. 3

Laptop manufacturer Button combination Note
Acer Alt+F10 First you need to enter the laptop's Bios and enable the D2D Recovery function. The default password in the recovery system is 000000 or AIM1R8.
Asus F9
Dell Inspiron Ctrl+F11
Fujitsu Siemens F8
HP F10, F11
LG F11
Lenovo ThinkPad F11
Packard Bell F10
RoverBook Alt
Samsung F4
Sony VAIO F10
Toshiba F8, F11


The tables will be updated (over time). For additions on the topic of the article - thank you very much in advance. Good luck to all!

You have a bootable DVD or flash drive, now you need to make sure that the computer can boot from it.

There are 2 ways to boot your computer from a DVD or flash drive:

  • Selecting a device in the boot menu
  • Changing boot priority in BIOS

Each method has pros and cons.

If you need, for example, to install Windows, then it is more convenient to choose the first method. And if you constantly work with boot disks, then the second method is more convenient.

Features of selecting a device in the boot menu

  • On older computers (motherboards) the function is missing. In this case, you will have to change the priority in the BIOS.
  • When you select a device in the menu, the computer boots from this device 1 time. This is convenient when installing Windows - there is no need to return booting from the HDD after the first reboot.

Features of changing priority in BIOS

  • Works on both new and old computers.
  • The priority change is constant, i.e. lasts until the next change, and not one load as in the case of the menu. This is not very convenient when installing Windows from a flash drive; you have to return booting from the HDD after the first reboot.

How to enter the boot menu or BIOS?

There is no universal button for entering the boot menu or entering the BIOS. It all depends on the computer manufacturer (motherboard), they are all different - the keys are also different. Most The right way find the right key - read the instructions from the computer (motherboard). For some of the most common boards, the keys are listed below.

The only time when you need to press these keys is during self-test immediately after turning on the computer (English - Power-On Self-Test or POST). Without going into details, POST lasts from turning on the computer until the operating system starts loading (the logo or OS selection menu appears). The POST pass looks something like this:

A prompt appears on the screen: Press DEL to run Setup, which means - click DEL to login BIOS Setup. DEL is the most common key, but there are many others - more on that below.

During POST, a graphical splash screen may be displayed with the name of the computer or motherboard manufacturer.

Keys to enter the boot menu and brief instructions

As noted above, each manufacturer has its own key to enter the boot menu. Here is a short list of the most common ones:

The boot menu looks something like this:

All you have to do is select the desired device from the list. If everything is done correctly, the disk or flash drive is written correctly, the download/installation should begin.

Keys to enter BIOS and brief instructions for changing boot priority

To enter BIOS Setup, use the key corresponding to the manufacturer of the computer or motherboard, here is a small list of them:

Acer (Aspire, Altos, Extensa, Ferrari, Power, Veriton, TravelMate):

F2 or Del

Acer (older models):

F1 or Ctrl+Alt+Esc

F2 or Del

Compaq (Deskpro, Portable, Presario, Prolinea, Systempro):

Compaq (older models):

F1, F2, F10, or Del

Dell (Dimension, Inspiron, Latitude, OptiPlex, Precision, Vostro, XPS):

Dell (old and rare models):

Ctrl+Alt+Enter or Fn+Esc or Fn+F1 or Del or Reset twice

ECS (Elitegroup)

Del or F1

eMachines (eMonster, eTower, eOne, S-Series, T-Series):

Tab or Del

eMachines (some older models):

Fujitsu (Amilo, DeskPower, Esprimo, LifeBook, Tablet):

Hewlett-Parkard (HP Alternative, Tablet PC):

F2 or Esc or F10 or F12

Hewlett-Parkard (OmniBook, Pavilion, Tablet, TouchSmart, Vectra):

Lenovo (3000 Series, IdeaPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkPad, ThinkStation):

F1 or F2

Lenovo (older models):

Ctrl+Alt+F3, Ctrl+Alt+Ins or Fn+F1

MSI (Micro-Star)

F2, F10 or Del

Sony (VAIO, PCG-Series, VGN-Series):

F1, F2 or F3

Toshiba (Portege, Satellite, Tecra):

F1 or Esc

You can find less common hotkeys for entering the BIOS.

In addition to the fact that there are several main BIOS manufacturers (AMI, Phoenix - Award), computer (motherboard) manufacturers also modify the BIOS for a specific model. As a result, it is impossible to create universal instructions even for changing one function (boot priority); there will be differences on each computer. You can only roughly show how this is done, but look for exact instructions in the documentation for your computer (motherboard).

To navigate through the BIOS and change settings, use the arrow keys on your keyboard. Enter And + \- .


Use the arrows to move to the tab Boot, let's go to Boot Device Priority:

In the following figure we see that the boot is performed sequentially: from the floppy drive, hard drive(Hard Drive), and the third device is not used (Disabled).

If we want to boot from a DVD, we need to change the priorities so that the first device is the DVD drive. Use arrows to switch to the first device ( 1st Boot Device), press Enter and select from the menu that appears CDROM. Everything is the same with a flash drive.

Click F10 and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit) by selecting .

Phoenix Award

We enter Advanced BIOS Features:

If we want to boot from a DVD, we need to change the priorities so that the first device is the DVD drive.

Use arrows to switch to the first device ( First Boot Device), change to CDROM. Everything is the same with a flash drive.

Click F10 and confirm exit with saving (Save and Exit).

Do you know other keys or want to find out more? Comments are open!

Enjoy using it!

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