How to understand whether a message has been read on VK. How to understand if a message has been read

Many users are interested in how to find out if a message has been read on Skype. Is this possible in principle?

Programs with good rating are frequently updated: changes are made to their functionality. In this case, options can be added or removed. In new versions of Skype it is impossible to determine whether the recipient has read the SMS. It is only possible to understand whether it was delivered or not. If the message is not delivered, a waiting icon will appear on the left near the time of sending, that is, the delivery process. If you or your interlocutor do not have Internet access, the text will not reach the recipient. This must also be taken into account. If the send icon does not disappear, check your connection. If necessary, reboot your router, modem or mobile connection (switch off and restart Data transfer in settings).

If there is no "Delete" option?

On the Internet, in particular on various forums, people write that they need to point the cursor at a message, right-click on it to open a context menu with options, and see if the delete function appears in the menu. If it appears, it means the message has not yet been viewed by the user. If this item is not present, the user has read the message. Unfortunately, this is a misconception. By the presence of the delete option, you cannot find out whether the user saw your message or not.

The “Edit” and “Delete” items disappear from the context menu after an hour. However, the user may not read the message during these 60 minutes.

You will learn that your interlocutor saw and read the SMS only after he answers you.

If a line appears under the sent text indicating that the user is typing something back to you, this will also mean that the message was successfully delivered and viewed.

If a person is online and does not respond

Your friend's profile may have the status "Online". This does not mean at all that he is now sitting in this program and communicating with someone. For many, this messenger is loaded automatically when the OS boots, that is, when the computer is turned on. In this case, the user may not open this window at all.

Don’t worry if a person is “Online” and doesn’t respond to you. Perhaps he doesn't have time for this yet. There is nothing else to do but wait for an answer.

Unfortunately, Skype is not social service VKontakte, where you can see whether a person has read a message or not: if not, then the blue background is removed from it.

But even here you need to remember that if a person simply has a dialog open while you are typing to him, the blue highlight will be immediately removed. At this time, a person can simply walk away from the computer and, accordingly, not read anything.

Don't rush to conclusions that the person is ignoring you. If you see a notification on the right side of the screen that the user you wrote to has appeared online, do not expect an immediate response from him. Perhaps he will respond immediately if he logged into Skype himself to view the messages left for him. If the launch was automatic, there is no guarantee that a person will immediately view missed calls and SMS.

Thus, you will not be able to understand, even indirectly, that the message has been read by the user. The developers most likely decided not to include this feature in the functionality for privacy reasons. Remember that each person has the right not to answer if he or she does not want to.

You send a text message, email or a message in the messenger, and then, having not received a response, you begin to wonder whether it was received? In some cases this can actually be verified, depending on the way the message was sent.

You will need

  • -mobile phone;
  • -Internet.


  • If you send a message from your phone, then you can know for sure that it was delivered. To do this, you need to set up a delivery report. The report comes in the form of a message indicating whether your message was received or whether it is on hold. The latter means that the recipient's phone is turned off or is out of range. The message is stored by the operator for three days; if the phone is not turned on during this time, it will be lost. So, let’s set up the report: go to “Messages”, select “Message Settings”. In some models, SMS settings are a separate item - this is what is needed. In this menu, go to “Send Settings” (it may be called differently, for example, “Send Profile”), in it, instead of the default settings, select “Send Report”. If we are talking about a messenger, then some of them, for example, Skype, display a message stating that the delivery was not carried out. This happens if the recipient is offline. ICQ often does not display any messages. In this case, you need to understand that sending can be done through the server, and, most likely, as soon as the user logs into the messenger, the message will be received. But since instant messengers work through a less reliable delivery channel than, for example, mail, the message can easily be lost. So just ask the recipient.
  • If we are talking about a messenger, then some of them, for example, Skype, display a message stating that the delivery was not carried out. This happens if the recipient is offline. ICQ often does not display any messages. In this case, you need to understand that sending can be done through the server, and, most likely, as soon as the user logs into the messenger, the message will be received. But since instant messengers work through a less reliable delivery channel than, for example, mail, the message can easily be lost. So just ask the recipient.
  • When sending Email it all depends on the client. Most often, delivery notification works as follows: delivery is carried out by default, but if the letter has not found its addressee, then the sender receives a notification. But in addition to this, you can set up a read receipt. The setup process depends on mail server which you are using. For example, in, check the box next to “Read notifications”.
  • As in others in social networks, in VK you can distinguish a message that has been read from one that has not yet been read. If you don't know how to do this, then you've come to the right place. To be fair, let’s say right away that there is a life hack with which you can read an unread message.

    This is what an unread VKontakte message looks like, which you, for example, sent to another user.

    And here’s what it looks like after he read it: the color of the message changed from gray to white.

    It would seem that everything is simple and the topic can be closed. No matter how it is! Using one method, you can read messages, while they remain unread. We have already talked about this method, so let us briefly remind you that you need to select messages as of the current date and they will be shown in full, for example:

    Actually, for this reason, it is impossible to say for sure whether the user has read your message or not. If he's been online for a while, he's probably read it, but without you knowing about it.

    Each of us is familiar with such circumstances: we read a message, but do not want or cannot respond to it immediately. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. Awkward situation, right? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

    How to quietly read messages in any services

    The most obvious option is to view new messages directly in the notification panel mobile device without opening the dialog itself. This way you can read at least short remarks from your interlocutors.

    In iOS, if you swipe left on a message in the panel and click “See,” it will show even more text that might not fit in the preview. Many Android devices offer a similar feature. But if the message is very long, then using the panel you will not be able to read it to the end.

    There is another universal, but not the most convenient way. Once you receive a message, you simply turn it off and read the dialogue in the appropriate program. The interlocutor will not know that you have read it until you connect the gadget to the Internet. This is the only way to secretly view the text of a message, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications in the settings of which you cannot disable the read receipt.

    Now let's look at options designed for specific programs and services.

    How to quietly read messages in iMessages

    Developers allow you to hide the fact that you have read them using settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings → Messages and turn the switch next to Read Receipt to clear mode. After this, the interlocutors will not see whether you read their messages or not.

    To turn off read receipts on, go to “Messages” → “Settings” → “Accounts” and uncheck the “Read receipt” checkbox.

    How to quietly read messages on Facebook

    Officially, this possibility is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

    If you are using a browser Google Chrome, then download Unseen for Facebook. Once installed, it will automatically hide the read status from your interlocutors.

    If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

    Unfortunately, in mobile version It is not yet possible to hide the read status. So, if you need to ignore someone, you will have to use it on a computer.

    How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

    For this purpose, in the mobile settings whatsapp apps there is a special option. Open the “Settings” → “Account” section (“ Account”) → “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”) and turn off the “Read receipts” toggle switch. After this, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

    This setting is not available on the desktop version of WhatsApp. But if you use it in mobile application, the changes will also apply to the computer.

    How to quietly read messages on Viber

    In this popular messenger you can also disable viewing reports directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to Settings → Privacy and turn off the Viewed option.

    On desktop Viber versions this setting is not available. But if you use it in the mobile application, the changes will also apply on the computer.

    How to quietly read messages on VKontakte

    There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

    Android users have access to an alternative VKontakte client, Kate Mobile. If you log into it using your account and click “Settings” → “Online” → “Close unread”, the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

    There is also a way to secretly read messages on the web version of VKontakte. You can use the link, indicating numbers instead of X's current date in DDMMYYYY format: for example, 19032018. A window with messages will open in which you can read them without the senders noticing. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

    How to quietly read messages in Outlook

    You can turn off browsing reports in Outlook on the web. Go to Settings → Mail → Message Handling → Read Receipts and check “Never send notifications.” The changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.

    Sometimes, when sending someone a VKontakte message, you may wonder whether they read it or not. This can be determined easily, both from a computer and from a phone.

    To find out if the recipient has read your message, go to this section and pay attention to the background of the message in the dialog box. If the text of the message is highlighted in the background, then it was not read. Once the background disappears, it means the user has viewed it. The same applies to messages that you have not read. They will be highlighted in the background, and next to each of the messages there will be a number indicating how many messages this person has sent you. The messages that you have read will have the standard white background of the VKontakte page.

    Determination of read and unread messages

    In the mobile version, the definition unread message is also performed. If a message is highlighted in background, it means it has not been read.

    Unread message in the mobile version of VKontakte

    Is it possible to find out who has read and who has not read a message in a conversation, especially if there are many conference participants? Unfortunately, such a function does not yet exist on VKontakte. However, you may receive this information when no one in the conference has read your message. Therefore, after sending a message, it will lose its unread status when at least one of the participants views it. From now on, the background above the message will disappear.

    Is it possible to find out whether the message was delivered to the user or not. It happens that due to weak internet connection, the message may not reach the recipient. In common instant messengers, a check mark usually appears to inform you that the message has been sent successfully. VKontakte does not have this function. But let's hope that in the future the developers will definitely add these features.

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