How to promote Instagram: the best methods of promotion and a step-by-step plan for promoting your account yourself. How to promote Instagram

Do you want to know how to promote Instagram? Let your motives be driven by the desire to be in the center of attention or to become a wealthy young lady, thanks to the Internet - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that you can make your Instagram page popular in the shortest possible time and absolutely free. And even necessary.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to promote Instagram yourself.

Step 1: Create a profile

Almost all the “inhabitants” of the Internet are people who are happy to communicate with an interesting and real person. Your Instagram profile is your world, which needs to be made welcoming and friendly. If, of course, the number of subscribers is important to you.

Be sure to do 2 things:

  1. Fill in all the information about yourself. There is no need to hide anything if the page’s activities are aimed at attracting people. Fill out the fields in all the languages ​​you know. Then people from many countries will “come” to your page, and not just your compatriots.
  2. Put on a bright, intriguing avatar. For her, choose a photo of yourself that you think is unusual. Your goal is to attract people, to “lure” them to you, using photography.

If it’s important to you how to promote a store on Instagram, then do all of the above, but enter the information on behalf of the seller. Post photos of your products instead of your own.

Step 2: Create interesting content

The second step is to interest future subscribers. Instagram was created for photos, so put your successful shots on display.

I'll give you some advice:

  1. Decide on a niche. It will be great if chaos in the form of all kinds of photos does not reign on your account. Choose one topic that will attract like-minded people.

If you can’t decide, then proceed from the opposite. Decide what audience you want to address and post what is interesting to them. For example, men are crazy about beautiful girls, cars and weapons. Women are in awe of fashion news and animals.

  1. Create! To promote your Instagram page, use filters. Fortunately, Instagram provides them. The more creative your photos are, the more subscribers you will have.
  2. Post only high-quality photos. High quality and unique. Food has not attracted anyone for a long time. People love landscapes, unusual places, intriguing behavior, a sense of humor, and other impressive oddities.
  3. Comment on your photos. Follow them and leave funny comments. After all, you must admit, it’s more fun this way.
  4. Use hash tags. This way your photos will be easy to find through search. Hash tags are photo designations (tags), separated by the # sign and without a space. Hash tags are placed under the photo and in the description. It is advisable to write them in English. For example, the following hash tags: #happy, #sun, #beautiful, #russia, #photo, #love.

Step 3. Find friends

Do you know what SMM specialists are taught at the very beginning of their work? (These are people who attract other people into their business in order to earn money as a group, and not alone). They are taught to create a list of potential partners. And this list consists of friends and relatives.

Whenever we need help from the “crowd,” we turn to the “audience.” The “hall” is usually the people closest to us, who, out of politeness and respect, will definitely not refuse help.

Here it is. Are you thinking about how to get promoted on Instagram? Call your friends! Fortunately, Instagram allows you to synchronize with friends from other social networks. The more friends you have there, the more first subscribers there will be.

Step 4. Get active

Even the Universe does not give anything for nothing. You need to want and take at least a step towards your dream. Therefore, do not sit and wait for people to start subscribing to your account, but be active yourself.

To promote yourself on Instagram, you need to like photos of other users, subscribe to especially interesting ones, and leave comments.

And do everything just to attract attention to your person. Within reason, of course.

Step 5. Advertise

You can put a link to your Instagram in the comments on various sites, if advertising on them is not prohibited.


You can promote your Instagram page using special programs and services. They are free, do not require an account password, and are easy to use.

Among them: AddMeFast, gainer, Instagrambot, Instaget,

These bots will help you quickly gain subscribers. But don't overdo it.

And finally, some good advice:

Add photos at least two or three times a day. Maximum – every 2-3 hours.

With such frequency, you will appear in the news feed of your subscribers, but you will not bother them.

I wish you successful promotion!

See the most popular accounts on Instagram now. How to promote your page yourself - independently and for free? We will tell you about this below.

The social network Instagram has long been transformed from a photo gallery into a resource where you can make a name for yourself, gain fans and become famous throughout the virtual world. And then from this popularity you can also earn not only likes, but also quite real money. Aspiring artists and other creative personalities, photographers, advertisers, owners of shops or companies providing services to the public, and many others are thinking about how to promote an Instagram page on their own. It would seem that these are completely different directions, but they all have the same goal - to achieve popularity on the Internet in order to use this for professional growth and business promotion in real life.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to promote an Instagram account yourself will be the same for representatives of different professions and simply those who dream of fame. But we must warn you right away - this is not an option when you do something today and wake up famous the next morning. Conquering a large audience will require quite a lot of time and effort from you. If you are ready to work hard, read the instructions “How to promote a page on Instagram yourself.” To make it more convenient, we will describe the actions step by step:

Now you know about the main stages of the plan on how to promote an Instagram account for free. Indeed, at first it is quite possible to popularize your page without any costs. There is no cost to register and use features on this network. But anyone who strives to become famous not in narrow, but in the widest circles will need to devote a lot of time to promotion, apply a creative approach and show hard work and perseverance.

When you have gone through the first stages and achieved a small result so far, you need to consolidate it and move on. There are tools that allow you to solve the problem of how to promote Instagram yourself for free. By using them together, regularly and for a long time, the user will sooner or later achieve success.

Among the main promotion tools is the correct use of hashtags (read about the most popular tags and the basic rules for their placement in our article). Precise tag words can do wonders. They can bring a publication to the top of the rankings. And the leader will definitely receive an increase in the number of views, followed by likes, and then the number of subscriptions will increase. In other words, you will become a popular Instagrammer. However, the hashtag will work for promotion if you follow the following rules:

    select a branded tag for your account by which your publications will be recognized, and put it in each post;

    give up excessively long hashtags, few people read them, write no more than 3 words in a row;

    use letters from the Slavic and Latin alphabet, if necessary, separate them with underlining at the bottom;

    put keywords in the description of the post immediately before publishing it, and then in the comments;

    For each publication, select no more than 30 hashtags (Instagram does not allow more than this number), and it is better to use 5-10 precise and juicy words than many that do not make sense.

The second tool you need to gain popularity on a social network is attention from other users: comments, likes and subscriptions. The mechanism works on the principle: you - to me, I - to you. Mutual sympathy and steps towards each other are good form on the Internet. When you are active on Instagram by liking, commenting on photos and posts, and subscribing, you will most often receive the same positive reaction in return. So, when thinking about how to promote your Instagram account, be generous with your likes and don’t be lazy to subscribe. Your activity will affect the growth of the popularity of your page.

The next completely free tool is the geolocation feature on Instagram. This option allows you to designate the area where the photo was taken or where you are. Don't neglect this. It only takes a few seconds to click the “Add Place” button and type or select a name. But geolocation will promote your page for about a few hours. Thanks to it, the publication will be noticed by potential clients living near you, and those who are or have once been there will be interested. If we are talking about large cities, for example, Moscow, specify the geographical location down to the park, street and house number.

How to promote an Instagram account without getting banned

You are working hard to promote your page, but have achieved modest results so far. And I want more. Answering the question of how to promote an account on Instagram, we only talked about the methods that are included in the social network itself. But there are specialized programs and services that solve the same problem. Although there is an opinion that it is unsafe to contact them. You can get banned, in other words, get blocked.

There are many resources on the Internet for promotion on various social networks. Some of them are universal, and there are those that work with a specific network. Sometimes you will be required to pay a fee to install a program on your personal computer. Others suggest first working for points, and then getting likes or subscribers in exchange for them. And on paid services you can simply buy them.

Choose which option suits you. But anyone who is looking for ways to promote an Instagram account should learn some of the features of how such sites work. Otherwise, you cannot avoid getting banned or other unpleasant consequences. What are the dangers of automating the promotion process:

    Scammers may be hiding behind the sign of services or sites that promise free promotion. They are usually after personal data. The adage about the cheese and the mousetrap is especially true on the internet;

    Promotion programs that offer to first earn points and then exchange them for likes or subscribers often produce an influx of bots rather than real users. In this case, the number of subscribers is growing, but there is no activity on their part;

    Automated cheating is a quick path to a ban. Instagram has strict limits that prevent such manipulations. At best, the violator ends up in a shadow ban (the user sees his page, but it is inaccessible to others). And in the worst case, the site administration can apply blocking;

    In addition, Instagram studies the IP from which the user logs in. Sudden changes during the day can be a reason for blocking. In this regard, when actively promoting through services and programs, you should not show any additional activity in your profile.

Programs that promise promotion on Instagram are often used to attract mass followers. This is the name for a technique that provides you with a mass subscription to users selected according to certain criteria. The mechanism is this: you subscribe to someone’s page, its owner, noticing the newcomer, will certainly go to your account. True, it is not at all necessary that he will also sign.

A similar algorithm operates in mass liking. Only in this case the program (or service) puts likes on your behalf to selected users. They, in turn, most often take the same reciprocal step. But your page should have something interesting to note. And if it is empty and boring, there will be no point in such attraction.

As you understand, automated methods do not bring returns on their own, but with some effort on the part of the user. He should try to create a page worthy of attention. But getting a ban from auto-promotion is quite easy.

If you think that you yourself cannot bring the popularity of your account to the desired level, contact Internet services that provide such services. They, as a rule, know how to bypass restrictions on Instagram. But even here you can get into trouble. Therefore, choose a reliable and worthy partner. It must meet the following criteria:

    Real clients give reviews about the service;

    There is a long history of work in this field, but keep in mind that there are newcomers who deserve trust;

    There is no registration for customers; the company is not interested in your personal data;

    The payment system the service works with is reliable;

    Written guarantees are given for order fulfillment;

    The service has a support service that is prompt and adequate.

Please note that high rates for services do not guarantee high-quality work. To make sure you get your money's worth, place a small order with your chosen service. This advice is especially suitable for Instagram, where you should not be too active in promotion. If the test is successful, then order more subscribers or likes.

You've read a lot of serious words about how to become popular on the most visual of social networks. And they are ready to use all sorts of techniques, methods and methods for promotion. Let the most popular accounts on Instagram inspire you to great deeds.

Guess which Instagram account is the best? Of course, Instagram itself. His page has no less than 239 million subscribers! And with every hour, or even minute, their number is growing. But the user with the Instagram nickname also posted more than 5 thousand publications. And every photo is a colorful story from life. So they deserve great success.

In second place in popularity is Selena Gomez, with 138 million subscribers. Someone will say: nothing surprising - she is a world-famous actress and singer. But why was she ahead of more talented, more beautiful, and more vocal Instagram users? Maybe because not every popular person is ready to laugh at himself? But Selena did not climb onto the pedestal; she treats her popularity with irony and is not averse to making her fans laugh by posting not ceremonial, but parody pictures.

National Geographic magazine is also included in the world's top twenty Instagrammers. Almost 90 million netizens have subscribed to it. And no commerce, no artificial promotion. Simply - wonderful original photographs from different parts of the world. These small masterpieces from the life of our planet attract attention with their originality.

And finally, read about the most popular Instagram accounts on the Russian-speaking Internet. Our leaders are representatives of show business, media personalities, professional beauties and bloggers. They periodically change places. Now the rating is headed by the scandalous but popular Olga Buzova. As one popular comedian said, everything she touches becomes a brand. Already 13 million people want to know how Buzova is doing, what she’s doing and what she’s talking about. And Olga does not disappoint her fans and ill-wishers; there are more than 10 thousand publications on her account.

The rapper Timati and his team BlackStar are breathing at her back. Almost 12 million users have subscribed to this company. The famous comedian Pavel Volya has slightly fewer fans (11 million), and Nastasya Samburskaya (10 million) is next on the path to Instagram Olympus.

If you carefully look at the star accounts, it becomes clear that it is not their talent alone that attracts attention. Family photos, personal, sometimes shocking, opinions on events that concern everyone, self-irony and humor - this is what brings their pages to the top of the rankings.

Of course, a person who does not appear on television almost every day is unlikely to be able to attract millions of subscribers. But it’s worth analyzing the secrets of the popularity of the best Instagrammers. Perhaps you will be able to promote your account and become a Buzova on a district or regional scale.

The question that worries the minds of thousands: how to promote Instagram? More than 600 million people visit Instagram every month. It is the second most popular social network after Facebook in the world and provides businesses with a fashionable platform to increase brand awareness and communicate with potential customers.

However, now you can’t just post a picture and wait for orders. It will be a long wait. Because there are 600 million other users besides you, you need to stand out.

This article provides 21 practical methods for promoting a business on Instagram. A few days ago we published an equally interesting article:. Recommended reading.

So, let's begin!

On a note! On the new generation freelance exchange, you can inexpensively order Instagram profile promotion. Give preference to performers with good reviews.

Be an active member of the platform

Rule #1 of any social media strategy: You must be more than just a content publisher. You must involve the user.

In the case of Instagram, this means the following:

Follow and follow other people, brands and media influencers; Participate in comments under your own and other people’s images;
Publish interesting content from your potential clients, don’t forget to @tag them.

Use reviews

Promotion Rule No. 2. Let's face it: you're not the most unbiased source of information when it comes to your own business. You are a person interested in your success.

So don’t be afraid to post other people’s reviews. And not only on social networks. Reviews are a powerful tool in any marketing campaign and are used everywhere for promotion on landing pages, ads, and third-party services.

Maintain unity of style in design

It is convenient to control the unified style of the feed through the deferred posting service, in which you can download many publications at once and publish them according to a schedule, even a month in advance.

Address trending topics

Rule #4. Keeping up with the times and keeping up with what's going on is best social media practice. Use news and events that are popular. What people think about. And you will get a response.

Contest-hashtags for promotion

Rule #5. Instagram hashtags are one of the fastest and easiest ways to attract new followers. And especially if they were created as part of a competition.

Essentially, users are offered some kind of prize in exchange for posting an image with a specific hashtag.

All photos tagged with your competition hashtag appear on Instagram and attract the attention of others. In this case, participants will ask their friends to vote for them. Many famous bloggers received the bulk of their subscribers thanks to this particular method of Instagram promotion.

Post video content

Rule #6. Video. However, a word of caution here—uploaded videos must be of high quality. Nothing spoils a company's image more than poor sound and picture quality.

So it's worth investing in creating visually appealing videos shot in a studio and with a good camera. Such posts become more attractive than simple images. They also emphasize your professionalism and responsible approach to business.

Brand hashtags for promotion

Promotion Rule No. 7. If you want your subscribers and potential clients could find and recognize you, as well as quickly find projects that interest them; use special hashtags for promotion, focused on specific advertising campaigns.

For example, REI has the tag #optoutside, Nike has (you probably guessed it) #justdoit, KitKat has #HaveaBreak. So your brand will also benefit from an original campaign and a corresponding brand hashtag.

Monitor the quality of your images

Rule #8. This should be obvious. However, judging by the posts of many companies, it seems that some do not understand this at all.

If you really want to promote your product on Instagram, you need to make it attractive. As much as possible. Otherwise, you won’t even see likes.

Show people what goes on behind the scenes

Rule #9. When it comes to promoting a product on Instagram, no more than 50% of all published posts should be dedicated to it. The remaining 50% should be devoted to behind the scenes, the life of the company: the process of creating a product, employees, corporate events, etc.

People love this kind of thing. They love to see how their favorite companies operate. And even if you think that the daily routine of your business is of little interest, any action can be presented beautifully and originally.

Use photos of cats and dogs

Promotion Rule No. 10. It's simple: people like to look at cute animals.

Do you have a service dog? If not, we recommend getting one so you can take pictures and post them on social networks.

And this is only half a joke. Promotion on Instagram sometimes requires non-standard solutions from us.

Promotion with quotes

Rule #11. If you're looking for the most accessible, engaging, and popular social media content, quotes are in the top three.

However, such content is not suitable for all companies. Some simply have the wrong target audience. However, if you are involved in online marketing or social media, don't lose sight of this method and post a few quotes from time to time.

Promotion using hashtags

Promotion Rule No. 12. People use hashtags to find content they want to see. If your posts are not showing up in search results, then this is your big mistake. Use at least three hashtags per post (and don't forget to test).

A couple of tips:

Use popular general hashtags that are searched for most often: #tbt, #love, #nofilter, etc. Use hashtags that are relevant specifically to your target market. You will get fewer clicks, but they will be of higher quality. If you're choosing a campaign-specific hashtag or brand hashtag, choose ones that aren't being used by others. Use geotags to promote your brand in your area and increase your reach.

Let people buy what they see

Rule #13. If you want to promote and, you need to ensure that users have the opportunity to buy visually attractive and so desired products. Of course, exactly the ones you publish on your account.

There are several ways to do this (remember that you cannot place links directly in posts):

A more optimized strategy is to use one of the monetization tools (for example, 2buy or These services will automatically fill your website page with the products that you advertise on Instagram. Customers simply follow the link in the account description and are sent to the product page.

Focus on user-generated content

Rule #14. This is also one of the top 10 best Instagram promotion techniques. And for a reason.

Every time you post a photo or video of a potential client or someone who already follows you, you are growing your brand community. People like to look at other real people like themselves. This helps personalize your posts.

And this is not to mention the fact that there are many popular and successful photographers on Instagram (and perhaps among your followers too). By publishing their photos (with a @link to them) you can quickly increase your reach.

Do more

Promotion Rule No. 15. You can do everything yourself and, in addition to Instagram, also manage Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, etc. Or, entrust this to someone else.

And more often than not, this helping hand increases the chances of success. We are talking about administration tools and automation of repetitive tasks. For our promotion tasks we use the Instapromo cloud service.

Tools like Iconosquare, INK361 and Olapic allow you to do more than just plan future social media activities. They quickly and easily determine which posts will get the most engagement, track followers, and help you find relevant content.

Instagram Advertising Opportunities

Promotion Rule No. 16. If you're running out of ideas and have already tried the other 20 strategies listed in this article, try using the services of Instagram itself.

The targeting system here is approximately the same as that of Facebook. And the cost of one click is not at all beyond reasonable limits.

Just think about it: you could spend the next 8 hours selecting and planning the perfect posts that will follow best practices and strategies. Or (this is where the promotion magic happens) just pay $10 and get a reach of potential subscribers and clients.

And now, attention, the question: how do you manage your time?

Interact with popular Instagrammers

Rule No. 17. The best way to find such accounts is to use special tools. You can use the search form for this purpose. However, you can spend more than one day searching in this way.

Instead, just use any of the ready-made tools that were created specifically for this purpose. And they significantly simplify promotion for account owners.

Many account management platforms have similar features. There are also alternative options like Gramfeed, Keyhole, Moju, Upfluence and many others.

Promotion through small competitions

Promotion Rule No. 18. Of course, by running a large-scale competition on Instagram using hashtags, you will get more coverage. And as a result, more potential subscribers and clients. However, in the first stages of promotion, you can start small. Especially if the budget is limited.

If so, try the following. Post a photo of the prize and a description with the terms of the competition:

  • Subscribe to @youraccount;
  • Like and tag a loved one in the post.

The winner is randomly selected from the participants who left comments.

Celebrate important events

Rule No. 19. The audience loves holidays. And she likes to be happy for others as much as she is happy for herself.

Every time your business hits an important milestone (exactly one year since you started your account, one millionth subscriber), don’t be afraid to highlight it in a “celebratory” post. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and your subscribers.

Think outside the box

Promotion Rule No. 10. Try and experiment. And I say this seriously, since the algorithm for presenting news on social networks changes almost every half hour. What worked last week may not work next week. The best advice I can give you is to try something new, see if it works, and if it doesn't, try something else.

However, there are a few areas where you don't need to be too original:

  • high quality images;
  • interaction with the audience and a friendly attitude;
  • maintaining the brand image;
  • user generated content;
  • current topics.

Share your lifestyle

Rule #21. Not every Instagram post needs to be promotional or directly related to your company.

Broadcasting a brand's lifestyle is as big a part of Instagram marketing as beautiful product shots or showcasing a company's work.

Top 5 books on Instagram

  1. Instagram Administrator. Guide to making money. Authors: Evgeny Kozlov, Dmitry Kudryashov. The book is a bestseller and a bestseller. Liter rating: 4.46.
  2. The phenomenon of Instagram 2.0. All new features.
  3. How to promote a blog on Instagram: life hacks, trends, life.
  4. Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy.
  5. Instagram: I want likes and followers.


We hope this article was useful and helped you find several effective strategies for promoting your business on Instagram. How to promote Instagram? Please share your experience if you have ever used one or more of the methods described above.

Try promotion services

If you do not have the funds to place targeted advertising or the skills to work with it, then we recommend that you pay attention to special services for Instagram promotion. They give users a number of tools to promote Instagram pages and make them easier to maintain.

Such platforms differ from each other in functionality, speed and cost of services. According to the most conservative estimates, you can find a couple of dozen services that will offer you quick, high-quality and cheap promotion of any Instagram blog. Alas, not all of them should be trusted.

Using services for promotion on Instagram can be risky due to non-compliance with limits on account promotion, which is why promoted pages are automatically blocked. You can also come across fraudulent projects on the Internet that steal users’ personal data.

These disadvantages can be easily avoided by using the services of proven services that comply with all limits on promotion on Instagram, reliably maintain the confidentiality of their clients, and also take care of all the hassles of working with Instagram. It’s enough to link your account to the system and pay for the selected services, and the resource itself will promote the page.

We advise you to pay attention to the Instapromo platform, which is our editors' choice. Instapromo offers a wide range of opportunities for promoting instablogs, an easy-to-learn system, affordable prices and compliance with all limits.

Using Instapromo, you can be confident in the security of your promoted account and high-quality promotion. The service is easy to learn - its functions are easy to understand for both professional SMM specialists and beginners. The platform gives three days of free use of its functionality to evaluate the benefits of the service.

Anyone can promote their Instagram page on their own, so before turning to advertising agencies for help, you should find as many ways as possible to do it on your own. Some methods may entail material costs, but they will not be as significant as they might seem at first glance. In this case, you need to take into account the topic of the page. The methods will be different if it is a regular account or an online store page.

If you have time, it’s better to understand all the issues related to ways to promote your account on your own, and first of all, study free methods of promotion on the Instagram social network. If you don't do this, you'll have to pay money for everything.

Where to begin

Before free or paid promotion on Instagram, you should first take care of the correct settings and design of your page. If this is not done, no matter what the methods of working with it are, everything may be unsuccessful. In addition, to attract subscribers from the right sources, you should clearly understand who the target audience is, especially if the topic of the page is narrow.

Each of the methods of promotion on Instagram will only work if you take into account all the little things, one of them is this. It is desirable that it be personal and unique, and not just taken from pictures in Yandex or Google. Once this is done, you can begin filling out your profile information. It is better to write your last name and first name in your native language or the language of the target audience. This way, people will not have difficulty remembering the account.

Please note! When filling out information about yourself, it is better to use only truthful information. This will definitely increase the trust of subscribers in this page.

It is always worth remembering that the first thing subscribers will see is a photograph and a short description of the advertised product. If pages were previously created to run the same business on other social networks, it is better to use the same photo as in them. This will allow people to quickly find each of these accounts.

To keep the attention of subscribers, you need to spend a lot of time answering questions in the comments. Having completed all these steps, you should not expect that the page will quickly gain a large number of subscribers. For self-promotion on Instagram to be successful, you need to stock up on as much patience as possible.

Using hashtags in promotion

What should you know before you start promoting your Instagram account? that the search for any publication on a given social network occurs on the basis of . Almost all experts advise adding them without fail. For selection you can use 2 main methods:

  • the first is the simplest and implies, after which in the search bar you need to start entering words that may be directly related to the publication and be popular. This way, a person will see how much material with the entered hashtag is currently on Instagram. This method is very easy, but it cannot be said that it is the most effective;
  • the second option is to use special services and programs (). They will save time and select the most useful hashtags for any publication. If you use this method of promotion on Instagram correctly, the page will quickly begin to attract the target audience, who will subscribe to the account, like and comment on photos.

How to attract subscribers

There are a lot of methods to attract subscribers to your Instagram page. Many users of this social network may have already noticed that the main ones are various competitions that involve receiving some kind of prize. In any case, each of them will require a fairly large amount of time. But first of all, you need to make sure that all the information on the page is truly useful content. Sometimes the success of a promotion depends on this.

This method of promoting an Instagram account is underestimated by many. You should never be shy or reluctant to comment on an interesting post on another page, even if it is a competitor. The main thing to consider is that it must be a very well-promoted account.

At the same time, the comment should always be written to the point and made as visible as possible to other users. In addition, do not forget to follow another person. They often sign back.


In order to like it, one second is enough, but for free promotion of a page on Instagram, this is very important. Quite often, users keep track of who exactly evaluates their publications. In response, they can also like or subscribe to the account.

Using geolocation

This is called a special option in Inste, which is necessary to mark the place where a specific photo was taken. To do this, click on the “Add location” button and enter the required data. These tags are important to use in order to attract your target audience. With their help, the page will be found by people living in the same region and other potential clients.

Mass actions: mass liking, mass following and mass commenting

Each of these methods involves automating profile promotion on Instagram. To do this, you can use the following programs and services:

  1. Zengram.
  2. Proimsta.
  3. Jetinsta.
  4. InstaSkill.
  5. Flyinsta.
  6. Pamagram.
  7. BOOTUp.

Before using one of them to independently promote your page on Instagram, you need to familiarize yourself step by step with the algorithm of each program. Most likely, this will require financial investments, but at the same time, promotion will take place in a comprehensive manner, according to several parameters at once. This includes geolocation, comments, likes, subscriptions and working with the target audience.

In addition, this independent method involves mutual subscriptions, likes and comments with other users. But, since doing this manually is very difficult and will require a lot of time, most users decide to use the above services to automate these processes.

This method is well suited for those people who are thinking about how to promote their Instagram page on their own. But it is worth noting that it is unlikely that any of the famous bloggers will want to work without payment. To save a little money, you can contact the owners of less popular accounts. Sometimes users manage to agree on mutual advertising, and in this case they do not have to pay money at all.

Advertising setup

If we talk about an online store that sells any goods, before promoting it independently on Instagram, its owner must understand that he will have to collect a certain amount of money for this. The main task of such a page is to receive orders as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is better not to delay with this method and deal with it first.

After receiving a profit, a person will have the opportunity to use more serious and effective ways to popularize his account. At the same time, all photographs must be made of high quality so that a person has as few irrelevant questions as possible.

There are currently three types of advertising available on Instagram, in popular accounts and in well-promoted groups. The most affordable option for a beginner is public advertising, since this does not require large financial investments. If you don’t have time for all this, you can also order advertising setup from an agency. But by figuring out the issue yourself, you can save a lot of money.

Holding sweepstakes and competitions is one of the most effective ways to promote both your online store and your Instagram page. The first step for this is to publish a video and photograph where the conditions will be announced. At the same time, the page owner must remember that the competition should be as clear and simple as possible for absolutely every user of this social network. It is also worth considering that the prize must be really tempting, otherwise no one will participate in this promotion.

Note! The best way to reward the winner is a cash reward, an expensive gift, or promotion of his Instagram account absolutely free. After the competition, it is very important to fulfill your promises, otherwise bad rumors will spread about the page and people will start unsubscribing from it.

To successfully carry out the promotion, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is desirable that the draw be unique. If it is the same as any other already annoying to all users, no one will participate in it.
  2. For winning, the user should be awarded a significant prize.
  3. You need to follow the promotion from start to finish, responding to comments, and eventually handing over the prize to the winner yourself.
  4. For the competition to be successful, it will also have to be advertised, which will entail certain financial costs.

Mutual PR

If the account owner is looking for ways to increase the number of subscribers absolutely free, mutual PR is a good fit for him. The only drawback of this technique is the significant time investment. To gather a large audience, a person will have to spend a large amount of time every day negotiating with other account holders about mutual advertising.

But, if we talk about the advantages, it is worth noting good efficiency. If you contact 10 users, you can be sure that half of them will agree to cooperate, since absolutely everyone is interested in increasing the number of subscribers. In addition, you can agree with a person on exactly how he should advertise his account.

Due to such features of mutual PR, it can be safely called one of the best ways to promote your Instagram page absolutely free.

Advertising on social networks

Some Instagram users who want to promote their page, after creating and registering a profile, first of all order advertising on social networks where they already have accounts. This method is good because it does not require large financial expenditures and at the same time is highly effective if the advertising campaign is set up correctly.

To achieve this effect, before investing money in this, the page owner should get as much information as possible about the features of advertising settings. If you do not pay due attention to this, money will be thrown away. Here it is worth deciding exactly in which regions and at what time people will be able to see information about the account and the goods or services offered here.

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