How to reset a d link dir 300 router to factory settings. What can happen

What to do if the modem or Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300 starts acting weird and glitching? How to enter the settings via if you forgot your login password and admin/admin is not suitable?! This can confuse an unprepared user! Although the situation is quite common and there is nothing out of the ordinary!
In all these cases, resetting the DIR-300 router to factory settings will help. There are two ways to reset the device configuration settings.

Software reset of the DIR-300 router

If the device is even slightly responsive and you have the opportunity to access its web interface via IP address, then to reset the D-Link DIR-300 router settings, you need to open the section System and find the item there Configuration. This is what this section looks like on the DIR-300 D1, Dir-300A, DIR-300S routers and on all other modern devices of the 2017-2018 model that use the most modern firmware 3.0.0 and higher:

In the upper right corner of the web configurator you will see a link button Factory settings- click on it. operating system device will display a warning that the configuration will be reset. We agree and wait for the process to complete.

On D-Dink DIR-300 model range 2015-2017 with firmware 2.5.X, the section of the web interface through which routers are returned to factory settings looks like this:

Despite the fact that the external design differs significantly, logically everything is done in exactly the same order. That is, in the subsection Configuration among others available options there will be a button Factory settings. After clicking it, the current settings of the D-Link router will be reset and the basic configuration will be installed, which comes initially from the factory. This will also reset the login password. This means that the web interface will again be accessible using the password specified on the sticker on the device. Usually this is admin.

On older models DIR-300 NRU B5, B6, B7, etc. the web interface looks a little different. In order to reset the router settings in this case, you can either also find the System -> Configuration section in the Advanced settings, or pay attention to the menu in the upper right corner of the web configurator:

Click on the “System” button so that the menu opens. Here, among others, there will be a “Factory settings” item. Click on it. After this, the DIR-300 router will reboot, but with an empty factory configuration.

Hardware reset of D-Link DIR-300 to factory settings

For those cases when your Wi-Fi router is bugged in such a way that it does not allow access to its web interface, or the user has forgotten the password to access the settings, D-Link, like other manufacturers network equipment, made another method that allows you to reset the DIR-300 router to factory settings without having to go into the web interface - this is the button Reset.

You can find it on the back of the router case, in the same place where the Ethernet ports and the power button are located. Outwardly, it looks like a small hole. The button itself is deeper. You need to press Reset using a paper clip or a ballpoint pen with the device turned on. You need to keep the button pressed for about 10-15 seconds. After you release it, the router should blink all the indicators at once and restart. This means that the DIR-300 has been reset to the default configuration.

Video instructions on how to reset the D-Link DIR-300 router

If something is still unclear or incomprehensible to you, I suggest using the proprietary training video on how to reset the router settings from the manufacturer:

Resetting the router settings is done by pressing and holding the Reset button on the back panel of the router.

In order to get to the router’s web interface, you need to open your Internet browser and type in the address bar, Username admin, field password leave it blank (provided that the router has factory settings, and his IP has not changed).

Changing the factory password.

Default: Login admin, password admin

Courier-setters must change the password in the settings to the Serial Number indicated on the box (S/N). When reconfiguring, it is also recommended to use S/N as a password for the router and wi-fi ( serial number).

In the router interface, you need to go to the System tab, Administrator password menu.

In field Password(New Password) enter New Password.

In field Confirmation(Confirm Password ) repeat new password.

Then click the button Save Settings.

After this, the router will prompt you to re-enter its settings.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router.

In the router interface, you need to go to the tab WiFi, menu basic settings (Basic settings).

1.SSID the name of your wireless network.

2. In the tab WiFi, select Security Settings.

3. In the dropdown list Network authentications (Network Authentication): select
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed is the most secure way to protect your wireless network.
Encryption key field PSK .
You must enter any set of numbers length from 8 before 63 . They also need to be remembered so that you can specify them when connecting to the network. It is recommended to use the device serial number as a key (indicated on the box, in the form S/N########). Click on the button "Change" to apply and save the settings.

When resetting settings using the “RESET” button, it is extremely important to use little force to press the button, otherwise there is a high probability of breaking the button, which will lead to complete failure of the equipment.

Soft reset

It is possible to restore the factory settings on the D-Link DIR-300 router using the means provided by the firmware if the system interface of the device is accessible in the browser and the password for it has not been lost. A reset may be required if you change providers or if you need to perform a clean reconfiguration of your home local network.

To access the DIR-300 control panel and reset settings programmatically, you need to enter the network address of the router in the browser -, and for some versions -

Open the browser, enter in the address bar

If the interface is available, the router will ask you to log in. By default, you must enter the word “admin” in the login and password fields. The required data to log into the router control panel is indicated on the case and may vary for different hardware revisions.

Soft reset D-Link settings DIR-300 is easy to implement in the interface of any firmware, even without special knowledge.

Hard reset

If the standard password was changed by the user and then conveniently forgotten, it will not be possible to log into the DIR-300 interface. To reset the password, you will have to restore the factory settings on the router using hardware.

As with losing a password, the need for a hardware reset arises when the device’s web interface does not open in the browser. This does not always indicate a malfunction of the router and can be explained by poor cable contact or a short-term program freeze. To avoid accidentally resetting the router, before resetting the D-Link DIR-300 to factory settings, you need to check whether the Ethernet cable that connects the device to the computer has come loose, and also make sure that the IP address of the router is entered correctly in the browser.

In most cases, the problem of a software failure is solved by rebooting the router and computer, but sometimes this does not help restore functionality.
To perform a hardware reset of the D-Link DIR-300, you need to press the RESET button located on the router case near the power connector and hold for 15 - 20 seconds. Depending on the hardware revision of the router, the RESET button may protrude above the surface or be recessed into the case. In the latter case, you can use a paper clip to press.

The button must be pressed with the power on and held until all the lights on the front panel are simultaneously displayed.

Hard reset

In some cases, even a hardware reset may not be effective. Experiments with alternative DIR-300 firmware, as well as some types of software failures, lead to code fragments “settling” in the router’s non-volatile memory that impair the functionality of the device.
In order to reset the DIR-300 to factory settings in this case, you can resort to the “hard reset” method:

  • Press RESET with the power on and hold until the procedure is completed;
  • After 30 seconds, turn off the power using the POWER button, without ceasing to press RESET;
  • After 30 sec. turn on the power with the POWER button, continuing to hold RESET for another 30 seconds.

After you can reset the router settings, you can open the DIR-300 interface and begin configuration.
If HARD RESET does not solve the problem with the router's performance, you need to contact a service center to test the device hardware or restore the firmware using a programmer.

After restoring factory settings using any of the above methods, the previously configured wireless connection with all paired devices is disrupted. Thus, in some cases, enter the D-Link DIR-300 interface by connecting via wifi with mobile device it won't work. Therefore, before resetting your router, it is better to stock up on an Ethernet cable and a laptop.

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The D-Link DIR-300 wireless Wi-Fi router is a real long-liver in the SOHO device market. The first version came out about 10 years ago. Since then, there have been more than ten hardware revisions - there have been successful and unsuccessful versions. Changed several times during this time and appearance. Despite this, for all these revisions there is one general piece of advice - if your router is wildly slow, slow, does not distribute WiFi or does not connect to the Internet - try resetting the DIR-300 to factory settings. Most often, this simple action helps solve the problem. True, then you will have to configure the router after the reset. But that's a completely different story.

You can reset your DeLink Wi-Fi router in two simple ways:

1. Reset button

This method is sometimes called in network specialist circles as " Hard Reset". It is suitable in cases where it is not possible to log in through, the device does not allow access to the configurator with the standard password admin, or it does not respond at all.

Whatever case your D-Link DIR-300 is made in - vertical or horizontal - it must have a button to restore factory settings. It is signed as "Reset".
This is what it looks like on the old version in a horizontal case with an antenna:

In the vertical housing of revisions DIR-300A, D1 and NRU B7, it is also located on the rear wall, next to the power connector.

Structurally, the button is designed so that it cannot be activated accidentally with a finger, that is, it is recessed deep into the body. You can press it only with the help of foreign objects - a paper clip, toothpick, pencil or ballpoint pen. This must be done with the router turned on.

The press should be gentle, you should feel the movement of the button. After this, you need to hold it pressed for 9-10 seconds. As soon as the indicator lights on the front side of the device blink, release the key and wait until the gadget boots up completely.

2. Software reset of the router

This method is more correct, since the router itself installs the factory configuration and reboots with it.

To reset DIR-300 programmatically, you need to go to its web interface. On latest versions firmware (ver. 2.5.X, light interface) you need to open the section System>>>Configuration:

On the page that opens there will be a button “Factory settings” - click on it. The router will ask if we are sure to reset the D-Link router. We agree and wait for the operation to complete.

On previous versions Software (version 1.X.X, dark gray interface) there was a “System” button in the upper right corner of the web interface. Clicking on it opened the following menu:

Click on the “Factory settings” item in it and do a complete factory reset of the configuration.

In the oldest revisions of DIR-300 with an orange interface, in order to reset the router to factory settings, you had to go to the section Maintenance>>>Save and Restore:

There will be a “Restore Device” button, by clicking on which you can completely reset and reset your DeLink DIR-300 router to its original state.

We do not intend to scare the reader with horror stories. With a password on the router D- link dir 300 is ok. Is that its value is slightly different from the value of a similar parameter on other routers. Generally, the default password is set to "admin". U of this device it's just empty. That is, it is not assigned any meaning at all. If you did not purchase a router in a store, but called an adjuster with a device from the provider, then he will set the value as indicated on the product box. This is the so-called wifi serial number.

If you purchased the router from trading network, then you will have to take care of this setting and perform it personally. It's not difficult at all and much easier than setting up other router options. The factory password will need to be changed. This is done for security reasons. Otherwise, everyone on and off will be able to change the configuration of your device. This is fraught with consequences of varying severity. Therefore, change the password immediately after connecting the device to the network. Where and how this is done - read below.

How to reset factory security settings?

To install a new one wifi password to the D-link dir 300 router you need to use the device’s web interface. The interface is accessed through the browser of a computer connected to the router. Launch your browser, enter in the address bar and you can start editing the configuration. We are interested in the “MAINTENANCE” section (in the localized version of the interface – “ Maintenance"). Or more precisely, the “Device Administration” menu of this section.

This is where two fields (“New Password” and “Cofirm Password”) are located, in which you need to set and confirm a new password for wifi on the D-link dir 300 router.

Pictures, as usual, are attached:

Please note, there is no point in exchanging an awl for soap. To protect wifi from strangers, you need to set a really strong password.

That is, one that contains at least eight characters, including alphabetic characters in different registers, numbers and Special symbols, like a dollar sign or an underscore. Only if you set this value, your network will not become easy prey for hackers and others who want to ride on someone else’s hump to heaven. I don't think you would specify something like "123".

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