How to make a VKontakte message unread. Unread messages on VKontakte View messages without reading them

Let's consider an extremely common situation: a certain user writes to you on VK, whom you cannot block so as not to offend, and at the same time you do not want to correspond with him, but you want to read the messages that he writes. But if you read his messages, he will see it. In general, there is a problem. Therefore, it is not surprising that users ask how they can read messages without being noticed.

First way

Let's start with a 100% working method. The point is this: if you type a link to VK with the current date in the address bar, you will see all the messages that were sent to you before the specified date, including unread ones. The point is that these messages will be shown in full, and not in a shortened form, as if you go to the “My Messages” section. See for yourself - in the first example, a message was sent in the “My Messages” section.

As you can see, there is a difference. You can thus read the entire message without opening them! This is easy to do: copy the link into the browser line, just indicate the current date (in the specified link the date is September 30, 2015).

Second way

The second method is not as good as the first because it does not work in all cases. The gist of it is that you must link an email address to your account if you have not done so before. Then email notifications will be sent to you. In mail, you will see part of the message, but they will not be considered read until you read them on the VKontakte website or in the mobile application. The only problem is that notifications only show part of the message. Using the same principle, you can set up SMS messages that will be sent to your phone, but this is a paid service and was created to simply notify the user about new notifications.

You can configure alerts in the “My Settings” section, “Alerts” tab.

It is better to use the first method, it works flawlessly. For now, anyway.

In the last decade, people have increasingly filled their lives with social networks. They cannot live a day without these sites.

The presence of a user-friendly interface, constant communication with friends, watching videos, listening to music, viewing photos and reading posts in groups make these sites popular.

A person’s VKontakte page will show you his personal data and other information. This social network is popular in the CIS countries and Western countries. There are over 380 million users and this number will increase over time. But in recent years, people need more features.

How to view VK messages without reading them

It doesn't matter why you need this property, maybe you don't want to respond to a notification or ignore the user or don't want to be bothered. People are interested in the methods by which such trickery is accomplished.

The function is not possible if you are sitting through a computer. This trick is carried out using mobile phones and tablets. You will need to download programs that have invisibility and the ability to view the notification and close it unread.

But what programs? This depends on the operating system of your tablet and phone. Let's look at each in more detail.

If you haveAndroid

People who purchase Android immediately download the traditional social network interface. But there are many more social media platforms. Kate Mobile is the most suitable.

In it, the client’s letter is opened, viewed, and the “close unread” button is pressed. In the settings, you can set the option to always close the notification without reading it. Kate Mobile is an alternative to the traditional .

It has a number of useful and interesting functions:

  • You can change the font and theme;
  • Turn on invisibility;
  • Work with several accounts at once and many other properties.

It’s worth trying this platform to find out how you can watch VK messages without reading them.

If you haveiPhone

Two popular operating systems, Android and iOS, are fighting for dominance among customers. To each his own. One person will choose an Android, another - an iPhone.

iPhone users will be pleased with a project in which emails can be viewed and closed without being read. Download the Vfeed project and enjoy the opportunities provided by the developers.

The platform's interface is similar to a traditional application. But it benefits from the presence of an off-line mode and the ability to leave SMS unread. On iOS, this program is quite popular and optimal.

The owner of an iPhone or other device can experiment, download other programs, so you can choose the one that suits you and stick with it for a long time.

If you haveWindows Phone

Things get worse here. The system has designs that provide additional options, but they have too many shortcomings to replace them with a traditional social networking application. There are still many bugs that need to be worked out, which the developers do not pay enough attention to.

This is VKlient and VK Go!. But, judging by the description and reviews, they do not have an unread SMS mode. These applications benefit only due to the stealth mode. Windows Background clients are not satisfied with the quality of these programs and do not recommend downloading them.

Applications freeze, are kicked out of your account upon exit, and there are many more glitches and shortcomings.

Therefore, users will have to wait, maybe in the near future the developers will finalize, improve or create new projects and you will know how to view VK messages without reading them.

Surely, each of you wanted at least once to leave a VKontakte message unread, but to find out what exactly another user wrote. Perhaps you just don’t want to show the person that you read the message or you don’t really want to communicate, but curiosity prompts you to find out what your interlocutor wrote. But how to make a VKontakte message unread?

It often happens that you don’t want to be visible on the Internet, how to show a person that you have read his message, because he will expect a response. Many of us have been in similar situations, however, not everyone knows how to make a VK message unread. You quarreled with a guy or girl and don’t want to respond to his/her remarks any further, but you’re still curious to know what the next argument will be? In these cases, you definitely need to know how to make a message unread on VK.

Ways to make a VKontakte message unread

There are several ways to make a VK message unread in the new version, both for PC users and for those who use exclusively mobile versions based on Android. So, let's start with the first method.

How to read all messages on VK

Using the browser line (for PC users).

For many users, using a browser or command line is associated with something very complex and abstruse, which is not accessible to everyone. In fact, this is absolutely not the case, and we will now see this for ourselves. So, to close a message unread, you need to go into personal messages, as well as into the dialogue itself. In the browser line we see approximately the following

  • “”, where instead of an ellipsis your ID.
  • Now you need to remove all the numbers and also add some text.
  • As a result, you should see something like “” in your browser address bar.
  • The last numbers are the date in the format DDMMYYYY.

After you do this, you will read all the messages for the day that will be written in your address bar, and the rest will remain unread, including the one that you don’t really want to read. This convenient and intuitive feature allows you to easily read messages, but not show other users that you saw their message.

Make VK message unread method 2

Using the Kate Mobile app (mobile users only)

Here everything happens even faster and easier, because all you need is to download Kate Mobile. This VK client allows users to view messages for free, and also remain in invisible mode. And to leave a VK message unread, you will need to check one box in the settings. Click on the image of the phone handset in the upper right corner, and check the box next to the “close unread” item. Very fast, affordable and convenient.

How to read unread messages on VKontakte?

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no really effective official method to read all messages in one click. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out how to read unread VKontakte messages right away quickly, however, you can always select all unread dialogues and read them manually. As you can see, making a message unread on VK is very simple and does not require any third-party software or dubious programs.

When sending a message to VKontakte, we sometimes wait for a response to it. But it is not known whether the interlocutor read it or whether it has not yet been read. Unread messages are fairly easy to identify from both your phone and computer.

Quick navigation:

How to find out if my message on VK has been read from a computer.

If you wrote a VKontakte message to another person and sent it, then it is very easy to find out about the status of its reading. For this purpose, color highlighting is used, a standard functionality from VK developers.

Go to your VK messages. You will see unread messages against the background of the rest; they are highlighted darker than other read messages.

In the example in the image, we see 2 unread messages from list of all dialogs.

Of course, the visibility of such a highlight leaves much to be desired; perhaps the designation of unread messages should have been made more contrasting. For example, depending on how the laptop screen is positioned, this selection changes from clear to completely indistinguishable, merging.

In the dialog itself, if you go in, we will also see a darker, blue highlight around the sent message if the message has not yet been read. If the message has been read, then there will be no highlighting and the color will be light, like the rest of the background of the VKontakte site.

It is not visible whether the message has been read or not on VKontakte.

Depending on the angle at which you look at the screen of your monitor, your computer or laptop. Highlighting unread messages may blur together and be difficult to distinguish. Just try looking at the dialogue from a different angle.

How to see unread messages on VK from your phone.

In the VK application for mobile and in the mobile version, there is a rule that messages that are unread are highlighted in a darker color than the rest of the background.

In the example, circled in red are 2 messages that have not yet been read.

How to find out who read a message in a VKontakte conversation.

Again, following the example of Whats App, where gray checkmarks appear when the message is delivered and change color to green when the message is read. The checkboxes remain gray as long as these are unread messages.

There is no such function on VKontakte, but if you sent your message, be sure that it will arrive when the interlocutor logs into the social network. net.

Hello, friends! As you know, all messages from other users that you have not yet read are highlighted in blue. As soon as you click on the message, a dialogue with the selected user will open and the message will be read - it will no longer be written on a blue, but on a white background. And, naturally, your interlocutor will also understand that you have read the message.

But there are times when you don't want the other person to know that you are reading their letters. Let's say you are offended by a person, or someone you don't know writes. But I want to read it! What to do in such a case?

So let's figure this out. We will learn how to read the entire sent message from another user. At the same time, it will still be displayed as unread on his and your page.

If you have already clicked on a message that you did not want to click on and opened a dialogue, then it will go into read status. The question arises: how to mark a message as unread on VKontakte? Well, there is no way to help him (at the moment, at least) - pretending that you haven’t read it won’t work. But for the future, you can use one of the methods described in the article.

How to read VKontakte messages without marking them as read

If the user sent a short message, then everything is very simple. Go to your messages and read the sent text without opening the dialogue. If there are several messages, enter the user’s full first and last name in the search bar (for example, Anya Kaminskaya), and a list with all his messages will open in front of you.

But if there is an ellipsis at the end of the visible part of the message text, it means that it is not fully displayed.

The method may take time if you have a large history of correspondence on your profile. But...if you really want to read messages from a computer or laptop, and there is no other way, then perhaps it’s worth it.

Please note that it is not always safe to download various programs for VKontakte from the Internet. There is a possibility of catching a virus, or that your username and password will fall into the hands of another person.

Using AutoVK

Download the AutoVK program from the official website - it is indicated in the screenshot below in the lower right corner:

Enter your username and password, then click on the “Authorization” button.

Now the first and last name specified in your VKontakte profile should appear in the lower left corner. If everything is so, click on the “Messages” button.

In the next window you need to select a folder on your computer where all dialogs will be downloaded. I created a “Downloaded correspondence” folder on my desktop in advance. I select it and click “OK”.

Wait for the process to complete and a window with the message “Done” appears.

We look for the selected folder and open it.

It will show files - the entire dialogue with one person, this is a separate file. “Chat_#_1” is the conversation in which you are participating. The name of each file is the page id of the user with whom the correspondence took place.

We go to the page of the user we need on VK and copy his id from the address bar of the browser. Next, in Explorer, click on the search bar and paste the copied number there.

As a result of the search, only one file will remain in the “Downloaded Correspondence” folder. Open it.

A correspondence with the selected person will open in the notepad. The date and time of the message sent will be indicated at the beginning of each line.

As you can see, the text at the top is what I need.

Make it easy to read.

You have read what the person wrote to you, but the VKontakte message is still displayed as unread on both your page and his page.

Using VK-Robot

Download the program from the Internet and unpack the archive. There is no need to install it, just run the executable file with the extension .*exe.

The VK-Robot program is paid, but there is a trial period of 5 days. When it ends, some of the functions will simply become unavailable, but you can still use them.

The main window of VK-Robot looks like this. Immediately go to Settings.

On the “Accounts” tab, enter “Login” and “Password” for your VKontakte page and click “Add account”. After that, it should appear in the field on the right. Click "Save" and close the settings window.

Now click on the arrow next to the word “Export”. From the drop-down menu, select “Export Dialogues”.

Specify your account and click “Select”.

Then select the folder into which all dialogs will be downloaded and click OK. My folder is the same as in the previous paragraph. If you haven't created a folder beforehand, then do it now by clicking "Create Folder".

Wait until all dialogues have been downloaded.

Find the selected folder and go into it. Here all files will be signed - this is the first and last name of the user with whom you corresponded. They are arranged in alphabetical order. Click on the file whose messages you want to read.

The text I need is shown at the very top because it was the last message from this user. The time and date when it was sent are indicated at the end of the message text.

Read what a friend, or a complete stranger, writes to you, and be calm - he will not know about it.

We use the phone

If you want to read a message on your Android phone or tablet, but want it to remain unread, then you can use various programs.

I’ll show you using the Kate Mobile program as an example. Download it from the Play Market and log into your VKontakte account.

Then go to the "Messages" section. As you can see, I have one unread. Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

From the list that opens, select “Settings”.

When you close an open dialogue, you will see that the message you just read is still displayed in the list as unread, and your interlocutor does the same.

If you receive notifications by email about new VKontakte messages received, then go to your mailbox. There will be a letter from VKontakte in your inbox, and it will contain the full text of the message that the user sent you.

And finally, let me remind you that if you read the message, but not in one of the ways described above, and now you want to make the message unread in VK, then you will not be able to do this - unfortunately, there is no way back.

That's all. Now you know how you can read a sent message without your friend knowing about it, and it will still be displayed as unread.

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