How to erase ipad without knowing icloud password. How to recover a forgotten icloud password on an iPhone

A situation where the iCloud password is forgotten or lost can happen to anyone, even the most prudent user of an iOS device. The issue of iCloud password recovery for those who have already owned a used Apple device and are about to create their own account is becoming no less pressing. We will tell you how you can recover your iCloud password yourself.

First, you need to reset your existing password. To do this, go to “My Apple ID”, and from there follow the “Reset Password” link. Here you will be asked for your Apple ID (if you have forgotten it or don’t know it, find the link “Forgot your Apple ID?” and follow the prompts). Entering your Apple ID will give you the option to reset your old iCloud password in several ways: by answering security questions, through email authentication, and using 2-step verification. The first option of resetting your password by answering security questions is only relevant if you know the answers to them. Then you will just need to enter your date of birth, answer the questions, specify a new password and finish the procedure by clicking “Reset Password”. Authentication of you as a user through your e-mail is carried out in the corresponding section “Authentication by e-mail”, where you should click “Next” and wait for a message to your e-mail address (primary or secondary). In this message, follow the link that will confirm your intention to reset your iCloud password. After the transition, in the “My Apple ID” window that opens, enter the updated password and reset the old one.

The two-step verification option is possible when you have a special recovery key and a trusted device. To begin the process, enter the key and select your trusted device. It is at the latter that you will receive a confirmation code that will allow you to enter a new iCloud password and reset the old one.

If none of the methods we presented helped you restore iCloud, without contacting Apple support. For those who want to change the iCloud account on a device that already had an owner, the video instructions below will help.

Owners of such fashionable and popular gadgets as the iPhone or iPad sooner or later find themselves in the same situation when the account password completely slips out of their heads. And everything would be fine: the devices work, you can use them, but installing applications or enabling/disabling some functions is not possible. So what if you can’t log in/out to iCloud? Forgot your password or lost it? There are several ways to restore it.

Why is it so difficult?

It is quite difficult for owners of smartphones running any other operating system (not iOS) to understand what the problem is with But it does exist. First of all, Apple's security system is very serious. No one will just allow you to recover your password. Secondly, there are several methods that require investigation if you have already forgotten your iCloud password. What to do in this case? Read below. Naturally, all options are suitable only for true owners of Apple devices, and not for those who bought a stolen smartphone.

Via email client

If it so happens that when trying to download an application in the App Store, it suddenly turns out that the owner has forgotten the iCloud password (aka AppleID), then you can quickly and without any problems change it. You just need to make sure that authentication is done automatically in the standard email application. If it is possible to enter mail, send messages from it and carry out other manipulations, then you can begin recovery. To do this, you need to log out of your accounts in the “iTunes Store, App Store” tab in the device settings. But you don’t need to touch the email client, otherwise you won’t be able to restore it through it. After resetting your account, you need to try logging into it again in the settings by selecting the “Forgot your password?” item, and then the “Send by email” sub-item. Attention! If the user has forgotten the iCloud password, then the device cannot be reset to factory settings! This will turn it into a useless "brick".

Letter from Apple

When the option to restore via an email client was selected, a notification from the company should first be sent to it. The email from Apple says that someone is trying to change the password on your account. Naturally, if this is done at the initiative of the owner, then you just need to click on the “Reset your password now” link. After this, you only need to set a new password by repeating it in a special field.

Using your account

When the new password is set, you need to restart the device and then enter the settings. After this, reactivate your account for all items: App Store, iTunes Store, Mail, “Photos” and others. All those where an iCloud account is used. Forgot password? This is no longer a problem if the owner actually purchased the device legally.

Used Apple gadget

It is much more difficult for those who bought a tablet or smartphone from the first buyer secondhand. Especially if he has not logged out of his account. In Apple gadgets, the “Find iPad/iPhone” function is now automatically enabled from the moment of purchase. And you can’t disable it without access to iCloud. Forgot your password or didn't even know it? There are two ways: contact the first owner to turn it off, or use it again, but in a slightly different way.

Creating a new mail

If the new user has his own email, then it must be added to the list in the settings. And then order password recovery to this address in the same way as described above. Sometimes it doesn't work. And the question immediately arises: iCloud is not working, what should I do?

What should I do?

First, disable all services that you can disable yourself. Those that do not require authentication in iCloud (forgot the password for it or didn’t know it initially - it doesn’t matter). Then it is advisable to log into the official website of the company and create a new account (AppleID). You can reset the old one in the AppStore without an iCloud password. And then log into the application with new data. You can use everything: applications, photos and other joys of the gadget.

What can't be done?

Unfortunately, there is a drawback in the above method. iCloud has not been reset, so not all features are available. So, for example, you cannot synchronize photos, videos, notes and contacts, disable the “Find iPad/iPhone” function, log into a cloud service, or create backups.

Call the company

You can reset your old iCloud password by calling the company. However, there are difficulties here too. First, you will have to prove that the device was actually purchased by the user. For example, by providing a check for payment. Secondly, you will have to talk for a long time with They are quite scrupulous about the safety of the company’s products.

Precautionary measures

Under no circumstances should you reset your device to factory settings if you do not have a valid password for your account. This leads to the fact that instead of a full-fledged smartphone or tablet, you end up with just a piece of plastic on your hands. And, of course, you shouldn’t follow the lead of scammers who offer to remove all passwords for a certain amount of money. Most likely, they will not succeed, and the device will be damaged.

We are more than sure that this situation has already happened to you when you forgot the password for some services. What do you usually do in this case? Naturally, you first try to enter the one you remember. If you did this with your iCloud password, but the problem is not solved, you will have to contact Apple support. Most “helpers” on various sites give such password recovery options that “the devil will break his leg.” iPhone repair on the page, network of service centers in Moscow “X-REPAIR”.

Let's look at simple but effective options. What to do if you forgot the password for your iCloud account? And in general, is it possible to recover the password from iCloud or not?

What to do if your iCloud password is lost on your iPhone/iPad?

Let's look at a few cases: when we don't know the password for the iCloud account:

  • For example, the situation is that you were given a new phone (namely an iPhone)
  • For example, you purchased a phone from some seller (the phone is normal, not stolen)

Let's take this situation as an example. You are standing in a store to choose a brand new iPhone. If you haven’t owned a phone of this brand before, then you most likely had no idea that you were required to register it before purchasing. Registration is always paid (although in some stores it is free, that is, as a gift with purchase), but it is quite fast.

There are moments when sales consultants simply forget to say what data was entered, which is why both login and password are lost. If you were asked 3 questions in a store that help you discover iCloud and its password if, for example, you forgot it, then this will save you. Some people don’t even ask questions to which you should remember the answers. Therefore, yes, such negligence sometimes also occurs. And as a result, you go home with the purchased phone, without suspecting any trick.

Naturally, the registered phone will work, make you happy in communication with loved ones, and so on. However, there will come a time for every person when he goes to the App Store to download another application, and there the message “enter your Apple ID password” will be waiting for you. In this case, you will start remembering different passwords for your social networks, but none of them will work.

If you suddenly were not given a password for your registered iCloud, then we will help you solve this difficult problem. We would like to immediately warn you not to enter a bunch of different options. The input attempts there are not endless, so you can simply lock your phone. If this has already happened, we hope that our advice will help you solve the problem.

Usually, when you call support, they send you your data by email from iCloud, but to log into it, I need to remember my password, again - an obtuse angle. Before they send you your password and login, you are asked the same 3 questions, at least 2 of which must be confirmation that this is your account. However, even the most qualified specialist cannot give information over the phone, because this is illegal. Data transfer can be done via regular mail. ru, but this will only work if you ask the consultant to send the data to your mailbox.

Sometimes it happens that they cannot help you at all in this situation. After all, as already mentioned, not all sellers ask the same questions. Then what to do in this case? Is there really no way to save the phone? Or is it still possible?

How to recover password on iPhone/iPad from iCloud?

We can offer you one very interesting recovery option. Of course, you won’t be using the phone for long, so this option will be the best solution at the moment. If you have nothing to save, then simply reset all factory settings. How to do it? Go to Settings, then scroll down to Reset. It will come out right away several reset options:

  1. Full reset.
  2. Reset memory to factory settings.

You need to choose the first option t, since it is he who will reset passwords and everything else from the phone. By rebooting your phone, you will receive a new device, which you can register either independently or by hiring a specialist. We advise you to seek help from specialized centers, as incorrect registration can block your iPhone.

Another variant– using the phone without passwords and an iCloud account. You will say, “So this is impossible and inconvenient?”, but in fact, you can get used to everything. Although our site personally recommends using the first option.

So, if you decide to choose the second option, then you need to go to the “Settings” of the device again. Change the settings of various built-in applications there, as they will block the work. Do not try to remove settings from Find My iPhone, as this application cannot be disabled. It’s worth disabling services so that you don’t have to think again about how to sign out of your iCloud account. After all, it’s not so easy to get out of it. Without a password, you won't be able to find a solution here again. Another dead end.

Why do you need data must be blocked? This is done so that you (if you bought an iPhone secondhand) are protected from access to your phone by the previous owner. If the phone is new, then first you should recover the password, after which you can only unlock the programs so that they can again be saved in iCloud.

What are you not supposed to do now?

Forget about the fact that you can restore or reinstall the firmware on your phone, much less reset it from settings. Yes, there is an inconvenience to selling here, so (in case you decide to sell the phone) you will need to manually delete settings and downloaded applications.

Why Is it possible to reinstall iOS firmware? It's simple:

  1. You will just receive a phone, but you will not be able to connect to it. This can only be done if you create a new account through another gadget.
  2. You will not gain access to your phone until you enter your lost password.

Reading time: 6 minutes

You can recover your iCloud password in two standard ways: via e-mail and by answering security questions. If these methods do not work, you have two options - contact support or stop using iCloud services.

Recovering iCloud password via email

The easiest way to recover your iCloud password is to send a reset code by email. To do this:

The code will be sent to the main and backup mailbox if you added it. If the letter does not arrive, look in Spam. To be sure, add [email protected] to the address book at the post office.

Don’t forget to visit the website - all about breakdowns in Apple equipment from professionals

Recovering iCloud password if you don’t have access to mail

What to do if you forgot your iCloud password and don’t have access to your main or backup email? Answer security questions.

If the answers are correct, a password replacement window will appear on the screen. Enter your new security key, confirm it, and don't forget again.

If you've enabled two-step verification on your phone and have a trusted device connected, you can use it to regain access.

If you enter the key received when setting up the verification, a code will be sent to your trusted device, which will help you reset your iCloud password.

ID recovery

To recover your iCloud password, you need an Apple ID or login. If you don't remember it, follow these steps:

  1. Tap “Forgot Apple ID or password.”
  2. Select "Forgot Apple ID."
  3. Enter your last name, first name and email.

If you try to guess the ID, after several attempts you will receive a notification that your Apple ID has been blocked. To remove the lock:

  1. Go to
  2. ID using your iCloud password (if you remember) or resetting your security key.

Hello friends! Not long ago I bought my wife an iPhone 7, but she is a forgetful lady and a problem arose: how to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? At that moment I realized what the next topic of my article would be.

Despite the fact that most iPhone models have finger scanners, many people continue to use digital passwords out of habit. There are also owners of phone models 4 and 4s, which do not have a built-in fingerprint scanner. Plus, there is a possibility of glitches in the scanner. This is why thousands of people are still faced with the problem of a forgotten password.

1. How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password: 6 ways

After the tenth attempt, your favorite iPhone is blocked forever. The company tries to protect phone owners as much as possible from data hacking, so it is quite difficult to recover the password, but it is possible. In this article we will give as many as six ways to unlock your iPhone if you forgot your password.

Important! If you haven't synced any of your data before attempting the reset, it will all be lost.

1.1. Using iTunes from a previous sync

If the owner has forgotten the password on the iPhone, this method is recommended. Forethought in recovery is very important and if you are lucky enough to have a backup copy of your data, there should be no problems.
For this method you will need a computer on which synchronization with the device was previously carried out.

1. Using a USB cable, connect your phone to your computer and wait until it appears in the list of devices.

3. Now you need to wait, iTunes will synchronize the data for some time. This process may take a few hours, but it's worth it if you need the data.

4. When iTunes reports that synchronization is complete, select "Recover data from iTunes backup." Using backups is the easiest thing you can do if you forgot your iPhone password.

5. The program will display a list of your devices (if there are several of them) and backup copies with their creation date and size. The creation date and size determine how much of the information will remain on the iPhone; changes made since the last backup will also be reset. Therefore, choose the latest backup.

If you are not lucky enough to have a backup of your phone in advance or you do not need the data, read on and choose another method.

1.2. How to unlock an iPhone via iCloud

This method only works if you have the Find My iPhone feature set up and activated. If you are still wondering how to recover your iPhone password, use any of the other five methods.

1. First of all, you need to go to the link from any device, no matter whether it is a smartphone or a computer.
2. If you have not previously logged into the site and saved a password, at this stage you need to enter your Apple ID profile information. If you have forgotten your account password, go to the last section of the article regarding how to reset your iPhone password for Apple ID.
3. At the top of the screen you will see a list of “All devices”. Click on it and select the device you need, if there are several of them.

4. Click “Erase (device name)”, this will erase all the phone data along with its password.

5. Now the phone is available to you. You can restore it from an iTunes or iCloud backup or re-set it up as if you just bought it.

Important! Even if the service is activated, but access to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is disabled on the phone, you will not be able to use this method.

Without an Internet connection, most methods for hacking an iPhone password will not work.

1.3. By resetting the failed attempt counter

If your gadget is locked after the sixth attempt to enter the password, and you hope to remember the password, try resetting the counter of incorrect attempts.

1. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and turn on iTunes. It is important that Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on on your mobile phone.

2. Wait a little while the program “sees” the phone and select the “Devices” menu item. Then click “Sync with (name of your iPhone).”

3. Immediately after synchronization begins, the counter will reset to zero. You can continue to try to enter the correct password.

Do not forget that the counter cannot be reset simply by rebooting the device.

1.4. Using recovery mode

This method will work even if you have never synced with iTunes or enabled the feature to find your iPhone. When you use it, both the device data and its password will be deleted.

1. Connect your iPhone via USB to any computer and open iTunes.

2. After this, you need to hold down two buttons at the same time: “Sleep mode” and “Home”. Keep them on for a long time, even when the device starts to reboot. You need to wait for the recovery mode window. On iPhone 7 and 7s, hold down two buttons: Sleep and Volume Down. Hold them for the same long time.

3. You will be prompted to restore or update your phone. Select recovery. The device may exit recovery mode if the process takes too long, then repeat all the steps again 3-4 times.

4. Once the recovery is complete, the password will be reset.

1.5. By installing new firmware

This method is reliable and works for the vast majority of users, but requires selecting and downloading firmware, which weighs 1-2 Gigabytes.

Attention! Carefully select the source for downloading the firmware. If there is a virus inside it, it can completely break your iPhone. You will no longer be able to find out how to unlock it. Do not ignore antivirus program warnings and do not download files with the .exe extension.

1. Using a computer, find and download the firmware for your iPhone model with the .IPSW extension. This extension is the same for all models. For example, almost all official firmware can be .

2. Log into Explorer and move the firmware file to the folder at C:\Documents and Settings\username you are using\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates.

3. Now connect your device to your computer via USB cable and log into iTunes. Go to your phone section (if you have multiple devices). Each model will have a full technical name and you can easily find yours.

4. Press CTRL and "Restore iPhone". You will be able to select the firmware file that you downloaded. Click on it and click “Open”.

5. Now all we have to do is wait. Eventually the password will be reset along with your data.

1.6. Using a special program (only after jailbreak)

If your favorite phone was hacked by you or the previous owner, all the methods above will not work for you. They will lead you to install the official firmware. You will have to download a separate program called Semi-Restore for this. It won't work if you don't have the OpenSSH file and the Cydia store on your phone.

Attention! At the moment the program only works on 64-bit systems.

1. Download the program from and install it on your computer.

2. Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable, after a while the program will recognize it.

3. Open the program window and click the “SemiRestore” button. You will see the process of clearing devices of data and passwords in the form of a green bar. Wait, the mobile may reboot.

4. When the runner “crawls” to the end, you will be able to use the phone again.

2. How to reset your Apple ID password?

If you don't have your Apple ID account password, you won't be able to sign into iTunes or iCloud and reset. All methods of how to recover a password on an iPhone will not work for you. Therefore, you will first need to recover your Apple ID password. Most often, the account ID is your email.

1. Go to!&page=signin and click the “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” button.

2. Enter your ID and click on “Continue”.

3. Now you can reset your password in four ways. If you remember the answer to your security question, select the first method, enter the answer and you will be given the opportunity to enter a new password. You may also receive a password reset email to your primary or backup account email. If you have another Apple device, you can use it to recover your password. If you have enabled two-step verification, you will also need to enter the password that will be sent to your phone.

4. Once you reset your password using any of these methods, you will need to update it in other Apple services.

Which method worked? Perhaps you know life hacks? Share in the comments!

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