How to install Viber on your phone or computer. How to install Viber on a computer Is it possible to install Viber on a computer

Despite its enormous popularity on mobile devices, the Viber messenger has not yet gained the same popularity on computers and laptops. To a certain extent, this is due to the fact that many users find it difficult or do not know at all how to install Viber on their computer.

For what reason might a person want to run Viber on a PC or laptop? Firstly, it’s convenient: a touch screen will never replace a full-fledged qwerty keyboard (besides, this approach eliminates the need to be distracted by two devices). Secondly, Viber is increasingly used as a platform for consulting clients in all kinds of online stores; Installing Viber on the manager’s computer will allow you to effectively and efficiently communicate with potential buyers.

How to install Viber on your computer

Viber for Windows

According to official information from the developers, anyone who owns a PC running Windows XP or higher (including Vista, 7, 8 and Windows 10) can install Viber on their computer. To do this, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the website and download the desktop version of Viber for Windows.
  1. Run the downloaded file to begin installing Viber on your PC. In the welcome window you must agree to the license terms. To do this, check the box as shown in the screenshot below. Then you need to click the “Install” button and wait for the installer to complete.

Hooray! The program is installed.

Viber on Linux and Mac

In addition to the application for Windows, the official Viber website contains free versions for operating systems based on Linux (Debian, Fedora, etc.) and MacOS.

Installing the program for these systems is no different from .

How to log into Viber from a computer

When you launch the program after installation, you will see the application's welcome window:

There are two options for activating Viber on a PC.

Method 1: Activation via QR code

In order to log into Viber on a computer, you need to open it on your smartphone, call the QR code reader from the messenger menu and read the QR code from the screen of your PC or laptop using your smartphone (as shown in the screenshots below):

After reading the code, you will be able to connect to Viber.

Method 2: if the camera does not work

It may happen that the camera on your smartphone does not work. How to read the QR code in this case? For this, the developers have provided the following mechanism:

  1. At the bottom of the window with the QR code, click on the button “My camera doesn’t work. What to do?".

  1. The program will generate a link with a secret code. Copy it by clicking, oddly enough, the “Copy” button. Next, you should send this link to your phone (with Viber installed) in any way convenient for you (for example, through another messenger or email). I will send this code to my smartphone using Telegram.

  1. Click on this link on your smartphone. The system will open it through a standard browser, but after that the request will be “forwarded” to Viber. In the messenger window that opens, you need to check the box next to “I want to activate...” and click the “Allow” button.

Now you know how to use Viber on a PC without using a smartphone camera.

How to completely remove Viber from your computer

To remove Viber from your computer, follow these steps:

For Windows XP: click the “Start” button, then “Control Panel”, in the window that opens, click on “Add or Remove Programs” and find Viber in the list of applications and uninstall it.

For Windows 7: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features” - find and uninstall Viber.

For Windows 10: “Start” - “Settings” - “Applications” and then everything is standard - find the messenger in the list of installed programs and delete it.

Video instructions from PingviTech for Windows 10 owners:

There is a quick way to access the program management menu in any version of Windows: to do this, you need to write the appwiz.cpl command.

Important! Don't forget to delete personal files left after uninstalling Viber! Among these files will be all photos and videos received via Viber!

They are located at: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\ViberDownloads

Now you know how to completely remove Viber from your computer!


How to sync Viber with your computer

After logging into the messenger for the first time on a PC or laptop, the program automatically synchronizes all your contacts and groups in which you are a member. However, synchronization of dialogues and correspondence history will occur a little later in the process of using Viber. You will see a special window. Open the messenger on your phone, click the “Synchronize” button (on a PC), and then click the “Start” button (on a smartphone). Synchronization is complete.

In the future, all sent and received messages (including media files) will be available both on the phone and on the PC.

How to activate Viber on a computer without a phone

Let's just say that there is no “human” way to activate Viber without a smartphone, however, folk craftsmen suggest using a method based on using the BlueStacks emulator. A detailed algorithm of actions is outlined in the video instructions (although it seems easier to buy a simple smartphone!).

The rapid development of mobile technology and high-speed Internet are opening up more and more new opportunities. Just a few years ago, no one could have imagined that you wouldn’t actually have to pay for calls, and you could make calls to the ends of the earth, as long as both subscribers were connected to Wifi, 3G or LTE.

All this became possible thanks to special programs that allow you to correspond, make regular and video calls, and transfer files. Probably everyone is familiar with such applications as Skype (Skype) and WhatsApp (WhatsApp). They, of course, have their advantages and merits. But today we’ll talk about another program that has gained insane popularity. Today we will tell you how to install Viber (Viber or Viber) on your computer or laptop running Windows.

Surely, many of you have already heard about this program or even use it on your smartphone. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to install Viber on a computer and how to do it. This article is for you!

What is Viber, why is it needed and how is it useful?

Viber was originally an application for smartphones (but is now available for installation on PCs). It allowed you to send regular text messages and emoticons, as well as make calls to other users who had it. Such calls were made completely free of charge, because... an Internet connection via wifi or 3g was used.

Thanks to the Viber out function, you can make calls to regular landline or landline phones, including abroad, or to mobile phones that do not have the application installed. In this case, the call is paid and the money is debited from your personal account in the application, which must first be topped up.

Why more and more people choose Viber, and not Skype or WhatsApp:
  • completely free calls and messages (and many cool emoticons and stickers!),
  • It is possible to transfer video and photos,
  • you can create chats for simultaneous communication with a whole group of friends,
  • automatic synchronization with all your phone contacts,
  • very good connection quality in any networks (wifi, 3g or LTE),
  • no additional registration - you just need to have a phone number!

Free installation of Viber on a computer with Windows 7

It’s worth noting right away that to be able to use the application on your computer, it must already be installed on your phone. Those. it must be linked to your phone number. If there is no such connection, then, unfortunately, nothing will work.

To install the Viber program, first download it for free from the official website ( When the file download is complete, launch it. A window like this will appear. If you are interested, then read the “License Agreement”; if not, then click “Accept & Install” (i.e. “Accept and Install”).

If you need to install Viber on your computer without installing it on your phone, use an Android emulator; more details on how to do this are in this manual.

Let us remind you that usually to activate the computer version of Viber you need to scan the QR code with your smartphone, but you can do without it.

First of all, we need a Bluestacks emulator; it will replace our phone and help us activate Viber. Download it from the link and install it on your computer.

One-time setup

After installation, the emulator will prompt you to perform a one-time setup.

Everything here is extremely simple, you need to register your Google account (Gmail mailbox). If you have problems switching languages ​​from Russian to English or vice versa, then use the keyboard icon in the upper left corner, pull it down and make all the necessary settings. Usually you can change the language using the key combination Ctrl + spacebar.

The password will have to be entered twice, the second time to allow application synchronization.

Upon completion, all checkboxes opposite the settings items must be checked.

Play Market

The next step is to install Viber via Play Store.

Open the Play Store and use the search to find Viber.

Click on the " Install".

When you first install an application, Google Play always asks about payment. This does not mean that you will be charged money, the messenger is provided for free and you just need to click " Skip" to continue. But if you plan to use paid services, you can add a payment method now or at any other time.

Setting up Viber

Setting up is a big word, all you need to do is:

Activating Viber on a computer without a phone

You can use the messenger in the emulator, but this is not convenient, so download the version of Viber for your computer, install it, enter your phone number and at the activation stage click on the inscription " My camera does not work. What to do?"

In the window that opens, click on the "Copy link" button.

A window will appear in which you will be asked to activate the additional device, check the box and click allow.

Ready! That's all, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments and we will definitely help you.

Good afternoon, dear readers! In this article, I will show you how to install Viber on a phone running an Android system. Installing Viber on a tablet and other operating systems is similar.

Viber is an application with which you can send messages and make calls for free to subscribers who also have Viber installed on their phone or computer.

The only thing that will be consumed is Internet traffic. But I think at present this is not a problem, since for many it is simply unlimited. But the savings on calls and sent SMS messages will be significant.

We will download and install Viber from Play Market, you can also download Viber on the official website. Available versions for Android, Nokia, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry. All versions are in Russian.

Now let's move from words to action and proceed to directly installing Viber on your phone.

How to install Viber on your phone

1. First of all, you need to open the Play Store application on your phone, then enter the name of the application in the search bar, in our case “Viber”. In the drop-down list, click on the Viber application.

2. In the window that opens, click the "INSTALL" button.

3. Read the permissions required for the Viber program to work, then click the “ACCEPT” button.

4. Now we see that the installation of the Viber program on the phone has begun.

5. Once the installation is complete, click the “Open” button.

Viber registration

Once Viber is installed on your phone, all that remains is to go through a simple Viber registration.

1. In this window we see the message “Welcome to Viber”, click the “Continue” button.

2. In the window that opens, in the “Your country” field, select your country; for me this is Russia. In the next field, enter a valid mobile phone number, a confirmation code will be sent to it, then click the “Continue” button.

3. Here you need to enter the code received in SMS, then click the “Login to Viber” button

4. When you first log into the Viber application, you must indicate your name and add a photo; if there is no photo at the moment, you can add it later. By clicking the "Continue" button you will be taken to the newly installed Viber application.

As you can see, installing Viber on your phone is very simple, in my next article I will show you how to use Viber, if you have not yet figured out the Viber application, I recommend reading it.

I also recommend reading the article on how to install Viber on a computer and how to install WhatsApp on a phone.

That's all for me, good luck!

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