How to find out if your phone is tapped. How to understand that your smartphone is being tapped by Malware

Modern touchscreen mobile phones are a generally accepted attribute of our lives. Their rich functionality and broad capabilities allow them to be used to solve many problems that are not limited to classic phone calls. The wealth of options for using such devices leads to their gradual failure, and one of the common failure options is the dysfunction of the sensor on the phone, when the latter simply stops responding to presses (or reacts extremely poorly). In this article I will tell you what the reasons for this dysfunction are and what to do if the sensor on your phone does not work.

Reasons for phone sensor failure

Let's look at common reasons why a phone's sensor fails. They may be as follows:

The sensor on the phone does not respond, what should I do?

To restore normal functionality of your phone's sensor, do the following:

*#7353# - for most Android phones, especially Samsung;

*#*#3424#*#* - for most HTC phones;

*#*#7378423#*#* - for most Sony Xperia phones;

*#0*# - for most Motorola phones.

In the menu that appears, select, for example, “TSP Dot Mode”, and by clicking in different areas of the screen, see which parts of the sensor are not polled, this can help fix the problem in which the touchscreen does not work.

Restoring the sensor through safe mode

To boot into safe mode, turn off the phone completely (including by removing the battery). Then, long press the Power button to turn on the gadget. When the Samsung, Nexus, LG, etc. logo appears on the screen, press the Power button and then hold down the Volume Down button. Press this button when your device boots up, and you will see the inscription “Safe mode” at the bottom left of the screen.


If the sensor on your phone does not work, then I recommend using the tips I listed above. If it is impossible to identify the specific cause of the breakdown, I recommend taking your gadget to a service center - it is quite possible that your device will need a complete replacement of the touch panel.

If you have reason to suspect that your cell phone or landline is being tapped, there are several signs that may help alleviate your concerns. Many of these indicators may be due to problems that are not related to phone tapping, so you may want to look for multiple clues rather than relying on just one. Once you have collected enough evidence, you can turn to law enforcement for help. Here's what you need to look out for if you suspect someone may have installed a listening device on your phone.


Part 1

Initial suspicions

Part 2

Signs of eavesdropping on any phone

    Listen to background sounds. If you hear static noise or other background sounds, there is a possibility that the sounds are being generated by a listening device.

    • Background noise is not a good sign of listening, as echoes, static noise and clicks can be caused by random interference on the line or poor call quality.
    • Static noise, grinding and popping noises can also be caused by a discharge when connecting two conductors.
    • Another sign of listening is a high-pitched buzzing sound.
    • You can check for sounds that the human ear cannot hear using a low-frequency sound sensor. If the arrow on the sensor goes off scale several times a minute, there is every reason to believe that your phone is being tapped.
  1. Use your phone near other electronic devices. If you suspect that you may be being monitored, move closer to the radio or television during your next call. Even if you don't hear any interference on your phone, interference may start near another electronic device, creating static noise.

    • Also watch for interference that occurs when you are not actively using your phone. An active phone's wireless signal can disrupt data transmission even without additional software or hardware installed on your phone, but an inactive signal should not.
    • Some bugs use frequencies close to the FM radio range, so if your radio makes a high-pitched squeak when set to mono or at the extreme end of the range, a listening device may be nearby.
    • In the same way, listening devices can interfere with the TV on UHF frequency channels. Use a TV with an antenna to check the room for interference.
  2. Listen to your phone when you're not using it. The phone should not make any sounds when you are not using it. If you hear beeps, clicks, or other sounds coming from your phone when you are not using it, they may indicate the presence of a listening device or software that is installed on your phone.

    • In particular, listen for pulsating static noise.
    • If you hear sounds coming from your phone, this may indicate that your phone's microphone or speaker is active even when you're not using the phone. In this case, any conversation within a radius of 6 meters from the phone can be heard.
    • On landline phones, if you hear a long beep while the handset is on the hook, this may indicate that the phone is being tapped. Confirm the presence of these sounds using an external volume amplifier.

Part 3

Signs of eavesdropping on a mobile phone
  1. Monitor the battery temperature. If your mobile battery gets very hot when the phone is not in use, this may indicate the presence of listening software. Such a program will continue to run in the background and consume battery power.

    • Of course, a hot battery can also indicate that it's been used too much, especially if your phone is more than one year old, as batteries degrade over time.
  2. Keep track of how often you have to charge your phone. If your phone dies for no apparent reason and you have to charge it twice as often, this could indicate a bug on your phone. It is this that “eats” the entire battery charge.

    • In this case, you might want to consider how often you use your phone. If you've been using your phone a lot lately, it's quite possible that that's why the battery has been used up. Rapid battery drain may be something to consider if you haven't used your phone much or haven't used it more than usual lately.
    • There are apps that allow you to track exactly where your charge is going, such as BatteryLife LX or Battery LED.
    • Remember that your phone's battery will deteriorate and hold a charge less well as you use it. If you begin to notice that your phone begins to discharge quickly after a year of use, the reason for this may be a bad battery.
  3. Try turning off your phone. If the shutdown process takes a long time or cannot be completed, this may indicate that your phone is being monitored by a listening device.

    • Observe carefully whether the process of turning off your phone takes longer than usual, and whether the backlight remains on even after turning off the phone.
    • Although the phone does not turn off or turns off for a long time, this may not only indicate a listening device, it may also be caused by problems with the system of your phone.
  4. Watch out for strange activities. If your phone lights up, turns off, turns on, or starts downloading something without your intervention, this may indicate that someone has hacked your phone.

    • At the same time, all this can happen due to any interference during data transmission.
  5. Pay attention to strange SMS messages. If you have recently received strange messages with strange sets of letters and numbers from unknown numbers, then you should be on your guard - such messages are a very serious signal that your phone may be tapped.

    Keep a close eye on your monthly bills. If the cost of your mobile Internet suddenly jumped, then you may be being eavesdropped. When listening, mobile Internet may be used, so your traffic will disappear very quickly.

    • Many spy programs send information from phones to online servers and use the mobile Internet to do this. Old programs use a large amount of Internet traffic, while new programs are harder to notice because they use very little bandwidth.

Part 4

Signs of wiretapping on a landline phone
  1. Pay attention to your surroundings. If you suspect that your landline phone is being tapped, carefully inspect your home or office. If something is not where it usually is, such as a sofa or table, don't chalk up moving things up to paranoia. This may be evidence that someone else has visited you.

    • Wiretap technicians may move furniture to get to electrical and telephone wires, so if something is out of place, you have every reason to suspect something is wrong.
    • Pay particular attention to the walls. Pay special attention to walls near telephone sockets, as they may show signs of distortion.
  2. Look at the external telephone box. You may not know exactly what a telephone box should look like from the inside, but you should still open it and inspect it. If the box shows signs of being tampered with, or if the inside of the box looks like it has been recently touched, this may indicate that someone recently installed a listening device in it.

    • If you notice wires that look like they were quickly installed, have a professional take a look at them.
    • Take a close look at the "forbidden" side of the box. This side can only be opened with a special hexagon, so if you notice signs of forced entry on it, you have serious problems.
  3. Count the number of trucks that are parked in front of your house. If you start noticing more trucks than usual, it may mean that they are not actually work vehicles. They may belong to people who are tapping your phone.

    • It is especially worth noting the cars that no one ever gets into.
    • Typically, people who tap phones should be between 152 and 213 meters away from the phone. Cars that are designed for wiretapping are likely to have tinted windows.
  4. Beware of strange repairmen. If someone comes to you claiming to be a repairman or worker from your phone company, but you haven't called anyone, that person might try to bug your phone. Call the company that this person claims to work for to confirm their identity.

    • When you call this company, call the number you found yourself, not the one the stranger gave you at the door.
    • Even if you receive confirmation from the company, carefully monitor all the worker's actions.

Part 5

Confirming your suspicions
  1. Use the device to detect listening devices. This device is a device that connects to your phone. As the name suggests, this device can detect listening devices on the line, confirming your suspicions.

  2. Install the application. For smartphones, you can install a special application that can detect eavesdropping programs and hacking of your phone.

    • The effectiveness of such apps is also questionable, so even they may not provide you with all the evidence you need. Some similar applications only work to recognize bugs previously installed by other applications.

8 combinations on your phone will help you find out if you are being wiretapped. There has been a lot of talk lately about wiretapping carried out by secret service workers, be it an ordinary worker or a high-ranking official. But no one fully knows how deep security officials can go to eavesdrop on mobile devices.

Perhaps this is just the fruit of the sick imagination of the media and spy films, which never cease to be popular all over the world, and there are no auditions at all.

Below are 8 combinations on your phone to help you figure it out. These combinations are not known to most phone users; not even every operator knows about them.

1. *#43#
Information about call waiting on the phone is displayed.

2.*777# (code for Ukraine)
Find out your current balance and display the mobile operator menu depending on which one you are currently using.

3. *#06#
This code allows you to obtain unique IMEI data for any phone.

4. *#21#
Using this combination, you can find out whether someone else besides you is receiving your calls, SMS or other data. All this can be done by finding out whether forwarding is enabled on your smartphone.

5. *#33#
Data is displayed about which services your phone supports and which of them are currently emanating from the device. This can be calls, SMS and much more.

6. *#62#
Shows the number to which your calls and data are forwarded, if available.

7. ##002#
This code is used to disable call forwarding so that only the owner of the device, that is, you, can receive calls.

8. *#30#
Provides the necessary information to determine the number of incoming calls.

These simple combinations can protect you from simple ways to infiltrate your phone from the outside. However, against more complex methods, if they exist, they are unlikely to be reliable protection.

Secret codes for iPhone: pushing the boundaries of what's possible

Did you know that iPhones have secret codes? With their help, you can see a lot: from signal strength to call forwarding status. So, let's see what we can do here:

1. Hide your phone number

If you need to hide your phone number, just perform this simple manipulation, and you will already be calling as “Unknown”.

Sticks and dashes are today a visual representation of signal strength that lacks precision. Enable “Field Test Mode” and dial the number as above. Then, after the call starts, hold down the power button. Once the screen turns off, press the center button and wait until you return to the home screen. You will be interested in the number in the upper left corner of the iPhone, which will replace the sticks indicating signal strength.

3. Find out your unique phone code

It is in the settings, but in order not to search for a long time, just dial the following combination of numbers.

4. Determine where your messages go

Any SMS first reaches the SMS center using a special identification number. To find it out, dial *#5005*7672# and call! Voila!

5. Call barring and call waiting mode

Call barring mode allows you to block incoming and outgoing calls, and the “waiting” mode allows you to hold an ongoing or incoming call. If you have paid for both of these services, you can use the above codes. Share this useful information with your family and friends!

It is running Android. The touchscreen (sensor) works on its own, it works some time after pressing, it is dull, lags, and does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it?

Many users encounter a problem when phone or The Android tablet starts acting up. It seems that it didn’t fall anywhere and wasn’t “watered” with anything, but it doesn’t work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with a touchscreen, i.e. touch input (“sensor”) does not work correctly. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems in the operation of touch input (touchscreen) smartphone or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset", in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving touchscreen problems phone number and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. The best way to monitor system functions, corrects, and correct all possible settings and synchronization errors is a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android-based devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be solved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

The touchscreen (sensor) on an Android phone or tablet does not work well. The touchscreen (sensor) works on its own, it works some time after pressing, it is dull, lags, and does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it?

A modern smartphone, which makes human life easier in many ways, often causes stress. This happens if the phone is buggy. The era of immortal gadgets has passed - now devices have become more complex in their design and software content, due to which they break more often.

To avoid unpleasant emotions, you should treat it with care and monitor its condition. But if enjoying the functionality is already hampered by the fact that your smartphone is buggy, it will tell you what to do. In most cases, even if the phone is frozen and does not respond, you can fix everything yourself. It is enough to determine the cause of the breakdown and find a way to eliminate it.

Where to begin?

First, it’s worth determining exactly why the phone is buggy. Basically, faults are classified into two types:

  • Mechanical damage
  • Violation in the functioning of the software

Many believe that if the screen of their smartphone is intact, and the cover is not held on by tape, then the gadget is in perfect order, and the problem of malfunction is caused by a software failure, not understanding what to do if the device freezes and does not respond to actions.

However, this is not always the case - even one loose contact inside the device can affect the operation of the device, and the aluminum case and protective glass can hide the malfunction, due to which it freezes and does not respond to anything, from the user’s eyes.

Software failure

Freezes when turned on

One of the most common reasons why a phone glitches and users wonder what to do is when it freezes when turning on. You can solve this problem as follows:

What should I do if my phone freezes for a long time and does not respond when turned on? First of all, you need to hold down the volume key along with the power key. Using the volume keys, in the menu that opens, select the Settings item. The select (click) button is the power button. There you should select formatting the system (this will erase all files except system files).

Once formatting is complete, click on Reset android, which will reboot the device, after which the device should return to normal operation. One of the reasons why a fairly reliable Android phone is buggy was considered without the participation of a service center! Now the device should not freeze when turned on. The solution can also be used when you don't know what to do if your phone is frozen and not responding to anything.

Stuck on shutdown

It happens that the phone does not turn off, freezes, refusing to respond to any buttons or presses on the screen. This happens extremely rarely, but you need to know what to do in this situation. To restore functionality, just remove the battery and after 10-15 seconds insert it back. In 90% of cases, this method helps to cure an unpleasant operating system glitch.

If, after the completed procedures, the phone freezes, then you should contact the specialists; most likely the problem is not in the Android platform, but in the hardware of the gadget. It is difficult to predict anything here; each case is individual.

Other types and causes of freezing

As a rule, the reasons why the device does not work correctly, freezes and does not respond (for example, applications installed in the gadget do not respond) are factors such as a lack of hardware resources or memory. Let's figure it out sequentially.

Resource-intensive applications - running in the background, they often ruin the lives of users by absorbing the device’s resource and slowing down its operation. They may be the following programs:

  • Widgets on the desktop
  • Background sync
  • Push notifications

It is quite difficult to figure out which program consumes the most resources. What to do if your phone is frozen and not responding?


What to do if your Samsung phone freezes and won’t turn off? If a Samsung phone malfunctions in this way, solving the problem is quite simple - just hold down the power key for 20 seconds, after which the device will vibrate and reboot.

For devices from other companies, you can use the same method, but it does not always work. What to do if the solution did not help and the gadget is still buggy? In this case, you need to hold down not only the power key, but also one of the volume keys - the same thing will happen.

Wakelock Detector

One solution is to install the Wakelock Detector app. The program will help identify the most power-hungry applications. After the application is installed, the device should be charged to 90% and disconnected from charging, leaving the application on for 1-2 hours (during this time statistics will be collected).

After this time, launch the application - you will see the analyzed statistics in it. The topmost programs consume the most resources. Disabling them optimizes the operation of the device. This is the bottom of the main thing that needs to be done so that the phone does not freeze.

What to do if your Samsung phone still freezes? Perhaps the fact is that there is little free space left on the memory card or memory of the device itself.

When the memory is 80% full, some devices begin to perform much worse. From time to time it is worth doing a thorough cleaning of your device. First, you should get rid of obviously unused programs and irrelevant files. You can do this manually or use a special application - clean master. After installing it, you can get rid of garbage in a few clicks. It's also worth clearing your cache.

Minor problems

The device can frustrate the user with smaller, but still unpleasant glitches. Let's look at their solutions:

  • The lost network signal is restored by switching the device to airplane mode and then turning off this mode.
  • If it is difficult to detect the SIM card, you should remove it and return it to the slot.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in getting rid of errors and glitches in the Android system. Any user can solve problems in no time; just read this article. Be careful and careful, and everything will work out, see you on the pages of the site!


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