What is my bios version? How to find out the BIOS version

In most cases, when it is necessary to configure a computer at a more advanced level, we will need to know our BIOS version(on the Internet you may come across an alternative name: input/output device).

There are a large number of ways to find out your BIOS version; we suggest considering the main six.

Step 1. Reboot the computer (or simply turn it on if it is currently turned off).

Step 2. At the top left of the boot screen you will be able to see your BIOS version.

Important! This loading screen will only be displayed for a couple of moments. In order to stay on it, you need to have time to press one of the keys: “Break” or “Pause”.

Method 2. In the BIOS itself

If you know how to go into the BIOS settings, then it is there that you can also see your version of the input/output device.

Step 1. Reboot or turn on the computer.

Step 2. During the boot screen, press the keys to enter the BIOS settings.

Advice! If you don’t know the key combination to enter, we recommend trying one of the most common: Del, F1, F2, Esc, F8.

Step 3.

Advice! If you do not understand how the BIOS works, then we strongly we do not recommend change settings in it: this may cause problems with the performance of your computer!

Method 3. Use the WINDOWS registry

If you want to learn a slightly more advanced method, then follow the instructions below.

Step 1. Press the key combination “Win+R”.

Step 2. In the window that appears, enter “regedit” in the empty field and press “Enter” or “Ok”.

Step 3. The Windows registry will appear in front of you; in it you need to follow the following chain of commands: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/HARDWARE/DESCRIPTION/System/BIOS.

Step 4. On the right side, look for the line “BIOSVersion”. The value of this line is the BIOS version.

Method 4: Through the System Information window

There are several methods to open this window.

Method 1. Use the Windows Task Manager

Step 1. Open the “Task Manager” using one of the combinations “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” or “Ctrl+Alt+Del”.

Step 2. In the window that appears, click “New task” (“Newtask” if the English version of the OS is installed).

Step 3.

Method 2: Using the keyboard shortcut “Win+R”

Step 1. Press the key combination “Win+R”.

Step 2. In the window that appears, enter “msinfo32” into the empty field and click “Ok”.

Advice! The “+” sign between the keys means that they must be pressed simultaneously

Method 3: Through the search bar in the Start menu

Step 1. Press the “Win” key on the keyboard or the corresponding icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Step 2.

After successfully applying one of the methods described above, the “System Information” window will open in front of you, in which you can view your BIOS version.

Method 5. Use the WINDOWS command line

Step 1. Press the Win+R keys at the same time.

Step 2. Enter “CMD” into the empty field, then click “Ok” or press “Enter”.

Step 3. In the window that opens, enter “wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion” and press the “Enter” key. After this, you can find information about the BIOS.

Method 6. Use third-party programs

Your own, using all kinds of applications. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the three most popular: AIDA64, CPU-Z, Speccy. Please note that these programs are not pre-installed on your computer, which means you must install them yourself.

Method 1. Find out the BIOS version using AIDA64

Step 1. Open the program.

Step 2. In the main menu of the program, go to the “System Board” or “Mainboard” subsection.

Step 3. Select the next subsection “BIOS”. Now in the box on the right you will see detailed information about your BIOS.

Method 2. Find out the BIOS version using the CPU-Z program

Step 1. Open the program.

Step 2. Go to the “Mainboard” or “Board” menu (you can find them at the top of the program).

Step 3. In the “BIOS” subsection you will find the information you are looking for.

Method 3. Find out the BIOS version using the Speccy program

Step 1. Let's launch the program.

Step 2. On the left side of the program, select “Motherboard” or “Mainboard”.

Step 3. We find the “BIOS” subsection on the right side and click on it with the mouse: detailed information will open in front of you.

So now you have many ways to determine your BIOS version, good luck!

Video - How to view the BIOS version

Video - How to find out the BIOS version of the motherboard

Information about the version of the installed BIOS can be useful when updating it. After all, knowing the version, you can determine whether a newer build of the base system exists. In this article you will find several ways to find out the BIOS version on a laptop, all of them are simple and will not cause any difficulties.

Instructions on how to find out the BIOS version on a laptop

There are four methods by which you can find out the BIOS version:

  1. go to the BIOS and look at the information there;
  2. obtain information from the operating system registry;
  3. use the command line;
  4. use third-party utilities to diagnose the system.

The first method is less convenient, since to implement it you need to reboot the system and enter the BIOS (read here). But if you choose this method, then information about the base system is usually located in the Main tab (depending on the computer manufacturer, the name may differ from the one given).

Via the system registry


Using the command line

Instructions on how to find out which BIOS is on a laptop using the command line:

  1. press Win+R keys;
  2. enter the line into the window cmd and click OK;
  3. paste the command into the window that opens wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion and press Enter.

If everything is done correctly, in the same window you will see information about the version of your BIOS.

Third party utilities

If your laptop has a system diagnostic program installed, you can take advantage of its capabilities. Almost all utilities of this class provide detailed information about the system, including the BIOS. Let's look at how to find out which BIOS is on a laptop, using the AIDA64 program as an example:

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I think the topic will be useful for you: how to find out the BIOS version motherboard asus, gigabyte, msi. In fact, there are several techniques. Everyone will decide for themselves which one to use for themselves. All methods can be tested on an Acer, HP, Lenovo laptop.

Let me make a reservation right away, here there will be examples using additional programs, through which you can not only determine the BIOS version, but also collect a lot of other useful information. So I advise you to download them.

Standard methods for collecting information about BIOS

Method 1. When starting the computer, when checking the hardware configuration, remember the necessary information. If startup occurs at lightning speed, press the PAUSE BREAK key. This will freeze the operating system from starting. You will be able to find out the BIOS manufacturer, as well as its current version.

This method does not apply to all motherboards. It may be that BIOS information is not reflected due to the hardware configuration. After pressing the PAUSE BREAK key, the system may skip the required data, and you will see a black screen. To start the system in this case, press the key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL.

I would say that this is more of a crazy method, but it still provides information. Next we will discuss more objective and fully working options.

Method 2. You need . To do this, after starting the PC, press the F2 or DEL keys. Blue (gray) background and menu on English language marks a successful entry into the control system.

Browse through the main sections and look for an option called SYSTEM (BIOS) INFORMATION. The current one is visible here BIOS firmware version and date.

Often at the top or bottom of the screen there is information about the type of firmware, for example, it could be AWARD, AMI BIOS. It all depends on the motherboard brand.

Method 3. The most universal way to get information about the current BIOS version. Let's take a shortcut that works in Windows 7, vista, XP. Hotkeys will help with this.

Press the windows+R icon on the keyboard to open a window for launching programs and utilities. We copy and paste the MSINFO32 command, which opens the “” window. In the “element” section, visually look for “BIOS version”, opposite which you will see the type, version, and date of the BIOS firmware.

Additional programs

Information about the BIOS version can also be collected by specialized programs. We will talk about them. If you suddenly have the utilities described below installed, you can say with confidence that you will use them. There is nothing more practical and convenient than using the functionality of programs aimed at this.

Of course, one determination of BIOS characteristics utilities are not limited. Basically, the functionality is aimed at collecting all the characteristics of the computer and optimizing its operation.

First Everest Home Edition is free. There is a paid version, but the capabilities of the Home Edition are quite enough. It has extensive functionality that allows you to find out the characteristics of all components down to the smallest detail.

It is also worth noting that the utility shows the temperature of components, fan speed, and recommendations for improving performance. At the moment we are interested in how to use this software to determine the version and type of BIOS.

The menu on the left contains the names of the various components. The required item is called "COMPUTER". After clicking on the plus sign, you need to select the DMI partition, then BIOS. Here you will find out a bunch of different data, namely manufacturer, version, date.

Second CPU-Z program. It has similar characteristics to the first one. Monitors in real time changes in processor frequencies and RAM.

When loading, the utility collects statistical data for some time. The interface is simple and consists of 7 tabs. In order to find out the BIOS version, go to the “PAYMENT” tab and get the treasured information.

As you can see, there are many ways to find out. This is done both in a standard way using existing capabilities, and using third-party software. It is better to download one program of this type. After all, this is a powerful tool for tracking and identifying deficiencies in the system.

Check which BIOS version your computer is using and install it as quickly and safely as possible new version The BIOS for the motherboard is quite simple. If you need to update your computer's BIOS, be very careful! If your PC freezes or loses power during the process, BIOS firmware or UEFI may be corrupted. This will make your computer unmanageable - it will become a “brick”.

Restart your computer and pay attention to the version

The "traditional" way to check the BIOS version on your computer is to monitor the version symbol that appears on the screen when your computer boots.
Here's how to do it: Restart your computer if it's working well enough to do this. If not, manually turn off the power and then start the computer. Pay close attention to how your computer starts and pay attention to the BIOS version shown on the screen.

Tip 1: Some computers, especially those made by large manufacturers, show a computer logo screen instead of the POST results, which contains the BIOS version number. Pressing Esc or Tab usually removes the logo screen and shows the necessary information behind it.

Tip 2: If the POST results screen disappears too quickly, try pressing the Pause key on your keyboard. Most motherboards pause the boot process, allowing enough time for the BIOS version number to be read.

Write down the BIOS version number as shown on the screen. It's not always 100% clear which of the given strings of letters and numbers on the screen is the version number, so make a note of everything.

Advice. Take a photo! If you are lucky enough to pause the upload process on the POST results screen, take a photo from your phone. This will give you a screenshot and you can view the version at any time.

Run the BIOS update program

Updating the BIOS is not done manually. In most cases, you will use a special BIOS update tool supplied by your computer or motherboard manufacturer to complete this task.

More often than not, this tool will clearly show the current version that is installed, even if you are not ready to update the BIOS or are not sure that you need it. Tool BIOS updates can only be used to check the current version.

First, you need to find online support for your computer or motherboard manufacturer, and then download and run the tool. There is no need to update anything, so skip these later steps in the instructions.

Note. This method works when your computer won't start and only if the BIOS updater for your motherboard is bootable. In other words, if the BIOS updater only comes from Windows, you will have to stick with the first method.

Using Microsoft System Information (MSINFO32)

An easier way to check the BIOS version running on your computer's motherboard is with a program called Microsoft System Information. Not only does this method not require you to restart your computer, it's already included in Windows, meaning there's nothing to download or install. Here's how to check the BIOS version using Microsoft System Information:

In the Run window or search box, enter the following:


The System Information window will appear on the screen.
Click System Information if it is not already highlighted.
On the right in the “Item” column, find the entry “BIOS Version / Date”.

Note. You may also need to know who made your motherboard and what model it is. You will find these values ​​in the base elements “Main Board Model” and “Main Board Name”.

Make a note of the BIOS version as reported here. You can also export the results of this report via File > Export in the System Information menu. Microsoft System Information is a great tool, but it doesn't always tell you the BIOS version number.

Using third party software

If Microsoft System Information doesn't give you the BIOS version information, there are several system information tools you can try, and many of them are much more thorough than MSINFO32.
Download AIDA64 Extreme - a shareware system information tool for Windows.

Note. There are some really good tools out there, but AIDA64 Extreme is my favorite. It's shareware and shows more information about your computer than similar tools. You can download it from here: http://soft.softodrom.ru

Install and run AIDA64 Extreme. Wait while the program scans your computer. This usually takes from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.

Select Computer > Motherboard > BIOS from the left menu. Please note the version listed in the BIOS subcategory on the right. This is the BIOS version you have installed.

How to find out the BIOS version? This question is asked by every user who decides to update their system utility. Why is this? It's simple: before updating the BIOS, you need to find out which version is already installed on your computer; perhaps it does not need updating. It is also worth considering that this information will avoid flashing early version BIOS, which can have a detrimental effect on the performance of your computer.

Information on system firmware is the main indicator of a computer’s firmware; it is what allows you to understand what stage of improvement your system is at. It is also necessary, since it allows you to improve the settings of the system utility, and this, in turn, allows you to improve the technical settings of your computer (reducing the noise of coolers, improving support for bundles of computer components, etc.). Before you start updating, you need to know the exact numbering of the system utility.

Video - 2 easy ways to find out the BIOS version

You should familiarize yourself with the list of methods that will allow you to find out the BIOS version and carry out this procedure easily and with the greatest safety indicator. Read the methods carefully, then you will be able to update the BIOS without any help.

Ways to obtain information about BIOS:

BIOS system utility

This is the easiest way to find out what version of BIOS you have installed. This is done by first booting the computer. You need to press a certain key combination “Alt+F...” (which key “F” you need to press, you can find out in the information displayed on the boot screen) and after you go into the BIOS, find the word “Version”, next to which there will be a set of numbers and symbols indicating your firmware.

Computer registry

Information about the BIOS version can be found by contacting standard means Windows - system registry

To understand what firmware you have installed on your motherboard, and to do this directly from your desktop, it is recommended to use the computer's registry. To call it, you must first execute the command: press the key combination “Windows + R”, then enter the command “regedit” and click “run”. You will find that an additional window has appeared on your desktop with a large number of files.

In order to find out the data on the system utility, you need to go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” section, then select the “HARDWARE” section, in it go to the “DESCRIPTION” folder, in which you find the “BIOS” folder. After this, on the right side of the screen you need to find the “BIOSVersion” file and open it. The data in this file will tell you the BIOS information.

Special programs

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of paid and free utilities, allowing you to find out the complete data of your computer, starting from the equipment, ending with the smallest details of each part. There are dozens of such programs that, in addition to information, also offer various additional functions like automatic update etc. But all programs have one common advantage: they allow you to find out what version your BIOS is.

In addition to the registry, information about the revision and other BIOS data can be found using specialized utilities - Everest or Piriform Speccy

Among the abundance of such programs, it is recommended to choose only two: Everest and Priform Speccy. They are not too busy in terms of interface and allow you to find out which version of the system utility firmware is contained in just a couple of mouse clicks. But first, of course, you should download and install them, this will take a few minutes.

After starting the program, you need to click the “Test” or “Scan” button (depending on the program) so that the program can determine all the necessary information. Then you need to go to the “Motherboard” (or Motherboard) tab, find the “Bios” section in it, and you will receive information that will show which BIOS version you have installed. This data is contained in the "Version" section.

Command line

The third and easiest way to find out what BIOS you have and its version is to run a WMI query from the command line

If you are a fan of detailed operations, then the method carried out through the command line is suitable for you. Windows string. First you need to call this command line, which is done by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Windows + R”. This will launch a special window for entering commands. In the window you need to enter the command “cmd” and press “Ok” (or Enter). This procedure will allow you to call the command line, but if you have an operating system Windows system 8.1, then just press “Windows + X”.

After the command line appears on the desktop, you need to enter the command “wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion” in the window. It will allow you to call a combination of symbols in the window that will show the BIOS data.

Now you know how to find out the version of the system utility. Use it, choose the method that is most suitable for you and apply the information received for the right purposes. Carefully follow the specified procedure, and you will definitely succeed.

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