We change the old SIM card to NanoSim. How to change the location of default user folders in Windows

Change, change, modify, transform, alter; exchange, replace, barter Dictionary of Russian synonyms. change see exchange Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z.E.A... Synonym dictionary

CHANGE (SIA) see change, change. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sov. trans. decomposition the same as exchanging Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Change, change, change, change, change, change, change, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, change, change, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed,... ... Forms of words

change- change, yay, yay... Russian spelling dictionary

change- (I), change / yu (sya), nya / eat (sya), nya / yut (sya) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

change- 1. Syn: change, change, modify (book), transform (book), modify 2. Syn: exchange, replace (colloquial), exchange ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

change- see change... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Yayu, yayu; changed; nyan, a, o; St. 1. (unsw. change). Give what is yours and receive something else in its place, usually of equal value; exchange. P. books. P. TV on washing machine. P. change her maiden name to her husband's last name. P. old wife for a new one (joking). P.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

change- I/yu, I/eat; marked; nyan, a, o; St. 1) (new me/t) To give away what is yours and receive something else instead, usually of equal value; exchange. Change books. Exchange the TV for a washing machine. Change your maiden name to your husband's last name. P … Dictionary of many expressions


  • How to exchange crisis, misfortune and misfortune for prosperity, money and well-being. The book is to help! , Sister Stephanie. This book will help you fulfill your deepest desire. The most powerful practices are collected here: managing the energy of pyramids, water coding techniques, turning to Guardian Angels for help.…
  • Male infidelity: how to change Eden for Sodom, Lisa Piterkina. 7 tips for women who don’t hear their men and want to exchange Eden for Sodom...

You will need

  • To change your account type, you will need to be logged in as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.


Click the Start button and open Control Panel. Find and open User Accounts.

Creating a password. In this dialog you need to enter New Password, confirm it and enter, if desired, a security question. In the OS Windows password may consist of letters, numbers, symbols and spaces. The case of characters in the password is case sensitive. To ensure the security of your computer, it is recommended to always use reliable ones, i.e. a password consisting of at least eight characters, does not contain words and does not match those used previously.

Change Password. In this dialog you need to enter the current password, a new password, confirm it and, if desired, enter a security question.

Select a new picture. On this page, you can change the picture that appears next to your username on the system screen and in the Start menu. The user account picture makes it easier to identify the user account on your computer. You can select a drawing from the list of suggested ones or upload your own by clicking “Search for other drawings...”. You can use an image of any size for this purpose, but with one of the following file name extensions: JPG, PNG, BMP or GIF.

Change account type. This action is only available to an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. For most users, it is recommended to use regular accounts.
Users with “Regular Access” can use most programs and change some system settings that do not affect the security of the computer. Administrators have full access to system settings and can make any changes.
For Windows, you need at least one administrator account on your computer. If there is only one account on the computer, then it is impossible to make it a regular one.

They work well in organics and it’s more convenient for me to look for instructions here than in the notes. I hope it will be useful to someone in the reader.

After installation, a standard domain was immediately added to Vesta - default.domain, but it doesn’t always work as it should: when you open an IP address, or when you go to a domain that is linked but not added to the panel, sometimes a random site that was recently added to the server starts opening. Figuring out what’s going on is long and lazy, so crutches come into play.

Separate site for stub

First you need to add any domain that fits the role of a stub. You can leave the default domain, but I recommend creating a real subdomain, like vps1.site.com, on which to make the main plug. It is convenient to ping your server in any situation, without remembering the IP, but simply by subdomain.

How to set a standard domain in Vesta

For the stub Vesta takes first domain, which can be reached in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/vesta.conf file. We go to the server via ssh and open it:

Sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/vesta.conf

Here is a list of loaded configuration files. You need to find the path to the config of the required stub site and move it to the beginning, but after the standard conf files.

Save the file with the combination Ctrl + O and restart the web server with the command:

Sudo service httpd restart

Now the correct domain will always be displayed. If it stops working, repeat the instructions.

operating room Windows system by default provides users with special folders to save their data, such as Documents, Music, Videos, Images and so on. Most programs are configured to save user data in these directories. By default, all these folders are located on drive C: in the section Users. However, if your operating system becomes depressed and the only cure is a complete reinstallation with disk formatting, then all your data will be lost forever. Therefore, I want to remind, especially novice users, a simple way to avoid these troubles.

So, to safely store your data even if Windows fails, you must first take care of transferring it to another drive. It's best if your computer has two physical drives, but another partition of the same drive will work too.

The first step is to open your home directory, which is located at


Then select the folder that we want to transfer, right-click on it and select the item in the context menu Properties. In the window that appears, go to the tab Location.

Here we see three buttons, we are interested in the middle one - Move. After clicking it, a folder selection window appears in which we must specify the new location of the standard directory. All that remains is to confirm your choice by clicking OK, and then allow the files to be transferred to a new location in the pop-up dialog box.

Such easy setup, applied to all the folders with your data you need, can save great amount nerves and time in case of sudden failure of Windows. You simply reinstall the system, then again specify the path to your data folders on another drive and get back all your photos, movies, music, documents and even your Desktop. I recommend that you do this simple maneuver immediately after installing the system.

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