Messengers whatsapp viber. What is better WhatsApp or Viber? Advantages of Viber and its installation on the device

The fight between WhatsApp and Viber began many years ago. But initially she was on the side of the second messenger. Viber or whatsapp, which is better? This question interests many people who are just beginning to understand the capabilities of their smartphone. Sooner or later they end up in the Play Market and think about which program to start using.

The best option would be to use both utilities step by step, only then you can, as a real user, decide on the best option. Otherwise, you can only get acquainted with the dry facts. In terms of popularity, WhatsApp was significantly inferior to Viber until it was bought out by the owner of Facebook in 2014. Then the golden era of this utility began, which continues to this day.

In terms of demand, WhatsApp has more than one billion customers. At the same time, Viber boasts only 600 million customers. In essence, the programs are very similar, both allow you to communicate via the Internet, send messages and files over vast distances. It doesn’t matter how far your friend is, get the Internet and communicate with him by sending instant SMS.

WhatsApp or Viber – let’s decide

It's worth considering the small benefits of each program. For example, in Viber you can use video calling, which is not and never has been in WhatsApp. That is, these programs are the heirs of Skype, which provided a similar opportunity. But this utility worked on a computer and was created specifically for it. The mobile version was not as high quality and popular.

Viber and are the latest generation messengers, with all the advantages of this “weight” category. It is very difficult to choose the best one. For example, WhatsApp has significantly more stickers and various emoticons. Most of them are free, while on Viber the choice is very limited. The best stickers are paid, which cannot but upset people who use this utility.

In terms of speed and functionality, both programs are practically twins. But it’s still worth making a choice and finally putting an end to this dispute. Therefore, we will give an example and consider each advantage separately. Only in this case can we give an adequate assessment of each program and draw a conclusion about their performance. But don’t forget that both utilities are leaders in popularity.

What is the difference between Viber and WhatsApp - from A to Z

The result is a draw. If you need a utility that will allow you to make video calls and communicate with people on a landline phone, then Viber will be your choice. If you need a convenient, beautiful and simple messenger in which you will sometimes make calls, then this is WhatsApp.

Today, every tablet and smartphone user installs applications for communication and instant exchange of information on their gadget. The most popular of them are Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Google Talk, Trillian. In fact, there are several dozen messengers, but most often mobile device users install Viber or WhatsApp - which is better, everyone decides for themselves. The programs have advantages and disadvantages. They are not completely interchangeable, since they have different sets of functions. and WhatsApp is due to the fact that they are compatible with a large number of smartphones and tablets running on Android, iOS, Windows and even Symbian. It should be noted that users often install both programs on their gadget. This allows you to expand the possibilities of communication through mobile technologies.

Which messenger with a graphical shell and the largest range of functions should you choose - Viber or WhatsApp?

What features do WhatsApp and Viber support?

Viber or WhatsApp are great for exchanging text messages with other users. Moreover, both messengers are Russified, which ensures ease of use for residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belarus. Viber and WhatsApp allow you to share media files. However, the speed of image transfer will depend on the Internet connection. Viber allows you to make video calls and voice calls. Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not allow for calls. Thus, users who install WhatsApp are forced to additionally use Viber.

You can find out what the difference is between Viber and WhatsApp by studying the additional features of the applications. Viber allows you to make calls to mobile and landline numbers of unregistered users, as well as send messages to numbers mobile operators. It should be noted that Viber is installed by almost all owners of smartphones and tablets. This allows us to conclude that such functions are a convenient and necessary addition that expands the capabilities of the messenger. It should be noted that both programs allow you to send messages to a large number of users. WhatsApp and Viber mailings are carried out through additional services.

All smartphone and tablet owners should understand that WhatsApp is an application that can be installed for free, but after one year you will need to buy a subscription for the next year, which costs $1. This price, of course, is not high, but it may sway some people’s preferences towards Viber, which not only has a large range of capabilities, but is also distributed absolutely free. At the same time he.

Compatible with mobile operating systems

The most well-known operating systems support the most popular instant messengers. Anyone wishing to install WhatsApp must have a mobile device running on iOS 3.4 or higher, Windows Phone 7.5, Blackberry. Owners of old Nokia smartphones should know that the installation of the messenger will be successful, starting with the Nokia S40 model.

Viber is available to all owners Nokia phones S40 Symbian and higher. Moreover, the application also supports higher versions, Windows Phone 7.5, Windows 8, Android 2.0, Bada. As you can see, both programs have no compatibility problems various devices. For this reason, owners of various gadgets make their choice based on other factors.

Both communication programs have a beautiful and user-friendly interface that allows you to quickly perform basic functions. At the same time, the developers' policy is aimed at simplifying the interface, which is perhaps the trend in most modern programs for mobile devices. It is very important that when using instant messengers, your phone or tablet is connected to high-speed Internet. Otherwise, it will be impossible to make video calls and send large media files. If you want to share only text information, you can use any Internet connection.

The Viber application is a tool for sending messages and calls using the Internet. Also, thanks to this messenger, users can freely send each other multimedia files, such as music, videos and photos. Unlike mobile communications, you do not need to pay for each message or call; you only need to pay for the Internet once.

Another great advantage of the program is the absence of advertising. The developers promise that it will not appear in the near future. If you have already used the social network VKontakte, then most likely you know what stickers are. So, Viber also has such stickers. They can either be downloaded for free or purchased for a certain price. Advertising of such stickers notifies the user about updates.

The developer can make money only by selling these stickers, and also provides the opportunity to call from Viber to the phone numbers of those who do not have this program installed. This service is called Viber out. The creators of the application promise that even more paid features will appear soon. But the good news is that those services that are now free will remain so.

Difference between Viber and WhatsApp

If speak about WhatsApp application, then it is completely identical to the program described above.

Here are a few more main differences:

  • Call on mobile numbers, where the program is not installed, it is impossible.
  • There are no stickers or stickers on WhatsApp. There are only emoticons and the ability to insert pictures in .GIF format.

Minor differences include the main colors of the interface, but this is not so important, since the user can get used to any design. Only at the beginning of 2016 (in January) the subscription fee was removed. Previously, a fee for using the messenger was charged in the amount of 0.99 USD.

Most owners of electronic devices prefer to have two applications at once, Viber and WhatsApp. Although the programs are competitors, they cannot replace each other. Viber has more features, but some users notice that WhatsApp is a little more pleasant to use.

Obvious advantages

So, the advantages of these programs include the following points:

  • Save money when communicating with friends and family. You just need to pay for Internet traffic.
  • In a matter of seconds, you can send photos, videos, music and interesting stories to one or more people at once.
  • Registration in programs is simple and fast. An account is considered to be the phone number with which you register. All contacts on your mobile device are automatically synchronized into the application.
  • Communication possibilities are not limited, you can talk as much as you like.
  • It consumes less internet when making calls and messages. Consumes from 0.65 to 6.23 MB per hour.

The history of the creation of Viber and WhatsApp


The founder of this application is considered to be Talmon Marko. In 2010, he and Igor Magazinik created this wonderful program. The idea of ​​​​creating a messenger appeared after Talmon received a degree in computer technology and management. After a certain time, he had to go to Asia, but it was very difficult to maintain contact with family and friends. It was difficult to talk on Skype, and sending SMS via mobile phone was expensive. It was these inconveniences that prompted Marco to create what we now have under the name Viber.

The application began testing among users in Israel. It was launched in the AppStore. Immediately on the first day, 18 users downloaded the program. After 21 days there were already 31,000 of them. And when the opportunity to use Viber became available to people all over the world, after 30 days the program was downloaded by 2 million people.

Thanks to such popularity, developers do not need to spend money on advertising; people advertise Viber on their own.


The creator of WhatsApp is considered to be Ukrainian Jan Kum, who was born in Fastov. The 36-year-old developer profitably sold his development to Facebook for $16 billion. And after another 4 years, the company paid the team of creators an additional $3 billion.

Forbes wrote that Jan Koum's financial fortune was 6.8 billion. It is interesting that the sale agreement and the transaction itself took place in the social assistance building, where the creator had previously come to receive a food voucher.

WhatsApp features and how to use them

To ensure the effectiveness of programs, you need to try them in practice. First you need to deal with WhatsApp.

After you have downloaded the program and installed it, a window will open in front of you in which you will see five tabs with the following names:

  1. Favorites.
  2. Status.
  3. Contacts.
  4. Chats.
  5. Settings.

So, let's take a closer look at each tab.


The contacts you have marked as most important are displayed here. These are the people you contact most often.


A change in status is necessary, for example, when you are very busy and do not want anyone to bother you. There are a few standard templates, as well as the opportunity to write something of your own.


This tab displays all phone numbers. There is also a function to add a new number; to do this, you need to click the plus icon, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Next to each contact its status is displayed.


Would you like to re-read an important correspondence with a friend? Then go to this tab. There are all the tools for working with dialogues here. To create a new chat, you need to click on the special shortcut located at the top right. To permanently delete the history of one specific correspondence, you need to click on the word “Change”, which is located at the top left. After this, next to each dialogue there will be a red minus sign, with which you can delete it.

To send the same information to multiple contacts at once, simply click on the green button at the bottom of the screen and select participants from your existing contact list.

The main WhatsApp window looks like this: on the right side are your messages, they are highlighted in green, on the left side are the messages of your interlocutor, they are highlighted in gray. At the top of the screen you can see the name of the user you are chatting with and his avatar.

To start entering text, tap on the typing line and the keyboard will appear. On this line on the right side there is a shortcut for the microphone and camera. A microphone is needed to send a voice message. Tap and hold the icon while you speak. After this, a recording of your voice will be sent to the interlocutor. By clicking on the camera, you can take an instant photo and immediately send it to another user.

There is an arrow on the left side of the typing bar that opens a menu with more options. For example, using this menu you can send any file, it can be photos, video or audio, and even a contact.

Setting up chat and calls

Thanks to this tab, you can configure the application to work as you wish. For example, you can specify how and when exactly received media files will be saved.

In the “About the program” section you can find out which version of WhatsApp is installed, as well as use the support service.

People who have not yet downloaded this application to their smartphone can send an invitation by clicking on the “Tell a friend” button.

Also in the settings you can change your profile settings, select an avatar and make other adjustments.

To change your privacy settings or delete account, you need to click on the section of the same name.

Traffic savings

In the chat settings, you can change the background of the dialogues that you constantly see during correspondence. In the “Data and Storage” item, you can cancel the automatic downloading of all photos and other files to the device’s memory, so as not to clog it, or select from the list which documents can be downloaded only via Wi-Fi, and which via the Network.


If you are already tired of constant notifications about received messages, turn them off in the “Notifications” settings item. There you can select a melody, enable vibration or pop-up windows. It is possible to set a melody for incoming calls as well.

As you can see, using WhatsApp is not that difficult. Developers are constantly introducing something new to improve the program's performance. For example, quite recently it became possible to download an application to a computer or use it online through a browser.

Viber features and how to use them

The application interface is identical to WhatsApp described above, however, this program has additional features. There are 5 main tabs here:

  • Chats;
  • Challenges;
  • Contacts;
  • Public accounts;
  • Sticker store.


Here you can see all the correspondence that you had with your contacts.

The peculiarity of Viber is that it allows you to create groups of several contacts in order to simultaneously communicate with many users. To create such a group, you need to click on the blue button with the + image and from the list you need to select those interlocutors whom you want to join.


Here you can call any number. The principle is the same as when making calls on a regular mobile phone. You may see a gray bar at the bottom that says “Open Keyboard.” Using it, you can dial any phone number if it is not in your contacts list.


The application automatically syncs with phone book and transfers all contacts to its memory. To find a number faster, you can set up sorting by availability of a Viber subscriber. To add a new user, click on the plus label in the same tab.


There are general chats here, which have several hundred, or even thousands of subscribers. It's a bit like communities on a social network. Users can find a public page on a topic that interests them and read information in it.

The “More” tab allows you to make some changes to the settings, such as changing your avatar, your name used in your profile, etc.

There are also several other sections in this tab. For example, you can talk about Viber on social networks.

QR scanner

Your personal QR code is also located here; if you scan it, you can immediately go to your profile. To do this, click on the “Scan QR code” item. With its help, you can also read and add contacts from another device.


In the sticker store you can choose any sticker pack you like. This can be either paid or free option. This section is constantly updated. There is also very convenient search emoticons by keywords, without leaving the application and many other equally interesting features!

Viber Out

If you need to make frequent calls to mobile. numbers or landlines that are not in Viber, go to the “Viber Out” section. There you can top up your account to make such calls or get money for free by completing the available special offer. The image shows that you will receive $0.50 in your account after you install the game and level up your character to 16.


In the “Settings” section there are several items that allow you to improve the operation of the application.

Go to your privacy settings and configure the items that are important to you. Here you can enable or disable the “Online” option or not display the message status “Read”, see the numbers you have blocked (if you are tired of a number with your calls, you can blacklist it, then the subscriber will no longer be able to contact you ), connect via Facebook or Twitter. Here you can easily disable your account.


To be notified of new messages or contacts, set up notifications.

The “Calls and Messages” section allows you to specify whether you can receive calls from subscribers who do not use Viber. For those who want to save important correspondence, there is an “E-mail Log” item, with which you can send all chats to your email. Or you can delete all dialogs by clicking on the appropriate item.


Automatic downloading of all incoming multimedia files can greatly clog up the device. Therefore, in the "Multimedia Settings" section, disable this feature or allow it only through wireless network. This will also save Internet traffic.

You can enable deletion of old audio/video; if you enable this option, then all multimedia for the last 24 hours will be automatically deleted from memory.

The “Screen” item allows you to set the background screen that you will see in the chat room when communicating with your interlocutor.

Synchronizing contacts

General settings allow you to manage your contacts. For example, set up synchronization of contacts from the application with the address book or iCloud.

The "Information" section provides all the information about the program you are using, including its version.

It is worth noting that the arrangement of tabs in the program may differ depending on the version of Viber.

Now you can open the “Chats” tab and any correspondence in it. At the top left you will see the name of the interlocutor and information about the last time he was online. On the right are several icons with which you can make a voice or video call.

At the bottom of the screen there is an input line, however, just like in WhatsApp. There will be a plus icon on the left, clicking on which will open a menu with additional sending or animation options. IN new versions program, this icon is replaced by other icons. Figuring out how to send a photo or video is very simple. All icons are intuitive. On the right side of the line there is a microphone and video icon. Using the first one you can send a voice message, using the second one you can record and send a video.

At the top right there is a gear - these are settings. In new versions of the program, chat settings can be found in the same place, only instead of a gear there is an icon consisting of three vertical dots.

Review of Viber and WhatsApp versions for computer

Now not only Viber works successfully on the computer, but also WhatsApp (Windows 8 and above (32-bit) and Mac OS). WhatsApp must be installed on your phone. PC version appeared quite recently, previously users could only use WhatsApp using an emulator, a program that simulates Android.

Unlike Viber, WhatsApp for computer completely copies the application for Android, so it’s not difficult to understand. But Viber for Windows is a little different from mobile version.

You can download this program directly from the developer’s official website. Installation is performed in the same way as other programs: you need to click on the file icon that appears in the download window. Then execute automatic installation. You will see a program shortcut on your computer desktop. Click it to launch the messenger.

A window will appear in which you need to indicate whether you already have an account on your mobile device.

Since Viber is for PC, it is linked to a mobile phone. Therefore, first, you must initially download the application to your smartphone or tablet.

After you answer “yes” to the question about the availability of a mobile version of the application, you will be asked to enter the phone number on which you are registered.

To activate your account, enter the code that will be sent to the number you specified. To receive the code, you will need to launch the application on your smartphone. You will be given the opportunity to scan a QR code and use it to activate your account.

If everything is done correctly, activation will be successful. After logging into the program on your computer, you can get acquainted with its interface. It is very similar to Skype.

Navigation menu

At the top are the menu sections. Just below are icons such as:

  • Dialogues.
  • Contacts.
  • Public accounts.
  • Dialer.

In the “Dialogues” tab, you can familiarize yourself with the conversations that you had with users previously. In the “Contacts” section you will find phone numbers of people you can call and write to. They are automatically synchronized with the Android application.

If there is a small Viber logo near the contact on the right side, it means that this person uses the messenger. Using the “All” and “Viber Only” tabs, you can sort your available phone numbers.

In the “Dialer” tab you will see numeric keypad ordinary mobile phone. Here you can manually dial the number of a person who is not yet in your contacts list. If you want to try the Viber Out service, make sure that you have a sufficient amount of funds in your account. To top up, click on the “$0.00” button.

The “Public Accounts” tab is somewhat reminiscent of communities from social networks. You can find a general chat on a topic that interests you and subscribe. The operating principle of these public accounts is somewhat reminiscent of Twitter.

Settings options

In the upper right corner next to the balance image there is a gear symbol, clicking on which will open the settings.

In addition to notifications and other settings, you can change the chat background here.

On the left are the contacts you have communicated with. On the right is a list of emoticons and stickers. Below in the input line you can download a multimedia file or send a voice message. Otherwise, everything is the same as in the mobile version. For ease of use, the developers have provided the ability to open all functions in the form of a list with one right-click in the dialog box.


The PC version takes into account all the wishes of users; using Viber is a pleasure. But the developers from the WhatsApp team are also developing and improving their development. In conclusion, we would like to advise you to install both of these programs, since you will most likely communicate with friends from foreign countries using one messenger, and from the countries of the former CIS using another messenger.

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What is the difference between Viber and WhatsApp, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Many people are interested in the question of what Viber and WhatsApp are, what their advantages and differences are. These are applications that users install on their devices, allowing them to instantly exchange information. They are most popular among existing programs. This is due to their compatibility with tablets and smartphones running on such operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS, Symbian. Some consumers install both apps on their smartphone. This allows them to expand their ability to communicate with other users. Let's look at how to connect WhatsApp and Viber to mobile device.

Advantages of Viber and its installation on the device

The idea of ​​​​creating Viber belongs to Tel Aviv native Talmon Marko and his companion Igor Magazinnik, a native of Russia. The application was first launched in Israel. 18 users installed it on their mobile device. After 3 weeks, there were more than 30 thousand of them; a month later, the number of people using Viber became about two million. This shows how convenient and economical it is. Due to the fact that it is free, people living in different parts of the world can communicate with each other, send messages, photos and all kinds of images. For Viber installations you need to do the following:

  • Go to Play Store on Lenovo or another smartphone.
  • In the window that opens, find the required application. If it is not there, you need to enter its name in the search bar.
  • As soon as a purple icon appears on the screen, inside of which there is a handset, you need to click on the button labeled “Install”.

  • On the new image that appears, you need to find the “Accept” button and click on it. After this, the installation of the application will start.

  • Once the installation is complete, click on the “Open” button, after which an image will appear inviting you to join.
  • Now you need to go simple registration. In the window that opens, enter your country of residence and indicate your current phone number.

The second method involves taking the same steps as when installing Viber.

The advantages lie in the ease of use of the application. It does not require a login and password. There is no need to manually add contacts; they will automatically appear in the phone list if users have this program. A characteristic feature of WhatsApp is extreme brevity, there is nothing superfluous in the application, everything is clear and precise.

Differences between Viber and WhatsApp

Many application users are interested in how Viber differs from WhatsApp. In fact, there are not many differences, they are as follows:

  • WhatsApp does not allow video calls, unlike Viber;
  • viber - free application, you will have to pay for WhatsApp after the first year of use;
  • WhatsApp lacks the colorful, bright stickers that Viber boasts;
  • You can install Viber on a PC; this option is not provided for WhatsApp.

Based on this, it is quite difficult to conclude whether Viber or WhatsApp is better. If users are interested in such a function as video calls, the first option is more acceptable for them. In all other respects, both applications are functional and convenient.

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Many information and technical innovations – applications (Skype, WhatsApp and Viber) made our world much more beautiful, because they gave us the opportunity to quickly and freely exchange messages. In turn, companies cellular communications Nowadays they are not particularly happy about this range of messengers, because they literally take away tidbits of profit from operators. Today few are faithful paid SMS that are sent by eating daily subscription fee and poor network performance.

If the advantage of social programs over mobile communications obvious, then understanding the intricacies and features of each of the messengers is not so easy. Let's take the well-known or WhatsApp as an example and carefully study all the disadvantages and advantages.

Let's start the analysis with a technique that almost all people use. So, the leader is the telephone, or rather the smartphone, which appeared on the product market more than 10 years ago. It was this wonderful unit that in such a short time was able to attract more than 90% of the target audience and oust push-button competitors from the market. Great corporations have transferred into such a tiny device the same technical aspects that can be contained in a desktop computer.

Both selected messengers work perfectly on a telephone basis, and their creators are developing many constantly improving versions for other versions: PC, tablet, laptop. If for some reason you do not have one of the programs, then to conduct an experiment and evaluation work, download WhatsApp and Viber right now.

The main purpose of the two utilities is clear to everyone: messaging, making calls, transferring media files. As you may have already guessed or know as you use it, the packages require the Internet (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G) to work, because without it even the initial download will not happen.

Given this fact, let's delve into the white and black spots in the work of networks and you will choose your leader.

Comparative characteristics

WhatsApp was created a little earlier, which means it is suitable for older phone models (for example, Nokia S40). In the process of development, manufacturers created new versions that became suitable for other models and OS: Android, iOS, BlakBerry OS, Windows. Since Viber came to us a little later, and the released phones were already outdated, there was no point in creating a platform for them, so a more advanced version was created. Thus, Viber cannot be installed on the good old Nokia S40 or earlier copies. On the other hand, Viber offers better software lines for devices other than smartphones.

Thus, WhatsApp takes the leading position in the number of phone models, but it was Viber that created more in-depth and early versions, which are suitable even for not new copies. In addition, Viber’s creations are equally wonderful for all operating systems. Thus, we add 1 point to the virtual mailbox of the second messenger.

The second aspect is design. As you know, WhatsApp has about a hundred different themes, backgrounds and interfaces that can brighten up users' conversations and bring special joy to it. A person can not only enjoy the ease of use, but also the attractive appearance software. Viber, on the other hand, has a more formal and branded look, and its collection of backgrounds has no more than 10 themes. Of course, the user has the opportunity to select a screensaver for a specific dialogue, but the appearance of the general menu will not change. Taking this into account, WhatsApp takes the lead here.

As for eating the Internet, the chances here are not equal due to excellent functional features. WhatsApp is an ordinary text exchanger that consumes very little Internet due to the paucity of possibilities. Viber is multifunctional (calls, texts, photos, videos, music, stickers), hence the large requests for MB. Despite this, if you have high-speed Internet, you will not have any problems with data transfer. Thus, V iber loses another point.

When it comes to security, Viber has no equal here. Unfortunately, there is not a single messenger in the world that is so secure, which transmits all data in mysterious encryption that even the best hackers cannot understand. In addition, thanks to the simple procedure of registering an account and linking it only to a phone number, attackers have no chance of getting hold of the necessary information to promote the case of hacking the page. Thanks to a high-quality privacy system, you have no reason to worry about the security of your privacy.

To summarize, I would like to take into account that we have a draw: 3 on 3. Now it’s up to you, because it’s up to you to decide who is the more worthy candidate for the post of your favorite application.

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