USB port does not work after reinstalling Windows. USB port does not work after reinstalling Windows USB 3.0 does not work on maximus iv

On some computers, when you connect a USB 3.0 hard drive or flash drive, the error "The device is not recognized" (USB Device Not Recognized) or " Windows stopped this device because it reported a problem.(Code 43)" in Device Manager.

This article provides instructions on how to resolve the following issues:

  • USB device not recognized/detected
  • USB 3.0 flash drive not recognized/detected
  • USB 3.0 does not work on Windows 7/10

How to fix: USB 3.0 port on computer does not work

Before we move on to fixing this problem, you should try the following steps:

  1. Use a different USB cable if you are connecting the hard drive to a USB 3.0 port on your computer.
  2. Connect USB 3.0 to USB 2.0 port.
  3. Remove the USB device, turn off the computer, and disconnect the power cord (or battery if using a laptop). Wait at least 2 minutes and then plug the power cord back in. Turn on your computer and reconnect the USB device.
  4. If you are using Windows 7, Vista or XP, download and run the Microsoft Troubleshooter utility.
  5. Reset BIOS to factory settings.

Solution 1: Disable Fast Startup feature in Windows 8 and 10

Note: If the Fast Startup option has already been cleared, check it and restart your computer. After restarting, uncheck the box and restart your computer again.

  1. Reboot computer.

Solution 2: Disable USB suspend settings.

Solution 3: Reboot your USB 3.0 device.

  1. Open device Manager. For this:
  • Press the " Windows» + « R" to open the window " Execute".
  • In the window " Execute» enter: devmgmt.msc.
  • Click Enter.

2. In Device Manager, expand "ControllersUSB» .

3. Right click on " RootUSB-hub (USB 3.0 ) " and select " Delete".

4. Windows will automatically find and install the latest drivers for your USB 3.0 port.

Solution 4: Install the latest USB 3.0 drivers.

  1. Download Intel Driver Update Utility or AMD drivers.
  2. Run driver update utility and press " Further" on the first screen.
  3. Accept the license terms and click " Install".
  4. Wait while the driver update utility is installed.
  5. After installation is complete, click " Launch».
  6. Click " Start scanning".
  7. When the driver scan is completed, click " Download", to download the latest drivers for your computer.
  8. Finally, click " Install".
  9. After installation is complete reboot computer.

Solution 5: Restore Windows to a previous working state

If the solutions above did not help with the problem of USB 3.0 not working on your computer, you should try restoring your computer to its previous working state. This can be done if you previously activated a Windows restore point.

Please write in the comments below if you managed to solve the problem with a faulty USB 3.0 port, and what solution helped in your situation.

In order for the user to quickly navigate USB controller malfunctions, I will give a short excursion into the terminology of this issue.

USB (USB, English Universal Serial Bus) is a universal serial bus for connecting peripheral devices to a computer via a four-core cable. Using this technology, it is possible to connect devices without their own (autonomous) power supply only due to the power supplied through this bus. Everyone is familiar with these devices - external hard drives, USB flash drives, adapters, etc.

Until recently, devices were predominantly equipped with USB 2.0. The less fast and powerful USB 2.0 is gradually being replaced by USB 3.0 with data transfer speeds of up to 5 Gb/s (up to 5 Gigabit/s) and power supply through the bus of up to 1 A (1 Ampere). Recently, the USB 3.1 standard began to be implemented - progress cannot be stopped.

USB 3.0 support is not supported by default on all operating systems

In new laptops, USB 3.0 connectors are painted blue, while USB 2.0 connectors remain black. An astute and savvy user could almost immediately assume that the problem lies precisely in the new USB 3.0 standard, which has not yet been fully implemented at the software level. Those. The USB 3.0 hardware is already installed in the laptop, but the software (driver) is not yet available.

Therefore, now we can answer the main question of this article: “ Why don't USBs work in a laptop after reinstalling Windows?". “Because there are no drivers for USB 3.0 ports in the Windows operating system!”

Which Windows OS will not work with USB 3.0?

This problem is typical for the operating systems Windows XP and Windows 7. But in Windows 8 and Windows 10 this problem practically does not occur. The reason is simple: USB 3.0 began to be implemented en masse after the release of Windows XP and Windows 7. But if in Windows XP the problem of non-working USB ports does not resolve on its own, then in Windows 7 you can try to solve the problem simply by turning on automatic updates for Windows. The system itself, based on the device ID (USB 3.0 controller ID), will recognize and install the driver, provided that the controller brand and manufacturer are “known” to Windows 7.

What if these are not USB drivers?...

It happens that a problem with USB ports is a symptom of a more complex and unpleasant breakdown. For example, this can serve as a signal of failure of the laptop motherboard chipset. More specifically, the breakdown of the south bridge. After all, it is the south bridge (I/O Controller Hub) of the laptop motherboard that is responsible for the peripherals - USB, SATA (IDE), Audio, PCI, Ithernet. Occurs due to: overheating, short circuit on the board, power supply problems, mechanical impact.

A simple test will help you check your hypothesis about the failure of the chipset: you need to select USB ports on your laptop that are colored black, i.e. USB 2.0, and check their functionality. If USB 2.0 works, but USB 3.0 does not, then the only problem is with the drivers.

How to fix the problem with USB 3.0 drivers?

For example, you installed Windows 7, and USB 3.0 did not work even after installing all the updates (drivers) from the MicroSoft website. Then there are two options: either install Windows 8/10 and at least USB 3.0 will most likely work right away, or you will have to look for drivers for the USB controller that is installed in your laptop. This will have to be done on the Internet, so you will need high-speed Internet access.

Where to find drivers for USB 3.0 (3 sources for)

  • Go to the manufacturer's website and find the required driver through the search on the website. Here you will need a little experience: you need to know, first of all, what to download (there is no point in installing every driver); you need to know the exact brand of the laptop (name and alphanumeric index); Windows operating system 32 or 64 bit;
  • Download any driver pack and install all the drivers using it. For example, from here -;
  • Go to this site (click the link below - I’m looking for a driver by hand) or this and use the device ID to find, download and install the required one yourself driver

The first method from the entire list is the most preferable and, perhaps, the easiest, if everything is clear on the laptop manufacturer’s website and you have fast Internet. But sometimes you can find a whole list of USB drivers for one device and no hint as to which of these files should be downloaded and installed. Therefore, the second point with a driver pack can sometimes help much faster - if the Internet is fast (you will have to download several gigabytes of software). At the same time, you will have drivers for all occasions for your computer, laptop, netbook.

If there is no fast Internet, then it is best to carry out a clean installation (formatting the C: drive) of Windows after some preparation, i.e. creating a backup copy of files and drivers. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where it is not possible to download the driver, since the network interfaces in the laptop do not work, and it is impossible to copy the driver pack from a flash drive (external drive), since the device is all USB 3.0 - and they do not work.

Immediately after installing the Windows 7 operating system, some users notice that the USB ports on their computer do not work. Let's figure out what actions need to be taken to be able to connect devices to a PC using the above protocol.

Let us immediately note that this article will talk about a specific problem after installing, reinstalling or updating Windows 7, that is, about a situation where before installing the operating system everything worked fine, but after performing the specified procedures, it stopped functioning. We will not dwell on other possible malfunctions related to the fact that the computer does not see USB devices. A separate lesson is devoted to this problem on the site.

The problem we are studying has two main causes:

  • Lack of necessary drivers;
  • Incorrect entries in the system registry (after upgrading Vista to Windows 7).

Method 1: USB Oblivion

This solution is suitable just in case you upgraded to Windows 7 from an earlier operating system. In this case, entries in the system registry about previous connections of USB devices may be saved, which will be incorrect in the updated OS, which will lead to problems with further connection attempts. In this case, all records of previous connections must be deleted. The easiest way to do this is using the USB Oblivion utility, which is precisely intended for this purpose.

Method 2: Microsoft USB Troubleshooter

Microsoft has its own USB troubleshooter. Unlike the previous utility, it can help not only after installing the operating system, but also in many other cases.

Method 3: DriverPack Solution

After installing Windows 7, it is possible that your computer will not be able to receive and transmit data via the USB protocol due to the lack of necessary drivers. This situation is especially common if USB 3.0 connectors are installed on a desktop PC or laptop. The fact is that Windows 7 was developed even before this standard began to be widely implemented. For this reason, the basic version of the said OS does not contain the necessary drivers immediately after installation. In this case, they need to be installed.

The easiest way to solve this problem is if you have a disk with the necessary drivers. In this case, you just need to insert it into the drive and extract the contents to your computer using the prompts that appear. The functionality of the USB ports will be restored. But what to do if you don’t have the required disk at hand? We will consider the actions that need to be taken in this situation below.

The easiest way to solve the problem is using special programs, designed to search and install missing drivers on your computer. One of the best applications in this class is DriverPack Solution.

  1. Launch the program. When activated, it will simultaneously scan the system for connected devices and detect missing drivers.
  2. Click on the button "Set up your computer automatically".
  3. After this, the program itself will create a restore point in case an error is made during the setup process or you simply want to roll back to the old settings in the future.
  4. After this, the procedure for installing drivers and configuring some PC parameters will be performed.
  5. After the procedure is completed, a message will appear that all the necessary settings have been completed and the missing drivers have been installed.
  6. Now you need to restart your PC. Click "Start". Next, click on the triangular icon located on the right side of the button "To finish work". Click.
  7. After restarting, you can check whether the USB ports are working or not.

Method 4: Manually installing drivers

The necessary drivers can also be installed without installing additional software to search for them. But this will require a little more tinkering.

  1. Click "Start". Sign in "Control Panel".
  2. Go to "System and safety".
  3. In the list of tools "System" click on the item "Device Manager".
  4. The interface will be displayed "Device Manager". The shell that opens will present a list of different types of devices that are currently connected to your desktop computer or laptop. Click on the group name "USB Controllers".
  5. A list of elements will open. You need to find one of the following names in the list:
    • Generic USB Hub;
    • USB root hub;
    • USB Root Controller.

    These are the types of ports. The list will most likely have one of these names, but it may appear multiple times depending on the number of USB outputs on your computer. Despite this, it is enough to perform the procedure described below with one of the identical elements, since drivers will be installed on the computer for all ports of the same type. If there are several different names of elements from the above list, then for each of them you will have to perform manipulations separately.

    So, right click ( RMB) by element name and select from the list "Properties".

  6. A window will open in which you need to click on the name of the tab "Intelligence".
  7. After that in the field "Properties" select an option from the drop-down list "Equipment ID". In area "Meaning" The device ID will be displayed, that is, in our case, the USB port.
  8. This data must be saved. They can be written down or copied. To do the second option, just click RMB by area content "Meaning" and select from the menu "Copy".

    Attention! The main thing is that after this, do not copy any more data until the operation to find the necessary drivers is completely completed. Otherwise you will simply replace the information in "Clipboard" about driver IDs with new data. If you still need to copy something else during the procedure, then first paste the data from the equipment properties window into "Notebook" or any other text editor. This way, if necessary, you can quickly copy them again.

  9. Now you can proceed directly to searching for the necessary drivers. Open your browser and go to one of the popular ones online driver search services— DevID or DevID DriverPack. You need to enter the data that you copied in advance into the search field of the site and click on the button that starts the search.
  10. After this, the search results will open. Select the option that matches your operating system (in our case, Windows 7) and its bitness (32 or 64 bit), and then click on it.

    If you use the DevID DriverPack service, you will need to specify the OS name and bit depth there before you start the search.

  11. After you have gone to the driver page, download it, unpack it from the archive if necessary, and run it on your computer, following the prompts that will be displayed on the monitor. After restarting the PC, the problematic USB ports should work. If this does not happen, then look for the origins of the problem in incorrect registry entries, as described above.
  12. There is another option for downloading the necessary drivers - do it from the official website of the manufacturer of USB controllers that are installed on your PC. But in this case, you must definitely find out the address of this Internet resource, as well as the exact name of the controller model.

There are two main reasons why USB ports may not work after installing Windows 7, although before that they functioned normally. Firstly, these are incorrect entries in the system registry left over from the old OS, and secondly, the lack of necessary drivers. Each of these problems can be solved in several ways, which we described in detail in this article. So, after reading the material, users can independently choose the most convenient and acceptable course of action for them.

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