Why is it possible to replace personal computer devices? How to get rid of computer addiction? Tablets for games

Personal computers are an integral attribute of the life of a modern person. The computer is used in all spheres of life. From everyday use, mainly for simple calculations and viewing media content, to serious work in economic, medical and scientific activities. It's hard to overestimate how much Computer Engineering changed a person's way of life. How many serious discoveries have been made thanks to computers.

In the life of an ordinary person, much has also changed; children’s mastery of complex technology has a beneficial effect on their development. Thanks to the Internet, any information becomes available. Needless to say, how easy it has become to run a business, pay public utilities and transfer funds.

Why portable devices are gaining popularity

Recently, there has been a steady trend toward compactness and the combination of different technologies into one device. Technically, a tablet plays the role of a compact computer, replacing a digital camera, MP3 player, video player and many other devices.

Even a laptop could not fully satisfy users with its compactness, which a tablet successfully copes with. This device It is quite light and fits in a regular folder. Unlike a laptop, you can regularly carry a tablet with you to class or work.

Recently, the sale of tablets has dropped significantly, but this was not due to users abandoning compact technologies; on the contrary, people increasingly began to prefer smartphones with large screens. Tablets also did not lag behind, releasing devices with built-in GSM modules. Thus, the line between tablets and smartphones has begun to blur.

Tablets for games

When considering tablets, you should immediately clarify; as an example, you need to consider the most popular devices on Android OS. Windows tablets are not worth considering, because in fact, they are a copy of a desktop PC.

The lack of high-quality gaming content, according to many analysts, is one of the main reasons that prevent tablets from completely replacing personal computers.

Games in Play Store There are plenty of them, like other applications, however, the quality of the content is not even close to that of personal computers, but even of portable consoles. In addition, even flagship devices can hardly compare with the computing power of an average-configuration computer. In other words, if computer equipment is purchased primarily for video games, video processing, or working with 3D models, the choice is not in favor of tablets.

Communication means

In terms of communications, tablets are undoubtedly beating computers. There are many clients for instant messengers written on Android, often better than their counterparts for personal computers. In addition, the tablet initially has a webcam and microphone, which a personal computer does not have. Installing these gadgets will require the user to have certain technical knowledge and costs Money for the purchase of equipment.

The presence of a 3G module will allow you to make video calls anywhere in the world, not to mention those tablets that have built-in GSM modules.

Tablet for office tasks

The tablet is ideal for office tasks. Type text and send it to email, edit Excel document. All these tasks can be done by any tablet.

The screen is of an acceptable size and allows you to comfortably work with text. As for software, Microsoft released free Office on Android. In addition, there are others, no less convenient applications, such as Google Docs, with constant synchronization with online services.

To type text, you can use either a touch screen or a physical keyboard connected via an OTG cable or Bluetooth technology.

Connecting office equipment

Continuing the discussion of office tasks, we cannot fail to mention the OTG cable function. Almost every tablet supports this function, thanks to which you can connect almost any device to the device. Moreover, you can connect a USB hub to the OTG cable and, through it, expand the functionality of the device by connecting a keyboard, mouse, flash drive and other useful devices.

You can connect a webcam via an OTG cable if the default camera is not of particular quality.

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely to be possible to connect a scanner or printer powered exclusively from a USB connector to a tablet, because the output power may simply not be enough to keep the device operating.

Using your tablet to browse the web

What tablets are definitely good at is surfing the Internet. Initially, the operating room itself Android system was created primarily for working on the Internet. Messengers, clients social networks and other services help users more comfortably access certain services. In other matters, mobile browser Google Chrome is practically in no way inferior to the stationary version.

Concerning touch screen, thanks to it, working with the web interface of many sites has become more convenient than using a mouse and keyboard. Instead of hovering over a link, the user is instantly taken to the resource they need with the touch of a finger.

Mobile Chrome supports flash player and streaming video. Besides, in this browser there is an opportunity to switch to full version, after which sites stop optimizing their interface for mobile device screens.

To summarize, it can be noted that for most users, a tablet can easily replace a personal computer. The only downsides include the lack of highly specialized applications and the low quality of game content.

I was just thinking about this topic today. And while I was waiting for coffee at Shokoladnitsa, I decided to perform a simple action on my Iphone7 128 gb smartphone - insert a signature image into a Word document. I used Pages, because Microsoft Word for iOS does not open its own file well. Everything opens wonderfully on the computer, but we’re talking about mobile option. And the signature image had to be selected from a completely different file. In general, I accomplished what I wanted, you can even then transfer it to PDF format so that the signed document can be sent by mail. It was a regular text letter on organization letterhead. I noted that there was a bit too much fingering, although perhaps this was a matter of habit. A year ago, I fundamentally decided that a computer and a smartphone were enough, but from time to time the gadget addict in me wakes up and wonders if maybe I really need a tablet? The gadget man is being strangled by a toad)) As a result, when you don’t have a computer at hand, you can do something from your smartphone; if we are talking about working in the office package (presentations, documents), tables are still better obtained on a computer. It’s just more convenient to manage cells and formatting. You can create a draft project with pictures and text on your smartphone without any problems, but it’s more convenient to finish it on big screen. After all, once you sit down at a computer with a 24-inch screen, or even 27, you can choose the optimal window size (mail, browser, file manager) the processing speed of the incoming information flow increases significantly. If it’s not “turnover”, but questions that are interesting to solve to a specific person. And of course it’s convenient to keep everything in the cloud, but which one is up to you to choose. Dropbox is perfectly integrated into all systems and mobile applications Works great for ios and android. I’ll assume that Google is at the same level, but I personally, for example, have questions about Microsoft, including in the version for MacOS.
I did not touch upon video editing and photo processing. Because the level of complexity in these matters is different; for simple editing of a memorable video with some special effects, mobile iMovie copes perfectly. Well, or Quick from Gopro. They are alike.
I would like to note that we are used to working with computers on a subconscious level, and mobile applications require a different approach, although I’m lying here))) you can perfectly integrate chips from the iPad into the iPhone, but then the profit will fall)) Samsung has a lot of things from tablets, and then it all comes down to the usability of the mobile software.

@A.Si495, you have no idea what Google Drive is capable of :-) in addition to the storage, which is absolutely not inferior to Dropbox, it has the most luxurious office suite.
and if you buy a Chromebook with native support for all this joy and the ability to run Android software, you will get the best of most worlds :-) a bunch of mobile software, a full-fledged browser, keyboard, touchpad, mouse. Microsoft Office is not needed in 99.99% of cases. But I don’t even want to remember about the Apple office.

@mnemonic, I’m not friends with Chromebooks yet. I've heard a lot about the office suite, which has an online version. And kmk needs constant access to the Internet. I find myself in the wilds where either the Internet is bad or there is none at all.

Time is so merciless to computers that in order for them to remain modern and powerful enough, they need to be updated and improved very often. And this applies not only to software, but also to the so-called hardware, which needs timely upgrades. Its essence is to replace old parts with new ones that have more powerful performance indicators. After all, it is far from a secret that computer parts become morally obsolete much faster than physically, and a computer that was new last year is today inferior to new products in many ways. Of course, you don’t have to worry about updating parts and immediately purchase a custom-made computer, but the upgrade also has its advantages: they manifest themselves in the ability to update a computer that is not yet completely outdated.

What exactly does the upgrade include? First things first.

Main components of the upgrade

HDD. It is with this detail that they most often begin. New HDD may be needed when the existing computer memory provided by the hard drive is not enough to store all the user's necessary files. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem: most often, users choose to add another hard drive to the existing one; less common is a complete replacement hard drive on new. If your computer is already quite powerful, but you still need to improve it, then you can use a new type hard drives– SDD drives, which have a write and read speed much higher than the drives that are most often used today – HDD drives.

RAM. It is the improvement of this component that is the key to increasing the performance of the computer as a whole. Increase volume random access memory This is possible by adding new boards to the motherboard, but it is important to take into account that the parameters of all additional boards match the parameters of the already installed boards. You can completely replace all boards and install new, more powerful ones, if necessary in a particular case. An interesting fact is that if the amount of RAM increases from 2 GB to 4 GB, then the user feels the effect immediately, but if you increase the amount from 4 GB to 8 GB, the difference can only be noticed in some software products: specialized programs , individual games, etc. And when moving from 2 GB of RAM to 4 GB, you will have to install a 64-bit operating system.

Replacing the video card. A video card will make your computer more productive in terms of watching videos or playing various games. Important when choosing new video card check that it matches motherboard on the computer.

Replacing other computer components is also necessary, but items such as a mouse or keyboard, for example, affect performance to a lesser extent. It will help make your computer better and CPU replacement: the new one should have a larger number of cores, as well as a larger one compared to the previous one clock frequency. Moreover, a significant role is played by power unit, latest models which will ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation.

To understand which part needs updating first, you need to test all the components, and for this the operating system provides special indicators and ratings. And based on how the element is loaded the most, you should decide what to update first, and whether it is worth doing, since in some cases it will be more reasonable, simpler and economical to purchase a new modern computer.

I came to the office and suddenly remembered that I had forgotten my laptop at home - my main working tool. What to do? It takes a long time to go after him and then back, it takes two hours away from working time. I looked at my smartphone, which seemed to be almost the same as a computer in terms of functionality. Well, look - there is a screen, you can type text, it connects to the Internet, there is multitasking, a bunch of applications with almost any functionality you want can be downloaded, including for free.

And I immediately remembered all these promises and the late Steve Jobs that someday the post-PC era would come, when people would no longer need a computer. I remembered the advertising posters for the Symbian smartphone Nokia N95 with the words “this is how I know a computer” (and this smartphone didn’t even have a QWERTY keyboard!). I looked again at my ultra-functional smartphone on one of latest versions Android... And I went to look for a free laptop in the office. Because stop believing in illusions - the smartphone has not replaced the PC and, apparently, will never replace it.

And no, it's not about abandoning QWERTY. Now smartphones with a physical keyboard are still being produced, and connecting a third-party one, even a full-size one, is not a problem.

Smartphones with QWERTY are still being made, but that doesn’t make it any easier

It's also not about the small screen. Firstly, it’s not that small (yes, it’s far from a laptop, but still). Secondly, displaying images on external screens is also possible.

What actually prevented a smartphone from becoming a full-fledged PC?

Well, first of all, the form factor. Let me clarify - not exactly the dimensions or the absence of a keyboard, but the form factor, as a combination of all parameters. Just imagine the set of all kinds of adapters and accessories that you will have to carry with you in order to use your smartphone as a PC. It's just inconvenient - to say the least. This will never be at hand when you need it “suddenly,” but when you need it systematically, you can forget it at home just like a laptop. Moreover, since there will be more accessories themselves, you can forget one thing (for example, a keyboard), and that’s it - the computer “crumbles”.

The hybrid of a smartphone and a laptop case is forgotten by everyone

Secondly, if there are no problems connecting keyboards, displays and printers, then some specific peripherals usually simply do not work with mobile phones. Of course, not every job requires such peripherals, but this is another point that prevents smartphones from turning into PCs. In our office, for example, screens are tested with colorimeters that we can only connect to a computer.

Thirdly, the operating system. Remember the numerous attempts to make a PC on Android? Before this, there were also projects with mobile MeeGo (it didn’t even have the ability to create user profiles!).

You may not agree with me on the conclusions in this article, but what's hard to argue with are these facts: PCs on mobile operating systems no one needs. “Desktop” OSes ported to mobile phones are dying quite quickly.

Canvas, oil.

The only successful porting of a “full-fledged” OS to a mobile format is macOS X, from which the iPhone OS (iOS) was first made. And even then this is more of a marketing ploy - with the same certainty we can say that Android is Linux. That is, it seems to be true, but the difference is obvious to everyone. The operating system kernel still cannot be equated to the operating system itself. For the user, the OS is the same if you can run the same applications in the same way. That is, if to run some native programs for one device you need an emulator on another device, these are no longer the same OS from the user’s point of view.

However, they have been trying to do this for a long time. And, as we see, it was unsuccessful.

Computers are from Mars, smartphones are from Venus

Smartphones have different hardware, and they have completely different requirements. Look - a laptop should work autonomously, say, 10 hours. It would seem - a smartphone, too, right? But no. In always-on screen mode, not every smartphone will work that long.

But the smartphone performs many tasks in the background, even when it seems to us that it is “sleeping.” Some laptops can do this too, but not all, and even those that can do it poorly. That is, we need a smartphone to work for a long time rather in hibernation, but with active screen and in high-power mode, 5-6 hours is enough for us (more is better, of course, because there is never too much autonomy).

A pocket computer like they don't make anymore

But the autonomy of a laptop by default includes a constantly working screen and at least “office” user activity. Nobody needs a laptop that can download emails from their mailbox all day long with the screen off.

The next point is the applications themselves. It would seem, yes - you can print text even on a smartphone. Okay, but we still need to select images for the article, crop them to the desired aspect ratio and pixel width, and then insert them into the CMS admin panel.

And then the same iOS flies by immediately. Now to iPad Pro They are trying to add multitasking and multi-window functionality, but the number of applications that have a frame for cropping pictures to the required number of pixels is extremely small, and working with images in this operating system is pure hell. I have to find a picture, save it in the photo gallery (otherwise there is no other way), it will be distributed through the cloud to all my devices with the same Apple ID, taking up precious space in memory, after which I need to find an application that will help me crop everything accurately (here it’s best to do this with a stylus, but it’s still 10 times more convenient on a mouse or touchpad), save it back to the same gallery, and then pray that the CMS admin can open the gallery on iOS to load pictures.

Nokia N97 also did not become a computer

I also once tried to edit video on an iPad. Apple constantly talks about how it is now better and faster - they say that 4K videos at 100500 FPS are not a problem at all. Yes, no problem, and yes, video editing on iPad is possible. But what if I also need to make a background soundtrack? Making music on the iPad is easy. And the video is easy to edit. But transferring a file from a music app to a video editor is a nightmare. When you hear that in iOS each application runs in its own sandbox, take this literally. Any actions between applications are extremely complicated, and sometimes simply impossible. Well, iOS is completely unsuitable for the post-PC era.

It's really easier in Android - there file system open like on a PC. But again - with an incredibly large number of applications for processing images, and even with the ability to crop, literally only a few allow you to do this with pixel accuracy.

Skinny operating systems

Another thing to add is the lack of windows in mobile operating systems. Yes, both Android and iOS on the iPad Pro already support two-window mode (they mockingly call it “multi-window”), but this is not enough. If you are working now and take a moment to read the article on our website, then just count the number of application windows. And how convenient it is that you don’t have to jump between programs, even just to answer a colleague’s question in a work chat!

In general, yes, they are trying to do something similar in mobile phones, but so far it is not at all the same. And the windows turn out to be very small, and not all applications work with them correctly, and it is impossible to “remove” the window with an application anywhere on the screen (where possible, the windows turn out to be extremely non-functional).

Asus Transformer once ran on Android, but today it only runs on Windows

Computer addiction is already considered a pathology. Every day the number of people who began to spend more and more time at the computer is growing. Especially if you have Internet access. Many people ask themselves the question of how to get rid of computer addiction. Let's look at the causes, ways and methods of dealing with such addiction.

How can I replace a computer?

A computer, in its essence, is nothing supernatural, which means it can be replaced with something. You just have to look around and find other hobbies. So, a few tips:

  • Listen to music on a music center or player, in this case there will be no negative impact of the monitor on you.
  • Watch movies on a DVD player, especially if you have a great TV.
  • Virtual communication can easily be replaced by real one. If your friends and acquaintances live nearby, just go visit them. You will have a great time together, anything is better than sitting in some chat room.
  • Try to engage yourself in something interesting that is not computer related. This way you will reduce your computer addiction.

Computer addiction in children

Often, parents are not always aware of what games their child plays and what harm or benefit the computer brings. Let's consider several reasons for this dependence:

  • Your child lacks communication with friends.
  • You, as parents, pay little attention to him.
  • The child is unsure of himself, shy, and finds it difficult to communicate with people.
  • The desire to keep up with peers and be “like everyone else”
  • The child has few other interests or hobbies.
  • Computer gaming addiction can be associated with upbringing and family relationships.

Children and adolescents develop addiction to a computer much faster than smoking, drinking alcohol or gambling for money. Parents should try to do everything to avoid addiction, since modern hobbies can fundamentally influence the future of the child.

Treatment of computer addiction

Psychotherapy plays an important role here. Its goal is to eliminate the psychological conflict that leads to the formation of computer addiction. Doctors conduct psychotherapy sessions at home or in special rooms. The desire and consent of the patient to cooperate with the doctor and conduct sessions is absolutely necessary, in which case a positive result can be achieved.

During sessions, the psychotherapist will help you realize your attachment to computer games, to the Internet and at the same time prevent the patient from feeling guilty. Hypnosis is sometimes used in addiction recovery.

The problem of computer addiction can arise for anyone who is in any way connected with a computer. There is no need to ignore it, hoping that everything will pass. In fact, it is difficult to get rid of it, so medications are often used to treat it. The main goal is to eliminate with medications various disorders that accompany addiction. If symptoms of depression are detected, antidepressants are prescribed.

Prevention of computer addiction is also important. Herbal preparations are used; they normalize sleep, improve the nervous system and have a positive effect on the normal functioning of the brain.


Dependent people may be deficient in vitamins and minerals. So those who spend a lot of time at the computer should take vitamin A, E and selenium. Do not forget that prolonged exposure to a monitor leads to blurred vision, carpal syndrome, dry eye syndrome, and poor posture. Be sure to do eye exercises and buy a high-quality monitor.

Now you know how a computer affects a person. To identify the disease in time, you can take a computer addiction test. The main thing is to prevent this phenomenon from worsening. Because it is quite fast and very addictive. As a result, serious problems with bad consequences can arise. We wish you good health and no harmful addictions.

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