Connect to the 10 GB highway service. "Highway" from Beeline and features of connecting the service

In the modern world, you can’t do without the Internet, so we would always like to have it at hand on our smartphone. Operator cellular communications Beeline took care of this a long time ago by offering users the “Highway” service, which makes it possible to get high-speed Internet for a reasonable fee. In addition, it is possible to distribute traffic to several gadgets running on Beeline SIM cards.

Subscribers also need to understand that Highway is not a tariff, but a service valid for a specific period. You have access to your own choice of Internet traffic, as well as the frequency of payment (payment can be made after a month or daily). Your choice will affect the subscription fee for using high-speed Internet.

Depending on the amount of prepayment for traffic, there are several tariff options for the Highway service from Beeline. Residents of different regions of the Russian Federation have different prices and options, which are influenced by channel capacity, data transfer speed and some other factors.

In this article we will look at prices and service parameters for Moscow and Moscow Region. In order to find out what opportunities and prices for the service are valid in your region, we recommend that you contact the support service of the Beeline cellular operator at 0611, or get the information you are interested in on the official Beeline website.

Depending on the selected traffic volume, you will pay:

It should be noted that such a service covers all of Russia (except for the very minimum traffic of 1 GB). Thus, while roaming within the country the cost mobile internet Highway will be the lowest in relation to similar offers from other cellular operators.

An important point: subscribers who have subscribed to the Highway tariff have access to the “Internet for Everything” service, which allows for a joint connection of other devices by distributing traffic. Such a connection is made free of charge. But if you want to connect an additional device, you will have to pay a subscription fee of 5 rubles for each unit (debited from the main phone).

What is needed to connect/disconnect the Highway service?

There are 4 ways to activate the service:

  1. Send a special USSD command requesting a specific service.
  2. Call on short number from your phone 0611.
  3. Use your Personal Account on the official Beeline website.
  4. Ask a Beeline service point employee.

If you are going to activate this service for the first time, you can test the capabilities of the package completely free of charge. This means that for the first week of use you will not pay a penny. After the agreed period is completed, you will have to pay 7 rubles daily.

Quickly and easily connect Beeline Highway

Check out the operator's offer on the website and decide on a specific tariff. After that, send a USSD request and press the call button.

USSD commands to activate the serviceAnswering machine numbers for connection
1 GB (week free) 777
1 GBCharged once a day*115*03# 067407172
Payment is charged once a month*115*04# 067471702
4 GBCharged once a day*115*051# 0674071731
Payment is charged once a month*115*061# 06740717031
8 GB*115*071# 0674071741
12 GB*115*081# 0674071751
20 GB*115*091# 0674071761

Disabling the service is carried out by analogy. The call must be made to 067-411-7-410, but the request command involves changing the numbers. For 1 GB per day the request will be *115*030#, for a month - *115*040#, 4 GB per day - *115*050#, etc.

I would like to remind you that tariffs in Russia for the service may differ. In our example, the capital region and the Moscow region were taken as a basis.

What to do if you have exhausted Highway traffic from Beeline?

The Internet volume you choose assumes data transfer at maximum speed. As soon as you exhaust the resource and you have 100 MB left, you will receive an SMS notification from the operator. Having used up all the traffic, another service “Auto-renewal of speed” will be automatically activated, which involves debiting 20 rubles from your account for every 200 MB of Internet.

The user also has access to speed extension services of 500 MB and 2 GB, costing 50 and 100 rubles, respectively. Of course, after calculating, we can conclude that it makes no sense to connect the 500 MB service, because the costs are the same. But if you need large volume traffic, it is advisable to order 2 GB.

If auto-renewal is deactivated and additional options related to the operation of the Web are not activated, the Internet will be provided, but at a low speed of 64 Kb/s.

Highway option from mobile operator Beeline is intended for those customers who use the Internet a lot and frequently. As part of this service, subscribers can choose traffic packages according to the allocated volume and this directly depends on their own preferences and desires.

This service can be easily connected to any installed mobile number tariff, except, naturally, those in which mobile Internet traffic packages are already provided. The operator guarantees its customers that the traffic included in the option will be used at the highest speed.

The Highway service is not as simple as it seems. Within its framework, the client can choose the quantity mobile internet traffic, which he needs, so it’s worth considering all the options that the mobile operator offers.

"Highway" 1 GB- this is the smallest amount of traffic that Beeline can offer within this option. 1 GB of traffic can be used for thirty days.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that subscribers who have not used this service before and who have activated it can “test” the above-mentioned one for free for 168 hours.

"Highway" 4 GB. Obviously from the name, the client will receive an Internet amount of 4 GB, and they can be used for 30 days.

"Highway" 8 GB Suitable for surfing the Internet, listening to music and watching videos online.

"Highway" 12 GB is chosen by clients who upload large videos or pictures to the Internet on their phones, and also access the Internet using a modem.

"Highway" 20 GB Suitable for uploading large files, for leisure time in the form of online games, watching videos and films, and even for accessing the network using a router.

Connecting Hi-Way Services on your phone, tablet and modem

Activate 1 GB for a day you can call 777, and if you want monthly payment, then call 067471702 or dial * 115 * 04 #.

4 GB per day connects by dialing the command * 115 * 051 # or by making an outgoing call to the number 0674071731. If you want Highway 4 GB with payment once a month, then call 06740717031 or dial * 115 * 061 # from your mobile phone.

8 GB activated by calling 0674071741 or using the command * 115 * 071 #.

12 GB“Highway” is connected by calling the number 0674071751, or by dialing the command * 115 * 081 #.

Highway 20 GB activated by calling the number 0674071761 or using the USSD command * 115 * 091 #.

How to disable Highway on your phone, modem and tablet

To deactivate the “Highway” option 1 GB You can pay for twenty-four hours by calling the number 7770. If the option has monthly payment, then call 0674717020.

Disable Highway 4 GB, which has a daily payment, call 0674071730.

Deactivation of the 4 GB service for your number, which has a monthly fee, is possible if you call 0674717030.

Deactivation of 8 GB service possible if you make an outgoing call to 067471740.

Deactivating the 12 GB option can be made if you make a call to 067471750;

Disable options for 20 GB possible if you call 067471760.

Highway service cost

The cost for each option of the Highway service is different. “Highway” 1 GB will be paid at a price of 0 for the first 7 days, and then for a month 200 rubles or 7 rubles per day.

“Highway” 4 GB will cost 400 rubles for thirty days of use, or 18 rubles for 24 hours.

“Highway” 8 GB is charged at a price of 600 rubles for one month of use.

“Highway” 12 GB are paid 700 rubles for thirty days.

“Highway” 20 GB will cost 1,200 rubles per month.

The Highway family of options was created for those who need high-speed mobile Internet. It includes several offers that differ in the amount of traffic included. This traffic can be spent on smartphones, tablets, computers and any other devices that need the Internet. Let's see what the Beeline "Highway 10 GB" option is and how to connect and disable it. We will also touch on alternative proposals from this family.

For many people, mobile Internet is the only way to access internet. world wide web. It is also used for mobile work and for entertainment on the road. Especially for this, Beeline created a whole family of options called “Highway”. Today it includes several offers for subscribers of various activity levels. The Beeline “Highway 10 GB” option is presented in this line in the following options:

  • As a promotion, it is likely that it was provided when purchasing any equipment;
  • As a postpaid version - it is now archived;
  • As a prepaid version, available in some regions.

“Highway 10 GB (4G Promotion)” is an option that is still active in the Moscow region, since it has not been archived. It was not possible to find information about ongoing promotions, but the subscription fee for such a volume of traffic is 495 rubles/month. It is not very clear under what conditions this option is activated.

The postpaid version of “Highway 10 GB” is archived and is not available for connection. The subscription fee for its use was 890 rubles/month. The option was available to subscribers who chose a postpaid payment system. Today it has been sent to the archives, and new, more profitable offer from Beeline.

In some regions, the prepaid option “Highway 10 GB” works - for example, it is in the Sverdlovsk region. It allocates 10 GB of traffic to subscribers for any needs and costs 300 rubles/month. It is also available in the Trans-Baikal Territory, but there the subscription fee is already 450 rubles/month. In other words, in order to check the availability of the option in your region, go to the regional Beeline website, select the region of your residence and go to the “Services - Internet” section.

How to connect the Internet option “Highway 10 GB” from Beeline

If the Beeline Internet option “Highway 10 GB” works in your region, we recommend connecting it via “ Personal Area"is the most quick way connections. To clarify USSD commands and telephone commands for connection, visit the regional operator’s website and select the desired option there. But remember that commands for one region or region may not work in another region. A typical example of this is that in the Sverdlovsk region the option is activated by calling the number 6747174, and in the Trans-Baikal Territory - by calling the number 0674071751.

How to disconnect Highway 10 GB from Beeline

Everything is simple here - you need to go to your “Personal Account” and select any other available option there. As for the commands, find them on the operator's website, since they differ from region to region.

Option “Highway 10 GB” in the Moscow region

Everything is bad with this option in the Moscow region - it is only available as part of some kind of promotion. And who can take part in it is unknown. The postpaid version is not available, so you shouldn't count on it. Let's find out what a subscriber should do if he needs 10 GB of Internet traffic per month. Compromise options for subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region will be the “Highway 8 GB” or “Highway 12 GB” options. Let's look at them in order:

  • “Highway 8 GB” - gives users 8 GB of Internet traffic for a reasonable subscription fee of 600 rubles/month. A nice addition to this version will be night unlimited, active from 01-00 to 07-59 – during this period traffic can be consumed unlimited, but to enable unlimited you will need to break the current session (disconnect from the network and connect again). If you intend to connect the “Highway 8 GB” Internet option, call the autoinformer 0674071741 or send the USSD command *115*071# from your phone/modem. The universal USSD command *115*000# or calling the answering machine at 0674117410 will help you disable the option;
  • “Highway 12 GB” - provides 12 GB of daytime traffic and night unlimited traffic in the dark, from 01-00 to 07-59. To take advantage of this offer, call the answering machine at 0674071751 from any device or dial the command *115*081# on your phone or modem keyboard. To disable the Internet package, send the command *115*000# from the device you are using or call 0674117410.

You can disable the above options in another way - by switching to any other package from the Highway family.

Also in the Moscow region, several more versions of packages from the “Highway” family are available - 1 GB (with daily and monthly subscription fee), 4 GB (with daily and monthly subscription fees), as well as 20 GB with night unlimited.

“Highway 1 GB” from Beeline - description

A traffic package of such a small volume is in demand among owners of phones and smartphones. This amount is enough for messaging and viewing mail.. But it won’t be enough for anything more, since the volume is too small. Subscribers can choose from versions with a daily or monthly subscription fee. The daily version is activated by the command *115*03# (or by calling 067407172), and disabled by the command *115*000# (or by calling 0674117410). The monthly fee is 7 rubles/day.

The monthly version provides for a subscription fee of 200 rubles/month. It is connected with the command *115*04# (or by calling 067471702), and disabled by the command *115*000# (or by calling 0674117410).

"Highway 4 GB" from Beeline - description

The package is presented as monthly version with a monthly fee of 400 rubles/month, as well as a daily version with a monthly fee of 18 rubles/day. The first version is connected by dialing the command *115*06# or calling the autoinformer at 067471703, the second - with the command *115*051# or calling the autoinformer at 0674071731. If you want to disable any of the Internet options from Beeline, dial * 115*000# or call the answering machine at 0674117410.

“Highway 20 GB” from Beeline - description

This option will give you 20 GB of traffic and nightly unlimited data, running from one in the morning to eight in the morning. The subscription fee is 1,200 rubles/month, unlimited access is activated when the session is terminated. To connect the most big package in the family, call the autoinformer 0674071761 or send the USSD command *115*091#. Disabling is performed by sending the command *115*000# or by calling the answering machine 0674117410.

Thus, there is still an alternative to the missing “Highway 10 GB” option from Beeline - you can always choose a package of 8, 12 or 20 GB. We will leave smaller packages to more economical subscribers. The most convenient way to manage the connection and disconnection of packages is through the “Personal Account” - this will allow you not to get confused in the commands, which sometimes tend to change.

The prepaid line of Highway options has been archived and connection is impossible.

This service is available for tariff plan“Everything” from Beeline. If there is not enough traffic to use the Internet, then using the “Highway” option you can add several gigabytes of traffic.

There are several volume options additional traffic: 1, 4, 8, 12 and 20 GB. Accordingly, the conditions for providing each will be different, so we will consider the details in the article.

The service is valid only in the home region, and the Internet speed will be equal to: 10-20 Mbit/s in a 4G network, in 3G 3-5 Mbit/s, and in 2G 60-100 kbit/s. Payment can be made daily or monthly. Also, those who have connected 4 GB or more are additionally provided with a package of Beeline TV channels for free.

In the event that there is unused traffic from the “Highway” service, then by activating the “Extend speed” option, you just need to add high-speed traffic.

Data regarding the regions to which the service is available should be clarified on the website, where you can also see the list of TV channels.

What is the cost of the service?

Depending on how much traffic is needed and what payment terms have been chosen, the cost of the paid service also depends, because you can choose daily or monthly payment. Highway connection is free.

  • 1 GB daily – 7 rubles/day, or monthly – 200 rubles;
  • 4 GB 18 rubles/day, 400 rubles every month;
  • 8 GB per month 600 rubles;
  • 12 GB every month fee 700 rubles;
  • 20 GB monthly payment is 1200 rubles.

Additionally, the Beeline TV package is provided free of charge for subscribers who have received medical treatment.

Connecting the Highway service

To activate, you can use special service phone numbers or USSD commands. Since the numbers and codes are different for each volume of Internet traffic, we will consider them separately:

  • 1 GB daily payment– call to number 777, monthly payment debited – command * 115 * 04 #, call to 067471702;
  • 4 GB call 06740717031, or command * 115 * 061 # for monthly payment, * 115 * 051 # for daily payment;
  • 8 GB number – 0674071741, or code * 115 * 071 #;
  • 12 GB number is 0674071751, and the command is * 115 * 081 #;
  • 20 GB call 0674071761 or send *115*091#.

How to disable the highway service on Beeline

For the operation, depending on the option, certain commands and services are used, depending on the additional volume of traffic:

  • 1 GB daily - call 7770, monthly - request * 115 * 040 #, or call 0674117410;
  • 4 GB dial 0674117410 or send a request * 115 * 060 # – 30-day, * 115 * 050 # – daily;
  • 8 GB call to number 0674117410, or request * 115 * 070 #;
  • 12 GB request * 115 * 080 # or call 0674117410;
  • 20 GB dial * 115 * 090 # or call 0674117410.

Those who frequently use mobile Internet constantly require additional megabytes or gigabytes of traffic, and of course, high speed. Such people will find the “Highway” service from Beeline very useful; we’ll look at what it is and how to use it in the next article.

The “Highway” mobile Internet options on your phone will be a pleasant addition to the most active customers of the mobile operator. The line of Internet options consists of several packages additional Internet traffic, differing from each other in megabyte sizes. These packages can satisfy almost any user: from the most economical to the most fastidious. The coverage area of ​​the service extends to almost all regions of the Russian Federation. The traffic received when connecting this option is consumed at high speed.

The given tariffs are relevant for the Moscow region. Subscription fees in other regions may vary.

"Highway 50 MB"

"Highway 50 MB" offers additional monthly fifty megabytes traffic at high speed, after which the mobile Internet speed will become 64 Kbps. At this speed, you can use the Internet until the end of the billing period. Activation of the service is free, but the daily subscription fee will be one ruble a day.

"Highway 200 MB"

“Highway 200 MB” differs from the previous package in the size of the monthly traffic, which is two hundred megabytes. After their end, the speed will be 64 Kbps and will not change until the end of the current payment period. You need to pay for the service daily and the fee for it will be two rubles a day.

"Highway 500 MB"

"Highway 500 MB" represents monthly five hundred megabytes Internet traffic provided at maximum speed. Their completion will return the same speed as in previous packages, and the monthly fee will be 4 rubles per day.

"Highway 5 GB"

The Highway 5 GB package provides much greater capabilities than the previous ones in this series. It is enough to listen to music tracks, watch online videos, communicate with friends on social networks, use Email or surfing the web. The monthly fee is two hundred fifty rubles per month.

"Highway 10 GB"

By connecting the “Highway 10 GB” package of additional traffic, you can get all the functionality described above, and more. In addition, with such a number of gigabytes, it is quite possible to download almost everything that is needed at the moment from the Internet. And all this is just for four hundred ninety-five rubles every month.

Description and activation of the “Be at home” tariff from Beeline

"Highway 30 GB"

“Highway 30 GB” is one of the packages that the “Highway” service offers for postpaid customers. The price of pleasure will be 1200 rubles monthly. The postpaid service line also includes Highway 6 GB, Highway 12 GB and Highway 18 GB. Their price varies from four hundred to seven hundred rubles per month.

Check coverage area of ​​the package line in a specific region, you can use the following links:

  • “Highway 50 MB” -;
  • “Highway 200 MB” -;
  • “Highway 500 MB” -;
  • “Highway 5 GB” -;
  • “Highway 10 GB” -;
  • “Highway 30 GB” -

How to connect to the Internet “Highway”

Activating the “Highway” option on Beeline is possible in two ways: using a USSD command or calling a special short number to connect to an Internet package for a month. The selection criteria depend solely on personal preferences.

When connecting 50 MB of additional high-speed Internet traffic, you should be aware that the USSD command and short number vary depending on the region, so it is best to find them on the official Beeline website of your home region.

You can connect the Highway 200 MB and 500 MB options using mobile application or after logging in to official page provider company.

Connecting 5 GB, 10 GB or 30 GB of high-speed Internet traffic is carried out in the same way as in previous packages. For example, to connect 30 GB for the Moscow region, you should dial the number 06747176, or use the command * 115 * 09 # . For the Krasnodar Territory they will change to and * 115 * 091 # respectively. You can view all the commands on the operator’s website.

Publications on the topic