Unlock numbers on the keyboard. Why don't the numbers on the keyboard on the right work? Video: Using Additional Buttons

Conventional keyboards are divided into several sectors. On the far right is digital block keys In laptops, this section is either completely combined with the main keyboard, or removed altogether, adding the function of entering numbers to the other keys on the right side of the main unit.

Whether your laptop has a numeric keypad or not, it is not always enabled. And the Num Lock key, which is designed to activate it in standard keyboards, may simply be missing. How to turn it on or off?

There are three ways to do this. One of them will definitely suit you.

1. Press the Num Lock key. If there is one, it is usually located at the top right of the entire keyboard. More precisely, somewhere on the upper left side numeric keypad. Sometimes when it is activated, a special indicator turns on, the same as for the Caps Lock key. Don't look for it for a long time, it may not exist either.

2. Key combination Fn + F11. Most often, this combination works on those laptops where there is no numeric keypad at all. More precisely, it is combined with the main block of keys. The combination Fn + F11 changes the functionality of the right block of the keyboard from numeric to regular and vice versa. In rare cases, it activates/deactivates a specific sector of the number keys.

By the way, the combination may differ on different laptops, for example, not Fn + F11, but Fn + F10 or Fn + Fn12. Give it a try. Just be careful when doing this experiment. You can change other settings, such as mute the sound, lock the keyboard, turn off the screen, and more. Just try, press the key combination twice so that, after deactivating a certain function, immediately activate it back.

3. Screen keyboard. This method is the simplest, most original and at the same time effective. I bought an Acer Aspire laptop. There is an additional keyboard, but Num Lock is missing, and combinations with Fn are intended for other tasks. I was struggling with turning on the numeric keypad until I came across this elegantly simple method.

Open the on-screen keyboard. It usually displays the current state of your real keyboard. That is, it may also not display both the number pad and the Num Lock key. In this case, press the “Options” key on the on-screen keyboard. A window will open where you need to check the box to enable the numeric keypad. We turn it on and see that the digital block has appeared. Next, click on Num Lock. Voila, the keyboard is activated.

For those who don’t know, you can find the on-screen keyboard in the “Start / Accessories / Accessibility / On-Screen Keyboard” menu. Or even simpler - “Start”, enter “keyboard” or “keyboard” in the search menu. The system will present the found options, between which you will definitely find an on-screen keyboard.

Keyboard malfunction issues computer It’s easier to decide - there’s always an opportunity check the keyboard you are using on another computer or vice versa - connect it to your PC exactly working properly. Then act according to the circumstances.

WITH laptop Another situation is that the keyboard is built-in, that is, an integral part.

In any case, try first reboot device and go to BIOS(usually the key F2 at the time of initialization for laptops, Del or F10 for desktop PCs). It didn’t work out - there’s a high probability device malfunction, most likely you will have to contact service center. Before that we recommend check the contacts - they may be oxidized or squeezed out(relevant for PS/2) or check cable integrity- perhaps he received damage(for example, it was pinched).

If you succeeded, then the keyboard OK, we are dealing with a software glitch.

In this case, boot the system, it would be better to do this in safe mode without starting drivers ( F8 while loading). The device is functioning, which means the problem is in the drivers. Start the OS in normal mode, right-click on the icon ComputerProperties.

Find a section Keyboards and delete everything that is in the subkey.

Then reboot computer and check if the keyboard works. In normal condition, the driver should install automatically. Here in Dispatcher you can update or reinstall driver - this option is suitable if there is an indication of unidentified devices with yellow exclamation point.

The next option is system rollback to the restore point to the date when the keyboard was exactly working.

To do this we go Start/ Control Panel

Run the program here Recovery.

Launch system recovery– choose point, to which you should rollback.

A more radical way would be complete reinstallation operating system.

You can enter characters when the keyboard is not working using on-screen application.

Start/ Special abilities.

Clicking on an image virtual keys information will be entered.

This is a temporary measure will simplify finding and solving the problem. For a laptop, another temporary solution would be connection regular USB keyboard to any free port.

For more advanced users, of course you can disassemble And check connection cable. We will not dwell on this in detail in this article.

The numbers on the right don't work

If only the numbers on the right do not work, first check if the Num Lock, some users may forget to turn it on.

Above is usually Num Lock mode enabled illuminated green LED turned on (in rare cases it may not be present).

If the numbers still do not print, check to see if the Num Lock button actually does this. Sometimes this mode includes a combination Num Lock + SHIFT or another.

Also check if you have the option enabled mouse control from keyboard.

Start\ Control Panel\ Special abilities\ Mouse

There should be no check mark on the “ Keyboard control«.

The f1-f12 keys do not work

If we are talking about laptop owners, the key is responsible for turning on the function keys Fn.

Some types of PC office devices have a " Office", you need to check its operation. In other cases it should help reinstallation drivers.

How to enable numbers on a laptop?

Master's answer:

Despite the portable dimensions of laptops, this property is not always convenient. Almost always, laptop keyboards are significantly smaller compared to standard models. Many portable computers - netbooks and laptops - do not have a number pad on the keyboard.

To enable numbers on the keyboard, you only need a netbook or laptop.

To many, this problem may seem completely trivial, because the numbers are on the second line of the keyboard. As a rule, they are used as usual. True, this arrangement of numbers is not always convenient for the user. The most inconvenience is experienced by the person who, due to the nature of his work, works with numbers for a long time and often, for example, uses a calculator on a laptop. The right special section of the NumPad keyboard will help. Finding this block on a standard external keyboard is not difficult. The same cannot be said for a laptop. However, in this situation there is a way out.

You can, for example, use a standard keyboard for work, which is connected to a laptop via a USB connector. When the device is connected to the laptop computer, it will automatic mode will install the necessary drivers and the user will be able to work freely.

There is also a special Num Pad, which you'll have to visit computer stores to find. Having chosen the appropriate model, it is connected to the laptop via a USB port.

However, it is quite possible to do without all the previously mentioned devices. Based on existing keys, you can create a digital Num Pad. To do this, you need to switch the layout by simultaneously pressing the F11 button on the top line and Fn (located in the lower left corner). On some laptop models, the F11 key may not be active. In this case, you should try the Fn+NumLk key combination. When the transition to Num Pad mode occurs, a warning icon will appear on the laptop screen indicating that the set of numbers has changed.

The effect of special commands for going to the Num Pad can be checked using the keyboard. When you press one of the keys: “L”, “U”, “J”, “K”, “I”, “O” and others, numbers should be written instead of letters. To disable Num Pad mode, you need to use the Fn+F11 (or Fn+NumLk) keys.

You may find it more convenient to use the on-screen virtual keyboard. It can be called in several ways. In the first case, through the “Start” menu, you need to go to the “Standards” section, open the “Accessibility” tab, select “On-screen keyboard”. The second way is shorter: through the “Start” menu, go to the “Run” function and enter osk in the field.

As you may know, the right side of the keyboard with numbers is called the “numeric keypad”. It allows you to quickly and conveniently type numbers, multiply, divide and perform other mathematical operations. But what to do if the numbers on the keyboard on the right do not work?

Don't worry, the solution to this problem is very simple. Next we will look at two reasons why the numbers on the keyboard do not work.

Solution 1:

The numeric keypad may be disabled. This is the most common reason why the right digits on the keyboard do not work.

To enable the numeric keypad, find the key num lk (NumLock), and click on it. This way you will be able to use the numbers on the keyboard on the right.

If the number keyboard on the right on the laptop does not work, then try pressing the key Fn + Num lk.

Solution 2:

Also, the right side of the number keyboard may not work due to incorrect settings. Moreover, in this case, all the keyboard numbers except 5 do not work. To solve this problem, follow these steps:

1. Right click on Start, and click on " Control Panel».

You can also left-click on Start and type “control panel” on your keyboard, then click on the corresponding section to go to it.

2. In the “Control Panel” window, click on “ Special abilities».

4. Scroll down a little and click on " Making the keyboard easier to use».

5. You will see a section that says: “ Control the mouse with the keyboard" In this section of the window, you need to uncheck the box next to " Enable keyboard pointer control».

6. Click the button OK"at the bottom of the window.

Ready! Two simple solutions problems when the right numbers on the keyboard do not work.

Keep in mind that if you have a keyboard hardware failure, you will need to take your laptop or desktop keyboard to a service center.

Write in the comments below if you have any questions on the topic - the right side of the number keyboard does not work.

The sidebar of the keyboard with numbers is easy to use. After all, the keys on it are arranged in the usual order, like on a calculator. Sometimes it is very convenient to quickly calculate something. If these keys fail or break, you have to spend a lot of time typing numbers using the main keyboard. What to do in this case? And how can you enable the set if you don’t have a sidebar on the right at all? Let's find out!

How to enable side numbers on the right keyboard

Any keyboard consists of several blocks. So, we can highlight:

  • Letter block;
  • Function key block (F1, F4, etc.);
  • Additional numeric keypad block.

In addition, of course, there are action keys (Shift, Ctrl).

In this article, we'll look specifically at the optional numeric keypad. On some computers and laptops it is allocated in a separate sector, on others it is in close proximity to the letter, and on others it is completely absent. However, the latter option is typical only for laptops.

On the computer

Keyboard for personal computers usually more than for laptops. Respectively, free place Manufacturers distribute them in such a way that the user can work with all the keys as comfortably as possible. Therefore, the numeric keypad is often allocated to a separate sector.

In the photo, all the keys of the additional keyboard (on the right) are highlighted in a separate group. In the upper left corner of this group there is a NumLock button (for different models location may vary). Pressing it turns on the numeric keypad.

When NumLock is turned off, the keys will behave differently. So, arrows are drawn under the numbers 8, 4, 6 and 2. This means that these keys will work like regular directional buttons (which are located to the left of the number pad).

In addition, the keys with numbers 7, 9, 1, 3, 0 and “,” are written with the names of the Home, PgUp, PgDown, End, Insert, Delete buttons, which can be found above the directional keys. When NumLock is turned off, these buttons will be responsible for the corresponding actions.

So, turning NumLock on/off does not completely disable the side keyboard, but changes the purpose of some keys.

Video: Using Additional Buttons

On a laptop

On laptops, the numeric keypad is usually located closer to the letter block. This allows manufacturers to save on the size of the entire device.

Otherwise, enabling/disabling numeric keys is done in exactly the same way as on computer keyboard. But it happens that there is no side panel for number keys on the laptop.

In this case, the developers have positioned the number keys slightly differently. They are on alphabetic ones as additional ones.

Moreover, the number keys can be applied to other buttons. It depends on the publisher.

To switch the keyboard to use additional numeric keys, you need to press a certain key combination. It may vary on different laptops. For example, in our case, you need to press the Fn and Ins keys simultaneously (since NumLock is written in blue on the Ins button).

In general, this action is no different from the usual pressing of NumLock on a computer. Only in our case, when NumLock is turned off, the keys will print letters, and when NumLock is turned on, the corresponding numbers and mathematical signs.

How to disable

Disabling the numeric keys on the side keyboard on the right (or on the letter key for some laptops) is done in the same way as turning them on. Let us briefly describe the necessary actions:

  • If you have a side keyboard, pressing the NumLock key will disable it (more precisely, switch it to other functionality, as we indicated above).
  • If you don't have a side keyboard, look for the numbers on the letter keys. In order to disable these numbers (switch them to letters), you need to press a key combination, which may differ for different laptop models. Usually this is the Fn+[some function key] button.

Photo gallery: different keyboard shortcuts on different laptop keyboards without a sidebar

Press Fn+F11 Press Fn+Insert(Num) Press Fn+Num(Scr)

Possible problems and their solutions

It may well be that turning the side keyboard on/off does not affect its operation in any way: you press NumLock, but you still can’t enter numbers. Or one particular button may not work. Let's look at each problem separately and try to find optimal solutions.

Side number keyboard does not work after turning on computer

If you want the sidebar with numeric keys to work immediately after turning on the operating system, you need to change the corresponding setting in the BIOS. First of all, restart (turn on) the computer and press the enter button to the BIOS menu. This could be the Del, F12 or any other button, depending on the computer (laptop) model. You can find out which key you need to press on the screen that appears immediately after turning on the device.

In the window that opens, go to the “Boot” tab. There you will find the “NumLock Key” option (it may be called something else, such as “NumLock Enable”). Press Enter and toggle the value to "On" or "Enabled". Go to the Exit tab and exit the BIOS, saving the changes.

The next time you turn on the computer, the side keyboard will work immediately.

Side numbers on the right don't work

If the side numeric keypad doesn't work when you press NumLock (or another function key), that key is the problem. The contact has probably come loose or the keyboard is clogged. One way or another, you will need the help of a specialist.

Before contacting the service center, it makes sense to check whether there is really something wrong with a particular button. You can do this using the on-screen keyboard.

To open the On-Screen Keyboard program, which is built into Windows by default, open the Start menu. Click on "All Programs" and find the "Accessories" folder. It contains another folder - “Special Features”. The program you are looking for is here.

“On-screen keyboard” is a full-fledged substitute for a regular one. The keys in it are pressed with the left mouse button. To test whether each individual numeric keypad button works, in the program window, click Options and select Enable numeric keypad.

Now click on the “NUMLOCK” button in the program interface, and then try to enter numbers using the hardware side keyboard.

If numbers are entered, then the problem is specifically with the “NumLock” key. Contact a technician to clean the keyboard and check its serviceability.

By the way, using the On-Screen Keyboard program you can work without any hardware at all. For example, if you handed it in for repair. It will also help you if any keys are missing or are inconveniently located.

Video: what to do if the keyboard does not work at all

Letters are typed instead of numbers

This problem may be familiar to laptop users. If your keyboard prints a number when you press a letter button, then NumLock mode is enabled. To turn it off, you need to press the key combination mentioned above. In addition, it may be that always after turning on the computer, the letter keys print numbers. In this case, you need to disable the “NumLock Key” option in the BIOS. How to do this is also described above.

The wrong letters are printed

This problem occurs equally often on both computers and laptops. The reason for this behavior of the keyboard is most often a malfunction associated with clogging.

Thus, several keystroke sensors could stick together or even fail after some liquid was spilled on the keyboard. Note that if your keyboard is printing the wrong letters, the reason is the same. In any case, you need to contact a specialist. It may well be that the device cannot be repaired at all. Then you'll have to buy a new one.

If you accidentally spilled any liquid on the keyboard, it is better to immediately take it to a service center. Even if it works now, the malfunction may appear weeks or even months later.

Always keep your computer or laptop clean. Wipe the screen and keyboard with a dry cloth or special wet wipes. This will help keep the device in good condition now and save money on repairs in the future.

Specifics of working with gaming peripherals

A gaming keyboard, of course, costs more (sometimes much more) than a regular one. It's not just about the brand, but also about functionality.

Keyboards for gamers have increased key responsiveness, which can even be customized. In addition, there are special drivers to control such delicate professional equipment. In such programs, you can configure different keyboard shortcuts for one button (macros). This is often necessary for shooter or strategy players, when everything needs to be done as quickly as possible.

Using macros, you can also assign some letter keys to enter numbers. This may be useful for different cases. For example, if you need to quickly change weapons in a game, or if the side keys on the right are broken.

Buying an additional keyboard

If your laptop does not have a side keyboard with numbers, and you find it inconvenient to use the letter keys, it makes sense to purchase an additional keyboard.

You can connect this small device to your laptop via a USB cable. The convenience of using such a keyboard lies in the fact that it can be placed anywhere, even picked up as if it were a familiar calculator. In addition, you can disable it if it is not needed. This is convenient when using a laptop on the go.

There are also special additional keyboards for gamers. But in this case, they are usually intended for functions other than entering numbers. These functions are configured in the driver.

Any problem with the side keyboard usually lies in the enabling/disabling of certain functions. If nothing suggested in the article helped you, then something is wrong with the mechanical part of the device. In this case, you can only take it for repairs. In any case, try to treat the keyboard with trepidation. Regular cleaning will help prevent a number of problems, including device failure.

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