Mid and low frequency requests. HF, LF and MF: keyword frequency range

Queries for website promotion are keywords or phrases by which Internet users search for information about specific products, services, etc. All search queries are divided into three types: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In addition, there is an additional category “long tail”.

Low frequency queries

These are the keywords for which Internet users search for information no more than 1,000 times a month. The search takes place using special search engines, the most famous of which are Yandex and Google.
Examples of low-frequency queries are “buy spare parts in Moscow inexpensively” and “Lenta Style dress model 1068.”

By creating a page for low-frequency keywords, you will attract your first audience to the site. And in two months (or maybe less) your site will be in the TOP 10 search engines for the queries you promote.

Mid-frequency queries

Queries that are more popular. They are entered into search engines from 1,000 to 10,000 times a month.
An example of mid-frequency queries is “asus monitors”.

Promotion using keywords in this category should begin when you have already taken at least some positions in the search for low-frequency words.

To promote middle-of-the-road queries, it is necessary to carry out internal linking between the pages of the site, as well as purchase external links from third-party Internet resources. At the same time, it is important that third-party sites have a good reputation and trust, and that the links do not look like outright spam.

High frequency queries

Keywords in this category are the most popular among Internet users. This group includes queries that appear on search pages more than 10,000 times a month.
An example of an RF request is “Apple”.

To be in the top for this type of words, you will need patience, attention and hard work. It can take six months or more to get into the top ten sites for HF queries.

Before you start promoting high-frequency queries, you should have a strong foothold in mid- and low-frequency words. Internal linking should be brought into perfect condition, and the external link mass on trusted sites should increase steadily. In addition, you will have to become familiar with concepts such as “behavioral factors” and “article promotion”.

A long tail

Queries for which users search for information even less often than for low-frequency queries.
Long tail example - Alcatel phone one touch reviews.
Promotion of such keywords often happens by itself. And if not, then they should pay attention. After all, if a user goes to the site based on such a request, the probability of purchasing a product or service is 99%.

Low-frequency query (LF) is a phrase entered into a search engine by Internet users relatively rarely. Optimization for low frequencies is an opportunity to attract an audience with a clearly formed need for a product, service, etc.

Features of low-frequency queries

The advantage of low-frequency queries is their single-tasking nature. Promoting a website using low-frequency keywords is usually easier. By optimizing pages for many such requests, the site owner attracts targeted visitors. Working according to LF, the site owner can receive less traffic, but the most targeted one, since the user has already formed a very clear need, he is ready to make an order/purchase, etc.

Advantages of LF queries over HF ones

Advancement through LF, as a rule, gives results faster than through HF. Despite the fact that more traffic comes via HF, its conversion percentage is usually lower. That is, when optimizing a site for low-frequency keywords, the main goal is not site traffic, but increasing the level of sales, finding partners, and regular consumers.

To compose semantic core(SY) and do it absolutely free, you need to: use the wonderful, and most importantly - free, service from the Yandex search engine, which is called Yandex Wordstat. This service is available at wordstat.yandex.ru. In addition to the specified service, we will also use a free program klooch.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat?

In a special input field we write phrases or individual words whose frequency we want to check and select similar ones. Then click on the button "Pick up".

After selection, we will see statistics of requests in the specified search engine, which will include the phrase or word we specified. In addition, there we will see other queries that were indicated by people using the words we specified. Phrases and words will be in the column on the left, and other queries will be on the right.

Some numbers will be displayed next to each request. They give some preliminary forecast of the number of impressions per month. And perhaps we will get this number of impressions when we specify this query as keywords or a word. Let’s say a certain number next to the word “laptop” will indicate the number of impressions with the word “laptop” for all queries, such as: “compare laptop”, “buy a laptop”, “laptop is broken” and so on..

You can also specify “All regions” and then the selection of words and phrases will come from “the whole world”. Or you can specify a specific region or regions and the selection will match requests only from the specified region.

Why don't we select words using the Slovoeb program?

The thing is that lately this program has often been somewhat disappointing and issues 50 requests at once. Also, the requirement to enter a captcha appears very often.

What is the program klooch ?

With this free program you can easily determine the freeness of a particular request, so to speak. This will be discussed in more detail below.

How to determine the frequency of a request?

There is no absolutely definite indication to determine the frequency of a request! For example, this level is higher for non-commercial requests than for commercial requests.

Without insisting on anything, we can define it like this:

Micro-low frequency (MLF) - from 0 to 200 requests within a month;
Low frequency (LF) - from 200 to 1200;
Mid frequency (MF) - from 1500 to 5000;
High frequency (HF) - from 5000 to almost no limit.

You can also highlight Mega Frequency (mHF), but it’s not worth going deeper into this.

How to determine the competitiveness of a request?

The competitiveness of requests can be determined using formulas, or it can be done “by eye”. For example, you can see the number of documents that appear in the search results for a specific query:

1) Results from a million or more - highly competitive (VC);

2) From 100,000 to 1 million - moderately competitive (MC);

3) Up to 100,000 - low competitive.
This sorting will never tell you exactly, so we won’t take it into account. Competition can also be determined by its direct occurrence in the title of the article - the more occurrences, the worse for us; in terms of the total number of optimized articles - the fewer such articles, the better; by the number of main pages in the results - the fewer faces, the better; according to the site trust from the search results - a smaller trust is better.

There are many such divisions; we have indicated the main ones. First, we need to determine the topic of the request. For example, the topic of our site is games. So, there is no need to take the request “how to train cats”, since this request is not compatible with our topic. And all this is not very good for search engines.

For example, let’s take the same theme of “games”. We enter a general query into Yandex.Wordstat, such as “play in....”, “.... finish the game":

After that, we select a more rare query, such as “play racing.”
We see the following:

Now we select a low-frequency request. But there are also a lot of generalized queries here. Therefore, we need to go to the second page and select the request “play racing against zombies.” Number of requests per month - 516:

We carry out the analysis:

According to the Klooch program, there are no matches in Title in Yandex. Therefore, you can easily reach the TOP10 or even the TOP3. How can we now determine if a request is free?
Let's say there are five matches in the Title - then you can easily reach the top6. That is, the fewer coincidences there are in the Title, the better for us. The situation is similar for main pages.

Next, copy all found queries into Excel. But! A frequency of 500 requests per month does not interest us. We need to find medium-frequency queries. Let's take a closer look at the example of the request “racing play online maquin”.

We carry out the analysis:

This is a mid-frequency query with a long tail. This request is low competitive. There are few pages in the search results for this query. It can also be included in the semantic core.
Now it’s time to find a free high-frequency query, for example, “cars play racing.”

HF requests – high-frequency user requests. Typically, high-frequency queries are those that are searched by 10,000 people per month or more.

You can view the frequency of queries per month for Yandex in the wordstat.yandex.ru service. To check requests, you must have an account in Yandex mail.

In order to find out the frequency of a query on Google, you need to register with Google service Adwords. Then, using the Keyword Planner tool, you can find out the frequency of the queries you are interested in:

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

With rare exceptions, there is more competition for high-frequency queries. What requests are considered HF, MF, LF? By frequency, requests are divided:

  1. 10,000 per month or more – high-frequency queries (HF);
  2. 1000 - 10,000 per month – medium frequency requests (MF);
  3. 100 – 1000 per month – low-frequency requests (LF);
  4. up to 100 per month – micro-LF requests.

Promoting HF requests is the most difficult thing. In addition to frequency, requests can be transactional and informational.. Transactional implies interest in purchasing:

  • Buy a Samsung refrigerator.
  • Sony Vaio laptop price.

Information requests:

  • How to grow petunias.
  • Population of Yekaterinburg.

Mid-frequency requests (MF)

MF requests are mid-frequency requests. These include requests with a frequency of 1000-10000 per month. If high-frequency (10 thousand and above) requests consist mainly of “tails,” then midrange requests are often self-sufficient. LF (low frequency - from 100 to 1000 per month) according to wordstat.yandex.ru.

What are mid-frequency queries - an example.

Example of a middle request:

The base request frequency is 1026, and the exact frequency without “tails” is only 100 requests less.

It’s usually easiest to promote a website with low-frequency and mid-range queries “without tails.”

Medium-frequency queries are calculated based on the average number of search statistics.

Mid-frequency requests also include seasonal requests, which right now are either high-frequency or low-frequency, but on average their frequency ranges from 1 to 10 thousand. Here is an example of such a request:

Despite the peaks around the New Year (at the peak – 20,000+ per month), the request is mid-frequency. To save you from mathematical research, the average request frequency for the period is a little more than 5.5 thousand.

MF queries - how to collect more accurately?

Advanced level of frequency calculation – taking into account the share of search engines in the country. The numbers from the example are multiplied by 30-40%, because Yandex provides statistics only on its search, but there is also Google. We look at the data in Yandex, because... its tool for viewing queries is more convenient.

To view data in the Yandex Wordstat service, log in to Yandex services.

Low frequency queries (LF)

Low-frequency requests are requests that are requested by 100 to 1000 people per month. In addition to monthly frequency, seasonality is also taken into account. Without this, part of the micro-low frequency requests will end up being high frequency. An example is queries about ski equipment in the summer.

Not only the frequency of the request is important.

In addition to frequency, pay attention to the competitiveness of the request. In many topics, traffic is tiny, but hundreds and thousands of sites compete for it.

This indicator is determined by a combination of such factors:

  1. Number of words in the search query.
  2. Number of main pages in search results positions.
  3. Average age of domains ranked in the top positions.
  4. The number of external links to web resources in the top.
  5. Presence among the results of web pages of Wikipedia, youtube, market.yandex and other giant sites.

The more indicators the webmaster analyzes, the more accurate the result will be. This is done to estimate the costs of increasing the site’s position for a key phrase to a certain level and, accordingly, the cost of such work. It also helps to determine methods and develop a website promotion strategy.

Advantages and examples of selecting low frequency queries, which queries are considered low frequency.

LF queries are used to estimate demand for a product or service. The more low-frequency requests, the greater the field for activity. Mostly low frequency queries in broad topics (women's topics, cars, computers, etc.) consist of 3-4 words.

Examples of low frequency queries in the Yandex Wordstat service:

Website promotion in Yandex using low-frequency queries is an almost free method.

To promote a website for low-competition low-frequency queries, it is enough to write a detailed article on the topic, in the absence of competition in the search results.

Low frequency queries usually reach the top 3-10 within several search engine results updates.

Micro LF queries

Micro low-frequency queries - queries with a frequency of up to 100 views per month using Yandex Wordstat and the key hint tool words google. You may be thinking - is the game worth the candle - this is 15 people a month at best? What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Statistics tools do not provide accurate data.
  2. New requests appear every day.
  3. According to search engines, up to 20% of daily queries have not been entered before.
  4. Query statistics show data in past tense for a specific period of time.

This data is for October 2016. If you don’t know that Yandex Wordstat shows data for the last 28 days, it will seem that this is an unpromising request. Let's look at the seasonality:

It turns out that at the peak, at least 250 users are searching for the request (this is only Yandex). And the request seemed almost micro LF. Selection and promotion of such topics will increase site traffic several times.

Where to collect such requests?

You need to pay attention to micro-low frequency requests, because... they reflect the real needs of site visitors. You can collect them for free either in your website statistics, or by collecting data monthly in Yandex Wordstat.

You can collect data on such queries either in site statistics or in various keyword databases.

Greetings to the readers of my blog site! I'll start right away with a question. Do you already have a personal website or blog? Are you promoting it, if yes, then how? Have you heard of such concepts as: LF HF HF requests? Some of you may be surprised by these strange combinations of a couple of letters, but experienced bloggers are probably familiar with them and have already brought tangible benefits when promoting their blog. I’ll tell you in more detail what the decoding and meaning of these abbreviations are. Interesting? Read on.

When you start to promote your resource, everything matters. Site navigation, design, semantic load, and so on. But I would say that these points are secondary. What matters most is the content, that is, the articles that will be published. I’m sure many of you already know that using other sources is not only unethical towards other authors, but will also have a negative impact on the development of the blog. Texts must be unique, and for their successful promotion, keywords should be introduced into sentences.


Before sharing with you information about the meaning of the terms mentioned and their usefulness in, let's get acquainted with the interpretation of queries:

  • HF – high-frequency ones, characterizing the industry, which are asked in searches more than 10,000 times, for example, “wooden doors”; such requests are general and do not carry any specifics;
  • midrange – mid-frequency, more specific than the previous one, usually consists of two or three words with a monthly search frequency of one thousand to ten thousand, for example – “ wooden interior door»;
  • LF – low-frequency, usually consisting of three or more words with a frequency of up to a thousand requests per month, for example - “ buy larch interior door at a profit».

I assume you all know the definition of the word “request,” but I’ll explain anyway. This is a word or phrase that fits into search bar. It turns out that LF, MF and HF are the query keys in SEO.

So, we understand that each article must be optimized for certain search queries. Keep in mind that website promotion using high-frequency phrases is more expensive, but worth it.

It is very important to implement keywords correctly so that users find answers to their questions when they land on your informative source. Otherwise, search engines They will notice that guests of the resource do not stay on the site for long, and this will lead to a decrease in your ranking in the top search results.

Do not try to include several many queries in one article, limit yourself to one or three.

The differences between keywords with different frequencies are as follows:

The lower the frequency, the fewer competitors and the greater the likelihood that your article will appear first or one of the first in search results.

I definitely recommend writing articles at the initial stage of site development, for low-frequency queries. Website sections are formed based on mid-frequency queries, and high-frequency ones for the index page of the website, that is, the main one.

We will define keywords for you

If you haven’t yet started analyzing your resource and selecting keywords for it, now is the time to start. After all, the sooner you learn to write articles correctly, the better for you and the promotion of your Internet project. A unique service from Yandex will come to our aid - Wordstat, which is a guide to the world of optimization and allows you to choose words for competent SEO. Once you enter this system, you will see a window like this.

If you do not have or have not yet registered your resource in this system, hurry up to do so, but you can start selecting words without registration. I entered the phrase " wooden doors ", set the region " Russia" and pressed the button " Pick up" Look what happened:

As you can see, this phrase is quite popular and in demand. But please note that the indicated number of queries located opposite the phrase indicates the total number of phrases found where yours appears, in this case "wooden doors" , For example, "wooden entrance doors" , "buy wooden doors" etc.

To view the number of phrases and their inflections only for a written phrase, you need to put it in quotes:

The situation has changed a little. The number 1463 is real, that is, the mentioned request is mid-frequency. If, for example, you sell plush hares in a specific city (Ekaterinburg) and provide for delivery and sale only within that city, then it makes sense for you to indicate a more specific region, up to your city. With the same success, you can look at the statistics of how many people per month are interested in plush hares in Yekaterinburg.

Be sure to use quotation marks, as I showed above, they will help you cut off unnecessary words in queries. There are several other useful techniques when working with this system. For example, you might want to match queries about doors, but not include responses like " wooden" Then in the search bar you need to specify the following combination of words and characters:

That is, before a word that you don't need, indicate a minus sign . When indicate a plus , then you assume that the keywords will be diluted with conjunctions and prepositions:

Exclamation mark helps to find all variants of queries in which your key is displayed (exact occurrence):

If, for example, you make not only doors, but also windows and balconies, then you can group your request in parentheses or separate words with a vertical line:

It is better for beginners to focus their attention on promoting low-frequency and mid-frequency queries, since high-frequency ones have great competition and promotion on them requires large financial investments (to buy links or advertising through Yandex Direct). Large companies that claim to conquer the market can afford such active promotion; it is difficult for one person to cope with this.

But don’t rush to get upset, this doesn’t mean that potential clients and subscribers will bypass you. Experience shows that promotion for low-frequency queries can attract a higher-quality audience. It turns out that it’s all about the ability to write high-quality articles for keywords.

You can fill your resource with low-frequency queries, confidently increase your readership and replenish your client base, and reaching the TOP is just around the corner!

I hope you have become familiar with the terms and made certain conclusions regarding exactly how you will promote your site in the near future. I would like to know about your real successes, share them in the comments to the articles, how you managed to achieve and over what period.

Starting to develop your blog is often difficult, but I guarantee you information support, so be sure to subscribe to the newsletter and invite your friends and colleagues!

See you later!

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

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