Technical support mgts phone number. What to do if the MGTS phone does not work? addresses and telephone numbers of MGTS technical support

Technical support of the telecommunications provider MGTS is a 24-hour customer service service that operates through a universal Contact Center. The list of its functionality includes universal consulting of the company’s clients on a wide range of issues, primarily related to financial and technical aspects. In addition, hotline operators accept applications for connecting additional services, and also process calls with complaints from Muscovites regarding the quality of communication in real time.

About the technical support service

The Universal Contact Center was opened by PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network in 2006, combining the provider’s disparate services into a single whole. On its basis, MGTS implemented a system for prompt call service using tone dialing, developed by the largest Russian IT company Sitronics. This mechanism allows you to optimize subscriber requests, distributing them into separate areas: connection of services, financial issues, repair work, etc.

In 2012, as part of the replacement of hardware and the subsequent abandonment of copper wires in favor of the Contact Center, it underwent modernization. This made it possible to significantly reduce the waiting time for a technical support employee to respond from 1 minute to 15-30 seconds. Moreover, today more than 50 thousand MGTS clients use the services of the Contact Center every day, including Internet users, landline phone owners, mobile subscribers, and digital television fans.

Phone list

To contact MGTS support service, you need to call one of the numbers provided:

  • from city – (495) 63 – 60 – 636;
  • from mobile – 0636.

In addition, the provider has set up a couple of hotlines, thanks to which you can:

  • find out your personal account balance – (495) 70 – 74 – 455;
  • inform the operator about the quality of the services provided – (495) 70 – 07 – 777.

For MGTS subscribers, all calls to the Contact Center, including 24-hour hotlines, are completely free.

Back call

Customers of Moscow city telephone networks who use digital television and the Internet, but are not fixed-line or mobile subscribers, can order a call back from a support operator on the official website.

  1. Go to the address –
  2. Leave your contact phone number.
  3. Decide on the topic of the question.
  4. Explain the question you are interested in in as much detail as possible.
  5. Confirm that you are a person and not a robot by choosing a color that matches the picture.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.

This option can also be used by subscribers of any Russian operators who need advice.

Reviews about MGTS technical support

Egor – 24 years old (Moscow):

I have been working in the Contact Center for the last two years. Staff turnover is quite large, which does not have the most favorable effect on the quality of service. However, in light of recent events - the collapse of the exchange rate, the situation has changed dramatically. Many employees began to truly value their workplace.

The requirements here are very high, conversations are recorded. So if someone complains about the operator, then he will have to report to his superiors, and then he will not be far from being fired.

Finally, I’ll share one little secret. If you want to speed up the process of resolving your issue, then do not agree to the standard phrase “we will call you back,” but demand that you stay on the line until all the circumstances of the current problem are clarified.

Andrey – 28 years old (Chekhov):

The coordination of the MGTS support service leaves much to be desired. When I ordered, I asked to additionally connect digital TV. But after an hour he changed his mind, and accordingly informed the operator about it. The specialist who came to the call brought a TV tuner with him and in an aggressive manner began to force me to accept this “gift”. In general, we had to call back to the Contact Center, whose specialists an hour later clarified our conflict with the installer! There is no trace of European service quality standards here.

Svetlana – 23 years old (Lyubertsy):

Overall, I am satisfied with the technical support service of Moscow city telephone networks. But, based on the experience of numerous requests, I got the impression that, along with highly qualified specialists, some crooks work there.

Once I had to order Internet settings for a Chinese mobile phone running Android OS. After calling the operator, he told me that there are no automatic settings for this smartphone model. Consequently, I made all the necessary configurations myself under the dictation of this employee, but nothing worked. About 30 minutes later, after contacting another specialist from the same Contact Center, they sent me automatic settings without any difficulty. Just so you understand, such cases occur with enviable regularity.

Lyudmila – 19 years old (Moscow):

I call the support service - they understand everything and accept complaints. What's the point if I've been stuck with a broken modem for two weeks now?

The operators’ answers are also surprising; for all occasions they have either “We are experiencing technical failures” or “There are no available specialists at the moment. We will contact you as soon as possible." And this has been the case for 10 days in a row.

Thus, the quality of service of the MGTS Contact Center, taking into account all the positive and negative aspects, still needs to be improved. And if there are basically no questions regarding the hardware, then the human factor definitely spoils the picture. Therefore, improving the qualifications of customer support employees is a top priority for the management of the telecommunications giant.

MGTS Moscow tariffs are designed to provide profitable communications - Internet, mobile and landline, which can be paid on one account.

We are so accustomed to the fact that at any moment, regardless of location, we can contact an important person, wherever he is. And to ensure that this communication is of high quality and affordable, operators constantly offer competitive prices and service packages.

For example, provider MGTS on the official website tariffs for Moscow and region, as well as other settlements, is regularly updated for the benefit of consumers. On this resource you can always familiarize yourself with current tariffs and service packages, as well as connect to the selected tariff.

In 2019 the provider MGTS internet tariffs for Moscow and areas offers in several options, including an interesting offer specifically for tablet owners. Tariffs are designed in such a way that both calls and Internet access are as profitable as possible.

Mobile tariffs:

  • “Smart mini” with a subscription fee of 200 rubles/month. The package includes: 1 GB of high-speed Internet, 200 minutes of calls with any Russian operator, unlimited calls to MGTS and MTS subscribers in Moscow and the region, 50 SMS to all Moscow numbers, including the region.
  • “Smart” with a subscription fee of 400 rubles per month. The package includes: 3 GB of high-speed Internet, 500 minutes of calls with any Russian operator, 250 SMS to all Moscow numbers, including the region.
  • “Smart NonStop” with a subscription fee of 500 rubles/month. The package includes: 20 GB of high-speed Internet, 500 minutes of calls with any Russian operator in Moscow and the region, 500 SMS to all Moscow numbers, including the region.
  • “Tablet” with a subscription fee of 400 rubles per month. The package includes: 10GB of internet and 4G.

You can connect and manage the package through your personal account on the official website of the service provider.

New MGTS tariffs in Moscow for home telephony

Landline communications still have not lost their relevance. Your home number is more reliable, because you can’t change it as often as your cell phone. In addition, thanks to this, all the people important to you will know him and will always be able to call you.

New MGTS landline telephone tariffs in Moscow offer two options: unlimited and time-based calls.

The company offers the following tariff packages:

  • "Time-based." The cost of 1 minute of conversation to fixed Moscow numbers is 0.6 rubles, to mobile numbers in Moscow – 1.58 rubles/minute. Monthly fee – 205 RUR/month.
  • "Combined". 400 minutes for intimate conversations, the cost of a minute of the super package is 58 kopecks for a fixed line and 1.58 rubles for a cell phone. The subscription fee is 429 rubles/month.
  • "Unlimited." Unlimited calls to fixed numbers. The cost of a minute to mobile numbers is 1.58 rubles. Subscription fee – 499 rubles per month.
  • "Advanced". Unlimited minutes to all Moscow landline numbers, 100 free minutes to cell numbers. The monthly fee is 625 rubles/month.
  • "Premium". Unlimited calls to all Moscow fixed numbers, 300 free minutes to hundreds. The subscription fee is 850 rubles/month.

The company also offers additional services: for 54 rubles per month you can install automatic caller ID, and for 1800 rubles the MGTS provider will install you a landline telephone along with the Internet.

New MGTS Moscow tariffs for Internet and TV

In 2019 the operator MGTS internet tariffs in Moscow for home offers in the following options based on speed:

  • 30 Mbit/sec – for 300 rubles/month.
  • 60 Mbit/sec – for 450 RUR/month.
  • 100 Mbit/sec – for 600 RUR/month.
  • 200 Mbit/sec – for 900 rubles/month.
  • 350 Mbit/sec – for 1100 rubles/month.
  • 500 Mbit/sec – for 1600 RUR/month.

TV tariff plans are presented in 4 packages: “Basic” for 99 rubles/month, “Nothing extra” for 300 rubles/month, “Kaleidoscope” for 100 rubles/month and Personal TV.


MGTS is unlimited home Internet using GPON technology, reaching speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s. The user receives a personal optical channel with high throughput, which ensures stable operating speed at any time of the day. The quality of communication also reaches the highest level.

MGTS tariffs

The official website of MGTS offers various tariff plans for different tasks. Speed ​​limits for home Internet:

· 200 Mbit per second;

· 350 Mbit per second;

· 500 Mbit per second;

· 1000 Mbit per second.

The operator provides tariff packages with daily pricing for those who need wireless Internet in rare cases.


MGTS Internet works through a modem with a built-in Wi-Fi module, providing wireless access at no additional cost. Modern connection technologies guarantee reliable Internet speed without interference, interruptions and freezes.

Access to the web remains even if the balance on your personal account is negative. MGTS offers the “Pay later” option, with which the subscriber continues to use communication services for seven days.

The “White Internet” service allows you to protect children from unwanted influence. It allows you to customize your profile depending on age, access time and types of sites visited.

Technical support of the telecommunications provider MGTS is a 24-hour customer service service that operates through a universal Contact Center. The list of its functionality includes universal consulting of the company’s clients on a wide range of issues, primarily related to financial and technical aspects. In addition, hotline operators accept applications for connecting additional services, and also process calls in real time with complaints from Muscovites regarding the quality of communication.

About the technical support service

The Universal Contact Center was opened by PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network in 2006, combining the provider’s disparate services into a single whole. On its basis, MGTS implemented a system for prompt call service using tone dialing, developed by the largest Russian IT company Sitronics. This mechanism allows you to optimize subscriber requests, distributing them into separate areas: connection of services, financial issues, repair work, etc.

Additional information can be obtained by calling the Contact Center: 8 800 250 00 50.

Personal Area

Questions and answers

How to change the tariff plan through your Personal Account?

To change your tariff plan through your Personal Account, you need to:

How to access your Personal Account?

The PIN code received during connection does not work. What to do?

Our employees will help you deal with this problem. Call the MGTS Contact Center: 8 800 250 00 50 or send an email to:

What does Personal Account give me?

Are users of the “Home Internet” service given access to the Personal Account section?

MGTS technical support

Technical support

Do I pay for the time spent waiting for a response from a technical support operator, as well as the time I talk to him?

If you use the “Time-based” and “Combined” tariff plans, then all calls to the MGTS help desk and technical support service will be free.

How can I change my tariff plan?

I have lost my authentication data (name and password for logging into the Internet), issued to me when connecting to the service. How to restore them?

To restore lost authentication data, you need to contact any MGTS sales office.

What will happen to Internet services when you change your phone number or when you move from the “495” zone to the “499” zone?

What does Personal Account give me?

Are users of the Home Internet service given access to the Personal Account section?

The service is indispensable for those who have to dial the same number many times every day. It is also in demand in cases where the family has a small child, a sick person or an elderly person with poor vision who needs to contact the desired subscriber.

If, after picking up the handset, the subscriber has not started dialing within 7-10 seconds, the programmed number will automatically begin dialing. The service allows you to save dialing time and accurately dial the required number.

For a regular call, you should start dialing immediately after picking up the handset.

Procedure for using the service

Once connected, the service is activated (deactivated) by pressing a few keys on the phone.

Service activation

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial sequentially *53*, the full number of the called party, then #
    • continuous beep - the service is activated;
    • iridescent beeps or a phrase from the autoinformer - the service is not activated (the subscriber does not have the right to use the service);
  • Put the phone down.

Checking service activation

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial sequentially *#53# ;
    • continuous beep - the service is active;
    • iridescent beeps or a phrase from the autoinformer - the service is not active;
  • Put the phone down.

Deactivation of the service

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial sequentially #53#;
  • Listen to one of the station's signals:
    • continuous beep - the service is deactivated;
    • iridescent beeps or a phrase from the autoinformer - the service is not deactivated (the subscriber does not have the right to use the service);
    • frequent short beeps - the command was entered incorrectly;
  • Put the phone down.


For all cases of activation/deactivation of additional services on a Siemens Gigaset C470 IP telephone, at the end of dialing a special command, you should dial “” instead of “#”.

Order service

You can order the “Hotline” service through “ ” by calling the Contact Center of PJSC MGTS by phone: 8 495 636-0-636 or by contacting any of the sales and service offices of PJSC MGTS.

When ordering a service, you must clarify the possibility of providing this service on your phone number, what functions the telephone device must support for the service to work, and then order the service.


MGTS has a special service department that provides information about its subscribers free of charge. You can call 09 or 009, where you can find out all the necessary information. In addition to the phone number and information about subscribers, you can also find out a lot of useful information about services in the city, for example, telephone numbers for calling a taxi, air ticket offices, ordering products and various services, and even get advice from a lawyer or a competent tour operator. You can call numbers 09 and 009 from a landline in Moscow.


Let's look at the principles of management net using the example of the Windows XP operating system.
We can obtain all the necessary data through the use of the control panel. Go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Network Connections. A window will open in front of you where all network connections configured on your computer will be displayed.

In our case, we are dealing not only with physically existing connections (configuration is carried out directly for the network card), but also with a virtual VPN connection that allows data to be sent over a secure channel. Remember that there can be many types of connections; it all depends on the provider. Therefore, it would be logical to consider only interaction with actually connected network cards.

So, select the connection you are interested in, click on it, calling up the context menu. Select "Properties" from the menu. You will see a window similar to the one shown in the figure.

Next, click on the “Properties” button, after which you will see a screen displaying the settings of your IP address, gateway and other characteristics (note that if you have it installed, these settings must be viewed in the control panel of the router, and within this screen there will be The “Obtain an IP address automatically” checkbox is checked and, most likely, the “Obtain DNS server address automatically” checkbox is checked).

If we return to the previous window, then by clicking on the “Configure” button, we will have access to the settings of the network card itself.

Although in most cases we will not need these settings at all, we will still consider the case when we need to change the mac address of our card. To do this, in this window, find the “Advanced” tab, on which in the list find the value “Network address”, and in the window that appears you can enter your value.

Technical support of the telecommunications provider MGTS is a 24-hour customer service service that operates through a universal Contact Center. The list of its functionality includes universal consulting of the company’s clients on a wide range of issues, primarily related to financial and technical aspects. In addition, hotline operators accept applications for connecting additional services, and also process calls with complaints from Muscovites regarding the quality of communication in real time.

About the technical support service

The Universal Contact Center was opened by PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network in 2006, combining the provider’s disparate services into a single whole. On its basis, MGTS implemented a system for prompt call service using tone dialing, developed by the largest Russian IT company Sitronics. This mechanism allows you to optimize subscriber requests, distributing them into separate areas: connection of services, financial issues, repair work, etc.

In 2012, as part of the hardware replacement and subsequent abandonment of copper wires in favor of fiber optics, the Contact Center underwent modernization. This made it possible to significantly reduce the waiting time for a technical support employee to respond from 1 minute to 15-30 seconds. Moreover, today more than 50 thousand MGTS clients use the services of the Contact Center every day, including Internet users, owners of landline phones, mobile subscribers, as well as fans of digital television.

Phone list

To contact MGTS support service, you need to call one of the numbers provided:

  • from city – (495) 63 – 60 – 636;

  • from mobile – 0636.

In addition, the provider has set up a couple of hotlines, thanks to which you can:

  • find out your personal account balance – (495) 70 – 74 – 455;

  • inform the operator about the quality of the services provided – (495) 70 – 07 – 777.

For MGTS subscribers, all calls to the Contact Center, including 24-hour hotlines, are completely free.

Back call

Customers of Moscow city telephone networks who use digital television and the Internet, but are not fixed-line or mobile subscribers, can order a call back from a support operator on the official website.

  1. Go to the address –

  2. Leave your contact phone number.

  3. Decide on the topic of the question.

  4. Explain the question you are interested in in as much detail as possible.

  5. Confirm that you are a person and not a robot by choosing a color that matches the picture.

  6. Click on the “Submit” button.

This option can also be used by subscribers of any Russian operators who require advice from MGTS specialists.

Publications on the topic