Business service “My Country” from Beeline: description, connection and disabling options. The “My Country” service from Beeline is a great way to save money Beeline connection options my country

One of the most favorable tariffs for travelers, the Beeline “My Country” tariff offers optimal conditions for those who do not like to sit in one place and often move within our vast country. To make you feel at home, no matter where you are, Beeline offers a universal tariff. This set of services is suitable for those who do not want to constantly change SIM cards when moving and do not want to overpay for using mobile communication services.

This tariff is suitable for any budget and the cost of connection is only 25 rubles. There is no subscription fee, and the service itself does not require connection or disconnection and starts working when the subscriber leaves his home region. Being within his home region, the subscriber does not have to worry about the cost of his regular services; they will not be affected in any way by the service - it will be disabled whenever the subscriber communicates within his region.

How to activate the Beeline “My Country” service

  • Using the voice service available by calling 0683.
  • Using Beeline personal account management tools.
  • Through the company's mobile application.
  • Using options hotline subscriber support 8-800-700-0611 or 0611.

As noted above, no additional service management is required. Once connected, it will start working in automatic mode when leaving your home region. To turn off this service, just call short number 0683 and follow the instructions of the automatic assistant.

This service is available to all Beeline subscribers, regardless of the payment method for communication services. Unfortunately, those subscribers who use tariffs for tablet computers, modems, or are connected to the “ALL!” tariff group, will not be able to connect to “My Country”. True, users of the “ALL!” tariffs communicate in roaming cheaply.

How much does Beeline’s “My Country” tariff cost?

Payment for connecting the service is 25 rubles. There are no additional commissions, fees or charges. The cost of outgoing and incoming calls in roaming is calculated at a rate of 3 rubles per minute. It costs the same to send one SMS. Receiving and processing SMS messages is free.

If you do not want to overpay for communication services when you are outside your home region, and buying a new SIM card does not seem to you the most rational solution, then be sure to activate the “My Country” service and use mobile communications at a convenient price.

The regional division of the state is reflected in the cost of communication mobile operators. Without exception, all operators increase the cost of telephone calls outside the home region. National roaming even makes incoming calls chargeable. The “My Country” service from Beeline increases the availability of conversations when traveling around Russia. Now there is no need to purchase new SIM cards when you find yourself in a foreign region, and since it is an additional option, it is easy to connect it and feel at home everywhere.

The service is intended for traveling around Russia. With its help, you save money when calling home to friends and family; it is not a basic phone; it is connected separately and does not require a subscription fee. Connection is possible with almost any tariff plan, even archival. Action is not limited in time, disconnection occurs automatically when returning to your home region.

The feature has limitations: it does not include Mobile Internet, traffic will be consumed according to the tariff plan. If the “Home Region” service is activated when the “My Country” function is activated, the first one is disabled automatically.

Terms of service

The function is valid for calls within the Beeline operator network, covering the territory of the state, except for the connection area, the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol. Does not apply to connected tariffs of the “All” line, which, as a rule, already include profitable calls. The function is automatically disabled when the subscriber switches to one of the “All” tariffs.

Option cost: calls and SMS

For travel, the “Calls within Russia” function is also provided. Unlike "My Country" it is provided behind subscription fee– 5 rub. per day. There is a certain time limit for calls - 100 minutes per month. This package applies to long-distance calls to numbers of other operators while in your home region when traveling around the country in the Beeline network - to any numbers of mobile and fixed-line operators. Connection costs 30 rubles.

Compared to “Calls within Russia”, the obvious advantages of “My Country” are that there is no subscription fee, the cost of connection is 5 rubles less. Another advantage is the unlimited talk time and validity period. Another factor worth noting is: you don’t need to turn it off, track how many minutes have been spent and how many are left.

Among the minuses, we highlight the possibility of conversations exclusively on the Beeline network, as well as the inability to use the option on the home network.

Connection settings

You can activate the service in several ways:

  • By logging into your personal account from a computer or mobile device;
  • By calling 0683, use the autoinformer prompts;
  • By contacting the service technical support by dialing 0611;
  • By using mobile application"My Beeline";
  • On the website using the quick activation form.

You can disable the function by dialing 0683. But there is no need to disable it, because the deactivation is automatic, no extra funds will be written off.

Benefits of the service

The described function is convenient, simple, and will help people traveling around the edges and regions of our Motherland. If a person needs to always stay in touch, this option will help save money on telephone calls. Suitable for both people who constantly travel outside their native region, and those who make such trips very rarely.

Until April 13, 2016 mobile operator Beeline provided the “My Country” service, which was especially beneficial to people who periodically visit different cities of Russia.

Typically, a person traveling to another city purchased a SIM card on the spot so as not to overpay for communications. With the “My Country” option, this need has disappeared: the Beeline operator has provided quite favorable conditions for calls and SMS messages throughout Russia.

Connection/disconnection conditions

To activate the service, all you had to do was call the short number 0683. This action cost 25 rubles. was not charged, so the option had a huge advantage. Many people simply forgot that it was connected because Money They didn’t debit the phone balance for it.

Disconnection also occurred by calling 0683. Deactivation was free of charge. Since April 13, 2016, “My Country” has been disabled for all Beeline subscribers.

What's the benefit?

A call within Russia cost only 3 rubles per minute. The incoming cost was the same. The lucky ones who managed to connect to this service before November 26, 2015, paid for only the first minute of incoming calls, and then talked for free. Outgoing SMS messages within Russia cost 3 rubles, incoming SMS messages cost 0 rubles. “My Country” covered all cities except the connection area, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

At the same time, subscribers, having activated this option once, could no longer think about such a terrible word as “roaming”. The option began to work automatically as soon as a person left his home area, and it was completely free, not counting a one-time connection.

The option made it possible to profitably make calls to your colleagues, business partners or relatives, significantly saving on cellular communications costs.

Additional Information

Since November 26, 2015, “My Country” has become unavailable for connection. On the official Beeline website this was explained by the fact that subscribers using this tariff already have quite favorable prices. When switching to any tariff from this line, the option was automatically disabled.

On April 13, 2016, the “My Country” option was disabled, but Beeline subscribers were offered an alternative.

“My Country” on the official beeline website

Information about the service can be found on the official website To do this, follow the instructions:

The “connect” button still works on the site, but Beeline operators claim that this service is no longer available to all subscribers.

Communication in domestic roaming at the basic rates of a particular tariff is not the most convenient, and most often very expensive. The Beeline operator made sure that subscribers communicated without counting money in their accounts. The “My Country” option is a convenient solution for those who often travel to Russian regions for leisure or work.


“My Country” can be used on different Beeline tariffs; its effect extends to the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Connection, first and subsequent – ​​25 rubles. There is no subscription fee.

Other features include:

  1. Calls are charged by the minute - what is said is taken from the account.
  2. You only need to activate the option once; then it becomes active only after leaving the connection region.
  3. Rates for incoming calls – 3 rubles/min.
  4. The cost of outgoing calls is 3 rubles/min. Moreover, this price applies to any numbers of Russian telecom operators.
  5. Sending SMS – 3 rubles/piece.
  6. The Internet option under the “My Country” conditions is not provided; it will need to be ordered separately.

Important! The only region where “My Country” is not available is Crimea and Sevastopol. But there are separate options for them that allow you to optimize communication with friends and family on the peninsula.

Connecting and disconnecting

Only existing Beeline subscribers can activate it. The options for doing this are as follows:

  1. Call the number 0 6 8 3 – this is a voice menu, following its prompts, you will be able to easily connect it and communicate more easily when traveling around Russia. A notification will be sent to your phone that activation has occurred.
  2. Contacting customer support – 0 6 1 1 . The method is not the most convenient, because sometimes you have to wait quite a long time for communication with the operator.
  3. Through your personal account. Registering it will take a couple of minutes, but you will be able to manage all the options and Beeline tariff. To activate, you need to find the “services” section and move the marker to the “connect” position.
  4. Through the application. This is an analogue of your Personal Account, all sections in it are located the same way.

Important! Activation is possible only if there is an amount of more than 25 rubles on the account, because after withdrawing the connection payment, the balance must remain positive.

There is no need to disable the service, because it does not charge a monthly fee. Moreover, it turns on automatically after crossing the boundaries of the home region. Remember that if you deactivate it, then when you reconnect you will have to pay 25 rubles again. If you still decide to deactivate it, then the most convenient way to do this is by calling the number 0 6 8 3 .

A service that will help you significantly save on communication when traveling around Russia “My Country” is very popular and is available on most operator tariffs.

Hardly for any of the modern Russian subscribers cellular communications It is a secret that outside the home region, operators provide services on less favorable terms than directly “at home”. A similar trend is observed among all cellular companies in the country, regardless of the region of connection. Of course, there are separate tariff plans aimed at providing the opportunity for beneficial communication throughout Russia. But such offers are convenient for those clients who travel throughout the Russian Federation systematically. For other subscribers, the “My Country” service on Beeline may be an ideal option.

Briefly about the service

If we talk briefly about this proposal, then for starters it’s worth saying that this is not a tariff, but additional service. This is what makes it an ideal option for rare trips around the country, and not a tool for regular travelers across the expanses of the vast Motherland.

Activating the service guarantees subscribers the opportunity to use communications on more favorable terms than those provided under most default tariff packages for roaming within Russia.

Detailed description of the Beeline “My Country” option

As for more detailed characteristics roaming services in Russia, their list is quite simple and limited, but this is the main highlight of the offer - it is extremely simple to use and has completely transparent conditions. In general, the conditions look like this:

  • Service activation fee: 25 rubles;
  • Subscription fee: none;
  • All incoming and outgoing calls within the country: 3 rubles per minute;
  • Sending messages across the country: 3 rubles per message.

One of the main advantages of this option is that it does not have a daily subscription fee in its terms, which means there is no need to think about deactivating it. By activating the offer once, you can use it for a long time.

The option also has its limitations, the main one of which is that its conditions do not apply in the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol. In addition, the restrictions also affected subscribers of tariff packages of the “EVERYTHING!” family. . The service is not available for such users, and if the service was activated before switching to any of the packages in the “EVERYTHING!” line, it will be automatically disabled when switching to a new tariff plan.

Also, while in national roaming, do not forget about Internet traffic, and that the “My Country” option does not apply to mobile Internet, and traffic is charged according to the terms of the Beeline package used.

How to activate the Beeline “My Country” option

Activation of the service can be done traditionally in several interchangeable ways, which look like this:

  • Quick activation form on;
  • Connection in the subscriber’s personal account (registration instructions);
  • Call the number 0683 .

After using any of the methods described above, the service is activated instantly.

How to disable the “My Country” service on Beeline

If you decide to deactivate this service, you can also do this very simply: you just need to call the number again 0683 .

However, before disconnecting, you need to weigh the pros and cons, since the service is available for use for free, but it is possible that in the future Beeline will revise the terms of the offer and make some kind of subscription fee. And this is far from an innovation, because previously “My Country” was offered to subscribers for connection completely free of charge, and only since 2015 its activation costs 25 rubles.

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