Fixing the error "Unable to establish a reliable connection to the server" in Google Play. Failed to connect to the server: error correction Error connecting to the server 1 opening

One of the most popular operating systems today mobile devices is "Android". It has a number of huge advantages over its competitors and is an almost undisputed leader. However, relatively recently, reports began to arrive about problems with one of the main services of Android devices, namely Google Play. When logging in, the application began to display an error: “A reliable connection cannot be established.” The system help provided by the suppliers does not help. Then how to solve the problem that has arisen?

Fast and easy

To begin with, we will present a method that will not require you to perform any complex or dangerous operations with the gadget. The simplest solution to the "Unable to establish a reliable connection" error is based on system settings. You just need to check the system date and time in your Android device. They must coincide with the real ones within one minute. This is due to restrictions on the validity of program certificates. If the date is incorrect, the phone will consider that the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived or has already passed.

Clean up

This method is suitable for those who do not have any important data saved on their device. Although, in fact, you can always transfer photos and videos to your computer and download applications again, especially if you have synchronized your data with your Google account. Then, even if you reinstall, all application data should be preserved. So, there are two ways to resolve the “Unable to establish a reliable connection to the server” error.

  1. Reset your phone to factory settings. You can use special programs that application developers offer, or find instructions that are specific to your Android device model. After all, each manufacturer has its own tricks and protection mechanisms.
  2. Add new account. As you understand, old data will not be copied to new versions of applications, but you can avoid problems with transferring other information that needs to be saved when completely wiping the phone. To add a new account, do the following:
  • Download the AddAccount application via your computer or phone browser.
  • Write the downloaded apk file to the initial directory on your phone's memory card.
  • In a standard browser, enter: content://
  • Follow the link.
  • Launch the program. Enter your email on Google and click Add Account.
  • If you are prompted with an incorrect password message, enter it and continue. That's it, you have a new account.

In addition to drastic methods, there is also a less dangerous solution. “A reliable connection to the server could not be established” is an error that is related to the temporary and personal data of the application. Therefore, possible solutions to the problem situation can be looked for in another area.


Statistics show that sometimes problems with Google Play can be related to other applications. In particular, the Freedom program. She is responsible for purchases in the application we are considering. The problem where you can't establish a reliable connection to the server can occur if you downloaded and uninstalled Freedom without first forgetting to turn it off. As is clear from the above, to return everything back, download and install this utility. After that, enter it and stop it by clicking on the Stop button. Then you can safely delete it.


If the previous method did not help you, you should check your Internet connection settings. Problems like “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” may occur with some providers, but incorrectly. Before trying to solve the problem using this method, try opening Google Play by connecting to another Internet source. If you still need to return to the initial option, download the Set DNS application. Set the DNS address to This should help in cases where Wi-Fi is used to connect to the Internet. In any case, first try to test your device on a different connection.

Another possibility for why a reliable connection to the server cannot be established is that the server may be blocked. In order to test this method, you will need superuser rights on your device. Open Explorer and find the file /system/ect/hosts. We need to open it with anyone text editor. By default, the file should only contain - localhost. We delete any remaining data.


The last method to solve the problem lies in additional programs. It is assumed that the user cannot log into Google Play due to incorrect addressing settings in the Google account.

A utility pre-installed on many Android devices for viewing videos from YouTube (or any other program that uses for registration) will help you cope with this problem. Google account). The bottom line is that you just need to launch the application and go through it to your GMail account.

other methods

And finally, it is worth mentioning two more extreme measures. The first of them is “Hard Reset”. Full reset device settings. To do this, go to the application menu, select "Settings" - "Backup and reset". After that, in the last window, click "Reset". And delete everything. After which the device should return to its original state. You will have to download all the programs again and set up an account.

Flashing. Update the operating system or reflash the device. The second option is undesirable, since after it you may well be denied warranty service. It's best to just update the OS. Many manufacturers try to independently correct errors that occur to users.

That's probably all that we could tell you and advise you to do when the error “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” occurs. We hope our article helped you.

Single-player games are becoming less and less popular these days. More and more players prefer to fight against each other or in teams, in multiplayer mode. However, what should you do if the game does not start in this mode? Typically, the problem is connecting to the server. In this article we will talk about why two such popular video games as GTA SAMP and Battlefield do not connect to the server.

Reasons for not connecting to SAMP

As a rule, in GTA SAMP the connection to the game server, if all the requirements and settings have been taken into account, may not occur for the following reasons:

  • The IP address is specified incorrectly - carefully check the server IP, also paying attention to the port indication. Many people believe that the numbers in the address after the colon do not matter, but this is not so. In both SAMP and Battlefield, without specifying a port, at best you can be transferred to another server, and at worst, you may not be able to join the game.
  • You were banned - ban by IP/nickname/Steam ID. If in the last two cases the fault lies with you (illegal actions), then entire subnets are often subject to an IP ban if a dynamic IP is used and the offender cannot be blocked. Ways out of this situation: petition to the forum, change of Steam account, change of IP or provider.
  • The inscription “connect to IP:Port” means there is no Internet, the IP is incorrectly specified, there is a Ddos attack on the server.
  • The game crashes with the error “Memory cannot be read...”, “Access memory...”, etc. - found on Windows XP SP2 (no longer supported). Solved by installing ServicePack 3 or a later version of Windows OS.
  • Server is not available. Technical devices have the ability to break. Perhaps, due to heavy load, the server “fell” and the administration is carrying out engineering works for its restoration.

Reasons for not connecting to Battlefield

Most often they cannot connect to servers for the following reasons:

  • Not logged into Origin - in order to start the game in multiplayer, you need to connect to the Origin Download Manager and log in through your account. Make sure Origin isn't running offline for you. Also, try restarting Origin itself. Perhaps there was some kind of program failure.
  • Problems with hosts file(Path - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) - go to this file and find the lines mentioning EA servers (
  • Re-launching the wrong version of the game (if you initially logged in from the Russified version and then switched to the European version, a conflict may arise). The issue is resolved by reinstalling the game.
  • The reasons specified for SAMP may also be relevant for Battlefield: ban, incorrectly specified IP, temporary server unavailability, etc.

Common reasons

As a rule, everyone has a similar installation and configuration process, so the following list of reasons is relevant not only for BF and GTA SAMP, but also for other clients that support multiplayer mode.

The game was installed incorrectly

Check if you installed the game correctly. Make sure that the path to the game is written in Latin. To play in multiplayer mode, you will need to install the appropriate client and go through the registration procedure. If you have previously installed previous version game that you uninstalled incorrectly, you will need to reinstall the game by cleaning the registry.

  1. Delete the game and all files associated with it.
  2. Clean the registry by going to the Start-Run menu, type regedit, press ctrl+F3, and then enter the name of the game and delete all lines associated with this game.
  3. Install the game again.

No internet connection

Check if there is a problem with your internet connection. Perhaps you damaged the cable somewhere, or the provider experienced some technical problems. Additionally, you may be running some background programs, which are automatically updated via the Internet and reduce your connection speed.

Access to servers is blocked by an antivirus or firewall

Try disabling your antivirus and firewall for a while. Some of them may block access to game servers, considering them an external threat. If the problem is found in them, you will need to change their settings so that this game is added to the exclusion list.

We hope that our advice will help you solve this problem.

Even, but just one page (or it may be that all pages) does not open and an error pops up ( timeout has expired, err_connection_timed_out, err_connection_failed, or connection error DNS server ). In addition, it can appear not only on one, but on all at once ( Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.) and on any Windows versions XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, because The proxy server does not care about the operating system and browser.

Don't panic and reinstall your browser or the entire system at once. We read the article and you can do without losses, just like the visitor whom I helped and he encouraged to write this article.

Let's move straight to fixing the error and won't dwell on explaining what a proxy server is and why this happened.

1) We return automatic detection proxy in browsers.

IN Google Chrome and similar ones (Yandex browser, Iron, Amigo, Comodo, etc.) browsers based on the Chrome engine, you need to go to Settings

If not all settings are shown, click on the link below and then search in the block Net button Change proxy settings...

Next, the Internet settings window will open. On the tab Connections Click the Network Settings button

And we put only one tick so that the parameters are automatically determined

Now we save this case with the OK and Apply buttons and try to connect to the sites.

In the browser Mozila Firefox you also need to go to Settings. U different versions You can enter in different ways, but ultimately there should be a tab Additionally and the Configure button... or like this:

or like this:

Here it is better to select the item " No proxy"

Save and try.

In the browser Opera proxy settings are on the tab Advanced And Net:

Set it to automatic:

and check.

2) Return automatic proxy detection in Windows

Let's go along the way Start -> Control Panel -> Internet Options(provided that View costs Large icons):

and we find ourselves in the already familiar window where there were settings from Google Chrome:

where we put it as it should:

Next we check whether it works or not.

3) Check your Internet settings.

Let's go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center shared access , select the item “ Change adapter settings"and right-click on your connection and select Properties:

In the new window, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the Properties button:

Now here we make sure that there are no addresses, especially DNS. Ideally, everything should be automatic:

You can run and execute the command

ipconfig /flushdns

but this is optional.

4) Restoring Internet settings after a failure.

It may be that the Internet settings have gone wrong after being scanned by an antivirus, or, on the contrary, the virus has corrupted them. Then I recommend downloading free program AVZ() and run it. It has one interesting option (not its main purpose).
Let's move into it File –> System Restore and check the boxes as in the screenshot:
for errors.
.html to thread


and see if there is an Appinit_DLLs parameter there, which should ideally be empty:

if this is not the case and it contains some kind of link, then change the content and clear it.

That's all. We looked at the most basic solutions to the problem of not connecting to a proxy server in browsers. If you have other solutions or what didn’t help, write in the comments.

Setting up an FTP connection in the FileZilla program is a rather delicate matter. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that there are often cases when an attempt to connect using this protocol ends with a critical error. One of the most common connection errors is a failure, accompanied by a message in the FileZilla application: “ Critical error: Unable to connect to server." Let's find out what this message means and how to make the program work correctly after it.

First of all, let’s look at the reasons for the “Unable to connect to the server” error.

The reasons can be completely different:

    Lack of Internet connection;
    Blocking (ban) of your account from the server side;
    Blocking the FTP connection by the provider;
    Loss of server performance;

Ways to resolve the error

In order to resolve the “Unable to connect to the server” error, first of all, you need to find out its cause.

It would be ideal if you have more than one FTP account. In this case, you can check the functionality of other accounts. If the performance on other servers is normal, then you should contact the support service of the hosting to which you cannot connect. If there is no connection in other accounts, then you need to look for the cause of the problems either on the side of the provider providing Internet communication services, or in network settings own computer.

If you access other servers without problems, then contact the support service of the server to which you do not have access. It may have stopped functioning or has temporary problems with performance. It is also possible that for some reason he simply blocked your account.

But the most common case of the “Unable to connect to the server” error is when you enter incorrect account information. Often, people confuse the name of their website, the Internet address of the server and its FTP address, that is, the host. For example, there is hosting with an Internet access address Some users enter exactly this in the “Host” line of the Site Manager, or the address of their own website located on the hosting. And you should enter the ftp hosting address, which, suppose, will look like this: However, there are also cases when the ftp address and www address actually coincide.

Another option for incorrectly entering an account is when the user simply forgot his login and password, or thinks he remembers, but nevertheless enters incorrect data.

In this case, on most servers (hosting) you can recover your login and password through your personal account.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons that can lead to the “Unable to connect to the server” error. Some of them can be solved by the user himself, but others, unfortunately, are absolutely independent of him. The most common problem causing this error, you are still entering incorrect credentials.

By default from a laptop or computer when using Wi-Fi connections, internet and network should connect automatically. The user does not have to think about what and where to turn on, as when working with wired Internet.

Here, one of the main advantages of this connection is the ability to turn on from the first second, without waiting.

But it also happens that it was not possible to automatically connect to the proxy server. What does it look like and what should a simple newcomer to the Internet community do in this case? The reason for this problem is hidden in the settings for connecting to the proxy server. You could change them:

  • accidentally - by a key combination, or in case of a sudden power outage (in the absence of an uninterruptible power supply), etc.;
  • due to a virus - very often settings are lost due to malware (software) not being completely removed.

What do connection errors with a proxy server look like?

The complexity of such problems is that with the Internet connected, which will look like it is turned on in the command line, and even torrents will work and Skype can work, but it will become impossible to start working in any window. It will open, but will not load. Everywhere it will be written that there is no connection to the proxy server.

The signature can be in English or Russian. Only one tab may not open or different browsers. Or maybe this error occurs in all browsers.

There is no connection to the proxy server, which just means that somewhere the automatic connection to the network is broken, which does not require human intervention.

No connection to the server

An important note - Problems with automatic connection have nothing to do with the operating system (OS). Therefore, there can be no problems here. The difference will be small only in correcting such a problem on different operating systems -7, or 8, or 10.

In this case, the main thing is not to be hysterical, not to say that repairs will cost a lot of money. And there is no need, in a fit of imbalance and with a hot head, to start with:

  1. Reinstalling browser(s);
  2. Reinstallation of the entire OS.

Fixing a connection error using the example of the Chrome browser

To fix connection errors with a proxy server in any browser, the first thing the user should find is simple Settings.

After pressing the button, a window with settings opens. But not all of them may be displayed. Therefore, the user needs to look at the window, and if there is nothing with the proxy server signature, click the Change proxy server settings button. Then the user will see on the screen window in which you should already select change Internet settings.

It will automatically open on the connection option (if not, you need to select it) and then press the button - Network settings.

After that, the user in a new window must check the automatic detection of parameters option and click ok to correct the connection.

And then the apply button is pressed and you can check the error correction. Mozilla works according to a similar scheme. But the end of the procedure is slightly different. Through Settings, find Advanced, then Networks, and then select Configure. Be sure to select the option WITHOUT PROXIES. It will be better this way.

Fixes via Internet Options

After the user has corrected the network disconnection settings in all browsers, the connection needs to be updated via Windows. To do this, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  1. Through Start and Control Panel, browser properties are selected.
  2. In the new window that appears, automatic connection to the proxy is again selected (the window will be one to one, as with the correction in Google Chrome). And changes are accepted.

Checking your Internet connection

And now you can try to adjust the automatic connection to networks using the tools available in the OS. To do this, select Start, then Control Panel and Network Control Center.

Network Management Center

Then you need to select - change adapter settings. Then there you will need to move the mouse to the “connection via local network" and select properties after right-clicking.

In the connection to the local network, in the Networks tab, you need to check the box or highlight the line Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). And as always, click OK.

Then you need to make this line with the connection active, stand on it, and click the Properties button, which is just below. A new window will appear. It must automatically select both IP and DNS addresses.

Just in case, you can also run via command line the following phrase is ipconfig /flushdns. But this requires administrator rights.

Fixing virus automatic connection errors

Things will get worse if automatic settings crashed due to a failure, a power outage, or a virus that was not completely removed. Then the computer will have to be “treated”. Settings can be lost due to a virus in two cases:

  1. After checking with antivirus;
  2. Due to a contracted virus.

You can fix such errors with the same antivirus. But the program should be simpler so that it does not interfere with the settings, for example, this AVZ.

In this program, you should select restore system settings through “File” and check all the boxes, exactly as in the figure below. Then click Perform the marked operations.

After this, you can reload the browser and try to see if Internet pages open.

As for directly antivirus programs, then in this case it is better to use one-time checkers, without permanent installation on the computer. It can be:

  • Kaspersky repair tool;
  • Dr.web

Cleaning the registry - as an option to fix auto-connection to the network

Another option to fix automatic connection is clean registries.

In the operating line of the OS window, type HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

In the window that opens, you need to check the Appinit_DLLs folder or file. There shouldn't be anything in it!

In OS version 10, this file will be named AutoAdminLogan.

All possible options for fixing connection to the proxy server have been reviewed. If all else fails, then you should call a specialist. This means that something more serious happened to the computer than lost settings.

Error message connection failed - what to do?

Another problem with connecting to networks and working in in social networks. Very often, when loading sites on the Internet, an annoying window appears with the following content:

Connection failed error

This same error can very often be referred to on the network as connectionfailure error. Such inaccuracies should be kept in mind when searching. This is just that magical option when you can log in to some sites, but on others you get this error. There is most likely no reason for this to be a virus. In most cases, this problem is caused by:

  1. Blocking firewall (denies access to a site or sites);
  2. Communication problem (no connection to the site yet);
  3. The antivirus automatically blocked this site;
  4. The settings of your Internet service provider have changed.

To solve the firewall problem, you will have to turn the firewall on and off. If sites are blocked due to the antivirus being turned on, you will have to disable such blocking on the antivirus. This is what it might look like on Avasta. All you need to do is update your antivirus to remove blocking links.

Updating signatures

And if there is no truth in any of the proposed options, then all that remains is to call the provider and find out if preventive work is being carried out somewhere. Yes, and there is such an option that the wires were cut in the yard or the user did not pay for the services.

Setting up network access and disabling it on Windows 7,8, 10

Connecting to a computer or laptop network can be done in two ways:

But besides these nuances, there is also the type of operating system that needs to be taken into account. And if the seven and eight with modifications are similar to each other, then the ten may have its own difficulties.

How to connect an Internet connection via a wired cable and via a wireless network for Windows 7 is officially published in great detail and easily accessible on the Windows website. Version 8 needs to be connected to the Internet in much the same way.

Thus, the user will not be confused or lost if suddenly the computer starts swearing about inaccessible pages. It will be enough to first try all the above methods on your own, and only then go to the workshop.

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