Everything related to the computer. What is included in a personal computer

For a successful online business, two conditions are required: a computer and the Internet. To successfully work on a computer, you need to have an understanding of the basic elements of a computer and their interaction with each other.

Basic elements of a computer This is the system unit, keyboard, monitor, mouse, audio speakers and other parts. Regarding the monitor, speakers, keyboard and computer mouse, I think everything is clear. Let's talk about the system unit.

System unit- This is the main part of the PC. You could say this is a computer. The remaining elements of the computer are designed primarily to deliver data to the user and manage this data. For example, when connecting a more modern monitor, keyboard and mouse to the system unit, it will be more convenient for the user to watch movies, edit text and play games, while the functionality of the PC will remain the same. All actions, the data of which we see on the screen, first take place in the system unit. The functionality of the PC is precisely their consequence.

Basic elements of a computer

  • frame,
  • motherboard,
  • processor,
  • cooler,
  • RAM,
  • HDD,
  • video card,
  • power unit
  • DVD drive

Frame- this is like the external skeleton of a computer, all the important parts are attached to it system unit, it is the case that we most often call the system unit.

Motherboard(motherboard) - the main chip of a computer. The main elements of the computer are connected to it. There are also USB and other connectors where the main elements of the computer are connected (shown in the figure). The main task of the motherboard is to combine these nodes into a complete organism - a computer. When opening the cover of the system unit, our gaze first falls on it.

Central processing unit, CPU (CPU) computer brain (seen in the figure). The processor carries out all the instructions of a person and other elements of the computer are under his guidance. The speed of its operation also determines the speed of operation of other elements of the computer. It processes incoming data. The most popular processor manufacturers are Intel and AMD. Central processors have the following differences between themselves: - model and frequency. It is attached to the motherboard using a special connector called a central connector - a socket.

Cooler (fan)– installed directly on the processor, which is attached to the motherboard. Its main function is to cool the processor. Coolers are classified according to physical characteristics: many have a copper base, aluminum base, aluminum copper base, and heat pipes. The cooler has the form of a radiator and a fan to cool the processor. The processor needs cooling, otherwise it will overheat and the computer will crash. If the temperature threshold for heating the processor is exceeded, the PC will simply turn off, so a cooler is simply necessary for normal operation of the computer. The PC will not be able to work until the processor temperature drops to normal. The processor can also overheat if the heatsink of the cooler becomes clogged with dust. To prevent this from happening, you need to clean the cooler radiator with a regular vacuum cleaner or compressor, blowing air out rather than blowing it in. It is advisable to carry out dust removal once every 4-6 months.

Random access memory - RAM- a board for temporary storage of information that is necessary for the CPU to perform specified operations. When these tasks are completed (for example, turning off an application), the information from the RAM is erased. When we launch new data, the RAM from the hard drive receives the information that the CPU needs in given time. Information goes to RAM many times faster than it goes to hard drive. This property helps the CPU to manage the necessary data with great speed, almost instantly.

It comes in several types. DDR III RAM is considered one of the most modern and fastest, DDR II is a little slower. DDR II maintains a fairly high rating and popularity. In addition, the performance of a PC also depends on the amount of RAM. To perform many tasks, the CPU often does not have enough memory from the RAM and it takes some of this memory from the local disk (this is called the page file, or stop file). Considering that the data on the hard drive is much slower than the data from random access memory, The PC will start to work slowly. For more functional operation of the RAM boards, install them in pairs or two pairs (depending on the type motherboard), preferably produced by one manufacturer. This is done to obtain a two-channel mode. As mentioned in the previous article, a 64-bit system requires at least 4 GB of RAM.

Hard disk (HDD)- refers to the most important elements of a computer. It performs the important role of storing and remembering information. It contains all the operating system data (various videos, SOFT, pictures, etc.). Hard drives differ from each other in capacity. Larger hard drives can store more information. The most common hard disks for 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB. The amount of information that can be stored in this disk, directly depends on its volume. In most cases, hard drives are connected to the motherboard using the SATA and IDE interfaces. For some hard drives install additional coolers (in case of severe overheating).

Video card (graphics adapter, video adapter)– an element of a computer that is responsible for the speed with which video data is processed. Video cards are currently connecting to motherboard using the PCI-Express connector, which is located on this motherboard. Thanks to this, we can immediately use from 2 to 4 video cards. Which improves PC graphics.

Most motherboards have a built-in video card. Its functions are quite sufficient for office work; you can play simple games and watch movies with it. Complex 3D games with complex graphics and professional work with Photoshop require a separate video card.

power unit- needed for the operation of all computer parts. Different power supplies have different wattages. More powerful ones are connected to more computer elements.

In addition, the motherboard has a built-in network card, as well as a built-in sound card. It also contains optical connectors and connectors for other computer components. The optical connectors connect CD and DVD drives. To expand the capabilities of a PC, PCI connectors are made universal so that various computer elements can be connected to them (for example, a tuner, adapter, sound card, etc.).

Here is some information about the basic elements of a computer that will help novice users get an idea of ​​a PC and how it works.

Among other things, if you are interested in assembling a computer with your own hands, you can study a video course on this topic. It's quite convenient! I myself often study various courses, including courses on PC assembly. Of the courses presented on the RuNet, I would recommend Maxim Negodov’s course “Assembling a computer from A to Z.”

In this course, the author examines in some detail all the stages of assembling a computer, from A to Z. After studying the course, you will be able to assemble a PC yourself using the main elements, and do it exactly as you want, and not as the seller in the store suggests to you .

You can also inspect and repair your computer yourself. You will no longer need to call a specialist and spend extra money, which in our times plays no small role! More detailed information on the Maxim website. To enter his website, just click on the image!

Friends, I suggest you install not the usual HDD drive, and on solid state drive SSD like I did. You can buy it on AliExpress. Disks on a page range from 120 to 960 GB, i.e., actually 1 TB. You can purchase it via the link.... Judging by the description, the disk is suitable for both Computers and (laptops).

From the screenshot you can see the disk volumes. If you need to install the system, it is enough to purchase a disk with a capacity of 120 GB. If it’s a full-fledged hard drive, then, at your discretion, from 480 to 960 GB. Why do I recommend installing Windows on a solid-state hard drive? Your system will boot in seconds! If you purchase a 1TB disk, all your programs will work!

In general, you can choose the one you like SSD drive on page... For those who don't know what it is SSD drive, I advise you to read my article “ What is an SSD drive».

Also, in this store you can buy decent video card at the link.... Good luck!

Date of publication: 05/21/2009

An article for novice computer users who want to get to know it better. Useful when choosing a computer before purchasing it or assembling a custom configuration.

CPU the most important part of a computer is its brain and heart in one bottle. Today in the processor market the struggle is between two giants - AMD and Intel. Each of these companies has its own supporters and opponents, advantages and disadvantages. But it is better to pay attention to the product itself, and not to the manufacturer.
There is an opinion that the higher the frequency, the higher the performance. This has not been the case for a long time. AMD processors, having a frequency lower than that of Intel, successfully compete with them. For example, the Athlon64 3000+ model is comparable to the Pentium 4 3000, although 3000+ is just a rating, the real frequency is 2000 MHz, that is, a third less than the competitor.
So, if you need a computer to work with video, then it is better to take Core2Duo or Core2Quad processors. They are also suitable for games, + Athlon64 X2 and Phenom. To work with office applications or to save money, you can take Intel Celeron or AMD Sempron - budget options for older models.

Motherboard– the second most important part of the computer. It connects all its parts into a single whole and coordinates their work. If it fails, then, most likely, you will have to change the entire computer, because all the components are connected to it, are “compatible” with it, it is the connecting link. And finding the same model after two or three years of using a computer is almost impossible - the process of updating models in the computer industry is proceeding rapidly and what was new yesterday is already old today.
By manufacturer we can distinguish maternal Asus boards, Abit, MicroStar, Giga-Byte.
If you are not a specialist, the description or characteristics of the motherboard will hardly tell you anything, so you should pay attention only to the things built into it. If the built-in “sound” will satisfy most buyers (but not those who will make music, for example, composers, DJs), then the built-in “video” will be suitable only for office applications and very old games. 3D applications and new games are likely to have problems.
Are you planning to play fancy games or make 3D projects? The motherboard shouldn't worry you at all. Any inexpensive one will do.

RAM(RAM) is an important condition for the speed of a computer. It stores the data you are currently working with. When you turn off your computer or restart operating system, this data is automatically erased. The more memory you have, the more data is processed per unit of time, the faster the computer runs.
How much RAM do you need? If you are going to work with office applications, surf the Internet, listen to movies and music, then 512 megabytes will be enough for you. If you want to play modern games, work with videos or graphics, you need at least 2 gigabytes of memory.
Important note! All of the above applies to the operating room Windows system XP and earlier Windows versions, as well as Mac OS operating systems (installed on Apple computers). If you have it pre-installed on your computer (installed by the manufacturer or seller) Windows Vista, then the RAM must be at least 4 gigabytes! With less, Vista, which itself actively uses RAM for its system needs, runs very slowly. Keep this in mind!
HDD(HDD, hard drive) is the storage of your data. If any other part breaks, you will only lose money. In case of malfunction hard drive you will lose information that could be much more valuable than the entire computer.
However, as experience shows, hard drives of well-known brands can be “covered up” just as easily and naturally as their less well-known, but cheaper brothers - a voltage drop, an evil virus, and now, instead of the usual window, you see a black or blue screen and none of your incantations “Well, my dear, turn on!” for some reason they don't work. It is better to combat this misfortune with prevention and backup, which you can read about, for example, in, rather than relying on a well-known manufacturer's brand.
Therefore, the main question when choosing a hard drive is: how much memory do you need. If you are interested in photography, films or music, then you need to take a hard drive with at least 320 GB. For reference: one DVD movie takes up 4.5 GB, an HDTV movie takes up the same amount, a new game takes up 8 GB, and the average music collection takes up 20 GB. If you need a computer to work with documents and the Internet, store movies of normal quality and several games, then an 80 GB disk will be enough.
Video card(video adapter) is a device that works with graphics. That is, everything that you see on the monitor screen is the result of the operation of the video card (it cannot be otherwise, because the monitor is connected precisely to it). It determines how quickly and efficiently the image will be displayed.
If you are not going to play “sophisticated” games, then, frankly speaking, any one will suit you. So skip this point and move on to the next one.
If you are a fan of games or a fan of watching movies on your computer good quality, then, I advise you to thoroughly understand the issue.
The video card built into the motherboard is only suitable for working with office applications, movies, music and the Internet, simple games. New generation games are out of the question. Therefore, if you have money and you are going to play new toys, you need a separate video adapter on your computer.
Some people mistakenly believe that the larger the video card, the better it is. In fact, the performance of a video adapter depends on its processor (not to be confused with the processor of the computer itself).
First, when choosing, pay attention to the memory bus width. It must be at least 128 bits. The number of bits affects the performance of the video card. For modern games, it is better to take a model with at least 256 bits.
You should definitely choose video adapters with a PCI-Express interface; AGP is already outdated, although it still holds some part of the market.
Next, you need to select the video card model and manufacturer. Chipsets (chipsets) for video cards are produced by two giants: ATI - Radeon series and Nvidia - Geforce series. The struggle between them has been going on for many years and they are fighting on equal terms, so it is impossible to recommend any one company, it’s all about your personal preferences.
Nvidia video cards Geforces have a slightly higher price and performance. ATI video cards Radeons demonstrate good performance at fairly low prices. If you play games or work with graphics, it is better to take ATI Radeon not lower than 3870 or Nvidia GeForce not lower than 9600GT.
ATI and Nvidia produce only chipsets, while the video cards themselves are produced by other companies: Giga-Byte, ASUS, PalitDaytona, Sparkle, Sapphire. But here the manufacturer’s brand is practically unimportant.

Sound card. If you are not a composer or DJ for whom sound is a profession, then any sound card will suit you, even the cheapest one. Honestly!

DrivesCD andDVD discs. On modern computers, it seems, even on the cheapest ones, “by default” there are combo drives that allow you to read and write all CD and DVD formats (with the exception of Blu-Ray, which is discussed below). Therefore, this section is needed more to expand your horizons than for practice.
The following types of drives exist: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-RW, Blu-Ray. CD- and DVD-ROM can only read information from disks, CD- and DVD-RW can write to disks in addition to reading, and combo combines all four types. You can not only watch DVD movies, listen to music from CDs, but also record the necessary information yourself on any discs. By the way, almost all modern combo drives now support recording double-layer DVDs, which means you can write 8.6 GB of information onto one disc.
Blu-Ray- These are new generation drives that allow you to read discs with a capacity of up to 54 GB. Since their appearance, the price of new models has dropped significantly, so if you have the means, then feel free to buy Blu-Ray.

Computer case. Some believe that it only depends on him appearance, that is, design. Today, a variety of “sophisticated” cases have appeared on sale - convex, multi-colored, and other non-standard shapes. In fact, the case is quite an important thing and it can cause… damage to your computer. The breakdown is not very serious, but if you are not an expert, it may throw you into some shock. When the computer “died”, that is, “completely died” - it does not show any signs of life, does not hum, does not light up with its lights and lights - the problem is in the case, or rather, in the power supply built into it, which also failed the computer it simply does not receive electricity, without which it is an ordinary piece of iron.
power unit supplies energy to all parts of the computer, so stability of operation depends on its quality. Poor quality power reduces the lifespan of all other devices and, moreover, can lead to their breakdown. For a new computer with an average configuration, the power supply must be at least 450 watts (W). The more watts, the better. Very good blocks power supplies are made by FSP Group and Inwin (the latter, by the way, produces not only power supplies, but also the computer cases themselves).
There are the following types of enclosures:

  • MiniTower is a very compact computer case, but not capable of containing all modern components.
  • MidiTower is the standard, most common case, suitable for any office and home computers.
  • BigTower is a large and spacious enclosure for servers and complex computing. If your work involves encoding and processing video or graphics, then you can take it - you can achieve very high performance.

The main companies producing computer cases, in descending order of price/quality:

  • Thermaltake are the best, but most expensive cases.
  • Chieftec, Supermicro - cheaper than Thermaltake, but the quality is also at the same level.
  • 3R System - slightly cheaper than the above-mentioned manufacturers
  • Inwin - produces high-quality cases and power supplies. Possibly the best inexpensive one.
  • Cooler Master - cases with a good cooling system and airflow. Recommended for fans of “overclocking” (updating your computer to increase its performance). Many models have mounts for installing water cooling.
  • Asus, Elan Vital, Acer Open - good cases middle class.
  • Codegen, JNC, PowerMan, GeoIT, Genius - they make good cases, which cannot be said about power supplies.
  • Microtech, LinkWorld, Rolsen are the most budget options. If you don’t have a lot of money, then it’s better to go up a line or two.

I categorically do not recommend taking various non-standard cases - horizontal or ultra-compact, which many well-known manufacturers, for example, Sony, are now so keen on. They almost completely eliminate the possibility of an upgrade (update), and also make computer repair very difficult. If in a regular case you can change, for example, a hard drive or a video card yourself (unscrew two bolts, remove one part from the connector and insert another), then in various compact versions, to replace a part you often have to disassemble everything and this is even difficult for specialists. In addition, such cases are less well cooled, which means that if you have a powerful processor, overheating cannot be avoided, with all the ensuing sad consequences.

Monitor– a very important thing indeed. From the point of view of your health - the most important, since the right choice monitor Not only the quality of the picture depends, but your health and performance. Good monitor does not strain your eyes and does not cause fatigue during long-term work. Let's make a reservation: here and further we are talking only about LCD (LCD) monitors, since CRT (CRT) monitors are already outdated and you are unlikely to find them in stores. Moreover, the difference between the average LCD and CRT monitor models is about 2000 rubles, but LCD is much better and safer.
When choosing an LCD monitor, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Format. There are two monitor formats: aspect ratio 4:3 (regular) and 16:10 (wide). Which one is better is up to you to decide. Wide monitors are more convenient for watching movies and some, for example, me, find them more comfortable for work, because... the eyes will only be oriented in two directions. In my opinion, the future belongs to widescreen monitors.
  • Diagonal. For a home computer, the optimal solution would be a monitor with a diagonal of 17", maximum 19" (inches). Huge monitors, of which there are so many on sale today, will, of course, impress your guests, but sitting in front of them is not very comfortable or useful - it’s not like a TV that is watched from a distance of 2-3 meters.
  • Matrix response time. The lower this indicator, the better (should be less than 25 ms). U modern monitors it can reach 2 milliseconds.
  • Viewing angle. This parameter must be at least 160 degrees vertically and horizontally. On some expensive LCD monitors it can be equal to 178 degrees.
  • Contrast and brightness. The contrast must be at least 350:1, brightness at least 240 cd/square meter. The higher these parameters, the better the saturation and detail of the picture.

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The rapid development and improvement of personal computers (PCs) is progressing by leaps and bounds. Just 3-5 years ago we had no idea that there might be other computers besides desktop PCs and laptops. Just 5-7 years ago, it was much more profitable to change the configuration of your PC (add RAM, change the video card and hard drive) than to buy a new one. Look now, every electronics store offers such a variety of personal computers and their types that sometimes you forget why you came. Tablet PCs and all-in-one computers are almost as good as, and in some cases even superior to, bulky desktop computers.

However, desktop PCs seem to be holding their seemingly shaky positions for a long time, so this article will focus specifically on them. Let's look at what main functional blocks a desktop personal computer consists of. “Why do we need this?” - you ask. Yes, at least for general development, you never know what can happen to your personal electronic assistant. At least in order not to overpay a lot of money to dishonest computer repair specialists, who, seeing your lack of education in this matter, can charge such a price for repairs that it will not seem too much.

Components of a desktop computer

So, let's begin. A modern PC consists of the following functional units. Let's first consider the contents of the system unit - that metal or plastic box that usually stands under your desk and in which the vast majority of the functional devices of the computer are assembled.

  • System or motherboard. This is the basis of the entire system. It is the motherboard that makes the switching of almost all other functional modules. Motherboards differ from each other in appearance, but in general they look like a large platform on which a bunch of all kinds of blocks and individual parts are located.
  • Microprocessor- the brain of the computer. It is he who carries out the main computational operations and executes the given sequences of program algorithms. Modern microprocessors contain millions of transistors, diodes, capacitors, and other electronic components inside. Having opened the cover of the system unit, we will not see the central processor itself, but only its “refrigerator” (metal finned radiator) and cooler (fan).

  • RAM is also located on the system board in the so-called slots (connectors). These are several (less often one) strips (flat electrical boards). Even judging by the name, one can determine that it serves to quickly provide storage space during operation of the microprocessor.

  • - this is also memory, but it is much larger in capacity than RAM and is used for permanent storage of data even when the computer’s power is turned off. In appearance it resembles a small metal box connected via cables to the motherboard (system) board.

  • Video card(video adapter) is used to convert a data array into a video signal and transmit it to a video monitor (display). The video card also helps the microprocessor process video data when running programs or capturing video from an external signal source.
  • Optical CD drive, card reader, floppy drive c are devices that allow you to exchange data with external portable devices for storing information.

These are, in principle, all the main components of a desktop personal computer. I think everyone knows the monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse very well and visually represents it. There is no need to explain why they are needed either. Yes, and if this high-tech miracle still breaks down, then computer repair can be carried out in two ways: independently and with the help of qualified specialists. In the first case, it is cheaper, but also more dangerous - you can break something that was still somehow working. The second method is more expensive, but more reliable. The main thing is to understand a little about the components of a PC and not let yourself be fooled.

What do you, dear reader, know about a computer? Of course, the completeness and depth of your answer will depend on many factors. Some of you will involuntarily turn to the superficial knowledge from the school curriculum acquired in computer science lessons. And it’s unlikely that the average user would think about what is hidden under the protective casing of the system unit. As a rule, a housewife's knowledge is based on a visual understanding of the subject of our discussion: an iron or plastic box, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. And we should agree with this, since the objectivity of such an opinion really characterizes a standard configuration PC in general terms. However, the components of a computer are more than the simplicity and limitations of the visible body parts of the system unit and some connected to it. Reading promises to be fascinating, and the material in the article is guaranteed to become a starting point for your curiosity.

The main components of a computer: what a housewife sees

No matter how much we would like it, we simply cannot do without computer terminology. So be prepared to become familiar with some specialized words. By the way, this will save you a lot of time in the future. Now let's move directly to the fascinating theory and consider the basic configuration of a desktop PC as an introductory list.

  • The system unit is the case in which the hardware of the computer is located.
  • Monitor is a device for displaying graphic and symbolic information.
  • A keyboard is a keyboard-based computer control device through which data and commands are entered.
  • The mouse is a handheld manipulator that transforms mechanical movements into the control signal.

Design features of computing devices

The mentioned computer components are integral elements of desktop modifications. Laptops, tablets and pocket electronic devices are portable types of computing equipment. Such devices have a compact body. All basic hardware components are combined into a single device, resulting in maximum practicality of the device. The undeniable advantage of laptop computers is operational autonomy and mobility during use. There is another type of computer equipment - all-in-one computers. This type of computing device is a cross between desktop and mobile systems. The miniaturization of the hardware, borrowed from laptops, and the stationary “attachment” to the workplace of traditional PCs set apart this type technology into a separately presented type of computing device.

Inside the protective case are located what ultimately is the hardware configuration of the PC. The main part of a computer is considered to be the motherboard of the device, since this element is a kind of spine electronic system, on which, in addition to the required components - a central processor and RAM strips - additional expansion modules can be installed. A special place in the system unit is reserved for an information storage device - a hard drive. Computer components such as the cooling system and power supply are also located inside the PC case. However, portable devices receive power from external power supply devices. Typically, a personal computer is equipped optical drive for reading and writing data. The main interface panel is displayed outside.

Important parts of the computer: the processor is the “heart” of the PC

This chip performs the function of a computer center. Without a CPU, a computer simply won't work. CPU power is characterized clock frequency, which is measured in MHz. At the same time, the final performance indicator of the processor depends on the level of technology used. When performing multi-threaded operations (working two or more simultaneously used applications), CPUs with a multi-core architecture have an absolute advantage. This technical part of the computer - the processor - consists of a core and associated components: an input/output bus and an address bus. The processing speed of data between the specified CPU components is expressed in bit depth. The higher the mentioned indicator, the larger the CPU bus.

RAM: The CPU's Fast Helper

This is a volatile component of the system, which is a kind of intermediary between the central processor and the hard drive. However, data exchange can also occur directly between the CPU and the computer's RAM. The RAM module is installed in a special bank slot on the motherboard. The performance of the OS depends on the amount of RAM, which is measured in information units (MB), as well as the throughput of the device’s system bus. Today there are several types of such memory:

  • The outdated type of RAM is SIMM and DIMM.
  • The most common are DDR, DDR2, DDR3.
  • The new type of RAM is DDR4.

As you understand, the components of a computer must comply with a certain unified standard. When purchasing an additional one, you need to know exactly what type of RAM your motherboard supports.

Hard drive: “iron” memory

Unlike RAM, data written to the HDD can be stored for quite a long time. The operation of a hard drive is based on the principle of changing the magnetic field near the recording head. Storage device of this type is a mechanical device, the efficiency of which depends on its inherent characteristics:

  • Nominal capacity - the amount of data that can be stored on the HDD.
  • Random access time - performing a positioning operation in a random area disk space.
  • The rotation speed of the central spindle is a parameter measured by the number of revolutions per minute.
  • The buffer volume is intermediate memory, which is calculated in MB.
  • Data transfer rate is the ability of a device to read a certain amount of information per second. Sequential access to a specific (meaning external and internal zones) disk part of a personal computer is taken into account.

Upgrading a PC, compact computing device and service equipment is often associated with increasing the speed of the operating system. And solid-state drives, which have appeared quite recently, can solve the speed problems of any computing technology in the best possible way. However, the relatively small amount of disk space at the high price of an SSD device is, to put it mildly, an unacceptable solution for many users.

Video card: visual representation

What components of a computer are responsible for graphics? The answer to this question is quite simple. First of all, this is the video card, then the central processor, and only then the PC’s RAM. It is worth noting that graphics adapters are discrete and integrated. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the issue of the differences in this type of equipment.

Graphics chip built into the motherboard

As a rule, computers in the lowest price category are equipped with integrated video controllers. As you understand, such chips do not have special performance. However, for solving office tasks, viewing multimedia material, and even running a non-resource-intensive gaming application, this option is quite acceptable. Please note: the video adapter built into the chipset physically cannot be considered a separate element of the package.

Discrete type of video cards

To date this is the most effective method Improve your PC's graphics capabilities. This graphics module is inserted into a special PCI expansion slot on the motherboard. A monitor is connected via an interface connector, which is located on the video card itself and brought out to the outside of the system unit. The amount of video memory and the bandwidth of its buses, as well as the core frequency, texture and pixel fill rate are the main indicators of the graphic performance of the specified PC component. Now, if someone asks you: “List the components of a computer,” you must take into account that, unlike an integrated graphics chip, it is a separately presented module.

PC configuration: expansion of functionality and modernization

After you have learned or refreshed previously received information about what is inside the PC system unit, let's touch on the issue of how it relates to the topic of the presented article.

So, additional parts of the computer are not only peripheral devices: printers, scanners, web cameras, etc., connected to any interface connector or connected via wireless technology from a PC, but also some system components, which are usually called basic. For example, a user can always add operational resources to his computer by installing additional RAM modules in the free bank slots of the system board. Avid gamers often install two powerful video cards on their computers. Audio capabilities can be significantly expanded if you connect a sophisticated sound adapter. Network and DVB cards, various readers and TV tuners, as well as a lot of other equipment - all this can become elements of modernization, that is, a PC upgrade. The only limitation for the flight of user imagination may be the insufficient level of technology of the motherboard.

Before I finish

Now you won't be caught off guard if you're asked, "List the parts of a computer." However, to fully understand the structure of a PC, there are still a few things you need to understand. After all, in the previous paragraphs only a passing mention was made of the communication capabilities of the computer. Meanwhile, the PC motherboard is equipped with various interface connectors, among which the main ones can be distinguished:

  • PS/2 - for connecting a mouse and keyboard.
  • USB is a universal port for connecting to peripheral devices.
  • VGA - monitor connector.
  • RJ45 - for connecting a network connector.

Today, modern ones are equipped with various wireless modules. Developers are giving PCs new communication properties. Manufacturers are introducing revolutionary technologies that seemed fantastic just yesterday. Electronics is rapidly expanding the boundaries of its influence. However, the human thinking process will always be the basis for computer technology. Because no one and nothing in the world can think the way a person thinks.

Technical epilogue

You can confidently assume that you now know what the parts of a computer are called. However, the information presented is only a drop from the ocean of information on the topic raised, since talking about the structure of a computer in general terms means not saying anything! Therefore, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to show curiosity and approach the issue of studying the computer structure more seriously. Rest assured, such knowledge will make you much richer. After all, the computer is the future!

The composition of a computer system usually means not only the components of the basic configuration of a PC, but also the internal component of the system unit, which is what is most often meant when talking about a computer. But this article will discuss both concepts.

Computer system composition

So, for example, the minimum composition of a computer can include several components:

  • System unit- it contains the internal components of a personal computer;
  • Monitor- allows the output of data: texts, images and other information;
  • Keyboard- serves to enter information;
  • Mouse- at least with its help you can control the operation of computer programs.

System unit case

The design of the case determines not only the appearance of the system unit, but also home comfort and even its filling, namely the form factor of the motherboard, and with it the number of connected components. The cooling system also entirely depends on the case of your computer; it must be quiet but effective.

System (motherboard) board

It is called both a system board and a motherboard; the meaning of these terms is exactly the same; when it is called one way or another, they mean the same thing. Thanks to the system board, mechanical fastening is provided directly and with the help of special cables all components of the system unit, and along with it their power supply and internal interconnection. There are also various controllers on it.

Processor and its cooling system

The microprocessor, which is part of the processor, performs most of the computing operations. Modern processors need good power consumption, and the temperature of some representatives can even boil a kettle, so you can’t do without a cooling system:

Radiator - provides passive cooling to the processor, but one radiator can no longer cope with large heat emissions and therefore is usually attached to it, for air cooling special fan. And in general, it will most likely not be possible to find a radiator separately from the fan.

There are alternative cooling systems, but they are usually required to take advantage of the overclocking potential of the CPU.

RAM module

Also, RAM is called RAM - random access memory, it is necessary for storing temporary data, good example is the clipboard when copying and then pasting. The processor transfers information to RAM and retrieves it from there as needed. A special feature of RAM is its almost lightning-fast performance, which makes it possible to exchange data with the processor at its own processing speed. It should be taken into account that long-term storage of data is practically unattainable; RAM is a volatile component of a personal computer; if the PC’s power is turned off, all information will disappear forever.

On the module board there are several microcircuits that work as one unit, and for installation into the motherboard, to increase RAM, no tools are required; this operation can be easily done by yourself.

Hard drive and solid state drive

Video adapter (Video card)

Video card is a graphics card, a device responsible for constructing (outputting) information on the monitor display. Modern motherboards come with integrated graphics adapters, which perform well both in office applications for watching high-quality video and in non-resource-intensive games. For high-performance video tasks, the video card must be purchased separately and mounted into the motherboard, and a variety of models are located in completely different price segments.

Optical drive

In the configuration of a modern computer, the optical drive is used less and less in comparison with its former popularity. Used to read and write discs of various formats. Connects to the system board using a cable, just like HDD or solid state drive.

Floppy drive and card reader

The floppy drive is no longer used in modern computer builds, but it can still be found in older PCs. Older motherboards had a special connector.

On modern computers, it is more advisable to use a card reader that can read and write information different types flash drives.

Sound adapter, modem and LAN controller

A sound adapter is used to record and playback sound; headphones, speakers and a microphone are connected to it.
A modem is needed to connect and access the Internet; a network controller or network card is used to connect to the network and, in the same way as a modem, to access the Internet.

As part of today's motherboard, both a sound adapter and network cards, but you can purchase them to expand the capabilities.

Modems, internal in the form of a board and external in the form peripheral device, although they are losing their popularity, are still used to connect to the Internet via telephone line. 3G/4G modems using a mobile connection are more popular these days.

power unit

The name speaks for itself, its main function is to serve electric current all internal components of a computer system unit. Since the stability of the system depends on its power, you should treat the choice with understanding or even purchase it with a small reserve, which will come in handy during a further upgrade (modernization) of the components of the system unit.

The composition of a personal computer and system unit is not limited to these components, the configuration can be expanded or components can be replaced as needed, and the line between the understanding of these terms has become a little clearer.

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