Select a file manager for Android devices: Root Explorer, File Manager and AndroZip. The best file managers for Android File manager for Android with root rights

Many applications have been created for the operating system that allow you to manage files. You can find out which of them are the best in this article dedicated to the most interesting and attractive file managers for Android.

Total Commander is one of the oldest and most famous file managers, which first appeared on computers and was later ported to Android. On the latter, the application offers a wide range of functionality: in addition to basic features such as copying, pasting, renaming, there is also work with ZIP and RAR archives, a built-in text editor, file search, an optional FTP client, WebDAV support and even a media player.

Main functionality of ES Explorer:

  • file manager - basic operations and storage viewing;
  • multimedia player for viewing videos and images;
  • support for cloud storage;
  • support for ZIP and RAR archives;
  • viewing files using Bluetooth;
  • built-in task manager with process management.
Among the interesting additional features, it is worth noting clearing the cache and editing autorun - you can prevent some applications from loading when the device starts. The ES Explorer interface is completely Russified.

File Explorer is a balanced file manager with many features and a pleasant interface. Recently, the program has implemented support for “material” design with all its beauties and nice animations. Among the most interesting features of File Explorer:

  • transfer files between devices via Wi-Fi Direct or NFC;
  • the ability to control the application via a web interface from a computer;
  • convenient home screen with all the necessary files and folders;
  • multi-window mode for conveniently managing files in several folders at the same time.

The main version of Solid Explorer is a paid application, but upon first download, the developers give 14 days of free use. Also, the modern application has a fresh interface.

Root Explorer is a must-have application for those who have . With this file manager you can go into the deepest depths of the Android file system. The functionality of the program is very rich in what geeks and enthusiasts of the Android operating system may like: support for multiple tabs, executing scripts, remounting partitions, working with access rights, viewing details of APK installation files and binary XML, creating symbolic links, the ability to open files in different applications , MD5 viewing and creating shortcuts for files on the desktop.

All the basic functions inherent in file managers are also present - from working with archives (including their creation) to group renaming or moving files. Root Explorer is not free, but it offers a lot of functionality for its price. However, all this is only for owners of “rooted” devices.

One of the best applications for the departed Symbian OS has been delighting Android users for a long time. X-plore is a legendary file manager that became very popular in the Symbian era. With the transition to Android, the application lost its charm, but the functionality and main strengths remained. The program still offers a convenient interface for managing files and a lot of features, among which it is worth noting:

  • built-in text editor and image viewer;
  • viewing detailed data about files;
  • editing file attributes;
  • multiple selection with group operations on files;
  • working with archives;
  • global file search;
  • FTP, WebDAV, SSH support;
  • Hex viewer.

The hacked Root Explorer for Android will help you, if absolutely necessary, modify and hack system files that require root rights.

This program is essentially a file manager designed to manage directories and the files contained in them, as well as access rights.

A little about rights for directories and files. The Linux kernel on which Android is built provides for a clear and precise distribution of the access level of each user. Root, as the system main user, has the right to access all folders and files, without exception. The rest, as lower-level users, have access only to their user files, and are thus limited in access rights.

And the access right itself can also be divided into a complete ban (even viewing a file is prohibited), reading (reading is allowed, but writing cannot be done), write only, and read and write; execution and other capabilities are possible for programs. Managing files, editing them and similar operations can only be done by a file manager.

If you need to get higher access rights (editing, moving and similar operations), you need to get root rights. In order to change the rights of a file or directory, you need to select this object, select “Permission” in the menu and check the boxes in the required items. Also, the hacked Root Explorer for Android has all the capabilities of regular managers. You can perform actions with folders and files after checking the checkbox. To do this, use a panel that lists all available actions. Additional options are in the menu ("Permissions" is also there). After performing these steps, you can copy, move, open them in a text editor or others, archive them, etc.

Root Explorer is one of the highest quality and multifunctional file managers created for mobile devices, with superuser rights. In this manager, users will have full access to any file and information of the Android system, access will be open even to those files that are hidden by default. Firstly, it took more than one year to create the program and, ultimately, the result was a project with an incredible number of possibilities. With this file system manager, you will have the ability to not only view public information, but also infiltrate and modify system files. Also, dozens of subroutines were embedded in this software, which will be responsible for reading both text information in document format and media format. Ruth Explorer can even work as a regular archiver. The program supports any type of compressed files with the highest degree of composition and extraction into storage. Such storage services can be GoogleFiles or Dropbox. The program also supports sending data via Bluetooth or over the network. In order to use all the included functionality in practice, users will need to install root rights. But if you do not want to do this, and without superuser rights, the program will completely satisfy your wishes.

Root Explorer how to get rights:

To get started, you need to perform the following list of actions:

  • Install and go to Root Explorer. Before completing this step, you need to make sure that all files that will be somehow changed or edited can work with this version of the Android system.
  • In the System category, click once on the R/W button. This manipulation will be required to switch the program to the file reading and writing mode.
  • After switching to read and write mode, a notification will appear on the screen indicating that Root access has been granted to this program.
  • The program setup is complete, now you can move on to working with the file system.
All system files with the .apk extension are located in the System/app folder. To work with a file, you need to make a long tap, after which the console menu will appear. In this menu you need to go to the section called Extensions. This section will display standard rights for working with this file. In default mode, the “Reading” section is checked in the following categories: Owner, Group, Other, and the “Write” section is checked only by the owner. Only in this arrangement will the moved file be correctly synchronized with the system, will not lead to future breakdowns and will keep your operating system completely intact. Also, in addition to the app section, the program has many other system folders, the basic principle of working with which does not differ from the above points. Also, during any work with the system, it is necessary to make a backup copy of those files with which any manipulation will be carried out in the future.

One of the most popular and reliable file managers for devices running the Android operating system. Allows you to gain broad access to the file system (including hidden folders), which helps you control your phone and provides great opportunities to increase its performance. Features include multiple tabs, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox and networking (SMB), SQLite database viewer support, text editor, zip or tar/gzip file creation and unpacking, rar archive extraction, multiple file selection, script execution, search, reconnect, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, bluetooth, etc.), thumbnail images, APK binary XML viewer, change file/group owner, create symbolic link "open with" object, MD5, creating shortcuts.

When you launch it for the first time, Root Explorer will ask for root access to your phone. As you might have guessed from the name, Root Explorer is designed for users who have Root rights on their phone.

Another component of the program's name - "Explorer" - indicates that it is a file browser, or manager. File management is possible from the very root of your file system - look at the /dev and /etc folders, for example. This is not SD card information or directory data - these are exactly the root folders of your phone's file system, with such easy access to them.

If you are completely sure that you want to work with files in the root directory, gaining write access, simply click the away - Mount R/W button. When you press and hold on a file or folder, you'll get a very comprehensive menu. The first few features are obvious, but as you scroll down things get even more interesting. For example, you can enter a zip or tar folder directly from Root Explorer, which is very convenient for manual backups. After archiving the folder, you can send the file, for example, by email directly to Root Explorer. Of course, this shouldn't be your backup strategy (we recommend Titanium Backup if you care about the security of your data), but it's nice when you want to be able to work with your phone's most hidden files.

The manager has access to XML files. These are system configuration files. In terms of archiving files and folders, Root Explorer allows you to specify the default folder in which you want to place Zip files. Search is the most important component of the file manager. Root Explorer allows you to search for files only by name; for example, there is no way to search for files that have been changed in the last three days.

The main functionality of Root Explorer includes:

  • Two panel file managers
  • Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
  • Working with apk, rar, zip and jar files
  • Change file permissions and owner
  • View and edit any file
  • Moving, copying, renaming and deleting files
  • Creating and deleting directories (folders)
  • Sending files by email
  • Adding new files and folders in any directory
  • Executing scripts
  • View a list of thumbnail image files
  • Bookmarks for any folders
  • Open files and folders with other applications
  • Change theme (double press home button)
  • Sort by name, size and date
  • Extracting individual files from zip/apks/
  • Search files and folders

Download file manager for Root user - Root Explorer for Android you can follow the link below.

Root Manager is an Android application that provides advanced options for navigating between files and folders on the device. Gain access to previously hidden folders located at the root of the file system. Create files with the most common forms in any directory on the device. Create shortcuts to quickly access the files or folders you need in one place.

Features of Root Manager

  • providing detailed information about selected files or folders (MD5, modification time);
  • the ability to encrypt selected files using passwords and keys of varying degrees of complexity;
  • the need for ROOT user rights to gain access to all functions of the application;
  • open access to system files with the ability to edit device information, remove unnecessary built-in applications and create backup files with important information;
  • the ability to archive files into archives in rar or zip format.

Benefits of the application

  • the ability to block access to necessary files for other applications;
  • no paid subscriptions or premium versions of the application;
  • changing information about files using the corresponding tab in the application menu;
  • sorting all device files according to format and frequency of use.


  • the possibility of failures when trying to obtain ROOT rights on devices with the latest versions of the operating system;
  • presence of intrusive advertising content;
  • inability to work with groups of files and folders.

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