Register your email address. How to create an email address

Nowadays, I am increasingly faced with situations where having your own personal mailbox is becoming more and more necessary. A person who has his own email is advanced and understands the Internet.

In this article I would like to tell you how to correctly register an email on At the moment, the service is the most popular. The service is not only postal, but also entertaining, but we will talk about this another time and in another article.

Registering a mailbox on is not a complicated process, and is similar to registration on other mail services, such as,, and others.

When you register an email on, along with your mailbox, you also receive a profile in the “My World” system

42 reasons for registering mail on, the most attractive advantages:

  1. Unlimited mailbox
  2. Protection against fraud and hacking
  3. Unlimited investment size.
  4. Downloading individual files from an attachment archive (+ downloading attachments in one archive)
  5. Collecting mail from your other mailboxes.
  6. Web Agent
  7. Address book + calendar
  8. Cloud and much more.

Other email services have equally significant advantages, for which you can and should also register.

Not everyone knows how to register their mailbox on the mail service, this is what we will try to figure out.

Registering a mailbox on

And so, let's figure out together how to register a mailbox on

Step 1. Launch the browser that is installed on your computer that you use and is set to work by default. I will show you in the Google Chrome browser.

In the address bar, enter, as shown in the figure. After the page opens, in the upper left corner you will see the authorization place on mail. You need to click on the link Registration by mail, as it shown on the picture.

Step 2. In the window that opens, you need to fill out the form with reliable data.

  1. Enter your name
  2. Enter your last name
  3. Enter your date, month and year of birth ( Service will congratulate you on your birthday with a beautiful postcard)
  4. Enter your city (This field is optional)
  5. Choose your gender
  6. Enter the desired name for your future email. The service will check the entered mail name to see if it is free; if the name is free (not occupied by anyone), then the service will allow you to register a mailbox.
  7. Enter a “complex” password in this field
  8. Repeat the password entered in step 7
  9. Enter your cell number (You need to recover your mailbox password) You don’t have to enter your phone number when registering your mailbox, just click "I do not have a mobile phone"

Note #1 Everything entered is checked by the system for correctness of entry, everything entered correctly is marked with a tick

Note #2 If your entered email name is taken, don’t worry, you can choose a name from the following:

Choose the most suitable one and continue registration.

Check all entered data and press the button Register

When you press the button Register, you accept terms of the User Agreement.

Step 3. If you have entered a mobile phone number, you will be asked to enter a Confirmation Code, which will be sent as an SMS to your mobile phone.

Enter the number from SMS, press the button Ready

Step 4. After entering the confirmation code, the mail service offers to combine other mailboxes into one mailbox. This setting can be done later, which means click the Skip button

Step 5. The service offers to create a signature for your mailbox and upload a photo. When initially registering a mailbox on, this step can be skipped and configured later. Click the button Save

Step 6. In the next step, the system prompts you to select a mailbox theme on that you like. In our case, the default main theme is selected in the figure. Choose the one you like best and press the button Save

The next step, the service offers to install a mobile application. Click on the button Finish

After all the steps you have completed, you will be sent to your email mailbox.

Hello my readers!

Users who are just learning the basics of using the Internet are faced with the fact that when registering on most World Wide Web sites, they need an email, but they don’t know what it is and how to create an email.

My article today is intended for such people.

Email: what is it?

Electronic mail is the full name of the virtual mailbox.

I want to say that using an electronic mailer is an integral part of using the Global Network. Using this type of service, the user has the opportunity to receive and send letters, photographs or other files to anyone anywhere in the world via the Internet.

It is worth noting that it will not be possible to send very large files via email, but several photos or any document is easy; when creating a letter, just use the paperclip icon and upload the necessary files.

To send large files, you must first download them to , and in the letter you simply provide a link to this file in the cloud.

When writing a letter, you can correct and format the text, create a signature that will automatically complete each of your letters, and find many more useful options.

Why do you need email?

In the modern Internet space, email is necessary to be an active participant. Any action related to registration on forums, participation in promotions and the appearance of a page on social networks requires a personal mailbox.

The “soap” (the name of the email among advanced users) specified when registering on any third-party site receives a confirmation letter, which establishes that the new user is not a robot, and there is a place where notifications will be sent (for example, about new messages or events ).

Note! Without email, a user's life on the Internet comes down to boringly scrolling through the news feed and collecting weather information. Any more complex action on the World Wide Web requires registration, which can only be completed if you have an email (or mobile phone number).

How to create a mailbox?

There are quite a lot of resources on the Internet that, after simple registration, allow you to become the owner of a unique postal address. And this service is provided absolutely free. Popular mail server sites include:

  • Yandex Mail
  • Rambler

Which mail server you choose is up to you individually. You can create accounts in all of them and use each for specific purposes (one for work, the second for family, friends, etc.). And you can only use the one that is most convenient.

Today, mail services allow you to collect mailings from all mailboxes into one (to do this, you just need to slightly adjust the settings).

To create a new mailbox on the mail server, you need to go to the resource of your choice (,, and others) and go through the registration procedure. The mail address will consist of two parts.

The first one will correspond to the name that was specified in the “login” field (it can be fictitious or reflect the real name of the owner).

Note! If the system displays that such a name has already been created, it means that someone has already registered an address with the same name before you, and you will need to come up with something new. It is better if the name is meaningful and not complicated, so that you can easily share it with people and on various sites when registering.

The second part of the address is the name of the mail resource, indicated through the so-called dog (, When naming or entering your email somewhere, you must say its full name.

Each mailbox is protected by a password, and it is advisable to come up with a more complex one, because this is the only way to protect the data stored in personal mail. If there is no hope of memory, then it is better to write down the password somewhere, since restoring it, although not difficult, is time-consuming.

The registration form requires filling out personal information such as the owner’s first name, last name and age. Often, in order to be able to restore access to your email account in the future, you need to enter a secret question and answer that is known only to the owner. There’s no need to be too clever; you should come up with a question that you won’t forget the answer to (for example, a nickname at school).

I hope now the word “email” does not cause you any misunderstanding. Register and share information on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and become advanced Internet users, see you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan is one of the largest and most popular sites on the Russian Internet. Anyone can get a mailbox here completely free of charge and use it as much as they want.

In order for you to receive your email, you need to go through a simple procedure called registration. To do this, you first need to open the website.

You can simply click and Mail will open in a new window.

In the upper left corner of the site you will see a white rectangle with the name “Mail”.

Using it we will register on To complete this procedure, click on the inscription “Registration in mail”.

After this, another page will load - something like a questionnaire. If you fill it out correctly, you will be given an email address.

First you need to enter your first and last name. You can print them in both Russian and English.

Then you need to indicate your birthday. Click on the "Day" field and select a date from the list. Do the same with the month and year.

Just below is the “City” field. You can also select it from the list. Or you can leave it blank - this field is optional.

But you must indicate your gender. To do this, simply click on it so that a dot is placed next to it.

The next field, “Mailbox,” is the most important. This is an email address, that is, the name of the future mailbox (e-mail).

You need to come up with it yourself. This is not a very difficult task, since the system will actively help - suggesting free names.

The main thing to remember is that the address must consist of English letters (no Russian letters!). You can also add numbers, an underscore (“_”), a period (“.””), and a minus sign (“-”). There should be no spaces in the address.

Each user is given their own unique name. You cannot choose a name for a mailbox that is already taken by someone. If you created and typed an existing e-mail, the message “A mailbox with the same name already exists” will appear. And the system will suggest other, free options. If you like one, you can choose it.

All mail addresses consist of a name, a sign @ and some kind of ending. Originally it was

For example, in the e-mail field I typed the name ivan. If this address is not occupied by anyone, then my mailbox will be called [email protected]. And if I entered the name ivan2015, and it turned out to be free, then my mailbox would be called [email protected]

But this “tail” can also be changed through a small additional field.

By clicking on it, a list will appear from which you can select a different ending. For example, if I select from this list, then my mailbox will be called [email protected]

The next field that needs to be filled in is “Password”.

The password is a few English letters and numbers that you will use to open your mailbox. Without a password, it is impossible to open email and read letters.

Its length must be at least six characters. It is imperative that the password contains both letters (English only) and numbers.

When printing it, letters and numbers will be typed in dots. This was done on purpose so that no one could snoop on the password. After all, if another person recognizes him, he will be able to open your mail and read the letters.

And immediately after filling out the “Password” field, write it down in a safe place so you don’t accidentally forget it!

After this, the system asks you to provide a mobile phone number. This was done so that if you lose your email password, you can recover it.

The mobile number must be entered with the operator code. For example:

Don't worry, no one will have access to it and not a single ruble will be debited from your account. You will simply receive a confirmation code to this number, which you will need to type in a special field.

If for some reason you do not want to indicate your number (or it simply does not exist), then you can leave this field empty.

Well, finally, the last step left is to register. To do this, click on the appropriate button:

If, in the system's opinion, you made a mistake somewhere when filling out the registration form, a message will appear in the problem area

This means that you need to retype this part, otherwise Mail will not register your mail.

After clicking on the green “Register” button, a small window should appear on the screen in which you must enter the code. If you indicated your mobile phone number when filling out the form, the code will be sent to this number via SMS. And if you did NOT specify a phone number, then the code will be written in the window itself - you just need to print it and click on the “Done” button.

After this, your new email will open. But first, most likely, this window will appear:

These are the email settings. You can select them, or you can not select them - just close this window.

And here’s what the newly created mailbox looks like:

Now you can fully use it. You don't have to do anything else - this mail already belongs to you, and it is already configured to send and receive letters.

Important: The full email address is written in the upper right corner. Be sure to rewrite it. After all, it is this address that the person will need to provide so that he can write you a letter.

Mail.Ru(in Russian mail or mail) - free largest< в России электронная почта, предоставляющая возможность введения своей электронной корреспонденции и установления связи в сети. Для быстрого оповещения о новых сообщениях нужно установить специальную программу Агент@Майл.ру, доступную как на компьютер, так и на мобильное устройство, и вы сможете быть всегда на связи! Почта доступна благодаря крупному российскому Интернет порталу с 1998 года. В течение одного месяца интернет ресурс посещает около 33-ёх миллионов посетителей (входов), в основном из бывших стран СНГ. Основными конкурентами являются: Hotmail , Gmail и . Портал и почта принадлежат инвестиционной группе Mail.Ru Group из России, главным направлением деятельности которой является инвестиции в развивающейся интернет-проекты и стартапы.

Login and registration a completely free mailbox with the ability to create a unique address ending with:,, and the last one Mail ru email is accessible from anywhere in the world and at any time; you can log into the site regardless of the provider you use. This leads to the rapid disappearance of branches of telegraph postal services such as the post office. Mail makes it possible to receive and view incoming messages and your correspondence using a variety of web interfaces: the mail program of a desktop computer, laptop, smartphones and mobile phones.

To log in to mail, you need to enter the website address in the browser line.

If you do not yet have a mailbox for this service, one of the leaders in RuNet, and you are not registered in it, you need to go through a fairly simple registration and create an email. You can only register two mailboxes under one unique name. It is necessary to fill out the main registration form and, if desired, additional information about the new user.

Registering a new e-mail box, filling out a form

In order to register and receive a new mailbox you need:

  • Click on the link “Registration by mail”;
  • Enter your real first and last name, they will be displayed when sending an email from your mailbox;
  • Indicate your date of birth in the appropriate lists;
  • Place of residence (city name) and gender;
  • Enter a unique name for your email address, as well as the choice of the ending of the future e-mail address or domain;
  • It is necessary to come up with a complex and secure password to prevent hackers from hacking your mail and logging in.
  • To recover a lost password, you need to select a country and enter your phone number in the required fields, after which you will receive a message with a unique confirmation code within one minute.
  • You can also select the “Create a page on My [email protected]” checkbox and your personal page will be created;
  • After entering the required data, you need to click “Register”.

Setting up email Mail ru mail

After registration, you become the owner of a convenient and multifunctional mail, you are provided with a wide range of tools for debugging and adjusting it to your needs. Setting up and debugging is optional, but it is highly recommended that you adjust all the functionality of your mailbox. At the very beginning, you become the owner of a mailbox memory capacity of 10 GB, but it is not limited; as the number of letters increases, the volume will increase on its own. It is also possible to customize the volume of the box.


To install the best theme, left-click on it.

Debugging mailbox interfaces

To customize the box for yourself, you need to go to editing, click “More” and in the window that appears, click “Settings”, then the category “Box Interface”.

In the window that appears, you need to select the mail display language.

By checking the “Output Web Agent” box, you can follow your online friends online through the Web Agent.

In the subcategory “View list of letters” you need to change the number of addresses and letters displayed on your page. It depends only on the specific preferences of the mail user.

The “Sending letters” section allows you to save different types of letters.

If you are unable to do something on your own, then we advise you to contact emergency computer help -, reasonable prices, experienced specialists, free call and diagnostics.

So, a little later we’ll talk about how to create mail on mail ru, but first let’s see how to log into it. Here everything is very, very simple. In the address bar of your browser, enter mail ru. On the page that opens, there will be an authorization form in the upper left corner.

If you need to re-create your mail ru email, then under the form there will be “Registration in mail”. However, we already have our own account, so we need enter his name in the top field. Fill in everything up to the @ symbol. Below we write your password. Click the “login” button. Email login completed.
Mail.Ru - this is a browser, a search engine, games, and of course, mail. The history of the company began back in 1998. The American company DataArt, which was founded by Russian emigrants, created software for the mail server. It was planned that in the future this software would be sold to Western companies.

Since the developers were St. Petersburg programmers, they decided to test it in Russia. What came as a surprise to the developers was the fact that the service began to rapidly gain users. So the decision was made to create the mail ru mail service, in which anyone can register completely free of charge by creating their own mail with the required login.

A mailbox created once in the mail ru system will be valid at any time. The box has no lifespan or downtime. To this day, the project does not stand still; every day the development team is actively working on new ideas and regularly releasing updates. But let's focus on the first and largest project - mail.

Free mail registration on mail ru

From the moment of its foundation to this day, anyone can create an email account on mail ru absolutely free of charge. To create a mailbox, you will need come up with a unique mailbox name and password.

The difficulty is that the mail service has existed for quite a long time and it is very popular, which means that in order to create your own mail you'll have to use your imagination. The mailbox name must not match any existing one. Agree, it would not be right for someone to receive your letters and you to receive someone else’s. If the desired name is already taken, the system will offer you similar options from those currently available. You can agree with the proposed option or come up with another one and check if it is available.

An interesting point: if your name is taken in the @mail ru option, this does not mean at all that it was taken in other domain options of the mail service. It may well be free in@inbox ru, @bk ru or @list ru.

Email registration also requires entering a password that would satisfy generally accepted password security requirements. The password must be at least 6 characters long and cannot consist only of numbers.

Mail registration can be faster, if you leave your mobile phone number. In this case, you will not need to indicate the secret question and the answer to it. In addition, this will significantly increase the level of mailbox security. Without access to your phone, it will be impossible to recover your password.

Registration also provides filling out the Last Name and First Name fields. Please note that this is the data that recipients of your emails will see in their inbox before opening the email.

Enter your phone number or choose a secret question that only you will know, and click the “Register” button. This is the largest button on the registration form. Further, at the discretion of the server, protection against bots may appear: captcha.

The introduction of such a check is a necessary measure. At some point, a massive creation of mailboxes began from which unwanted mail was sent. That is why the decision was made to test on humans. Please enter these characters correctly. From this moment mail ru registration is considered completed.

However, since mail ru is a multi-service company, upon completion of registration it will offer you to use the company’s services, which you can refuse. But among the services offered there are some very useful ones.

  • For example, redirection to your new mailbox of letters that go to the old address you specified.
  • Possibility to specify a signature, which will be automatically added to the end of every email sent.
  • Upload a photo, for the My World social network, which you will see in the “my page” menu.
  • You can create an email address and stylize it to your preferences by choosing a theme.
  • In addition, you can install mobile application.

After all additional offers a web interface window will open mailbox. By default, the contents of your inbox will be displayed.

How to set up mail ru?

Let's start reviewing the settings from visual design. If you did not choose a theme during registration or you have a desire to change it, you can install a new theme.

For this you need go to the “Themes” section, which is in the settings. The range of themes offered will satisfy almost any user. They are provided to users absolutely free of charge.

You can also configure email sorting– the server will distribute mail according to the rules you specify into various folders. This will relieve your inbox. The server has excellent protection against spam and all kinds of unwanted mail. If the system does not take into account any letter, you can add it to the spam list. Thus, doing something useful for all users. The server can analyze such marks.

In addition, there is answering machine function. It will be very useful if you go on vacation and do not want to be disturbed. Particular attention should be paid to the unique mail ru mail service, the entrance to which is in the same settings - this SMS notification service. Very convenient, especially if you don’t want to monitor your mailbox.

Well, a phenomenon familiar to business people - calendar. It can replace a paper organizer and organize your affairs and meetings. You can find all this in the settings after you log into your email. mail.

How to send email from mail ru?

1. In order to send a letter, you need go to your email. Open mail ru in your browser and log in.

2. Go to the Mail service.

3. At the top of the screen in the middle there will be "Write a letter" button. This is exactly what we need.

4. In the form that appears, fill in the recipient, the subject of the letter, and the actual text of the letter and click "Send".

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