Dialer in iOS 9 style. How to make an iPhone from Android? Launchers and widgets

Dialer in Apple IOS8 style

Release date: August 11, 2014
Developer: spirit developers
Compatibility: 2.2+
Interface language: English.
Root: no.
Condition: free (advertising removed)

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Forum: Programs for Android Vikturist Vikturist

2014-08-21T13:04:03Z 2014-08-21T13:04:03Z

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Dialer Keyboard is a modified new iOS 8 Dialer keyboard with rich layout design which is same as iOS 8.
iOS 8 Caller Screen Rich Call Log like in which you can see your miss call, received call and dialed call.
iOS 8 Caller contact screen will give you your entire contact list in which you can search contacts and see all contacts with a new rich view designed.
In iOS 8 Caller screen you can see the most dialed and calling contacts in your favorites list
iOS 8 Caller screen can work throughout your entire device even you have an older one Android versions.
When a call comes in you will have a complete UI iOS 8 Screen Caller theme.
You can also define a voicemail that will help you when you want to reject a call from anyone and send them a message like "I'm busy right now, I'll call you later" on iOS 8 Caller Shift screen.
iOS 8 Caller Screen gives you a complete look of iOS theme.
You can actively deactivate your iOS 8 Screen Caller so that you can use your default Android Screen Caller dialer.
This application will give you rich appearance iOS 8 style and lightweight so you can navigate around
iOS 8 caller dialing keyboard screen
iOS 8 subscriber theme screen Favorite list,
iOS 8 subscriber list screen dealer
iOS 8 Caller Screen Voicemail
iOS 8 subscriber dial screen Calls
And you can switch to your default caller screen easily using the Activity/Disconnect button. Send an instant message to a subscriber when you are busy and that's it.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Android-iPhone..png 400w, http://androidkak.ru/wp- content/uploads/2015/12/Android-iPhone-300x178.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 168px) 100vw, 168px"> Smartphones running the iOS operating system have their own unique design and special interface, which is why they are so popular among many users. However, not everyone can afford to purchase such a device. Many owners of Android smartphones are interested in possible ways make something similar to an iPhone out of Google’s creation. How can this be brought to life?

If it is unlikely that the appearance of your device will be remade to match the iPhone style, we will start changing the “internals”. With an abundance of various additions to Play Market it's much easier to do this.

Launchers and widgets

Of course, installing iOS on a regular smartphone is impossible. Even if you try to do this, you will most likely turn your phone into a lifeless brick. It is much easier to change standard (and not so standard) Android themes to the iPhone interface. To do this, we need various software add-ons: launchers, widgets and plugins.

.png" alt="EspierLauncher7Pro" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-1005"> !}Espier Launcher 7 Pro V.1.4.5 is the first add-on we need. It is needed to replace the themes of your android phone for registration from iOS. Simply put, these are desktops with a design specific to the iPhone. Just download and install this launcher, and then follow the setup instructions and turn it on. Ready! iOS-style desktops and similar icons are in our pocket!
.png" alt="iLauncher" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-1009"> !} iLauncher v is a similar launcher. You can try installing both and choose the one that is most convenient for you. This launcher makes the interface of your smartphone completely identical to iOS phones.
.png" alt="EspierScreenLocker" width="100" height="100" class="lazy lazy-hidden alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1013"> !}Now, in order to bring everything we started to fruition, we additionally download a plugin for our launcher called Espier Locker 7 Pro. It is needed to make the lock screen look like the iPhone lock screen. Install the plugin and enjoy the results.

The global difference between iOS and Android lies in the operating system menu. Devices from Apple and other manufacturers display different numbers of icons. And the programs themselves have a different external label. If you decide to make Android look like an iPhone, then this is what needs to be fixed first.

The easiest way to change the appearance of the operating system is to use a launcher. IN Google Play There are a large number of similar applications. Basically, they offer a unique menu style that is unlike anything else on the outside. But there are also launchers that copy Apple’s developments.

Attention: the copyright holder regularly complains about such creations of third-party developers. Therefore, they do not stay on Google Play for very long.

We already talk about some of these launchers on the pages of our website. For example, a kind of long-liver is iLauncher - OS 9. The creators of this application regularly update it as soon as it comes out a new version iOS. The program can work on smartphones with the Android 4.1 operating system and higher.

The launcher does not make any major changes and therefore does not require special resources. It simply changes the icons of standard utilities. Shortcuts third party applications placed in bright colored squares with rounded corners. The launcher also eliminates the menu - from now on all icons are located on desktops.

Something similar, but in an expanded form, is offered by OS9 Launcher HD, also called smart and simple by its developers. This launcher also changes the appearance of all standard and some additional applications. But along the way, some other useful innovations borrowed from iOS are also being introduced. For example, if there are some news in a particular program, their number will be displayed on the label. And there is also an analogue of 3D Touch! But it is called this function not by pressing hard (there is no pressure sensor in smartphones based on Android), but by double tapping on the icon of any of the standard applications.

The only thing that spoils the impression of the launcher is the presence of advertising. It is located in a separate desktop, where theoretically you don’t even have to look. The developers also sent the Google search string here.

We can also recommend a launcher for installation CleanUI. Its main difference is that the icons are larger. As a result, not the largest number of them is displayed on the screen. The application not only eliminates the menu, but also changes the notification panel, whereas the two previous launchers did not really know how to do this. Otherwise, the functionality repeats the two solutions discussed above - here you can also block the display of any icons. But there is no analogue of 3D Touch here. But you shouldn’t regret it, because this function is applicable only to standard applications, and even then not to all.

Interestingly, CleanUI also has a separate desktop. But there is no advertising on it - there is only search string. It helps you search for contacts, Internet pages in “History” and other information.

Since the iOS operating system is updated as often as Android, launchers also change over time. If you want to turn your smartphone into latest iPhone then try Launcher iOS 13. This free application, which will completely change the appearance of menus, icons and other interface elements.

Replacing the lock screen

Launchers only partially help turn Android into an iPhone. Their problem is that they are not able to change the lock screen. This is done by separate applications, such as OS8 Lock Screen. When you launch this utility, you are taken to the settings window. The interface used here is English, but even without special knowledge, many points do not raise any questions. For example, it is immediately clear that the application allows you to put any image on the lock screen, set a password, and also enter any text.

As for the appearance of the lock screen, in this regard it is similar to its counterpart from iOS 8. Everything works very quickly, you can unlock the device in almost a split second if desired. You can also go to the Camera application without any unlocking. In a word, the application does not provide anything unusual, it just makes the smartphone even a little more similar to.

If you want to make a lock screen like the latest versions of iOS, then pay attention to the Lock Screen I.O.S 12 application. After installing it, your Android will look like the latest iPhone.

Notification panel

Not all launchers can competently replace the notification panel. Therefore, you should definitely install iNoty Style OS 9(With Play Store The link has been removed because there have been complaints about harmful content). As you might guess, it brings to the system the traditional status bar present in iOS 9. After installing the utility, you will be taken to a relatively small menu. Here you need to enable iNoty, after which you can enjoy a full-fledged status bar.

This is not to say that the solution turned out to be functional. But it makes you think you're using an Apple product. There are differences from the original status bar, but they are minimal.

You can also enable the function panel in the application menu. It will stretch out if you click on the small blue bar located at the bottom of the screen. This panel contains buttons that open the camera and calculator, as well as keys that allow you to turn off the device and use the flashlight. There are also buttons here wireless interfaces and a brightness level slider. Unfortunately, everything is spoiled by that same blue stripe - this element is displayed both in the menu and in many applications. Quite quickly the strip begins to irritate.

If you don’t like this implementation of the control point, you can try installing the application separately Control Panel - Smart Toggle.

Changing the keyboard and camera

Gradually we changed the main interface of the operating system. There's just one small thing left - the keyboard. With its help, we constantly type text in the browser, messenger and other programs. Therefore, it is logical that this element should also be replaced. This can be done by installing Apple Keyboard. This virtual keyboard, very similar to the one used in recent versions of iOS.

Unfortunately, the keyboard does not have Russian language. This is its main drawback. Well, as for the camera application, you can install it as GEAK Camera. Traditionally, this utility can not only take photographs, but also apply all sorts of filters to pictures.

Most of the described applications are updated along with the release of new iOS versions. Therefore, your Android will always look like the latest iPhone. However, if you wish, you can install an older shell. Usually, iOS version indicated in the title or description of the application.


By completing all the steps indicated in this guide, you can get a device whose interface is very similar to that found on iPhones. But you need to understand that you will not get real iOS. And all this will not work very quickly - after all, all installed utilities consume a lot of processor power and a certain amount of RAM. Therefore, be sure that quickly enough you will be disappointed in your idea, returning to the usual interface of the operating room Android systems. After all, it works much more stable, and in terms of functionality it is more pleasing.

Are you a user? Android smartphone and dream of an iPhone, but there is no way to get this device? Or do you just like the iOS shell better? Further in the article you will learn how to turn the Android interface into a mobile one. operating system from Apple.

There are many applications to change the appearance of Android. In this article we will look at the solution to this issue using the example of working with several of them.

Step 1: Install Launcher

The CleanUI launcher will be used to change the Android shell. The advantage of this application is that it is often updated in accordance with the release of new iOS versions.

In addition to changing desktop icons, CleanUI changes the appearance of the top-down notification shade.

Dial screen in "Challenges", "Search" and the appearance of your contacts also becomes the same as on iPhone.

For user convenience, CleanUI has a separate desktop, which is designed to search for any information on the phone (contacts, SMS) or on the Internet through a browser.

To make small changes to the launcher, click on the icon .

You can also go to the launcher settings by clicking on the three dots on the smartphone’s desktop.

Here you will be prompted to apply the following changes:

This is where the influence of the launcher on the appearance of your phone ends

Step 2: Settings Window

By using special application you can completely change the view system settings, but to download it you must have permission to install programs from unknown sources.

There is a possibility that you may encounter a problem incorrect operation. The application may sometimes crash, but since it has no analogues, this is the only option left.

Step 3: Design SMS Messages

To change the screen view "Messages", you need to install the iPhonemessages iOS7 application, which, after installation, will be displayed on your smartphone under the name “Messages”.

After this, all messages in the launcher will be opened through a program that completely copies the messenger from the iOS shell.

Step 4: Lock Screen

The next step in turning Android into iOS is changing the lock screen. The Lock Screen Iphone style application was selected for installation.

  • To install the application, follow the link and click "Install".
  • Find the blocker icon on your desktop and click on it.
  • The program has not been translated into Russian, but no serious knowledge is required to set it up. Initially, several permissions will be requested. To continue installation, press the button each time "Grant permission".
  • After confirming all permissions, you will be in the settings menu. Here you can change the lock screen wallpaper, install widgets, set a PIN code and much more. But the main thing you need here is to enable the screen lock feature. To do this, click on "Activate Lock".
  • You can now exit Settings and lock your phone. The next time you unlock, you will already see the iPhone interface.

    To display the panel on the lock screen quick access, swipe up from bottom to top and it will appear immediately.

    This completes the installation of a blocker like on an iPhone.

    Step 5: Camera

    To make your Android smartphone even more like iOS, you can change the camera. To do this, follow the link below and download GEAK Camera, which replicates the iPhone camera interface.

    Thus, the transformation Android devices the iPhone is coming to an end. By installing all these programs, you will bring the appearance of your smartphone’s shell as close as possible to the iOS interface. But keep in mind that this will not be a full-fledged iPhone that works reliably with all the installed software. Using a launcher, blocker and other programs mentioned in the article entails a large load on your computer. RAM and the battery of the device, since they constantly work together with the rest software Android systems.

    It's no secret that the standard iPhone dialer leaves much to be desired in terms of functionality. Manual dialing has long since sunk into oblivion; few people remember the numbers of even their closest ones by heart; the address book takes first place in this regard. Every time using the search to find the necessary contacts is a pain, only the favorites bookmark is more or less in demand, but there is clearly not enough display of photos there.

    In this review I will try to cover all the dialers that can be found on the Internet. If you use any other, be sure to post the link/name of the application and I will add it to the review.

    Attention, traffic! (Lots of screenshots)

    Selection criteria: 1. Availability convenient search by contacts (Better using T9)
    2. Display contact photos when searching/selecting
    3. Support for the Russian language (Not Russification of the program, but working with Russian contact names)

    Programs included in the review -->

    Phone Let's start with the built-in dialer.
    The main advantage of the built-in dialer is that it is built-in) There is no need to download anything, install it, or finish it with a file. It works fine. Manual dialing has no complaints: you dial the number, press call and call. There is a simple search in the address book (without displaying photos of contacts) But scrolling with Russian letters, which makes the quick search process a little easier
    There is also a “favorites” where you can add your favorite numbers to quickly call them. The functionality there is also not up to par; most of the line is occupied by the inscription mobile.
    In general, the functionality is at a low but sufficient level. You can use it, but you want more. much more.
    Third-party softwareSearchDial There are quite a lot of similar software; we enter the name/phone number using a standard keyboard and filter the list. The difference from the standard one is that it immediately displays the phone number and has a black design. Verdict: to the dump.
    ABContacts An analogue of SearchDial, a little more functionality, the developers came up with a new way to use the iPhone interface - clicking on the title brings up a menu from somewhere on the right, there is support for groups (both regular and auto-generated) The design is at the level of a child's garden. Maybe this will be useful to someone, but definitely not to us, %username%
    CallWay Similar to SearchDial, but much more functional - there is a search for all data in an address book entry using T9, displaying photos, favorites, recent calls. In general, excellent software, with one drawback - NO RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. You can only find a contact by phone number.
    Groups Programulina from the author of the previous software, this time the emphasis is on user groups. Regular and smart (auto-generated), for example, you can select everyone who has a birthday, or does not have a photo, and much more. O5 is just not pleased with the complete lack of support for Russian letters. So the program remains convenient only for editing the address book (if, of course, it is large)
    Faces This program is already different from others in the review. It's just a good favorite for your contacts. It has a nice design, is maximally functional for its purpose, allows you to create screens/groups, has a landscape mode, displays photos of contacts, in general there are some advantages. Definitely a must have.
    B-Bot And this program has almost nothing to do with dialing, but I still want to talk about it in this review. This program allows you to make a comical composite photo and broadcast it to your contacts. (After all, not everyone allows themselves to be photographed normally, and there is not always time or opportunity for this.
    The rest is Dial9 (not impressed with the design)

    EasyDialer (no support for Russian, sad)

    That's all for now, I don't indicate the prices for the software - as they may change, all applications can be found and purchased in the app store. If the rating of the article goes up, I will write similar reviews in various directions more often. Commentators are asked to take into account that the software I have chosen is just my IMHO and don’t kick me too hard :)

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