How to find out a forgotten email password. How to find out your email password? What to do if you forgot your email password? What to do if you forgot your VKontakte password, Twitter password? Password recovery methods

How to find out your password from Email on Yandex?

It is necessary to use the password recovery system - click on the "Remember password" link and either answer the security question that was indicated when creating the mailbox, or receive letters with a code for a duplicate mailbox, if it was indicated. In both cases, you will be redirected to the password change page. Change the password, write it down somewhere outside the computer, for example on the phone, and save New Password in Yandex and/or in the browser to continue logging in automatically.

By the way, if you have always logged in automatically, your password may be in the system's memory. Just enter your Yandex login in the "Login" field and press the "Tab" key on your keyboard or double-click on this field and select your login - the password in the form of asterisks may appear in the password window and you can enter your mailbox.



Thanks Sergey Alexandrovich, but the matter is somewhat different. Exactly, the password will appear in the form of asterisks - on my computer ... Asterisks will not suit me. You need exactly letters and numbers to dictate them to enter on another computer. To print the coupon on the printer. But I was warned that if it was sent to another email. address - the coupon will not open. That's why I wanted my daughter to go to my mail and print it out....

And who is stopping you from opening this coupon, saving it and sending it to your daughter for printing? Or just forward her an email with a coupon? Or use the password recovery system, change the password and send a new password to your daughter? Accordingly, you will need to write down a new password for yourself and "remember" it in Yandex and / or in the browser in order to automatically log in again ...

If your browser is ok.

I recommend getting the AVZ anti-virus utility - this utility has special application recovery of all passwords stored in all browsers of your computer - not in asterisks, but in the symbolism in which you entered.
In addition, there are enough small programs on the Internet that have dots in the password when choosing desired mode converted to symbolic version. I sometimes use depass.
In addition, there is also a third option to find the password itself from the database of your browser. (You did not write what browser you have) - so I give this option
Click the Start button, and select Run....
2. Enter %APPDATA%MozillaFirefoxProfiles and click OK.
Your passwords are stored in two different files, both of which are required to work:
key3. db - This file stores the key database for your passwords. To transfer saved passwords, you need to copy this file along with the following file.
signons.sqlite - Saved passwords.
signons3.txt - Saved passwords
Copy it all from your profile and paste it into a profile on another computer.
in addition, there is a button on the protection tab - saved passwords - you can just view them
Another fairly affordable option is described here support mozilla org
See browser

Many people in the process of communication actively use modern technologies exchange of information using the wide possibilities of the Internet. To do this, you need to create a mailbox by registering on one of the special services. E-mail allows you to instantly send information to anywhere in the world and receive a response to it.

When setting up a mailbox, you should first of all take care of its security. To do this, there is protection of personal correspondence from unauthorized users with a password. Basically, when registering, a combination of numbers and letters is used, which must be remembered. But what to do if you forgot the password from mail or other mail services? There are many methods for restoring access. The choice of a particular method depends on the profile information that the user can remember.

Restoring access by phone number

Often, users are faced with account hacking or simply forget their email password. And as a solution to the problem, they create a new mailbox. Which, of course, leads to the loss of access to your own information at the previous postal address.

As you know, during the creation of a profile, the user needs to confirm his phone number used to manage the account. If the user has forgotten the password from the mail, but has access to a phone number that was previously confirmed, it is recommended to use the recovery using an SMS message.

To do this, select a number and enter the last 4 digits in a special field. After that, a message with a code to restore access to the profile should be sent to the specified number.

Secret Question

Often, during the creation of an account, you will be required to enter a specific question and provide an answer to it. To restore access, enter the required information in the appropriate field. Thanks to this, the system identifies the user. After that, you will need to enter the code from the provided picture and follow the instructions. If the user does not remember the answer to the secret question, then you should click on the "I do not remember the answer" button under the form.

Standard recovery method

If the user has forgotten the password from the mail, then to restore it in a standard way you need to know the login. The process takes place in the following sequence:

  • The main page, when you try to enter your mailbox or register, contains the "Forgot your password?" button.
  • Enter email address, then click the "Continue" button. However, it should be remembered that if the mailbox is not used for 5 years, access to it is lost forever.
  • If the address entered exists, then the user is taken to a recovery page where they are required to enter some information about the data during registration.
  • After filling in the required fields, you will need to enter a captcha.
  • Then a page will open with empty fields that also need to be filled in. Then you should submit the form.

So, the user's application will be sent for verification and will be considered in the near future.

Help Desk Help

There is nothing difficult in asking for help from the support service if you forgot your mail password. If it was not possible to use the standard method, then you must directly contact the specialists and explain in detail the essence of the problem. Perhaps the account has been hacked or the user has not logged into the profile for a long time. When sending a letter explaining the reasons, you should indicate the subject: “Password recovery”.

The letter will require you to specify the most important information that is available only to the real owner of the account. For a faster return of access to mail, it is recommended to indicate as much reliable information as possible. In this case, the probability of password recovery will increase several times.

So, password recovery is a completely solvable problem if you strictly follow the instructions or use the help of a support service. You can restore access to your account if the user has forgotten the password from the mail, but remembers the information specified by him during registration. To minimize the possibility of losing your account, it is recommended that you always provide a number mobile phone.

Before writing step-by-step actions, how can you find out and view your saved passwords in popular browsers such as Yandex browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. I would like to remind all the same for those who do not yet know that saving passwords in browsers is not recommended, it is not safe.

Remember your passwords in your head or use password managers, now there are a lot of them for every taste and color, but I recommend KeePass (free, there is a Portable version that allows you to store all data on a USB flash drive without fear that the computer will break and the data will be lost).

How to view your saved passwords in Yandex browser

1. In the right corner of the browser, click on the "Yandex Browser Settings" tab.
When you click on it, a drop-down list will open, select the "Settings" item.

2. After clicking "Settings", a tab opens with all the browser settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Show advanced settings" button and click it.

3. Scroll the page to the "Passwords and Forms" item and see the "Password Management" button, press it and see the sites on which the password was saved. We select the site we need and click show.

To display the password, you may need to enter a password from the Computer account. (Do not confuse, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

Viewing Your Saved Passwords in the Google Chrome Browser

Viewing saved passwords in Google Chrome is practically no different from Yandex browser.

All the same steps:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click the "Settings" tab

3. On opened advanced settings We are looking for the item "Passwords and forms".

On the line “Offer to save passwords for sites” there is a link “Configure”, click on it and a window opens with our sites and passwords.

Select the desired site and click show password.

To view, the browser may ask you to enter the password for your Computer's user account. (do not confuse, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer).

Find out your saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox browser

Viewing passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser, not much different from the browsers above, except for the names of some buttons and paths 🙂

Actions are the same:

1. In the right corner of the browser, click "Open Menu".
In the drop-down list, click "Settings".

2. On the right in the menu, click the "Protection" item and see the "Saved passwords" button, click it and see the sites and saved passwords from them.

If you have set your own password for the "Master Password", then you will be required to enter the master password before the password is displayed.

View your passwords in the Opera browser

FROM Opera browser similar actions:

1. In the left corner of the browser, click "Menu" and in the drop-down list, click "Settings".
2. Click the "Security" item.

3. On the settings page, we see the “Passwords” item and the “Manage saved passwords” button, click on it and a window will open with our sites and passwords, select the desired site and click show the password.

To view, you will need to enter the password for the Computer user account. (Do not confuse, not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

Everything is simple.

Well, the last password viewing will be in the Microsoft Edge browser, aka Internet Explorer

In these browsers, the paths where our passwords are stored are slightly different.

1. In the right corner, click the "Service, aka Settings" item.
Select "Internet Options" from the drop-down list. A tab will open where we need to switch to the content tab.

2. In the “Autofill” item there is a “Parameters” button, click on it and another window will appear where we need to click the treasured “Password Management” button.

3. After clicking on the button, the “Internet Credential Manager” will open, where our sites and passwords will be, against the password there will be a link to show the password, we click on it to view it.

To view the password, you will need to enter the password for the Computer account. (Do not confuse not from mail, profiles or social networks, but from the Computer)

Is everything much easier than expected? 🙂

Do you have moments when the password from the mail just flies out of your head? I sometimes forget the password for the mailbox I use for spam. And every time I am saved by the fact that I use The Bat. If you also use The Bat mail client and it so happened that you forgot email password, then in this case the password can be easily found out!

With most of these services, you can easily choose a simple password, and the best way to do this is to use a disposable email address that is temporary. Anyone who truthfully lists his mobile phone number, address and email address, or even credit card details, is at fault. Therefore, it is necessary to blame what happens, without exception and wherever it is significant. Let the data mafia be suppressed by false information. Or you can counter the password joke by forgetting your passwords: don't write it down, don't always use the same password, but choose a difficult one and forget about it at the same time.

To recover the password from a mailbox in The Bat, you need to make simple changes in the properties of the mailbox from which you forgot the password.

To do this, select the menu item " Box» and after paragraph « Mailbox properties "or easier, press keyboard shortcuts" Shift+Ctrl+P»

After the above actions, a window will open in which you should select the following " Transport" Further " Protocol log ". Here we are interested in Receive Protocol » you need to enable the log. Just check the box Enable log". Now create any text file and select it, let's say "Logi.log" This file will come in handy.

You are logged in and next time you can reset it with your email account. For security reasons, you should change your passwords regularly. We have often indicated that users should regularly change their passwords on a regular basis.

It could be a different email address or hand number. Both options give us the option to send you a free code or link that you can use to reset your current password and create a new one. By clicking on the text, you will be redirected directly to the corresponding page of our customer service. If an alternate email address as well as a manual number are stored as contact details, you can still choose how you want to send access to change your password.

Now it remains to disconnect from the server and reconnect to it. For this: In the lower left corner of the program there is a button with the name of your mailbox, in my case it is “ test box».

If you have requested a code for your manual number, the forwarding will take place immediately and you will be prompted to enter the received code. After confirming the input, you can create a new password. If a new password was requested via email, you must re-enter the email address for your own security after being forwarded to the page. After clicking Next, you can create a new password. Simply delete all saved form data and passwords in your browser and try again.

There is a telephone help

All relevant information such as hotline times, rates or numbers can be found on our online help pages. The answer to the security question is, in addition to requesting personal data to identify you. If the security issue has not been identified, the identification must be done differently. For further assistance in resetting your password, please contact our staff.

Now we look at the “Logi.log” file, only it will have a slightly different name, something like “Logi_1.log”, open it and look at about line 9 and see the following.

So, forgotten passwords shouldn't be a problem. It is much more important to choose a secure password. It is very important that no birthdays, no animal names, no simple lines of characters are used. Such a password is always remembered, but it is also particularly vulnerable to data theft.

Re-enable your certificate after a temporary block if you want to use it again! The new status of your certificate is then activated. You can reactivate your certificate within 30 days of the temporary suspension. Do you need more information about reactivation?

This file will present passwords at a glance. For security reasons, I recommend returning the box settings as they were. That is, uncheck Enable log'and there's not much that can happen!

And a related video.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to find out the password from mail in The Bat mail client. To whom this article helped to find out the password from the mail, then use it to your health.

Optimize your security by changing your password regularly. Attention! Changing your password is not possible if your account has been locked out for five security reasons for security reasons. Click here to unlock your account before changing your password, or wait 12 hours for it to be automatically unlocked.

Attention: the password cannot be reset if your Account blocked for five security reasons for security reasons. Click here to unblock your account or wait 12 hours for it to be automatically unblocked.

We will now tell everyone who is interested about how to find out the password from the mail if you have forgotten it or do not know it. Let's look at different wayshow to find out the password of someone else's mail, as well as your own.

How to get a password from someone else's mail

You must know the security question that was asked when creating the email. The security question also allows you to change old password to any other. You only need to know the security question that is on your friend's email and the answer to it. This method will also help you find out the password from Yandex mail.

After 5 failed attempts, your account has been locked out for security reasons. However, after 12 hours, the blocking is also automatically cancelled. We also recommend that you re-generate your password after unlocking by clicking here. The new status of your certificate is then "temporarily suspended".

You can reactivate your certificate within 30 days after the lockout. Do you need more information about temporary suspension? The new status of your certificate is then "permanently locked". This process is irreversible! Do you need more information about the final block?

In the network where your friend is registered, create a new account for yourself. In a social network, it is very easy to impersonate a completely different person and easily enter into a person's trust. You need to register under the guise of a girl, because this way there will be no suspicion. For several weeks in a row, calmly communicate under a new name. Add friends to your page, upload videos, photos, audio recordings, update statuses, in a word, lead an active profile life. This is necessary so that your friend does not suspect anything strange. And we are moving closer to the answer to the question of how to find out the password of the mailbox. Then add your friend as a friend (under the pretext that you are bored) and chat with him for a long time. Have conversations about you and him. The conversation should be in a joking manner in order to arouse his sympathy.

To correctly display the desired page. Attention: Subscription renewal is subject to payment. Check the validity, data and status of your certificate by verifying yourself. Attention: once the certificate is created, the email address cannot be changed until the expiration date. If you are looking for apps, here is a list of all compatible devices as well as sellers. Attention: once the certificate has been created, the email address can no longer be changed before the expiration date. Correct and valid information of this e-mail address ensures that you receive all important information about your certificate. Card reader To use a smart card, you need a card reader. Here is a list of all compatible devices as well as vendors. The smart card as well as the personal passwords requested by express order will not be sent by mail! A correct and valid address of this email address will ensure that you receive all important information about your certificate.

  • E-mail address in the certificate Attention: card reader.
  • More detailed information can be found here.
  • Email address for notifications.
  • A. pick up at Capellen.
  • If you are looking for applications.
Login You can use all the functions of the Literary Curator completely independently via the Internet.

One day, strike up a conversation about his security email question. Ask the same question, only in completely different words so that suspicions do not arise. Immediately after you know the security question, use it to change the password on his mail. Then just delete your profile from this social network. Here's how to find out your email password. Then go to the social network, only under your real name, and tell a friend how you played a joke on him. Be sure to remember to return access to his email.

Log in with your client number and password. You received them by email as well as by mail. If you have forgotten your password, you can email it using the website above. After logging in, you will be taken to the start page. In the left column, you will find a navigation bar that allows you to edit all of the Literary Curator's features with a click. Navigation is divided into four areas.

Our newsletter My subscribers My data service. With these features, we will introduce you step by step. We review individual functions from the bottom up. Service In this area you will find the basics of a literary worker. In addition to our general terms and conditions and the link to start page, first time users enjoy. In addition, the contact details of our service team can be found here.

Password for your own email

And now we will talk about how to find out the password from your own mail. Try to remember what data you entered about yourself when you created your mailbox. This can help you a lot when recovering your mailbox password. When you log in, you will see a "Forgot your password?" link. You may be provided with links such as “Reset password”, etc. You may be offered to send your password to another email address (if you have one) that you specified when registering this one. If you do not have another mailbox, you may be prompted to answer a secret (security) question. Mail users often use a question called "Mother's maiden name." Another common question may be the name (nickname) of the dog.

You can make changes at any time. Bold fields are required. Please complete these fields carefully as this information will be used to receive your business card and online order form. This area is not only used for data management, but is also the basis for communicating with your subscribers through the newsletter. We would like to remind you about the next newsletter and introduce you to the topics of the week. Of course, all email addresses can also be identical.

Only the general email is displayed in the newsletter. You can also use the "Order Form" checkbox to activate your online order form. If you have forgotten your password, you can send it by email. My subscribers In this section you can manage the addresses of your subscribers. We make every effort to ensure that the administration of your address file is as simple and automated as possible, while at the same time providing you with processing facilities. Interested parties can register through listings in your store or through your website.

Why do you need a password in e-mail? And without a password, you won’t be able to enter your mailbox ... so it’s best not to forget the password. The question is - how?

It is for this that some users often take something as a password that they are guaranteed not to forget - for example, their date birth... this, perhaps, is not worth doing: it is precisely this information about you that it costs nothing for a potential hacker to find out (at least in your profile). Just as “dangerous” is something related to your personal life ... for example, in one detective novel, a situation is described (in general, quite possible in reality): the cracker did not even have to guess the password when he saw the “victim” on the computer - in as wallpaper - pretty ... to find out if the "client" has and what her nickname was, it was a matter of technology.

For the same reason, we would not advise taking the names of cities where you love, the names of your favorite literary or cinematic characters, etc. as passwords. - such passwords in the first place can be "picked up" by those whom you, perhaps, are more afraid of than unknown hackers - your relatives

In a word, the less meaningful combination of characters is used as a password, the more difficult it is to “pick up” it ... but a chaotic set of letters or numbers is more difficult to remember! So you can observe a certain "middle line" between meaningfulness and meaninglessness - for example, using "" encodings: we take some word - say, "Soligalich" - and type it in Russian, turning on the English keyboard layout - we get "cjkbufkbx" , something incomprehensible (but you will remember it). One of my acquaintances often uses as passwords words or phrases in the Mari language, typed in Latin (not everyone knows this language).

Some services themselves require password complexity (for example, it must include both lowercase and uppercase letters, not just letters or numbers - but both, until these requirements are met - registration will not take place). In addition, on some services, the choice of a password is not trusted at all by the user - they send it after registration to the specified e-mal (although the user can then change the password later ... but it makes sense to leave the password issued during registration - it is just a meaningless combination of characters, which is difficult pick).

Whatever the password, you should not rely on your memory especially, it is better to save it in a separate file (or in a notebook if you are afraid of "invasion" into the computer).

Well, what if the mail password is forgotten or lost?

Let's start with the fact that if the service gave the message "wrong password", this does not mean that you just forgot it: maybe you have the wrong keyboard layout turned on (Cyrillic instead of Latin), maybe the CapsLock key was pressed (on some services does not matter how the password is typed - in capital letters or lowercase), check these options first.

What you should not do is try to “remember” the password by entering option after option (what did I have there - maybe the name of a parrot? Maybe the name of my hometown? Maybe ... etc., especially often arises such a temptation in people who have a lot mailboxes on different services - and they can get confused in their own passwords) - on many services the number of such attempts is limited (because outwardly it looks like an attempt by someone "foreign" to pick up a password): enter, say, five times, and you will not get to the point - and access to you will be closed for a day.

And you should do it very simply: click the link "Forgot your password" (it is always issued along with a message that the password was entered incorrectly) - and follow the instructions. They can be given directly (like on Yandex) - or sent to an alternative e-mail address that you provided during registration (like on Yahoo! ... agree, so that you manage to forget passwords from all your mailboxes at once). The following options are possible:

You will be sent a new password;

You will be sent a link that you will follow to enter your password;

You will be asked a security question, by answering it correctly, you will be able to receive (or enter) a new password.

What is a security question? This is the question you entered during registration. On different services, the list of suggested questions may vary, but the "standard set" usually includes "Nickname", "Mother's maiden name", " baby nickname”, “Passport number”, etc. Here you need to think carefully about what to choose ... so I once chose a passport number - and then there was a change of old-style passports to new ones ... I was saved by the fact that at that time I often received letters addressed "on demand" to the passport number - and I remembered old number… especially not recommended to choose this option girls- they always “risk” to change their passport ... So “Maiden name mothers» Definitely more reliable!

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with losing your email password - one way or another, you can get access to your mail again.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte password? - Do you know the answer? Write! This will help you a lot!

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