1c 8.3 form navigation panel software settings.

Subsystem in 1C 8.3— a metadata tree object that is responsible for building the configuration command interface.

Below in the article we will talk about subsystems starting from version 8.2.

The fact is that version 8.1 (as well as a regular 8.2 application) also had subsystems, but they served completely different purposes, more likely for the developer than for the user. Using subsystems in 8.1, different functionality was usually separated. The subsystems also helped when combining different 1C configurations - it was possible to specify which system to transfer.

1C subsystems and programmer interface

In versions 8.3 and 8.2, subsystems are the main tool for building a command user interface. “Subsystems” metadata objects have a hierarchical structure; to configure a “submenu” in the interface, you need to add a subordinate subsystem:

Properties and Settings

Let's look at the settings and properties of the subsystems in the configurator:

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Include in command interface— if you forgot to set this flag, subsystem will not be displayed in the interface.

The button opens the interface settings panel, where you can configure interfaces depending on the role of the current user:

Picture— the picture assigned to the subsystem is displayed in enterprise mode. You can select a standard image, or you can add your own by first creating it as a configuration object Picture:

On the tab Functional options a list is indicated functional options, in which this subsystem is used.

Tab Compound defines a set of metadata objects participating in a given subsystem.

On the tab Other you can describe the help for the subsystem and specify the settings Include in help content— whether to include this help topic in general configuration help information.

If you don't see a report or processing in the managed interface

This problem very often arises among novice developers - it seems that a report or processing was added to the subsystem, but it is not visible.

The first reason for this may be that the object does not have a controlled form defined.

The second reason is that on the object’s Commands tab, the “Use standard commands” checkbox is selected. This is due to the fact that to open processing, either your own procedure can be described, or a standard one can be used:

Every 1C:Enterprise administrator knows that the task of separating user rights and correspondingly changing the working interface is one of the main ones when implementing an accounting system or adding new users to it. The efficiency of work and data security depend on how well this task is completed. Therefore, today we will talk about the features of setting up user rights and interface in a managed application.

First of all, I would like to note the main aspects of this type of settings. Many approach this issue one-sidedly, considering them purely as a measure of protection against unauthorized access to data or unqualified modification. At the same time, they forget about the other side of the coin: creating a simple and convenient working environment for the user. In cases where the user's working interface is overloaded with unnecessary items, the meaning of which is not completely clear to him, a false impression arises about the excessive complexity of the program and there is a fear of making a mistake. It is clear that this does not contribute in any way to increasing employee productivity.

Ideally, each employee should see only those interface elements that he needs to perform his immediate duties. Then it will be easier to work, and there will be no temptation to climb where you shouldn’t. Moreover, it makes sense to perform such settings even when some subsystems are simply not used or restricting access to them is not required. This will make the interface simpler and more understandable, and, therefore, the user’s work will be easier and more comfortable.

If we go back a little, we can remember that in conventional configurations Roles And Interfaces were part of the configuration and to fine-tune them it was necessary to enable the ability to make changes, but in the basic versions it was impossible at all.

The disadvantages of this approach are obvious: this complicates the maintenance of information bases, and possible conflicts during subsequent updates, when changed configuration objects require changing access rights.

In the managed application, settings for rights and interfaces were finally moved to user mode and can be configured directly from the program interface. A user's rights are assigned based on their membership in access groups. Let's go to Administration - User and rights settings - Access groups - Access group profiles, where we will see pre-installed profiles for the main access groups.

A user can be a member of several access groups at once, in which case the resulting rights will be summed up. In general, everything is quite clear and familiar, except that the settings are now performed in user mode, and not in the configurator.

But if we try to find interface settings, we will fail. In a managed application, the workspace interface is generated automatically, based on access rights. For example, let’s compare the interfaces of the Administrator and Sales Manager section panels:

In general, the idea is sound, if there are access rights to the object, we show it in the interface, if not, we hide it. This is much better than messages popping up in a regular application about access violations when the latter do not comply with the designated interface. If you add rights to an access group or, conversely, remove them, the interface elements associated with them will appear or disappear on their own. Comfortable? Yes.

The user can also independently configure his workspace within the limits of his access rights. At first glance, everything looks good, but there was a fly in the ointment. There is no mechanism that allows you to centrally configure and assign a “default” interface to users in a managed application.

If we look at Administration - User and rights settings - Personal user settings - User settings, we will see there a list of all objects whose settings have been changed by the user, but we cannot change them in any way.

Those. we are asked to log in directly to the user and configure the working interface on his behalf. A controversial decision, especially if there are not two or three users. Fortunately, the developers have provided the ability to copy user settings, which allows us to customize the interface of one user the way we need to quickly apply the settings to everyone else.

In order not to be unfounded, let's look at a practical example. In preparation for the transition to online cash registers, it was decided to automate the cash registers of a small network of dental clinics. The basis for clinic automation was industry-specific software not based on 1C and not providing connectivity fiscal registrar Therefore, it was decided to use the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration, which contains all the necessary functions, to automate cash registers.

Here we are faced with two difficulties, although if we look more closely, we will find that these are two sides of the same coin. In short: the personnel had never worked with 1C before and therefore it was necessary to create a working environment that was as easy to learn as possible, while protecting the information base from possible unqualified influence of personnel. A managed application allows you to quite simply combine business with pleasure, making it so as to limit the user, and at the same time allow him to work comfortably, without noticing the restrictions.

Let's begin. First of all, you need to create a user group profile. If we open the standard profiles, we will see that there is no option to change them. This, in our opinion, is correct; history knows a lot of examples when, in a fit of official zeal, standard rights were shoveled to such a state that they had to be restored from the standard configuration. This can also mislead other users or administrators of this database, who expect to see standard sets of rights under standard profiles.

Therefore, we will find the most suitable profile for our tasks, in our case it is Sales Manager, and make a copy of it, which we will give the name Cashier. Now we can configure the rights at our own discretion. However, the flat list offered by default is not entirely convenient to work with, unless you need to quickly find an option you already know; in most cases, it is much more convenient to work with the list by enabling grouping by subsystems.

We will not dwell on this issue, since the assignment of rights depends on the specific tasks facing the user; we can only advise exercise prudence and not go to extremes. Remember that your task is to create a comfortable and safe working environment, and not to completely prohibit everything possible.

Having created a profile, we assign an access group to the required users and launch the program under one of them. Depending on the assigned rights, you will see an automatically generated interface.

In principle, this is already quite good, but in our case everything is just beginning. To our surprise, many users and administrators still have no idea how to configure the “Taxi” interface and continue to complain about its “inconveniences.”

Let's go to Main menu - View, where we will see a number of settings regarding the interface.

Let's start with section panel settings, in our case, the range was limited to a short list of services, so the warehouse section turned out to be superfluous, in order not to complicate or burden the interface, we’ll just remove it.

Then, in each section, by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner, we will sequentially configure the navigation and actions. Here we will also remove everything that is not necessary in everyday work, and, on the contrary, we will bring to the fore what is necessary.

You can even compare how it was and how it became:

Finally, let’s configure the panels. Since we have few partitions, it makes sense to move the partition panel up and the open panel down, thereby expanding the workspace horizontally, which is important for monitors with a small diagonal or 4:3 format.

After completion, you should check all the settings again; it is best to do this by simulating the real actions of a cashier, which will immediately help you evaluate the ease of working with the interface. In our case it turned out simple and convenient workplace cashier, in any case, there were no problems with the staff’s mastery of it:

Now let’s log into the program again as an administrator and go to Administration - User and rights settings - Personal user settings - Copy settings. Our task is to distribute the changes we have made to the remaining users of the Cashiers group. The operation itself is quite simple: select the user whose settings we are copying, indicate to whom and select what exactly.

And finally, you can prevent the user from customizing the interface on their own; to do this, go back to the group profile and uncheck the action Saving user data.

As you can see, setting up the interface and user rights in a managed application is quite simple and, despite some shortcomings, provides administrators with much greater flexibility and convenience, allowing them to quickly create convenient and secure working environments.

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This is the second part of the article about setting up the Taxi interface that appeared in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 application. In I talked about how to add new panels to the interface and change their layout according to your preferences. In the second part, I will teach you how to manage sections of the application and their content, as well as change the parameters of the initial interface page.

In the screenshot below, the interface looks like how we made it look in the last lesson. For me, this working view is not very convenient. I prefer the section bar to be on the left, as it is by default. And it's not just a matter of habit. It’s just that when all the sections are compactly assembled on one side, they can all be covered at one glance, which cannot be said about expanded menu at the top of the interface.

But since the side menu takes up too much space in the screenshots, I will leave the sections in the place where we moved them. Although I recommend that you leave this menu where the developers themselves placed it.

Here and below, screenshots created using “1C: Salary and HR Management 3.0” are used, but, as I said in the previous article, these settings are relevant for all new configurations, since the “Taxi” interface is used in them too.

So, the next feature I want to tell you about is customizing section panels. It allows you to remove individual sections from the interface.

Here the question may arise as to why someone might want to remove entire sections of operations from a program. In fact, everything is very simple. Let's say you have a small company in which only one employee is responsible for personnel and salaries. Of course, in this case, nothing can be deleted, since from time to time he will use all available tools.

But let's assume that you have a human resources specialist on staff who keeps personnel records and a payroll accountant. A personnel officer does not need payroll calculations, just as an accountant does not need personnel operations. Therefore, each of these specialists can be left with only those sections that they really need, so that unnecessary elements do not distract your employees from their work.

Of course, some objects are used by both personnel officers and accountants within the scope of their powers. For example, sick leaves or vacations. But, as a rule, access to such objects is duplicated in the corresponding sections.

To delete or add a previously deleted section, you need to select the “Customize section panel” function in the “View” settings subsection.

In the window that opens, it is easy to remove any elements from the interface and return them back. This can be done in several ways.

First, you can use the "Add", "Add All", "Delete" and "Delete All" buttons. If you do not use a button that removes or adds all possible objects, the action will affect only the selected objects.

In order to select several consecutive menu items, you need to select the top one with the mouse, and then, holding Shift, click on the bottom object of the selected group.

In order to select several objects in random order, you need to mark them with the mouse while holding the Ctrl key.

Secondly, you can add or remove objects by simply dragging the mouse.

But the third method is closer to me. Following it, you just need to double-click on the desired object. If it is located among the available objects, it will immediately become selected, otherwise it will be moved from selected to available.

At the top right you see two blue arrows. They are needed to change the order of elements in the menu.

Now, using the knowledge we have gained, let’s remove the “Salary”, “Payments” and “Taxes and Contributions” items from the section panel, and raise the “Administration” section to the top of the list of selected sections.

Now let's accept the changes and see what form our menu has taken.

Everything turned out just as we planned. To quickly return everything back, you need to go back to the section panel settings, click the “More” button, select the “Set standard settings” option and accept the changes.

It is no coincidence that I spent so much time describing these actions, since they are widely used in all 1C:Enterprise 8.3 configurations and we will need them in the following examples.

The next thing I want to tell you about is setting up the home page. Right now there is an invitation to configure the system from scratch or transfer data from other configurations, but in the future, when the program is configured, other data will be displayed there. For example, if we talk about the “1C: Salary and HR Management 3.0” configuration, then this could be the staffing table and the history of accruals.

To manage the home page settings, you need to go to “View”, “Start Page Settings”.

As you can see, everything here is the same as in the section panel settings. The only difference is that the initial page also has a second column that can be activated by adding some of the available forms there. But you should only do this if you have a large enough display. Otherwise, the second column will only get in the way, eating away at the workspace.

You can experiment with the settings yourself home screen. You can return everything to the default settings in the same way as we did after setting up the section panel.

The workspace of each section is divided into a navigation panel and an action panel. Visually, they do not differ from each other, so for clarity, I marked the navigation bar in the next screenshot with a red outline.

Through the navigation panel, the user has access to lists of reports, documents, and so on. And using the action panel, he can immediately create a document, a report, and the same “so on.”

For clarity, let’s look again at the previous screenshot illustrating the “Salary” section. As you can see, in the navigation bar, which I surrounded with a red frame, there is a section “Sick Leaves”. If you click on it, a list of all sick leaves will open, which is currently empty. Here you can create a new sick leave by clicking the “Create” button.

But in the same “Salary” section, in the action menu, there is also the “Sick Leave” item, located under the eloquent heading “Create”. By selecting it, you will create exactly the same sick leave as in the previous example, but for this you will not have to go to their general list and click an additional button.

The content of the navigation and action bars can also be controlled. So if you are sure that a feature should be in a certain section, but it is not there, it may simply not have been added to the list. You can do this yourself using the Customize Navigation and Customize Actions features. This is done in the same way as the settings for sections and the home screen.

See what this same section looks like after I enabled all the features available for it.

It's just some kind of porridge, isn't it? All the actions do not fit on the screen, even if you expand it, and you have to use the scroll bar to see them all. Therefore, it is advisable to activate in the action menu only those functions that are really needed quite often. Those documents that you need much less often are better created by navigating to them through the navigation bar, and not including them in the action bar.

Here it would be useful to recall that access to any “1C:Enterprise 8.3” object in the “Taxi” interface can be obtained through the “All functions” option, which I wrote about in the first part of the article.

In the upper right corner of the Taxi interface there is a panel with buttons that duplicate some of the application’s functions. You can choose which buttons will be displayed in this panel. To do this, you need to use the “Add or remove buttons” function and tick those that you need most often, as shown in the screenshot below.

This concludes the article about customizing the “Taxi” interface. Next time I will tell you how to get started in the 1C: Salary and Enterprise Management 3.0 configuration.

The managed form in 8.2 is not drawn, as in 8.0 and 8.1, but is described by the programmer. It is made so that on thin communication channels ( thin client or web client, although a managed form is also possible on a thick client) optimize the amount of data transferred.

The managed form consists of the following sections:

  • Section panel
  • Navigation bar
  • Action bar
  • Workspace
  • Other areas, such as the alert area, open when needed.

Section panel.

The section bar is located at the top of the desktop:

The section panel corresponds to the subsystems in the “General” branch in the metadata tree in the configurator mode.

And for the corresponding section to appear, it is enough to add a subsystem and assign the necessary configuration objects to it. To add a section picture in the subsystem element editing window, on the “General” tab, select the “Picture” field and select the picture we need or add our own, otherwise this picture is added by default

The “Desktop” section will always be present by default.

To make a certain subsystem invisible to the user, you need to configure rights or hide it in the “Configuration Command Interface” menu, called from the configuration context menu.

If there is no subsystem in the configuration, then the partition panel will not be displayed at all.

Navigation panel.

The navigation bar is on the side and shows links to various configuration objects:

The navigation bar is configured from the subsystem context menu:

And we can uncheck or uncheck the visibility of the elements that are included in this subsystem, and also swap the elements by moving the arrows:

The navigation panel is also available for other configuration objects, and is configured on the “Form Command Interface” tab.

The navigation panel consists of several groups:

  • Important
  • Normal
  • Go
  • see also

The Normal and Go groups are shown in a simple font. The first exists in the subsystem, the second exists in directories (for example, a subordinate directory), documents (the register according to which movements are made), etc.

At the very bottom of the navigation panel is the “See” group. also” are additional links.

In addition to these groups, the programmer can create his own navigation bar groups.

There may also be no navigation bar, as well as a section bar.

Action bar

The action bar is located at the top, below the section bar and above the work area:

It allows you to call service windows, such as constants, reports or processing.

It is configured in the same menus as the navigation bar, but, as a rule, in subsystems.

Like the navigation bar, the action bar has its own groups:

  • Create
  • Reports
  • Service

The first group creates windows for creating elements, the second - calls reports, the third - calls processing, constants, as well as other service information.


The work area occupies the main part of the form.

Typically, a list of selected configuration objects is displayed here. When you select another configuration object, the work area is replaced with the list of the new object.


The desktop occupies the first tab if we have a section bar, and the entire form if there is no section bar. That is, the desktop always exists. The desktop can have both a navigation bar and an action bar. You can display any managed forms on the desktop workspace. As a rule, this is the most important information for the user.

2 items of the configuration context menu are responsible for setting up the desktop

The “Open desktop command interface” option allows you to customize the navigation bar and desktop action bar

Unlike other editing forms, the navigation bar and desktop actions editing form allows you to select any objects from the left side of the “Available Commands”.

The workspace can be configured through the “Open desktop workspace” item. This is the part the user sees first. We see that there are desktop templates - one column, two columns of the same width, and two columns of different widths.

Below we place any managed forms that a particular user most often uses and adjust the visibility and height.

This article will be useful to users of 1C: Enterprise 8.3, regardless of which configuration you are working in. This may be “1C: Enterprise Accounting 8” or “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, but there are a number of common issues that are often encountered at the initial stage of work. Many users previous versions are puzzled by the search for the indispensable "All functions" command (analogous to the Operations menu...) and are trying to benefit from a managed interface. Therefore, let's consider important points, which should not be overlooked when we start working in the program new version 3.0.

First of all, we configure the display of the “All functions” command in the main menu, which is represented by this icon in the upper left corner. To do this, in the parameters located in the “Service” section, check the appropriate box.

Now it won’t be difficult to find any object, we will need a document, a directory or a register, just call the “Main Menu” and select “All functions”.

As for the interface, we, as users, are given the opportunity to customize it “for ourselves.” You shouldn’t miss this opportunity, so in the same main menu we’ll turn to the “View” section.

In the menu we see several types of settings. First, we decide on the location of the panels and select the “Configure panels” item.

This is what the standard arrangement of panels looks like; we can return to it after our experiments at any time using the button of the same name. The panel editor allows you to select a panel with the left mouse button and drag it to the area we need, that is, where we would like to see it. Let’s say it would be more convenient to work with the section panel located on top rather than on the side, then move it to the top area and click the “Apply” button to see how it has changed appearance programs. If the setup is successful, click “OK” to save.

At the bottom, inactive panels are presented on a gray background; in fact, we can access these types of information through the toolbar. For example, to the activity history and the list with favorites using the "Stories" and "Favorites" tools, respectively.

But if necessary, you can fix such a panel in a place convenient for you, for example in this way.

If we talk specifically about the section panel, it can also be configured by opening the corresponding setting.

We can create a list of sections ourselves that meets our needs. We also choose how it will be presented this list with or without a picture; if with a picture, then where to place it relative to the text. For example, a setting without a picture allows you to see all sections when the menu is located at the top.

Individually customizable and home page, from the available forms, add the ones you need to the left or right column using the buttons.

After such simple manipulations, the interface is significantly transformed, and for the better, because you customize it specifically to your needs. A comfortable workplace plays an important role in the life of an accountant.

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