What is nengine in startup. RunDLL encountered an error at startup - The specified module was not found - Solution

While loading operating system The error “An error occurred while starting ...dll” may occur. The specified module was not found." The error can be found on the Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1 operating systems (Windows 10 is not yet known).

This is what the error might look like:

Interestingly, in some cases it does not cause problems for the user, but not in all. Thus, some users complain that when they try to launch any application, the same error appears and the application does not start. Sometimes the problem is further complicated by the fact that the error number is not shown, so the user does not know what to do.

How to fix the error? Solution

There are several types of solutions to the difficulty that has arisen.

First- This is a reinstallation of the operating system. Of course, there is little good in this method, since Windows installation It takes a lot of time, and the programs will have to be re-installed.

Second— system update. Some users claim that the banal helped them Windows update. Although how this can help if the updates have nothing to do with the appearance of the error, I honestly don’t understand. But you can still try.

Finally, third This is the type of solution that I recommend using. It was actively discussed by the Russian-speaking Windows community, but, as far as I know, it came from abroad. Be that as it may, you need to use a utility called Autoruns from Sysinternals (you can even find it on the official Microsoft website). Just before you start using the program, just in case.

So, download the program to your computer as an archive, unpack it and go to the folder. Here you see several files. Select the Autoruns file and double-click on it with the left mouse button to launch it.

Yes, yes, you need to delete these processes. After removing them, you need to restart your computer and look at the effect - it should help. The main thing is not to remove other processes that may affect the operation of the operating system.

That's all. If you have a different solution for this error, be sure to share it with site users.

It works for you: Unknown Unknown
nengine.dll repair program is compatible with your operating system

Symptoms of nengine.dll error

nengine.dll refers to certain features and resources that allow applications or games to run properly on your PC. If nengine.dll is missing or damaged for some reason, errors may occur. When a dll error occurs, the user is typically notified with a pop-up message that provides information about the error that occurred.

nengine.dll Error Screenshot

Other possible mistakes nengine.dll:

  • nengine.dll is missing
  • nengine.dll malfunctions
  • nengine.dll not found
  • nengine.dll could not be found
  • nengine.dll access violation
  • Cannot find nengine.dll

How to fix nengine.dll error

To fix nengine.dll error or other dll file related errors automatically, download DllKit, a corrupted dll recovery application, and scan for damaged or missing dll files. DllKit will also check to see if other dll files are registered on your system and look for other problems that may be preventing your system from working properly. Once the scan is complete, DllKit will help you fix the errors.

If you receive the error “RunDLL - the specified module was not found” every time you start the operating system Windows systems 8.1, which has been updated from Windows 8, you can find a solution to the problem here.

Although a clean installation of modern Windows versions takes only a few minutes, you will in any case have to spend additional time to subsequently install all the programs you need.

The main advantage of a clean installation is that during this process, unlike an upgrade, there are guaranteed to be no corrupted or incorrect entries left inside the system. So it is clear that a clean install of Windows is a better option than an upgrade old version to a newer one.

On the official Microsoft support forum, there are quite a few messages from users who, after upgrading from Windows 8 to 8.1, receive the following error message after booting their computer:

An error occurred during startup


The specified module was not found.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the message does not contain any error code that could help you understand which way to dig. However, users can see up to three such dialogs when starting their updated system.

To get started, you can try running the SFC /SCANNOW command in command line running with administrator rights. If this doesn't fix the problem, try the next method, but create a system restore point first, just in case.

Download the Autoruns tool from Sysinternals from the following link. This tool is recommended by IT specialists from Microsoft themselves for analyzing the system and various processes. You can read more about it on TechNet. After downloading, unpack the archive using any program for working with compressed files.

After unpacking the downloaded file, in the “Autoruns” folder you will see two executable files, namely “autoruns” and “autorunsc”. Launch the first one.

In the program window, on the “Everything” tab, find the entries highlighted in yellow. All you have to do is delete them individually. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D, or simply right-click on the entry and then select “Delete.”

Once all these entries are deleted, close Autoruns and restart the machine. The problem should be fixed.

Have a great day!

While working with the Windows OS, the user may encounter an error message that mentions an unknown “RunDLL” file, as well as a missing module (for example, KBDPopc.dll,). The appearance of the message “RunDLL encountered an error during startup” is usually a litmus test for the presence of some malicious programs on the system (for example, adware) whose DLL libraries the system cannot access. In this article I will consider the essence of the problem “The specified module was not found”, and also indicate ways to solve it.

Causes of RunDLL dysfunction

The problem message can be divided into two conditional parts - a mention of “RunDLL”, as well as a notification about the impossibility of finding the module. What does this mean?

Rundll is system file Windows OS, designed to run (check) dll libraries. These libraries can be either useful system or malicious (as part of a virus program) in nature.

The message "RunDLL encountered an error while starting" appears when dll file, which should be launched at system startup (or at a scheduled time), is missing in its usual place (on disk). This absence can be explained by the previous deletion of this file while the antivirus was running, damage to the file itself, incorrect installation, or unstable operation of any software. Windows is trying to boot this file(after all, there is a link to it in the system registry), but cannot find it, so it displays the above error message.

Among more full list The reasons causing the RunDLL problem are as follows:

  • Some dll libraries are damaged or missing;
  • Malicious attack by viruses, adware or spyware;
  • Incorrectly installed applications;
  • "Worn out" or damaged system registry;
  • Outdated system drivers that require updating;
  • Bad (broken) sectors on the hard drive.

How to fix RunDLL error "An error occurred during startup"

Most of the advice in this topic at the level of “clean” launching Windows, using the functionality of the sfc utility, running the problematic program as an administrator, and other analogues are ineffective. There are only a couple of ways to fix it this problem, and they will be listed by me below.

Since, as we have already found out above, the RunDLL error occurs due to the fact that there is a link to a missing file in the registry, there are two ways in this situation:

  1. Remove the link to the missing file from the registry;
  2. Place the missing file in its “rightful” place.

Since in most cases the missing file is some malicious file that was previously deleted by the antivirus, in this situation we need to focus on the first of the proposed options, namely working with viruses and the system registry.

Method No. 1. Antivirus tools

The first thing I recommend doing is checking your PC for viruses. For this we need best antiviruses for and , with which you need to check your PC for malicious software. After checking and removing the malignant files, reboot your machine and check if the error I was looking at, “RunDLL encountered an error at startup,” appears again.

Method No. 2. Functionality of the Autorans product

If the error “The specified module was not found” continues to occur, we will use specialized software called “Autorans". This program not only displays a detailed list of programs launched by the system, but also highlights in yellow those launched programs whose files are not present in the system. Thus, all we have to do is remove or disable the system input highlighted in yellow, which will help get rid of the problem in question.

So do the following:

Method No. 3. Let's use CCleaner

Another way to restore normal operation of the registry is to use programs for working with the registry at the “CCleaner” or “RegCleaner” level. They will check the registry for incorrect entries, correct it, and thereby help get rid of the dysfunction that has arisen.


The most effective solution to the RunDLL problem is to use the capabilities of the Autorance utility, which will allow you to get rid of damaged or non-working entries in the system registry. I also recommend checking the system with some anti-virus tool, since in most cases the specified error causes any viral malware.

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