Adding a computer to a windows 7 domain. Domain - what it is and how the domain name system works

Entering a computer into a domain allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of a domain, such as centralized management, group policies and many many others.


Before entering the computer under Windows control 7 to the domain, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Using Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise- only these Windows edition 7 can be connected to a domain.

You have LAN card - without any comments, I think you haven’t forgotten about it

You are connected to the local network- Make sure you are connected to the local network. Although Windows 7 can be domain joined Windows Server 2008 R2 in offline editing, this is a topic for a separate article.

You have the correct IP address- Make sure once again that you are connected to the network and have the correct IP address. The address can be manually configured, obtained from DHCP servers or the APIPA address (which starts with 169.254.X.Y) can be obtained. If you receive an APIPA address, you are guaranteed to have potential problems, since APIPA and AD do not work together.

Domain controllers are available to you - or at least one of them. You should test connectivity to the domain controller, for example by pinging it, although a successful ping does not guarantee that the domain controller is fully accessible.

You must have a properly configured DNS server- Without a properly configured DNS server, you are guaranteed to have problems when entering the domain, during work, etc.

DNS servers are available to you- Check your connection to DNS servers using the PING program and issue a NSLOOKUP request.

Check your permissions on the local system- To successfully log into the domain, you must have local computer administrator rights.

Know your Domain name, administrator name and password

There are two ways to join a computer to a domain. In this article we will look at both methods.

Method #1 - Traditional way

1. Open system properties by clicking the Start button, then right-clicking on the "Computer" shortcut, and clicking "Properties".

2. In the "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings" section, click "Change settings".

3. Go to the Computer Name tab and click "Change".

4. In the Member of section, click Domain.

5. Enter the name of the domain you want to connect to and click OK.

You will be prompted to enter your domain username and password.

After successfully entering the computer into the domain, you will be prompted to reboot. Do this to complete your entry.

Method #2 - Use NETDOM

With NETDOM we can enter a computer into a domain from command line with just one command.

NETDOM in Windows 7 is included in the operating system, unlike Windows 2000/XP/2003 where it was necessary to install Support Tools.

Open a command prompt as administrator:

and enter the following command:

Comment: Replace DOMAIN.COM and DOMAIN with your domain name and naturally indicate your domain username and password. Note also the extra "d" in "user" and "password", this NOT typo.

Netdom join %computername% /domain:DOMAIN.COM /userd:DOMAIN\administrator /passwordd @ssw0rd

To complete the procedure, reboot your computer.

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It would be terribly inconvenient if people addressed each other not by name, but by a number corresponding to a birthday or telephone number. Therefore, if names did not exist, it would be worth inventing them.

Each computer, when connected to the global Internet, is assigned its own unique number, called IP ADRESS.

Each web resource also has its own IP Address. The official website of the Yandex company has an IP Address of This number is difficult to remember, but if you write it in the address bar, the browser will open the Yandex company website. The domain name of this website is corresponding to the IP address

Having a domain name, instead of a numeric equivalent, makes it possible to access a computer by a name that identifies the owner of the IP address. A domain name serves as a unique name on the Internet and is a simpler and, naturally, more beautiful option for recording this address.

Domain Name is a unique identifier that is assigned to a specific IP address (there cannot be two identical ones).

Domain Names are maintained and centrally administered by a set of DNS domain name servers. DNS (Domain Name Service) - domain name service. Along with digital addresses, DNS allows you to use your own computer names, so-called Domain Names.

All information about Domain Names is stored in a central DNS database, which consists of several powerful computers, scattered all over the world. This database stores information about the registration date, the physical or legal owner of the Domain Name, as well as the path to the so-called name server - NAMESERVER, which contains the information to which the Domain Name points.

The unified Internet directory, which defines the basis of DNS, is located in the government organization SRI International - Menlo Park, CA, US (Menlo Park, California, USA).

A Domain Name is the alphabetic address of a computer.

Domain Name or computer letter address can be:

  • domain name of the first (top) level - first domain level;
  • second level domain name - second level domain;
  • third level domain name - third level domain. First level Domain Names are divided into:
Organizational domain
US first level names:
Geographic domain
first level names:
arpa —Old style Arpanet af — Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
biz — businesses firms (commercial) ca — Canada (Canada)
com - commercial (commercial) cc — Cocos Islands
edu — US educational (education) de — Germany (Germany)
gov - US government fr — France (France)
int - international (international) ru — Russia (Russia)
info - information services se — Sweden (Sweden)
mil - US military (US military) tv — Tuvalu (Tuvalu)
nato — NATO field (NATO) uk — United Kingdom (Great Britain)
org — non-profit organization zw — Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)
net — network (network services) ws — Western Samoa (Western Samoa)

The website presents all first-level Geographic Domain Names.

The first level domain name looks like this - (Russian Internet zone)

This is how the second level domain name is written -

A third-level domain name consists of a second-level domain to which a subdomain is added to the left. For example - ("" - website of the city of Noyabrsk)

In order to find out the domain of a computer, you just need to go to the properties “Computer”, “Computer name” and look there.

Let's try to figure out what a domain is and why it is needed.

Typically, what we mean by the word “domain” is that it is somewhere on the Internet.

Actually, this is true. A domain is a zone of Internet space.

For example, we have a website. This site has a domain name.

Website addresses always end with two letters.

These last two letters are the domain.

A domain is a name that indicates that the site belongs to a particular state. The domain “ua” belongs to Ukraine, “ru” - to Russia, “us” or “com” are considered American sites, “by” - Belarusian.

That is, by the last letters of the address we can find out which country a particular server belongs to. True, there are not always matches, and to clarify something, this can be done using a Google query.

But there is something else that is meant by a domain name. In the Windows-7 system, the expression “domain name” means the name of the group in which the computer is located.

It all depends on whether you are a member of the local network or just a user.

To view the domain name of your computer, do the following:

1. Stand on the “Computer” icon.

2. Right-click and look for “properties” in the context menu.

3. Go there. Computer properties can also be accessed using the ALT+Enter key combination. In this case, you need to stand on the “Computer” icon.

4. In the “Computer name” section you can look at the domain name.

Actually, the default domain name of a computer in Windows 7 is “Workgroup”.

Good luck!

When we learned to create websites.

In this material I would like to talk about what a computer domain name is.

In essence there is not much difference, but still...

What is it and its purpose?

Each computer, connecting to the network, receives its own unique number - an IP address. Websites also have their own IP. For example, on the Yandex resource it looks like this:

If you are interested, there is an article on the blog about. Sometimes this can come in handy.

As you can see, such an abundance of numbers makes the address quite difficult to remember. But if you write it in the address bar, then Yandex will 100% open. So in this example, is a domain that corresponds to IP It’s easier to remember than numbers, isn’t it?!

Computer domains are used to organize PCs on a network. Using a domain instead of a numerical analog allows you to accurately find the desired PC among the many machines that are on the network. This is very convenient, for example, if necessary remote access to the car. System administrators would go crazy if they had to remember hundreds of digits of the IP addresses of all the PCs they administer.

So, we figured out what a domain is and why it is needed. But how can you find out the domain name of the desired PC on the network? It’s very simple: on the command line you need to write NSLOOKUP x.x.x.x, where the last four crosses are the IP address of the machine you are interested in.

And there is also this option. Go to system properties through the control panel or by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon and clicking “properties” in the context menu. The “PC name” tab contains both the domain and its workgroup.

Maintenance and administration

All domains are administered and maintained centrally using the Domain Name Service. DNS is a special domain service. This service provides a link between names in letters and their IPs in numbers. In principle, nothing new, we talked about this in, but we looked at the issue using the example of sites. As you understand, history repeats itself with computers.

Typically, the fully qualified domain name of a PC is written as follows: But it can be shorter

In the example given, this address is assigned to computer number 5, which is located in department No. 2 of the company called “office”. Moreover, from the abbreviation msk you can guess that the company is located in Moscow in the Russian domain zone (.ru).

The system administrator has the right to change the domain name of this or that PC; he can call them as it is convenient for him to remember and organize the network.

That's all! I think you understand what a computer domain is, as well as how to determine it if you know the IP.

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You will need


You can join a computer to a Windows domain on the “Computer Name” tab in the “System Properties” window. To open the System Properties window in Windows XP, use the Start menu to open Control Panel and click System. If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 7 or Vista, open the “Control Panel” and go to the “System and Security” category, in which click on the “System” item. On the page that opens, click on the “Advanced system settings” link located in the left side column.

In the “System Properties” window that opens, select the “Computer name” tab. Click the "Edit" button and in the window that opens, enter the name of the domain you want to join. Next, click on the OK button. In the window that appears, enter your domain username and password. After that, click OK and restart your computer. Your computer is joined to a domain.

Except GUI You can join a computer to a domain using the command line. The Windows XP operating system includes the NETDOM utility, which can add a computer to a domain using the command:

netdom join computer_name /domain:domain_name /userd:domain_name\user_name /passwordd:user_pass.

Where computer_name, domain_name and user_name must be respectively replaced with the names of the computer, domain and user being added, and user_pass must be changed to the user’s password in the domain. In Windows 7, the NETDOM utility was replaced by the PowerShell command add-computer. To join a computer to a domain from the console in Window 7, run the following command:

Add-computer -DomainName domain_name -credential domain_name\user_name

Where domain_name and user_name also replace with domain and user names.

Video on the topic


Windows domain is not intended for home use, it is very convenient in corporate networks with a large number of users with different levels of access to files and devices. Therefore, computers running operating systems for home use, that is, below the Professional level, do not have tools for joining a domain. To add such computers, first reinstall the system.

Helpful advice

There are more quick way launch the "System Properties" window. If you have an operating room Windows system XP, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and in the menu that opens, click on “System Properties”. If you have a Windows 7 or Vista operating system, right-click on the “Computer” icon, select “System Properties” and click on “Advanced system settings”.

When you join a computer to a domain, on the same “Computer Name” tab, you can set a description of your computer, which will be a hint for domain users.


  • how to connect a domain

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