Federal target program about dvb t2. Information (Memo) on the implementation of the Federal Target Program and connection to the digital terrestrial television network Digital television federal target program

The federal program entitled “Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting for 2009-2015” was approved by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In September, the concept of this program was adopted, and its main goal was the transformation of on-air television and radio broadcasting using digital technologies. A complete transition to digital broadcasting will cost approximately 122.5 billion rubles. Of these, 73.6 billion will come from the state budget, the rest will be received from the program implementers themselves and the state enterprises Space Communications and RTRS (Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network).

The official statement that the state will not provide funding for the most expensive part of the program - the purchase of digital television adapters for the population - attracted attention. In this situation, the state considered it necessary, first of all, to ensure that the population could receive a high-quality television signal. And manufacturers of equipment, in particular televisions, receivers, tuners and antennas for digital TV, will have to adapt, taking into account the peculiarities of receiving this signal. The task of completely shutting down analogue television broadcasting in given time not worth it. When "digitizing" television in the United States, the goal was to completely replace analog TV to free up the necessary frequencies. The program in Russia pursues completely different goals. In this case, the state strives to provide all its citizens with the opportunity to receive radio and television programs anywhere in the country.

First of all, in digital format, Russian residents will be able to see 8 federal channels: “Russia”, “Channel One”, NTV, “Sport”, “Culture”, “Vesti-24”, “Children’s Channel” and “Channel 5”. These channels make up the first multiplex for which RTRS frequencies will be allocated. For the second and third multiplexes, both RTRS and any other companies can receive frequencies. The introduction of all additional frequencies will be financed by operators. In this case, the channels of both the first and subsequent multiplexes will be available for free viewing for the consumer. The program provides for the presence of three channels with high image fidelity (HDTV) and about 10 television channels for mobile devices in the DVB-T MPEG4 AVC format (this is a digital TV format for RUSSIA). The launch of these channels will also not affect budget funds.

So, the main conclusions. As a result, digital television broadcasting will be paid, as consumers will buy receivers on their own. A word of warning: many of the plasma and LCD panels currently used by many citizens are known to not meet the requirements for reception digital signal. Currently, customs prohibits the import of television equipment with receivers in the MPEG-2 format, since new broadcasting is planned in the MPEG-4 format. But despite this, sales of “new” outdated TV models are now underway in the country.

The package will include 8-10 free federal channels; to watch the rest you will need to pay a subscription fee. You shouldn’t believe in stories that everything will be free; in fact, good old analog TV will remain free, which, unfortunately, cannot be watched on a wide screen. There is no point in purchasing a TV panel and not using it to its full potential. Another not very good news: a miracle will not happen and in those regions where analogue TV is poorly received, digital TV will probably be received even worse. So there is no point in waiting in vain for several years; it is easier to purchase a satellite television package now and enjoy excellent images.

A key role in ensuring equal conditions of access to information belongs to the program for the development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation. Thus, the introduction of digital television should ensure that almost 98% of the population can confidently receive at least 20 television channels in higher quality than analog television (in SD format). The most critical years in terms of the launch of the first and second multiplexes were 2013 and the beginning of 2014. During this period, the overwhelming majority of the population of our country should gain access to the opportunity to receive digital broadcasting.

At the end of 2013, 54% of our country’s population already had access to the programs of the first and second multiplex. In addition, about a third of the Russian population is connected to cable TV networks, and a quarter of the population has dishes in their houses and apartments satellite television, which allow them to receive an even larger number of channels and in higher quality (including HD). These shares of the population overlap in many ways, but taken together we can confidently say that today over 60% of Russian families have the opportunity to receive 20 or more television channels. Moreover, a third of the population has the technical ability to install television high definition.

On December 7, 2009, V. Putin signed the Federal Target Program (FTP) “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015.” The total budget of the Federal Target Program will be 122.445 billion rubles. Of these, 76.366 billion rubles. it is planned to allocate from the federal budget, and the remaining 46.079 billion rubles. attract from extra-budgetary sources. Among the main items in the Federal Target Program passport are the construction of terrestrial digital networks (60.2 billion rubles), the creation of satellites (26 billion rubles) and the introduction of radio broadcasting in the DRM standard (13.684 billion rubles).

At the end of December 2013, the Russian communications and broadcasting satellite Express-AM5 was successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The new AM5 heavy-class spacecraft, equipped with 84 C-, Ku-, Ka- and L-band transponders, will be placed in geostationary orbit at 1400 East longitude, from where it will provide coverage of the Far East and Siberia.

The satellite will create the necessary infrastructure to provide for the population eastern regions countries with accessible multi-program digital television and radio broadcasting, including high-definition television. The AM5 spacecraft is also designed to solve problems of mobile presidential and government communications, broadband Internet access, providing a package of multiservice services (digital television and radio broadcasting, telephony, video conferencing, data transmission) and to create communication networks based on VSAT technology in Siberia and the Far East.

From the Express-AM5 satellite, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be provided with a signal from the first and second federal multiplexes, and will also be provided with the opportunity to distribute regional multiplexes in broadcasting zones “A” and “B”. These include the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Today in Russia both analogue and digital television operate simultaneously. As soon as digital TV is fully launched throughout the country, analogue broadcasting will be turned off. Then it will be possible to operate the third, fourth and subsequent multiplexes. At the government commission on television and radio broadcasting, it was decided that the complete shutdown of analogue TV will occur on July 1, 2018 - by this date all regions will finally switch to digital broadcasting.

Digital broadcasting in Russian regions:

Kazan became the first Russian city whose residents have access to 19 free digital channels. At the end of June 2013, digital terrestrial television broadcasting of the second multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard opened in the capital of Tatarstan.

Kalmykia. As of mid-2013, coverage of the population of the Kalmykia region digital broadcasting amounted to more than 77%. It is planned that the total coverage by the end of the Federal Target Program will be 96.59%.

Magadan. In September 2013, broadcasting of the second digital television multiplex was launched in Magadan and channel packages of the first multiplex in the villages of Sokol, Raduzhny and Tauisk. Radiotelevision transmitting station (RTTS) “Sopka Krutaya” is one of the first digital television and radio broadcasting facilities in the Magadan region that participate in the implementation of the Federal Target Program. According to the program, a total of 35 facilities are planned to be built in this region. Currently, 68% of the population of the Magadan region have access to digital television. Before the launch of the second multiplex, this number was 62%. By the end of 2015 it should increase to 97.6%. By this time, residents of the region will have access to at least nineteen guaranteed free television channels in digital quality.

Novgorod region. The transition to digital television in the Novgorod region began in March 2013. Residents of Veliky Novgorod, the village of Proletary (Novgorodsky district), the village of Uglovka (Okulovsky district), the city of Valdai and the village of Zaluchye (Starorussky district) were the first to be able to watch digital channels. It is planned that by the end of 2015 the territory of the Novgorod region will be covered by digital television by 96%.

Perm region. In the summer of 2013, digital television became available in the Perm region. A repeater has started working in the regional center, transmitting an terrestrial TV signal in digital format. In 2013, about 2 million people switched to digital, in 2014 - up to 2.4 million, and by 2015 - 2.57 million people, that is, 95% of all residents of the region. Reconstruction of 35 points is planned for 2014, and by the end of the program, 54 digital TV relay points will be operational in the Perm Territory. The implementation of the Federal Target Program provides for the complete phase-out of analogue TV by 2017.

The final stage of TV re-equipment in the Perm region will be the construction of a new television tower 275 meters high. The new repeater will provide higher quality broadcasting and will also expand the coverage area by 10 kilometers.

Tver. Digital era terrestrial television in Tver and the Tver region began on March 28. The first multiplex of eight state TV channels in a new quality is available to residents of Tver, as well as some rural settlements of the Kalininsky, Rameshkovsky, Torzhoksky and Likhoslavlsky districts of the Tver region, located around the regional center. By the end of 2015, in every point of the Tver region, from Vesyegonsk to Toropets, it will be possible to receive 20 high-definition TV channels.

Back in 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the launch of a program, according to which, within six years, all residents of the country will have the opportunity free use digital television within 20 main terrestrial channels. The opportunity was planned to be provided on the basis of a terrestrial television broadcasting system owned by a state organization - Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS. Installation and connection in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is carried out by the company System-Service - official website sistservice.ru

Advantages of digital TV

Digital television is a new technology for broadcasting television programs, which is a standard video and audio encoding within the MPEG format - Moving Picture ExpertsGroup.

The predecessor to digital was analogue broadcasting. The age-old problem of analogue television was low signal quality. The signal cannot be transmitted over long distances without loss of quality under these conditions. Such problems do not exist for a digital signal, but many owners of TV receivers will face the problem of obsolescence of their own equipment. Old CRTs are not able to process the new format signal and to eliminate this problem you will need to connect an additional device - set-top box DVB-T2.
Detailed information about these set-top boxes can be found on the D-Color website. Also, the resource contains a lot useful information on standards for digital transmission of multimedia data.

How the program is implemented

It is impossible to launch free digital TV in every home at the same time. To implement the project, additional capacity will be required from new communication facilities. In total, about several thousand such facilities should be built on the territory of the state. You also need to run additional spacecraft. The application of these measures will quickly cover the vast territory of the country. This work is currently underway, but is divided into several stages.

The first, within the boundaries of the target program, will be able to use digital TV in 12 remote regions of the Russian Federation, where there are big problems with analogue broadcasting (from 1 to 2 terrestrial channels in total).

These are the Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region, Buryatia, Altai and other subjects.

The process of connecting subjects has been launched since 2010. In other regions, work is carried out in parallel. In the summer of 2016, a digital transmitter began operating in the Republic of Mari El.

You can find out which regions are connecting to digital television right now by calling hotline Russian TV and Radio Broadcasting Network: 8-800-220-20-02.

What channels are available

The package of free digital channels includes the first multiplex: Channel One, Russia, NTV and others. A little later, viewers will be able to use the channels of the second multiplex: TNT, STS, Ren-TV and others.

According to the rules of the competition, the second multiplex was formed by channels that operate around the clock, are registered in the Russian Federation, and include more than half of domestically produced programs in the broadcast network.

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