Where to find icloud drive. ICloud: what is it and what is it used for? How to connect iCloud on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Windows computers

iCloud Drive - a new remedy for Apple, allowing you to work with any documents on a user-friendly device. Anyone who has updated their device to iOS 8 and has account iCloud.

There are a few basic things you need to understand before upgrading to iCloud Drive. First, devices running on non-iCloud Drive iOS versions, OS X and Windows will not allow you to access files stored in the cloud. In particular, this applies to Mac owners running OS X Mavericks, for whom there are two options: either update to one of the beta versions of OS X Yosemite, or wait for the official release of the new one operating system for Mac.

Secondly, iCloud Drive is currently available only to owners of computers running Windows control. Yes, iCloud Drive beta has not yet been released on OS X Yosemite, apparently Apple is testing it software and bring it to mind.

Well, and thirdly, the cost of additional “cloud” space has been reduced compared to old version iCloud. For 20 additional GB, users will have to pay 39 rubles per month, for 200 GB - 149 rubles per month, and 500 GB and 1TB will cost 379 rubles and 749 rubles per month, respectively. The first 5 GB of space are completely free.

We've sorted out the theoretical part, it's time to start taking active steps to configure and using iCloud Drive.

How to enable iCloud Drive on iPhone and iPad?

When you updated your device to iOS 8, you received a request to activate iCloud Drive. If you answered yes, you don’t have to do anything, iCloud Drive is already running on your iPhone or iPad. Otherwise, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Go to Menu Settings -> iCloud on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 8

Step 2. Click on the itemiCloud Drive

Step 3: Activate the switchiCloud Drive

During activation, you may receive a pop-up warning that you are using other iOS or OS X devices that are not yet using iCloud Drive. Remember that to fully use cloud storage, you'll need to go through a similar process on all your iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

How to use iCloud Drive on iPhone and iPad?

The great thing about iCloud Drive for iOS is that there's no additional settings There is no need to do anything to use the service. Moreover, you don't have to download special applications- everything is activated automatically. Once you've activated iCloud Drive in Settings, every app that supports of this service, will offer you options for opening, editing and saving files in the cloud. Moreover, the files in iCloud Drive will not be scattered chaotically, and you will have the opportunity to navigate through folders and select places to save.

One of the main features of iCloud Drive is that it works in combination with OS X and Windows. You simply drop the files into the desired folder using your PC or Mac, after which they instantly appear in applications on your iPhone or iPad. You can try out the service right now by downloading iCloud for Windows.

What is useful to know.

For a long time, Apple did not explain how the new iCloud Drive service would work. Will there be a separate client for accessing files? How to work with documents in the cloud on mobile devices Oh? What should OS X Mavericks users do? Gradually everything fell into place.

In fact, iCloud Drive is almost a complete analogue of Dropbox, Yandex.Disk and Google Drive and works on the same principle. If the previous iCloud version was only a thin layer for applications and services, the new service provides the user with full access to the content and opens up broader opportunities for using the cloud.

iCloud Drive has deeper integration with Apple devices and provides access to the Numbers, Pages and Keynote suite of web applications. Plus, the vault is integrated with the Mail app and helps you send large attachments that aren't supported by many email services. Each user is provided with 5 GB of disk space free of charge.

How to enable and configure iCloud Drive in iOS 8

Step 1: In order to enable iCloud Drive in iOS 8, you need to go to the Settings menu and go to the iCloud section. Apple will immediately warn that when switching to a new service, access to documents stored in iCloud will be closed until the devices are updated to iOS 8 or OS X Yosemite.

Step 2: Click Upgrade to iCloud Drive.

Step 3: A warning will appear in the window about restricting access to the service from devices running older versions of the OS. If you use OS X Mavericks or iOS 7, you should refrain from switching - access to data will only be possible through the icloud.com website. In the case of a PC, there will be no problems, since even in September Apple released

Step 4: Click Continue. After a few seconds, iPhone and iPad will activate the service and update the data in the cloud.

It should be noted that iCloud Drive does not have a separate application for iPhone and iPad, so out of the box interaction with it is only possible through the interface of other programs. If you need an app to view iCloud Drive content on iOS 8, you'll have to use a third-party solution. For example, free application. Perhaps in the next iOS updates 8 Apple will offer a proprietary solution.

Many popular applications have already learned how to save files to iCloud Drive. Right now, Scanner Pro, PDF Expert, and a few others let you upload files by simply dragging and dropping them into a folder through the Finder in OS X Yosemite.

It must be said that free 5 GB is often not enough. If stored in the cloud backups iPhone and iPad, the specified limit tends to end quickly. However, the prices for the service are quite affordable and affordable for most users. In Russia, iCloud prices include 20 GB for 39 rubles per month, 200 GB for 149 rubles per month, 500 GB for 379 rubles per month, and 1 TB for 749 rubles per month.

iCloud Drive is a full-fledged alternative to conventional cloud services. And thanks to high synchronization speed, native integration with Apple devices and low prices, iCloud Drive is the best solution cloud data storage for iPhone, iPad and Mac owners.

Apple's cloud service - iCloud Drive - is an analogue of Dropbox and Yandex.Disk and works on a similar principle. Although the service was launched last year, it has native support on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch it only appeared in iOS 9.

After the release of the ninth edition of the mobile OS, the service became even more functional - Apple added to the mobile platform full application for working with files. Now you don’t have to search for this at all. App Store specialized software.

Managing iCloud Drive from mobile devices is divided into two parts - in the “Settings” of the operating system and in the application itself. In “Settings” you can show or hide the client icon on the desktop, as well as connect folders automatically created by applications.

How to use iCloud Drive on iOS devices

If you need an application to work with iCloud Drive content in iOS 9, you must first activate it.

Step 1: From the home screen of your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app.

Step 2: Go to iCloud –> iCloud Drive.

Step 3: Enable the "Cloud Drive" option, then return to the home screen.

Step 4: At home iPhone screen or iPad you will see new iCloud app Drive. If you're having trouble finding a client, use Spotlight.

The iCloud Drive app is essentially mobile file manager. You can view the contents of the cloud service, create folders, move and delete objects. Text documents, music files can be opened in the built-in viewer. Extension support is provided for exotic types - the file can be sent to any third party application.

However, saving content to iCloud Drive is prohibited. A user cannot, for example, open a gallery or office suite on an iPhone and copy the content to the cloud. However, iCloud Drive can now be called a full-fledged alternative to Dropbox.

For a long time it was unknown how the iCloud Drive service would work. Will there be a separate client for Mac and Windows? How to open files in the cloud from mobile devices? What should OS X Mavericks users do?

Actually new cloud service Apple is an analogue of Dropbox and Yandex.Disk Drive and works on the same principle. If previous version While iCloud was only a thin layer for applications and services, the new service provides the user with full access to content and opens up broader opportunities for using the cloud.

Unfortunately, at the start, Apple did not offer iPhone and iPad owners a separate client for accessing files in iCloud Drive. Yes, third-party software can indeed work with content in remote storage, but not at all necessary. Due to this limitation, iCloud Drive cannot yet be called a full-fledged alternative to Dropbox.

How to View Files in iCloud Drive Using Cloud Opener

If you need an application to view iCloud Drive content on iPhone and iPad, you will have to use a third-party solution. For example, free program Cloud Opener.

Despite the promising name, the client has a number of limitations. For starters, Cloud Opener can be used solely to view files in the cloud. The program allows you to sort files by name, modification date and tags, and shows the size of the documents. However, there is no talk of saving content to the device or editing it.

At the same time, Cloud Opener can interact with other applications as part of extensions in iOS 8. If the utility's capabilities are enough for you, you can download it from this link.

How to work with files in iCloud Drive using Documents 5

Documents 5 offers more features than the previous application. And unlike alternatives like Goodreader, this client has a user-friendly interface. Plus it's free.

Documents 5 is easy to use. Just open the application on a device with a logged-in Apple ID, go to the tab with the cloud icon on the bottom panel and click on the iCloud Drive link at the top. With Documents 5 you can view almost any document and graphic files, as well as edit texts, work with PDF, listen to music, etc.

Apple doesn't know how to create online services.

I've heard this phrase many times before. Has the company managed to change this with iCloud Drive, its new cloud storage? Perhaps yes. The service is quite interesting and with the correction of several shortcomings in the future, it may become one of the most popular cloud storage services.

iCloud Drive can be used on different platforms: Mac, iOS, Windows and even using a browser. Below we will tell you how to do this.


On Mac, everything is simple. There is an iCloud Drive tab in the Finder favorites tab. If it's not there, make sure you've enabled iCloud Drive in iCloud settings. To upload a file to the cloud, simply move it to this folder. The indicator will show how much time is left until the end of the download.


Using iCloud Drive on iOS is fraught with questions about what's wrong with Apple? There is no separate application for iOS. The only way to upload or download a file from iCloud Drive is to install a third-party application that supports it (Documents or PDF Expert) and perform the operation with the required file. There is no other way to call this decision anything other than idiotic.


In order to use iCloud Drive on Windows, you need to download the iCloud installer.


iCloud Drive can also be used using a browser. Firefox version 22 or higher, Chrome 28 or higher, and Safari 6 or higher are supported. The cloud itself is located at icloud.com

By default, everyone is given 5 GB free space. Updated and fairly cheap tariffs allow you to increase it to 20 GB and above. You can read the arguments about whether it is worth buying additional space in iCloud Drive.

Have you started using iCloud Drive? And do you see the possibility of switching to it from popular cloud storages? I - not yet.

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