Cable and satellite television: how are they different and which is better? Which is better to connect to television: review, description, features and reviews Which television is better, satellite or digital.

No one argues that Moscow's Luxor cinemas are the most pleasant way to watch films, but what is better to choose for home entertainment - cable or satellite television? Cable television is still in demand, but due to the fact that satellite analogue is becoming more accessible every day, the demand for it has recently been growing many times faster. This is especially true for large cities. But for many, the answer to the question remains unclear: which television is better, cable or satellite? Experts assure that these are two different services aimed at slightly different consumer needs. Let's figure out together what the difference is, at least briefly on the main points (monthly fee, connection price, quality of services, etc.).

What's in the box, or let's talk about the contents

So, we have two different televisions and the question is what the subscriber will get for his money when connecting them. The situation is as follows: cable television will provide the opportunity to watch most of the popular channels and television programs, and, as a rule, the package includes both Ukrainian and Russian television companies. As a bonus, or candy if you like, the cable operator adds a couple of international channels to the package; everything else is much more modest examples. The cost of the cable package is quite modest; a monthly subscription is required. For many, it is impossible to add or somehow change the list available channels is a disadvantage; by the way, this, among other things, is one of the main differences between satellite and cable TV.
With satellite television everything is completely different. The operator does not limit subscribers to a fixed list of channels and the user can use free satellite television channels. Almost all satellite television channels are available on cable (the whole point is that distribution to the cable network comes from operators who first receive satellite signals from a number of antennas and distribute them after conversion). Everything seems to be fine, but there is a minus: some channels become unavailable, such as Discovery and Eurosport. But this is an issue that can be resolved for additional money in the form of a symbolic subscription fee. For example, the satellite television operator Viasat offers its customers such a service. Actually, in fairness, it is worth noting that it is thanks to paid packages that operators fill content with popular channels by paying for access cards under contracts with different television companies. But the list of channels will depend on the selected package and the satellites distributing the signal.

What about quality?

If we are talking about sound and picture quality, then yes, undoubtedly, cable television is inferior to satellite television in this matter. And the reason is not that the signal that the operators receive is different, no, it is the same, but in the process of converting it, the image and sound lose quality.

With satellite television, everything is simpler: there is a special satellite tuner directly connected to your TV. The signal is transmitted clearly and without changes, which is why the picture and sound are excellent.

Another very important point– satellite television allows you to receive High Definition Television (HDTV) – television high definition. Do you want crystal clear pictures in excellent quality? It’s easy, you just need a large-diagonal TV and a set for receiving HDTV channels, and don’t forget about the operator’s capabilities (it must offer such a service). And if you connect the tuner to a home theater receiver, you will also be able to enjoy surround sound.

What for what?

The price of the issue is the stumbling block when connecting. The price of cable connection is meager, but every month the user will have to pay money for the opportunity to use the service. At the same time, I would like to note that the cost of services has not decreased at all in recent years, despite stability in terms of quality. In fact, subscribers are directly dependent on the tariff policy of their operators.

With satellite TV, things are a little different. To connect, you need to buy a set of equipment; the price directly depends on what channels a person has chosen to watch. It’s also nice that the cost of connecting to satellite television is constantly falling, becoming more accessible to everyone.

Well, what else can I add? We have sorted out the main points, now it will be easier to figure out what suits you best. Good luck.

Waiting for your favorite program in front of the TV, with a meager choice of only a few channels - these days are already gone. Today, television serves as entertainment and education, and thanks to the latest technological solutions, it has become possible to watch television programs at a time that is convenient for the viewer.

Even leaving the city on the weekend, going on vacation to the country, we are not ready to spend the evening without our favorite TV shows or the traditional evening newscast. But many people still have trouble getting a clear, uninterrupted TV picture. To watch an interesting talk show in a private home, some of us are forced to change positions daily terrestrial antenna. On a winter evening, turning the mast becomes a problem.

What type of television works best outside the city? Have you already chosen television for your dacha? Let's take a closer look at the types of television and answer the question: which is better to connect television to a country house?

Satellite television

This television uses a transmitter installed on an artificial Earth satellite, the so-called transponder. There are many such satellites today, and the number of TV channels is very large, however, many of them are not free, because... operators encode them. A significant part of them are offered in HD quality.


This provider was the first to offer a mass satellite TV service, and at the moment its audience numbers more than one million viewers in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. NTV broadcasts more than 240 satellite channels(broken down into basic and additional packages), offering several sets of equipment to choose from, as well as its installation and configuration.

Tricolor TV

The company is a monopolist of Russian satellite TV. Its priorities indicate integration modern technologies, such as HDTV. By concluding an agreement with the operator Tricolor TV, you have the opportunity to buy from him the necessary equipment for receiving programs - kits, which include everything for a complete installation, or components separately. Along with the basic one, there is a single multipack of channels with the implementation of viewing on two TVs in parallel. Tricolor TV didn’t forget the kids with sports fans.


The Telekarta provider company has extensive coverage and also defines itself as the most loyal satellite operator in its pricing policy. One way or another, here you can purchase an HD set in installments, there is a bonus program for monthly payments, and online services are provided. Basic packages include over 100 channels – “Standard” and over 170 – “Unlimited”.


A foreign operator in the Russian telecommunications market. Don't be surprised by the abundance of foreign channels. There are only 10 Russian channels.


MTS is taking its first but confident steps in the distribution of satellite TV, attracting new customers with reasonable prices, a range of channels, and a branded multifunctional set-top box.


The provider from Europe, in addition to broadcasting other people's channels, can boast of its own, including the most interesting films and educational, humorous, and educational programs. This brought Viasat content extraordinary popularity among Russian viewers; it’s a pity that by Russian standards, watching Viasat channels is an expensive pleasure, and besides, you need an NTV Plus or Tricolor TV receiver to watch it.

Xtra TV

Ukrainian satellite TV brand, a member of an influential Ukrainian media holding, offers big choice thematic packages at an affordable price with a minimum of commercials without the special purchase of branded equipment.

Terrestrial digital television for the garden

Digital television is a new approach to the recipient. It is based on the method of transmitting television programs in the form digital signal, which for the viewer means receiving images and sound in very high quality.

Despite the need to buy set-top box and a small selection of programs (digital TV is limited - only 20 channels), it has become very popular, because with the help of digital signal transmission you can now watch your favorite programs at home or in the country without a dish or subscription fee.

Actually, DVB-T2 is an almost ideal television in the country, the options for which are often limited: without signing a contract with an operator and without a monthly subscription fee. T2 is a technology available to everyone in a simple and cheap form.

To receive a digital terrestrial television signal, users only need to have a TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or an external decoder, and preferably. Any online store of television goods includes in its offer a large selection of ready-made sets for digital viewing. You can easily select a digital television set for your dacha, taking into account its distance from the repeater. It includes a T2 attachment, a directional external wave receiver with a high-power amplifier, a bracket, cables, and connectors.

You can also purchase a collective set there - this is very convenient if your relatives have a country house next door or you have friendly neighbors who will support you in your desire to watch digital. Joint purchase will allow you to save money on purchasing a powerful one, the signal of which can be distributed for summer residents to several televisions (to several plots or an alley).

The transition to digital broadcasting in Russia is a big investment, but it will pay off significantly, because digital has many advantages:

  • TV tower equipment operates with the same power that until recently allowed broadcasting only one channel; now it is enough to transmit a package of 10 programs, that is, a multiplex;
  • improved picture and sound quality, as well as access to many additional services;
  • New error correction technology improves reception quality even when the signal fades momentarily. Digital transmission does not carry the problem of image distortion and interference from neighboring broadcast stations.


What to choose in the end

As you can already understand, the choice of television and its types in a country house is a very individual matter that depends on preferences and expectations.

When choosing a specific type of television, you should always take into account certain elements that can affect the degree of future satisfaction with the chosen service. Outside the city, the choice of television depends, first of all, on the number of opportunities to receive a television signal.

The following questions take into account the specifics of choosing TV outside the city. Ask yourself:

  1. Does the operator offer its services in your area?
  2. Do you want to sign a contract or, for various reasons, are you interested in a no-strings-attached offer?
  3. What are the costs to install a TV?
  4. How much are you willing to spend as a monthly subscription fee?
  5. How much time do you spend in front of TV?
  6. What TV channels do you watch?
  7. How many people are in your country house, and what are their needs related to watching TV?
  8. Are you only interested in free TV channels or do you require Additional services, such as access to encrypted channels or the Internet?

Answering the above questions will allow you to sort information about your needs and compare carrier offers. On the one hand, there is a desire to receive interesting channels V good quality and home entertainment for the whole family, but on the other hand, you don’t want to overpay for it. It should be understood that most provider offers are long-term, which means that the wrong choice will cost more.

Summarize. T2 digital television for a country house is the best option if you only spend weekends there. It's free, so it doesn't matter how many times a year or month you view it. Its installation kit, comparable to satellite TV, costs several times less, and twenty free channels It’s enough for any average summer resident to brighten up his evening. After all, be that as it may, we are not leaving the city to lock ourselves in the house and sit in front of the TV, but to go “closer to nature.”

IPTV is also convenient in this regard. If your dacha confidently receives wireless Internet, then all you need is TV-box to select and watch any channel to your liking.

Ideal for homes in rural areas, for those viewers who permanently live in villages, especially for those corners of our country where digital has not yet reached or simply cannot reach due to barriers. Here, as they say, “God himself ordered” - and there are many channels, and image quality and the Internet to boot. Choose an operator and enjoy.

Did you manage to install cable cable to your dacha? Really good luck! But are you ready to pay a subscription for a month of viewing and renew the contract with the operator, given that you visit the country house from time to time? Ready? Then choose your package of channels and know that the cable signal is not afraid of “neither rain nor slush.” His picture will undoubtedly please you.

Which is better: satellite dish or cable TV?

A difficult question... And very individual.
Here you need to calculate the cost of the channel packages you have chosen, and they vary among different providers and satellite TV operators. And the sets of channels in the packages themselves are different. So here you have to sit down, count and compare, taking into account the cost of purchase, installation or rental necessary equipment. I’ll tell you for sure - a set of equipment for cable TV is cheaper than for satellite TV, however, satellite operators They also know this and sometimes hold special promotions that reduce the cost of services. But the signal transmission quality of cable TV will probably be better and more reliable, at least weather anomalies such as rain, snow or wind do not affect it in any way.

We must not forget the fact that in Moscow now, in essence, we are already watching cable television - the radio signal travels only to the regional node, after which it is distributed to houses and entrances via the cable network. It is to this network that cable TV operators, for example, AKADO, connect. My son was connected to cable TV AND FullHD, so of all the equipment, only an HD card for the TV was required, and cable TV channels are supplied through the existing network without any additional equipment.

In addition, it seems to me that you are not very correct in thinking that satellite TV works for free after purchasing and installing the equipment. There is such a feature - by installing a satellite dish, you can even watch for free fewer channels than from a collective antenna. The fact is that for satellite TV operators, some, even familiar to us, on-air channels are paid, and accordingly, they are not included in the free package. For example, now 36 channels are available to me through a collective antenna, and in the free Tricolor package there are only about twenty of them, and among them there are some “left” ones, which, for example, I won’t even watch according to the verdict ...



If I understand correctly, after purchasing and installing a satellite dish, I will still pay the provider every month for watching channels? Then, perhaps, there is no point in the plate. If only somewhere in a village outside the city in the absence of alternatives...

There are different tariffs. In some places you pay for a year at once, in others monthly. The free package is not that great, I remember at our work the financiers “forgot” to pay for Tricolor for a year, so it generally only showed four channels normally. A collective antenna provides a much larger range of channels.

What choice should you make between satellite and cable television?

Personally, I am definitely leaning towards cable television. I'll explain why. Firstly, connecting cable TV when modern TVs, you may not purchase equipment at all (incur no costs at all). The TVs themselves already have receivers; if not, then you buy one receiver, which is 3-4 times cheaper than a satellite TV set.
Secondly, satellite equipment often has problems (the signal jumps, there is interference with its reception, problems with the cable in different weather conditions, etc.) and dish owners begin to solve these problems on numerous specialized forums (pay attention to their number) . Or you start waiting for the master. With cable television, these problems are usually minimized.
Thirdly, will you be sure that tomorrow the city hall will not pass a law prohibiting the installation of plates on the roofs and facades of buildings as they spoil their appearance.
But you will still have to pay for the satellite (you won’t watch 10-15 channels).

Satellite equipment is relevant where it is not possible to install cable, and in apartment buildings, my personal opinion is to connect cable.

I carefully read all the answers to your question. And I want to say the following, based on personal experience.

Your choice will depend on your goals and objectives. That is, if you want to watch television in the city (where you spend the autumn-winter season), then connect to cable television (although there are also enough channels here that even “by sentence” I will never watch, I don’t know about you). If you want to watch television with a large selection of channels in your dacha/village - outside the city (no matter how far your dacha/village is from the city), then I advise you to purchase a satellite dish - provided that you can install and configure it yourself, and it's not difficult at all. The conclusions are as follows: you can take a satellite dish with you and with you - from the city to the countryside/village, and vice versa. Having purchased the installation/installation kit once, and also paid once a year at the Tricolor company tariff (in 2012, no more than 1000 rubles - payment via the Internet, as well as at almost any payment point mobile communications etc.) - You get access to many of your favorite and familiar channels. Yes, the weather sometimes interferes and makes adjustments to the quality of the broadcast. Meanwhile, Tricolor broadcasts the main/central TV channels for free.

But you can always take your plate with you to any place (no matter where you go) and enjoy your favorite TV shows.

Television is one of the most popular forms of leisure today. With its help, you can find out the latest news, enjoy your favorite films, cartoons, music videos, talk shows, sports programs, etc. Currently, cable and satellite television are in greatest demand. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Quite popular is high-quality sharing, which allows you to view closed channels with a minimal investment.

Features of cable television

Broadcasting here is carried out in digital or analogue standard. The signal is delivered using a laid cable. Most companies offer consumers digital broadcasting, which has improved picture and sound quality. The basis of such television is MPEG-2 data compression. The image quality of analogue television is SD, digital is HD.

The cable signal transmission method allows you to watch dozens, or even hundreds of popular TV channels. Some companies also offer various interactive applications. In order to connect a cable, you first need to choose a provider and sign an agreement. Then the technicians will install the equipment, and you will be able to watch your favorite programs. As for the cost, the client is required to regularly pay a monthly subscription fee, which is assigned directly by the provider.

Satellite television

Here the signal is received using a special antenna. It is installed on a window or balcony in a multi-storey building or on the roof of a cottage. To connect to satellite broadcasting, you just need to purchase certain equipment and connect it. You will need:

  • antenna (“dish”);
  • mounting bracket;
  • receiver;
  • convector;
  • connecting cables.

First, you need to install the antenna as efficiently as possible, and then connect it directly to the TV. Installing equipment is not easy, so it is better to use the services of experienced specialists. It is possible to receive a signal from a satellite anywhere in the country, regardless of the presence or absence of other means of communication. Image quality is high HD. The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the satellite dish; some consumers can view up to a thousand programs in different languages.

If we talk about the price, then compared to cable television, it is quite high. But here the client pays only once, which allows him to save a lot in the future. Many providers offer to purchase for an additional fee themed packages with additional channels (music, children's, sports, etc.). You can also connect NTV cardsharing to satellite broadcasting. This service allows you to view channels of a popular operator without paying a monthly subscription fee.

Thus, satellite television is much more economical (since you only have to pay once) cable television. It also allows the consumer to watch hundreds of the world's most popular channels in excellent HD quality. In addition, the client has the opportunity to improve broadcasting at any time using additional functions, such as cardsharing.


If you don’t yet have satellite or digital TV at home and you are faced with a choice, then perhaps it’s time to make a decision. Although, of course, if possible, then simply install both.

What is better digital TV or satellite

What is better digital TV or satellite? First you need to know that both satellite and digital TV are based on a digital signal, and the difference is that in the first case, the digital signal is received directly from the satellite, and in the second it comes from a relay center. Cable networks also uses a digital signal.

Satellite TV allows you to watch thousands of TV channels, while the quality and stability of the signal does not depend on your location. The TV signal is transmitted to a satellite, which relays it to end consumers in any part of the country or the globe. Satellites (there are several of them) “hang” in a certain position above the earth, which ensures constant coverage of a certain area with a high-quality signal.

Among the undoubted advantages of satellite television are: excellent video and sound quality, free from interference, and allows you to receive a signal far from large cities and communications. Significant disadvantages of satellite TV are the high cost and difficulty of installing and configuring the dish yourself.

Digital television can be said to use the old terrestrial analogue broadcasting network, but in the new DVB-T2 standard with SDTV quality with completely different equipment. Let me remind you that at the beginning of the introduction of digital TV it was planned to broadcast in the DVB-T standard and only then it was decided to introduce the DVB-T2 standard, since it has better characteristics.

Among the advantages of digital broadcasting are: excellent quality, the presence of stereo sound, the ability to broadcast several digital channels. And most importantly, to switch to “digital” it is enough to purchase an inexpensive digital or TV with support of this standard, since the antenna generally does not need to be changed.

While in Russia broadcasting containing 10 television channels, but already in 2014 the broadcasting of ““ will begin, which will double the number of channels, which will amount to good competition satellite

How much do we watch among satellite channels 6 - 7, so great amount The channels that satellite TV offers are simply not needed, it would be better if there were 20, but our favorites should be among them. So if digital TV offers such an opportunity, then there will be no price for it.

The general disadvantages of digital TV and satellite include:

  1. Dependence on weather conditions;
  2. And the worst thing is that the formula works: 1 receiver - 1 TV (that is, the second TV will show the same as the first).

The table shows the pros and cons of these methods of receiving television, and also adds analogue and cable TV for comparison, so I hope you can also see which television is better, digital or satellite.

pros Minuses
Analog Wide availability and prevalence, free broadcasting, no need to change anything. Outdated technologies, low image quality, low noise immunity, limited number of channels.
Digital High quality image and sound, high noise immunity, the ability to place a large number of channels on one frequency, additional services, low price of equipment. Inability to receive outside the range of transmitters, pixelation of the picture as the signal quality deteriorates.
Cable Improved image and sound quality compared to an analog signal, increased noise immunity, a large number of channels, additional services. Dependence on the operator, inaccessibility to remote urban areas and in rural areas, installation price.
Satellite Excellent picture and sound quality, a huge number of channels from all over the world, additional services. The need to call installation specialists, the high cost of equipment, the high price of paid channels, image disintegration does not matter in bad weather conditions.


Which TV is better, digital or satellite, is up to you to decide. Here a lot depends on the region where you live and the area and your preferences.

There is no point in changing satellite TV to digital (if you have it), at least for 2-3 years until multiplexes 2 and 3 are put into operation. If you are still on analog, then such a transition to “digital” will give you a significant improvement.

Reviews for digital TV are not so clear and there are many both positive and negative. This is due primarily to the delay in the promised launch of packages of the first and especially the second multiplexes, as well as the quality of the offered set-top boxes in stores () and their technical support manufacturers (firmware). I dare to suggest that over time there will be fewer and fewer such complaints.

1 Comment on Analog, digital, cable, satellite? 11 Comments on Analog, digital, cable, satellite?

  1. Stanislav
  2. Karina
  3. Victor
  4. Yuri

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