How to turn on battery percentage on iPhone 5. How to display battery charge percentage on Android? Is it possible to display the charge level as a percentage on the main screen?

The new iPhone X has brought a lot of changes. Now the familiar moments that we have become accustomed to over the years have become a little different and we just need to find out about them once so that everything goes back to normal again.

One of these elements was the percentage of battery charge on the iPhone 10. Many users love accuracy and are not very willing to give up this feature.

I will show and tell you how to include the percentages we are used to. Apple didn’t remove anything, it just slightly changed the logic of user interaction with the device.

How to set battery percentage on iPhone X (10)?

As you know, the design of the new iPhone X is not very similar to previous devices. We said goodbye to the Home button and a strip appeared at the top for Face ID and the front camera.

Thanks to these changes, it was necessary to completely change the user's interaction with the device. For the most part, all moments were changed to various kinds of gestures.

When buying a new iPhone 10, you probably wanted to return everything as it was and install a very convenient function where you can see the battery percentage.

If you go the old fashioned way to Settings - Battery, you won’t be able to find this item. He simply isn’t there and probably won’t be.

Apple found the following way out of this situation. You need pull down from the top right corner and the Control Panel will appear, where this indicator will appear.

If you want a more visual example, here is a video:

In today's article we will look at a seemingly trivial, but at the same time quite significant issue - setting the percentage of the current battery charge of an Android gadget. What's wrong with this, you ask, because this will not extend the service life or battery life of the device. But, believe me, before a couple of days have passed, it will become so familiar and integral that, regardless of percentage value You can already predict how long your mobile friend’s work will last.

Battery percentage on Android

Unfortunately, on many devices and in “pure” Android this option is not provided, although it would seem so important and necessary. We also note that in order to display the charge percentage, we do not need to root the phone or perform any technical difficulties with it, because we will use the quite functional and at the same time free Battery Overlay Percent application.

First, we need to download it; to do this, you can simply follow this link from your smartphone or tablet and press the install button, or you can open PlayMarket and use the internal search to find it.

As soon as you install it on your gadget, open it to make the initial settings:

1. Most likely, you will be shown a message stating that the AccessibilityService service is not enabled; it will need to be enabled so that the battery percentage indicator does not overlap various pop-up notifications.

To do this, in the “basic settings” section, select the “Allow service” item, it will automatically transfer us to the “Special Features” section, in it we look for the Battery Overlay Percent Notification item and set it to ON.

As you can see, everything is very simple, please note that in order to completely change the graphical symbol of the Android battery percentage, you need to buy the premium version, but for many users the basic version will be enough.

Also one of the interesting features is displaying the charge percentage in full screen mode, now playing your favorite games, we will always see the current battery level and, if necessary, can stop playing or watching a video at the right time.

Bottom line

The application is very convenient, does not consume many resources and is flexible in settings; after several days of using it, you will notice that it is almost impossible to do without it.

Even if you have a latest-generation smartphone, then most likely your smartphone’s battery is still draining quickly, so you need to keep the level of remaining battery charge under control. Unfortunately, Android doesn't show you how much charge is left - just a vague graph. Here's how to add a charge level percentage to this icon.

You can always see the battery percentage if you pull down the notification panel twice, but it's definitely a little inconvenient. You can enable battery percentage in Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above using a hidden setting, and in 4.4 KitKat and 5.0 Lollipop a very hidden setting.

How to show battery percentage in Android Marshmallow and higher

To enable this feature in Marshmallow and later Android versions You need to enable "System UI Tuner" which gives you access to some hidden settings.

After you have enabled this menu, open it (Settings > System UI Tuner). Here you will find the option “Show battery level as a percentage”. Slide the switch to the On position. The battery icon will now display the charge level.

How to Show Battery Percentage in Android KitKat and Lollipop

KitKat and Lollipop have this feature built in, but it's even more hidden. And, in fact, this option does not exist at all! The only way to enable it is with a few commands in ADB or the Battery app with a percentage of Google Play Store. You don't need to root or use anything, so most KitKat and Lollipop phones should show their battery percentage using the instructions below.

Launch Google Play and find and install the Battery with Percentage app. After the application is installed on your device, launch it. Check the box for "Battery with percentage" and reboot your device.

After rebooting your phone you should see the icon Android battery shows how much charge it has.

However, there is one drawback: on some phones, the text indicating how many percent is left is the same color as the battery icon. So you can only see the battery percentage if the battery is more than half empty because the white text will be on a gray background. Granted, this was a work-in-progress feature for KitKat and Lollipop (maybe that's why it was hidden!), but it's still better than nothing.

When switching from an old phone to an Android smartphone, many users encounter such an inconvenience as the lack of battery percentage readings.

Indeed, initially in most smartphones the charge level is shown only in the form graphic image battery in . The more shaded the battery icon is, the more charge there is. This method, although visual, is not entirely suitable for those users who are accustomed to seeing exact percentage readings and discharge/charge dynamics of a smartphone or tablet.

In this article we will tell you how to enable battery percentage in an Android smartphone or tablet.

We look at the percentage of battery charge in the open curtain

With this method, in order to see the charge percentage, you do not need to make any settings on your smartphone or install third party applications. Simply slide the shade vertically with your finger from the top edge of the display and see your device's battery percentage.

For those who need this indicator only from time to time, this method will be quite sufficient.

Enable Battery Percentage Using Hidden Android Settings

To enable constant display of charge percentages, you should use the hidden settings in Android. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Extend the curtain with a vertical swipe from the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the settings icon (shaped like a gear), hold for 4-5 seconds and release.
  3. The screen will open Android settings, and a pop-up message “ FunctionSystem UI Tuneradded to settings menu" If the function does not appear, try again, increasing and decreasing the time you hold your finger on the settings icon in the curtain.
  4. use it to enter this section. A warning message will appear that this is an experimental feature, click on the “Ok” button.
  5. By clicking on the “Status Bar” menu item, go to the section of the same name.
  6. Tap on the “Battery” menu item and switch the display to “ Always show battery percentage».

Now the charge percentage will be displayed inside the battery icon in the status bar of your Android smartphone or tablet.

Enabling charge percentage using a third-party application

If enabling the display of percentages using hidden settings on your device did not work, you will need special application, such as "Battery percentage."

You can choose any other, of which there are plenty in the Google Play store. Type in the Google Play search bar " charge percentage» and select the application you like.

The Battery Percentage app displays the charge status on the left side of the notification area. The size and color of the display of numbers is customizable in the program.

Many users of smartphones and other mobile devices We are used to assessing the current battery charge using the percentage indicator, which is usually located in the upper right corner of the screen. There was such an opportunity in all iPhone models. There was an option in the settings, after turning it on, a percentage charge indicator appeared next to the battery icon (in the upper right corner of the screen), which informed how many percent of the battery the user had left.

But, with the release of the iPhone X, this function simply disappeared from the settings. In this regard, many users are interested in how to make a percentage charge on the iPhone X.

Let's say right away that this is impossible. Apple decided to abandon the option that allowed you to monitor the battery charge as a percentage. This feature has been removed from the settings and there are simply no tricks that would allow you to enable it. This decision by Apple is most likely due to the fact that new iPhone X simply doesn't have room to display the battery percentage. The ridge at the top of the screen eats up most of the information panel.

But, if you are used to focusing specifically on the battery charge as a percentage, and not on the image of the battery icon, then you can open the “Control Center” and see how many percent are left. After all, while the “Control Center” is open on the screen, the battery charge is displayed exactly as a percentage. If you don't know how to open Control Center, do the following:

Step #1: Tap the top right corner of the screen, which contains the battery icon.

Step No. 2. Without releasing your finger, pull down, until Control Center opens.

Step #3: Pay attention to the top of the screen, an indicator should appear next to the battery icon, displaying its charge as a percentage.

Unfortunately, in order to see how much battery charge is left, these steps must be performed every time.

Let us remind you that previously, in order to enable the display of percentages, you had to open the “Settings” application and go to the “” section.

After that, the percentage display could be turned on using the “Charge in percentage” switch.

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