How to write a complaint to the Beeline cellular operator. How to write a complaint to Beeline if your home Internet or connection is not working or due to poor service? By email and through your personal account

System telephone communication sometimes it fails, which the client may regard as the provision of low-quality services. In such cases and if there are other grounds, a citizen can file a complaint about the quality of Beeline communications.

Reasons for appeal

You can file a complaint against the provider if there are the following grounds:

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  • blocking an account without any reason;
  • the company's representative office provided poor quality service;
  • the quality of support service does not satisfy the client;
  • annoying messages from the operator;
  • the legal rights of a citizen have been violated;
  • low quality of communication, interactive communication;
  • complaint against the operator hotline is rude, rude, uses obscene language;
  • the operator refused to terminate the existing service agreement;
  • spending Money, deposited into the account by the subscriber, illegally.

Other reasons may also be identified. The main thing when applying is to provide sufficient reasons and supplement them with unlawful behavior or incorrect attitude towards the client.

How to write

  1. The application must be written concisely, without unnecessary information.
  2. The text should convey only the essential data that will help accurately describe the problem at hand so that the body in question can make a quicker decision to resolve the dispute.
  3. If the claim is made against an employee, then the location of the department where he worked must be indicated.
  4. If the applying client has evidence in documentary or other form, then it must be attached to the claim.

The complaint must include the following mandatory items:

  • where the claim is sent;
  • the applicant’s data, which will allow you to correctly assign the addressee when sending a response to the complaint;
  • main text describing the essence of the complaint;
  • for what purposes was the application (requirements) drawn up and sent?
  • if the application is sent to the operator, then it is necessary to indicate what consequences await if the complaint is ignored, for example, or.

The main text of the appeal should include:

  • the essence of the problem or violation;
  • date and time of the incident;
  • data of employees who took part in the conflict or themselves became its provocateurs;
  • what exactly was violated (clauses of the contract with the operator, legislative norms).

Sample 2020


Where can you file a complaint against Beeline?

Beeline is one of the leaders in providing mobile and Internet services to the population. The company is large and almost a quarter of the Russian market uses it. Of course, to maintain attractive prices, Beeline often changes the names of tariffs and launches new ones, which confuses consumers. There are often statements that it is generally unclear why the provider wrote off this or that amount. Cases of services not provided on time also arise quite often.

What to do if you are sure that your rights have been violated, and at your own expense? How to complain about a company?


In other words, why you might complain. The list of fairly compelling reasons is small, since Beeline is doing everything possible to reduce the flow of negative requests and maintain its reputation. However, the operator is required by law to accept any of your claims as they are the service provider for a fee. As long as you pay, the law is on your side. Especially the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

So, It makes sense to file a complaint in cases:

  • if the operator provides you with a low-quality service - in our case, communication
  • if your phone number is blocked without any warning
  • if you are rude to call center employees or managers at a retail outlet
  • if they don’t let you switch to another operator, they refuse to terminate the contract with you and put up obstacles in every possible way so that you don’t “leave”
  • if money was written off that should not have been written off - you did not activate any service or were not aware of the change in the tariff
  • They send you spam, call you from different numbers and pretend to be Beeline employees.

One of these reasons is a good reason to think about what you're paying your money for. Accordingly, you can file a complaint and submit it to Beeline so that the company changes its policy or resolves the unfortunate incident.

Where to complain

There are several ways to complain about Beeline. Below we will look at each of them.

To the organization itself

It is logical that you need to go to Beeline itself, no matter how much you would like to immediately run to higher authorities so that “they will sort it out there.” Usually, going directly to the culprit of your problem seems too unpleasant and futile. Because, since your rights have already been violated, there is no guarantee that they will not violate it again, or, even worse, they will declare you guilty.

However, the law protecting consumer rights should not be discounted. It says that first, in pre-trial order, you need to try to resolve the issue with the service seller himself- this way you will have more evidence of illegal actions on hand, if any arise. And also, perhaps, your problem is solved quite quickly and all clarifications can be received within half an hour. Don't discount this.

So, you can complain to Beeline:

  • by calling the company's hotline( 8 800 700 8378 , +7 495 7972727) ;
  • by coming to the office (service center or head office in your city).

Before contacting, consider what exactly you want to receive from the operator, be it immediate termination of the contract or the return of your illegally deducted funds.

Hotline conversations are most often recorded and you should be warned about this, so when choosing this method, first calm down and don’t get excited. This way you have a greater chance of success.

The official website accepts complaints in three options:

  • through your Personal Area in the “feedback” or “support” section;
  • using a robot that works using the “ask a question” button - if you complain, it will redirect you to the operator responsible for solving your problem;
  • “feedback” form - fill out, send, wait for a response by email or call.

Hotlines are typically used when a problem needs to be resolved quickly. By calling the number listed on the Beeline website, you can speak directly with a company representative who will accept your complaint or request for a solution to the problem.

In specialized service centers you will also meet managers face to face. This is where most filings take place, as you will likely want to have written confirmation that your case is being considered. To file a complaint at the office, you need:

  • make it in two copies;
  • bring it to the office;
  • register with an employee.

The last point is very mandatory, because if the employee does not put his initials and surname on one of the copies of the complaint, it is considered to be not filed. It will be impossible to prove that you complained at all - so be sure to demand such a mark. This will emphasize your awareness of the law and, in critical cases, will be an excellent help for proceedings “from above.”

If you want to complain about an employee’s rudeness, you can always use the Complaint Book in the office itself. However, remember: a complaint is not a claim; with its help you can only draw the attention of senior managers to the inappropriate behavior of an employee or the work of the store. If you need to solve problems with bills, money, contracts, it is better to first seek a solution to the problem itself, and in case of refusal, write in the Book of Complaints.


All telecom operators are accountable to the Ministry of Communications - Roskomnadzor - and it also controls their daily activities and the legislative framework. They complain to Roskomnadzor if it is discovered that Beeline provides low-quality communications. This can be either your testimony or more thorough checks with the help of experts.

The complaint is drawn up in free form, however, you should indicate the essence of the problem, the actions of employees to solve this problem, and also attach copies of documents confirming your veracity or the fact of your problem. Competent presentation leads to more competent responses from the Ministry. If you want clarification or guarantees that Roskomnadzor will check Beeline, use a friendly tone when you contact.


This organization protects your rights as a consumer and buyer. Accordingly, you can contact her to check whether Beeline is not violating your rights - that is, any complaints about contracts, poaching customers, rudeness or refusals to return funds go through Rospotrebnadzor.

Make sure that your consumer rights have been violated before going to Rospotrebnadzor, because it only checks compliance with the law.

In other cases, the organization may refuse to consider your application altogether.

To the prosecutor's office

You can complain to the prosecutor's office if Beeline violates your rights as a citizen. For such a statement, a serious violation of the point of sale or an individual employee is necessary. The application is drawn up according to the sample, but it is advisable to know what exactly Beeline violated - which points of the law, which civil rights.


Few people know this abbreviation, but it hides behind it a public service that guards the Antimonopoly Law. A complaint should be sent to the FAS about any fraud on the part of Beeline or its employees, since the organization investigates economic crimes against the population. This includes complaints about financial violations of contracts between the company and consumers of services.

The application and evidence are provided by you in the same way as in the case of complaints to other authorities.


The last and most serious measure, used only in rare cases. If none of the above organizations can help or answer you, you have the right to seek protection of your rights in court. In this case, after filing a claim, proceedings will begin with the involvement of all of the above organizations, if the problem so requires.

Beeline will have to pay legal costs if the trial ends in your favor. However, it would be useful to enlist the support of a lawyer, witnesses and have in hand refusals or other documents from the Prosecutor's Office, Roskomnadzor, FAS or Rospotrebnadzor.


A complaint against Beeline is drawn up in free form, indicating all relevant information about the case. You can find a sample on the Internet - on the websites of the organizations where you are filing a complaint. A well-drafted complaint must refer to provisions of the law, so do not be lazy to check the legislation before taking any action.

Beeline is one of the most popular Russian operators mobile communications. It provides its subscribers great amount useful services. Unfortunately, network users are not always satisfied with their quality. Therefore, every day more and more subscribers begin to ask questions about how to write a complaint to Beeline in order to solve this problem.

The operator, as well as various authorities involved in the provision of paid services the population, is obliged to pay attention to any complaint in its direction.

But you need to understand that only statements that involve a violation of consumer rights are subject to consideration. It makes sense to contact a mobile operator only in the following cases:

  • providing poor quality communications;
  • low internet connection speed;
  • sudden number blocking;
  • unjustified debiting of funds from a personal account;
  • sending spam from various numbers, including from the operator itself;
  • boorish attitude on the part of technical support and call center workers;
  • refusal of a request to terminate the concluded contract;
  • connection of unnecessary paid services without the subscriber’s permission.

If at least one reason is identified, the user has every right to complain about Beeline in any way available to him.

Filing a complaint through the official website of the operator

A person using the services of Beeline can file a complaint through the official website of the mobile operator. It will be accepted by technical support consultants involved in resolving conflict issues. The first thing you should do is contact them.

To write a complaint against Beeline in this way, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • You should go to the official website of the mobile operator (link:
  • On home page There is an “Ask a question” option. It can be found in the upper right corner of the site. In this section, the user will receive all the necessary information about the services and tariffs connected to his number. He will be assisted by a robot consultant that generates correct answers after recognizing key phrases in questions.
  • Information about tariffs and services is also available in the personal account of a Beeline subscriber. Here he has the opportunity to receive a detailed account statement. For convenience, in your personal account there is a button that allows you to file a complaint.
  • After going to a special form feedback All fields must be filled out correctly.

After writing, the complaint is sent to Beeline at email company (address: [email protected]). The company's employees will review it and try to help the subscriber who contacted them with a solution to the problem. You can also contact them via the hotline (number for mobile phones: 0611).

Complaint against a manager

The first will be sent to the company's address, and the second will remain in the hands of the sender. If the subscriber wishes to personally submit a complaint, then he should ensure that the letter is marked with a note indicating its receipt. If you use postal services, it is also advisable to arrange a notification service about the delivery of the claim to the addressee.

A sample complaint can be found on the Internet. But there is nothing complicated about it. It is drawn up on the basis of a standard form, and can also be used when contacting other authorities that deal with the protection of consumer rights. The letter must correctly contain the following information:

  • In the upper corner, which is on the right, we write the full name or name of the recipient company. Then you should provide your details, including phone number and residential address.
  • The following describes the essence of the current problem. It is advisable to describe each nuance in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to indicate the clauses in the contract with the operator that are not fulfilled by the second party.
  • After this, you can write your requirements, the satisfaction of which will lead to a solution to the conflict situation.
  • At the end of the complaint, the applicant’s signature and date must be placed.

The company management must consider such a letter without fail.

Where else can a Beeline mobile network subscriber turn?

A subscriber who intends to solve the problem of violation of his rights mobile operator, can seek help from the following authorities:

  • Roskomnadzor. Considers complaints that relate to poor communication quality. The institution can be contacted by email [email protected].
  • Rospotrebnadzor. Deals with matters related to the company’s failure to fulfill its direct obligations to the client as specified in the contract. The application should be filled out on the website
  • Court. People turn to this place as a last resort, when none of the authorities has given positive result on business.

Complaints to any of the listed agencies may be handwritten and mailed, or typed on a computer and sent to email address authorities.

Rules for writing a complaint

Before you begin to draw up a letter of claim, you must carefully re-examine the agreement concluded with Beeline. This will allow the applicant to verify that his rights were indeed violated. When writing a complaint, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The text in the letter should be concise and understandable. When filing a complaint, you must follow the rules of the Russian language.
  • It is advisable to indicate in the text legislative acts that speak in favor of the applicant.
  • The names of the persons who participated in the conflict with the subscriber must be indicated.
  • The application must be accompanied by important documents that can confirm the veracity of the applicant’s words. These can be various contracts, statements or checks.
  • The application must be signed by the applicant's real name. Anonymous letters will not be considered.

You cannot give up if no changes have occurred after sending the first complaint. The subscriber has the right to use quality services, since he pays money for them. If a person cannot achieve justice on his own, then he should enlist the support of a competent lawyer.

Beeline: review of communication quality and more

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