How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk. A quick way to install Windows without a disk or flash drive

How to reinstall Windows 7. A detailed description of reinstalling Windows 7 from start to finish.

To reinstall Windows 7 for dummies we will need:

  1. Download Windows 7
  2. Burn Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive with Windows 7
  3. Set to bios First Boot Device - Cd-Rom or USB
  4. Install Windows 7

Step No. 1 Reinstalling Windows 7. Burning a Windows 7 disc

So, let's say you bought a laptop with Windows 7 or just want to try it out and then buy it. First, you need to download the Windows 7 image. Look carefully at which Windows 7 you need to download so that the key located on the laptop will fit. Usually the key is located either on the laptop or under it. For example, like this: Windows 7 basic OEM 32-bit(x86). Search the Internet for Windows 7 basic OEM 32-bit so that your key will fit! Since the distribution of Windows is illegal, we do not have the right to post original iso images with Windows 7 here. (Or - (Google search for MD5))

After downloading the Windows 7 ISO image, you need to burn it to disk.

To do this, download the program for burning our image to disk Portable ImgBurn

After the Windows 7 ISO image and our ImgBurn program are successfully downloaded:

  • Take a blank DVD +-R | RW and insert into DVD rom
  • ImgBurn -> click Browse-> choose our Windows ISO image, press Open
  • Set the minimum speed and start recording
  • After the disc is burned, a window will pop up indicating that the disc was successfully burned, click OK. And your DVD rom will automatically open with Windows 7 written on it

Step No. 2 Reinstall Windows 7. Set First boot device CD-Rom in BIOS

So, after Step No. 1, we have a disk with Windows 7. At this stage, our task is to get into the BIOS and set the disk with Windows 7 installed to initially boot. To do this: Reboot or turn on the computer and press the delete key (there are others options, e.g. F1, F2, F8, Ins.)

The initial splash screen should usually show you which key to press to enter the BIOS

As a result, we should get to the BIOS blue screen, in our case it looks like this

We set the first download from Disk, for this we go (with the usual arrows) to Advanced Bios Features -> First Boot Device select CD-Rom, press Enter, then Esc, go to Save&Exit Setup Press Enter, then Y and Enter again.

Note: if you have a different BIOS, the essence does not change. The main thing is to find First Boot Device and select CD-Rom

After step 2, the computer reboots itself and if you did everything correctly, then when you reboot, the message Boot from Cd/Dvd will appear on a black background:

And after a while Press any key to boot from Cd..

(press any key on the keyboard to boot from the disk), press the key. If a black screen appears with a Windows 7 installation bar, then at this stage you have done everything correctly

Step No. 3 Reinstall Windows 7. Formatting the partition. Installing Windows 7

After the window popped up. We wait 5-7 minutes until the language selection window appears. Select the language settings as you wish, then click Further

Click “Install”

We wait 5-7 minutes, after which a window will pop up, check the box with “License Terms”, click Further

Select “Full installation”

Select our disk, then click “Disk Setup”

Select an item "Format"

Attention! (warning about deleting data from drive C. Everything will remain on D):
This action will delete all your files from this partition, disk C:/

After “Copying Windows files” appears, we can safely go have a coffee, since no action will be required from us for 10-20 minutes

We wait until a window appears where we will be asked to enter a username. Then enter the name

Password (we don’t have to enter it, just click next)

Enter the product key (if you want to enter it later, you can click “Next”)

We choose one of three update points if desired! We recommend the first one!

All that remains is to select the time zone, which is what we do.

We wait 2 minutes, then a magic window with Windows 7 appears. Congratulations, Windows 7 has been successfully installed!

If you have reached this page, it means you have decided to reinstall Windows 7 and need help with the installation. Below I will tell you in detail all the stages, starting with loading Windows on your computer and ending with Activating Windows and a short introductory video. And so let's get started. The first thing you need to do is download the Windows 7 image itself; there are two types: 32x and 64x. How to understand what bit depth you need, very simply in the computer properties there is information about your hardware, we are interested in the RAM line (installed memory). If you have 4 GB or more installed, you need a 64-bit version, everything below is 32-bit.

When we have already decided on the bit depth, we proceed to download the Windows 7 image. Click on the green button “Download Windows 7 Ultimate” and a torrent file called ru_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86.iso.torrent will be downloaded to your computer. We launch it to proceed to downloading via torrent program. If the file asks you to open it through any program, then uTorrent is not installed. follow the link to download it.

While Windows is in the process of downloading, we will download and install the UltraISO program. Using it, we will write the image to a disk or flash drive.

After installing UltraISO and loading Windows, let's start recording to a disk or flash drive. Launch UltraISO and perform the actions as in the screenshot:

Open the image with the program and perform recording.

We wait for the process to complete and close the program window. Now your flash drive or disk is ready to start outside the system.
Well, now the most interesting thing is, we need to tell the computer to start from our media; for this we need to call the BOOT MENU. Usually these are the DEL or F8 keys, but there are exceptions, it all depends on the manufacturer of your motherboard - below are the buttons from which you can call the BUTMENU from various motherboards.

If you did everything correctly, you will see a type of menu with a boot selection, control using the arrows and the ENTER key.

After selecting the BOOTMENU, it will begin copying the “loading in Windows file” files to start installing Windows 7. In the first installation window, you must select a language and click Next.

In the next window, click Install.

Selecting the installation type, click “Full installation (advanced options)

And here is the most important window, selecting the partition on which the installation will be performed. For proper installation, you must format the system drive C where your old Windows is located. Ideally, it is better to delete it and also the partition where the MBR is stored; it usually weighs 100 MB. To do this, select the section and click Delete. “Unallocated disk space” will appear. Click “Create”, specify the disk size or leave it unchanged and click “Apply”

Now it’s a matter of time, as soon as you click Next, copying files to install Windows 7 will begin. You can remove the flash drive or disk after the first reboot and watch the installation process until the Select user name window appears. Enter any desired name and click Next.

In the Windows product key entry window, uncheck the “Automatically activate Windows when you connect to the Internet” checkbox and click Next.

That’s the whole simple installation process, a familiar desktop will appear in front of you - which means that Windows 7 Ultimate is installed.
Another important and mandatory process is Windows activation. On the desktop, find a shortcut called “Activator”, launch it and do everything as shown below in the screenshots.

Hello, site administrator, I have a question for you - how to install Windows 7 on a new computer, that is, on a blank hard drive without partitions? Surely there are some rules and if you don’t follow them, problems will definitely arise that you want to avoid. Georgy.

Installing Windows 7

Hello friends! Installing Windows 7 on your desktop computer or laptop from a disk, as well as from a flash drive, should not be accompanied by any difficulties after reading our article. We have prepared for you a detailed description of each step and included many illustrations. Having gone through all the installation steps with us, next time you will install Windows 7 without any outside help.

  • Firstly, the official Windows 7 64-bit distribution can be downloaded from the official.
  • Secondly, if you have UEFI BIOS and you want to install Windows 7 on a GPT disk, but don’t know how to do it, read our article.
  • Thirdly, if you bought a new laptop with Windows 8.1 and want to install Windows 7 instead, then all the manipulations with the UEFI BIOS and the process of further system installation.
  • Fourthly, if you have problems installing Windows 7, refer to our article -.
  • Fifthly, if you don't have a disk drive, you can use our instructions and.
  • Sixth, if you are installing Windows 7 from a flash drive, then be aware that Windows 7 does not support USB 3.0 (ports are usually colored blue), if your flash drive is USB 3.0, insert it into a USB 2.0 port.

So, final preparations before installing the operating system. What should you do first?

If you are installing Windows 7 on a hard drive with existing partitions, then you need to copy all your data from the partition on which you will install Windows 7. During the installation process, this partition will be formatted and information from it will be deleted.

If you are installing Windows 7 on a blank hard drive, then you don’t need to do anything, just read the article further.

In general, there is nothing complicated in all this, at the very beginning of the boot we press on the keyboard, in most cases these are the F2 or Delete keys, we entered the BIOS, here we need the “Boot Sequence” or “Boot” section. There are basically two types of BIOS, this window is Ami BIOS, we will look at setting it up in our article, if the window has a different interface, then you have Award BIOS, how to work in it is written in our article “BIOS booting from disk ".

As we can see, the first boot device is the hard drive - HDD: PM-MAXTOR STM3, use the arrows to highlight the first item 1st Boot Devise and press Enter.

In this menu, we will set the CD-ROM as the first boot device (First Boot Device), select it using the arrows on the keyboard, then Enter.

So the first disk drive, and the second one turned out to be a hard drive, that’s what you need.

Save the settings (press F10) and reboot.

If you have correctly set the BIOS to boot from the drive and you have an installation disk with Windows 7 in it, then the next time you boot the computer you will see a prompt on the monitor to boot from the Windows 7 installation disk - Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. We press any key on the keyboard, keep in mind that if you do not have time to press within a few seconds, the system will reboot and everything will start from the beginning.

The installation process of the operating system begins, wait patiently

Here you need to select the system language.


We accept the terms of the agreement

Selecting the full installation

In this window we see the space of my 500 GB hard drive ( Disk 0) divided into two sections (Section 1 and Section 2). The Windows 7 operating system is already installed on the hard drive; I personally don’t need it and I want to reinstall it. Before installation, I will delete all existing partitions on the hard drive and create them again. In general, there is a rule that if you want to avoid errors when installing Windows 7, it is better to delete all existing partitions before installation and create them again or install the operating system directly into unallocated space.

Select with the left mouse Disk 0 Partition 2 and press the button Delete.

Select with the left mouse Disk 0 Partition 1 and press the button Delete .

Old sections have been deleted, we are creating new ones.

Select with the left mouse Unallocated disk space 0 and press Create.

In this window, you need to select the size of our future disk (C:), Windows 7 will be installed on it. Let’s choose a size of 200 GB, I think this will be quite enough. Click Apply.

For Windows 7 to work correctly, you need to create a hidden partition of 100 MB with download files.

Therefore, when asked “To ensure that all of its features work correctly, Windows may create additional partitions for system files,” click OK.

On Disk 0 we now have a hidden partition Section 1: System Reserved(volume 100 megabytes) with Win 7 download files.

A second Partition 2 has also appeared, it will be the system drive (C:), its volume is 196.1 GB.

We convert the unoccupied space into a partition. Select it with the left mouse and click Create, this will be our drive (D:).


We will install Windows 7 on Disk 0 Partition 2: (future drive C:), select it with the left mouse and click Next.

The Windows 7 installation process begins.

In this article I will talk about how to independently install the Windows 7 operating system from a disk onto your computer or laptop.

I offer detailed and step-by-step instructions with a visual demonstration of screenshots of installing the Windows operating system.

If you think that installing an operating system is something complicated and incomprehensible that only a specialist can handle, then I will disappoint you: this is not true. Now you can see for yourself.

All you need to install Windows 7 (or Windows 8) is a computer or laptop, a disk with the operating system (since in this article we will install Windows from a disk), detailed instructions, which I will now provide you with, and, perhaps, attentiveness! Hopefully after installation you won't look like . 🙂

After installation, I recommend installing it immediately. You understand that in our time of electronic payments this is very important. Also now (yet) nowhere without Adobe Flash Player. What's his name Right install read . You may also be very interested in not bad. If you store it on your computer private information, create a .

Important: The majority of all possible problems that arise when installing Windows 7 are associated with an incorrectly prepared installation disk and (or) the quality of the “OS build” recorded on it. You can read the article on how to correctly burn an operating system image to disk.

Remember: if this disc is not out of the box, that is, purchased in a store, then you need to use only original images from Microsoft MSDN. It is the original image, which is just as accessible on the Internet as various assemblies, that is the key to the successful installation of Windows and its normal functioning.

Do not use assemblies of unknown origin. You install all third-party fixes, corrections, and homemade assemblies at your own peril and risk. The consequences may be irreversible.

Before installing Windows 7:

Remember two basic things to do before installing Windows.

First- this is to decide in advance on which partition of the hard drive the system will be installed. As a rule, in most cases this is the C:\ drive. You should remember (or create) the volume label and size.

Remember, your desktop is entirely located on the C:\ drive, or rather, here: C:\Documents and Settings\ Username\Desktop. Think in advance about the integrity and safety of files that are important to you, copy them from your desktop, that is, from drive C, to another drive or flash drive.

All programs installed on the C:\ drive will also be deleted, but this is not a reason to drag the entire folder with programs to other drives. It is much easier to reinstall these programs on a clean system. Don't be lazy, it's not every day that you reinstall Windows.

Second moment - these are drivers for your computer or laptop. They need to be taken care of in advance. Most laptops come with them included, but if they are not available (or need to be updated), look for them on the manufacturer’s official website and download them in advance.

I recommend reading everything you need to know about installing drivers in the article “Installing Drivers or Five Iron Rules,” which is located.

If you skip this important point, then after installing Windows, you may be left without the Internet, because it is not a fact that the Windows distribution will initially contain drivers for your network card.

Installing Windows 7 from disk:

Insert the disk with the Windows operating system into the drive and restart the computer. By the way, if you don’t have a disk drive, you can install the Windows operating system using a regular one.

Let's continue. Our task is to configure the computer to boot from a DVD. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • 1. select the device (DVD) in a special boot menu;
  • 2. change the boot priority in the BIOS (from HDD to DVD).

The first method, selecting a device in the boot menu, is simpler and more convenient. After installing Windows, there is no need to return booting from the HDD (hard drive). However, on older computers this function is not available and in this case you will have to go into the BIOS and change the boot priority.

Start - reboot, wait until the screen goes dark and at the first sign of the system waking up (the logo appears), press and hold the Delete key on the keyboard. Why the Delete key? These can be the keys F1, F2, F3 + F2, F10, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + S, Esc.

There is no universal button for entering the boot menu or entering the BIOS, and it all depends on the computer manufacturer (motherboard). The surest way is to read the instructions from the computer or motherboard. The table below shows a clear example of such keys.

The boot menu looks something like this:

Press F10, agree and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit) by selecting “Ok”.

Phoenix Award

Let's consider the second interface option. To boot from disk, you need to change the priorities so that the first device is the DVD drive. Find the item “Advanced BIOS Features” and use the arrows to switch to the first device (First Boot Device), change to CDROM.

Press F10 and confirm Save and Exit.

If you have problems at this stage, I recommend watching this video.

Let's continue. If everything was done correctly, we will see the following window with the inscription: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.”

Here you need to press any key, for example, spacebar. This is only done 1 time and only at this stage of installation. We see the following window with the inscription “Windows is loading files”.

The files are being extracted, after which we will see the message "Starting Windows" and the Windows 7 installation window itself. Windows installation has begun!!

Select the desired language and click “Install”.

Next, we need to select the edition of Windows 7. Select the one for which you have a key or which you are going to activate. On laptops, it is usually indicated on a piece of paper with a key located on the bottom of the laptop. Entering the serial number itself will be a little later; it has been moved to the end of the installation.

A few words about the possibility of installing a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit version of Windows. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM (also known as RAM, Memory), then install 64-bit, if not, then 32-bit (x86).

Let's read and agree to the license terms. Next, we need to select the installation type - select “Full installation”.

Now you need to select the partition on which Windows will be installed.

If you have this partition reserved by the system (note, it is still in megabytes (MB), not gigabytes), for example, as in the following screenshot, then select Disk 0 Partition 2.

To avoid such excruciating pain when choosing a partition, before installing Windows, look at how many gigabytes your C drive occupies.

If you have one partition on your hard drive and it is larger than 250 GB, then it would be more correct to create two local disks. One section is specifically for Windows (usually about 50-100 GB), and the other is for storing your personal information (how much will remain, XXX GB).

Note: The partitions you create should be named Disk 0 Partition 1, 2, 3..., not “Unallocated Disk Space”. Otherwise, the operating system simply will not see sections with such names.

If necessary, create a section or sections and click “Apply”:

Attention: At this stage, problems may arise - when Windows 7 asks for a driver for further installation or when the system does not see your hard drive to continue installation.

Or install (if prepared) hard disk controller drivers. If you already have two or more partitions on your hard drive, then you can skip the above point. So, we have selected the “System” section, and now we need to run formatting.

The installer warns that all our data will be deleted. This is what we need, because we are interested in a clean installation of Windows. We agree and wait. Usually the whole process takes a matter of seconds. After formatting, we see that there is more free space, calmly click “Next”.

And here is the beginning of the installation, the process has started. You can already exhale).

We're waiting... Usually it takes 15–25 minutes. When our system is installed, it will prompt you to enter your username and computer name. Let's enter.

If you wish, you can enter a password and a hint. Next, Windows will prompt you to enter your serial number. Enter (if available). If not, then skip this step and uncheck the “Automatically activate when connected to the Internet” checkbox.

The article discusses a way to install Windows without a flash drive and disk, bypassing the boot devices that are (or should, at least) each user. But, as in the article, we will only use the installation files on a hard drive with working Windows: we will install a second Windows without a flash drive or disk.

Hello everyone, today we continue to solve the issues of installing Windows on “problem” devices. Now we are faced with a task like:

  • There is a laptop or computer that does not have or does not have ANY device for exchanging data through connected drives. USB ports do not function, disk drive is missing or not working. Only hard drive, live Windows and Internet
  • there is a hard drive that will subsequently move to another configuration ( to another computer or laptop); Using this method, you can prepare to install the system right now by connecting and setting up a SATA hard drive through the box, and the system will install itself as soon as you insert this HDD into your “computer without a drive and USB” and turn it on. However, some steps and commands will be different when installing on the SAME DISK with a new partition and ANOTHER HARD DRIVE.

STRAIGHTAWAY . In articles like this one, I try to cover all the stages. It's not water, but it makes a lot. So try to read everything carefully or skip something: I describe all the processes in such detail with the goal that even the most novice user can do this.

How to install Windows without a flash drive and disk: what do you need?

  • working version of Windows (starting from Vista)
  • among others, an installed archiver program (RAR or 7zip, any will do) - it will work with the Windows image of your version (Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10); You can also use the ISO image reader (Daemon Tools)
  • a hard drive with a single partition, the size of which is sufficient to create an additional partition and install another system, or a new unformatted HDD

How to install Windows without a flash drive and disk: main stages of work


  • go to the disk management console (command diskmgmt.msc from string Execute) and look what we have:

click to enlarge

As you can see, there is only one volume and it is not broken. Let's close the console.

  • launch the console as administrator cmd and run the utility in it diskpart. Let's check the list of volumes by analogy with the Disk Management console, but from the “point of view” of the utility. All the same:

select volume 2

I'll pinch off a piece for a future system. It seems to come from nowhere, but Windows itself will decide where to go for free space. I decided to split the disk approximately in half, and enter the split command shrink as:

Shrink minimum=10240 desired=51200

  • minimum=xxxx – minimum volume size (10 GB)
  • desired=xxxx – desired size of the future volume. Both numbers are in megabytes, so I just multiplied:

50 GB x 1024 = 51200 MB

This is what you see in the picture above.

But okay. You can check the results of the utility in Disk Management Consoles. The new volume is not displayed in Explorer, a letter is not assigned to it (no letter - no disk), but the console already sees it:

  • create a partition in the new volume:
create partition primary

and assign a letter to it with a command like:

assign letter X

where X is the desired letter (I have F):

The system explorer instantly wakes up and is about to format it. You can do this through Windows (File) Explorer, and Windows Explorer is called that, or you can use the command from the terminal cmd(at the same time I’ll give it a name – label to distinguish it from other volumes):

format fs=ntfs quick label="Windows7"

And again a new window (now with Autorun): the system is completely ready to work with the created partition.

  • now attention: ACTIVATE the volume; Moreover, after a reboot, the system will look for bootloader files on it ( the same operation can be performed in the disk management console, marking the disks as Active step by step - this is what we will do at the end, after installation; in the meantime, get used to the console). There aren't any yet, so don't turn off the computer:

And we continue. What will he say? Diskpart per team list volume:

We finish working with diskpart by typing the command

  • Download the Windows image. Open it using an archiver or image reader and mark the following files:
  1. Sources
  2. Boot
  3. Bootmgr
  4. Setup.exe

These four folder files must be copied to the newly created partition (I have volume F). This will take time.

In the cmd console you need to enter the last command. It will force Windows to correctly assess the situation and begin its own installation (watch the drive letters):

F:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 F:

Once the specified files are on disk, reboot the computer. The installation has started. In the installer menu I select drive F. We are waiting for the download to complete.

How to install Windows without a flash drive or disk: manipulating boot records.

  • The new operating system is ready and more or less functional (no device drivers). However, when you reboot, you will not see the previous OS in the boot menu. What to do? Right - you need to reactivate the disk with the previous system (C:) or mark active Reserved 100 MB partition (this is exactly what I will do: I initially have it, and this is very good for security purposes). You already know how to do this in two ways (focus on the size of the volumes):
  1. more thorny - team active drive letter from the running utility diskpart(see above article)
  2. faster - from the disk management console, marking the required disks as active. See:

Please note - the drive letters in this Windows are different

bcdboot F:\Windows

where F is the drive letter with the new Windows. That's all, you can reboot and check. You can do this without restarting Windows. You can find out about the list of systems available in the boot menu again from the console by entering:

Everything is in place. Now, with a little practice, you can install Windows without a flash drive or disk very quickly.

How to install Windows without a flash drive and disk: installation on an external HDD

In this paragraph I will repeat the procedure, but this time we will use a hard drive in a box. We connect via a USB port (the speeds here are not the same as directly via the SATA interface, but the situation is the most realistic). By the way, most of the operations here are also available using third-party programs, for example AOMEY Partition Assistant, which may already be installed. But Windows itself can do almost everything.

  • Let's look at the Control Console from working Windows:

  • open the cmd console as administrator and enter the commands, starting with launching the Diskpart utility:
diskpart list disk select disk Y create partition primary assign format fs=ntfs quick label="Next Windows 7" exit X:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 X:
  • X is the letter automatically assigned to the new volume (I bet it's E). Let's go out as a team exit, disconnect the box, and the disk is transferred from the box to any other configuration, where the missing drivers are installed in place.

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