How to reset ipad 4 to factory settings. Recovering your Apple ID password

They do not always take a prudent approach to downloading applications to a device - many, admiring the abundance of free software in the AppStore, install everything without thinking about the usefulness of the programs. It is the lack of free memory that is usually the reason why the iPhone begins to perform worse: for example, it freezes or reboots spontaneously. If such “symptoms” appear, then it’s time to “clean” the device’s memory - this can be done by resetting the iPhone to factory settings.

Before resetting your iPhone to factory settings, you should back up the data stored on your phone using iTunes– then, if necessary, important information can be restored. You can create a backup in two ways:

Step 1. In the AppStore context menu, follow the path “ File» — « Devices» — « Create a backup».

Step 2. Click the device icon in the top panel and in the “ Review» click « Create a copy now».

It will not be possible to “resurrect” all data using a backup copy - only the following will be available:

  • Contacts.
  • Application Contents " Notes».
  • Photos.
  • Messages and call history.
  • Phone settings and network settings.

Games, applications and music will not be restored.

Reset iPhone via Settings

You can reset the settings on your iPhone without connecting the gadget to the computer at all - you need to do this:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and select the section " Basic».

Step 2. Scroll to the end and select the subsection " Reset».

You will see that the device offers several reset options, including:

  • Reset settings on iPhone. With such an operation, all personal information that the user stored on the gadget will remain in place. But, say, alarm clocks and standard application settings will be reset. This short-term operation (the reset lasts no more than 1 minute) can help with periodic iPhone freezes.
  • Erase content and settings. This type of reset is useful when an Apple user wants to give away or sell a used iPhone. The buyer receives a completely “clean” gadget without traces of prior use - including de-authorization Apple ID. This operation is longer and takes about a couple of minutes (depending on how “cluttered” the memory is).
  • Reset network settings. This operation helps if, after replacing the SIM, the gadget cannot find the network of a new service provider and access the Internet via 3G. Personal information will definitely not be affected by such a reset.

Before resetting your iPhone, pay attention to these “safety rules”:

  • Before resetting (especially the second, longest type), recharge the gadget to at least 25-30%. If the iPhone “dies” while erasing data, most likely it will have to be restored through iTunes and cable.
  • iPhone with jailbreak (eg. Pangu) as a result of erasing the content, it will end up in “eternal apple mode”. Again, you will need to restore through iTunes with preliminary introduction of the gadget into DFU mode or Recovery Mode.

How to reset an iPhone via iTunes?

If necessary, reset the settings via iTunes First of all, you should disable the " Find iPhone"(if it is activated). To deactivate on your device, follow the path “ Settings» — « iCloud» — « Find iPhone" and turn the toggle switch to the "OFF" state. Then connect the gadget with a USB cable to the PC and follow these simple instructions:

Step 1. Click on the " Device", and you will find yourself in the section " Review».

Step 2. Click the button Restore iPhone..."

Step 3. In the window that appears, click " Restore» again - this way you confirm the request.

After that iTunes It will download the software to the gadget itself and return the iPhone to its original settings. When resetting the settings in this way, contacts, SMS, calendars, alarm clocks and notes will not be affected, but you will have to say goodbye to multimedia files.

Completely reset settings via Hard Reset

Reset via Hard Reset needed in such a situation: the user has forgotten the security password and cannot deactivate " Find iPhone" - the enabled function, in turn, prevents the settings from being restored through iTunes in a softer way.

It’s not for nothing that such an operation is called “hard” ( Hard) – resetting may result in all personal data being lost. Therefore, contact Hard Reset It is recommended only after other options have already been tried and were unsuccessful.

Recovery via Hard Reset done like this:

Step 1. Connect the gadget to your PC and launch iTunes normally.

Step 2. Enter your smartphone into DFU mode in the following way: simultaneously hold down the " Home" and the power button and count to 10. Then release the " Power" and continue to hold " Home» until the characteristic sound of connection in iTunes. After entering the gadget into DFU mode, there is no point in looking at its screen - it will be just black, without icons and images.

Step 3. Talk to iTunes, and you will see that the window has changed and only one button remains available - “ Restore iPhone..." You need to press it.

You will have to wait quite a long time for the initial settings to be restored - about 10 minutes. When the reset is complete, the user will have to choose one of two options: reactivate the gadget or try to return the deleted data through a backup copy to iTunes. To implement the second option, you need to go to the section “ Review» device and press the button « Restore from copy».


Unfortunately, the problems of smartphone users are not limited to gadget freezes - quite often, owners of even such secure devices as the iPhone become victims of fraud: attackers find out the security password, change it remotely and begin blackmail and extortion - your humble servant has also found himself in this situation. There is no question of transferring money - the blackmail will never end - but a simple reset to factory settings via iTunes will help leave intruders “out of their depth.” The main thing is not to neglect such an opportunity as creating backup copies: then, even after a “hard” reset, you will be able to restore important data.

Surely everyone has encountered the problem of an iPhone or iPad not working correctly. Previously, it showed the highest performance, but now it glitches with minimal use. It turns out that fixing this problem is very simple. You need to clear application data, reset some settings to factory settings, reset iOS, or even format the device completely. But how to do it correctly so as not to harm your favorite gadget? Let's find out!

What is a factory reset and is it necessary?

Any device, be it a computer, tablet, phone or even an MP3 player, saves a lot of additional data in addition to the information that the user directly views. This includes the application cache, operating system settings, and launch data for certain files. All this information is needed for the convenience and efficiency of using the gadget. After all, no one wants to configure the program from scratch after each launch or wait several minutes for the device to turn on. The operating system saves information that will be used frequently.

Naturally, the internal memory of any gadget is not endless. Despite the fact that auxiliary data takes up little space, sooner or later a lot of it will accumulate. And when the memory is overloaded, problems will begin. That is why resetting application data and settings of your phone or tablet is a necessary measure. Even if your device is working fine now, it is still worth clearing it of unnecessary information. This will help you avoid serious mistakes in the future.

What to do before completely cleaning your iPhone

So, if you decide to reset the settings (it doesn’t matter whether you want to completely format the device or clear the data of some programs), you first need to make a backup copy. This copy will save all your data and settings, as well as files and programs. In general, it is recommended to do backups periodically. If you want to “start over”, just skip this step.

Officially, Apple devices can back up using two programs: iCloud and iTunes. In the first case, your data will be placed in the cloud on the company’s server. So you can only access them via the Internet. The second option allows you to save a backup copy on your computer. Choose the one that suits you best.

Create a backup in iCloud

In order to back up your device to iCloud, you will need a Wi-Fi connection. In Settings, find iCloud and select it.

At the bottom of the list that opens, find the “Backup” option and turn on the “iCloud Backup” option.

Click on “Create a backup” and wait for the process to complete. Do not turn off Wi-Fi until the copy is complete.

To check if you were able to create a backup, go back to the Settings section called iCloud, then go to Storage -> Manage. Select your device. In the window that appears, you will see the time the copy was created.

iCloud provides automatic backup creation. It will update periodically if the iCloud Backup option is turned on in Settings. However, by default, only 5 GB of free space on the server is available to the user. If you want to save more data, you'll have to purchase a subscription that costs about $1.

Creating a Backup in iTunes

To back up your Apple device to your computer, do the following:

  1. Launch iTunes and connect your device to your PC.
  2. Enter the device password on your computer (if you have one installed).
  3. Select your device in the program interface (it will appear in the main window).
  4. In the window for working with the device, check the box next to the words “Encrypt backup”; set a password.
  5. Click "Make a copy."

To check your backup, go to the iTunes app options and under the Devices tab you will see a list of copies with the corresponding dates.

Using iTunes does not require a network connection. In addition, the amount of available memory is unlimited. However, you will have to create backups yourself each time.

How to reset iPhone to factory settings

So, the backups have been created. Now you can proceed directly to resetting the settings. We will consider all popular methods and options. The specific one you choose depends on your situation. For example, if the browser is faulty, you need to reset the cache and cookies; if the music plays poorly, clear the player data; if the desktop freezes, clean it, etc. But first of all, let's talk about a complete reset as the most radical measure.

Reset all settings

To perform a full reset procedure, go to “Settings” and find the “Reset” item in the “General” subsection.

A window will open for you to select a reset option. In this case, we are interested in the first two: “Reset all settings” and “Erase settings and content.”

In the first case, the device settings will be reset to factory settings. In this case, all your data and files will NOT be deleted. This option is suitable for those who have problems finding a network, cellular settings, synchronizing applications, etc. If you want to completely format the device, select the second option: “Erase settings and content.” After this, you will need to enter the gadget lock password.

If your device is jailbroken, this formatting method is not suitable for you. You need to use iTunes.

A reset warning will appear in front of you. Tap the “Erase iPhone” (or any other device) button twice.

If your phone is synced with iCloud, you will need to enter the appropriate password for your AppleID.

After entering the password, the formatting process will begin. An Apple icon and a loading bar will appear on the screen. It will take no more than 20 minutes.

Please note that for the formatting process to be successful, the phone must be charged at least 25%.

Video: how to reset settings on iPhone?

Reset all settings via iTunes

The exact same reset procedure can be done through iTunes. Connect the device to your computer and find it in the program interface. On the Overview tab, click the Restore Device button. Again, if you synced your gadget to iCloud, you will need to enter a password. After this, the formatting process will begin.

Reset all settings via iCloud

If your device is synced with iCloud, you can clear all its settings directly from your computer browser. However, your phone or tablet must be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, the formatting process will simply be configured and will begin the first time you connect.

Log in to the iCloud website and enter your personal information. Then go to the Find My Device app.

In the “All devices” list at the top, select the one you need and click on it.

A control panel will appear on the right. Select Erase iPhone.

A warning message appears. Click Erase.

Then you will need to enter your AppleID password again.

If you want, you can enter a message in the field that appears. It will appear on your device before formatting. Then click "Done".

The formatting process will begin instantly.

Please note that after formatting, you will not be able to track the gadget using the Find My Device function. It will need to be reconnected. Therefore, clear data through iCloud only if you know the exact location of your phone or tablet.

Reset advanced settings

Full formatting of the device is, of course, a radical measure. If you know exactly what the problem is, you don't have to erase everything. Apple devices provide the ability to reset specific settings. You can access it via the familiar path “Settings” -> “General” -> “Reset”.

Resetting network settings

This feature allows you to clear connections and passwords to Wi-Fi access points. Additionally, resetting your network settings will remove all connected VPN servers. Select the appropriate option and enter the device password to perform cleaning.

Resetting the keyboard dictionary

The keyboard on Apple devices can remember frequently used words. Subsequently, when typing, the program will offer you the desired word if you start typing it. Resetting the keyboard dictionary allows you to clear your word memory data.

Reset Home Setting

This function allows you to return the original appearance of the first page of your desktop. After the reset, shortcuts to standard programs installed by default will appear on it. The remaining icons will be moved to another page.

Reset location warning

Each program that uses data about the geographic location of the device, when first launched, requests permission to process the corresponding data. If you want to reset these permissions, reset the location alert.

Removing apps and support data

It may well be that an application is taking up too much memory. Or you want to delete a program that you haven't used for a long time. One way or another, this can be done in several ways.

Removing from desktop

To uninstall a program directly from your desktop, do the following:

  1. Go to your desktop.
  2. Press your finger on the touchscreen for 2 seconds.
  3. Click on the cross that appears next to the program shortcut and confirm deletion.

Please note that you cannot remove standard programs.

Removing from the "Storage"

In the “Settings” of your device, in the “General” -> “Statistics” subsection, there is a “Storage” application. It contains data about all installed programs, including the amount of memory they occupy. So here you can determine which application is taking up too much memory.

To remove a program, click on its name and select “Uninstall a program” in the window that opens.

Uninstall via iTunes

iTunes is used to control your Apple device through your computer. Accordingly, you can use it to remove programs. Connect your device to your PC and sign in to iTunes.

The connected device will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on it.

Go to the Applications (or Programs) tab. A list of installed programs will appear on the screen. Next to each there is a “Delete” button.

Once clicked, it will change to “Will be deleted”. This way, you can select several programs to remove. Then click "Apply" and the specified steps will be completed.

Video: working with files in iTunes

Cleaning Safari Browser

If you notice that your default browser has become incorrect or glitchy, it makes sense to clear cache data and cookies. Go to the Settings section called Safari.

Select "Delete cookies and data" to clear temporary files from your browser.

A warning message appears. Click the appropriate button.

Video: Cleaning Safari

You can also scrape data from specific sites. Go to the "Add-ons" subsection and select "Site Data".

You will see a list of all saved data, as well as the amount of memory occupied by them. Click "Edit" to start cleaning. A circle with a minus sign will appear next to each site.

After clicking on the corresponding circle, select “Delete”. The data will be erased.

Resetting your Apple device (both individually and all at once) is not difficult to do. Moreover, such cleaning has a positive effect on the operation of the gadget. Just don't forget to make a backup copy in case you suddenly delete something you need. Although you can find many “magic” applications online that will do everything for you, using them is not always a good idea. Better to do the cleaning yourself. This way, you will know exactly what is happening with your device.

With the latest updates to the iOS operating system, users of Apple smartphones now have a useful feature that helps them store logins and passwords for various sites and programs installed on the device. What to do if you forgot your account password?

This article is devoted to various ways of how you can reset a forgotten Apple ID password, if such a need arises. We will also consider the situation in which you do not have account information. This happens if the phone was purchased secondhand, and the previous owner did not provide the data.

Performing a reset without a password

This case is relevant in cases of resale or when you are incredibly lucky to find a gadget lost by someone. Let's look at a fairly simple procedure on how to reset an iPhone without an Apple ID password to factory settings. The procedure looks like this:

  • Download the iTunes program from the official website (if for some reason it is not available on your phone). Perform installation and subsequent startup.

What could go wrong

If you found a device on the street or bought it second-hand, there is a high probability that it will not be possible to reset it to factory settings without the participation of the owner. This is all due to proprietary security, or rather, an extremely useful function called “Find iPhone”.

What it is

Apple's proprietary device search program is a fairly useful thing that allows you to track the location of a device if it goes missing outside the home. It works like this:

  • If the phone is lost by the owner, then he, using the manufacturer’s website, activates this function.
  • A message appears on the smartphone screen with information from the owner and an address to which the lost item can be brought. There, the owner himself can find out about the last location of his iPhone.
  • When the search function is activated, attempting to reset your Apple ID password via email or iTunes will result in the gadget being completely locked and turning into a useless set of parts. Therefore, you need to be very careful when purchasing such devices.

    Let's move on to solving the question of how to reset your password knowing your Apple ID.

Working with two-factor authentication

This is a fairly useful feature that should definitely be activated on all Apple devices. Its advantage is that you can reset data from any trusted device. Let's look at a few ways to do this.

Recovery via mobile phones, tablets or players

Let's look at how to reset your Apple ID password on an iPhone. The algorithm for performing actions is presented below:

  • Check the version of the operating system installed on your device. If it is lower than the 10th release, update (unless the device is very old and can work stably on the new axis version).
  • After this, go to the program called “Settings”.
  • At the very top of the list, click on the item with your account name. From there, go to the "Password and Security" subsection and select "Change Password."

  • After this, instructions will appear on the screen, following which you can easily figure out how to reset your Apple ID password.

For earlier versions

If your device has the second update of the tenth version of the operating system from Apple or an earlier one, then the algorithm will be slightly different:

  • Go to the "Settings" program.
  • Find the iCloud subsection. From there, go to the item with your account name.
  • Next, go to the already familiar “Password and Security” and “Change Password”.

  • Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

What can interfere

If you can’t reset your Apple ID password using this method, then check one important detail. Make sure you're signed in to iCloud. To do this, follow the algorithm:

  • Launch the Settings program.
  • Activate the line that says "Login to device."
  • Next, select "Don't have an Apple ID or forgot it?" and follow the steps written in the instructions that appear on the screen.

Recovering via Mac

If you have a laptop or computer from Apple, then you can also try to figure out how to reset your Apple ID password using this device. The algorithm of actions is presented below:

  • Launch the Apple menu, then go to the system settings section.
  • Activate the iCloud section.
  • Here, select the item called “Account”.
  • Next, go to the “Security” subsection, and from there to “Reset Password”.
  • After this, the device will also display instructions on the screen, following which you can learn how to reset your Apple ID password.

Possible difficulties

As in the previous option, problems may arise with the iCloud service. If you are not logged in, then you will not be able to reset the data. So follow these steps:

  • Launch the Apple menu.
  • Open System Preferences and select iCloud.
  • Next, activate the line “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” and do everything according to the instructions displayed on the gadget screen.

What to do if all the devices listed above are missing

The method presented below on how to reset your Apple ID password is suitable for those who have lost any of their Apple devices. But you will need a third-party device from the same manufacturer. The recovery algorithm looks like this:

  • Having obtained a smartphone, player or tablet from Apple, go to the Settings program.
  • In the list of functions, select the line "Find iPhone".

  • After that, enter your Apple ID information in the empty field. If the data of the current owner is indicated there, then delete it and enter your own.
  • Next, click on the line that says “Forgot your Apple ID or password?”
  • Then simply follow the instructions that will be displayed on the device screen.


Now let’s look at the method when you need to provide answers to the security questions that you chose when you first set up your account. To perform the procedure, follow the following algorithm:

  • Make sure that your phone is connected to the Internet using any of the available methods (LTE, WI-FI or 3G).
  • Launch the Settings program and scroll through the list until you find the line “App Store, iTunes Store” or “iCloud”.

  • Next, go to the subsection "Forgot your Apple ID or password?"
  • Enter the email address to which your current account is linked.
  • From the list of reset options that appears, select "Answer security questions." Press the key.
  • After that, on the new page, confirm your date of birth.
  • Then go through the process of entering answers to two of the three security questions you provided when you first set up your account.
  • When you have successfully completed this operation, write down the new Apple ID password in the specified field, then confirm it and press the change data key.

Now let's move on to how to reset your Apple ID password on the website.

Two-step verification

For this method you will need to have a computer and the Internet at hand. The algorithm for performing actions is presented below:

  • In your browser, open the official website of your smartphone manufacturer.

  • From there, go to your Apple ID account page.
  • Select the already familiar section “Forgot your Apple ID or password?”. If you are asked to confirm your phone number, please return to the paragraph on
  • Next, enter your Apple ID.
  • After that, go to the password reset option. Press the button to continue the procedure.
  • In the new window, enter the recovery key that you received when setting up this function.
  • After this, you will be asked to select a trusted device, which will receive an SMS with a short code to confirm the operation.
  • When you enter it, on the site page you will be asked to provide a new password.
  • Complete the recording and press the reset key.

As soon as you complete this operation, the site will ask you to re-authorize with new data. It is also worth checking the need to update information in the smartphone settings.

Computer and mailbox

Never link one password to multiple services. In this case, there is a possibility that if you lose this information, you will lose access to many accounts. The following is an algorithm for how to proceed to reset your Apple ID password using your registered email address:

  • Launch the website in your Internet browser to create a new Apple ID. The page will offer you options for creating a new account or managing an old one.
  • Under the second option there will be a link to reset your password with the corresponding inscription. Activate it.
  • After moving to the new section, you will be asked to choose one of several methods for resetting passwords. You need to use the first one - email authentication.
  • Click "Next" to continue the operation.
  • After this, an email will be sent to the previously specified email address containing a link.
  • Activate it to go to the page for creating a new password for your Apple ID account.
  • After completing the data change, confirm all completed actions. Now you know how to reset your Apple ID password via email.

Contacting the service center

It is worth noting right away that performing this action is not advisable. The problem is that the Cupertino team takes the issue of user data security quite seriously. However, after the release of version 12 of the operating system, the policy changed greatly. This affected calls and SMS. As a result, to reset your password this way, you will have to work hard to prove that you are the user of the device. Here is just a small part of the documentation that must be provided to the operator in order to carry out the necessary procedure:

  • Receipt from the store confirming the purchase of the device.
  • The address where the purchase was made.
  • The exact date of the transaction (most often indicated on the receipt).
  • Passport details of the current owner.

Do not under any circumstances inform the operator that the device was purchased secondhand. Otherwise, you will be denied the operation. It’s better to try contacting the former owner of the smartphone or create a receipt on one of the relevant services on the Internet.

If your request to reset your password has been accepted, don't try to find out its status every day. The company will regard this as suspicious activity. For this reason you will be added to the blacklist.

Why you shouldn't try to guess your password

As mentioned above, Apple takes the security of its users' Apple ID accounts extremely seriously. On many websites (including the official one) you can find a list of actions that fall under the category of so-called suspicious activity. On your part it could be:

  • Already mentioned above is the excessive interest in the restoration process.
  • Repeated attempts to guess the password for your own Apple ID account.
  • Frequently repeated requests to receive SMS with a password reset code.
  • Exceeding the number of attempts to receive an email with a recovery link.
  • Repeated failure when trying to answer security questions.

Apple ID is an account used for authorization on Apple services. Given the corporation's increased attention to the safety of users' personal information from prying eyes, increased requirements are imposed on the access code: it must consist of 8 characters (numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters). It can be difficult to remember such a key. But if the user has forgotten his Apple ID, he may forget about purchasing and downloading applications, as well as using iCloud cloud storage.

Password reset

What to do if your password is lost and you can’t remember it yourself? Try to restore EPD ID on iPhone. There are two ways to reset the key: via email or by answering security questions. Both procedures are available on any platform, be it iPhone, iPad, Mac or Windows PC.

Reset via email

First, let's figure out how to reset a password via email. The procedure is implemented according to a standard algorithm; it is almost impossible to get confused during execution:

You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your security key. If a backup e-mail is specified in your profile settings, check it - there should be a similar message here. If the letter does not arrive, make sure that you enter the email address correctly and look at the Spam folder - some services by default mistake automatic mailing for unwanted messages.

In the email, find the “Reset Password” link. When clicked, the browser will launch with the reset page open. To restore access to all Apple services, you need to enter the new password twice and click on the “Reset” button. Done, you can now download free apps, make purchases, and sync your device with iCloud again.

By the way, pay attention to who the email with the reset link comes from. The sender must be Apple Corporation with an address [email protected]. If the message came from another domain or you did not try to reset the security key at all, then do not open the message or follow any links - this is a phishing attack aimed at gaining access to your device.

If you need to reset the access code on a Mac, then you need to do the same thing: in settings or in iTunes, click on the “Forgot your password?” link, write an email and go to the security key reset page.

As already noted, you can reset your password on any platform. If you suddenly have an Android smartphone or a PC with Windows OS at hand, then to restore the key you need to go to the control page in your browser at and click on the already familiar “Forgot your password?” link. , and then follow the steps described above to reset the security key.

Answers to security questions

If you are unable to get into the email account you used during registration, you will not be able to restore access via email. What to do in this case? Try to reset your Apple ID by answering three security questions.

The first question is standard – the date of birth of the phone owner. If you set up your Apple ID yourself and entered real data, then it’s not difficult to answer correctly.


For every owner of Apple devices, a personal Id is an integral part of the system. It provides access to the iTunes Store, App Store, and the ability to create backups that allow you to transfer data from one device to another. A person may forget his ID and then it is necessary to recover his Apple password.

What to do if you forgot your Apple ID

The company is trying to unite all its devices into a single network so that a person can access files and data while sitting at a computer, using a tablet or iPhone. To log into the app store from all these devices, you will need one login/code pair, but what to do if the user has forgotten his Apple password or personal ID? All devices, provided that you have logged into your account at least once, save your Id. Instructions on where to view Apple ID:

  • go to the “Settings” section;
  • open any of the official stores (app store or iTunes);
  • if you have previously logged in, your ID will be displayed.

If this method does not help, the company’s technical support service has prepared several options on how to recover your apple id password:

  1. Using the e-mail that you specified when creating your account.
  2. Recover using security questions.
  3. Through the two-step verification service (assuming you have previously activated it).

How to find out your Apple ID and password

One of the easiest ways to remember your Apple ID is two-step verification. To protect the iPhone, the company has developed a system that improves the protection of the phone. For this item to work, authentication must be activated in advance. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Go to the “My Apple ID” tab, enter the identifier, click on “Reset Password”, click “Next”.
  2. The following page will open, on it you need to write the verification key. You should have it written down; it was sent when you set up two-step verification. Specify the device to which the code should be sent.
  3. Enter the sent code on your PC and create a new password.
  4. If the verification code is lost, all that remains is to contact user support.

How to recover Apple ID and password via email

Registration of an iPhone in the system is always carried out by linking the device to an email account. The next method on how to recover your apple id password will help you do it quickly and easily if you have access to your e-mail. You just need to issue a letter requesting a passport. The procedure consists of several steps:

  1. Go to the account management page, click the “Reset password” link. It is located at the top of the screen.
  2. Check the box next to “Authentication by email”. Click “Next” and enter the email address previously specified during registration.
  3. You should receive a message containing instructions on the ID recovery procedure and password replacement.

How to reset Apple ID by answering security questions

If you do not have access to your email, lost personal data for logging into company services can be restored using another method - answering security questions correctly. To do this on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to account management, in the right corner click “Reset password”.
  2. This time, check the box next to “Answer security questions.” Click the “Next” button.
  3. The system will ask you to write your ID, enter your date of birth, and answer questions. All of them were generated during account registration.
  4. You should know the answers; if everything is entered correctly, you will be able to set a new password for your account.

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