How to remotely enable GPS on Android. How to get back your lost Android

Modern Cell phones gradually becoming more intelligent and coping with a wide range of tasks - from organizing your workouts to work processes and entertainment. It becomes even more annoying if your mobile assistant becomes a victim of thieves or your absent-mindedness. However, there is a real way not only to get your smartphone back, but also to drive the villains to a nervous breakdown.

There are quite a lot of programs that detect and remotely control certain functions of your smartphone, but all of them, as a rule, have a paid status, and if they have a free option, then with extremely limited functionality. Application Android Lost Free in this sense, it is unique - many of its capabilities have no analogues, and use is completely free.

First you need to install a small client program weighing about 140 kb from the store Google applications. After launching it, only one window will appear with several options. Here, for the program to work fully, you will need to provide it with administrative rights and the ability to receive and send SMS messages.

To communicate with your phone, of course, some kind of communication channel is required. Android Lost Free uses two methods for this: your current Internet connection and control using special SMS. Thus, if your device can somehow be reached, the program will do it.

The main tool for working with your lost phone is a special web service. Its design may not inspire enthusiasm, but it does its job perfectly well. To begin, you will need to sign in using your account to Google, as this is required to send messages. After this, you can begin to explore the capabilities of the service.

The program has functions great amount and all of them are conveniently sorted into several tabs in the section Controls. Here is a list of the most interesting of the many available options:

Alarm- at your signal, the phone begins to ring and blink heart-rendingly. what may be useful to you if you are on the trail of an attacker;

GPS— determination of the phone’s position on the map.

Phone Status- when you press this button, the phone sends you detailed information about its status, including model, battery status, imei number and so on.

Message popup— displaying your message on the phone screen. This way you can ask for your lost item to be returned.

SMS post— using this function you can send SMS from your phone to the selected number.

Message Picture is a clever feature that allows you to send a message to your phone, and the moment it is responded to, the front camera will take a photo and send it to you. A good opportunity to see the face of the new owner of your device.

Lock phone— blocks the phone, and to enter you will now need to enter the digital code you set.

Call List— get a list of all recent telephone conversations. Can be useful if you need to find out the attacker's contacts.

Sound Recording, Front Camera, Rear Camera- yes, you can make your phone record audio, take pictures with the front and rear cameras. And the results, of course, will be sent to you immediately.

SMS commands- you have the opportunity to control your phone using text messages from another phone. The list of available commands is very extensive and is available on this page.

This is not a complete list of the program’s capabilities, but it clearly illustrates its extraordinary capabilities. Yes, I already foresee the voices of skeptics who will say that when a phone is stolen, they usually turn it off completely and then immediately reflash it, so even the most cunning program will not help. But firstly, this does not always happen instantly, so there is still a chance of detection, especially if the new owner wants to dig into your data. And secondly, the program Android Lost Free gives some chance of returning the phone, and its absence reduces them to complete zero. So install, test, share your impressions in the comments.

Mobile devices in the operating room Android system They have serious functionality and make the life of users much easier. Smartphones and tablets are mobile, which is their main advantage. However, they are easy to lose, and the owner of the gadget can become a victim of an attacker. To prevent the user's personal information from becoming available to third parties, the Android Lost application was developed.

This utility has great functionality. The application is distributed free of charge, and using Lost Android is extremely simple. The main task of the software is to search for a lost or stolen mobile device.

This is an extremely unpleasant situation that anyone can find themselves in. The point here is not even the upcoming costs of purchasing a new device. Many users store important information on their tablets and smartphones. If it is lost, serious problems may arise. The current location of the gadget is determined using the GPS system. You can also turn on the siren periodically to simplify the search process.

If mobile device was stolen, you can try to identify the attacker by taking his photographs. The program allows you to delete all important information by sending SMS.

To use Android Lost Free, the device must be turned on and online. Just take it out of your phone battery, and the program will not work. However, its presence on the phone leaves the user certain chances of returning the gadget.

Installation and use

All applications developed for Android are easy to install. To protect your mobile gadget, it is better to download them from the official Google store. To install the utility, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go to Google Play.
  • Enter in search bar the name of the program.
  • Start the installation.
  • Once the process is complete, you will need to enter your Google account information.

Since the application size is only 0.14 MB, the installation will complete quickly and will not require much memory. To use AndroidLost to find your device, you need to do the following:

  • The user goes to the official website of the developers
  • Clicks Sign in.
  • In the form that appears, indicate the name in Google account and code.

After completing these steps, the user will have access to all functions of the application.

Even a novice user can understand the functionality of the application. There are several options available to work with it.

Controls section

This is where all the main functions are located. In the first subsection Basic you can activate the sound signal. Thanks to the siren, it will be easier to detect the device in tall grass, a large apartment, or determine the location of the intruder if the theft was quickly detected. Also in this tab you can change the sound signal, enable phone vibration and activate the ability to obtain the coordinates of your mobile device using the GPS system.

The second subsection is called Status. Clicking on the Send status button allows you to quickly get the most detailed information about your phone or tablet. To adjust the volume level, as well as activate/deactivate sound, go to the Sound tab. Here, if desired, the systems are activated wireless transmission data and camera flash. By clicking on the List App, the user will receive full list all software installed on the device.

Security submenu

The title of this section speaks for itself. Here are all the functions to protect your phone. For example, you can hide the Android lost utility itself or activate the process of formatting a flash drive. Given the importance of this submenu, It’s worth taking a closer look at the options here:

  • Screen timeout. Designed to set the time until the screen turns off since the last interaction with it.
  • Hide AndroidLost. A very important point with which the application can be hidden from prying eyes. As a result, the attacker will not know that security software is installed on the phone.
  • Lock timeout. The developers themselves say that this option will primarily be useful to owners of HTC devices. Using the value "0", the gadget will return to its original state.
  • SIM card owner. An equally important option with which the SIM card tracking system is activated.
  • Block your phone. If the user has not selected other methods of blocking the phone, then you should pay attention to this menu item. After activating the option, to start working with the mobile device, you will have to enter a special code specified by the owner of the gadget in the settings field.
  • Unlock phone. Deactivating the lock.
  • Clear SD card. The flash drive installed in the phone will be formatted.
  • Wipe phone. Clears the gadget's memory, returning it to factory settings.

Other options

Using the Messages tab, the owner of a mobile device can send an SMS to the person who found the phone. It should be noted that received messages pop up on top of the running software. Also in this section you can use the SMS inbox and sent functions. With its help, the owner will receive all the latest SMS messages received on his smartphone.

One of the most interesting features of the program is the ability to obtain a photo of the person who is currently holding the phone. As soon as a person starts reading an SMS sent using the service, the front camera will take a photo. The Mobile option contains several subsections.



Text to speech The phrase entered in this field will be announced by the smartphone. Voice is generated using built-in TTS.
Dial phone Activates the call forwarding function, but first you should check with your operator whether the option can be enabled.
Put the phone down If a call is made from a lost smartphone, you can interrupt it.
Call list After clicking, the number of call log entries specified by the owner will be sent from the lost device. You can view them in the Logs submenu.
Browser History The option allows you to get the addresses of the last 20 sites visited from a mobile device.
Sound Recording Allows you to record sound using the smartphone's built-in microphone. You also need to indicate the recording time.
Front-camera To activate it, use the Take picture button. The photos she takes will be sent to the service, and you can view them in the Logs submenu.
Rear camera It is also activated by the Take pi.cture button.
Polling service The option is designed to track the SIM card replacement process. If this happens, the application will continue to monitor the mobile device with new information

The last two options - BackUp and SMS - allow you to create a backup copy of all information from a lost phone on the Google service and control the gadget using text messages.

Android Lost is an application for Android devices, which is a tool for managing your smartphone in case of theft or loss. Remote sending of commands via the Internet or SMS messages is supported. For full operation, you need to install the application and connect personal account Google by registering in the service on the website Russian language is not supported. It should be noted that after installation and configuration it is possible to remove the icon from the list installed applications. This is done so that in case of theft, an attacker does not suspect the existence of a mechanism for remotely blocking and controlling the smartphone.


This application supports the following commands:

  • checking phone status;
  • activation of an alarm beep for an arbitrary time interval;
  • displaying a pop-up window with text on the device;
  • playback of an arbitrary phrase through the device speakers (on English language);
  • turning WiFi on and off;
  • making a voice call to any phone number;
  • manage APN settings;
  • determining the current coordinates of the device and sending them via SMS;
  • lock your phone using a PIN code;
  • unlocking your phone;
  • cleaning internal memory device and SD card contents;
  • Complete phone cleaning.

An obvious but important aspect is to provide a large number of permissions for the application to operate. On the one hand, it is obvious that without access to certain actions (calls, SMS, reading data from a memory card), the application will not fully function. However this service is not an official product of any company, which casts doubt on the legality of using all the data to which the application has access.

Mobile devices on operating system Android has serious functionality and makes the life of users much easier. Smartphones and tablets are mobile, which is their main advantage. However, they are easy to lose, and the owner of the gadget can become a victim of an attacker. To prevent the user's personal information from becoming available to third parties, the Android Lost application was developed.

This utility has great functionality. The application is distributed free of charge, and using Lost Android is extremely simple. The main task of the software is to search for a lost or stolen mobile device.

This is an extremely unpleasant situation that anyone can find themselves in. The point here is not even the upcoming costs of purchasing a new device. Many users store important information on their tablets and smartphones. If it is lost, serious problems may arise. The current location of the gadget is determined using the GPS system. You can also turn on the siren periodically to simplify the search process.

If your mobile device has been stolen, you can try to identify the intruder by taking photographs of him. The program allows you to delete all important information by sending an SMS.

To use Android Lost Free, the device must be turned on and online. It is enough to remove the battery from the phone, and the program will not be able to work. However, its presence on the phone leaves the user certain chances of returning the gadget.

Installation and use

All applications developed for Android are easy to install. To protect your mobile gadget, it is better to download them from the official Google store. To install the utility, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go to Google Play.
  • Enter the name of the program in the search bar.
  • Start the installation.
  • Once the process is complete, you will need to enter your Google account information.

Since the application size is only 0.14 MB, the installation will complete quickly and will not require much memory. To use AndroidLost to find your device, you need to do the following:

  • The user goes to the official website of the developers
  • Clicks Sign in.
  • In the form that appears, indicate your Google account name and code.

After completing these steps, the user will have access to all functions of the application.

Even a novice user can understand the functionality of the application. There are several options available to work with it.

Controls section

This is where all the main functions are located. In the first subsection Basic you can activate the sound signal. Thanks to the siren, it will be easier to detect the device in tall grass, a large apartment, or determine the location of the intruder if the theft was quickly detected. Also in this tab you can change the sound signal, enable phone vibration and activate the ability to obtain the coordinates of your mobile device using the GPS system.

The second subsection is called Status. Clicking on the Send status button allows you to quickly get the most detailed information about your phone or tablet. To adjust the volume level, as well as activate/deactivate sound, go to the Sound tab. Here, if desired, wireless data transmission systems and the camera flash are activated. By clicking on List App, the user will receive a complete list of all software installed on the device.

Security submenu

The title of this section speaks for itself. Here are all the functions to protect your phone. For example, you can hide the Android lost utility itself or activate the process of formatting a flash drive. Given the importance of this submenu, It’s worth taking a closer look at the options here:

  • Screen timeout. Designed to set the time until the screen turns off since the last interaction with it.
  • Hide AndroidLost. A very important point with which the application can be hidden from prying eyes. As a result, the attacker will not know that security software is installed on the phone.
  • Lock timeout. The developers themselves say that this option will primarily be useful to owners of HTC devices. Using the value "0", the gadget will return to its original state.
  • SIM card owner. An equally important option with which the SIM card tracking system is activated.
  • Block your phone. If the user has not selected other methods of blocking the phone, then you should pay attention to this menu item. After activating the option, to start working with the mobile device, you will have to enter a special code specified by the owner of the gadget in the settings field.
  • Unlock phone. Deactivating the lock.
  • Clear SD card. The flash drive installed in the phone will be formatted.
  • Wipe phone. Clears the gadget's memory, returning it to factory settings.

Other options

Using the Messages tab, the owner of a mobile device can send an SMS to the person who found the phone. It should be noted that received messages pop up on top of the running software. Also in this section you can use the SMS inbox and sent functions. With its help, the owner will receive all the latest SMS messages received on his smartphone.

One of the most interesting features of the program is the ability to obtain a photo of the person who is currently holding the phone. As soon as a person starts reading an SMS sent using the service, the front camera will take a photo. The Mobile option contains several subsections.



Text to speech The phrase entered in this field will be announced by the smartphone. Voice is generated using built-in TTS.
Dial phone Activates the call forwarding function, but first you should check with your operator whether the option can be enabled.
Put the phone down If a call is made from a lost smartphone, you can interrupt it.
Call list After clicking, the number of call log entries specified by the owner will be sent from the lost device. You can view them in the Logs submenu.
Browser History The option allows you to get the addresses of the last 20 sites visited from a mobile device.
Sound Recording Allows you to record sound using the smartphone's built-in microphone. You also need to indicate the recording time.
Front-camera To activate it, use the Take picture button. The photos she takes will be sent to the service, and you can view them in the Logs submenu.
Rear camera It is also activated by the Take pi.cture button.
Polling service The option is designed to track the SIM card replacement process. If this happens, the application will continue to monitor the mobile device with new information

The last two options - BackUp and SMS - allow you to create a backup copy of all information from a lost phone on the Google service and control the gadget using text messages.

And from time immemorial, people have always lost something: glasses, gloves, laptops and, which is not uncommon, phones. And if this happens, you don’t need to grab your head and start calling every lost property office in your town. Perhaps the device is behind the sofa, and you can set up an emergency bell that will signal this. Or perhaps someone has already found your phone, and if you have taken care in advance of how to contact you in case of loss, perhaps this person is not devoid of altruistic notes, and will do so. But what if this is not the case, and no one is going to return the phone to you? Then you should at least delete the information on your phone so that your correspondence, correspondence and address book do not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons. What steps to take if you lose your mobile device, and how to find lost phone will be discussed in today's article.

Basic Android Remote Controls

Google announced this service about 7-8 years ago. By activating the gadget's access to geodata in the phone settings, using this service you can get exact location lost device. In addition to this, you can rename the phone, perform an emergency call (the phone will ring at full volume for several minutes, wherever it is. If it is somewhere nearby, this function will certainly help). You can also make changes to the lock screen settings: set a phone number, using which the finder can contact you and report the find; add a message that you would like to show on the lock screen; close the lock with a password.

If the hope of a return is irretrievably lost, you can resort to extreme measures: delete all data on the hardware product to prevent it from falling into the hands of an attacker. Of course, to perform all the described operations, the device must be connected to the network - if there is no connection at the moment, then all configured tasks will be completed as soon as the new owner of the smartphone connects (the same is true for all other applications, presented in this material).

How to find a lost phone if you didn’t take care of protecting it in advance? It’s worth taking a closer look at this reliable service.

Mobile application “Android Remote Control”

Having installed this application on any other mobile device and connecting to your Google account, using this program you can do all the same actions as in the computer version of the web service. A user-friendly interface, well-thought-out functionality, and fast execution of functions - all this also makes the Android program for remote management of the environment an advantageous choice compared to competing products.

Lost Android - how to find a lost phone without unnecessary financial and time costs

Official project page - link

Official Google Play page for download - link

After installation, a very inconspicuous icon called “Personal Notes” appears on the phone. Perhaps this can explain the developer’s successful decision to hide remote control and administration capabilities from prying eyes.

When you first launch it, a prompt appears on the screen to grant the user administrator rights - without this, any manipulations with it will be impossible.

This is where the executive part associated with the phone ends. You will perform all subsequent actions through web interface.

All available operations in Lost Android are divided into categories, which is undoubtedly very convenient. Functionality services are quite wide, we will tell you only about the most popular and unique features of the project.

As you might have guessed, all the features available in the Google service are present here. Instead of an emergency call, using this software product you can start a siren on your phone. You can select any melody as a signal for the siren as an alternative to the standard sound. You can also make the device vibrate for a specified number of seconds. A feature is also available to determine the location of the device, and unlike the standard remote Google management, here you do not need to open access to geodata on your phone. GPS or nearby Wi-Fi networks are used to identify the location.

The user has the right to find out the status of the phone (battery indicator, IMEI, etc.), activate/deactivate sounds, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, flashlight, GPS and get a list of applications installed on the smart phone. You can send any type of SMS and pop-up messages to your phone.

It is worth highlighting separately the set of operations associated with the execution of the set. You can set a text message and it will be clearly displayed on your phone (though this feature available exclusively in English). The call redirection function will be very relevant. You can also remotely get your dialed call history and browser history.

Now about the most important thing - with the help of Lost Android you can do backups browser, incoming SMS, contacts, photos, audio, and immediately, without leaving your workplace, upload it all to an FTP server, having previously specified the connection settings directly from your computer. Really cool.

The app also has a number of premium features. By activating them, you can launch any applications on the device, search for contacts, take screenshots, turn off and restart the phone (however, after a week of them free use you'll have to shell out a small amount if you don't want to part with it).

Android Lost takes pride of place in our review, since of all the functional utilities presented, no one was able to bypass it, for which we should express special gratitude to the developers.

This program works as follows: after installation, registering an account and adding a mobile device with remote phone or computer it becomes possible to send keywords, a list of which you can see in the program itself.

If you access your phone from a computer, you don’t need to enter anything by hand—a convenient, intuitive interface is available here, which won’t be difficult to understand. All management is carried out through a special web service called Commander.

The developer has provided the following functional set:

— determining the location of the gadget with high or low accuracy;

— an emergency call that allows you to find out about the possible nearby location of the device;

- shooting from the main or front camera with or without flash (Pro version only);

— lock the screen using a specified 4 or 6-digit PIN code (in the Pro package);

— deleting all data from both internal memory and external SD card.

The application leaves a very holistic impression thanks to its thoughtful design, a fairly comprehensive set of functions and a competent development strategy. As written on home page, the authors are currently working on fixing some bugs and adding a number of new features (improving Commander, advanced management of device settings, automatically locking the phone when the SIM card is removed from the case, taking a picture from the camera after several unsuccessful unlocking attempts). All these ideas are quite new in this segment and will certainly help Wheres My Droid occupy an even more significant niche in the market for similar products. Using this application, you will solve for yourself the eternal problem that everyone without exception faces - how to find a lost phone.

Official page on Google Play - link

Another development from a renowned manufacturer of high-quality antivirus software products. After installation, the phone owner is asked to enter his real name; set a PIN code that will be used to manage the application settings and indicate the number of a close friend (SMS messages will be sent to him if the SIM card is changed by the person who finds the product).

Next, real magic happens - the program goes into complete invisibility mode: except in the list installed programs, it is no longer displayed anywhere, and it becomes almost impossible to track its implementation.

Subsequent management of Avast Anti-Theft is carried out via the web interface:

By clicking on the icons with the most popular actions, you activate specified special functions that remotely control the phone. Options are available for determining the location of the device, marking it as lost or found (in case of loss, the same operations will be used as when changing the SIM card - tracking, blocking, siren, turning off the mode USB debugging etc.), forwarding messages and calls to another phone, turning on the siren and blocking.

All involved software options are made quite efficiently and clearly. For example, the function of determining the location of the device is closely integrated with Google service Maps. You can display any type of geographic map, from satellite and hybrid to terrain and temperature maps. Flexible search filtering by date is also available (if the device is moving, you can easily track its route).

The program can control not only smartphones, but also laptops based on Windows or Mac OS X. Compared to other applications, this feature in Avast Anti-Theft is exclusive.

How to find a lost phone if no programs were pre-installed on it and no auxiliary manipulations were carried out? In this case, you should use the regular service from Google. If you want to protect yourself from loss in advance, the best choice would be Lost Android - the limits of its capabilities are much wider than other software products presented in our review.

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