How to completely remove baidu from your computer. How to remove Baidu from your computer? Complete removal of Chinese Baida! Removing Baidu using special utilities

Baidu is a Chinese program that can get onto your computer when downloading various software from unverified sources. Its work is that it changes the browser settings, inserts advertisements and in every possible way irritates and interferes with work. How to completely remove baidu from your computer will be discussed in this article.

How to remove baidu from computer

Let’s say right away that deletion is best done in safe mode. To do this, you need to reboot the device and press F8 at startup. You can also use the instructions on how to completely remove Chinese antivirus from your computer, which describes a similar problem.

  • Launch the task manager window. In the " Processes"You need to stop all processes that have baidu in their name. Click on them with the mouse and press the button “Cancel task.”
  • If the system does not allow you to work with processes and denies access, then move on to the next point.
  • In the search bar of the Start menu, enter baidu. Everything that is found must be deleted. If it is not deleted, you can rename it (using the menu that appears after pressing the right mouse button) and try to delete it again. If this doesn’t work, then move on, later we’ll delete these folders after reinstalling.
  • There is another way to delete folders named Baidu. To do this, we look for them in system folders Program Files, as well as Program Data and Common Files. We try to delete in the same way, if it doesn’t work, then we rename it and try deleting again. If that doesn’t work, then leave it and delete it after rebooting. Some folders of the malicious program may be hidden, so first you need to press the Alt button and go to “Tools” to the “Folder Options” item. There we put a checkmark opposite the item that will allow you to show hidden folders and files.
  • Next, you need to download and install the CCleaner program. Downloading can be done from the developer's website absolutely free of charge.
  • After installation CCleaner programs, launch it and go to the “Startup” section, which can be seen in the panel on the left.
  • In each tab in the window on the right, we delete everything that contains the word baidu or Chinese characters in the “Publisher” field.
  • Then you need to clean the registry. All actions in the registry must be performed very carefully, since deleting something that is not considered harmful software can greatly affect the operation of the system for the worse.
  • To do this, open the registry window with the regedit command, written in the window called up by the Win + R buttons.
  • In the registry window, you need to select the “Computer” line by clicking on it once.
  • Then, click on the “Edit” tab and select “Find Next”.
  • In the search window, enter Baidu and click on the “Find Next” button.
  • You need to remove everything that contains the name Baidu (look both in the “Name” field and in the “Value” field). If the folder is not deleted, then try renaming and deleting again.
  • To be sure, we need to repeat the search several times (in general, it should be about forty times) until we reach the end of the registry and the search results are zero.
  • After that, in the Start menu you can see if there are any programs in Chinese there. If there is, then copy the name and also enter it in the registry search. Whatever is found is deleted.

What is Baidu? Initially, it was positioned as a good Chinese antivirus, but someone had the crazy idea to start spreading it across the network as a virus.

In the vast majority of cases, the user will not even realize that this software has appeared on his machine, since the installation process is hidden and carried out automatically.

You won’t even have the opportunity to refuse dubious software.

A logical question is brewing: how to remove baidu from a windows computer so that the computer starts working again as it should.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to copy all available addresses on the disks where the miracle antivirus is found. For these purposes, launch the task manager. You can do this in 2 ways:

  2. Right-click on the Start panel and select the desired menu.

In the manager, you need to find and open the tab with processes, and then sort out the malware.

To do this, click on the “image name” column to arrange all running programs and applications in alphabetical order.

The “Description” column will help you localize the Chinese spy - he will identify himself with hieroglyphs.

In this case, you can observe as many as 6 processes that were opened to support the main one.

Create new document in a notepad into which you will copy the address of the running application.

The algorithm is incredibly simple: right-click on the task and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

You will see a window with the location. All that remains is to find out the full address, which we will need more than once. We copy this set of characters into our document.

For each process (we had 6 of them) we do the same. Remember that this is very important, and even if the paths are repeated, still copy them into the document.

At the end it will look something like this.

Your path may be different, so don't pay too much attention to the example. Only the algorithm and sequence of actions performed are shown here.

Removing software

Despite the fact that the uninstallation takes place in Chinese, which is incomprehensible to many, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to be careful.

First you need to go to “uninstall programs”. Click “Start” - “control panel”. The item you are looking for, by the way, may also be called “programs and components.”

We wait until the entire list of software is loaded and find a malicious product with a blue label. We are not interested in green.

Right-click on it to delete.

You will see a rather unusual Chinese window. Now you will have to rely only on screenshots with explanations, because confusing the button is as easy as shelling pears.

Click on the highlighted key.

Now onto this one.

A window will appear with a question mark and a strange request. Click on the left set of hieroglyphs, as shown below.

This way you confirm the deletion. Now all that remains is to wait while the set of executable files is uninstalled. Don't rush to rejoice, because at the end the window will come out again.

We press the only button, but under no circumstances do we check the boxes anywhere.

Now let’s remember about the second program with the “green” label. You need to get rid of it this way.

Do this until you are finally convinced that the system is more or less “cleansed” of foreign infection of the Chinese type.

Note! If you think that's all, you're wrong. Open the task manager again and make sure that Baidu is still functioning, but to a lesser extent. Now you need to “kill” all residual processes.

Let’s say right away that doing this in the standard way will not work. You will see the following message.

You have partially gotten rid of the unwanted guest. All that remains is to clean out all unnecessary debris. For this you will need one Text Document, which was created at the very beginning of the process.

First, reboot into safe mode. Press restart and periodically press F8 on the keyboard. If everything is done correctly, a window like this will open.

We are interested in “Safe Mode”. Open this item using the arrows and pressing Enter. Now Baidu will not be able to start because we have revoked its rights.

All that remains is to “finish off” the unfortunate antivirus.

Open notepad, copy the first path and paste it into Start - the “Run” line. Press “Enter” and go to the desired address.

You see several folders with the desired name, which you need to delete permanently.

Using the previously copied paths, we delete everything related to malware.

Now that you have done all this cumbersome and time-consuming work, and you have managed to remove baidu antivirus from your computer, you can safely reboot the system into normal mode and enjoy the absence of extraneous software.

Advice! Additionally, we would recommend installing a special cleaning program like or. With their help, it would be a good idea to thoroughly scan and clean drives C and D, and then fix possible mistakes registry This will only benefit you. At the same time, you will finally make sure that you have removed unnecessary software.

Now you are once again convinced that downloading anything on the Internet from unknown and dubious sources is fraught with danger.

At best, you may download the wrong file. At worst, you get a virus, or some miracle antivirus, and you won’t even know that it has penetrated your system.

If you are unsure, ask a knowledgeable person to help you, or learn to use torrent trackers and safe resources that do not provide such a “disservice”. Good luck to you.

How to remove Baidu from your computer. Baidu how to get rid of the Chinese program

How to delete Baidu antivirus With Windows computer forever? detailed instructions

In this episode, I will show you how to remove Baidu from your computer. "Baidu"- this beast is in the family of malware programs.

Hidden, he patiently waits for those who download both dubious and completely useful content and, without hesitation, jumps in on the move.

Most often, it does this without the user’s knowledge, leaving no opportunity to agree or refuse its installation.

How to recognize Chinese Baida?

It's easy to recognize a Chinese canoe! Please pay attention to the following baidu symptoms:

  • actively changes settings home page your browsers;
  • imposes Toolbar And Baidu Search;
  • noted in the native dialect in the menu START;
  • gives carte blanche to unwanted software downloads and traffic intrusive advertising;
  • makes it extremely difficult to use the keyboard and mouse;
  • hangs folders and programs.

Watch my video where I show all the steps to remove Baidu.

Video: How to remove Baidu from your computer?

Step-by-step Baidu removal plan

In order not to forget anything, copy this step-by-step plan for removing Chinese canoe into your notebook:

  1. Copy all paths to the canoe files into notepad;
  2. We go into each folder, look for the uninstallation file baidu and launch it;
  3. BAYDA WILL BE PRAYING FOR SERCE. Press the left button everywhere;
  4. In the last window, check all the boxes and click on the only button;
  5. Reboot the computer and go to safe mode. To do this, press all the time F8;
  6. Disable all services and all processes of BAIDU;
  8. Making visible hidden files and folders and using the search we find and delete the remaining files and folders;
  9. Checking the folder system32 and folder drivers and delete files starting with bd64;
  10. We delete files from startup;
  11. We go to the registry editor and use the search to find and delete the lines related to BAIDU;
  12. LAUNCH and scan the registry for errors;
  13. Check just in case

Cases of such a problem as the Baidu virus getting onto users’ computers have become more frequent. As a result, the question arose - how to remove the Chinese Baidu virus. Baidu developers claim that the program is harmless and helps fight viruses, but it itself turned out to be a pest.

Where do Baidu's legs come from?

Many of you very often look on the Internet for books or some programs that are not provided for free. Most often, you receive archives, after unpacking them, you receive the treasured file. And now there’s a little “gift” to boot. Without knowing it, you install the Chinese Baidu antivirus on your computer and the following picture appears on your desktop:

Consequences of the program

At first glance it would seem that it doesn’t matter; she doesn’t bother me. But when you go online, you will receive a bunch of 100,500 notifications in Chinese. Not only will they appear frequently, but the computer will become very dull and prevent it from working normally. And then you realize that your PC needs a forced cleanup mode from the harmful Baidu virus.

How to remove Baidu?

The question is not rhetorical, but difficult to resolve. We have worked hard and selected the best recipe for healing your computer from a Chinese tumor. Begin:

  1. Go to the “Processes” tab in the “Task Manager” and you should see something similar to the one in the screenshot. These are the same canoe processes that need to be removed, but more on that a little later:
  2. In turn, on each canoe process, right-click and select “Open file storage location”, save all the paths where you go to text file, and save this file to any convenient place on your PC. You should end up with something like this, but use this as a guide, your path will vary:
  3. Open any uninstaller, you can also use the standard one. Find the installations of this evil antivirus, you can start removing the Chinese baidu virus. After the removal begins, you will be taken to a window with Chinese requests for mercy. Click on the left button, as in the picture. It looks like this:
  4. Next, a bunch of similar windows will pop up. In each one, select the left gray button, and at the end there will be this surprise with one button:
  5. If your uninstaller detects several of these Chinese programs, repeat steps 3-4 until there is nothing Chinese in the list of your programs. This is only half the way to solving the problem of how to remove the Chinese Baidu virus.
  6. You will think: “well, that’s it, you can sleep peacefully.” But this is not so, if only because the processes of this software continue to work. You try to stop them, but you get this in response:
  7. To get rid of these processes, we need to boot into safe mode. If you have Windows Seven, you are a little lucky; when you reboot, before the Windows logo appears, press the F8 key several times and select the boot method; if you have Windows 8, 8.1 you will need to sweat a little. To go to safe Windows mode 8|8.1 do two simple steps:
  8. After loading into desired mode, you need your text file with the paths. Take each path, go along it and delete all the contents of the folders one by one. For example:
  9. After you have gone to all the addresses and removed all the enemies of one hut, reboot in normal mode and enjoy life.

That's the whole recipe for restoring your worker's health. Do not use unwanted sites with dubious sensational content - your computer will thank you!

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