How to set a password for wifi. Set a password for the router now

D-Link routers are very popular among users. Therefore, instructions for setting up, setting a password, solving some problems, etc. are always relevant. In this article, we will set a password for Wi-Fi on a D-Link router. I will show the whole process using the example of the D-link DIR-615 router model, which we configured in the article. In the instructions for setting up certain models, I always try to write about setting a password for the wireless network. But a general article for all D-Link models would not hurt.

Using these instructions, you can set a password on D-link DIR-300, DIR-615, DIR-320 and other models. Is that there? different versions firmware that differ in interface. Therefore, let's consider several options.

Regarding the issue of installing protection on Wi-Fi network, That It is necessary to set a password. And preferably during the first setup. Believe me, there are many people who want to connect. And this is an extra load on the router, low connection speed, and it’s not safe. It may even be that by connecting to your network, a third party will gain access to your files. Now, if you don’t have a password right now, you can take a look. If your network has been open for a long time, then I am sure that you will see not only your devices there.

Therefore, I advise you to come up with a good password, be sure to remember it (or write it down), and protect your home network.

Instructions for setting a password for the Wi-Fi network of a D-Link router

In fact, nothing is difficult. First, go to the router settings. It is advisable to connect to the router via cable. But, if this is not possible, then you can use Wi-Fi (if any problems arise after installation, see solutions at the end of this article).

In the settings go to the tab WiFi - Security Settings (if you have an English menu, then change it to Russian). In the drop down menu Network authentication install WPA2-PSK. In field PSK encryption key enter the password that will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi network. Just come up with a more complex one than my "123456789" :) The password must be at least 8 characters.

In chapter "WPA encryption settings" We don’t change anything, we just press the button Apply.

If your control panel is different from the one I have in the screenshot above, then you can try.

If you don't want to update the software, here's another one: instructions for installing protection on D-link with more old firmware(light interface) :

In settings go to the tab Configure manually.

Then, open the tab WiFi And Security Settings.

Set a password, save the settings, and reboot the router.

And also instructions for firmware with a dark interface:

Save the settings and reboot the router.

What should I do if I can’t connect to Wi-Fi after setting a password?

A very popular problem is when, after setting a password for Wi-Fi, computers, phones, tablets, and other devices do not connect to wireless network. On a computer, this is usually a well-known error. "The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network", or "Windows was unable to connect to...". Mobile devices may simply not connect.

What should be done. You just need to delete the Wi-Fi network on your computer, forget it, and reconnect with the password that you set in the router settings. It's very easy to do. I wrote about this in detail in this article:. If you have Windows 10, then see the instructions.

On mobile devices you just need to click on the network, hold it for a while, and select Delete from the menu.

Each of us probably knows that if there is a house Wi-Fi hotspot, it must have a password in order to protect your network from third-party connections or even hacking. But since most users do not know how to set a password for Wi-Fi, many points remain simply free and publicly accessible, which is a tasty morsel for lovers of free Internet.

Why set a password for Wi-FI and what can be the impact of not having one? First of all, by setting a password for Wi-Fi, you will protect your network from hacking. But, since in most cases users do not store anything important on their computer except photos, it is unlikely that such a local network will have any value for a hacker. True, you still don’t need to leave your network unprotected.

Why? Give at least in order to block access to our Internet, various free catchers WIFI signal, which strive to catch and connect to it. Yes, your Internet traffic may be unlimited, but this does not mean that you have to pay and everyone else can use it.

What will such connections affect? The first thing you will notice when you have a large number of connections to your wireless network is a deterioration in the quality of the Internet. Then, when downloading or watching movies online, the speed may be very low. And finally, the connection is not stable ( Internet keeps disconnecting and connecting).

Therefore, in order to save yourself from unexpected problems, I recommend that you be sure to set the password in . But, if you forgot to do this, or the wizard did not set it for you, then read on and you will learn how to set a password for WI-FI, spending a minimum of time on it and without messing up the rest of the router settings.

Setting a Network Password on D-Link

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, you need, as always, to log into the router using the standard IP address that is indicated on a piece of paper stuck on the device.

So, by writing in the IP address line ( By default in D-Link it is, and in TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus: .1.1), press “Enter” and try to enter the router settings using the standard user “admin”. Well, the password is either similar account, or just an empty string. If you changed your password to your own and forgot it, then this article will help you correct this misunderstanding.

In the left menu click on “ WiFi", since we will set a password specifically for the Wi-Fi network. Then, in the tabs that open, find the third item “” and click on it. After which, we will be taken to the wireless network security settings window.

Now everything is in order. In the security certificate field, select “WPA2-PSK”, since this certificate is the most reliable and more advanced in terms of security. If you don’t have WPA2, then look for “WPA/WPA2 mixed”, this certificate is also considered good. And only if there is no WPA2 certificate at all, I recommend installing “WPA-PSK”.

  • The password must be at least eight characters long;
  • It is recommended to use capital and small letters;
  • Use numbers in your password;
  • Come up with a word that will remember you;

What not to use when changing the password for a Wi-Fi network:

  • Do not under any circumstances use your date of birth, room number, or telephone number in your password;
  • Do not use the most popular and simple passwords (Qwerty, qwerty123,12345678,1q2w3e4r5t, etc..);
  • Do not create a password with the names of yourself or family members, or with the names of pets;
  • Do not set your Wi-Fi password using the same or repeated characters ( 1111111, 118822773366, aaaaaa, etc..);

In the encryption settings, mark “TKIP” and click the “Change” button.

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, the last step we have left is to save and restart the router. To do this, look in the upper right corner and point the bear at “System” where a drop-down menu will appear in which we select “Save and reload”.

By clicking “OK” in the notification window that appears, we wait for the device to reboot.

Please note that after you have set a password for Wi-Fi, you will need to reconnect to it with all devices ( phones and laptops) first, introducing a new one already New Password. I also recommend reading the article “ , if such a problem suddenly appears after you set a new password for Wi-Fi.

How to set a Wi-Fi password

Wi-fi system wireless transmission content from the Internet to end devices, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. It distributes the signal over approximately 20-60 meters, so your closest neighbor can use it. At the same time, your traffic will decrease several times, depending on how many devices will be “powered” by your router.

It's good if the password was set during the router setup. If not, you can enter it at any time. Let's take a closer look at how you can set or change your wifi password.

Secure Password Requirements

It should be sophisticated enough to protect your connection from being hacked. You can use English letters and numbers, auxiliary symbols (dashes, underscores). It is recommended to write at least 12-15 characters. All characters are entered without spaces. You can replace spaces with underscores (_). The same requirements apply to .

Some interfaces allow the use of uppercase (capital) letters, others accept only lowercase (small) letters. There is no need to use recognizable dates and names (birthdays, surnames, etc.) in the password; such passwords are calculated quite simply. A simple trick helps to accurately reproduce a password: first write down the sequence of letters and numbers on paper or in text editor, and then copy it into the input field.

Now let's try to complete our immediate task - set a password for Wi-Fi.

Connecting to a computer

Setting a password means changing the router settings. To do this, the device must be connected to the computer. An Ethernet cable is used to connect your computer to the router.

On the back panel of the computer, connect it to a suitable connector (they are all different), on the router, as a rule, LAN 1. Plug the device into the network. Before connecting to the Internet, read the instructions for the device. Some manufacturers do not recommend setting it up with working internet. If nothing is said, connect the Internet cable to the connection socket. It is usually highlighted and labeled Internet or WAN.

Opening Settings Pages

Access to the configuration interface is opened in the browser. In the address bar, enter the router's address and press Enter. Most often this without spaces, numbers separated by dots). is the standard IP address local network, which is used in almost all routers in order to access " home page"router, on which you can set all the necessary settings, including the password.

If a device is assigned a different address, it can be found in the manual, on the device case, on the box, or from your provider.

Login to the router panel

Here you will need a login and password to log in.

To do this, you need to know the login and password for entering the router’s configuration sheet. This is not the password that protects your Wi-Fi connection.

Usually they put the pair admin - admin in more earlier versions. In modern ones, where the number of characters in the password must be at least eight, they traditionally write admin – password. Sometimes words are written with a capital letter. Let's say you're unlucky and the password is set differently, and not by you. You have a choice of two options:

  • Find out the password from the person who set up your device
  • Reset all settings to factory settings.

After logging in, you need to get to the Wi-fi password setting page.

Router Interfaces different brands differ from each other, so then you need to either read the instructions, or use our tips below if you own a router from one of the brands listed below.

D-Link DIR-300/A/C1

  • Click on the “Quick setup” button
  • Select “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” in the left column
  • Then, double-click on the “Next” button and go to the “Security Settings” tab.

Here you set the necessary parameters:

  • Use the toggle buttons to the right of the field to select “WPA2-PSK”
  • Enter password.
  • Don't check the box
  • Select "AES"
  • Leave unchanged
  • Once you have completed filling out all the fields, click the “Next” button to go to the next window.

Check the entered data, if everything is ok, click “Save”.


The side menu includes a tree of tabs. By clicking on the cross, you expand the underlying level.

  • Wi-fi Network / Security will open the desired page.
  • “Authentication” line – select WPA2-PSK from the drop-down list
  • In the “Protection type” line you need to select AES
  • “Network key” is the password entry line

Leave the rest as is.

Clicking the "Apply" button will save the changes made.

TP-Link TL-WR841N

Setting a password for Wi-Fi is more difficult here, since all the inscriptions are on English language. True, it’s easier to get to the desired page thanks to the presence of a side menu.

  • Select "Wireless". You will immediately find yourself in the desired window. You need the "Wireless Security" section
  • Place a dot to the left of “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”
  • “PSK Password” – password entry line.
  • “No Change” – leave the radio button inactive
  • Click Next

Here, read the congratulations and click Reboot.

Menu Feature:

  • Click Wireless
  • A submenu opens, click the “Security” line
  • Use the drop-down button to call up the list, click “WPA2”
  • Activate PSK and AES radio buttons
  • Enter your password twice
  • Click Apply

After changing the settings, you need to reboot the router and on all your existing devices that use the Internet, create a new connection or change the Wi-Fi password.

It is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising, because this is a very convenient way to connect to the Internet and link various devices, because no need to use wires.

But when using a Wi-Fi network, you should not forget about its security. If you still haven’t set a password for Wi-Fi or it’s too simple, perhaps a neighbor’s child has already hacked into your network and is using the free Internet for his own pleasure.

Of course, maybe you are a very kind person and you don’t feel sorry for anything for your dear neighbors, but then you shouldn’t complain that your favorite sites have started to load poorly.

If you still decide to secure your network, let's figure out how to set a password for Wi-Fi.

Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

A router is the most common device when using Wi-Fi technology, so we will look at how to set a password on this particular device.

Now there are many router manufacturers on the market (D-Link, TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus, etc.) and even more different models of these devices. Therefore, in this article we will not consider setting a password for all these models, but will analyze this procedure using the example of one of the popular D-Link DIR-300 routers.

Settings for most modern wireless routers open using an Internet browser. This can be done on a computer, laptop, tablet, or any other device that is connected to the router using wires or wirelessly.

It is advisable to perform this procedure on a device that is connected to the router via cable. The fact is that if you are connected via Wi-Fi, when you change the password, you will be disconnected from the network and you will have to go into the settings again.

In order to open the settings we need, we need to enter the IP address of the device in the address bar of the browser. Most manufacturers use standard IP addresses, but some may have their own specific address.

The most common router IP addresses:


If one of these addresses does not suit you, you can find it in several ways:

  1. Look at the router case. Typically, manufacturers write the IP address of the router interface on a sticker on the bottom of the device.
  2. Study the instructions or CD that were included.
  3. Search the Internet for information on your router model.

It is possible that you have a non-standard IP address. In this case, you need to find out this address from the person who set up the router for you or reset the device to factory settings.

Login to router settings

Once you have determined which IP address is suitable for your device, enter it in the address bar of the browser.

If the connection to the router is successful, a window for entering your username and password should appear.

For most routers, the default username and password is “admin”. The D-Link DIR-300 is no exception. Therefore, you need to enter this word in both fields and click on the “Login” link.

If after these steps you are unable to enter the device settings, then either your router has different login data, or these data have been changed.

If you do not know the name and password to log into the device, then there are 2 options:

  1. As in the case of the IP address, look at the case, read the instructions, search the Internet.
  2. If the first point does not help, then you need to reset the router to standard settings using special button on the device.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

After you have entered the router interface, find the “Security Settings” item in the “Advanced Settings” section. In the settings of other router models, the menu will look different, but similar items can be easily found at keywords wi-fi and security.

On the “Security Settings” page you need to set the following items:

  • Network authentication
  • PSK encryption key
  • WPA encryption

In the “Network Authentication” field, you need to select which authentication technology will be used to protect your Wi-Fi network. WPA2 is currently the most secure authentication method for a wireless network. Therefore, it is recommended to choose this item to reliably protect your wifi.

You should not be careless when choosing a password. The password must be quite complex, consisting of letters in different cases and numbers. It is desirable that it be some kind of meaningless set, and not specific words. This combination is harder to crack, and you don't have to remember it. Write it down somewhere and use it when connecting new devices to your wireless network.

The next step is to set up WPA encryption. To do this, you need to select an encryption algorithm in the “WPA encryption” field. It is recommended to choose AES, because it is one of the most reliable.

After entering all the parameters, click the “Change” button to save the settings. After changing the settings, most routers require a reboot. Therefore, most likely, you will be disconnected from the network and you will have to enter the password again.

Checking Wi-Fi operation

After rebooting the router, you will need to reconnect to the network on all devices and enter a new password.

If an error occurs when connecting, then most likely your device still has the old settings for connecting to wifi. To fix this problem, you need to remove your network from the list of connections and search for access points again. After your network appears in the list again, connect to it and enter a new password.

Now almost every family has several Internet users, and in their apartment or house they connect devices to the network via a Wi-Fi router. Initially, no one really knew about how to set a password on WiFi.

was conceived, since there were few such devices and it was not important. Nowadays, many phones, not to mention smartphones, tablets and laptops/netbooks, have a WiFi unit, and everyone strives to take advantage of the free Internet. We will resist this!

The point is not even that you feel sorry for distributing, for example, your traffic to your neighbors. The problem is that these neighbors, if they wish, can separate you from their own Internet by placing a code on the entrance, and with good knowledge of technology, they can seriously harm your computer.

So the password for WiFi? This is not at all difficult if you have everything configured and working and only the desired code is missing. You need to start by logging in. Regardless of the router model, enter or into the browser line. A window will appear requiring you to enter your username and password. If you haven't changed anything, it will be admin in both cases. We type and find ourselves in the device parameters. Now we will perform the following task: in order for it to require digital permission from everyone entering.

The general design of the settings section may differ slightly depending on different models, but the system itself, the essence, remains the same. We are looking for the wireless item, one of the options for the path to it is: Inetrface setup > wireless. We are considering the English version of the menu and the absence of a book with instructions, since if there is a Russian menu, any “teapot” can set up WiFi.

We find Authentication Type there, select, for example, wpa-psk, or another type of encryption, look for the very place where, finally, you need to enter the password. We enter it - and that’s it, the job is done. We save the settings, and now no one except people who know the code will connect to your Internet. When deciding how to set a WiFi password, try to make it so that it cannot be guessed or hacked. Come up with a combination of numbers and letters no shorter than eight characters.

Pay attention to the name of your network. If it is similar to others located nearby, then change it in the SSID line. If it is still difficult for you to do all of the above, then invite a specialist or contact technical support our provider.

It also happens that the task of setting a password on WiFi becomes noticeably more complicated if for some reason you were unable to get into the router interface. In this case, you will have to reset all its settings. To do this, you need to press the Reset button recessed on the rear panel for a few seconds.

Next, in the same way as described above, go to its settings. In devices produced earlier, it was necessary to manually enter all the settings, first taking them from the provider, and partly from the computer’s network settings. Modern routers allow you to access the Internet almost automatically by pressing just a couple of buttons. There are quite a few of their models, and there are also many providers, so the path to access the network may differ. You can find it out from the latter, or by typing the corresponding query in a search engine. Do not forget the password itself only after completing the connection process!

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