Books and reference books on survival in various extreme and emergency conditions. Encyclopedia of survival - One on one with nature - Kudryashov B.G. Guide to survival in the forest

Books on survival. Nice collection.

Some time ago, almost the same selection “wandered” from blog to blog on However, now the collection has been significantly expanded, so it became necessary to put its updated, much richer material online. So, for your attention - 38 books, completely dedicated to the issues of survival in extreme and emergency situations. Materials with generalized experience of intelligence services of different countries of the world require special attention.


School of survival in natural conditions (A.A. Ilyin, 2001) 384 pp. | DJVU | Stalker's Handbook. The ABCs of Survival (V. Chernoborov, 2006) 161 pages | PDF |

A person who finds himself in a deep, endless forest, on a deserted sea coast, on a dangerous mountain path can and should survive. This is the deep conviction of the author of this book, which tells in an accessible and detailed way about ways to survive in extreme situations. From here you will learn what needs to be done in difficult circumstances, and what absolutely cannot be done, how to make a fire, build a primitive shelter, desalinate and disinfect water, navigate the terrain, find food, provide first aid - and ultimately overcome circumstances, survive yourself and help others survive.

After reading this interesting guide, you will be able to navigate and behave correctly both in anomalous zones and during moments of exposure to anomalous phenomena. The surprising and mysterious can be both majestic and attractive and deadly dangerous. The purpose of this book is to teach how to survive not just in difficult conditions, but in abnormally difficult ones.
Survival in extreme situations. Amazing facts (P. Dowswell, 1996) 66 pages | DJVU | Black medicine: The dark art of death, or How to survive in a world of violence (N. Mashiro, 2005) 426 pp. | DJVU |

From this book the reader will learn how to survive in extreme conditions; emergency situations are described. Famous disasters are listed, mirages and their occurrence, animal attacks, rescue of people and rescue equipment are described.

Do you know how to use gas weapons and stun guns? Can you shoot a rifle and a pistol when you are being beaten? How to defend yourself if you are being strangled or not allowed to move, how to resist knives and clubs without weapons? Dr. Mashiro's tutorial gives answers to these questions. He also explains psychological tricks with which you can change the situation of an attack in your favor. This book is a must-read for people who study or teach self-defense techniques, and those who simply want to survive.
SAS. Survival Guide (John "Lofty" Wiseman, 2005) 578 pages | PDF | Encyclopedia of survival. One on one with nature (B. Kudryashov, 2001) 384 pages | PDF |

John "Lofty" Wiseman served in the UK's Special Air Service (SAS) for 26 years, and his book is based on the training techniques of this world-famous elite unit. This practical guide shows how to survive in the wild, in all climates, on land and at sea.

The author is a professional survival and rescue specialist who has been dealing with this problem for over 20 years. The book takes into account the experience of training military pilots in special survival centers, training special forces units, experiments at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine, as well as foreign experience in training for survival in the US Army. Anyone whose profession and hobbies involve a certain risk will find useful advice that will help them get out of a critical situation safely. The book is presented in a popular form, contains many drawings and is intended for a wide range of readers.
A textbook for survival in extreme situations (P. Darman, 2001) 346 pp. | PDF | 36.6 Degrees: The Art of Staying Alive (Lundin, 2005) 288 pp. | PDF |

The book talks about how to survive in various emergency situations: in the desert, taiga, jungle, and the Far North. You will learn how to find food, start a fire, provide first aid to yourself and your comrades, as well as a lot of other useful information gleaned from SAS special forces manuals.

Destined to become an underground classic, 36.6 Degrees: The Art of Staying Alive! is a thrilling, non-stop journey filled to the brim with sound, timely, valuable tips for surviving in remote areas or on the highway. Author Cody Lundin, founder and director of the nationally recognized Aboriginal Life Skills School, has developed his own strategy for prudent wilderness behavior based on the unique principle of maintaining average body temperature at a vital level of 36.6R C.
Survival manual. Elite Special Forces Experience (S.V.Balenko, 2005) 768 pages | PDF | Special forces style. Combat Survival System (A. Krylov, 2004) 240 pp. | PDF |

This book was written by Colonel of the GRU special forces, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences Sergei Viktorovich Balenko. It includes enormous experience in training professional saboteurs who are capable of surviving in extreme conditions, ready for emergency situations, able to overcome any obstacles, and much more.

The book talks about traditional and non-traditional forms of maintaining health for survival in combat and other extreme conditions. The publication is intended for both specialists and a wide range of readers.
Survival in extreme environmental conditions GRU 153 pp. | PDF | School of Survival in Accidents and Natural Disasters (A. Ilyin, 2001) 194 pp. | PDF |
based on the book:
Taras A.E., Zarutsky F.D.
Scout training: GRU special forces system This manual is a collection of materials (slightly revised and organized) from various resources. The sections of the manual were selected in accordance with these scenarios. Since many of the chapters are based on military manuals, military terms are often used. However, since after a cataclysm it is quite possible that a situation “close to combat” will arise, it is likely that
such terms are quite appropriate. In addition, anyone can choose from this manual what seems most appropriate to them in a particular situation.

Forewarned is forearmed. If in the event of a sudden danger, accident, or natural disaster, you are ready to act competently and decisively, your chances of staying alive increase significantly. And to do this, you need to know what dangers may await you on the street, on an airplane, on a train, near an industrial enterprise, on a ship. Know how to avoid them and know how to deal with them. This book is about how to save yourself and help others survive in the most extreme situations.
Encyclopedia of extreme situations (A. Gostyushin, 1994) 250 pp. | DJVU | How to avoid starvation (A. Ilyin) 384 pp. | DJVU |

Over the course of its history, humanity has inevitably learned a lot about extreme situations. This knowledge comes at a high price. This is an attempt to collect them under one cover, extracting them from a variety of books, manuals, articles and special textbooks.
The reader should look at this book as a whole, another story about nature and man: in extreme manifestations they are especially vivid. The book lying in front of you has the opportunity over time to become, in general, a popular encyclopedia. Life in Russia, unfortunately, contributes to extreme situations.

There is only one step from inability to disaster. There are dozens of cases where people died of starvation, surrounded by edible plants that they did not know about, game and fish that they could not catch. This book tells in detail, in an accessible and fascinating way how to distinguish edible plants from inedible ones, how to make fishing and hunting gear, how to properly store the obtained food, how to eat insects and reptiles and how, ultimately, not to die of hunger, to survive yourself and help others survive.
The art of survival (A.V. Buryak, 2005) 135 pages | PDF | ABC of safety in emergency situations (V. Zhavoronkov, 2005) 146 pages | PDF |

From the publisher: The book sets out in a systematic form methods of action in critical situations, as well as preparation for such situations.
Both typical and specific difficulties that an individual may encounter are considered. Relevant information from medicine, safety precautions, fire tactics, biology, geology, etc. is presented. The book is intended for anyone who wants to improve their survival skills.

Misfortune comes to people unexpectedly, suddenly: fire, hurricane, flood, explosion at an enterprise, contamination of the territory with radioactive substances, spills and evaporation of various poisons, road traffic accidents, as well as other disasters and natural disasters. Every person should be prepared for occurrence of an emergency. The basics of survival in extreme situations are a solid knowledge of protection, behavior, first aid and other relevant issues, which this book is dedicated to revealing.
School of survival. Winter emergency (A.A. Ilyichev, 1991) 100 pages | DJVU | Man in extreme environmental conditions (V.G. Volovich, 1983) 196 pages | PDF |

The issue is dedicated to the problems of extreme tourism. The author, a famous traveler, organizer of the Association of Extreme Travel Fans, introduces the basic principles of construction and equipment of snow shelters, rules of conduct in an emergency situation

Every year, thousands of scientific expeditions, search parties, fishing parties, and tourist groups go to distant lands - to the Arctic latitudes, taiga areas, waterless deserts, impenetrable jungles, seas and oceans. And often they find themselves in difficult and dangerous conditions, when not only the successful achievement of their goal, but also life itself is at risk. The book systematizes the minimum knowledge necessary in various natural conditions to preserve life and health in critical situations.
Man in extreme environmental conditions
Ranger Handbook (US Army Infantry School, 2000) 270 pp. | PDF to rar | Autonomous existence 27 pages | PDF |

This book is a translation of the US Army Ranger Handbook (SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook) 2000 edition. The book is used as a teaching aid in the training of Rangers and is intended for cadets of the Ranger Training Brigade, as well as for all military personnel of the 75th Ranger Infantry Regiment of the US Army. The textbook has been translated in full, without exceptions or abbreviations. The style of presentation and the breakdown into sections are completely preserved. In addition, for a more complete understanding of the material presented, the book is equipped with appendices that examine the organizational structure, basics of combat use and training of US Army Ranger units. Also at the end of the textbook is a list of abbreviations and abbreviations that abound in the book. The book is intended to study foreign military experience.
Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere in the world: an airplane, a train, a car, a high-speed sea liner takes you anywhere. By chance, by our inexperience, and sometimes deliberately, each of us can find ourselves in a difficult situation and be left alone with nature. Every year hundreds of thousands of people die worldwide as a result of
accidents of ground collapse, aircraft accidents, shipwrecks, tragedies in tourist trips and expeditions.
The main problem in such cases is that many people are completely unprepared, left without ready-made food, medicine, necessary clothing and supplies. To extreme situations the most
trained: medical workers, emergency services employees, fire brigade, soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces.
Troubled Times Booklet (Members of the group "Troubled Times") 120 pp. | PDF | Self-rescue without equipment (G.S. Cheurin, 2001) 64 pages | PDF |

This booklet introduces the problems that people will face in the event of a global catastrophe called a pole shift. This booklet should not be considered a survival guide. It is intended only to suggest useful sources of information, to give a general idea of ​​possible problems and options for solving them.
A catastrophe like this would lead to destruction
government and public services - such as the electricity and water supply systems. The earth will be shrouded in darkness, and the fall of volcanic dust will lead to contamination of the soil and springs. There will also be a shortage of fresh food. But a healthy lifestyle, both during and after such disasters, is quite possible. Humanity has experienced them before.

The book talks about the methods of survival of the indigenous northern peoples, ancient Russian methods, and the traditions of numerous peoples of the CIS countries. According to the approved concept, safety is ensured, first of all, not by equipment and preliminary preparation, but by a culture of communication with the outside world, which helps prevent emergency incidents.
In the case of extreme situations, actions are assumed in the complete absence of both pre-prepared equipment and medications.
The problems that arise between different individuals in real extreme situations, when there is a clash of opinions, are considered, as well as conflict management techniques used in the world in general, and in Russia in particular.
A selection of 16 more books for survival:

1.Encyclopedias, Collections of survival topics
2.Graphs and photographs (AKM, PKM, PM, SVD)
4.Forging metal
5. Leather and fur dressing
6. Hunting traps (traps, traps, etc.)
7.Food preparation
9.shooting weapon (DIY tutorials)
11. Textbook for Sergeant of Motorized Rifle Troops
12.Textbook for airborne sergeant
13.Military affairs
14.Melee and throwing weapons
16. Benefits for survivalists.


Encyclopedia of survival in extreme situations. How to save life (Andrey Ilyin)

ISBN: 5-04-006918-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Andrey Ilyin
Year of manufacture: 2001
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Eksmo-Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 384

Description: This book contains the basic knowledge of human self-rescue in various extreme situations. From it you will learn how to correctly give a distress signal, what you can do and what you absolutely cannot do, how to navigate the terrain, what and who you can eat, how to use the most ordinary things in an emergency situation, how to provide assistance and maintain presence of mind in the most, seemingly hopeless circumstances.

The book will help you not only survive, but also save others.


A textbook for survival in extreme situations. Experience of special units of the world (Peter Darman)

ISBN: 5-8153-0223-6
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Peter Darman
Year of manufacture: 2001

Publisher: Yauza
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: The book talks about how to survive in various emergency situations: in the desert, taiga, jungle, in the Far North. You will learn how to find food, start a fire, provide first aid to yourself and your comrades, as well as much other useful information gleaned from SAS special forces manuals. Detailed pictures explaining the creation of the simplest weapons, means of catching...


Kuropatkin Dmitry - Secrets of street martial arts - How to defeat any opponent in extreme situations

ISBN: 5-7905-3133-4, Martial Arts

Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: Kuropatkin D.I.
Genre: Various
M.:RIPOL classic
Number of pages: 192
Description: A street fight is a fight without rules, in which the victory is often won by not the strongest, but by a more dexterous and cold-blooded opponent. There is no specific street fighting technique. All the defensive and offensive techniques recommended in this book are the result of a fusion of many of the most effective fighting techniques. This publication is recommended primarily to people who strive...


The Complete Guide to Survival in Extreme Situations in the Wild, Land and Sea (John Wiseman)

ISBN: 978-5-17-045760-1, 978-5-271-17738-5
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: John Wiseman
Translator: Yu. Suslov
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: AST, Astrel
Russian language
Number of pages: 576
Description: John "Lofty" Wiseman served in the UK's Special Air Service (SAS) for 26 years, and his book is based on the training techniques of this world-famous elite unit. This practical guide shows how to survive in the wild, in all climates, on land and at sea. Designed for everyone who...


How to defeat any opponent in emergency situations. Secrets of special forces (Sergey Kashin (comp.))

ISBN: 978-5-386-07748-8
Format: PDF, FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Sergey Kashin (comp.)
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Martial arts and combat sports
Publisher: RIPOL classic
Series: The Art of Real Combat
Russian language
Number of pages: 256
Description: The modern world is full of dangers. How to fight back against criminals and protect yourself and your loved ones? This publication fully answers the questions posed thanks to a large number of practical recommendations. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be a special forces soldier or a professional athlete. The book covers a wide...


How to Keep Love in Your Marriage (John Gottman, Silver Nan)

ISBN: 978-5-496-00723-8
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: John Gottman, Silver Nan
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Relationship Psychology
Publisher: Peter
Russian language
Number of pages: 387
Description: This book was written for those who are just about to get married, and for those who have been living with their spouse for decades. In this wise and long-awaited book, the famous psychologist and family consultant John Gottman reveals the secrets of love: Where does love come from? Why do some people continue to love when the relationship no longer exists? And where does love disappear? Gottman spent decades researching...


Encyclopedia of Extreme Situations (Antonio Akkermans, Bill Mattos, Bob Morrison, Harry Cook)

ISBN: 978-5-8029-2042-8

Author: Antonio Akkermans, Bill Mattos, Bob Morrison, Harry Cook
Translator: Elena Mishchenkova
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Arkaim
Russian language
Number of pages: 141
Description: What to do if you are in trouble: outdoors, in the city or at home? This book tells you: How to survive on land and in the air, on water and in the wilderness; How to survive in different climates and in the wild: how to build a shelter and find water, how to make a fire and get food, how to protect yourself from ...


How to save a family? (Ilya Shugaev)

Author: Ilya Shugaev
Year of manufacture: 2012

Publisher: Charity project "Hand"
Performer: Dmitry Chursin
Duration: 02:41:36
Description: The Church says that the husband is the head of the family. “But there are almost no such men left,” object contemporaries, “and to submit to a despot tyrant is terrible; therefore women cannot be in that Christian obedience.” This mentality is the main reason for the discord in family life. Where is the truth?


How to save a family (Shugaev I.V.)

ISBN: 978-5-88017-215-3
Format: PDF, DjVu, DOC, OCR without errors
Author: Shugaev I.V.
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Family psychology, popular psychology
Publisher: MP Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 81 / 98 / 81
Description: It is commonly said that the husband is the head of the family. “But there are almost no such men left,” object contemporaries, “and to submit to a despot tyrant is terrible; That’s why women can’t put up with this distribution of roles.” This mentality is the main reason for the discord in family life. Where is the truth?
And most importantly: how to extinguish growing family conflicts? On the pages of...


Personality in extreme conditions (Lebedev Vladimir Ivanovich)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Lebedev Vladimir Ivanovich
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Artist: Unknown
Duration: 12:12:56
Description: Doctor of Psychological Sciences V.I. Lebedev, known to many for his books “Psychology and Space”, “Psychological Problems of Interplanetary Flight”, etc., in this material summarizes significant experience in studying the characteristics of psychological activity in extreme conditions (space and aviation flight , sailing on submarines, being in polar zones, etc.). In this regard, I analyze...


Extreme driving. Driving a car in critical situations. (E.S. Tsygankov)


How to be a rat - the art of intrigue and survival at work (J. Sgrijvers)

Genre: audio course
Author: J. Sgrijvers
Publisher: Olimp-Business
Year of manufacture: 2006
Duration: 05:45:38 Tired of hearing about the habits of highly effective managers? Can't do something in a minute? Here is your antidote to all management books. Learn about a way to influence people and achieve career goals - listen to the audio course "How to be a rat." Using cunning, dark humor and incredible insight, the author explores the dark sides of modern business. It illuminates those corners of the office that many companies would prefer to hide. This is the place where envy nests...

Russian language
Number of pages: 192
Description: The book tells about the history of inventions in the field of heat engines from ancient times to the present day. This story is full of drama. Many outstanding inventors ended their lives in poverty, having experienced the collapse of all their hopes, others quickly became celebrities, and in the lives of others, successes and failures went hand in hand. Book of...


V.V. Pokhlebkin - Great encyclopedia of culinary art. All recipes by V.V. Pokhlebkina (V.V. Pokhlebkin)

Format: DjVu
Year of manufacture: 2001
Author: Ilyin A.A.
Publisher: EKSMO-Press
Number of pages: 384
Description: How to survive in the wild? Everyone asked themselves this question when they left the city. This book largely answers that. I will be glad if it is useful to everyone. A person who finds himself in a deep, endless forest, on a deserted sea coast, on a dangerous mountain path can and should survive. This is the deep conviction of the author of this book, which tells in an accessible and detailed way about ways to survive in extreme situations. From it you will learn what needs to be done in difficult circumstances, and what...

Name: Encyclopedia of Survival - One on one with nature.

Almost every day the press, radio and television inform us about planes and ships in distress. Accidents, disasters and natural disasters claim tens of thousands of lives. Tourists get lost on routes, lost travelers die in deserts and taiga wilds. What should a person do if, by the will of fate, he finds himself alone with harsh nature, far from populated areas, in the open sea, mountains or desert? What needs to be done to save life? How to send distress signals, get water and food when supplies run out, how to make a fire in bad weather, build shelters from scrap materials to protect from rain, cold or scorching sun? What means of rescue are there and how to use them, what to do when evacuating on board a rescue helicopter? And in general - how to survive?

The answers to these questions are given by the author, a professional survival and rescue specialist who has been dealing with this problem for over 20 years. The book takes into account the experience of training military pilots in special survival centers, training special forces units, experiments at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine, as well as foreign experience in training for survival in the US Army.
Anyone whose profession and hobbies involve a certain risk will find useful advice that will help them get out of a critical situation safely. The book is presented in a popular form, contains many drawings and is intended for a wide range of readers.
It can also be recommended as a teaching aid for secondary schools in the discipline “Fundamentals of Safe Life.”

We encounter dangers at every step, whether in the city or in nature. This is an undoubted fact, which for some reason few people want to believe. The belief is firmly ingrained in our minds that if a stone is destined to fall, it will fall on someone else’s head. We often tend to see the causes of our misfortunes in ignorance or inexplicable circumstances rather than as the result of our own wrong actions. Meanwhile, real cases indicate the opposite: often we ourselves are to blame for our misfortunes. A significant share of the blame for this must be taken by our parents and teachers, who did not bother to inoculate us against constant complacency regarding the preservation of our own lives in extreme situations.

Preface 5
From the author. . . . 6
Arctic...... 13
Arctic Glaciers 13
Polar deserts 15
Tundra 16
Lesa, 19
Coniferous forests of the cold zone - taiga. . . . 19
Broad-leaved forests - neighbors of the taiga 22
Broad-leaved forests of the Far East 24
Subtropical forests 26
Mediterranean-type subtropical forests 26
Subtropical forests of East Asia 28
Tropical forests - jungle.... 29
Jungle fauna 32
Dangerous plants in the jungle.... 34
Steppes 36
Steppe forbs 37
Steppe climate 38
Waters of the steppes 39
Fauna of the steppes 39
Deserts 42
Desert flora and fauna 45
What kind of deserts are there 47
Semi-deserts 48
Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan 49
Mountain deserts of the Pamirs 52
Mountains. 52
Dangers in the mountains 53
Mountain water resources 54
Floods and mudflows 55
Flora and fauna of the mountains 56
Seas and oceans 56
Currents of the World Ocean 59
Salinity of water in oceans and seas 61
Natural hazards 61
Shelves - main habitat 63
Accident in a deserted area... 65
Assessing the situation and making decisions 65
Air transport emergencies 67
Forced landing of an aircraft and emergency evacuation... 67
Airplane fire 76
Forced landing of a plane on water 77
Shipwreck 79
Making a decision to abandon ship 79
Ways to abandon ship 79
The sinking ship is abandoned, what next? 82
Clothing for extreme conditions 89
Clothing in areas with predominant snow and ice 91
Foot care 93
Protection in the summer tundra 95
Protection for survival in hot climates..96
Shelter location 98
Organization of camp work. 100
How to build a shelter 102
Shelter equipment software
Types and construction of fires..... 118
Orientation by compass..... 122
Sun orientation 123
Orientation by the stars 124
Moon orientation 125
Determining the sides of the horizon by plants and animals 125
Determining the sides of the horizon by relief, soil, wind and snow 126
Determining the sides of the horizon by buildings 127
Weather forecast for today 130
What the weather will be tomorrow? 132
Mountain weather forecast 133
Winter weather forecast 134
Water supply...135
Features of water supply in the Arctic 137
Features of water supply in the taiga and tundra 138
Features of water supply in the temperate zone 138
Water supply in the desert 139
Wells in the desert 140
Sources of water in the mountains 141
Water supply at sea 142
Features of water supply in the jungle. 143
Nutrition in survival conditions... 144
Obtaining food by hunting. 146
Fishing 156
Other food sources. 161
Cooking in survival conditions. 163
Cooking utensils 163
Cooking from meat... 164
Cooking fish... 169
Good to know... 170
Procuring fish for future use 172
Methods of preserving meat. 172
Plant food 174
Edible plants 174
Bread from plants 181
Vegetable seasonings 182
How to determine the suitability of a plant for food 183
Mushrooms. 184
Snakes and insects 185
Snake bites 186
Arthropod bites 187
Spiders 187
Arachnids. 188
Scorpios 188
Centipedes. 189
Stinging by bees and wasps 189
Infection with ticks. 190
Providing first aid for bites 193
Bite Prevention 195
How to distinguish venomous snakes 198
Leeches. 199
Large animals and predators. 199
Dangerous sea animals 200
Sharks - super predators of the sea 201
What is the mechanism of shark attacks? 203
Can shark attacks be prevented? 206
Providing assistance to shark victims 207
Killer fish. 207
Fish with poisonous meat. 207
Ordinary fish can also cause poisoning 208
First aid for fish poisoning 209
Giant man-eating catfish 210
Toothed moray eels 210
Sea Fencers 211
Barracudas 212
Piranha: legends and facts. 213
Vampire Candiru 214
Electric Shock Fish 215
Poisoned Thorns and Needles 216
Scorpiiaceae 216
Sea dragons 220
Spiny dogfish 221
Stingrays 221
First aid for injections caused by poisonous fish" 222
Sea snakes 222
Sea urchins 223
"Multi-armed" octopuses and squids 224
Dangerous mammals 228
Harmless giant - manta 229
Poisonous shellfish 229
Blooming water 230
Giant clam - tridacna 230
Poisonous "arrows" of cones 231
Poisonous and dangerous jellyfish. . . 231
Sea anemone 233
Polychaete worms. 234
Dangerous and poisonous mushrooms. 234
Poisonous plants 237
Poisoning by stone fruit grains 242
Plants that replace soap. 249
Preparing for the transition.. 251
Transition Tactics 252
"SOS" on the trail. . . . . 254
Features of making transitions in various conditions 256
Transitions in the taiga. . . 256
Providing assistance when falling through the ice, 258
Moving through swamps 260
Overcoming water obstacles 262
Transitions in the Arctic. 271
Transitions in the desert. 275
Transitions in the jungle. 280
Mountain treks 281
Safety rules in the mountains... 281
Caution - danger! 283
Traveling in mountainous areas 287
Traveling on snowy slopes and glaciers 290
Moving over difficult terrain and rocks 296
Equipment 303
Insurance. 304
Communication between the insurer and the partner 308
Anchors for securing rope 310
Climbing technique 310
Rappelling 314
Basic factors for survival at sea 320
Protection from adverse environmental influences 320
Alarm 325
Water and food 327
Psychological aspects 330
Life on a raft 331
Landing 333
Rescue containers KAS-150, KAS-150M 335
Radio communications and visual signaling 337
Radio station R-855UM 337
Automatic radio beacon iKomar-2Mi 339
Automatic radio beacon "Accident-2i 341
Visual signaling means. 342
Personal rescue craft 345
Life jacket ASZh-43P 345
Life jacket ASZh-58. 345
Life jacket ASZh-63P 347
Rescue belt ASP-74 348
Boat MLAS-1 "OB" 349
Raft PSN-1. 350
Group rescue craft 351
Boat LAS-5M-3 351
Raft PSN-b 355
Emergency supplies 358

Preppers are representatives of a subculture who deliberately find themselves in extreme situations. The movement originated in the United States and has gained prominence throughout the world in recent decades. The goal is to emerge unscathed from difficult natural conditions and strengthen character. A “hobby” requires dexterity, courage and determination.

Life in the wild. Survival Instructions

Bear Grylls

The name Bear Grylls is strongly associated with survivalism (from the English survive - survive). The host of the famous TV show “Survive at Any Cost” made an invaluable contribution to the popularization of the direction, demonstrating perseverance and courage while crossing the jungle, subtropical and icy deserts.

In the book, the traveler and conqueror of Everest shares his considerable experience: he gives advice on selecting equipment taking into account climatic conditions, talks about choosing a place to set up a tent or hut, about tools that are indispensable on a hike (a knife and an ax), about finding food and making fire.

Natural Survival School

Andrey Ilyin

A reference book for amateur extreme sports enthusiasts. The author begins the work by listing survival factors. The will to live and control over one's own fear is a mandatory requirement. Physical training plays an important role: for an intolerant and weak person it is better to postpone the trip for an indefinite period and start jogging, hardening and pull-ups. The first chapters, devoted to self-rescue tactics, talk about terrain orientation and distance estimation.

Ways to search for water sources are analyzed, methods for disinfecting water and making a fire are described. Steps to provide first aid are listed. Ilyin shares the peculiarities of actions according to climate conditions: tactics of behavior in the desert, forest and taiga vary greatly. The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers: absolutely anyone can get stuck in a deep forest.

Prepper's Handbook

Nikolay Naydenov

A concentrate of useful information in a small and compact book. The author notes the importance of composure, memory training and the right way out of your comfort zone. Instructions are given on four points: finding shelter, getting rid of hunger, quenching thirst, finding warmth.

Signs of improvement and deterioration of weather, methods of determining cardinal directions by stars, sun, moon, trees and anthills are described in accessible language. Signaling skills and the ability to cross rivers and swamps can save lives. Any tourist must know the rules of protection from wild animals: bears, wild boars and wolves. Separate sections are devoted to hunting and fishing.

Ways of autonomous human survival in nature

Mikhailov L.A.

A textbook for cadets of higher educational institutions of law enforcement agencies. In a military style, the features of survival in case of emergencies, natural disasters, and autonomous existence in natural zones of the subtropical, tropical and arctic zones are clearly and concisely outlined.

Attention is paid to all aspects of the state of emergency: psychological adaptation, maintaining health in the event of mechanical injuries and poisoning. Questions for self-control help to consolidate the material. The knowledge gained in school life safety lessons is being improved.

36.6 degrees. The art of staying alive

Cody Lundin

The American instructor's manual became a bestseller in the West. The publication is colorfully illustrated and written with humor. The author skillfully directs the reader's gaze to important things. First of all, the specialist focuses on individual emergency supplies, collected independently, as opposed to commercial preparations. A small bag holds the essentials: a first aid kit, a flashlight and wax matches that light under any circumstances.

The main enemy of a survivalist is fear. For primitive people, excitation of the central nervous system and the “fight or flight” response helped preserve life. Stress interferes with modern man: the body becomes exhausted, weakness appears, and metabolism is disrupted. Lundin writes how to control yourself and calm your fellow travelers, and overcome hypo- and hyperthermia.

Survival techniques in extreme conditions

Alexander Stilwell

A guide to surviving anywhere in the world using the British special forces method. The important point is careful preparation. Otherwise, the very first trip may end in failure. Before setting off, you need to familiarize yourself with the experience of experienced survivalists and gain basic medical, biological and topographical knowledge.

The compiler touches on topics ignored by other experts: rock climbing, setting traps, forming knots, building rafts.

Background information about most countries of the world is provided.

Arctic, Antarctic and Taiga

Dmitry Ivanov

The encyclopedia is devoted to the issues of rescue in severe frost conditions. Taiga, tundra and rugged Siberian forests are often chosen as departure points by preppers from the former USSR. Sled dog racing in the Russian Arctic is increasingly gaining popularity as a tourist destination.

Permanent frost forces you to act cunningly, build strong shelters, build a long-burning fire and use a “natural refrigerator.” Snow makes it easier to quickly find the nearest populated area by following human tracks.

Cool survivalist's book

Fedorchenko K.V.

After finding a shelter and building a canopy, another problem appears - food. Supplies are rapidly running out. In a difficult environment, a person needs to regularly make up for the calorie deficit. The collection begins with short tips to help you mentally prepare for the tests.

In the following sections you can find methods for fuel extraction, disinfection and water filtration. Numerous recipes for camping dishes are given. The reader gets acquainted with edible and inedible plants, berries and mushrooms, learns to distinguish them from each other. The ability to hunt and set snares is considered invaluable. In extreme cases, some insects can also be eaten.

Tourist medical guide

In 1952, the French doctor Alain Bombard learned about another shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea. All persons on board became casualties, although they were on spare boats. Having set off on a solo voyage on a rubber boat, the biologist decided to prove: in the middle of the ocean you can survive without provisions. The main thing is to gather your will into a fist and overcome mental weakness.

As a result, the Frenchman crossed the Atlantic Ocean, defeating cold, hunger, storms and sharks. The book is written in a journalistic style, without clericalism and complex scientific terms. The Frenchman’s story amazes the imagination, inspires heroic deeds, and proves the almost limitless capabilities of the human body.

All books and guides on survival, as well as catalogs and other literature descriptions presented on this page, are taken from open sources. Offered for download, as is, and free of charge. Most books and reference books are in *.pdf format. Reading them requires Adobe Reader or a similar program.

Inedible, poisonous and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Directory-atlas.

The book provides information about 60 types of mushrooms that, for one reason or another, pose a danger to human health.

97 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 4.0 MB.
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Mountaineering skills. Training course.

An excellent practical guide for both amateur and professional climbers. Recommended by the Association of Mountaineering Instructors (AMI) Committee.

189 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 28.8 MB.
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Encyclopedia of extreme situations.

125 pages. Russian language. Djvu file in zip archive, 2.9 MB.
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Special forces style. Combat survival system.

The book talks about traditional and non-traditional forms of maintaining health for survival in combat and other extreme conditions.

Russian language. 125 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 8.8 MB.
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Mushroom Picker's Guide.

Detailed descriptions and more than 300 illustrations will make you a true mushroom connoisseur. Mushroom calendar and subtleties of mushroom cooking. Useful little things.

Russian language. 303 pages. Djvu file in zip archive, 5.5 MB.
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Methods of knitting various knots.

Detailed description with color illustrations. Methods for tying various knots step by step. 21 files in pdf format. Toolkit.

English language. 21 pdf files in one zip archive, 3.2 mb.
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Fight with a dog.

How do dogs attack? Patterns that can help in a real human-dog fight, and practical counteraction schemes.

Russian language. 16 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 400 kb.
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A survival guide used to train US military personnel. Black and white illustrations.

Publications on the topic