Who is better Galaxy s5 or 5s. What is better iPhone (iPhone) or Samsung (Samsung) - a review of two models of different generations

The release took place in the spring of this year Samsung Galaxy S4, which was secretly called the “iPhone killer” by fans of the Korean brand. Just a month ago, the iPhone 5S saw the light of day, which became even more powerful and better than its previous version. Which of these phones is better? In fact, making a choice is not easy. Even fans of the apple company are aware of the fact that in some respects the “five” is worse than its arch-competitor. Therefore, today we will look at the most striking differences that, I hope, will help you make the right choice.


There is no point in arguing about design - each person has their own opinion on the appearance of smartphones. However, the author of this article gives the palm to the iPhone 5(S). Why? Yes, if only because the design of the phone from Cupertino looks at least more interesting: strict lines, pleasant cool metal, small sizes (I’ll talk about the sizes in a little more detail below). And now we pick up the flagship from Samsung and... Plastic again. Well, how much is possible? No, I understand that plastic is cheap, but the Galaxy S4 is the company’s flagship and is not much cheaper than the “five”.

However, plastic has its advantages. I can't say anything about the S4, but the S3 resists scratches quite well. If something happens to the case cover, it can be replaced at any time with a similar one, either “native” or made by Chinese craftsmen, the quality of which is at a quite acceptable level. Alas, it is not protected from falls at all - just a dent, or at least a scratch, immediately remains. Therefore, if the S4 can be carried without a case, then with the fifth iPhone I don’t leave the house without it. However, you may have a different opinion on this matter, and I share it in advance.

By the way, under the removable back cover on the S4 there is not only a SIM card slot, but also a memory card slot, as well as a battery that can be replaced. This is really convenient, although in modern realities, when a smartphone “lives” for a year and a half at best and then requires replacement, this condition is optional.

P.S. But the new gold color of the iPhone 5S only makes me smile.

Display comparison

S4 is the leader here, you say. Let me disagree. Samsung has a 5-inch display and this is actually a plus to some extent. For example, it is convenient to watch videos, use maps, and write SMS messages. However, this is also a minus. For example, I use the iPhone mostly as a phone and don’t spend much time on applications, so the 5’s 4-inch screen is enough for me. But this is an individual matter.

As for the image quality itself, our competitors are on par. In this Samsung models used an AMOLED panel, as a result of which the colors became bright and saturated (in the S3 they are dull even compared to the iPhone 4S).


No matter how sad it is to say this, the iPhone is clearly behind here. For example, the 5S has only a dual-core processor, while the S4 has as many as eight cores and this is almost a world record. But the 5S featured the latest A7 processor based on the ARMv8 architecture, which has a lot of advantages. The only problem is that in order to appreciate all the advantages of the A7, you need to use at least 4 GB of RAM, while the phone has only 1 GB. Probably, Apple people deliberately did not increase the amount of RAM, so that there would be room for growth in the future.

However, researchers think differently - the processor does not need a large amount of memory, because the performance of the 5S is approximately at the same level as that of the S4. How is this possible? Apparently, competent optimization of the iOS operating system on which Apple mobile devices operate played a role here. Specialists from Google are probably physically unable to adapt every version of their Android axis to every phone that comes out. However, this is just a guess.

By the way, Samsung has many various sensors, most of which the iPhone does not have and are unlikely to ever appear. But do you need them?


As you know, Apple created the iOS axis for its devices. Currently, its seventh version has been released, which is available for download from the company’s official website. She got it completely new interface, which features an unusual design in a “minimal” style. As for the S4, it still runs on Android 4.2.2 (a new version is expected soon).

I personally don’t know which of these systems is more convenient for you. iOS is more familiar to me, because, in my opinion, it is much more convenient and easier to use. At the same time, Android allows you to customize your phone to suit your personal needs. For example, you can even regulate clock frequency processor. Just how useful it can be, everyone decides for themselves.

Currently, iOS7 cannot be called ideal. Despite the fact that it was available only to software developers for several months and was constantly edited by the creators, it still has many contradictory ideas that will likely be gradually corrected with the release of new versions. By the way, as for new iOS, then you shouldn’t expect it in the near future. Although... But this does not mean at all that the Android operating system is ideal. No, I also find many things in it that I don’t understand, and besides, it is much less protected from viruses, also due to its popularity.

By the way, as for applications, there is generally parity here - AppStore and Google Play are worthy competitors. Both stores have a lot of applications for every taste and budget.

Photo and video shooting (camera)

It's no secret that most smartphone users love to take pictures and post their photos online. Both smartphones will allow you to do this without problems, but Samsung is more successful in this regard. So, it has a 13-megapixel camera with autofocus, the ability to simultaneously shoot photos and videos, the Dual Shot function and a whole bunch of other useful tools.

The iPhone 5S looks simpler - it has “only” an 8-megapixel camera with autofocus, support for the HDR effect, face recognition, the ability to record HD video, and so on. It would seem that the difference is small, so the pictures, other things being equal, should not differ much. But no - the iPhone 5S produces them much worse, especially if taken in the dark. The photos look too dirty and cloudy. Photos from the S4 are much higher quality, and they look absolutely great on the phone itself. But this is only until you transfer the images to the computer - they look a little worse on the monitor screen. Although in any case better than the 5S.

Time battery life

The Galaxy 4 uses a 2600 mAh battery. Not bad? More than! However, do not forget that this device contains a huge screen that happily “eats” energy. The 5S battery is much simpler - “only” 1440 mAh. However, the screen is smaller here. According to the results of numerous studies, no significant difference in operating time was found, that is, with an average load, both devices work for about one day.


iPhone 5S is more expensive than its competitor. For example, a 16-gigabyte version will cost 30 thousand rubles at the moment, while a similar S4 costs only 17-20 thousand rubles. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that the new Apple phone appeared quite recently, and therefore its price is too high. Once the hype subsides, prices will return to normal.


So, than the iPhone 5S better than Samsung Galxay S4? What's worse? Read and compare. As for my opinion, I choose the iPhone for a number of my own reasons.

For several years now, battles on the Internet have not subsided on the topic of... And thousands of Internet users standing on opposite sides of the barricades impose their point of view on their opponents. Some believe that Apple is nothing more than a hyped brand sold at inflated prices. Others defend Apple by talking about the reliability and quality of their devices.

But conversations were and will remain just conversations if they are not logically substantiated in any way. So we'll take two flagship phones and compare them in detail. Apple will be represented by one released in September this year, and a representative from a number of Android smartphones we will supply Samsung Galaxy S5.

Housing and design solutions

If we talk about the design of the entire Galaxy line, it practically does not change from generation to generation. Developers respect the basic canons of business logic and do not change what has been working perfectly for many years. The design of the ends is reminiscent of Galaxy Note 3, the plastic cover is pleasant to the touch - in general, nothing remarkable. The only thing worth noting is the plug at the bottom, designed to protect the device from water ingress. Yes, now a smartphone can survive several hours of scuba diving.

Apple, on the contrary, made significant changes to the design of the phone. Firstly, the concept of straight lines has been replaced by rounded edges. The device has become larger, but thinner. Secondly, the sleep button moved from the top of the device to the right side, which made it possible for people with small hands to operate the phone with one hand.

As a negative point, we can note the location of the camera lens, which now protrudes approximately 0.7 millimeters from the plane back cover. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a leather case (cover) for the device - it will not only smooth out the resulting unevenness, but also protect the aluminum case from possible damage.


The Samsung Galaxy S5, without exaggeration, has one of the most technologically advanced cameras ever put into a phone. Thanks to the new 1/2.6 ISOCELL sensor with a resolution of 16 megapixels, you can take truly stunning photos, and the HDR mode makes high-quality photography possible even in low-light conditions.

Video recording is in Ultra HD (4K) resolution at 30 frames per second. If you shoot in standard FullHD, the frame rate will increase to 60 per second.

The new iPhone 6 Plus doesn't seem all that technologically advanced, at least on the surface. As in the fifth model, the same 8 megapixels remain here. But if you take a closer look, you'll notice how seriously Apple engineers took polishing their own technologies.

The quality of the images is very good, and the autofocus mechanism works almost instantly (on the Samsung Galaxy S5 the take-and-shoot scenario does not work). The video is shot in FullHD resolution at 60 frames per second, and if you set a lower resolution (for example, 720p), you can increase the frequency to 240 frames per second.

Battery life

Galaxy S5 uses a 2800 mAh lithium polymer battery. It is quite enough for 7 hours of surfing in the browser or 5 hours of playing resource-intensive games. mobile games. And if you plan to be away from home for a long time, you will probably like it new feature phone - a customizable power saving mode that allows you to artificially limit processor performance, reduce frame rates, disable GPS, and even switch the screen to monochrome display mode (when all colors are transmitted in shades of gray).

The iPhone 6 Plus also made great progress, having acquired a 3000 mAh lithium-ion battery. When comparing with the previous device in the line - iPhone 5S, you can see that the battery capacity has almost doubled. However, this is by no means a guarantee of a significant extension of battery life.

A new screen and more powerful hardware consume much more energy, which leads to rapid battery depletion. 5-8 hours under load and that’s it – you need to charge the device again. If you use the phone only for its intended purpose (writing SMS and making calls), then it can last for several days.


The new flagship from Samsung has a technologically advanced 4-core Snapdragon 801 processor with a frequency of 2.5 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. This is quite enough to guarantee good performance in most games and applications. For example, in popular game Epic Citadel, when all settings are set to Ultra, the frame rate stays around 45 per second. Of course, do not forget that testing was carried out on a “clean” device. Results on a phone that is already full of various third party applications, may be different from the test ones.

iPhone 6 Plus uses an Apple A8 processor with two 1.4 GHz cores on board. The amount of RAM is one gigabyte. Not impressive? It's OK. All users of Apple devices have long understood that no matter what device they buy from this company, it will always work like a clock and run all the applications that are stated in the list of supported ones. So, you don’t have to bother yourself with all sorts of benchmarks and measurements. Even the system interfaces themselves began to work 15-20% faster than the previous model (iPhone 5S).

Conclusion. Which phone should you buy?

The fifth Galaxy did not bring any special innovations to the series, but it can still please Samsung fans. First of all, an excellent camera capable of recording video in impressive resolution, and powerful hardware. In second place in the rating of user liking is the dustproof and waterproof case, which is simply necessary for such an expensive device. Next on the list is a fingerprint scanner and a built-in heart rate monitor, which will be useful for fitness enthusiasts.

Reasons to buy Samsung Galaxy S5

  • Record high performance levels.
  • High-tech 16-megapixel camera and HDR.
  • Reliable protection against water and dust.
  • A display with good color reproduction and excessive brightness.

Reasons not to buy the Samsung Galaxy S5

  • Short battery life under load.
  • Outdated design, practically unchanged for several generations of devices.

iPhone 6 Plus, on the contrary, was able to surprise the public. Apple couldn't decide for a long time to enter the market of smartphones with large screens, but still did it. The 5.5-inch Retina screen alone makes it worth buying this phone. Yes, in all other respects little has changed - they expanded the battery capacity, improved some camera technologies, changed the design to accommodate the increased size, inserted a little best processor. But this was done with all the seriousness and meticulousness for which fans love Apple products.

Reasons to buy Apple iPhone 6 Plus

  • Large display with high contrast and rich colors.
  • Stylish design.
  • Easy to set up and use your phone.
  • Brand. Apple is still the #1 brand.

Reasons not to buy the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

  • A very thin body and a protruding camera means you need to buy a case.
  • The hardware is weaker than many competitors.

As you can see, each of the review participants has their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, potential buyers will have to analyze everything written above and make a conclusion for themselves which criteria are most important to them. And based on these criteria, choose a device for purchase.

For example, if you want a device that is stylish and easy to use, your choice should be the iPhone 6 Plus. If you need more power and take a lot of photographs, take the Galaxy. And so on, for each item.

To the question, there will be one answer - Apple and Samsung. Undoubtedly, these are two main competitors, and it is not always possible to objectively assess which of them is leading and which is still lagging behind. Let's try to compare the products of these manufacturers and decide at least a littleWhat better than Samsung or iPhone.

Both brands are familiar to every user. Everyone knows what an iPhone is as well as a Galaxy smartphone.

Apple is an American corporation created by the famous Steve Jobs; today the president of the company is Tim Cook. The best engineers, designers and developers are working on the development of new devices. Gadgets are assembled at a factory in China, but this does not affect the quality of the devices. It is worth noting that most of the world's brands are assembled by the hands of Chinese workers.

Samsung is located in South Korea. Initially, the manufacturer gained fame through the production of DVD players and other similar products. In 2000 the company began production mobile phones. Today Samsung produces a wide selection of smartphones. Among them there are both budget and premium models. Unlike the iPhone, Samsung provides the opportunity to have a gadget for users with any budget.

As for the quality of the devices themselves, Apple is ahead of its competitor in this matter. Samsung makes some mistakes; you can often come across reviews that say that the devices perform arbitrary actions while in the user’s pocket. In addition, there are defects in batteries; an entire line of smartphones has even been recalled because of them.

Comparison of characteristics

Which is better Samsung or iPhone?difficult to determine right away. Each smartphone has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to objectively evaluate both brands, we will compare the main characteristics that are important to the user.

operating system

Software is important. Android and IOS are the fillings of smartphones. If we compare them with respect to the number of available applications, they will be equal. Each application developer equally strives to take top positions in both the AppStore and PlayMarket.

Regarding functionality, it is also difficult to conclude which is better. When one company brings a new development to the market, the second takes a step back. Therefore, most of the capabilities of gadgets are similar, and where there are differences, each competitor has something to answer the opponent.

The main advantage of the iPhone is that software updates are carried out with enviable regularity. While Samsung cannot boast of this, gadgets released several years ago, after a certain number of updates, no longer support the next versions of the OS.

Smartphone performance

Modern gadgets are almost equal in this matter. The iPhone processor is somewhat simpler than that of Samsung. But a higher quality graphics accelerator allows you to handle the heaviest games. Despite the fact that Apple gadgets have only 2 GB of memory (unlike Samsung, which has 4 GB), it is quite enough for the smartphone to function properly.

It turns out that the performance of both brands is at the same level, but the iPhone will be more preferable for those who like to play games.

The standby time for both gadgets is good. Not so long ago, Samsung was losing ground in this matter, but today operating system well optimized and the problems are gone.

Screen quality

iPhone smartphones have high-quality displays with wide viewing angles. Color rendition is good, but could be better. Thanks to the not very large diagonal of the screen, it is possible to operate the device with one hand and reach the opposite corner without effort. But because of this decision, the expansion suffers significantly, while the image quality itself remains unchanged. high level.

All Samsung products are equipped with AMOLED screens. The advantages of such screens are difficult to overestimate, including high energy efficiency and rich color rendition. Thus, in matters of screen quality, we can give the championship cup to Samsung, but latest iPhone X has caught up with its competitors in these indicators. Therefore the questionWhich is better Samsung or iPhone?remains open.

Photo and video

Comparing the optics of premium smartphone models from leading manufacturers is a very difficult process. It is worth noting that in bright sunlight the difference is almost imperceptible. The pictures are of excellent quality on both gadgets.

DxOMark specialists, after conducting research, concluded that Apple products are not much behind their competitors. Despite the fact that the manufacturer has implemented the ability to take “live” photos.

Usability and connection quality

iPhone manufacturers are of the opinion that the smartphone should be miniature. And this is justified. Using a smartphone with a smaller diagonal is much more convenient; it is possible to control the device with one hand. In addition, the gadget is much more convenient to hold in the palm of your hand.

Premium gadgets from Samsung most often have a large diagonal, which often complicates operation. Too much big screen does not always justify itself, especially when the issue concerns phones.

Both manufacturers regularly supply their products with various accessories. Cases, headphones, wireless headsets are presented in all their diversity. It is worth noting that the Samsung company turned out to be more inventive in this matter.

Regarding the quality of communication and support for various instant messengers, both manufacturers are on equal terms. Audibility during a call is excellent in both directions, while noise reduction functions are implemented that do an excellent job.

Memory Specifications

iPhones do not support external media, so they produce models with different capacities. It is worth noting that the price of a smartphone increases in accordance with the increase in memory capacity. However, storing and listening to music or watching videos without using commercial services is not available.

Samsung supports the use of external media. The operating system is perfectly adapted to the use of this type of memory and works without noticeable glitches. At the same time, you can not only take photos and videos on microSD, but also install applications.

The author of the first iPhone was Steve Jobs, he was the first CEO of Apple, which is still a manufacturer original versions mobile gadgets of this brand. After the death of the legendary leader, the American corporation was headed by Tim Cook. The main office is located in the USA, California, Cupertino.

Apple products are famous for their quality

Software development and design, marketing, pricing, and logistics are handled by employees of the Cupertino office, and assembly, like most companies, is carried out in China. iPhones are assembled at the Foxconn plant. Experts say that more than 90% of the contribution to the creation of Apple gadgets is the merit of the employees of the main office. The percentage of defects is minimal due to the high quality control of finished products, to which Americans have high demands.

The main competitor of the innovative corporation in the Russian market is Samsung. The head office is located in Suwon, South Korea. The brand gained its fame thanks to the production of high-quality TVs, DVD players and other digital equipment. At the very beginning of the 21st century, the corporation launched the production of simple phones. Today, this company also offers mobile gadgets created in accordance with the latest technologies. Therefore, the buyer often has a choice: what is better to buy - an iPhone or a Samsung? With the development of production mobile devices Based on Android OS, the company created a so-called sub-brand called Galaxy. Almost all flagships are produced under it. And if the apple corporation produces only a couple of models a year, the Koreans are more productive in this regard.

Which phone is better - iPhone or Samsung: comparative review of models based on various characteristics

Most often, mobile devices are compared according to known characteristics, for example, software and hardware platform, camera parameters, functionality, design, equipment, etc. When conducting a comparative analysis and choosing which is better - Apple or Samsung, we will also look at the main characteristics, comparing the models of these brands.


The main advantage due to which users prefer iPhones is software. iOS is a priori considered more secure. In addition, the software developer and the gadget itself are represented by one company, which affects the compatibility of hardware and software. Many owners note the “swift” operation of the device. As for software, iOS initially does not provide operator programs that cannot be removed from the phone without Root access, which cannot be said about Android. The applications in the company store are high-quality and reliable, but there is less choice in the AppStore.

Many applications in the Apple brand store are paid

Although Play Market offers great amount various applications, it lacks Apple proprietary software, for example, Siri (a voice assistant that can be used in conjunction with third-party applications), HomeKit (control " smart home"), AirPlay (transferring media files to any device), iTunes (media player). The iMessage messenger with its updated functionality outperforms Hangouts, and the iPhoto and iMusic applications, in comparison with their Android counterparts, have more features.

As disadvantages of the American operating system, users note some problems with synchronization with other devices that do not run on iOS, and the impossibility of detailed configuration through flashing the firmware. Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 run on Android 6, while the 7th and 8th generations have an updated seventh version, which can easily compete with iOS.

The updated Android 7 offers several useful innovations:

  • the ability to use the software without installation;
  • updated messengers for communication (text messages and video calls);
  • software update without user intervention;
  • expanded virtual reality functionality;
  • Replies to messages directly from the notification panel;
  • background task switching.

Design, build quality and materials

Released under the motto “size is not everything,” the Apple device 5s with a 4-inch screen is made in an aluminum case and has three colors: black/gray, white and gold. Adherents of apple products consider this style to be the standard of quality. But this is a very subjective point of view. The device itself is somewhat thicker than its competitor. A convenient “Mute” button allows the owner to quickly turn off the sound.

The 5.1-inch Samsung Galaxy S5 has a metal body with an expanded color scheme: black, white, blue and gold. The manufacturer emphasized the elegance of the flagship by rounding the edges. There are two slots on the side, allowing for the installation of two SIM cards or a card and a microflash drive.

The sixth generation models look stylish and modern

The glass and metal case in which the Galaxy S6 is presented is not inferior to the all-metal case of an American device of the same generation. Comparing the design of the devices of the seventh version, it is worth noting that they are almost on par. A similar color scheme is silver, black (in matte and glossy), golden, “rose gold”. The main difference can be noted only in the degree of moisture protection of the device. Only by this criterion does the Samsung Galaxy S7 win.

The premium quality of materials of the eighth generation flagships is distinguished by stylish design and ergonomic solutions. But if the American manufacturer took the basic idea of ​​the previous model, the design of the Galaxy S8 has changed dramatically. Therefore, when choosing, buyers often compare which is better - iPhone 7 or Samsung 8. The frame around the screen of the latter has become almost invisible.

As for the build quality and materials, in both cases, great attention is paid to the production of top models. Manufacturers' quality control is at a high level. Of course, sometimes you can see reviews in which owners of Apple devices claim that they fit more comfortably in the hand compared to Korean devices. But this is only a subjective assessment and depends on the individual preferences of users.

Hardware platform

At the moment, both processors are obsolete. But, despite the characteristics, 64-bit architecture and similar frequency, the Apple A7 wins. As for graphic indicators, they are also almost at the same level. But for gaming, experts recommend the A7.

Comparing which is better in terms of hardware performance - Samsung 6 or iPhone 6, it can be noted that, despite the number of cores and larger RAM, the Galaxy is not much superior to an American smartphone. Thanks to excellent software optimization, iPhone makes efficient use of RAM, which does not affect performance.

It is worth noting that both devices have powerful hardware, but due to the processor, which has twice as many cores and RAM, and a built-in LTE controller, the Korean wins. In addition, Samsung allows you to expand the memory size using a removable flash card.

According to the testing results, the Samsung processor received 153 points, the Apple one - 108

Despite the slight advantage in technical characteristics of the Samsung Galaxy S8, the American flagship is superior in speed and computing power. Together with the M11 motion coprocessor with neural engine, the A11 ensures reliable system operation.

iPhone 8 beats Galaxy S8 in performance

Battery and charging

Objectively, Samsung wins in this case. In addition, judging by the reviews, Apple devices are afraid of severe Russian frosts, so they quickly lose charge and often turn off in the cold.

Samsung's superiority in battery capacity is obvious. But here again Apple’s small screen size and economical hardware come to the rescue. Therefore, there is no clear winner in this category.

Objectively, the battery capacities of both devices are small compared to modern flagships. But in this case, the Samsung Galaxy S7 wins due to the possibility of wireless (the adapter is not included in the standard package) and fast charging.

Samsung wireless charging

Comparing objectively which is better - iPhone 8 or Samsung 8 in terms of battery capacity, it is obvious that the Korean has an advantage. In practice, the resources are approximately the same. It's all about the displays. For the beautiful and bright screen S8 requires more resources. Both eighth-generation devices support adapters for wireless and fast battery charging.

Screen Options

The resolution of both models corresponds to the diagonal. iPhone screen 5S boasts high definition. At a distance of more than 20 cm from the eyes, individual pixels are practically invisible. In addition, the Apple flagship has an oleophobic coating. It affects the appearance during use - fingerprints do not remain on such a surface. The only negative of the 5S that users note in their reviews is the small screen.

The situation is different with the GALAXY S5, the diagonal is larger, but because of the PenTile the image does not seem so clear. As for color rendering, none of the models here can boast of ideal performance. The iPhone turns slightly red, while the Samsung is noticeably blue. As for visibility in the sun, the Korean device has a clear victory here.

In general, the displays of both models are worthy of each other. iPhone 6 wins only due to its support for 3D Touch. It's kind of mobile option Force Touch on MacBook. Thanks to this technology, which allows the use of Peek and Pop functions, new possibilities open up for the user, which he can control due to different degrees of finger pressure.

The screen quality, response speed and automatic brightness adjustment of both models are excellent. The Korean flagship has a larger, sharper screen, richer colors and more contrast, while the American version has a softer color scheme, making color reproduction warmer and more natural. What is better to choose in this case - iPhone 7 or Samsung 7? The first option gets extra points for having 3D Touch technology, which the opponent does not have.

Both options delight with natural color rendition, high-quality detail and clear images.

Photo and video camera

iPhone cameras have always been of high quality and outperformed conventional point-and-shoot cameras, not to mention their Chinese competitors. Even in dim lighting, the pictures are clear. Evaluating subjectively based on the technical characteristics of the equipment, the Galaxy S5 with a proprietary matrix from the manufacturer with Isocell technology has a clear advantage. Having visually assessed the quality of the images, we can say that both devices are on the same level.

Example photo taken on iPhone 5S in the dark

Example photo taken on Galaxy S5

Again, considering which is better - Apple or Samsung in terms of photo and video shooting, and evaluating only specifications, the victory can be given to the Korean device. But the quality of pictures on the iPhone 6 is in no way inferior, and the sixth-generation phone uses a 12-megapixel camera. Both devices shoot in 4K.

Both in terms of characteristics and user reviews, both devices have excellent modern cameras. But it is worth noting that the quality of images and videos largely depends on external factors. And if the iPhone 7 takes better pictures in natural light, then the Korean device is capable of producing high-quality photos in the dark.

Many people regularly ask the question: iPhone or Samsung, which smartphone should you buy? And if at the beginning of the 2010s the answer was known in advance, now the situation has changed. Now it is impossible to recommend a South Korean or American product right off the bat. Let's do a little research and decide: will the bitten apple or the green robot win?

Briefly about the iPhone and Samsung brands

First you need to understand that the iPhone is made by Apple(if we don’t talk about Chinese copies, which some narrow-minded people for some reason also mistake for an iPhone). The head office of this corporation is located in the USA, and more specifically in Cupertino. The very first iPhone was invented by Steve Jobs, a legendary leader about whom several feature films have already been made and a biographical book has been written. There is an opinion that after the death of Steve Jobs, their magnificence and some great spirit disappeared from Apple products. But this is just an opinion - in fact, new devices are the result of the work of a mass of engineers, designers and Tim Cook himself, who is now the president of the company.

The assembly of smartphones takes place at the Chinese Foxconn factory. Believe me, similar devices from many other companies are assembled there. So the iPhone doesn't stand out in this regard. These Siemens mobile phones were once assembled in Germany. Apple products But for a long time it has not been produced by Americans, because they demand huge salaries. And in terms of build quality, Chinese products no longer evoke negative emotions.

The history of the South Korean company Samsung Electronics is no less eventful. But mainly this brand became known due to televisions, DVD players and other similar equipment. In the early 2000s, South Koreans began producing simple mobile phones. And no one then expected that in the future it would result in a multimillion-dollar business. With the development of smartphones based on the Android operating system, a sort of Galaxy sub-brand was formed. It is under this name that almost all smartphones and samsung tablets. And if Apple releases only a few models a year, the South Koreans have a much wider range of products - from very cheap devices to flagships. As they say, you can choose a smartphone regardless of the thickness of your wallet.

Software for Samsung and iPhone smartphones

If you forget about appearance smartphones, what else do they differ most from? Of course, the operating system. South Koreans install, while the iPhone operates under control iOS. In terms of the number of applications, both of these firmwares are approximately equal.

At one time, Samsung also produced smartphones without a memory card slot. But this period was very short. If South Koreans produce their own memory cards, then why deprive consumers of the need to buy such an accessory? Yes, and the operating room Android system Recently it works with memory cards without failures. You can even transfer many applications to it. In theory, with help you can increase the memory capacity to 300 GB. This is a blessing for a music lover who collects music only in FLAC format.

We give points to Samsung for memory card support.

iPhone or Samsung. Calls, communications and instant messengers

In terms of the quality of built-in microphones, Apple and Samsung equipment are approximately equal. If you are in a large city, then the interlocutor can hear you well, as well as he can hear you. The noise reduction system is well implemented - surrounding sounds are muffled by a smart system. Therefore, you need to decide whether to choose iPhone 7 or Samsung 7 based on the speed of your Internet connection. But here the devices are approximately equal. They have been supporting LTE-Advanced for quite a long time - thanks to this technology, speeds can reach 300 Mbit/s, and in some models even 600 Mbit/s.

It would be possible to focus on social media. But now they are all ported to both platforms. Gone are the days when Instagram existed only on iOS, considered an application for the elite. Now on Android there are a lot of different messengers.

Of course, we can recall the famous Apple ecosystem. For example, many owners of Apple products use iCloud and similar services. If Samsung has such services, they are not popular. But we will not list this fact as a disadvantage. In the end, only owners of at least a few Apple devices notice the existence of such an ecosystem. And there are many such people only in the United States. In our country, people most often are not able to buy at least a MacBook in addition to the iPhone.

We will not give our preference to any of the companies.


The Chinese have long established mass production of all kinds of cases designed for smartphones from different companies. But let's talk about official accessories. Cases are created by both Apple and Samsung. At the same time, South Korean products can be more interesting. They can be made in the form of a book, and they have a window on the lid. When you take your smartphone in your hand, this window displays all the most important information. This is not yet possible on the iPhone, since it is not equipped with an AMOLED display.

If we talk about headphones, then Apple has both a wired headset, supplied in the kit, and a wireless one. Samsung produces mainly wired headsets that are part of the Level series. And it must be said that in terms of sound quality they are inferior to the creations of third-party companies. But the flagship ones Samsung smartphones can be connected to a proprietary DeX docking station, as a result of which the device turns into a kind of computer! We will not explain the principle of using the docking station in this article, as it will take too much time. Let us just note that Apple has nothing like this.

If you think about it, there are a huge number of accessories released for Android smartphones. If you buy external battery, then it will definitely recharge your device. But in the case of the iPhone, everything is much more complicated - here it all depends on whether the power bank has passed Apple certification. This also applies to third-party headsets. And many Samsung smartphones have OTG support. This means that almost any peripheral can be connected to them. It could be external storage, mouse, keyboard or even printer - in a word, anything.

The range of accessories for Android is wider, so Samsung deserves another point.

Samsung or iPhone. And who won?

So, Samsung S8 or iPhone 7? More precisely, South Korea or the United States of America? Who scored more points? The South Korean company wins with a score of 5:4. At the same time, you need to understand that it is the flagships that ensure victory. Budget devices do not have a number of advantages that are mentioned in today’s material. However, they are cheaper than any iPhone, and for many people this will be the main advantage.

In fact, the victory was not by a very large margin. Therefore, you should not assume that South Korean devices are much better than Apple products. If you already use an iPhone, then you are not obliged to change it to some Samsung Galaxy Note 8 in the near future. It is possible that switching to Android will cause you negative emotions. While it is possible to switch to another platform without much difficulty, not everyone will be able to leave the Apple ecosystem as a whole. It is quite possible that you will constantly think about iCloud, which you have already become accustomed to for several years.

The opposite situation is also true - switching from the flagship South Korean device to the iPhone now makes no sense.

We also understand perfectly well that each brand has its own fans, who will find their pros and cons in both Samsung and iPhones. Share your opinion in the comments. Help readers decide which smartphone is best to buy.

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