The best microphone for gaming. The best microphones for a computer: which one to buy, how to connect, how to set up

We've rounded up the best microphones that will help you sound great while streaming and gaming with friends.

Platforms like Twitch are used in most cases for streaming video from games. Now this is not just a hobby - for most it has become a professional occupation. To get started, you need quality equipment. Today we will share with you our thoughts on the best microphones for streaming video games on Twitch or similar sites.

The sound quality of the microphone is a deep rabbit hole. But the truth is that gamers and streamers don't need studio microphones, they just want something better than a pop-up plastic mic attached to your headset. Sound quality is very important, as is ease of use, customizability, and price. We looked at more than just which mic will give you radio sound - we looked at which mics are actually the best for streaming and gaming with friends.

While some streamers use their gaming headset's microphone, having a dedicated dedicated microphone will provide much better audio quality. Blue's Yeti microphone is still a crowd favorite after months at the top of the charts, which makes sense as it's the best mic for the money.

If you're using a standalone microphone while gaming, check out our guide on best headphones, which offer better sound quality than any other gaming headset.

Even with new tests and re-tests, the Blue Yeti microphone remains the best microphone for gaming and streaming. It is actually very good that professional users choose it to create high-end products.

Best Microphone – Blue Yeti


  • Fantastic sound quality
  • High sensitivity
  • Inexpensive for what it sounds like


  • Captures keyboard and mouse sounds

There are a lot of things to love about the Blue Yeti: it's easy to set up, it's low priced compared to other microphones with the same sound quality, and of course, it sounds great. But its best feature for streaming is its sensitivity. The distance from the microphone and whether you speak directly into it or not can have a huge impact on the quality of the sound. The foam padding at the bottom of the support doesn't do much to dampen vibrations from the desk, but the shape and size of the Yeti meant that I was able to find a suitable location for it without hassle. The Yeti did a fantastic job no matter where I placed it.

In ideal conditions, your microphone should be positioned 15-20 centimeters from your mouth, and the pop filter should muffle any noise from your breathing. But unfortunately, you can't always play in ideal conditions. If you place a microphone 15 centimeters from your mouth, it will likely end up blocking part of the screen from between your hands. Buying a microphone pendant mount won't cost you much, but for most it's an overkill that will still force you to sit up straight so you can talk directly into the microphone the whole time. When you're streaming or gaming for long periods of time, being able to lean back, shift, and rest is essential.

This is where the Yeti outshone the other microphones I tested. I don't want the microphone to sit awkwardly between my hands or block part of the screen, so I usually move it to the side at arm's length. At this distance, some mics start to sound tinny or echoy when you turn up the gain to compensate for the distance, but the Yeti behaves differently. While its bigger brother, the Blue Yeti Pro, sounded best at 15 centimeters, the regular Yeti outperformed it at longer distances. That's not to say the Yeti sounds bad up close; on the contrary, it's almost always capable of delivering good sound quality even when not placed in the perfect spot on my desk. This is an incredibly important feature considering that we are all different.

The only thing the Yeti had problems with was its tendency to pick up keyboard and mouse sounds. The foam layer was able to mitigate this drawback a little, but when I accidentally hit the table with my foot or abruptly put down a cup, the sound was still quite loud. In the end, I placed a thick piece of cloth under the microphone, which almost completely eliminated these vibrations. It's unlikely that this problem is unique to the Yeti, since the fabric has helped almost every microphone I've tested in this way. Until you hang up the mount, vibrations will be a constant problem when placing a microphone on your desk.

Another nice feature of the Yeti is that its widest point is its base, meaning I didn't have to worry too much about the times the microphone bumped into any obstructions on my desk. This microphone definitely has substance over form - the Yeti will never win the "world's most beautiful microphone" award, even though it now comes in three different colors. It does what it's supposed to do and doesn't get in your way. There were very few times when I couldn't find a good place for the Yeti.

You can definitely pay more to get better sound quality, but Blue Yeti does everything a streamer or just someone playing with friends needs. If you plan to deal with constant shaking or are going to install a microphone in the studio, then you might want to spend more money to your microphone. But the Yeti sounds great for its price in any situation the average gamer or streamer would encounter.

Best Detachable Microphone – AntLion ModMic (Unidirectional)


  • Very easy to use
  • Surprisingly good sound quality
  • Inexpensive
  • Doesn't pick up keyboard/mouse sounds
  • Not as good as a stand mic


  • Requires the use of headphones

For some of you, your desk might be...well, a little cluttered. Making room for a microphone on the stand in such cases can be quite difficult. This is where lavalier microphones come in, and the AntLion ModMic is the best I've used. It attaches to your headphones like a headset's built-in microphone, but its sound quality is much better. Plus, it's incredibly easy to install.

Most small headset microphones like the ModMic don't have very clear sound, but that's because they're usually part of headphones. In such cases, the sound of the headphones takes precedence over the quality of the microphone, but ModMic does not have this problem. This microphone was designed to be a good microphone and nothing more. And as a result, this is a really good microphone. While it doesn't sound as good as a stand mic like the Yeti Blue, it probably sounds better than any other microphone attached to headphones.

Unfortunately, it's located a few centimeters from your mouth, which means loud sighs and whistling "s"s will cause noise and distortion. This is not a problem with the ModMic specifically, but with all microphones placed close to the lips. Using a pop filter is the only way to fix this, but it won't help with a headset microphone. Otherwise, ModMic does an incredible job of muting the vast majority of background noise, including almost all mouse and keyboard keystrokes.

Another quality of the ModMic is its fairly simple way of attaching to headphones. You attach a magnetic mount with adhesive tape to the base of the headphones, and then attach a microphone to it. The use of a magnet means you can completely detach the microphone from the headphones at any time, leaving only a small black attachment. I liked knowing that I could still use my headphones as simple headphones if I wanted. This took away the worry of something sticking to my headphones forever.

AntLion ModMic is more suitable for gaming voice chat than for streaming, since here sound quality and noise will not be so important. This is a fantastic quality microphone for the price and can be particularly useful if you have high quality headphones but need a microphone. It's not the best choice if you're doing a podcast or livestream, but it's the perfect mic for making sure your teammates can hear you perfectly.

Best Budget Microphone – Zalman ZM-Mic1


  • Ridiculously cheap
  • Better than most headset microphones


  • Picks up ambient noise

I didn't expect to make a "budget microphone" category when I started testing. The easiest budget solution is to use a headset microphone, although this is probably terrible. But then I tried the Zalman ZM-Mic1 and was shocked that you could get such a miracle for only $10(7). The ZM-Mic1 isn't a top-notch microphone, but I'm willing to bet it's a significant improvement over the headset you're currently using. Its value for money is so impressive that it definitely had to be mentioned on this list.

I want to be clear - there is great amount microphones with better sound quality than the ZM-Mic1. This mic certainly sounds great, but since it clips onto the headphone cord, my voice comes out pretty quiet. The distance of the microphone means that it must be more sensitive, making it easier to pick up background noise. It wasn't as noticeable when I was in a quiet house, but if you're surrounded by other people and there's something loud going on nearby, it might be audible.

But in the right place and with correct settings The volume of the voice quality is impressive. There's no breathing noise or loud "s" noises that you might hear from a headset microphone. It's far from studio quality, but you can use this microphone to record a podcast. It wouldn't be fair to compare it to the best options: it's not the most amazing microphone, but it's amazing for the price.

If you're looking for a great microphone at a reasonable price, take a look at the Blue Yeti or AntLion ModMic above. But if you just want something better than a built-in headset microphone at the lowest price, the Zalman ZM-Mic1 is your best bet. You'll usually have to spend more money to upgrade your microphone, but this is great quality for just a cocktail price.

How we test microphones

It's important to understand that gamers have slightly different microphone standards and needs than most of us. When using a microphone, we understand that the sound will be compressed and transmitted over the Internet, so in any case we will lose more in quality than if we recorded the sound in a studio. While sound quality is very important, it is not the only thing that plays an important role in microphones for gaming and streaming. Here are the criteria we used to evaluate our microphones:

Recording quality

Of course, I said that sound quality isn't everything, but it's still the most important factor when testing a microphone. The most important thing, at the end of the day, is to find a microphone that allows you to sound good. We tested the mics in a variety of programs and settings, although we primarily tested them in "cardioid" mode when available. This mode is designed to record only what is in front of the microphone and is used 99% of the time you play or stream. You also need to know how much noise and keyboard clicks your microphone picks up.


Everyone has different jobs and setup requirements, so it's important that the microphone performs well in several different situations. If a mic sounds better than all the others combined, but only when placed on a suspended mic stand with a shock-absorbing mount placed squarely 15 centimeters from your mouth, it's hard to recommend it. You want a microphone that sounds great in all circumstances and can adapt to how you intend to use it so you can play comfortably and sound great.


It's not a fashion show, but the design still matters. If your microphone is on a stand, you'll be looking at it every time you sit at your desk, so you need to make sure it doesn't distract you too much. The design of the microphone can also play a significant role when considering the sensitivity of the microphone as you need to find a suitable location for it. We used each microphone with different settings, different PCs, keyboards and monitors, getting an idea of ​​how they performed in each environment. If you're a streamer, your microphone will also be in the audience's field of view, so its appearance matters.


Of course, gamers will always try to get better quality for less money. It's easy to get lost in the deep, dark forest of the audio world, and even easier to spend a ridiculous amount of time and money choosing the best microphone. But we don't need studio equipment, so price is an important factor when considering how good a certain microphone is. You can keep looking for better and better quality at a higher price, but being within a gamer's budget is important to us. Price is one of the key factors when comparing different options. In my search for the best microphone, I looked at everything in the $50 to $150 (35 to 105) price range. The Blue Yeti was more expensive, but it was worth it.

Competitors and future tests

We weren't able to test enough "high-end" gaming and streaming microphones to make a final choice in this category, but there are a few good options listed below. It's important to note how we defined "high-end" because you could spend thousands of dollars on incredible studio-quality microphones. For me, this is not an indicator of “high class”, because none of us need that level of streaming. We've tested and selected every microphone with this in mind, so we want to offer options for those who want to spend less money but take quality to the next level. Ideally, a high-end microphone for gaming and streaming will cost between $200 (140) and $300 (210), and that's still a lot less than you could spend.

Razer Seiren Pro

The Razer Seiren Pro is a really good microphone, but too expensive for its quality. There are other options that cost much less. However, like most Razer products, it looks good and has good functionality. Razer also makes some nice and useful additions for the Seiren, including an attachable pop filter for $25 (18), so that makes this mic highly recommended if you plan on tinkering with the settings. Additionally, the Pro version's XLR connectors will allow you to plug it into your mixing console if you're using higher quality settings.

Audio Technica ATR2500-USB

The Audio Technica ATR2500-USB is a decent microphone available at a fairly reasonable price, but it does have a few shortcomings that make it less than ideal for gaming and streaming. First, it is very quiet when you use it from a distance, which means it needs to be positioned close to your mouth. And everything would be fine if the tripod it comes with didn’t take up so much space on the desktop. And its “on” LED indicator is the brightest LED, from which I experienced irritation, as soon as I placed it at a distance of 20 centimeters from my face. It feels like Audio Technica has enslaved the star and is keeping her at the front of the microphone. I had to cover this indicator with duct tape while using it to avoid squinting, and even then I could see its bright light. It sounds good, but it's not a mic I'd want on my desk all the time.

As I mentioned above, the Blue Yeti Pro is definitely superior to the Yeti if you place it 15-20 centimeters from your mouth, but it performed much worse when placed a little further away - which is understandable given that the Pro is more intended for use in a studio environment. This is a great option if you want to upgrade to a higher quality level, but it's quite expensive (usually around $230 (161), although some of it can be purchased at a discount) for a microphone that doesn't perform top-notch in all situations. However, the XLR connectors located at the bottom may be necessary if you plan to use any kind of mixing console.

Blue Snowball

Blue makes great microphones, so the Blue Snowball is a good option, but spending a little more money can get you a much better microphone, the Yeti. This is the same problem I mentioned when discussing the Zalman ZM-Mic1; If you're looking to improve the quality of your microphone, it's not always worth buying a budget option. A good quality mic can make all the difference, and the Snowball, while good, is at that weird point where the best solution would be to buy a more expensive or cheaper mic.

Other microphones

I heard good feedback about the Shure PG42-USB, but Shure told me that they no longer make this microphone, which means it will likely be very hard to find, making it pointless to test it, much less recommend it. I also looked at the Marshall MXL AC-404, but that mic is more geared towards conferences, so its sensitivity and design pretty quickly ruled it out of this list.

While some of the microphones listed above come with stands, mounts, and pop filters, not all do. And some of them come with very cheap, flimsy attributes that will break after a while.

Microphone with shock absorber, pop filter and acoustic screen.

Many gamers don't consider these accessories necessary, but they should be there. The good news is that most accessories are relatively inexpensive.

Pop filter

This accessory is essential for almost any microphone. While some microphones are better at blocking wind and crackling sounds, nothing is perfect.

A pop filter is attached to the microphone.

To prevent unpleasant sounds while recording or streaming, it is highly recommended to purchase a pop filter or windscreen. This is a simple piece of cloth that is placed in front of the microphone to filter out noise and wind coming through the microphone input.

Stand or microphone stand

Only a few models on my list come with a stand. And not all of them are strong and reliable. A good stand or mic stand is another important item for any Twitch streamer.

Microphone for Blue streaming on a stand.

The use of each holder comes down to personal preference. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, the microphone stand is subject to vibrations caused by typing.

Shock absorber

If you plan on having your microphone attached to a stand or sitting on a stand, then you will need a small device called a shock absorber.

This is a special housing that is used to significantly reduce sound interference caused by vibrations. In other words, your microphone won't pick up noise, clicks, or interference when you hit the stand, move it, or someone stomps nearby, sending shock waves through whatever is holding the microphone. This is an important accessory for many streamers because most people use gaming chairs that roll around on the floor, throwing controllers, typing on a keyboard located on the same desk as the microphone, and so on.

Even the best microphone for streaming is not able to block 100% of the sound caused by vibrations. However, using a shock absorber will greatly reduce the chance of interference affecting your audio signal.

Why spend big money on a microphone for streaming?

If you are planning to make a career and make money from streaming or recording videos in games, then you need to have good equipment to create quality content. One of the most important elements is your microphone.

Viewers want to hear the streamer or vlogger without turning up the volume or trying to decipher words between noises and hisses. If your viewers encounter these problems, they may immediately leave your channel and never come back to it.

To avoid this problem, you need to invest in a good microphone for streaming. A good microphone gives you the ability to play games or communicate with fans directly without worrying about your viewers complaining about poor sound quality.

Recording sound is a delicate matter that requires good tools. The better the microphone chosen for the studio (or home project), the better the recording will be and the easier it will be to work with. And this depends on many characteristics - frequency range, sensitivity, and so on.

To make it easier for our readers to choose, we have collected best models microphones for any purpose. Here you will find the highest quality and convenient options for recording sound, voice or instrumental music. The rating includes the best dynamic and condenser microphones.

Best Dynamic Microphones

Dynamic microphones have a simpler design than all others. They do not need an additional power source. These microphones are simple and reliable. Some models can work for 20-30 years without complaints. You can even drop them - and there will be no consequences. In terms of technical characteristics, dynamic microphones are not as good as condenser microphones - they have slightly worse sound transmission fidelity and frequency range. But due to their design, they cope well with pressure changes. In addition, the advantageous difference between such microphones is their better ability not to record extraneous noise and sounds than other types. All these features make them ideal for stage performances and recording loud or harsh sounds.

5 AKG D5

Great dynamic microphone for lead and backing vocals
Country: Austria
Average price: 6999 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The dynamic microphone of the famous Austrian company AKG is very popular among singers and presenters working on stage. Created specifically for lead and backing vocals, it allows you to reveal all the beauty of your voice and achieve powerful and high-quality sound without unnecessary noise. A huge advantage when used on stage is the ability of the microphone to work with extremely high sensitivity and not “wind up”. This is achieved thanks to the supercardiod pattern.

AKG D5 meets all modern standards and is considered the best option for artists who value high sound quality. In addition, the microphone performs well both during live performance and studio recording. The D5 is available in a sharp black color and comes complete with a crane stand and a five-meter cable. Reviews from experienced sound engineers and other representatives of the creative industry indicate that this is the best option for those who want to purchase a high-quality microphone that emphasizes all the advantages of the voice, at an affordable price.

4 Fujimi Boya BY-WHM8

Most portable (weight - 252 g)
Country: China
Average price: 6800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The rating of the best dynamic microphones continues with a specialized model for journalists on the road. It is designed specifically for recording reports, interviews, stand-ups and more. The so-called “reporter” microphone is capable of providing excellent recording quality in difficult conditions. But it is not intended for music and vocals, you don’t even have to try. The main advantage is its small size (5.3x5.3x25.6 cm), lightness (252 g) and the absence of wires. The model is connected via a radio channel at ultra-high frequencies and can work for up to three hours on one set of batteries. It's nice to have an OLED display with all the necessary information about the status of the device. The microphone is omnidirectional, supports frequency groups of channels A and B.


  • Wireless
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Specialized for portable use


Microphone for lead vocals with excellent wind protection
Country: Austria
Average price: 3200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The AKG P5S is designed specifically for lead vocals. It has a supercardiod polar pattern and a wide frequency range, which ensures the absence of extraneous noise and the ability to work with high sensitivity. Judging by the reviews, this dynamic microphone is especially popular with those with low voices, as it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of this range.

The built-in wind protection copes well with inclement weather conditions when working on outdoor scenes. Despite the low cost, the P5S is built very well. The all-metal housing ensures a highly durable design, and the gold-plated XLR connector ensures superior connectivity. In addition, the microphone has an on/off control. The kit includes a soft case for easy transportation, as well as a flexible plastic holder. The only negative is that the cable must be purchased separately.

2 Vivanco DM30

The best microphone for karaoke
Country: Germany
Average price: 948 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The wired dynamic microphone DM30 from the German company Vivanco will be the best purchase for those who cannot live a day without singing. Created specifically for karaoke performance, it will highlight all the advantages and hide the shortcomings of amateur vocals. Thanks to the stylish ergonomic body, equipped with on and off switches, the microphone is very comfortable to hold in your hand, and shock-resistant plastic will protect it from falls.

1 Sennheiser MD421 II

Best recording quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 34,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Sennheiser is one of the recognized leaders in the world of audio technology, and the MD421 II is the true king of dynamic microphones. Of course, like all kings, he knows his worth - it is higher than most microphones in this class, but still not so high for the field of professional audio equipment. The model has only one feature - a 5-position bass roll-off switch - but it’s impossible to find fault with the recording quality. In addition, Senheiser does an excellent job with almost everything: vocals, guitars, drums.


  • Great versatility
  • Features a five-position bass roll-off switch
  • Sets of two microphones are available for sale.


  • The price is high for this class

Best Condenser Microphones

Condenser microphones are more complex than dynamic microphones. Due to this, they are more delicate and do not tolerate falls or high humidity. But condenser models are capable of recording sound better – it turns out to be as reliable and accurate as possible. At the same time, the microphone is able to cover a wider range of frequencies. An important nuance is that this model requires additional recharge, so it is wise to use it together with professional equipment. Actually, when high quality recording and sound transmission is required (which is important for serious studios), there is no better option than a condenser microphone.

5 Blue Yeti nano

Best choice for podcasts and video voice-overs
Country: USA
Average price: 8990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

To ensure truly high-quality sound in a podcast, stream or video, the Blue Yeti nano microphone, designed specifically for speech recording and streaming, will help. Your voice will sound as clear and loud as possible. A unique feature of the device is its two pattern modes - cardioid and omnidirectional. This allows you to use the microphone both to record a single sound source located in close proximity, as well as for a conference call or remote interview.

Modes can be easily switched by pressing one button. It is worth noting the compact and stylish design. The microphone will decorate any workplace and will become not only a functional high-tech device, but also an excellent decorative element. In addition, the Blue Yeti nano is available in four colors. The microphone constantly receives rave reviews from amateurs and professionals for its sound recording quality, functionality, versatility, convenient software and stylish design.

4 Audio-Technica AT2020USB+

Minimal noise during studio recording
Country: Japan
Average price: 14290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

This condenser microphone from the Japanese brand Audio-Technica, designed for professional sound recording, has an extended frequency range and allows you to use the device not only in a studio environment, but also in open areas. The AT2020USB+ delivers voice and other sounds as they really are, without noticeable distortion.

Featuring a cardioid polar pattern, the microphone cuts out all unnecessary noise for the cleanest possible recording. The device is compatible with operating systems MAC and Windows. Installation is simple and won't take much time. The package includes a tripod and a USB cable. For even better sound quality, you can purchase a pop filter separately. Both amateurs and professionals note maximum ease of use and excellent results for recording speech, vocals and instruments.

3 Rode NT USB

Easiest to use
Country: Australia
Average price: 14990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A good and relatively inexpensive USB microphone. Of course, the cost can be called low only taking into account the excellent recording quality. Moreover, not just a good one, but a studio one, thanks to which, unlike the Rode Podcaster, this model can be used to record not only voices, but also musical performances. NT USB is compatible with all common music programs on Windows and Mac, as well as iPad apps. Finally, it's worth noting that there's a zero-latency headphone output, as well as two separate monitor and mix volume controls.


  • Excellent recording quality for this type of device
  • Ease of connection
  • Compatible with professional and amateur music programs for Windows, Mac and iOS
  • Zero latency headphone output
  • Two controls for changing mix volume and monitoring
  • Rich equipment: pop filter, holder, table stand, USB cable(6 meters) and a bag for storage and transportation

2 Maono AU-A04

A universal budget option for studio work
Country: China
Average price: 3797 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A budget condenser microphone from the young but already popular company Maono is distinguished by its versatility. It is perfect for recording speech for videos and games, communicating via Skype and Internet telephony, as well as for professional studio work with voice, provided it is connected to additional nutrition. The manufacturer has provided excellent equipment, which includes a microphone, tripod, pop filter, wind protection, shock-absorbing support and a USB cable for connecting to a computer.

This allows you to purchase a full set of high-quality and most compatible equipment. AU-A04 is made in a stylish and reliable case made of metal and plastic, which will ensure the safety of the device if dropped. Users note the highest quality of speech recording and convenient components, which is why the set is very popular among beginners and professional video bloggers.

1 AKG C214

Best value for money recording
Country: Austria
Average price: RUB 34,644.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leader of our rating is not the best in terms of sound recording quality, but also a very good microphone from the world famous AKG. The C214 took a double capsule from its older “brother” C414, but lost its multi-directional design - only the traditional cardioid remained. The recording quality is at the highest level, but in addition to the sound there are special features. The first is protection against radio interference, which allows the model to be used at radio stations. The second is the ability to reduce sensitivity by 20 dB, which will be useful when recording loud instruments. Finally, there is a high-pass filter to reduce distortion.


  • Excellent recording quality
  • Radio interference protection
  • Record loud instruments without distortion
  • Availability of high pass filter
  • Relatively low cost
  • Rich equipment: H85 holder, windshield and transport case

Best Inexpensive Microphones for Voice Recording

The quality of professional microphones remains beyond doubt. But not every person who wants to record good sound for their own purposes can afford them. Because such models can cost several tens of thousands of rubles or more. In this case, inexpensive microphones come to the rescue for recording regular voices, instruments or vocal performances. They are not distinguished by cosmic characteristics and ideal recording purity, so you should not count on this. But they can please you with good quality at a reasonable price. So budget microphones are a good option to start with.

5 M-Audio Nova

Budget microphone with gold-plated diaphragm
Country: USA
Average price: 4780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The M-Audio Nova budget studio microphone boasts very good voice recording quality and low noise levels at an affordable price. Recommended for home studios. The absence of distortion is ensured by a large gold-plated diaphragm, perfectly selected electronics and a thick brass body.

Recording a vocal part or text for a stream will not be difficult, since Nova can be easily identified by operating Windows systems and Mac. The microphone is sold only in the classic silver color. A powerful and beautiful case will decorate any studio. The kit includes a rigid suspension, a case and a cable. In addition to studio recording, the microphone works well as an auxiliary sound at concerts.


The most affordable microphone for high-quality speech and vocal recording
Country: Germany
Average price: 2538 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The C-1U from the famous German manufacturer Behringer has become a real legend, because among professional devices it stands out not only for its lowest price, but also for its decent sound recording quality. It has been in demand among amateurs and seasoned musicians for many years as a main or auxiliary microphone, as it has a very smooth frequency response and ultra high resolution.

The gold-plated XLR connector ensures flawless signal transmission, and the heavy-duty die-cast housing eliminates unnecessary noise. Experienced sound engineers note that the microphone performs best when recording speech. C-1U has a classic design and is produced only in steel color. Sold complete with rotating stand adapter and carrying case.

3 SE Electronics X1

High recording quality at low cost
Country: China
Average price: 5990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An ideal option for a budget studio would be a microphone from the Shanghai brand sE Electronix. The recording level on this device is difficult to distinguish from the sound of expensive models. Such positive characteristics are ensured by the competent design of the capsule, which can be called a miracle of engineering. Voice recording is carried out on top level, but in addition to speech and vocal parts, the device copes well with wind instruments and even drums.

The built-in windshield allows you to use the microphone without a pop filter, and the gold-plated XLR connector eliminates signal loss. The absence of noise is ensured by the cardioid polar pattern and all-metal housing. The X1 has a simple design and is available in black. Supplied complete with swivel clamp and threaded adapter.

2 Marshall Electronics MXL 770

The most versatile budget employee
Country: USA
Average price: 8600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

American condenser model with a large membrane from the budget segment, produced by a well-known company. It is relatively versatile and is suitable for recording rock songs and rap, as well as classical instrumental melodies and vocals. The device is capable of receiving and efficiently processing a wide range of frequencies. Considering its price, this quality is surprising. The microphone is loved by many performers for its good perception low frequencies. The bass on the recording is excellent. But at the same time, the model copes with high frequencies. Unfortunately, the cable will have to be purchased separately.


  • Great versatility - goes with literally everything
  • "Gold" 20mm six micron aperture
  • Suitable for analog recording

1 Audio-Technica AT2020

Best in price/quality
Country: Japan
Average price: 7750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

And among others, this Japanese condenser model can be considered the best budget microphone. Despite the low price, it is officially considered a studio and has excellent technical characteristics. Experts in reviews recognize it as one of the best in this segment. The wide range of perceived frequencies is pleasing. Interestingly, this model works best when recording female vocals or sounds high frequency. The cardioid polar pattern allows you to cut off most of the extraneous sounds, leaving only the front, so the microphone will perform well as a concert microphone.


  • Sturdy and durable, made of metal
  • The diaphragm is lightweight and has noticeably improved performance
  • Ideal for a home studio - inexpensive, practical and very high quality

The class of USB condenser microphones, which appeared relatively recently, has managed to gain wide popularity in the world, allowing you to obtain sound quality comparable to that of a studio at home. Such devices are actively used by musicians, singers or rappers, as well as podcasters, announcers and presenters. You can learn more about the technical side of the issue in our previous article “”, but today we will talk about the best representatives of various price segments.


Nady USB-1C

A simple and affordable condenser microphone produced by the American company Nady Systems, which once became famous for the fact that their products were actively used by Mick Jaeger. The device is ideal for aspiring singers and podcasters, offering good recording quality for a reasonable price. The design uses an AKM AK5371 DAC that supports 16-bit 44/48 kHz resolution. There are no controls, hardware monitoring capabilities, or a stand, and only a 3-meter USB cable is included. The issue of placement is resolved by purchasing an additional floor or table stand, and monitoring can also be organized programmatically, although with some delay of around 0.5 seconds. The cost of USB-1C is 7,000 rubles.

Samson Meteor

One of the most popular budget models created by Samson, known primarily for the fact that it was the company that developed and launched the world’s first USB microphone C01U Pro. Meteor has an attractive retro design, has a design with convenient folding legs allowing it to be easily placed on a table, and has a number of useful functions. Includes USB cable and carrying pouch.

The device allows you to record in 16-bit 44/48 kHz quality, is compatible with both PC or MAC and iPad, and does not require the installation of any drivers, being automatically detected in the system as an external audio interface. There is a headphone output with volume control for direct, latency-free monitoring, a mute button, and a clip indicator. Like the Nady product, Samson is perfect for beginners, without pretending to solve serious studio problems. You can buy a microphone for 6 - 7000 rubles.


Our review of inexpensive models ends with a product from the American company CAD Audio, which has been producing high-quality microphones for over 85 years. U39 will allow you to get a full-fledged device for recording voices, vocals or instruments for little money, simply connecting to a USB interface. The bitrate and sampling frequency of the device are still the same 16 bit 44/48 kHz, but the possibilities are a little wider. In addition to hardware monitoring with volume control, implemented using the proprietary TrakMix chip, the microphone is equipped with a low-cut filter, an overload indicator and a power button. The set includes a convenient tabletop tripod, a holder for mounting on a stand and a long three-meter USB cable. The price of CAD U39 in Russia is 8500 rubles.

Middle price segment

Audio-Technica AT2020USBi

The latest modification of the popular AT2020 condenser microphone, produced by the world famous Japanese company Audio-Technica. The original model has been in production for many years, but with increasing demand for computer recording, the developers also created a USB version. AT2020USBi, first presented at Prolight + Sound 2015, differs from its predecessors AT2020USB and AT2020USB+ by supporting work with Apple devices, and, equally important, by a higher resolution, increased to 24 bit/96 kHz.

The design provides a headphone output for direct monitoring, a sensitivity control and an overload indicator. The device comes with a table stand with a variable tilt angle and a pair of cables: USB for connecting to a PC and Lightning for iOS gadgets. With an average cost of 15,000 rubles, the AT2020USBi is a very worthy device for high-quality sound recording.


The Australian company RODE is one of the leaders in the production of condenser microphones and has a wide range of products to solve any problem. Among them there is also a model with a built-in DAC, designed for recording sound directly into a computer. NT-USB confidently claims to have the best price/quality ratio in its price segment, offering excellent sound transmission and ample capabilities.

The device is compatible with PC, MAC or iOS and supports 16 bits and 44/48 kHz. For ease of operation, there is a headphone output, an overload indicator and two regulators, one of which is responsible for the volume of sound coming from the capsule, and the second allows you to set the mix between hardware and software monitoring. The kit, in addition to the table stand, includes a pop filter attached to the case and a USB cable as much as 6 meters long. Price NT-USB 14 - 15,000 rubles.

Aphex Microphone X

Last in the mid-price segment I would like to mention an interesting product from Aphex, which once developed the legendary Aural Exciter. The main difference that sets Microphone X apart from its competitors is the presence on board of an analog processing section, consisting of an optical compressor that allows you to level out the dynamics, a proprietary exciter designed to add brightness to the sound, and a Big Bottom processor that corrects the low-frequency component of the signal.

In addition, for direct monitoring there is a headphone amplifier with its own volume control and a potentiometer that adjusts the sensitivity of the microphone. The built-in converter supports resolutions up to 24-bit, 96 kHz, and connection to a PC or MAC is available. Includes a height-adjustable tabletop tripod, stand holder, and USB cable. For those who like to experiment, Microphone X will definitely be one of the best options. The cost of the microphone today is 14,000 rubles.

Dear models

Blue Yeti Pro

The top-end USB microphone from the American company Blue Microphones became the world's first device of this class, capable of recording sound at a frequency of 192 kHz and 24 bits. The innovative possibilities don't stop there. The microphone is equipped with three condenser capsules, allowing you to select one of four modes (stereo, cardioid, omnidirectional or figure-of-eight), providing different polar patterns.

Complementing all this is an analog XLR output, designed for use with the Yeti Pro in conjunction with a mixing console or external DAC. The device controls are represented by Mute and Gain buttons, a mode selector and a volume control for the sound supplied to the headphones. The possibility of hardware monitoring is also present. The set includes a convenient desktop base, a rack mount holder and a USB cable. The quality of the sound captured by the microphone and the conversion by the built-in converter is comparable to that of the studio, but the price also varies between 22 - 27,000 rubles.

Sennheiser MK4 Digital

The German company Sennheiser is considered one of the world's best manufacturers of professional-class headphones and microphones, and their wireless systems are completely unrivaled. The brand's latest developments in the field of digital audio took place in collaboration with Apogee Electronics, whose converters are used in top recording studios. One of the joint products was the MK4 Digital USB microphone, first presented at Prolight + Sound 2016. The model is an upgrade of the popular MK4, complemented by a proprietary Apogee DAC and preamplifier. The device is compatible with PC, MAC and iOS, for connection to which USB and Lightning cables are included. You will not find hardware monitoring and others here additional features, but the quality of the output sound will be exceptional. The cost of MK4 Digital is about 30,000 rubles.

Shure PG42USB

The no less renowned microphone manufacturer Shure has in its arsenal a studio-level model that allows you to send digital sound to your computer directly via USB port. The PG42USB is a replica of the PG42 vocal microphone, complete with a converter, preamp and headphone amplifier. The condenser capsule has a large diaphragm, providing a wide dynamic range and high detail. The presence of a headphone amplifier and volume control makes it easy to organize hardware monitoring. All this is complemented by the ability to set sensitivity and a pair of overload indicators, one each for incoming and outgoing signals. Vibration-protected holder, connection cable and aluminum transport case included. The price of the microphone is 24,000 rubles.


If you are just starting to learn the basics of sound recording, moving from multimedia devices to semi-professional ones, then, most likely, the capabilities of budget models will be quite enough. To get the sound good quality It’s worth paying attention to microphones costing from 15,000 rubles, and, finally, studio resolution can only be offered to you by top models of the highest price segment.

If you spend a lot of time computer games There's a good chance you're playing at least one multiplayer game. It doesn't matter if it's a MOBA, a first-person shooter, or an indie game, you need a microphone so you can talk to other players and coordinate your actions. It is not at all necessary that your microphone be professional; sufficient quality can be achieved from a much cheaper and more practical model.

There are no very expensive solutions in our selection, because expensive microphones are created for other purposes. It is enough for us that the microphone conveys your speech well and does not produce noticeable interference or distortion on the air. It should also be easy to use.

Blue Snowball

If you're looking for a good microphone at a reasonable price that looks great and unique, check out the Blue Snowball. The peculiarity of the microphone is that it is able to lower the sensitivity level so as to transmit extraneous noise that surrounds you to the air with a minimum volume. I’ll say right away that the microphone is not very suitable for professional work or for dubbing videos, but it is quite enough to transmit your speech in the game, and it also received an official Discord quality certificate.

The Blue Snowball is a basic microphone, but if you want better sound, check out the famous Blue Yeti microphone. I've been using Snowball for quite some time and I can say that it does its job perfectly.


  • Inexpensive;
  • Good voice quality;
  • Received an official Discord certificate;
  • USB connection.


  • Limited range of tasks;
  • In some cases, a pop filter may be needed.

AntLion ModMic

AntLion ModMic has become somewhat of a standard for the gaming industry for quite some time. For the first time this microphone appeared in a set with the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 in 2011; since then it has been sold annually in confident quantities and has not lost its popularity. What is his secret? Probably the fact that it is easy to attach to almost any headphones.

But the AntLion ModMic has one feature that may not appeal to everyone - they are attached to the headphones using glue. Those. you take your favorite headphones that you listen to and think are great, and glue a small mount to one of their earcups into which you insert the microphone itself. If you don't need the microphone, you can detach it from the mount, but the mount itself will always be glued to the headphones. It's probably not The best way ruin the headphone housing for several hundred, or even thousands of dollars. But you will get a unique mix: excellent headphones and a good microphone.

If you're ready to glue a microphone to your headphones, the AntLion ModMic is a great option because... it conveys the voice of your interlocutors very well.


  • Connects to any headphones;
  • Modular design (can be detached from the headphones at any time);
  • There is a microphone mute button.


  • Cannot be used without headphones, because The microphone does not have any included way to mount it on a table or anything else.

V-Moda BoomPro Mic

The detachable V-Moda BoomPro Mic is perfect for those whose headphones have a detachable cable. This microphone is an intermediate link between the sound source and the headphones. It connects to the 3.5 mm headphone jack and is itself a cable that connects to the sound source.

If you are lucky enough to have headphones with a detachable cable, I recommend paying attention to the V-Moda BoomPro Mic. The quality of speech transmission is at a good level, the voice does not distort, background noise is kept to a minimum. And it's not expensive.

But if your headphones do not have a detachable cable, this microphone will not work.


  • Connects to headphones via a 3.5 mm jack;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Removable;
  • Price.


  • Only suitable for those whose headphones have a detachable cable.

Audio-Technica ATR2500

This is the best microphone in today's selection. The quality of speech transmission is enough even for or. The Audio-Technica ATR2500 is a cardioid USB microphone that works great without any fiddly setup, just take it out of the box, plug it in, set the volume to your desired volume and that's it. Rest assured, your party members will thank you very much for the fact that from you, except for a clear and clear voice, no more interference is heard.

If your budget allows you to buy an Audio-Technica ATR2500, feel free to take this step, I’m sure you will be satisfied.


  • Excellent voice quality;
  • Compatible with any computer that has a USB output;
  • USB connection.


  • Many people may be put off by the price;
  • The microphone is not compact, so you should think in advance about how you will install it on your desktop.

Zalman ZM-MIC1

Zalman ZM-MIC1 is the most affordable copy in today's selection. This is a clip-on microphone that needs to be attached to your clothes. In many situations this is really convenient. However, miracles do not happen and this microphone performs worse than any other in our selection. But even this will ensure that your voice transmission quality is sufficient for your interlocutor to hear you clearly and clearly. True, the quality of speech transmission will largely depend on what sound card is connected to your computer. Therefore, if your computer uses built-in motherboard audio codec, quality may be below average.

But the Zalman ZM-MIC1 costs very little money, and when connected to a good sound card it can give you acceptable quality.


  • Price;
  • In many cases, the clothespin fastening method can be very convenient.


  • Quality depends greatly on sound card into which the microphone is connected.

Chatting and online games, dubbing videos for YouTube blog, conducting video conferences and interviews, classes with a tutor on Skype - all this will no longer be a problem if you choose the best microphone for a computer from those presented in our rating. Based on user reviews, we have prepared the TOP 5 good and one of the most popular desktop accessories for PCs, including laptops.

The products from the following manufacturers are in greatest demand on the market:

  • Acme is one of the enterprises of the Lithuanian ACME group, producing computer equipment, as well as accessories for it and for mobile phones. All products of this company are created in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.
  • Sven– the company develops and produces everything you need to work on a computer. It is aimed at both professional users and amateurs. Its range includes cables, mice, microphones, and much more.
  • Trust is a Dutch manufacturer of PC peripherals that began its activities back in 1983. The design and circuitry are developed in the homeland of the brand, and assembly is carried out in Chinese production.
  • Esperanza– the company has been operating since 1997 and produces electronic devices, PC accessories and music equipment. Its products regularly become the best at international exhibitions, have European quality and reasonable prices.

Rating of the best microphones for PC

First of all, when analyzing the characteristics of the nominees, the cost of the product, its type and purpose were taken into account. We looked at user reviews and what they thought about the following:

  • Build quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • Sound purity;
  • Versatility;
  • Design;
  • Practicality.

Among other characteristics, the weight and dimensions of the equipment, sensitivity level and connection method were also analyzed.

The best microphones for your computer

Today, the winners are 5 models in low and high price ranges. Among them there are computer accessories of both capacitor type and dynamic type.

Acme MK200

This desktop microphone for PC makes it to the list of the best due to its clear sound and compact size. You can easily record speech on it for video, for example, on YouTube. It is also great for holding meetings remotely. The device takes up very little space on the table and weighs only 64 g. Other features include stability on the surface, low sensitivity to extraneous noise, and a fairly long cable (1.8 m).


  • Corresponds to the price;
  • Sound;
  • 5 year warranty;
  • Assembly;
  • Works without drivers;
  • Several mounting options.


  • To hear yourself normally, you need to bring it to your mouth.

Reviews of the Acme MK200 show that users really like the ability to change the position of the “handle”; if necessary, the microphone can be easily tilted.

Sven MK-200

One of the places in this rating was simply reserved for this model from a fairly well-known manufacturer of computer accessories. I would like to immediately note that it can either be installed on a table or mounted on a PC monitor. This is very convenient and allows you to free up space on your work surface. Externally, it is in many ways similar to its previous competitor - the same practical, black color, high leg, adjustable tilt angle and stable round stand. But the sound here is a little louder and cleaner.


  • Ease of use;
  • Budget;
  • Easy;
  • Attached in two ways;
  • High sensitivity;
  • Versatility.


  • If placed too close to the lips, there may be extraneous noise.

According to reviews, the Sven MK-200 performed well during Skype calls, remote interviews, online video conferencing and when working with YouTube channels. You can safely buy it both at home and in the office.

Trust Ziva All-round Microphone

Compared to the first two models, this desktop microphone is somewhat more massive and heavier. It also connects to the computer using a 1.3 m cable, although it could be made a little longer. And, naturally, it boasts good power, clear and loud sound. The convenient button to turn it off, located on the body, as well as the simple adjustment of the tilt angle, will certainly be highly appreciated.


  • Convenient stand;
  • Suitable for different purposes;
  • Records voice without distortion.


  • Not cheap.

In their reviews, users focus on the ability to use the Trust Ziva All-round Microphone both on a stand and in the hands. It is used as a game, as well as for communicating on Skype and other applications, for singing karaoke and video blogging.

Esperanza EH 130 Black

Introducing another best computer microphone from the inexpensive category, which is suitable for both a desktop car and a laptop, for example, from. It is connected via a classic 3.5 mm jack using a 2 m long cable, which is longer than that of competitors in our rating. However, it only comes with a one-year warranty. The leg can change position, and this is incredibly convenient when dubbing videos, communicating on Skype and for a number of other purposes.


  • Design;
  • Flexible microphone;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Easily attached with double-sided tape;
  • Normal sensitivity.


  • The sound quality is not suitable for professional use;
  • The stand is made of low-quality plastic.

The only thing that causes unpleasant emotions in the Esperanza EH130 Black is the fragility of the design, which is why it needs to be handled very carefully.

Trust GXT 212 Mico USB

This PC microphone stands out in our ranking of the best for its appearance. It has a high stand on stable legs and, if necessary, can be removed from it for use by hand. The ability to connect via both a 3.5 mm jack and USB makes it practical, and the tilt angle adjustment makes it convenient. The sound, according to user reviews, is clear enough for silent recording of an audio track. The cable length here is usual - 1.8 m, and no one complains about it.


  • Sound quality;
  • Miniature;
  • Multiple connectors;
  • Nice build.


  • High price.

Which PC microphone is better to choose?

The most universal is the model with two options for connecting to a computer - via a 3.5 mm Jack and a USB connector. If the device has high sensitivity, then it is very important that it has a function to suppress extraneous noise. Those looking for an inexpensive product should opt for a dynamic design, while capacitor ones are more expensive.

  1. To talk on Skype, it is best to buy an Acme MK200.
  2. You can voice over games and sing karaoke on the Trust GXT 212 Mico USB.
  3. Esperanza EH130 Black is suitable for learning foreign languages.
  4. Trust Ziva All-round Microphone will help you record high-quality videos, for example, for a YouTube channel.
  5. For video conferencing, it is recommended to choose Sven MK-200.

When choosing the best microphone for a computer, you need to rely primarily on what exactly it will be used for. And remember that the lower the price, the more doubts arise about its quality.

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