Megafon personal account activate bonuses. The essence of the Megafon bonus program

The Megafon company awards its regular subscribers a small incentive in the form of bonus points. How more money you spend, the more points accumulate in your account. In the future, they can be exchanged for service packages, a discount on the account, or used as a gift to another subscriber.

Megafon Bonus points

To receive points, you need to become a member of the MegaFon Bonus program. To do this, go to the subscriber’s Personal Account and go to the “Spend bonuses” section, then click on the “Become a member” button. You can also register in the program by calling 5010 and following the instructions in the automatic voice menu, or by dialing *115#.

Points are awarded for use paid services communications and other subscriber actions. For every 30 rubles you receive 1 point. The exceptions are fees for roaming, the “Change dial tone” service, “Mobile commerce” and funds spent on paid entertainment subscriptions. Corporate clients cannot participate in the program.

What points are awarded for:

  • calls and sending SMS messages;
  • refill;
  • purchase of mobile phones and tablets from Megafon;
  • while maintaining a positive balance throughout the month;
  • as a gift for the subscriber's birthday.

Bonuses are awarded at the end of the calendar month and transferred to your personal account. Points are summed up and are valid for exactly one year, after which they expire. If you changed your SIM card but kept the same number, your points are saved.

How to check the number of points?

To manage your points, you first need to find out how many you have accumulated. This can be done using a USSD command or SMS message. Send an SMS to number 5010 with the text “0” or enter *115# or *105*5# and press “Call”. Another code for verification: *558#. You will receive a message indicating the status of your bonus account. You can check your points using the voice menu by calling 5010.

You can also get the necessary information on the official Megafon website in the personal section. To enter your Personal Account, enter your phone number and password. Select the “Spend bonuses” menu item and you will be taken to the points management page.

Ways to activate points

Before you can use bonuses, you must activate them. In this case, the points will be converted into money or sent to you in the form of service packages. All activation methods are free, the choice depends on how you want to use your accumulated points.

SMS commands. In just a few seconds you can activate bonuses via SMS messages. To do this, you need to find out the code of the service package that you want to purchase in your Personal Account on the Megafon website. Send a message with this combination of numbers to 5010 and you will receive additional minutes, SMS or data.

Management in "Service Guide". To activate points via the Internet, go to the operator’s website and log in. Switch to the “Spend bonuses” section. Select the package you need and click on “Activate”.

Other methods. Another activation method is sending short command. Enter *105# and “Call”, select “2” in the menu that opens. You will receive a list of commands for receiving SMS, minutes or traffic. When you receive a response message, confirm your intention to receive the bonus. The most popular commands for receiving packages are shown in the table:

5 minutes of communication

20 minutes of communication

100 MB internet

500 MB internet

How to use bonus points?

To find out what rewards are available to you, dial the short command *115*01# and click “Call”. You can also view the list of possible rewards in the subscriber’s Personal Account. You can use points at your discretion:

  • purchase a package of SMS messages;
  • exchange for additional minutes (can be used for calls within your home region and throughout Russia);
  • make an exchange for additional package Internet;
  • exchange for Aeroflot miles;
  • receive a discount on your account.

The discount implies crediting money to the balance. For 20 points you will receive 5 rubles, 100 points are exchanged for 50 rubles, and 240 points are exchanged for 150 rubles. The package is valid for 1 month. As you can see, exchanging more points is much more profitable. To receive an Internet package for points, dial 0510 and follow the instructions in the voice menu. Another way to get a free megabyte package is to send an SMS message to number 0510 with the text: “Package code, space, subscriber number.”

How to give Megafon Bonus points

You cannot transfer your points to another Megafon client, but you can purchase a package of minutes, SMS messages or Internet and send it as a gift. It is important that the recipient also participates in bonus promotion. There are several ways you can make a gift, all of which are free and only take a few minutes.

Through your personal account. In your Personal Account, select the service package you want to transfer. Next to the inscription “Activate”, indicate the number of the other subscriber. Points will be debited from your account and your friend will receive a package of additional services.

With a short command. To send a package, dial the command *115#subscriber number#bonus code#, then click “Call”. The recipient's number must be entered starting with nine. After successful submission you will receive a confirmation.

In an SMS message. To send a package of services as a gift, send an SMS message with the text: “Reward code, space, recipient number, starting with nine” to number 5010. Wait for a confirmation message.

By calling the operator. There is another way to give a gift to another subscriber. Call toll free number 5010 and listen to the answering machine information. Select "Gift" and follow the instructions.

One of the most popular operators cellular communications- Megaphone. This is a customer-oriented company that provides users with high-quality communication services and various programs that allow them to save money. One of these programs was the accumulation of bonuses. With their help you can purchase SMS packages, pay for traffic and even mobile devices. Let's look at how to convert points on Megafon into minutes to communicate with the right people for free.

The Megafon-bonus service is activated automatically when you become the owner of an operator SIM card. If the connection still does not occur, then you need to send an SMS to number 5010 with the text 5010 or perform one of USSD requests: *115# or *105*5# . There are several simple calculation rules:

  • One bonus point is awarded for every 30 rubles spent on communication services or purchasing a phone.
  • Enrollment occurs only once a month.

You use your mobile phone as usual, earn useful points, convert them into minutes, SMS and Internet traffic. It is noteworthy that there is no need to perform additional conditions for calculations - everything is extremely simple and clear.

Remember, Megafon bonus points may expire after a year if they are not converted into minutes or other packages are not activated

How to check the number of accumulated bonuses

Once you have become a member of the program, do not rush to convert Megafon points into minutes. First, you should make sure that your account balance has a sufficient number of bonuses to be exchanged. Three ways to check:

  • Dial the combination on your phone asterisk 115 hash and call *115#
  • Send a message with the number zero to short number 5010.
  • Use your Personal Account.

How to convert bonuses on Megafon into minutes

Having found out the number of bonuses, you can convert them into minutes. To make the process easier, check out the tables. You can transfer bonuses on Megafon into minutes in Moscow and the region by sending an SMS to the number 5010 and in the text indicate the number from the table.

You can also share your bonuses and activate them on any Megafon number. To do this, you need to send an SMS to number 5010 and in the text indicate first the code from the table, then a space and the phone number.

For example, let's activate the package 10 outgoing minutes. To do this, send an SMS to number 5010 with the text:

  • 9101 - to transfer to your phone
  • 9101 9200209292 - for transfer to number +79200209292

Information table for activating points on Megafon in minutes Volga region

Thus, according to the table, to receive bonus minutes on numbers in your home region you need to do the following:

  • For ten free minutes of calls you will need ten points. To activate them, just dial *115 *9101# and call. Or send an SMS with code 9101 to the short number 5010.
  • To get half an hour of bonus calls, you will need thirty points. Become the owner of this package by sending an SMS with code 9103 to the short number 5010, or dial the command *115*9103# and call.

Please note that bonus package codes for converting Megafon points into minutes in Moscow and the Volga region may differ for other regions of Russia.

What else can you exchange points for?

In addition to exchanging bonuses for conversation minutes, you can spend them on free SMS, Internet traffic, or on purchases mobile devices in communication shops, as well as top up your mobile phone account for free. The easiest way to do this is to use your Personal Account on the operator’s website or mobile application. Log in by entering your phone number and password and follow the commands to activate the points exchange.


By using communication services, you earn money and receive pleasant bonuses from Megafon. To convert points on Megafon into minutes, you will need very little time. By selecting the necessary command corresponding to the service package, you can also use them to top up your own account or the account of another subscriber.

Use the services for free mobile operator everyone would like to. This is not possible on an ongoing basis, so the largest telecommunications companies come up with various incentive programs for regular users. There is no clear answer to the question of how to spend points on Megafon; it all depends on the needs of the subscriber.

What is the Megafon-Bonus program?

You, as an active user of this mobile operator who makes a large number of calls, can benefit from this. The company has provided for the accrual of rewards for talking on the phone, sending messages and accessing the network. The Megafon-Bonus program operates year-round and is free for the subscriber. Incentives are credited at the end of each month to the internal balance. From the moment they are added, they become available for exchange or withdrawal. However, before you activate bonuses on Megafon, the option must be enabled:

  1. Select “Messages” in the phone menu and enter 5010 in the text field.
  2. Send SMS to number 5010.

How to exchange points on Megafon using a USSD request

Rewards would be worthless without the ability to change them in some way. What this will be depends on the specific subscriber. If someone has to make hundreds of calls every day, they will come in handy free calls. Another prefers to communicate through short messages or sits online for a long time - he will be happy to receive a package of SMS or traffic for free. Points added to your bonus account have a validity period of 1 year, so to avoid cancellation, it is better to use them gradually.

Requests by entering USSD commands have become firmly established in the life of a modern subscriber. This is as convenient as sending SMS, and much more practical than calling a call center to activate options. You can get benefits by turning your accumulated bonuses into minutes, messages and megabytes by entering combinations of stars, hash marks and numbers. These commands are different for each type of service.

Activating bonuses on Megafon for free SMS

If you are someone who sends a lot of messages to friends and colleagues every day, neglecting calls, then you should activate bonus units in favor of this service. Please note that this option will only be available when you are within your home region. The validity period of connected messages is also limited and is 1 month from the moment of enrollment, so before activating points on Megafon, make sure that it is worth it and you will have time to spend free SMS before cancellation. There are two packages in total that can be included for existing bonuses:

  • 10 SMS. Behind this setting It is proposed to pay with 10 bonus units accumulated in the account. If such a small amount is enough for you, then you can connect like this:
  1. Enter the number 115, surrounded by asterisks on both sides.
  2. Dial the numbers 9, 3, 1 and 0 in sequence, ending the command with a hash.
  3. Activate by pressing the phone button with the green handset.
  • 30 SMS. For the extended package you will have to pay 25 bonuses, but there will be significantly more free messages. This list actions will help activate SMS:
  1. Dial an asterisk, the numbers 1, 1, and 5 in sequence, then another asterisk.
  2. Enter 9330 and hash.
  3. Press the call key.

How to spend bonuses on Megafon in exchange for minutes

Connecting with loved ones or colleagues is always important, so it's nice to get some benefits for a more profitable or free communication. According to statistics, there are more people who like to have long conversations than people who like to send SMS. The largest operator has provided promotions for such subscribers. You can spend Megafon points collected during the past period on a package of 10 or 30 minutes, connected for a month. Options this advantage some:

  • For home network. Bonus minutes will be deducted only for calls to subscribers of the same operator located in your home region. Here are a few points that will help you activate the reward:
  1. Enter the combination: *115*.
  2. Dial 9101 for a 10-minute package or 9103 for a 30-minute package. Complete the entry with a hash.
  3. Press the handset button.
  • For conversations in Russia. In this case, you will be able to make calls to your operator’s subscribers even while outside your home network. The step-by-step algorithm looks like this:
  1. Dial *115*.
  2. For 10 minutes, enter 9201, and for 30 minutes, enter 9203. Press pound.
  3. Activate the command using the call button.

How to exchange Megafon points for money

If your number has accumulated a considerable amount of rewards, and you have not decided how to use them, then simply credit them to your account. The transfer will occur directly to your main balance, after which you can use the money at your own discretion. You can exchange Megafon bonuses using USSD commands, but the transferred amount will differ from the number of points. You can find out how much money will be credited from this table:



Get cash at your own expense using the following method.

The Megafon Bonus program is currently provided only mobile operator Megafon, at a time when MTS and Beeline do not provide such services for subscribers. Very often, users ask questions about how to use bonuses, what they can be activated for, how long they are stored on the number, and much more. In this material we will tell you in detail about all the possibilities of the Megafon Bonus program, and point out all the nuances! Now you can talk with other users for much longer, and pay a little less for it! How? Let's find out...

The bonus system is activated by default for almost all Megafon subscriber numbers purchased at the company’s official offices. The program is free and does not require any additional actions from the user.

The calculation system is as follows: For every 30 rubles spent, 1 point will be awarded to your number. Every month, an automatic algorithm for each number calculates the number of points and awards them at the end of the month. The first thing you should pay attention to is that bonuses have a certain validity period. That is, if you do not activate them, for example, within a month, they will burn out, but will accumulate over the next period.

If you often use communication services, spend a lot on the Internet, SMS and other services, be sure to look at the number of bonuses and activate them on time!

How and who can become a participant in the program

Any subscriber of the company can connect to this program completely free of charge. There are several connection methods, and you can use any of them at any time:

  1. Use the system;
  2. Dial a request with the following content * 115 * #
  3. You can also dial the following USSD request * 105 * 5 #
  4. Write an SMS message with the numbers 5010 and send to number 5010

How to check bonuses on Megafon

You can check the number of bonuses on your number in several ways, both via telephone and via the Internet. Below is full list possible checks:

SMS message.

To quickly check the number of bonuses on your phone, send a short message with the text 0 to the number 5010. You will immediately receive a response message that will tell you how many points are on your number.

How to activate points/rewards on Megafon

The subscriber can activate points for various services on his mobile phone at any time.

  • Important point! For each region, the number of points for activating various services is different, so before spending points, go to the official Megafon website or call the support service to clarify the data.
  • Sometimes the Megafon Bonus service is not active on the number, so the subscriber needs to activate it independently. To do this, you can follow the steps for one of several described methods:
  • SMS message.

Send a free message with the text of the reward code (can be found in the catalog of this program on the operator’s official website) to number 5010. Within a minute this service will be activated on your number.

The user can spend accrued bonus points on various services, ranging from additional calls in the home region or in the territory Russian Federation, ending with discounts when purchasing devices in Megafon stores.

It’s worth noting right away that withdrawing bonuses to bank cards is impossible. You can withdraw only those funds that were previously credited to your number using terminals, bank cards and other payment systems. Here is a detailed list of services you can spend points on:

  • Messages.
  • The user can choose a specific package of additional messages. All of them will be provided free of charge after the points are debited from your number. At the moment there are the following packages: 10, 30. You can use an unlimited number of packages if you have enough points for this. Additional calls.
  • Activation for 10 and 30 minutes is available in your home region and throughout the Russian Federation. For the Russian Federation, the number of points is slightly higher.
  • Internet. If you use regular Internet traffic, where you pay for each megabyte of memory, you can activate an additional amount of free MB for yourself, for example, 100, 500 units.

Money to the account.

Part of the cost of replenishing your balance can be reduced by activating bonuses. This, as statistics show, is the most common option among Megafon Bonus users. You can exchange points for money and credit them to your number. Amounts available from 10 to 150 rubles.

  1. Additional services for Megafon Bonus Did you know that you can spend points on other “chips”? Moreover, some of them are much more profitable and interesting. Here's a small list:
  2. Buying a mobile phone.

Have you decided to buy a smartphone, 3G or 4G modem? Then first we advise you to go to the company’s official website and check the availability of discounts on all models. Quite often, some devices are given a discount in the form of your bonuses. That is, the user exchanges bonuses from his mobile phone and receives a discount on the purchase of a phone. In some cases, full repayment of the amount is possible, for example, like the discount system in Eldorado or Citylink. Certificates. For example, if you do not spend bonuses that were awarded 12 months ago, they will begin to expire. Then the time will come for the next month. Check your personal account regularly or send requests via USSD commands!

Almost any mobile operator can offer its customers a bonus loyalty program. Any subscriber using one or another television system can become a participant. Today we will talk about the loyalty program of the Megafon television system, which is called “MegaFon Bonus”. From the review you will learn what the bonus service is, how to activate free bonus minutes on Megafon and how to transfer a package of minutes to a friend.

To receive a bonus for minutes from Megafon, you first need to collect the required number of points. The accrual takes place within the framework of the MegaFon Bonus program, of which any client of the telesystem can become a participant.

To connect to the Megafon loyalty program, send a request * 105 # or send a message to 5010 with the text “5010”.

To earn points, you just need to be active. That is, to receive additional bonuses you need to use the services of the television system. These services include:

  • voice calls;
  • sending messages;
  • use of mobile Internet options;
  • connection of additional functions.

It follows from this that the more the user spends on mobile communications, the more impressive his bonus account will become.

All savings will need to be spent within one year. If this is not done within the specified time frame, all savings will be canceled automatically.

You can find out the status of your bonus account using a toll-free service number. In order to clarify information on your balance, send an SMS with the text “0” to 5010. Immediately after this mobile phone the data you need will be received.

Important! Points are not awarded for using communications while roaming, as well as for connecting content options.

It must be said that you can transfer your points not only into free minutes, but also exchange them for other rewards. For example, they can be exchanged for money: 195 points. = 100 rub. The funds received can be spent on various cellular services or transferred to another network user.

In addition, you can use your savings as a discount when purchasing gadgets in branded stores of the mobile operator. According to the terms of the program, one point is equal to one ruble. That is, if you have 1,000 points in your account, you can get a discount of 1,000 rubles.

You can also spend your “wealth” on air travel with Aeroflot. In this case, 500 miles will cost 1,000 points.

As part of the service, you can connect the following packages for free calls:

  • 25 points - 10 min. for communication in Moscow and the Moscow region with network subscribers. The package must be used within a month. To activate, text “22052” to 5010.;
  • 65 points - 30 min. for calls to your numbers in Moscow. To turn on, text “215” to 5010;
  • 145 points – 30 minutes for conversations with network subscribers. The package is valid throughout Russia with the exception of the capital and region. To connect, send the text “406” to 5010.

How to activate a package of minutes on Megafon

Before you activate points on Megafon and exchange them for free calls, you need to check the status of your bonus account. This can be done by sending an SMS to 5010 with the text “0” or using the system request * 115 #. Within a few minutes after sending the request, the information you need will be sent to your phone.

After verification, you can proceed to activate points on Megafon. Activation can be done using the same number 5010. Once connected, ask the service representative to help you with your question. You can also activate your savings yourself; to do this, follow the prompts of the voice assistant.

To transfer bonuses to another network user, send an SMS to number 5010 in the following format: “code of the selected package, recipient’s phone number.” Enter the recipient's number without +7 or +8.

You can also activate free minutes using the system request * 105 #. After sending the command, a menu will appear on your cellular device in which you will need to select the “Bonus Activation” button. Further, at your discretion, you can either connect minutes to your phone or gift them to another subscriber.

After the exchange is completed, the subscriber’s phone should receive a corresponding notification in SMS format. Mostly, the notification comes immediately, but in some cases the waiting time can reach up to 15 minutes. If for some reason the replenishment did not take place, you can call 0500 for an explanation.

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