Mi Drop Xiaomi - what is the application and how to remove it. Delete “Google” applications List of miui applications to delete

Recently, many owners of Xiaomi smartphones have noticed a new shortcut on their phone, the Mi Drop application from Xiaomi. Many people have a question: what is this application for and how to remove it? The new program was noticed only by users of Xiaomi smartphones with MIUI, and for example, owners of Xiaomi Mi A1, did not encounter such an application.

Mi Drop Xiaomi - what is it?

The application has been built into the firmware of Mi phones for quite some time, but only this fall it was activated in smartphones and scared many users. You can find it on your desktop, there is a corresponding shortcut:

In fact, not everything is as scary as it might seem at first glance. Xiaomi has released the Mi Drop program so that device owners can easily and quickly exchange files directly via Wi-Fi, even without an Internet connection.

The operating algorithm of Mi Drop is as follows:

  1. You run the program on both Xiaomi smartphones, between which you will transfer files.
  2. On the phone that will receive, select “Receive” in the application.
  3. On the smartphone that will transmit, select “Send”.
  4. We have 5 options and you can choose: images, videos, music, applications or files.
  5. Select the required files and send. In this case, the receiving Xiaomi will create an access point to which the transmitting one will connect and send files via Wi-Fi. This will happen WITHOUT THE INTERNET.

In fact, the Mi Drop application is an analogue of other popular programs, for example:

  • SHAREit from Lenovo
  • Send Anywhere
  • Xshare

and others like that. A distinctive feature of this program is its simple and user-friendly interface, as well as the ability to transfer files without the Internet, directly from smartphone to smartphone, via Wi-Fi.

How to remove Mi Drop?

Why do you need to delete Mi Drop? This is a quite convenient application that can come in handy and help you out at the right time, but if you decide to delete it, you most likely will not be able to do it. Xiaomi technical support responds to an official request something like this.

For a certain number of reasons, users of Xiaomi phones often have questions about how to delete this or that application, why they cannot delete the application, how to clear all its data, etc. This may be due to simple ignorance of the situation, updated firmware, or some kind of malfunction in the phone itself.

Below is a list of those applications that can be removed from the phone, and not just disabled:

  1. Self-downloaded programs via Play Market or browser;
  2. Some installed google services: YouTube, Books, Movies, Music, etc.

These applications are removed, roughly speaking, using the “ Settings» > « Delete" For other programs, either special moves are used, or special applications are installed, or root rights are required.

How to remove standard applications on Xiaomi

A fairly pressing issue is the removal of standard programs from the phone, such as “ Calculator», « Calendar" etc.

But, in order, for example, to delete the application " Weather", or updates are disabled, which will be discussed later, or super-user rights are obtained - instructions will also be given later.

How to delete an application on xiaomi: first method

If you are going to delete an application that you downloaded yourself, the deletion process will not be laborious, but on the contrary, it will seem very simple.

To use this method, the application must be located on the desktop.


  1. Find the application on your desktop;
  2. Press it with your finger and a trash can icon will appear at the top;
  3. Drag the application there;
  4. Confirm your choice.

This method is not complete for all Xiaomi models - on phones with some firmware versions (mostly older ones), in this way you can remove the application only from the desktop, but not from the phone as a whole, which the following method can help with.

How to delete an application on Xiaomi: second method

This method is suitable for all Xiaomi devices and is the same way to remove applications as on Android - through the settings.


  • Go to " Settings»;
  • Open the tab " All applications»;
  • If you are still uninstalling the program you installed, it would be a good idea to go to “ Third Party Applications» – you will find the required object faster, since only applications installed on your phone are shown there;
  • Select the desired application and go to its settings;
  • Before deleting, you can also use the “ Erase data" And " Clear cache"so that the application certainly leaves no traces in the " the insides of the phone;
  • Click " Delete» and confirm your choice;

Third-party methods to remove applications

Sometimes the above methods for removing programs are not enough.

But there are two more methods to rid your phone of unnecessary applications: through the Play Market and using CCleaner.

Removal via Play Market:

  • Go to Play Market and open the tab “ My apps and games»;
  • Go to " Installed applications»;
  • Select the desired program and open it;
  • Here you will see two buttons: “ Update the application" and the one we need - " Delete application", click and confirm your choice;

There are situations when simple deletion, even through “ Settings" may be missing and the data from this application remains inside the phone. You can completely clear the cache by uninstalling the application using special software, which can also be used to identify any problems with your phone and check it for threats and viruses.


  1. Go to Play Market;
  2. Enter “CCleaner” in the search - this is a special program for analyzing your device and cleaning it of unnecessary garbage;
  3. Install the application on your phone and launch;
  4. In addition to the list of accumulated problems/viruses, etc., if any, you will see a list of applications in which you need to select the one you want to remove and click the corresponding button;
  5. There you can also erase all data from this application;

How to remove Google apps from Xiaomi phone

Many Google services are built into the Xiaomi phone itself, so the previous methods will not help to remove these applications. In general, these programs can be considered practically systemic. But you can use other solutions, which will be discussed further.

How to delete google-application: disable updates

This method does not completely remove the application from the phone, but only disables all updating processes and operation in general - you can forget about its existence, but if you suddenly need it, it will be possible to reactivate it.

Of the services provided google apps like Play Books, Play Movies, YouTube, etc. often already installed on a smartphone (this is especially common on Android), but they can be removed in the usual way.


  1. Go to " Settings» to the « tab All applications»;
  2. Select the required Google application that you want to remove;
  3. Click the button below Disable»;

Attention! The "Disable" and "Uninstall updates" functions serve different roles. “Delete updates” means that all updates will be deleted (it’s like clearing cache/data), but the application will continue to work, moreover, it will try to install new versions of itself on the phone. And the “disable” option is what you need. After activating it, the application will be suspended.

How to remove system applications and services google: other software

Many programs have been invented for third-party removal of applications, which also perform many other functions that change the settings and capabilities of the smartphone.

They are often used on the Xiaomi Redmi 4x phone, this is due to the new firmware – MIUI 8.

The following methods may also help you remove some mi applications.

Removal via Activity Launcher:

  • Install the “Activity Launcher” application via Play Market;
  • Run it and in the top menu replace " Latest actions" on " All actions»;
  • Next, find the tab “ Settings» must be in Russian;
  • You will see a list of tabs, select " All applications" with the link "android.settings.applications.ManageApplications";
  • You will be given a list of installed programs where you can find and google-applications;
  • Select the desired application and disable it;

By using the Activity Launcher, the application will remain on the phone itself, but will not manifest itself in any way, however, it will not be difficult to restore it if necessary.

Removal via MoreShortcuts:

  • Install the MoreShortcuts application via Play Market;
  • Launch the application and select Activity;
  • In the search enter " All applications»;
  • Now you need to create a desktop shortcut: click on the very last field “Settings$AllApplicationsActivity” and it will appear on the home screen of your gadget;
  • Open this shortcut and find the program you need;
  • Click the button Disable» and confirm your choice;

These two applications are similar to each other, and the methods for uninstalling applications using them are almost identical.

Be careful when disabling applications, as some programs can have bad consequences for your phone.

The most complex and durable way to remove apps

Now we will analyze the process of “reinforced concrete” removal of programs from the phone.

It includes:

  1. Unlocking the bootloader;
  2. Obtaining root rights;
  3. Firmware update;
  4. Installation of special software.

Using this method in most cases voids the warranty on the device, and if it is done incorrectly, it can disrupt the operation of the phone and cause the need to reflash it, so this is best done by those who have additional knowledge about the structure of the Xiaomi system.

However, this is just a warning, and if you do everything correctly, you will have additional opportunities to use your Xiaomi phone.

  1. Go to the official Xiaomi website;
  2. Fill out the bootloader unlock request;
  3. In the reason why you need to do this, indicate “To install localized firmware”;
  4. The application is processed from one to three days, so you will have to wait;
  5. After a positive answer, install the “MiPhoneManager” and “MiFlashUnlock” programs on your computer;
  6. Update the firmware to the latest weekly;
  7. Next, you need to link your phone to your Xiaomi system account – mi account: go to “Settings”, select the “Device Information” tab and make 7 clicks on the “MIUI Version” field - you have unlocked the developer menu;
  8. Go to the “Advanced” tab in “Settings”;
  9. Go to “For Developer” and enable factory unlocking;
  10. In the “MiFlashUnlock” program on your PC, log into your account using the Xiaomi account that was linked to the phone;
  11. Turn off the phone and call Main Menu - hold down the power and volume up buttons at the same time, and after the MI icon appears, only the volume button;
  12. Enter “Fastboot” mode;
  13. Connect your phone to your computer and click "Unlock".

Installation of special software:

  1. Download and install Team Win Recovery Project on your computer;
  2. While in “Fastboot” mode and connected to the computer, open “bat” and perform all the suggested actions in sequence;
  3. The phone should reboot;
  4. Next, go to the “Advanced” section;
  5. Select "Tools" and then the "Disable Verify" box.

If you do not follow the above steps, you risk damaging your smartphone!

Getting root rights:

  1. Install the latest version of the “SuperSu” application on your phone;
  2. Go to TWRP, holding down the power button and both volume buttons while the device is turned off;
  3. Go to the “Install” tab, select “SuperSu” and download;
  4. The device will reboot (most likely more than once);
  5. You have received root rights;
  6. Check: the “SuperSu” application shortcut should appear on your desktop.
  7. Next, you need to install any file manager that has access to system programs and proceed to the last step.

Removing applications:

  1. Open the manager;
  2. Go to the “/system/app” tab and delete the fields of the required application with the designations “.apk” and “.odex” (some programs may be located in the “priv-app” tab);
  3. In the “/data/app” tab, delete all updates, and from the “/data/data” tab, delete the entire cache;

After updates, new software appears on smartphones. Some are useful, and some are annoyingly promoted by developers for money.

After another software update, Xiaomi device users encountered a problem. The “Mi Drop” application icon appeared on the gadget’s desktop.

Mi Drop is an application for quickly exchanging data between devices. This application should not be confused with Mi Mover. “Mover” allows you to transfer entire backup archives of the device, described in more detail.

Many have wondered how to remove Mi Drop from a smartphone. By default it cannot be removed. That’s right, this application is a system application and you can’t just delete it.

There is a way to get rid of the application icon. Let's go to “Settings” - “All applications” - “Third Party” tab. We are looking for Mi Drop in the list.

After you have found “Mi Drop”, go in and click the “Delete update” button at the bottom.

The update that brought the icon to the desktop has been removed. Next, you need to disable auto-updates in the Google Play Store for Mi Drop.

MI account is a distinctive feature of Xiaomi production, and has recently become increasingly popular. , as a rule, takes no more than a couple of minutes, the same can be said about deleting an account. You don’t want to use this account anymore, but don’t know how to remove MI account from your Xiaomi phone? Let's try to figure it out.

Below, I will divide the article into 2 blocks, depending on your situation, choose the one you need.

If you have access to your account

In this case, two standard types are offered: unlinking from the account or complete deletion. These methods are fundamentally different in structure:

  1. The first method unlinks the data: phone number, email address. That is, the account no longer belongs to you, but is located on the Internet. This procedure is quite simple and most common. You will need to know the password.
  2. The second method completely deletes the account, but does not immediately unlink the number, which is why sometimes crashes occur and may require a password for a MI account that no longer exists. Solving this problem will not be easy without the help of Xiaomi support, so it is strongly recommended to choose complete removal as a last resort.

Do not forget that an unlinked, completely deleted account and MI Cloud cannot be restored!

Simple deletion of Mi account (unlinking)

Before starting the process, write down the IP address (your unique ID) and password.

  1. Go to “Settings”, look for the “MI account” subsection.
  2. We open this window and at the bottom of the page we see an oblong red “Delete” button.
  3. We click on it, enter the password and after a minute (if no problems occur) we receive a notification that the account has been successfully deleted.

The developers made a small mistake in the names, because the account was not deleted, but only disconnected from the smartphone. If this is enough for you, the process ends at this point.

Complete account and Mi Cloud deletion

To perform the second method, you must know your password and login; if you don’t remember something, then immediately restore all the data, and then continue from this point.

  1. Open the official Xiaomi website in the browser.
  2. We look for the “Login to MI account” section and enter.
  3. After successful authorization, look below for the “Delete” item (on an orange background).
  4. After this, we are transferred to a screen where we need to carefully enter the ID and PASSWORD.
  5. If everything is entered correctly, a page with English text opens, which contains a list of materials that will be lost forever when permanently deleted.
  6. In the last line where our agreement is requested, put a checkmark, then click “Delete account».
  7. That's it, the operation is completed.

In some cases, you need to wait two or three days for the phone number to be completely unlinked. During this period, it may constantly require a password. The lag usually goes away on its own, but sometimes specialist help is required.Mi FAQ

2 ways to delete Mi account from Xiaomi phone if there is no access

Here, too, there are two methods to choose from: using the “Recovery” mode or flashing the device. We note that both are undesirable for the device and can cause a number of problems with the operation of the smartphone if some mistake is made.

Are you new to technology and not sure if you'll do everything right? For safety, it is better to contact a service center, where specialists will carry out the necessary procedures.

Want to try it yourself? Then use the instructions below.

Resetting the device via Recovery

  1. Be sure to do this before starting the procedure, otherwise the data will be irretrievably lost.
  2. Turn off the phone and use the power and volume up buttons to get into recovery mode.
  3. We make the final “Wipe”.

There is no guarantee that after this the device will not ask for a password again, but it’s worth a try.

Flashing the phone

It is carried out using special utilities and drivers. If the device has a processor Snapdragon, the following programs are suitable: Miflash, Fastboot. For CPU MTK Flashtool is a good option. On new firmware versions, the operation may fail, so it is recommended to use older ones. But even in this case, no one gives a 100% guarantee that the account will be completely deleted. Without an Internet connection, most likely, you will not be asked for a password, but online the chances are 50/50.

Please pay attention! If, after the above options, your phone starts to experience crashes, incorrect operation, frequent freezes and forced reboots, you need to contact either a service center or write directly to Xiaomi support. Their email addresses and phone numbers tend to change, so new up-to-date information can be found on the company's official website.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

Can an MI account be deleted on its own if it is not used for a long time?

No, It is Immpossible. Even if you don't visit there for several years, the materials will still remain available for viewing.

I don’t remember the password for my account, and the flashing and recovery methods don’t help. What to do?

We offer you two solutions: try to restore access, or contact Xiaomi officials with your problem.

Recovery can negatively affect the device?

Yes, such a possibility exists, although it is small.

Now you know how to completely unlink your phone from your Mi account, and this process does not include complex nuances and special problems. It is similar, for example, to deleting a page on a social network. Nothing new or unusual. You just need to take the procedure carefully and responsibly.

Egor Borisov

I am the editor-in-chief and administrator of the website. I started getting acquainted with Xiaomi with the Mi 5 model. At the moment, there are more than 30 types of different gadgets from this brand. I have experience in setting up and repairing many models, with which I personally helped our users. Find out about the composition of our project on the page.

In the second part of the article on the topic of setting up MIUI 7, I propose to deal with standard system applications, the removal of which will not in any way affect the operation of the smartphone

Before you take any action, I strongly recommend making a backup!

Uninstalling MIUI 7 system applications

Let's go along the way system/app and we find ourselves in the folder with the main system applications. This is where we will begin to get rid of those applications that, in my opinion, are not needed in the system.

Below are applications that can be removed without consequences. I note that this list is individual for everyone and depends precisely on whether you use services from xiaomi or not, and also depends on the firmware version and localizations (multirom, xiaomi.eu, miui.su, miui.pro, proprietary solutions). I use services from xiaomi, so the list is quite narrow. I will also try to indicate which applications are present on different firmware versions.


BugReport– Sending error reports (present on all versions) – For optimization
CloudPrint2– Virtual printer. I don’t need it and I’m unlikely to need it ( – is missing) – does not affect optimization
Email– Quite a universal mail application from Xiaomi. If you use it, then there is no point in getting rid of it. I don’t need corporate email support, especially since I’m using another application, so I’m deleting it. (on all firmware versions, with the exception of some proprietary ones) – does not affect optimization
Fastdormancy– This function, if I understand correctly, is used by mobile operators in Europe and Asia. You can read about the technology on the Internet. After reading it, I realized that my mobile operator does not support it. It can also drain the battery quite significantly if there is no support from the operator. Definitely “under the knife.” (only observed xiaomi.eu and the latest version from multirom) – for optimization
MiLinkService– a “useful” feature for Xiaomi devices. Allows you to transfer files between Xiaomi devices. Too much for me. Removed it. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – does not affect optimization
PrintSpooler– seals. The same thing to consider as with other services from the “virtual printer”. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – does not affect optimization
QuickSearchBox– Quick search from Xiaomi, which appears if you swipe up from the bottom of the screen. I tried it and realized that it was a little awkward to use. Alternative to Google Now. Works great, clearly responds to calls. In short, I recommend it. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – does not affect optimization
StepsProvider– this service was not available in previous builds. Possibly responsible for the pedometer. I don't understand why they added it. Removed it. (Observed on and from xiaomi.eu) – for optimization
Stk– a service application from a mobile operator. MTS Belarus has few useful features in this application. I just deleted it, but it’s better to freeze it in Titanium, otherwise after a full reset to factory settings problems with network detection may appear. (Present on all versions) – for optimization
Updater– Firmware update via system application. Many people ask “How to disable incoming notifications about the availability of a new software version.” We delete it and forget about it.
As for DEV firmware, this application cannot be deleted, otherwise the phone will be blocked and ask you to enter your MI account login and password. But after entering it was stuck on verification. I checked it on two DEV versions. In stable versions everything is fine. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization
Whetstone– And again sending logs that are related to processor performance. Very often this service wakes up the device. Verified. I'm deleting. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization


klobugreport. Let's delete it. Responsible for sending error logs. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization


Browser– Standard browser from Xiaomi. At first I kept deleting it because of the Chinese language. But then I ran into patched version from Multirom from Viset is in my folder. I was pleasantly surprised. The browser is completely Russian, the news contains most of the news portals of my country and neighboring countries. Cool. I set it up and realized that the browser is very fast. Flash support. I just replaced the version from xiaomi.eu with the version from firmware from Viset (installed without problems). And of course permissions to folder "0755" and on the apk file itself "0644". (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – does not affect optimization
CellBroadcastReceiver– Broadcast messages (tsunamis, disasters, etc.), which are common there in Europe and Asia. I don't practice. Deleted. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization
GoogleFeedback– Google reviews. Deleted. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization
Shell– Part of the MIUI shell, which stores summaries and logs of the shell’s operation, which are subsequently sent somewhere. I removed it, tested it, no problems found. (in the comments they report that after removal, developer mode does not work for them). Great. In addition, I will say that deleting this service helps get rid of Shell process, which hangs in memory and sometimes loads the processor quite heavily.

(Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization
YellowPage- Yellow Pages. Allows you to see more detailed information about corporate clients, their numbers and accounts. Deleted. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – for optimization
Weather, WeatherProvider– Weather and weather server. The application is good, differs from various editions (localizations). Let's say Multirom's temperature graph is made in the form of sinusoidal curves. Looks great. However, most often in the forecast, instead of the usual units for measuring wind speed and atmospheric pressure, they are km/h and Pa, respectively. I uninstall and install an alternative Weather BZ. IMHO the best weather app. It looks familiar and fits perfectly into standard weather widgets, as well as custom themes and lock screens. (Present on all versions, except some copyrighted ones) – does not affect optimization

About freezing (disabling) applications via Titanium BackUp: I will say that this method is more secure than simply deleting applications from the system. But when there is a backup copy of applications, then there is no significant difference.

Publications on the topic