Setting up email programs - the key principles for setting up any email client. Dedicated Agava servers setting up mail

  • Dedicated server, or physical server, is the most productive and expensive hosting service. Renting a dedicated server will be great solution for owners of commercial websites, corporate resources, game servers and complex web applications.
  • Unlike shared hosting and VPS, when using which you will have to share resources with other users, with Dedicated you will have at your disposal all the power provided within the service. Therefore, hosting a website on a server guarantees a high degree of security: you do not share the server with other sites that may be vulnerable to hacker attacks.
  • Renting a dedicated web server and storage system (data storage system) in a data center (data processing center) is an order for a very productive desktop computer in a data center on Windows or Linux with a special set of programs for a certain period. We will provide the server with a fast connection to the Internet at speeds of up to 10 Gbit/sec, a permanent connection to electricity and professional technical support, which will help cope with hardware and software difficulties.
  • Another reason for renting server equipment from REG.RU is modern and secure data centers that house dedicated physical servers dedicated - data centers are located in Moscow and are considered one of the most reliable in Russia. Data centers use sources uninterruptible power supply, fire extinguishing and air conditioning systems. This will ensure continuous operation of the servers and your projects.

Dedicated servers based on Intel Xeon processor

  • On the REG.RU website you have several options for choosing the optimal server configuration:
  • 1. Order a ready-made server. Using filters, you can choose the right car for your budget and needs.
    2. Use the configurator and independently select components for the server.
    3. Write us a request and order a unique server configuration.
  • The advantages of the Dedicated server rental service include providing complete freedom in choosing what to install software, as well as control over hardware: bus bandwidth, memory and disk. The monthly rental price for a dedicated server depends on its parameters and characteristics.
  • You can rent a dedicated server in a data center (data center) based on Intel processors Xeon: E, E3, E5, gold, silver, W in various configurations with SSD drives, SATA or SAS, depending on how powerful the hardware you need.
  • How much does it cost to rent a server for a website? The price of such a service is usually higher compared to VPS and shared hosting. Pay attention to the “Cheap Servers” section: in it you can buy (rent) dedicated Dedicated servers for a website in a data center (data center) at the lowest cost per month.
  • A dedicated server for rent is a reliable, fast and secure hosting that will provide a lot of opportunities for companies whose Information Systems, sites and projects require round-the-clock uninterrupted operation, large computing resources and disk space for storing and backing up information.

Fighting spam at the user level is the last line of defense. Quite a lot of tools are being developed for this milestone. Just recently, Agava released a spam filter for private users, Agava Spamprotexx. This program is not trial version, created by a group of enthusiasts. This software product was developed by professionals working directly at Agava. Agava has been developing software for over 6 years and has over 100 experienced employees. The company's projects on the Russian Internet are among the top five in terms of traffic.

Agava Spamprotexx works based on statistical methods

Some programs of a similar class, for example SpamFilter from DeSofto, delete messages on the server of those letters that the program classifies as spam with a certain level of probability. Agava Spamprotexx does not do this: the mail is downloaded completely. Letters classified as spam are stored in a specific folder, from where the user deletes them himself. This measure ensures that it is possible to avoid the loss of necessary information as a result of false-positive results (normal email, classified as spam) of the program. The program does not care what protocol the user uses to receive mail: POP or IMAP, and the program does not even need to specify the specific type of mail protocol.

Agava Spamprotexx works with all email clients and does not require their configuration, while most common filters work as proxy servers: they take mail to themselves and then give it to the client. That is, the client turns to the proxy for mail, which requires changing the settings. Changing the settings itself is not particularly difficult in similar programs, but for an unskilled user it can present certain difficulties. Agava Spamprotexx saves you from this hassle.

If necessary, you can disable the spam filter in one click and work with mail without it. The need for such a shutdown arose once during the testing period of the program: when there was an error sending mail. When contacting the developers, it turned out that the error had already been fixed and an update was needed. Agava Spamprotexx has a function automatic update, but there is no manual, on-demand option. In such cases, you have to download the updated version manually, using some download manager, and then install new version on top

Program settings

The basic principle of settings is a minimum of hassle for the user

The program settings are very simple and are divided into groups of parameters.

Are common— basic program settings. In this window, you must enter mailing addresses for letters intended for training the program, a label for indexing spam messages, and define a folder for placing filtered letters (if the user is not satisfied with the folder created by the program by default). In the same window, you can enable/disable Agava Spamprotexx integration into Microsoft email clients: Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook.

In these email clients, to train Agava Spamprotexx on incoming spam, it is enough to transfer the letter using drag&drop to the appropriate baskets built into the command panel mail client. In email clients from other developers, you have to perform a few simple steps to learn. It's less convenient than Outlook, but still not difficult.

Friends— “white” list of verified correspondents. Letters from correspondents from the “white” list are not checked by the program at all. The "white" list consists of email addresses and their corresponding text names. It often happens that spam comes from known addresses - this is called e-mail forgery. At the same time, spammers rarely forge the corresponding text name along with the address. Therefore, the whitelist in Agava Spamprotexx is more reliable than in other programs.

The white list is maintained automatically. If you send an email to someone, their address and text name are added to the white list. If you provide a non-spam message for training, its address and text name will also be added to the white list. If you provide the filter with a spam message for training, its address will be removed from the white list. In order for an address from the “white” list to be protected from deletion, you must manually check the deletion confirmation box next to the specific address. The white list can also be maintained manually.

Ports— the ability to configure certain ports to work under certain protocols, if they differ from those used by default.

Algorithm— the ability to control the coefficient, which serves as a threshold for classifying a message as spam. The default filtering value is 60% - the company's recommended threshold. But the user can either lower the value of this threshold or raise it. If you need to get as few false positives as possible, set the spam cutoff in this Spamprotexx tab to 80 or even 90%. In this case, the user will have to forward more sample spam messages for training, but this will reduce the number of non-spam messages that are incorrectly marked as spam.

Statistics— analysis of the program’s operation. None of the existing spam filters can guarantee 100% protection against spam. First of all, because spam technologies are constantly changing and improving. But the user must monitor the effectiveness of the program, otherwise how can he evaluate the effectiveness of the program and, ultimately, the effectiveness of the funds he has invested.

Program operation

Agava Spamprotexx does not slow down receiving and sending mail at all. By integrating into the mail reception process at a low level, the spam filter checks received and sent mail. Using the learning function, the user configures filters to suit his individual correspondence characteristics. All emails marked as "Spam" end up in a designated folder, which the user can view as needed. The developers claim that Agava Spamprotexx saves up to 20 minutes of user time for every hundred spam messages. This doesn't include nerves.

To learn the program you need to forward a message to a specific address

Training, as already written, is carried out by forwarding messages that have passed through the filter to certain addresses (the algorithm for this operation is described in detail in the User Guide) or by transferring these messages to the appropriate baskets. During the learning process, the transfer or forwarding operation has to be performed less and less often.

In general, we can say with confidence that Agava Spamprotexx classifies letters quite confidently. It can significantly make life and work easier for those users whose e-mail addresses are freely available on websites, forums, and so on.

Exclusive rights to publish and distribute the program in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries belong to Novy Disk CJSC. You can get acquainted with the spam filter by downloading the distribution kit from the Agava website. You can purchase Agava Spamprotexx in a DVD-box on Softkey or through the online store of the New Disc company.

System requirements:

01.06.2009, 18:50

Recently, a number of my stores have begun to provide fewer orders. And customers by phone complain that they do not receive answers to their orders.

The casket opens simply.

-----The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----<*******>
(reason: 550-"We aren't accept direct connection not from dedicated SMTP servers.)

I warn the owners of stores and other services for whom it is important to receive mail.

01.06.2009, 19:27

We aren't accepting

If my French teacher was right, then “We don”t accept” is correct :)

02.06.2009, 05:27

Good afternoon,

But it’s not clear what is meant by the words “dedicated SMTP server”? FQDN? or what?

02.06.2009, 05:56

MoMM, :smoke:

02.06.2009, 06:05

Does anyone else use this “hosting”?
And four years ago I was one of the best.

02.06.2009, 06:38

And four years ago I was one of the best.
Even Majordomo easily holds sites from which Agave’s GVA fell in an hour...

02.06.2009, 07:15

from agave and ran away because the mail either didn’t work or there was hundreds of spams

02.06.2009, 12:36

MoMM, does anyone else use this “hosting”?
Would you recommend hosting?

02.06.2009, 12:44

Does anyone else use this “hosting”?

I use it - this is one of the platforms. unfortunately, everything is so tied up there that leaving them is very painful... while I’m warm...

02.06.2009, 12:45

Would you recommend hosting?

Create a topic and offers for the best hosting in 1 hour. will be 2 pages)

02.06.2009, 14:54

They wrote it! :)

I talked with our technical specialists. Here's what they say:

Those. Specifically, this check is that we have a set of regular expressions, according to which the contents of the transmitted value “HELO” are checked by the sender’s server during the installation of the smtp session. Considering great amount connections in our mail cluster, it is quite possible that errors may occur. I can’t say the exact percentage of errors, but I think it is absolutely low. As you know, no spam filtering system works without errors when a valid email is mistaken for spam.

If people contact us when they encounter problems, we pull up the mail cluster logs, analyze the reason and take action if the reason was in our system. There are no mass requests regarding the problem of erroneous filtering.

Simply put, MoMM, you are just very lucky to have found this. If you see this again, write to our admins.

02.06.2009, 16:18

Simply put, MoMM, you are just very lucky to have found this.

Yes, he cuts the rest of the mail in silence...

When I return from vacation, I will transfer all your mail to Gmail

02.06.2009, 16:47

When I return from vacation, I will transfer all your mail to Gmail

Write back about the results later. Something tells me that the problem is not on our side. :smoke:

02.06.2009, 17:18

Write back about the results later. Something tells me that the problem is not on our side.

This is what all the technical support “tells” you...
want another "hint"?

This time the process was controlled by me on both sides: the server that did not respond to Hello is also mine - it is a regular hosting with a dedicated IP, and the mail on it is served by Gmail...

Do you get it?

02.06.2009, 19:11

MoMM. Agree. All mail on hosting sites is bad; you never know if the server is there or not. It’s better to have a separate mailbox at,,, and there won’t be any hassle.

I wrote to one user, he was on Agave, right now where he was, I didn’t follow him, in general letters says they disappeared, he’s lying, he’s not lying, I don’t know.

02.06.2009, 19:51
Breaks easily....

02.06.2009, 20:14

And most importantly, it does not accept mail from normal servers.

02.06.2009, 20:19

I talked with our technical specialists. Here's what they say:

The sender's server failed the "HELO" check.
Those. Specifically, this check is that we have a set of regular expressions, according to which the contents of the transmitted value “HELO” are checked by the sender’s server during the installation of the smtp session.

Please tell your specialists that it is not good to cut hostas that have the HELO type

03.06.2009, 00:12

Please tell your specialists that it is not good to cut hostas that have the HELO type,

That is, this is not at all similar to some, from which spam usually comes, let them correct the regexp to be more correct than it is now, I have already encountered a similar problem because when sending mail to you .

The HELO values ​​you provided successfully pass all checks at the stage
establishing an smtp session.
In order not to be unfounded, I present the session emulation below.


Escape character is "^]". ESMTP We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.
ehlo Hello
250-SIZE 20971520
250 HELP
mail from:
250 OK
rcpt to:<****>
250 Accepted
$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is "^]". ESMTP We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.
ehlo Hello
250-SIZE 20971520
250 HELP
mail from:
250 OK
rcpt to:<****>
250 Accepted

03.06.2009, 02:05

Breaks easily....

So everyone would be hacked. Do you think fools work there? Brute force will be detected and the IP will be banned, I think. Give your evidence that it is so easy to hack, and I, in turn, will inform them to fix these holes. If you have something relevant to write about, write it. If it’s really so difficult for them, I’ll probably change my email :) one.

03.06.2009, 02:38

I use it - this is one of the platforms. unfortunately, everything is so tied up there that leaving them is very painful... while I’m warm...

I'm sitting there, everything is fine: idea: no problems with quality so far

03.06.2009, 03:02

Agave is not my thing at all...

I'm telling you a sad story...
I just bought a host. I immediately found out that for some reason I couldn’t make backups using the hoster...
The support responded incomprehensibly. The mail didn't arrive. I couldn't stand it anymore. And yet, they don’t return money. For another 2 months they spammed my mailbox with offers, although I unsubscribed from the mailing list.

03.06.2009, 03:35

Regarding orders in my own and online stores developed by me, I personally do this:
1. All orders are assigned a unique number, which the client can call when communicating by phone/ICQ and find out the status of his order.
2. All orders must be added to the database.
3. After adding to the database, a letter with order data is generated, which is sent to the “komunada” mailboxes
4. An RSS feed is generated from the order database, which the “communada” adds to its reader/offline/reader/start page.

Thus, I have at least two-level protection against loss of orders, which, by the way, saved stores from losing several regular customers.

03.06.2009, 10:27

For another 2 months they spammed my mailbox with offers, although I unsubscribed from the mailing list.
They still spam me :)

03.06.2009, 16:17

In my opinion, for about three years now no one has perceived e-mail as a guaranteed method of delivering correspondence...

Form feedback and that's all,
The letter is saved in the database, plus it is guaranteed not to be caught by the spam filter.

Plus the letter contains the phrase “If we do not receive confirmation from you within 2 business days, we will consider that the letter did not reach you and it will be resent”

03.06.2009, 16:29

They still spam me :)

And soon it’s the anniversary of this spam opera. They've been making noise since September. I just left then, and it started. First I wrote, then I called, and then I scored. I put them in the filter and that's it.

Agava is one of the oldest hosting companies, providing hosting services since 2001. Agava, in terms of the number of clients, is one of the ten most popular hosting services on the Runet; see statistics on acquisitions and losses of .RU domains. The company has its own modern data center in Moscow - “Agava-North”; for tariff plans of the Euro line, servers located in the data center in Prague are used. The company has a license to provide telematic communication services.

Agava boasts a plethora of pricing plans. Since hosting is provided both on the platform and, accordingly, Unix and Windows hosting plans are available for ordering. If we talk about tariffs, they differ not only in the number of available databases or parked domains, but also in different restrictions on the use of memory and processor time. This allows you to select best rate depending on traffic and demands on server resources from the site. There are tariffs of the same plan for.

The process of ordering hosting is somewhat complicated due to the amount of information that must be entered into the order form. In my opinion, all this can be greatly simplified.

Free trial period.

The trial period is 7 days, available only for tariffs on the Windows platform, the trial period is not provided.

There are a number of restrictions during the test period:

  • Mail is not available;
  • SSH is not available;
  • It is not possible to add additional domains;
  • Only one subdomain is allowed;
  • Only one MySQL database is allowed.

However, in addition to this, in order to start using a test account, you must also confirm, via SMS, the number entered during registration mobile phone or provide a scan of your passport. Confirmation via SMS is available only for Russians mobile operators. It’s not clear why all these delays are needed?

Control Panel.

On virtual Unix hosting, standard CPanel is used to manage the site and hosting. On Windows hosting, Plesk is used for management. Both panels have a Russian interface and allow you to quite effectively manage all available opportunities hosting. Below you can see English versions of these panels.

Technical capabilities of Agava virtual hosting.

It is not possible to track from the hosting control panel what load the site creates on the server. Server load limits vary and depend on tariff plan hosting, .

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