Detects usb. The computer does not see the flash drive: what is the reason? Virus check

The computer has stopped seeing the flash drive - perhaps the most common problem that users have to face. It becomes especially acute if the drive contains some important data that cannot be lost.

Viruses and antiviruses

If the computer stops seeing the flash drive, then the first thought that comes to mind is a virus. The reason lies precisely in it, if when you try to open the flash drive, the message “Application not found” appears.

Remember that a virus can get onto a flash drive even if you briefly connect to an infected device. It may end up on your drive even if you didn't copy any files to it. Therefore, you should not connect anywhere.

How to treat? There are two ways - one is reliable but crude, and the second will give your files a chance. In the first case, you can simply format everything, and then there will definitely be no virus, but all files will be lost. To format, right-click on the flash drive, select “Format” and click the “Start” button in the window that opens.

Formatting a flash drive

In the second case, you can try to get to the flash drive through Windows Explorer by right-clicking on the drive icon and selecting “Explorer”. If you are lucky and the flash drive opens, then try to find the “autorun.inf” file there and delete it. Then you need to check the flash drive for viruses, and then you can open it and use it. If this doesn't help, you can try deleting other files that seem suspicious to you and that definitely weren't on your flash drive.

Formatting a flash drive

If the computer stops seeing the flash drive, then the reason may not be a virus, but an antivirus. You can try turning it off temporarily. However, there is a risk of infection if the drive contains viruses.

Problem with the flash drive driver

For each device on the computer there is a driver - a small program that controls its operation. There are also drivers for flash drives, which are usually installed automatically every time you connect a new flash drive to a particular computer. So, if the computer no longer sees the flash drive, then the problem may be a damaged driver.

To solve it, you need to right-click on “My Computer” with the flash drive connected, select “Properties”, and then the “Hardware” tab. Here we need a "Device Manager" button. In it you need to find your flash drive in the “USB Controllers” section of the list (or something similar). When you find it, right-click on it and select “Delete” (don’t be afraid, this will not delete the files). After the flash drive with drivers is removed, click on the “Update hardware configuration” button in the top menu of the manager. A new driver installation will begin and your problem may be solved.

Reinstalling the flash drive driver

Faulty computer

If the computer no longer sees the flash drive, then the reason may lie in the hardware itself. Thus, disabled or damaged USB ports will not read your device. In this case, we can recommend trying to connect the flash drive to different ports on the computer.

You should also try disconnecting other USB devices, if any. It is possible that the power supply is too weak and is not capable of powering all devices at the same time.

Look, maybe there is some dirt on the contacts of the computer port or the flash drive itself. It needs to be cleaned. For this reason, the message “USB device not recognized” may appear. The cause of poor contact may be the USB extension cable. Try connecting without it.

The best way to determine whether the flash drive or the computer is at fault is to connect the drive to another computer. If it doesn’t work on the second one either, then most likely the reason is in the flash drive. If it works on the second computer, but not on the first, then the reason is in the computer.

Unsafe removal of flash drives

If the computer no longer sees the flash drive, and you always remove it unsafely, then know that you did it and ruined everything.

Unsafe removal of a flash drive provokes problems in the flash drive chip, which the next time you connect it manifests itself as follows: the drive cannot be opened, and when you try to do this, the computer prompts you to format the drive.

In this case, it will most likely not be possible to save the files, and you will need to format the flash drive to at least get the drive back to work.

Always use safe shutdown of your flash drive. Otherwise, it may damage the files on the flash drive, the flash drive itself (even irreversibly) or the USB ports of the computer.

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Assigning the wrong letter

If the computer no longer sees the flash drive, the reason for this may be that it assigned the drive a letter that designates some other drive in the system. This happens due to some glitches.

To fix the situation, click “Start” and select “Run” (or just win+R). In the window that opens, enter “diskmgmt.msc” (without quotes). The Disk Management window will appear. Here, if your flash drive is connected, you should see it in the list of all drives. To change the letter, you need to right-click on the flash drive in this window and select “Change drive letter...”

Assigning a letter to a flash drive

Then click the “Change” button and select a letter that is not yet in the system.

Assigning a letter to a flash drive

I discuss the issue of changing drive letters in detail in

If you are a Windows user, you may encounter a problem with the USB device on your PC. You may see this error when connecting Pendrive, webcam, printer or flash drives. This can happen for many reasons. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to fix: “ The laptop does not recognize USB devices".

This problem exists in all modern versions such as Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7. There are actually different reasons for this error.

Why doesn't the USB port recognize devices?

All PC errors and problems have some causes. Here's what causes this problem −

  • Unstable or damaged USB controllers.
  • Outdated motherboard drive.
  • Lack of important Windows updates or any other services.
  • Damaged USB drives.
  • Incorrect power management settings.

Fix “does not recognize usb device” in Windows:

Every problem has a solution. Fortunately, there are many ways to fix problems. USB device on Windows. Let's try the most effective methods.

Method 1: Restart your computer.

One of the simplest and fastest ways to eliminate " can't recognize usb device" is to reboot the PC. Before starting your computer, unplug it for 1 minute. This will reset the USB hub on your motherboard. If the problem occurs on the laptop, you should remove the laptop battery for 3-4 minutes and reinsert it. Now start your computer and see if the problem is still there.

Method 2: Find an undetected driver.

Scanning for not detected drivers is another great choice for diagnosing and repairing the error " Windows 7,8,10 does not recognize usb device" by using device manager. It has access to all internal and external devices that electrify your system.

  • Go to your control panel.
  • Select Hardware and Sound.
  • Click Device Manager.
  • Open the action menu.
  • Now click on “Scan for hardware changes”.
  • Windows scans your hardware.
  • Close the Manager and all Control Panel windows.
  • Now check if your computer finds the driver by re-opening device Manager.

Method 4: Update drivers.

Sometimes updating your device drivers will fix the problem in Windows. You can do this in different ways.

  1. Check the USB driver manufacturer's website. Find updated drivers. Download and install them.

Method 5: Managing USB Hub Power

Sometimes, to correct a mistake " Windows does not recognize the USB device“, you need to do the following.

  • Open Device Manager again.
  • Click "USB Controllers".
  • Now right click on the USB Root Hub.
  • Select Properties.
  • Go to the Power Management tab.
  • Now, uncheck the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
  • Now click "OK".

Method 6: Removing an unknown USB drive

If other methods do not work, you should remove unknown devices to resolve the error " computer does not recognize usb devices»

  • First, open Run by pressing Windows logo + R.
  • Enter devmgmt.msc and click "OK".
  • Now click on “USB controllers”.
  • Connect a device that is not recognized by the PC port.
  • Find the icon called Unknown USB device(port failure).
  • Right-click on it and select Delete.
  • Restart your computer.

Method 7: Reinstall USB Drivers

Sometimes windows 10 does not recognize usb device, due to corrupted USB drivers, then you should try this.

Almost everyone uses USB flash drives now. This is a simple and reliable way to transfer and store information. But the malfunction of these devices has become a common problem for many users. Below are all possible causes of problems and options for resolving them.

First, simpler and more effective ways to solve the problem will be described, so you should follow the recommendations in order. But do not forget that some problems, such as severe physical damage, cannot be eliminated.

Reasons why the system does not recognize the device

To operate a USB device, it has a built-in special controller. If there is a certain failure, it may become blocked, which will prevent the computer from recognizing the flash drive.

The reason for the failure may be a power surge, sudden removal of the flash drive, incorrect formatting, etc. Violations of this type can still be corrected, but in case of mechanical or thermal damage, it is impossible to restore the operation of the flash drive.

You can understand that the flash drive is not detected by the computer by the following factors:

  • The USB device is connected, but the computer says “insert disk”;
  • The message “Device connected, not detected” pops up;
  • issues a request to format the flash drive;
  • a data reading error message appears;
  • The indicator on the drive is on, but it is not displayed on the computer, etc.

The cause of the failure may also be:

  • non-working computer USB ports;
  • outdated drivers;
  • viruses on the device;
  • settings failures in BIOS;
  • different file systems of the USB device and computer;
  • assigning the letter of the connected hard drive to the flash drive, etc.

Driver check

First of all, you need to check whether the driver is installed correctly on your computer.

To do this, go to “Disk Management”:

Now try removing and inserting the USB device and see if it appears in this window. If the flash drive is visible and the status is indicated as “Good”, right-click on it and select “Make partition active”.

If there is a problem, the status will show "Not allocated", "Not initialized" or "Unknown", which means that the device is damaged.

The system may assign the wrong letter to the flash drive, which will also prevent it from being recognized. Right-click on the device and select "Change Drive Letter" and assign a different value:

The flash drive driver itself needs to be checked in Device Manager:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • device Manager.

If the driver for the flash drive is not installed, yellow question marks will appear next to one or more USB devices.

Computer hardware errors

When the PC does not detect a new flash drive, insert it into different USB ports. If all ports are operating normally except one, the cause of the problem is a problem in that port.

The same problem can arise when connecting a flash drive not directly, but through a USB hub or extension cable. Try connecting the device directly to the USB port. If everything works, then the adapter is the cause.

It happens that many devices are connected to the computer via USB, then the ports may not have enough power to operate the flash drive. Disconnect other devices from the ports one at a time, leaving only the mouse and keyboard. If the USB drive now works, then the problem is due to lack of power.

Photo: USB hub transformer Apacer PH150

In this case, it is better to install a more powerful power supply or USB hub with a separate power source. But if the size of the flash device is very large, older laptop models simply will not handle its power. With this option, it is almost impossible to solve the problem.

Another problem is the heating of the connected USB device. The malfunction may be a short on the device board.

You can check this on another computer - if it continues to heat up, then the USB drive is faulty. And if everything is fine in other places, then the computer port itself may short out.

If the flash drive and USB port are working properly, the indicator on the device will light up. Then the cause of the problem is systemic, not hardware.

Video: Recovering a flash drive that is not recognized by the computer

Virus check

Then why is the flash card seen by the computer, but not read? One reason could be a virus that infects the boot file of the USB drive. Because of this, the device either does not boot at all or is immediately blocked by the antivirus. And if it is displayed, it displays a warning “Access denied” when you try to open it.

First of all, you should destroy the infected boot file “autorun.inf”. To do this, enter the address of the flash drive in Explorer (for example, G:/):

  • "Service";
  • "Folder properties";
  • "View";
  • “Hidden files and folders”;
  • "Show hidden files and folders."

The download file will now be displayed. It must be removed and data from the entire device scanned with an antivirus.

If the flash drive does not open through Explorer, use the command line:

Setting up USB in BIOS

The flash drive may not be recognized due to USB ports being disabled in the BIOS. This happens very rarely, but it's best to check your settings just in case. Please note that no device will be recognized in a disabled USB port, so if others work fine, then skip this step.

To enter the BIOS, restart the computer and press the Del or F2 button while turning it on. Different PCs may have different keys, so look at what is written on the screen (approximately “Press F2 to enter Setup”). If a blue table with settings opens, then everything is correct - you have entered the BIOS.

Now you should find the menu item in which the inclusion of USB is regulated. Its name may vary, but most often it is the Advanced (Peripherals, Integrated Peripherals) tab:

In it, look for the item USB Configuration/Controller, etc. There are a lot of BIOS menu options, so it’s quite difficult to specify the exact item. But the word USB must be present. Now make sure that USB support is “Enabled”, if not, then switch them:

Some BIOS versions not only regulate how the controller turns on, but also indicate its operating mode - V1.1 or V1.1+V2.0 (there is already 3.0). Choose the option that supports all directions (V1.1+V2.0). Save the settings and exit the BIOS (most often the F10 key).

USB drive is not detected by the system due to errors

After formatting, which may not have been entirely successful, the operating system may not see the flash drive due to errors. This can be checked in the “Disk Management” item, the entrance to which was described above. If the flash drive says “Good”, but it is still not visible in Explorer, the cause may be a formatting error.

This can be eliminated by new formatting. Right-click on the device and select “Format”. The flash drive should now display and work without errors.

Different file systems of flash cards and computers

To restore the operation of a usb flash that is not detected on the PC, you need to change the file system, which may cause a conflict on the computer. The file system of the latter is most often NTFS, while the flash device is FAT32. In the Disk Management window, you can see the file system types of different PC media.

Correct formatting solves the problem. For this:

In the window that opens, check the compliance of the specified capacity and the parameters of the flash drive. Specify the file system NTFS and check the box next to “Fast (cleaning table of contents)”. Now click “Start”:

Confirm your actions:

After the process is completed, the system will notify you:

Photo: formatting completion message

Required OS updates for operation

When Windows XP is installed, the flash drive may not be recognized due to outdated updates required for its operation. However, some flash drives can work in PC USB ports, while others cannot.

The main updates required for normal operation of USB devices:

  • KB925196 – incorrect recognition;
  • KB817900 – port operation stops after the device is removed and reloaded;
  • KB968132 – errors when connecting several flash drives;
  • KB88740 – Rundll32.exe error;
  • KB895962 – stops the USB device after turning off the printer;
  • KB871233 – the flash card does not work after the PC wakes from sleep or hibernation;
  • KB314634 – support only older USB devices;
  • KB312370 (2007) – USB 2.0 support.

Recovery methods

When no problems are found with the system, you can use special recovery programs:

  • ChipGenius – determines the manufacturer and other information about the device;
  • AlcorMP – reflashes usb flash controllers from most manufacturers;
  • JetFlash Recovery Tool – flashes flash drives from Transcend.

If your computer says "Insert disk" when booting, the problem may be outdated drivers that should be removed.

For this:

        • When the computer is turned off, disconnect all USB devices (except the mouse and keyboard);
        • turn on the PC;
        • download the DriveCleanup program;
        • Depending on the OS version, copy the 32-bit or 64-bit “drivecleunup.exe” to the C:\Windows\System32 folder;
        • go to the command line and write “drivecleunup.exe”;
        • drivers will begin to be uninstalled:

After this, restart your computer. Insert the flash drive and the system will find new drivers for it.

A flash drive may not be detected for many reasons, the main of which are a malfunction of the device or USB port, as well as system errors, most of which can be eliminated by correct formatting and installing drivers. Some programs can also help restore USB flash, so you should follow the instructions in order.

What to do if the computer does not see USB? First of all, you need to make sure that the device you need to connect is not damaged. You can check this very simply: if everything is fine when you connect it to another computer, then the device itself is working. Also, when connecting it to your PC, pay attention to whether the light bulb (LED) lights up. If the USB ports and cable may be fully functional, you need to check the settings of the device itself and confirm that it can communicate with the computer (if this option is disabled, the device will not appear on your computer). This also applies to tablets, smartphones, MP3 players and similar gadgets.

Many people connect new devices to the USB ports located on the front panel of the system unit. However, very often the front ports do not have a connection to the power supply, or there is power, but it is not enough for correct operation. What to do if the computer does not see this situation? Simply reconnect the device to one of the ports located on the back.

Sometimes the system immediately detects a new data drive, but displays a message that the device is not recognized and refuses to read the information. Most often, the problem lies, again, in insufficient power and is solved by connecting the media to another port. However, in some cases there is a need for the easiest and most convenient way to do this using specialized programs (say, Everest). It will help you find out the name of your board, and then download the appropriate drivers from the official websites of the manufacturers.

It is also possible that the problems occurred because Windows assigned the new device a volume label (letter) that was already in use. This can be corrected using the control panel tools (right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Manage” from the menu that appears). On the right you will see the "Storage Devices" tab, and in it - All you have to do is find the label of our device, right-click and select "Disk Path" ("Change Drive Letter"). In the window that opens, enter a new character. After doing this, the problem can be fixed.

What to do if the computer does not see USB? Although very rare, it still happens that the ability to read data from USB devices is disabled in the BIOS. Most often, this is done in online salons and similar establishments so that people, using their media, do not infect their computers with viruses. If we are talking about a home PC, you should go into the BIOS, and then check the box that allows the motherboard to enable USB devices.

If the computer does not see information on your drive via USB, this may be due to the presence of malicious virus programs on the PC itself or the connected device. Here the solution is obvious: you should download a reliable, powerful antivirus and conduct a full scan of both the computer itself and the drive.

This advice most likely applies to those who cannot connect a flash drive. What to do if you have already done everything described above? You need to know that sometimes there is a conflict between the file systems of USB devices and PC. As a rule, on flash drives these are FAT and FAT32 systems. Modern hard drives support the NTFS system. Using the already familiar Disk Management, you can change the file system type of the flash drive to FAT32 or NTFS.

Finally, you may just need to format the drive. This can be done if it is displayed in the list of connected devices. However, when formatting, all data stored on it will be permanently deleted.

Today, USB is one of the most common data transfer protocols between a computer and a connected device. Therefore, it is very unpleasant when the system does not see devices connected to the corresponding connector. Especially many problems arise if interaction with a keyboard or mouse occurs on a PC via USB. Let's figure out what factors cause this problem and determine methods to eliminate it.

In this article we will not discuss problems with the visibility of the device associated with its inoperability, because in this case this equipment should be replaced or repaired. The article will concern cases where the problem is caused by malfunctions or incorrect settings of the system or PC hardware. In fact, there can be many reasons for such a malfunction, and each of them has its own solution algorithm. We'll talk about specific ways to fix this problem below.

Method 1: Microsoft Utility

In many cases, a specially created utility from Microsoft can solve the problem with the visibility of USB devices.

Method 2: "Device Manager"

Sometimes an issue with USB hardware visibility can be resolved by simply updating the configuration in "Device Manager".

  1. Click "Start". Click "Control Panel".
  2. Come in "System and safety".
  3. Now open "Device Manager" by clicking on the corresponding inscription in the block "System".
  4. The interface will launch "Device Manager". The problematic device in the list can either be displayed in a block "Other devices", or absent altogether. In the first case, click on the block name.
  5. A list of devices will open. Problematic equipment may be indicated there either under its real name or listed as "USB Mass Storage Device". Click on its name with the right mouse button ( RMB) and select "Update configuration...".
  6. Device search will be activated.
  7. After it is completed and the configuration is updated, it is quite possible that the system will begin to interact normally with the problematic device.

If the required equipment is not displayed at all in "Device Manager", click on the menu item "Action" and then select "Update configuration...". After this, a procedure similar to that described just above will occur.

Method 3: Update or reinstall drivers

If the computer does not see only a certain USB device, then there is a possibility that the problem is due to incorrect installation of drivers. In this case, they need to be reinstalled or updated.

If this option does not help, then there is another method.

  1. Click in "Device Manager" by device name RMB. Select "Properties".
  2. Go to the tab "Driver".
  3. Click on the button "Roll back". If it is not active, click "Delete".
  4. Next, you should indicate your intentions by pressing the button "OK" in the dialog box that appears.
  5. The procedure for removing the selected driver will be performed. Next, click on the position in the horizontal menu of the window "Action". Select from the list "Update configuration...".
  6. Now the device name should appear in the window again "Device Manager". You can check its functionality.

If the system was unable to find the appropriate drivers or the problem was not solved after installing them, then you can use the services of specialized programs for searching and installing drivers. They are good because they will find matches on the Internet for all devices connected to the PC and perform automatic installation.

Method 4: Setting up USB controllers

Another option that can help solve the problem under study is setting up USB controllers. It is still performed in the same place, that is, in "Device Manager".

If this does not help, then you can reinstall the drivers for the group elements listed above "USB Controllers", using the same methods that were described in the presentation Method 3.

Method 5: Troubleshooting the port

It is possible that your computer does not see USB devices simply because its corresponding port is faulty. In order to find out if this is so, if your desktop PC or laptop has several USB ports, try connecting the equipment through a different connector. If this time the connection is successful, it means that the problem is in the port.

To resolve this problem, you need to open the system unit and see if this port is connected to the motherboard. If it is not connected, then connect. If there is mechanical damage or other damage to the connector, then in this case it is necessary to replace it with a working version.

Method 6: Relieving Static Stress

In addition, you can try to remove static voltage from the motherboard and other PC components, which can also cause the problem we are describing.

There is also a possibility that the computer does not see the equipment due to the fact that many USB devices are already connected to it. The system simply cannot cope with such a load. In this case, we recommend that you disconnect all other devices and connect the problematic equipment to the back of the system unit if there is an appropriate connector there. Perhaps this recommendation will help solve the problem.

Method 7: Disk Management

The problem with the visibility of a connected USB device, in this case exclusively a flash drive or external hard drive, can be solved using the system’s built-in tool "Disk Management".

  1. Click Win+R. Enter in the field of the shell that appears:

    Apply by pressing "OK".

  2. The tool interface starts "Disk Management". You need to monitor whether the name of the flash drive appears and disappears in the window when it is connected to the computer and disconnected. If nothing new happens visually at all, then this method will not suit you and you need to solve the problem using other methods. If changes occur in the list of connected drives when attaching new media, then you can try to solve the problem with visibility using this tool. If next to the name of the disk device there is an inscription "Not distributed", then click on it RMB. Next, select "Create a simple volume...".
  3. Will start "Simple Volume Creation Wizard...". Click "Further".
  4. Then a window will open where you need to specify the volume size. Since in our case we need the volume size to be equal to the size of the entire disk, then click here too "Further" without making changes.
  5. The next window requires you to assign a drive letter. In the corresponding field, select a character that differs from those letters that are already assigned to other drives in the system. Click "Further".
  6. The following settings window opens. Here in the field "Volume Label" You can enter a name that will be assigned to the current volume. Although, this is not necessary, since you can leave the default name. Click "Further".
  7. The next window will provide a summary of all the data entered in the previous steps. To complete the procedure, just click on the button "Ready".
  8. After this, the volume name and status will appear opposite the media name "Fixed". Next click on it RMB and select “Make partition active”.
  9. The computer should now see the flash drive or external hard drive. If this does not happen, then restart your PC.

There are situations when when opening a tool "Disk Management", the volume that belongs to the flash drive already has the status "Good". In this case, there is no need to create a new volume, but only those manipulations that are described starting from point 8 need to be performed.

If, when opening the tool "Disk Management" you see that the disk is not initialized and has a single volume that is not allocated, this means that, most likely, this drive is physically damaged.

Method 8: Setting up the power supply

You can solve the problem with the visibility of USB devices by making some manipulations in the power settings. This method especially often helps when using laptops that interact with connected equipment via the USB 3.0 protocol.

  1. Go to "Control Panel" and then to the section "System and safety". We discussed how to do this during analysis. Method 2. Go here by position "Power supply".
  2. In the window that opens, find the current power plan. There should be an active radio button next to its name. Click on the position "Setting up a power plan" near the named position.
  3. In the shell that appears, click “Change advanced settings...”.
  4. In the window that appears, click "USB Settings".
  5. Click on the inscription "Temporary shutdown option...".
  6. The specified option will open. If the value is specified there "Allowed", then you should change it. To do this, click on the indicated inscription.
  7. From the drop-down list, select "Forbidden" and then click "Apply" And "OK".

Now you can check whether USB devices will work on this PC or whether you need to move on to other ways to solve the problem.

Method 9: Eliminating the virus

We should not exclude the possibility that the problem with the visibility of USB devices arose as a result of a virus infection of the computer. The fact is that some viruses specifically block USB ports so that they cannot be detected using an anti-virus utility connected from a flash drive. But what to do in this situation, because if the standard antivirus missed the malicious code, then it is now of little use, and you cannot connect an external scanner for the above reason?

In this case, you can scan the hard drive with an anti-virus utility from another computer or use a LiveCD. There are quite a few programs designed for these purposes, and each of them has its own nuances of operation and management. But there is no point in going into detail about each of them, since most of them have an intuitive interface. The main thing when detecting a virus is to follow the prompts that the utility displays. In addition, our website has a separate article dedicated to such programs.

There are quite a few ways to restore the visibility of USB devices in Windows 7, but this does not mean that all of them will be effective in your particular case. Often you have to try many options before finding the right way to solve the problem.

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