OneDrive - how to use Microsoft storage, remote access and other features of the former SkyDrive. OneDrive - what is this program? How to disable, how to delete OneDrive cloud? Download and install it drive

Initially I liked the price of 259 rubles. per month.

A more or less normal classic application that can at least be used.


Absolutely EVERYTHING about this service is terrible.

Let's start with the fact that after uploading files to the server, OneDrive triumphantly informed me about this. But imagine my surprise when I decided to check whether all the files on the server were real. It turned out that not everything was there. I had to copy them again into folders and it loaded the second time.

I wanted to copy photos from my Samsung Galaxy 8. No such luck. Mobile app doesn't know how to do this. I struggled with it for almost a week. Because the automatic download wanted to download more than 10,000 incomprehensible files of some icons. As a result, I manually downloaded the archive.

I decided to copy a folder that was in OneDrive on my computer. As a result, the copying failed with an error, and the folder disappeared. Wonderful...

I went to the web version for this folder. My files are downloaded at a speed of no more than 300 kb/s. The speed is like a modem 20 years ago. What are we paying money for?

A folder that had been deleted from the computer, but was lying on the server, stubbornly refused to appear on the computer. I decided to reinstall OneDrive. I tried to remove it. Did not work out. Nothing just happens. I decided to install it. Nothing happens. Only a reboot helped. But the folder never appeared...

They also changed the subscription price without even warning me. They just charged 359 rubles. and that's all. Thank you.

For a very long time, the main problem of PC owners was the limited amount of disk space on storage media (removable HDDs, flash drives and the like), on which any files and all kinds of confidential information can be stored. However, today, when the capacity of flash drives is measured in tens and hundreds of gigs, and hard drives and external drives have long crossed the terabyte barrier in size, not only the size of the media comes to the fore, but also ease of use user files. That is why various virtual file storages are developing extremely intensively today, and those that provide work with them software is in great demand.

The well-known company Microsoft did not remain aloof from this technological trend, which first introduced the general public to a cloud-type file storage called SkyDrive, and then renamed the promising development Microsoft OneDrive. The decision to rename was not simply due to the whim of its creators, but due to protracted litigation over trademark with the British giant British Sky Broadcasting. The available software made it possible to actively use allocated file resources not only through the WEB interface, but also using special software for a number of popular operating systems (including mobile OS). The service itself, from the moment of its creation, would be available to anyone.

Note: You can download onedrive for Windows 10 and other OS versions for free from our resource or the official website in Russian.

The OneDrive program is a client module designed to work on personal computers running the now almost ubiquitous Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems. Although the program installs absolutely adequately and then works fully even on Vista - after all, the main thing in the program’s operation is access to the user’s OneDrive account and basic capabilities for managing file content.

The key task of OneDrive is to synchronize user-selected folders, posted on personal computer with a virtual storage, as well as its authorization in this storage using an integrated wizard. This wizard creates an account Microsoft entry, helps you select folders and sets basic application parameters.

Important: you can use all the capabilities of cloud storage only if you register with Office 365.

Main features and user qualities of the software:

  • First of all, Microsoft's policy is attractive because anyone can download OneDrive for Windows and other supported OS for free;
  • a gift in the form of a permanently available 15 gigabytes of disk space, which, you see, is very good for the average user, because the main competitor, Google Drive, also offers 15 GB;
  • and finally, and most importantly, OneDrive allows you to use storage with different devices and to different users - with the permission of the owner, of course.

A OneDrive account, as we mentioned above, if necessary, allows you to view and change the contents of file storage via the web interface or via mobile gadgets, and also guarantees technical support and expansion of cloud storage space if the user decides to pay for a subscription.

Competitive advantages

It happens that you come across the opinion that the only thing that has changed in the application since the days of SkyDrive is its name. Not at all! Firstly, under the old name only 7 gigabytes of free space were offered versus 15 now, and if you used old program- all your files will be safe and sound. Secondly, the functionality for sharing video files has been significantly expanded. Thirdly, applications for mobile operating systems like Windows Phone, Android, iOS or Xbox are now significantly improved and better adapted to the gadgets themselves. And the owners mobile devices based on the Android OS, a separate bonus awaits - the program automatically carries out backup from the device camera.

Users who install the MS OneDrive program on their devices will enjoy both comfortable setup and extensive useful functionality.
The main advantage of setting up this software is the integrated setup wizard. This utility does not burden the user with unnecessary thoughts and does not require deep technical knowledge - it uses a reasonable step-by-step approach, each step of which allows the user to configure any parameter that is important to them immediately after installing the program itself on the system.

All you need to do is log in to your Microsoft account - and you can easily change the location of the OneDrive folder on your device, select the set of folders and files that should be synchronized, and also use the application to receive synchronized files on other devices . Successful completion of the setup wizard is indicated by a small cloud icon in the system notification area, a pop-up message on the screen, and the opening of the OneDrive folder.

However, the settings wizard does not in any way cancel out the equally extensive opportunities to “tailor” the program to your needs as you use it. The entire settings system is implemented in the form of a special simple panel, which for convenience is equipped with thematic tabs.

Here you can configure several functions:

  • if during work the user encounters a variety of problems, then you can configure the launch of OneDrive along with the start of the Windows operating system and allow automatic sending of a log file (a report on frequent failures) to the Microsoft server;
  • You can activate the remote access option, which is useful for many - this will open access to the materials on the current computer for other friendly PCs that also use OneDrive. For this to become real, it must be resolved remote control, make sure you have a stable Internet connection, the presence of the OneDrive client on such a PC and check the box next to the “Remote file access” option;
  • You can increase the speed of downloading and uploading files (speed up the synchronization process) if the downloaded files are combined into packages. However, in this case, the load on the Internet channel bandwidth will also increase by an order of magnitude, which cannot be ignored.

How to disable onedrive on Windows 10

If you have switched to another cloud storage service or simply do not want to use this software, you can disable OneDrive in Windows 10 by right-clicking on the service icon near the clock in the system tray, then selecting “Options” and selecting the appropriate option there. However, it should be noted that disabling OneDrive in Windows 10 will not allow you to synchronize files with the cloud in the future!

Absolutely any user will appreciate the convenient functions of MS OneDrive. And comfort will begin with the fact that the program itself, without user intervention, creates a special folder, the contents of which will be automatically synchronized with cloud storage. Access to the program's functionality is opened by simply clicking on its icon, which is found in the notification area, or by double-clicking on the program icon.

Reminder: You can download onedrive for windows 10 and lower platforms from the link at the bottom of this publication.

conclusions: convenient functionality, well-implemented management and free software and space for files make MS OneDrive a good choice for anyone who needs additional space or convenient storage of frequently used materials.

“The teacher remains in the black”

Cloud storage allows you to store any data formats and provide students with access to files. In their free time, students can come in and re-watch or complete assignments that were given in class. In addition, the teacher can create a database of assignments or learning materials that students can use if necessary.

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"More interesting lessons"

I am an educator. Using OneDrive gives me the opportunity to make classes and homework more fun and easier. The service helps to work within the framework of the “flipped classroom” technology. I upload a video lecture, film or presentation to the cloud for students to watch at home, and then in class we practice the material we have learned.

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“Previously, you had to archive files”

I am a computer science and mathematics teacher. We often have to face a problem when we need to give children an additional assignment for photocopies, but someone is not at school, or they “accidentally” lost the photocopy. That's why I attach files to homework assignments, usually these are standard file formats, for example, pdf, docx, png. But sometimes I need to attach files of non-standard formats, or children have to send me such files as homework (especially in computer science lessons). Previously, you had to archive files and then attach them.

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“It’s convenient to fill out school documents”

Thanks to OneDrive, I have a wonderful opportunity not to transfer photos from my phone to my computer and other devices. By uploading photos from my phone and tablet to the cloud, I can view them from any device, and my friends, colleagues and students can view them via a link. It is very convenient to do homework using OneDrive space; the use of external media can be eliminated. It is also convenient to place documents in the cloud for public use.

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“I decide who works with my files and when”

I have been working as Deputy Director for Internal Affairs for the fifth year. This academic year, our educational organization began using to provide electronic services- electronic diary. My attention was immediately drawn to the cloud-shaped icon when filling out the journal. I am a curious person about computer technology and possibilities, so I “looked into the clouds.” And I immediately discovered unlimited work opportunities.

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“Freedom from flash drives!”

OneDrive is the best they could come up with! I've been crazy about him for years now. When I met him, I stayed up all night, exploring all the possibilities, especially for education. Now I can give my kids homework in any form, OneDrive knows no boundaries. Storage to me is like a bookshelf that doesn't take up much space but stores a lot of materials.

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“We send photos to grandparents”

I am a mother of three children. We have a very large and friendly family. I recently discovered all the convenience of OneDrive. Now my husband and I save photos there directly from our phone and in two clicks we receive a link that we send to our grandparents. They now have the opportunity to view all photos at once. In addition, we created a common file there, where we write down the menu for the week (everyone can add their wishes), a shopping list (which is very important for my husband, because he always forgets what exactly I asked him to buy), on our recommendation, the teacher For his son’s extracurricular activities, he posts his schedule publicly on OneDrive.

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« Required files always with me"

Over time, the number of textbooks became more and more, the backpack became heavier, and this was a great discomfort. I began to notice that during lectures it was very difficult to have time to write everything down with a regular pen. I soon found a solution - a OneNote notebook on a Windows tablet, which I began to carry with me. The program uses the OneDrive cloud service for storage and synchronization with all my devices (PC and smartphone). I collect all educational materials (electronic textbooks and workbooks) in a cloud notebook and cloud.

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"The future is now with OneDrive"

Modern life cannot be imagined without information; it takes up a lot of memory on different devices. To increase free place, we transfer information onto flash drives/hard drives and carry them with us. If removable drive is lost, then all the information, possibly collected for years, is also lost. Unfortunately, I am the type of person who always loses everything, even phones. When I got tired of searching for the hundredth time where I could still save the lost information, I started using OneDrive. With its help, I don't have to worry about losing information because I can get it from different devices at a time convenient for me.

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“It has become easy to recognize homework assignments”

OneDrive has freed up a lot of space for me on all my devices! I use it to store photos, videos, documents and presentations. Now my friends and I are working on one project together. OneDrive makes it easier to send different interesting photos to your friends. 1TB is just my size!

There is probably no need to say that the developer of operating systems Windows systems- Microsoft Corporation is trying to constantly improve its software products. So many users, starting with OS versions 8 and 8.1, have encountered the OneDrive service. What it is will now be discussed. Moreover, many people know this service from past Windows versions, there it was called a little differently.

OneDrive: what is it?

So, first let's see what it is this service(or service, if you prefer). To understand the interpretation of OneDrive (what kind of program it is), you should have at least a superficial understanding of the so-called “cloud storage” that has been gaining popularity recently. But, in essence, OneDrive is just that.

True, unlike other similar services, this service has a number of quite interesting features. But first things first.

History of origin and development

In general, the OneDrive cloud as an independent service appeared in February 2014 after the renaming of the almost similar SkyDrive service (it was launched back in 2007), which initially belonged to the range of online services provided to users of Windows operating systems by Microsoft Corporation, formerly known as called Windows Live.

What’s most interesting is that the renaming of the service was just the result of a lawsuit by the British company British Sky Broadcasting Group. But he himself remained virtually unchanged in terms of functionality.

Key features of OneDrive

Now more about the capabilities of OneDrive. What is this program and what is it for? As mentioned above, this is exactly “ cloud storage", which on a remote server previously provided users of systems, starting with Vista, 7 GB of free space for storing files, then, however, the volume was reduced to 1 GB.

But a little later, 15 GB on the remote server became available to users, and 25 GB to registered G8 users (those who have a Microsoft account and use official system update packages). Today, 50 GB is available for storing personal information after registration. And, as stated, this is not the limit.

The fact is that you can buy the space you need by paying a certain amount for its use. In this regard, Microsoft did not change its principles. However, this situation is observed today with almost all “cloud” services, which first provide users with a minimum amount of space on a remote server, and then, if there is not enough space, they offer to pay to increase it. True, here the question of the appropriateness of the purchase arises, especially if the user uses the service only to work with office documents or pictures. Naturally, if you put a video there (and even the high resolution), there certainly isn’t enough space here. However, this is a problem for each individual user.

Storing information and working with documents

As for the main functionality, OneDrive storage, as well as any other service of this type, allows you to upload files of any type to a remote server (this will not surprise anyone now).

But what really pleases users who use this service on a daily basis is that the procedure for uploading files to the server, again, compared to other storage facilities (if the corresponding client is not installed), is simplified as much as possible. The fact is that OneDrive’s own client is already integrated into the system, or more precisely, into the standard Windows Explorer. As is already clear, you can simply copy or drag the desired objects into the service area in Explorer. The download will happen almost instantly (provided, of course, that you have an uninterrupted Internet connection).

Moreover, the OneDrive cloud itself has a number of other interesting functions. It turns out that using this service, you can not only exchange office documents between users connected to the service and who have shared access to certain folders. With support for Office Web Apps, you can view most known formats that fit directly into the OneDrive app. office programs(Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.). In addition, there is also support for viewing PDF documents and ODF, although, unfortunately, the search function for them is completely missing.

An equally interesting opportunity is the creation of office documents online. Moreover, if the OneDrive folder has the attribute public access for several users, editing of such documents can be done by all users.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of synchronization between the Hotmail mail service and search engine Bing. In the second case, you can even save your Bing search history to the storage.

Synchronization with operating systems other than desktop versions of Windows

Now regarding the other, no less interesting side of OneDrive. What this is in terms of synchronization with other systems is not difficult to understand if you take into account the fact that the storage can be accessed even from mobile devices Android systems, iOS, MeeGo, Symbian and, naturally, with Windows Phone, not counting full support for access even from Xbox consoles.

The only thing that is required is to install a special client, have an Internet connection at the time of access, and log in using your own username and password. It is thanks to this approach that Microsoft has managed to significantly increase the number of cloud users.

However, not all owners of desktop Windows systems like using this service. Firstly, it constantly hangs in startup and even when the service is turned off, it synchronizes files and folders with the storage. And secondly, and disk space this clearly decreases. That is why a legitimate question arises: how to disable OneDrive in the system? There is no talk yet about deleting the program, although this can be done.

How to disable OneDrive in Windows by editing Group Policy

When it comes to disabling this service, there are several basic methods you can use. Each of them acts, in general, the same way, but first let's focus on using parameter editing group policy. For example, let's take Windows 8, although in the same “top ten” the actions will be absolutely identical.

To do this, in the “Run” menu, use the gpedit.msc command or call the computer configuration from the main menu, where in the root settings we go first to administrative templates, and then to system components. There you simply select the OneDrive section. When you open the settings, a window will appear in which you must select a ban on saving files in the cloud, and then confirm your choice.

Disabling OneDrive through the registry

Now let's see how to disable OneDrive using the registry. This is done just as easily. First, we access the editor using the regedit command, entered either in the Run menu or by calling it through Win keys+R.

Now at the end on the right we use RMB (right click) and create a DWORD parameter, call it DisableFileSync, open it and set the value to “1”. All that remains is to exit and reboot the system.

Reset settings directly in OneDrive

In order not to delve into the system settings, and even more so in system registry, you can do it even simpler.

We go into the computer settings, select the OneDrive section, and then go directly to the file storage. There is a default document saving line. We just turn the switch to the off position, that's all.

for and is it worth doing?

For many users, simply turning off is not enough. Let's see how to remove OneDrive. But it’s worth saying right away that this service cannot be restored. You can only install it again when you reinstall Windows. Removal steps are recommended only if this service is not really used on the local computer or is simply not needed.

So how do you remove OneDrive? This is not so easy to do, but it is possible. First you need to end the process, not from the Task Manager, but from command line, where the combination taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe is entered. Now, if you have a 32-bit system, from the same command line we use %SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall, and for systems with 64-bit architecture - %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall. After this, we reboot the terminal, and the storage problem disappears.

You can also delete the directory with files to clear disk space. The default OneDrive folder is located at C:\Users\, followed by the username and the OneDrive subkey. By the way, this can be done by simply disabling the service, without even using its complete removal.


Here, in fact, is all the basic information regarding the OneDrive service. We have more or less figured out what it is. In general capabilities and functions, I think, everything is clear. But regarding the issue of disabling or deleting a service, it is still recommended to disable it and not delete it. But you never know what situation may arise when you need fast access to “cloud storage”, and with the least amount of time?

So think a hundred times before making a final decision, because there is only one way to restore the service - a complete reinstallation of the system. And no amount of rollback to the checkpoint will help here. On the other hand, if you use any official client for access not from Windows, but from some other device, then, in general, there is no need to keep such a service on your computer.

The OneDrive cloud is a storage that anyone with Windows 8.1 can access. You just need to install this operating system, create a Microsoft account and you can get 5 gigabytes of cloud space for free.

In this article I will tell you how you can use OneDrive cloud, where it can be useful and what advantages this service has.

What is OneDrive cloud

Modern technologies tend to transfer everything from hard drives to the cloud.

The cloud is a space on the Internet where you can store your files. You can make them available to everyone, or you can set a password on them and make them private. Physically, the cloud is remote computer(or several computers) with a large hard drive that can be accessed via the Internet.

OneDrive cloud can be used as an additional HDD, and store documents on it. The beauty is that these documents can be accessed from any computer, smartphone and tablet anywhere there is an Internet connection.

OneDrive Customizations

Naturally, lucky owners of Windows 8.1 can access the OneDrive cloud directly from their computer from a special application of the same name, which can be found on the start screen.

You can also access it from the familiar Windows Explorer.

Plus, you can view the cloud directly from your browser on any device. To do this, you need to go and log in using your account Microsoft.

You can download the OneDrive client to your phone or tablet under Android control and iOS. You can download the necessary software in the stores of your devices.

OneDrive features

To start using the OneDrive cloud on Windows 8.1, you need to create a Microsoft account or log in under it.

After that, open the OneDrive app. In principle, you can already use it now. But let's see what settings there are. Hover your mouse over the lower right corner and open Settings.

In the menu that appears, click "Options" again.

You will see only three options.

  • Access all my files fromOneDrive is offline. I recommend enabling this option. Thanks to it, files in the OneDrive folder can be modified even if there is currently no Internet access. They will sync with the cloud as soon as the Internet is available.
  • Free up disk space. If you disabled the first option, you can click on this button to delete files saved in OneDrive from your computer. They will only be in the cloud.
  • Synchronize files. If this option is enabled, then files saved in OneDrive will be synchronized with the cloud. It needs to be left on.

If you right-click on a file or folder in the OneDrive application, a menu for working with files will appear at the bottom. Here you can copy, move, rename, delete, create a folder and add a file from your computer, and other operations with files.

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