Open lesson on postal history. Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic "Mail"

, speech therapist, Asbest, Sverdlovsk region.

Children need to know.

Nouns: mail, postman, Mailbox, mail car, bag, letter, telegram, parcel, parcel, postcard, newspaper, magazine, envelope, stamp, address, addressee, paper, sealing wax, seal, index, operator.

Adjectives: polite, neat, postal, holiday, congratulatory, homely, attentive, diligent, urgent, children's, adult, heavy, light.

Verbs: distribute, spread, sort, sort, lay out, hand over, accept, write, drop, congratulate, inform, sell, buy, send, send, receive, seal, read, stick.

Children should be able to.

Match objects to signs.

Postal - pigeon, transfer, envelope...
Postage stamp, postcard...
Mail notification…
Postage stamps, workers...

Form new words.

Post office - postman, post office, post office...
Address - addressee, addressed, addresses, addressed...
Telegraph -..., telephone -...

Complete the sentence with the correct words.

The postman brought a letter (to whom?)
(mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister...)

There are (what?) in the mailbox
(newspapers, magazines, letters...)

There is no (what?) in the box
(newspapers, letters, magazines...)

  • Show your child the correspondence that you take out of the mailbox and examine them.
  • Show the child a letter, postage stamp, envelope, telegram, read where the letter or telegram came from.
  • Tell how the letter and telegram reached your home from another city.
  • Show how a written letter is placed in an envelope, sealed, an address is written on the envelope, the letter is placed in the mailbox with the child, and the parcel is shown.
  • Talk about the professions of postal workers (postman, telegraph operator).
  • Take the correspondence out of the mailbox and say that it arrived in the mail.
  • Take your child to the post office and draw his attention to the work of postal workers.

Guess the riddles.

A sheet of paper in the morning
They bring us to our apartment.
On one such sheet
Lots of different news.

On the wall, in a visible place
Gathers the news together.
And then its tenants
They will fly to all ends.

What a world traveler
Staying in one corner?
(Postage Stamp.)

Lesson summary for preschoolers of the senior group “Unusual writing”

Educational area: cognition
Chapter: familiarization with the environment, design.

Topic: Unusual letter (communications)

Target: Expand your understanding of communications and the purpose of a telephone. Introduce some simple rules of use. Form an idea of ​​how mail works. children's ideas about ways to send and receive information. Develop constructive abilities, learn how to make an origami envelope. Develop your horizons and attention. Cultivate an interest in learning.
Bilingual component: letter-hut, polite words.
Equipment: envelope, phone, laptop.
1. Motivational and incentive stage
Game situation: Someone forgot their things in our group! Look, guys, whose bag and cap are these? You don’t know...Let’s look together. What's in this bag: maybe something important and necessary was forgotten in our group?! Children look at the bag, objects from the bag. (The teacher takes letters, newspapers, magazines out of the bag. Children name all these objects)
The teacher offers to count how many newspapers, magazines, envelopes.
Displays a picture of a postman and an unusual envelope (bright with the names of the children).
Children name the number of objects, compare which is greater, and talk about the work of a postman.
-The postman has a letter for us, but he doesn’t want to give it back right away.
Invites children to play with the postman. Children want to get an envelope
2.Organizational and search stage
The teacher makes riddles about the mailbox.
The problematic question is how the letter gets there. Children build a logical chain (to help, the teacher organizes a viewing of the film “The Journey of a Letter.”
2. "Game exercise"

The teacher suggests looking at the items: do they all relate to the postal service? Find the extra item! The game is played with a ball in a circle.
- Newspaper, letter, book, telegram;
-plane, train, car, submarine;
-telephone, money, scales, bread;
-envelope, newspaper, notice, watch.
Well done, children. You did the job right!
If necessary, children explain their choice.
3 Construction.Riddle
I'm a little house. But only without any floors at all.
I am a thin, painted paper house.
Even though my door is not locked with a lock,
They just licked it with their tongue.
But he doesn’t let anyone inside without asking:
Greetings, answers, questions live there.
Instructions and requests lie curled up.
Stamps with seals guard this exercise. (letter)
Children guess and tell what can be written in a letter.
The teacher organizes the work of making paper envelopes by folding.
Children come to the tables, choose the color of their envelope, and fold in a simple way according to the model. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the folds, all folds are based on a fairy tale about how the prince and princess met, but they had to part, they decided to write a letter.
4. Physical training
It is necessary to deliver a letter, an imitation, a car, a train, an airplane.
5. Unusual letter.
Children receive a letter and guess who it is from. The teacher reports that he was sent by children from another country who want to make friends with them. The teacher organizes a conversation, how else can you communicate? Children offer to call on the phone or get in touch via the Internet.
6.From the history of the envelope.
The teacher's story about wartime triangle letters, showing the presentation.
Summing up the lesson, reflection.
-You are happy children, take care of the world, peace is more important than anything in the world, be friends with the children of all the children on our planet.
There are black children
There are white children
There are yellow children on our planet
Our whole Earth is like a big kindergarten,
Where everyone is each other's sister or brother.
Children draw the world to music about friendship, about peace, prepare their friendship letter for sending. The teacher praises the children, asks if they liked the lesson, what interesting things they learned.

A game lesson in the senior group for children with special needs on the lexical topic “Mail”.

"Who's knocking on my door?"


Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Mail”.

Strengthen children's ability to form names of professions and verbs using prefixes.

Strengthen the ability to select verbs to nouns, use masculine and feminine possessive pronouns “my - mine - mine - mine” in speech, and coordinate them with nouns.

Practice agreeing numerals with masculine, feminine and neuter nouns.

Improve the ability to use grammatical categories: nouns in the nominative, genitive and accusative cases of singular and plural.

Practice the correct use of the prepositions NA - S, IN - FROM, U, UNDER.

Improve the syllabic structure of words.

Develop visual and auditory memory, attention, thinking.

Develop a culture of speech: do not shout, do not interrupt, do not repeat a friend’s answer.

Material : paintings from the “Mail” series, objects and pictures with their images in singular and plural: letter, postcard, parcel, mailbox, newspaper, magazine, name cards: name of object, place, gender, clothing, actions, tools, benefits.

Dictionary :

Nouns: mail, postman, letter, envelope, stamp, telegram, parcel, address, postcard, newspaper, magazine, parcel post, stamp, index, addressee, sender, delivery, bag, box.

Verbs: send, dispatch, receive, pack, stamp, disassemble, spread, deliver, write out, congratulate, correspond, fill out.

Adjectives: postal, urgent, valuable, registered, congratulatory, heavy, light.

Adverbs: fast, slow, high, low.

Pronouns:mine, yours, ours.

X Lesson od:

The organizational moment is the reading of the beginning of the poem “Mail” by S. Marshak.

Log. - Who is knocking on my door with a thick bag on his belt....?

D. - This is the postman.

Log. - Where does the postman work? (At the post office) (place sign)

A game “What does a postman need to work?”

Log. - What does a postman need to work? (signs of clothing and tools)

D. - The postman needs: a bag, mail, uniform, etc.

Log. - What is the postman wearing?

Children: - The postman wears a blue suit and a blue cap on his head.

Log. - Who needs a bag, a box, letters, mail? (to the postman)

Game “What’s in the postman’s bag?”

Log. - What's in the postman's bag?

D. - Letter, postcard, magazine, parcel, newspaper, etc.

Log. - We are few wizards: there was one, but there will be many.

Log.- Here is one postcard, and here are postcards, many postcards.

D. - Here is one letter, and here are letters, many letters.

There is one newspaper - newspapers, many newspapers. There is one magazine here - magazines, many magazines.

Game "Fun Counting"

Log. - You have pictures on your tables. Name what is shown on them.

D. - Postal supplies.

Count and say how many there are.

D. - In the picture I have five newspapers, six postcards, eight envelopes, seven letters, etc.

Reflection: - What did you think? (Postage supplies)

Game "Greedy" ( My - my - mine, ours)

my? ( My journal, box, envelope)

Log. - What postal items can you talk about?my? (My newspaper, my package)

Log. - What postal items can you talk about?my?(my letter)

Physical education minute “Mailbox”.

I stand on the bench, rhythmic steps in place

I can barely get the box out. Raise your arms up, stand on your toes and stretch

Opening the drawer From the “shelf” position of the arms, spread the arms up and down

Blue, shiny. Alternately raising arms to the sides

Fall out of the box Put your arms down, shaking your hands

The letters are real. Sit down

Game “Who can find the most words?” (sign of action)

Log. - What does the postman do?

D. - Takes out letters and postcards from the mailbox.

Delivers and sorts mail into boxes.

Packs mail and sends packages. Etc.

A game “Let’s play with the word “write”

(consolidating the ability to form prefixed verbs)

Log. - The man (what is he doing?) is writing a letter.

What did you do? Wrote a letter.

What did you do? on wrote, re wrote, You wrote, under wrote, etc.

Log. - Are the words similar? What is the same about them? (Part - wrote)

Log. - And these words are distinguished by prefixes: you-, under-, on-, over-.

Game “Tell me where, where, where?”

Log. - Where does the postman work? (At the post office.)

Where do people leave letters? (to mailbox)

Where do the letters come from? (From the box).

What does the postman wear when delivering letters? (In the bag).

Who has the letters? (at the postman). Etc.


Who works at the post office?

What does the word “mail” mean?

What word did you play with? How did you get new words?

Which game did you like best and why?

Goal: To consolidate knowledge on the topic "Mail"
. Summarize knowledge about postal supplies and the work of a postman.
. Update the dictionary on the topic.
. Strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.
. Develop phonemic awareness, sound analysis and synthesis skills.
. Develop coherent speech skills: Improve the ability to write stories about objects on a given topic, write creative stories.
. Develop the ability to justify your judgments.
. Build self-control and self-esteem
. Develop mental processes: visual and auditory perception, attention, logical thinking.
. Strengthen the eye muscles and improve their coordination.
Educational tasks:
. Cultivate respect for the work of adults (postman).
. Improve communicative readiness for learning.
. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and comrades.
. Develop the ability to subordinate your actions to instructions.

Preliminary work: excursion to the post office, reading S. Ya Marshak “Mail”
Materials: interactive whiteboard, projector, parcel post with a children's magazine and book.

Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.
- Guys, we received a package this morning. And to find out who brought it, you need to guess the riddle:
He brought us a telegram:
I'm coming. Wait. Mother.
I brought my grandfather a pension,
At least not Santa Claus.
He's been on his feet since dawn. Who is this? (Postman)
Right. Well done! This is the postman.
2. The main part of the lesson.
2.1. - Now I invite you to listen to the story of how the post office appeared.
“The post office is engaged in the forwarding of postal items, letters, newspapers, magazines, money transfers, parcels, parcels. All shipping takes place using transport. The need to talk to each other appeared among people in ancient times. But how can you talk if the person you need is far away? After people learned to read and write, this problem disappeared. Postal service appeared. At first, mail was transported by horse, then they began to transport it by rail. Letters were even sent with pigeons, tying the letter to the bird's leg. Later, the amount of mail increased and it began to be transported by plane. Nowadays, when every home has a computer, letters and messages can be sent using e-mail.
2.2. - Now tell me, how can I deliver the letter?
-To send a letter by rail, you need...? (mail car)
-To send a letter by airmail, you need...? (airplane)
-To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need...? (pigeon)
-To send a letter by email, need...? (computer)
-To send a letter to the North, you need...? (helicopter, dog sled)
- Guys, think about it and tell me which post office is not there now? (pigeon)

2.3. Gymnastics for the eyes.
- Now let's look into the distance, look straight ahead, put your finger
It’s not a pity for this time, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, move your gaze
What is near and what is far on the tip of your finger and look at it, then
You should look at your eyes. lower your hand.
- So that we don’t yawn, raise our eyes up, right, down, left
The eyes ran around. and up; and back: left, down, right and
Stop, and then up again.
Run in the other direction.

2.4. Guessing riddles.
- I will make riddles about objects related to the work of a postman.
Riddles to present.
I'm blue
I hang it on the wall.
And many greetings
Kept in me.
On the wall in a visible place
Gathers news together
And then its tenants
They will fly to all ends.
It hangs in a prominent place
He swallows news all year round. (Mailbox)

Sealed with glue firmly
And they sent it to me urgently.
I won't regret it:
I’ll get it and post it up in no time. (Envelope)

A sheet of paper in the morning
They bring it to our apartment.
On one such sheet
Lots of different news. (Newspaper)

Once a month in the morning
It will be put in our box.
Thick, bright - I'm so glad
I look at all the pictures. (Magazine)

Get urgent news:
“I’m arriving at exactly six o’clock.”
Next to it is the signature “mother”.
This is a tele... (gram).

2.5. Improving the skill of coherent speech.
- Well done! Imagine yourself as a children's magazine and tell us about yourself? (Children's stories)
- Create a story about a postman using reference pictures. You can use all the pictures, or you can only use a few.

2.6. Physical education minute.
What did the postman bring us?
He walks around with a thick bag (the children march in place)
Translation, magazine, newspaper
There are two cassettes in the parcel (torso turns right, left)
And a letter for Aunt Valya
So that they await her arrival (jumping on two legs).

2.7. Working with puzzles.
- Guys, the postman has prepared a surprise for you, and we will find out what it is when we solve the puzzle. You need to identify the first sound in the name of the picture and make a word from these sounds.
Children complete tasks and a magazine (book) appears on the screen.
- Well done, you completed the task! (the teacher takes out a children's magazine and a book).

2.8. Strengthening the ability to coordinate a noun with a numeral.
But look. There is also some strange piece of paper here. What's on it? (envelopes). See if there is enough envelope for each of you? How did you know this? (Counted).

2.9. We also have the envelopes that you bought yesterday at the post office. Can we send a letter to them? (No). What is needed for this? (write address)
But my envelope already has an address written on it. Can I send it? (No, there is no stamp on it).
After the lesson, I suggest you write a letter and send it to your address.
The letter itself will not go anywhere,
But put it in the box -
It will run, fly, swim
A thousand miles of travel.

3. Summary of the lesson.
- Now take an emoticon and tell us why you chose it.
Children choose an emoticon with an emotion that matches their mood and justify their choice.

Target: introduction to the profession of a postman.


Foster respect for the work of adults;

Strengthen children’s ideas about the benefits and significance of the work of a postman;

Expand your vocabulary on the topic “Mail” using the words: mail, postman, newspaper, magazine, postcard, parcel, parcel, letter, telegram, address, index; action words: spread, drop, receive;

Improve dialogic speech, visual perception, attention, and the ability to solve riddles.

Preliminary work: excursion to the post office with parents, reading the work of S. Marshak “Mail”.

Progress of the lesson

Children, guess the riddle:

He delivers it home

A heap of letters, telegrams,

And in blue envelopes -

News from friends, family.

Tell me, guys, where does the postman work? (At the post office.) That's right, at the post office. Which of you went to the post office? (Children's answers) What did you see there? What did you buy? (Magazine, newspaper, postcard, envelope, etc.) I have created an exhibition of your photographs about how you and your parents went to the post office, let’s look at them.

The postman begins his working day early in the morning - he sorts out the received mail. Children look at illustrations depicting the work of a postman.

What does the postman wear when delivering mail? (in the bag).

What does he carry in his bag? (Newspapers, magazines, letters, postcards.)

How does the postman know exactly where he should deliver the mail? (Children's answers.) Of course, every letter, newspaper or magazine contains the index, address and surname of the recipient. Now, the postman has found the right address, what will he do next? (Children's answers.) Yes, he puts the mail in the mailbox, which shows the apartment number. Look at the different types of envelopes there are. Let's see where you need to write the address, where you need to send the letter, and where - where the letter came from. The post office code is also indicated on the envelope so that the letter reaches the addressee faster.

Now I will tell you riddles:

A sheet of paper in the morning

They bring it to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news.

On the side there is a stamp and a picture,

In round stamps

Chest and back.

Sealed with glue firmly,

And they sent it to me urgently.

I won't regret it:

I’ll receive it and post it up in no time.


I'm blue

I hang it on the wall.

And many greetings

Kept in me.


Without wings, but flies, Without tongue, but speaks.


And now we will play the game “I Know All Professions.” There are cards on the tables with various objects depicted on them. You need to select only those that relate to the profession of a postman.

Now we will rest. Physical exercise “What did the postman bring us?”:

What did the postman bring us? He walks with a thick bag (children march in a circle with their knees raised high). Translation, magazine, newspaper (bend the fingers on the left hand). There are two cassettes in the parcel (squat). And a letter from Aunt Galya (jumping on the spot). So that they await her arrival (they spread their arms to the sides).

Tell me, guys, how do they deliver mail to cities? (Children's answers.) That's right, on special mail planes, trains, cars and even ships. Now I will show you four pictures, and you will try to collect them from memory. Let's split into two teams. One team assembles a plane and a steamship, the other - a train and a car. Well done, everyone did it!

- Guys, do you hear someone knocking on the door? (A boy comes in dressed as a postman.) Grisha recites a poem:

“Who is knocking on my door?..”

They know these lines,

Of course, people are all -

Adults and children.

This is a good postman,

What the parcel carries.

He also carries letters,

And the magazine "Murzilka".

Lots of good news

And a postcard to mom,

Telegram about guests,

And a TV program...

Look, guys, what did the postman bring us? (A parcel.) A real parcel, the address is indicated on it, let's take a look! The postal workers sent us this package, let's open it. There are so many envelopes and letters in it. Let’s read it: “Hello, children! We are sending you envelopes. We really want you to learn how to write letters to your friends and family and how to sign envelopes correctly. We wish you success!”

You and I will definitely learn, really, guys! Let's say thank you to the postman. Hand out envelopes to children.

Publications on the topic