Transfer via MNP with your number from one mobile operator to another. Mobile slavery is cancelled: how to go to Beeline with your number

We have prepared step by step instructions, how to switch to Beeline while saving the number yourself. You can switch to Beeline with your number from MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and other operators. This can be done not only in the company’s office, but also at home, via the Internet. Below you will find detailed description, cost and advice.

If you are still wondering “is it worth switching to Beeline?”, then first compare with the tariffs of your operator. Beeline has many interesting offers and services, good coverage and 4g Internet.

To make the life of a new subscriber as easy as possible, the operator provides the “Go to Beeline” service. It allows you to use your MTS, Megafon, Tele2 or other operator number in the Beeline network.

Service cost 100 rubles. The money will be debited from the account on the 3rd day after the number is transferred. When drawing up a contract for the transfer, they will take another 100 rubles, because... This is the minimum amount on a new SIM card. In total, you initially need to pay 200 rubles.

How much time do you need to switch to Beeline with your number? The number is transferred within 8 days.

You can monitor the progress of work using a ussd request *444*1#

Toll-free number porting support number 8 800 700 4004

Conditions under which you can port your number

❶ The transferred number must be registered on the same passport under which the contract with Beeline is concluded.

If an operator, for example, MTS, has a number registered to Marina Ivanova, and she came to Beeline with a new passport and the surname of her husband Marin Sidorov, then it will not be possible to transfer the number. In this case, you first need to update your passport details with MTS.

❷ The ported number must have a positive balance and the number must not be blocked.

To switch from Megafon to Beeline while saving the number, you first need to make sure that the Megafon number is not blocked and the balance on the number is > 0.

❸ Numbers are transferred only within one subject of the Russian Federation.

In other words, you can switch to Beeline with an MTS number only in the region where the MTS number was connected. It is impossible to transfer a number registered in Moscow to a Beeline agreement concluded in Tula.

❹ You can transfer your number once every six months.

❺ Only federal numbers can be transferred. Landline numbers are not ported.

Instructions: how to switch to Beeline while saving your number

We have prepared small instructions on how to switch to Beeline yourself and save your online number.

❶ Go to the official website →

At the top left there is a drop-down menu “Go to Beeline”. Select the option “Go with your number”.

❷ A page will open with the conditions for transferring the number to the Beeline operator. Click the big yellow button “Go to Beeline”. A pop-up window will appear in which you need to enter your number and click the “Go” button:

After clicking on the “Go” button, an online application for number porting is created. A specialist from Beeline support will call you back to the number specified in the application and tell you the details. The support operator will also specify the address where the courier should deliver the temporary SIM card.

❸ The Beeline operator will set a time when you need to come to the office with your passport to sign a transfer agreement.

This completes the entire number porting procedure. Technically, the number is transferred within eight days. At this time, you can use both the temporary SIM card number and the number of the old operator from which the transition is being made.

You can link any Beeline tariff to a temporary SIM card and use it like a regular SIM card. Advice: choose a tariff without a monthly fee, and after transferring your number, connect to a permanent tariff.

The functionality of the SIM card of the operator from which you are switching to Beeline is maintained until the number is actually transferred.

During the entire transfer, Beeline sends SMS with the status of the work.

After the number is completely transferred, access will be possible using the transferred number.

This is how easy it is to switch to Beeline without changing your number.

In the modern world it is difficult to imagine human life without mobile phone. Wireless connection has become a part of the life not only of business people, but also of every child with a pensioner. Many users mobile system Over time, they become dissatisfied with the work of their operator and express a desire to change service providers, while maintaining their old, familiar phone number. Since 2013, this possibility has become real and is being successfully practiced. Today we will discuss how to transfer to Beeline with your number, as well as the conditions that, if met, will allow this manipulation to be carried out.

How much does the transition cost, what documents are needed for this?

If you think that your operator has ceased to cope with its stated obligations, and the quality of communication leaves much to be desired, you can become a client of Beeline Corporation - you will have to pay only 100 rubles to activate the transition service.

Since the transition is tantamount to concluding a new user agreement, be prepared to present a fixed package of documents to the potential operator, depending on the use for which the connection is intended.

  • If you are a private person and you need the number for personal calls, you only need to take your passport with you. The phone is not registered in your name and along with the transfer you want to change the official owner? You will have to apply together - both you and the old owner of the SIM card, and both of you must have a passport.
  • If a SIM card is issued for individual entrepreneurship, in addition to your passport, you must present a copy of a document that will confirm that the individual entrepreneur has been recorded in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP certificate).
  • The list of official papers for legal entities is slightly wider: mobile operator requires documentary proof that the organization is registered with the tax authorities, entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the person who made the request is authorized to make such decisions. Thus, in addition to copies of two certificates, you must bring with you a passport and a power of attorney to carry out manipulations; if the application is made by the owner of the company, he must show a passport with the document on the basis of which he manages (for example, the Charter of the organization).

The listed documents for each case allow you to conclude an agreement legally and are proof that the application is not a fraud of third parties.

Compliance with conditions, procedure

Now let’s talk about the sequence and what specific actions should be taken by those who decide to switch to Beeline with their number. The described stages imply that before applying, the initiator had collected full package documents, the list of which we discussed above. So, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Study existing tariff plans for communication in world wide web or directly from a Beeline representative. Choose the tariff that meets your needs in all respects ( subscription fee, Internet/SMS/minute packages).
  2. Contact an office specialist with a request to conclude a contractual relationship. Be sure to fill out the application form to connect your old number to Beeline Corporation.
  3. Get a new SIM card from the salon employee, with which you can use your old phone.
  4. End the partnership with the operator whose services you have used so far, pay off debts if necessary.
  5. Expect an SMS notification that your application has been accepted for processing; in it you will also find information about the date by which the transition will be made.

At the time appointed by the operator, the card of your old operator will stop functioning and will be blocked - it is from this moment that your communication provider will change.

Subscribers who do not have the opportunity to allocate free time and personally visit the office of an official representative in the near future can use the electronic solution provided by Beeline on the company’s official resource. To do this, you need to go to the website and fill out the prepared form. The waiting period for service activation is up to 8 calendar days.

You can also always be aware of what is happening - Beeline notifies its customers about the progress of the operation, sending messages about changes in its status. Switching to Beeline with your number does not require large financial costs and complex manipulations; if you decide to change, don’t hesitate, start taking action as soon as possible.

Watch the video - how to switch to another mobile operator while keeping your number.

“Mobile slavery” was the name given to the inability to change operators without changing the number. Several years ago, due to changes in Russian legislation, such an opportunity finally appeared - subscribers got the chance to painlessly change telecom operators. Switching to Beeline while saving your number is not difficult. At first the system worked with glitches, but today it is almost completely debugged.

Why do you need to change operator?

Before we tell you how to switch to Beeline with your number, let's try to decide what this is for. Many subscribers need high-quality communications and affordable rates. They wouldn’t mind using Beeline’s services, but they were hampered by the lack of the opportunity to switch to it while keeping their number. Of course, it was and is possible to notify all your contacts about the new number, but this may take time.

In addition, many people are simply not ready to change their number - distant relatives, friends, close relatives and even business partners know it. The more famous, the more problems there are when changing numbers. If a person is busy with business, then the change in numbers in phone number can cause a lot of losses. We must not forget about those who own beautiful silver, gold and platinum numbers - it’s simply a pity to lose such numbers.

The opportunity to switch to Beeline while keeping the number brought joy to many subscribers. Some people like the high quality of voice communications, some like the tariffs, and some at their dacha only get Beeline and do not have coverage from other operators. Whatever the reason, having the opportunity not to lose your number is frankly pleasing.

Transition to Beeline

Let's see how to switch to Beeline while keeping your number and what you need for this. The first and most important condition is that the number must be registered in your name. If it is registered in the name of your mother, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother, matchmaker, second cousin or best friend, look for the real owner and take him to the office to write an application for transfer. Otherwise, you will not be able to change the operator.

In order to avoid problems in the future, immediately re-register the number in your name by contacting the office of the relevant operator. If you don't have contact with the real owner of the number, forget about porting.

Further steps for switching to Beeline while maintaining the number are as follows:

  • Choose a suitable tariff plan - you can read the tariff descriptions on our website or on the operator’s website. Recommended tariffs - from the “Everything” line, with packages of minutes, SMS and traffic;
  • Take your passport and go to the nearest Beeline office;
  • Tell the service office specialist about your intentions and fill out the appropriate application.

The application indicates personal data, current phone number, desired tariff plan and transfer date (you don’t have to specify it - in this case you will be able to switch to Beeline no earlier than 8 days from the date of submission of the application).

After you write an application, you will be issued a new SIM card. Don’t rush to install it on your phone, as it has a temporary number attached to it. It should be installed in your handset only when you receive the appropriate notification of a successful transfer - at this point there may be some interruptions in establishing communication (interruptions can occur for up to 6 hours).

As soon as you receive an SMS that your number has been successfully transferred, install the SIM card issued to you in your phone and enjoy communication services from Beeline.

Transition conditions

You have already seen that switching to Beeline while keeping your number is very easy - you just need to write an application. But in some cases the transfer may not take place. Here are the main reasons for refusal:

  • There is a debt on your number - be sure to pay it off before writing an application;
  • Your number is blocked (for example, by a judicial block);
  • Passport data does not match - if there is an error in at least one digit, the transfer will not take place;
  • Too frequent change of operator - repeated transfer can be made no earlier than 60 days after the last change;
  • The number specified in the application is serviced in another region - in this case, you will not be able to switch to Beeline while saving your number.

You can clarify other questions regarding number portability at the service office or at help desk Beeline.

At the end of 2013, legislation on the free change of operator came into force in the Russian Federation mobile communications to anyone else with the ability to save your number. Which operator's number do you use? given time no matter - Mobile Telesystems, Megafon, Tele2, Yota or the Beeline network - everyone can switch to another with their number. The service itself is provided by mobile operators. This service is known by the abbreviation MNP (Mobile Number Portability), which in Russian means “Mobile Number Portability”.

If you have problems with communication, or are not satisfied with mobile tariffs or Internet services, the opportunity to switch to another provider without losing your number now exists. In this article we will tell you in detail how to switch to Beeline while keeping your number - what is the subscriber’s procedure and what obstacles you may encounter in the transfer procedure.

How to change operator while keeping the number? In order to make the transition while maintaining the number to Beeline from MTS, Megafon, Tele2 or any other operator, you must personally come to any official Beeline representative office. There is no need to contact the company you decided to leave, and it doesn’t matter what your current tariff plan is. When visiting a Beeline office or salon, prepare and make sure of the following:

  • The phone number to be transferred is registered to you personally. Otherwise, you must have a power of attorney for this from the owner of the number.
  • By the time the number transfer is done, you should not have any debts to the previous operator for any of the numbers that are registered in your name.
  • The previous porting of this number took place more than sixty days ago.
  • Since MNP transfer can only be done within one region, you must contact this issue in the service area where you purchased the SIM card.
  • Your number must not be blocked by the operator (debt, long-term non-use of the number).
  • The passport data of the number owner at the time of the number transfer process corresponds to the passport data in the contract when purchasing the number from the previous company. There were no errors when filling out the data in the previous contract and the passport itself has not changed.
  • Carefully read the new conditions and tariffs of the selected operator (this option is available in the company’s showrooms and on our website).

Important! There is one more limitation on the procedure for changing a telecom operator - you cannot transfer your “City Number” to another operator. This service is not legally established - only a federal duplicate of the “City Number” can be offered to you for transfer.

Personal visit

How can subscribers switch to Beeline while keeping their number? If you have checked everything and can give a positive answer to the previous points, then you can go to the new operator you have chosen. What can you expect when visiting a new operator? You must follow these steps:

  • Having presented your passport (if you are a foreigner or do not have citizenship, then present any identification document), contact a consultant and ask for a service to change the operator while maintaining the number.
  • Write a statement that you want to change the operator and transfer your number to Beeline.
  • Select a tariff from those offered during the transition (you can change it later).
  • Get technical SIM card Beeline to which your number will be linked after the transfer.

While the procedure for switching to Beeline while maintaining the number is completed, you will be able to use your old card. Notifications about how this process is progressing will be sent to her via SMS messages. When you receive a message that the number has been transferred to Beeline, old map will no longer receive registration on the network and you will have to install a SIM card on the device, which will be issued to you.

Application on the website

How to make a transition to Beeline with your number on the company’s website? An application to change the operator while maintaining the number can also be made through the official website of the Beeline company. There is a whole section dedicated to this on the operator’s official website. In the top menu bar you need to find the “Go to Beeline” item.

By clicking on the “Go” button, you will open a dialog box on the site page. There you will have to leave a contact number for communication, then click the “Go” button again and send an application to transfer to Beeline with your number.

The question will arise: will I be able to choose a tariff plan? After writing a transfer application, you will begin the procedure for transferring your number online, and the first thing Beeline will do on the website will ask you to choose a tariff. If the region where you are located provides courier delivery services, you will be able to sign the application and agreement when the SIM card is delivered by the courier. Otherwise, you will still have to visit the operator’s office and complete the transfer procedure in person.

What is the price?

The cost of switching to another operator in the country while maintaining the number is standardized and amounts to Beeline 100 rubles for 1 transition of 1 number. The cost is charged on the day you write an application to transfer your number to another network, but, as a rule, operators remove the transfer fee from the number balance after the transfer.

Important! It is advisable that the balance of the number on which the transfer is made is positive during the entire procedure of changing the operator, since you will have several write-offs - payment for the transition itself (100 rubles) and write-off of the cost tariff plan for the first month (if you have chosen a tariff with a subscription fee).

How long will the transition take?

In accordance with the law, the procedure until the number is transferred must be completed 8 days in advance. This is exactly the period of time it will take to verify and register your data at the Central Research Institute of Communications, which maintains a database of portable numbers.

During the transfer, you can use your number and receive information messages about the transfer process and the necessary actions on your part. The day before the end of the transition procedure, you will be sent an SMS notification about when you need to connect a new SIM from Beeline to your device. The old SIM will no longer register on the network and you will need to install a card issued by the new operator. If you do not specify other information in the contract, then on the eighth day after submitting the application the procedure will be completed.

How to change operator while keeping the number for legal entities? Legal entities and holders of corporate numbers are offered exactly the same procedure in which the number is preserved, but the law determines a longer period for porting the number - up to 29 days.

How many times can you change operator?

The number of times you can transfer your number from one operator to another is not regulated by law, but this can only be done after two months have passed since the last number transfer.

What else will Beeline offer?

If you decide to become a Beeline subscriber by switching from another operator, then as an alternative you will be asked to choose instead of keeping the old number new number Beeline from a free or paid list of “beautiful numbers”.

In the article we talked about how to switch to Beeline while maintaining the number from any operator and answered your questions on how to do this. The transition to Beeline can be done from MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and any other operator cellular communication. If you have any questions: how to switch from Beeline to MTS, how to switch from Beeline to Tele2, or how to switch from Beeline to Megafon while keeping your number, then on our website you can find the information you are interested in.

Anyone in Russia can switch to the services of the Beeline operator while keeping their phone number. To do this, you can use the “Go to Beeline with your number” option. The service allows you to become a new subscriber of the company without losing contacts.

Description of service

The cost of the service Transition to Beeline is 100 rubles. The fee is charged one-time during number porting. Money is charged from the main balance on the third day after the operation. First you need to order a new SIM card. This can be done on the operator’s website, and the courier will deliver a new starter package to the specified address. After submitting an application for the transition, the operator dials the client to clarify the data and help in choosing a tariff.

You can select a tariff and options before going to the operator’s website. For convenience, you need to indicate your region at the top of the site and go to the tab with tariffs. Under each there is detailed description with prices and conditions.

When filling out an application on the site, you must use the site menu, indicating your phone number. The subscriber is provided with a free temporary number, and 8 days after signing the contract it is replaced.

Terms of service

There are several conditions that you need to know before transferring your number to Beeline:

  1. Only the owner of the SIM card can submit an application for the transition. For this, passport data is required. If the transfer is not carried out by the owner of the SIM card, there must be a power of attorney.
  2. To successfully complete the procedure, there should be no debts or blocks on the personal account at the moment.
  3. Transfer can only be carried out using federal numbers.
  4. During the actual procedure, there may be communication interference, but it is short-lived and quickly stabilizes. Access to services via incoming line is blocked for 6 hours.

For getting detailed information You can call for free at 88007004004. It is intended for questions about transferring clients of other operators to the Beeline network.

After completing the service, you can check the status of your application using the request *444*1# .

Connection and control

For control and transition you need:

  1. Go personally to any Beeline salon with a passport or order a card on the operator’s website.
    Leave a request to transfer your phone to Beeline.
  2. Choose a tariff, sign an agreement and receive a starter package, the price of which depends on the plan.
  3. The number is transferred within no more than 8 days from the date of signing the papers.
  4. Until the procedure is completely completed, new subscribers receive 2 SIM cards. The first refers to the old operator, on which the usual telephone combination is saved, the second - a Beeline card, on which there is a temporary number. It can be used until the transfer is complete.
  5. The old SIM card is deactivated, the temporary one is deleted from the second card and the transferred number starts working.

At each stage, the subscriber receives notifications via SMS. They are sent to both SIM cards, so new subscribers can easily control the progress of changing their phone number.

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