Secrets of the Lambda Core complex. Detailed description of events (Half-Life) Achievements in the game Black Mesa

08:47, May 15, 200* - Gordon Freeman rides the monorail from Level 3 to Sector C. Some time later, he passes G-Man, who is looking at him from a nearby gondola. Upon arriving in Sector C, the guard opens the door for Gordon and comments, "You're late."

Chapter 1: "Anomalous Materials"

The security guard at the desk greets Freeman and says he can't find his message because... the system crashed about 20 minutes ago and the files were lost. There is also a problem in the Test Chamber, and the guard warns that he will only allow Gordon inside if he is wearing a protective suit. Gordon goes to the Anomalous Materials Research Laboratory area. Moving towards the locker room, Gordon notices G-Man arguing about something with a scientist.

He dons the "H.E.V Protective System - Type 4" designed for use in harsh environments. H.E.V includes high-tech armor, means to create a normal atmosphere inside the suit and monitor health and armor, an automatic medical system, an auto-weapon system to track the amount of ammunition, and a communications interface.

After this, Gordon goes to the “Laboratory for Working with Anomalous Materials”. Passing the Ionizing Rooms, he arrives at the Control Room, where he meets three fellow scientists. They tell Gordon that his job is simply to send the sample down into the test chamber. They also report that they have set the anti-mass spectrometer to 105% by order of the Administrator. After this they send Gordon down. As he passed by the Plasma Cells, something exploded in a nearby computer. Eli Vance and other scientists suggested that the settings were set too high, but orders are orders - Gordon descends the elevator to Test Facility C-33/a.

Two of his fellow scientists are waiting outside. One of them warns Gordon that the experiment will be very different from standard procedure. Sample GG-3883 was the strangest specimen ever experimented on, and perhaps the most unstable. The scientist is concerned that with the standard introduction of a sample into the flow, the procedure could lead to Cascade Resonance. When Gordon descends into the Chamber, the scientist asks Gordon through the public address system to start the rotors, after which the scientists turn on the test apparatus at 80% power. They waited for Gordon to return to his seat. Then they included emitters in the first stage, with predictive phase arrays, then they included emitters in the second stage. After that, they transfer the emitter power to 105%. One of the scientists notices a slight instability. He ignores it because it is within acceptable limits and continues with the sequence of actions. The scientists notify Gordon that the stream is ready for the experiment and send a cart containing the sample into the chamber. One scientist, however, begins to worry, noticing the growing instability, but another interrupts him, declaring that there is nothing to worry about. Gordon pushes the cart into the traffic...

A couple of moments later, green lightning burst from the stream and the cart in all directions, causing destruction to everything around. One of the scientists, frightened, tries to turn off the flow, but it continues to work. A beam of electricity hits the control room and Gordon loses consciousness...

Dealing with Big-eyed dogs and go into the corridor. Behind the red and white device we select a battery, arrows and a grenade for the machine gun. We find ourselves in a large room, in it we go up the stairs to the third floor, and take the elevator down to one floor below. We move on and turn into the room on the left. We overcome the barricades. Further on the second floor we jump into the hatch, find a lever there that will open the doors for us, and we enter them. We found ourselves in an empty huge reservoir. We climb down the stairs and press the green button. We take the elevator back. We find and press the switch on the wall, it turns on the water supply to the reservoir. We return to the central room.

Coolant System 02

We pass the stone blockage and approach the reservoir, dive into the water. Underwater you need to find and press a button, then stand on the platform, it will raise you higher. Next we go through the doors and move along the corridor. Again we find ourselves in an empty reservoir, press the button on the wall and take the elevator up. Near the control panel, press the lever. The storage will begin to fill with water, you can return to the central room.

Maintenance Station

We go into the room and meet a guard in it. We restore the suit's charge and health, as well as ammo.

Aux. Tank Reactor Access

We enter the room of the central reservoir of the cooling system, here a lot of Vortigaunts and large monsters will begin to attack us. We try not to die and kill them all by any means. We dive into the water and press the button in the central compartment, a tunnel will open. We swim into it.

Core of the Lambda complex

Finally we get to the core of the complex Lambda. We climb the stairs higher and higher, shooting Vortigaunts. At the top we press the lever, it will turn on the central installation, which will begin to emit red lasers. We move higher, trying not to come into contact with the red lasers. When we get out of the mine, we move up the stairs. We come to the guard's room. We recover and move further along the corridor. In the corridor we turn left, there is a dead end. (Here, through the glass, we can see G - man "a, who enters the portal). We go along the corridor to the right. You can only enter the yellow portals, they will take us to the green portal. Then you can ride the elevator to personally see the diagram - map Lambda core, and if you look through the glass, you will see her alive. We return upstairs and step into the last door.

Core with teleports

We are at the core of the complex. Then space began to distort and many portals opened. Our task is to climb to the very top of the core using teleports. We stand next to the yellow teleporter on the stairs and look out the window. At the moment when the platform passes under the green portal, we step into the yellow portal. From the platform we jump into gate 02, but do not enter the portal yet. Let's look up. When the platform passes under the green portal, feel free to enter the yellow portal. As soon as we teleported, we sat down (so as not to give Gordon a bump “author’s note”). We jump into the gate with number 04. Again, we are in no hurry to enter the portal. We look at the upper right corner. When the platform passes under the green portal, we go into the yellow portal. We need to jump from the platform into gate 07. Our hero finds himself indoors. Here you need to jump onto the middle ring, which goes down and up. From the ring along the platforms we need to jump over to door 01 and press the button there. Next to door 02 and press the button there too. After this, the path to the portal will open, go into it.

To the world of "Zen"

We ended up in a room on the top floor. We move forward along the corridor and take the elevator up. We listen to the scientists’ speech, fully restore health and ammunition. Take the rocket pack (Long Jump Module). (to use it and make long jumps, press the squat and jump keys at the same time. By default, Ctrl + Space.) We go into the opened white chamber. And so we reached the hall with a huge teleportation installation. One of the scientists will launch it, and at this time we need to somehow miraculously not die and fight off all the monsters that appear. After some time, the portal in the center of the hall will open and a bridge will extend towards it. We run to the bridge as quickly as possible, jump into the portal and teleport to the world "Zen" Unfortunately, this is where the game ends, but to be continued...

And here is the video! Look and find hiding places

Chapter 2 "The Great Day"

Number of caches: 1

There is only one single plot cache in this chapter, which you will encounter anyway. This is Isaac's laboratory. Just enter it and this cache will be credited to you.

Chapter 3 "Through the Channels"

Number of caches: 7

The first cache in this chapter is in the ruins of the house, which is located across the railroad at the beginning of the chapter, where you should also be in the story. Just walk up to it and the cache will be credited to you.
The second cache will be located in the ventilation shaft, in the house, which is also located near the railway. You will be in it according to the plot, so it will not be difficult for you to find and break the box in this hiding place.
The third cache will be located in the channel, in front of which you will find a turret. This cache is located behind the car. It's hard to miss because there will be a lambda sign on the wall that points to the cache.
The fourth cache will be located in the sewer along which we will go. It will be located directly below us and will be indicated by a lambda, so it is also hard to miss. Go down and take the supplies, then this cache will be credited to you.
The fifth cache will be located near the pipes along which we are walking. You will see a lambda sign, break the boards and go along the pipe, under it, and you will find this cache.
The sixth cache will be located at the location marked with two lambdas. You will also pass through this place in the story, and it will be hard for you not to notice this cache. The main thing is not to fall on the small path to which the cache is located.
The seventh cache is located next to the sixth: you just need to walk further and you will find a path of pipes above you that lead to this cache, but this cache is not marked with a lambda. This will be the last cache you will encounter in this chapter.

Chapter 4 "Water barrier"

Number of caches: 11

The first cache in this chapter will be located before the lake that you will have to swim across, at the very beginning of the chapter. You will see a lambda on the wall to the right, in front of which there will be another ladder. If you go up, you will find supplies. If you take them, then this cache will be credited to you.
The next cache will be located not far from the first one at the beginning of the chapter. Along the way, you will come across a red house that holds this cache. To get it, you need to climb into this house, to the top floor, in which there is a mechanism that holds a container with a cache. Simply remove the barrel from the mechanism, and the container will plunge into the lake, where you can take supplies from the cache.
The third cache will be located in the tunnel, in the place where the Alliance forces will land. This location will be marked with a lambda. You just have to climb into this tunnel, walk around, and you will discover the cache.
The fourth cache will be in a place with an armored personnel carrier standing above it, which is firing at you. Below it on the wall there will be a lambda marked, and next to it there will be a passage to this hiding place. But just be careful, there will be a headcrab near the cache, and on the way back the harvester forces will land.
The fifth cache in this chapter will be located just like all the others along the way, so it will be hard for you to miss it. There will be a lambda marked on the wall, near which an iron basket with supplies is hung. A basket is also suspended from the opposite end, but with bricks. Just pull out the bricks and the supply basket will go down and you'll get credit for that cache.
The sixth cache will be located under the railway, in the place near which you will swim.
The seventh cache is also hard to miss. As you swim through the radioactive waters, a lambda will be displayed on the side of the tunnel on the wall and there will be a platform with supplies. If you break the support that holds the cache, the platform will fall and you can take the supplies.
The eighth cache will be located, like many others, along the way. In this location (Screenshot below) you just need to turn left and you will find this cache.
The ninth cache will be located in this location (Screenshot below), on the side, on the left, in the second tunnel.
After you meet G-Man, you will come across a fork in two roads, at the end of which there will be a cache (right road). If you walk along, you will come across an abandoned rebel base, in which there is a small hut containing supplies If you break the boxes in it, then this cache will be credited to you.
The last cache in this chapter is essentially the location of Black Mesa East. Just enter the territory of this rebel base, and this cache will be credited to you.

Chapter 6 "We don't go to Ravenholm"

Number of caches: 4

The passage to the first cache of this chapter will be in the house near which you first meet Father Gregory. The house will have an entrance to a ventilation shaft that leads you to this hiding place.
The second cache will be located near the traps that Father Gregory set, and will be marked with a lambda.
The third cache will be located in the roof of one of the buildings, and it is marked with a lambda, so it will be hard to miss.
The last cache will be located at the exit of the mine, above you, and will be marked with a lambda.

Chapter 7 "Route 17"

Number of caches: 5

The first cache will be in the red house you drive by at the beginning of the chapter, and it will be marked with a lambda.
The second cache will be located in an abandoned house that you will pass. On the second (actually the first, but you will enter through the basement) floor there will be supplies, and you will need to get there.

The third cache will be in the car after you “jump over” the collapsed bridge and destroy the Alliance stormtrooper.
The fourth cache will be located near the gas station that you will pass by. You will need to place something under the edge of the fence, you will climb over it and discover this hiding place.
The last cache will be at the end of the chapter. In front of the railway you will find a wooden fence, behind which there will be a cache and several headcrabs.

Chapter 8 "Sand Traps"

Number of caches: 2

The first cache will be located in the house, in which you will need to connect three batteries for further movement.
The second and final cache will be located behind the house, which will be located above the beach, before the fight with the antlion guard, and this cache will be marked with a lambda.

Chapter 9 "Nova Prospekt"

Number of caches: 3

The first cache can be found in a small room where there will be only turrets.
The second cache can be found in one of the abandoned rooms for intruders if you move the door. The cache will also be marked with a lambda.
The passage to the last cache you find in this chapter can be found at the end of the chapter, to the right of the laundry room.

9a Chapter "Confusion"

We entered the genetic laboratory, where we have already begun to study alien creatures that recently emerged from the portals. We enter a green room, where in the center there is an upright walking monster in a capsule.

We climb under the half-closed door and climb a small hill along the road.

We find ourselves in a room with two floors. Here in the left cell we take the crossbow from the dead guard.

(From the control room, G-man can be seen through the glass on the opposite side of the 2nd floor).

Main hall

There will be several soldiers in the spacious room, we kill them all. Let's take it shotgun with cartridges on the central rack, we take them from the military machine guns, restore health at the wall first aid kit. We pass further along the corridor, go into the weapons storage, pick up shotguns and pistols. Let's go to the next laboratory.

We go down the corridor, there are many laser mines ahead. We enter the double glass doors and finish off two monsters - alien foot soldiers. The military will run out into the corridor. We get to the place where a large device with saws and knives is spinning behind the glass door.

Achievement "Universal Gravitation" (Law of universal gravitation)
You need to die from your own snarks. We just choose a moment when we have little health left, save, stand facing the corner, and launch the snarks. After death we boot.
"Ethically Questionable" achievement (Questionable ethics) (4/5)
In the terrarium in the laboratory room, on the table, take a large yellow container and insert it into the connector to the right of the door leading into the terrarium. We press a small button on the wall, and the terrarium is filled with toxic gas.

Laser installations

In “Lab D” we need to turn on four laser units. We enter the first room on the right. Inside, on a large installation, we press the red button - a thin blue laser appears, directed by mirrors into the central room. We leave here, go to the corridor opposite this room. In the next room we find Tau gun, and here we turn on another laser installation.

In two rooms we turn on two more lasers, collect a couple of batteries and Tau gun cartridges. We enter the central room where all the lasers flock.

We approach the steel sheet near the wall and pull out the plug from the socket nearby. We go to the control panel behind the glass and press the button. The laser burns a huge hole in the wall. We climb into this hole and carefully climb down.

We find ourselves in a room with three scientists who cannot leave because of a rotating device with saws and knives. We approach the device, quickly run to the center, and then press the button on the panel on the right. The device is stopped, the scientists lead you to the exit.

Main hall

A military ambush awaits us in the lobby of the building. We go inside, shoot the special forces soldiers with a magnum, and then with a shotgun. A couple of soldiers will remain standing on the roof, we kill them with a crossbow. We take away the grenades lying on the counter. We leave the building together with the scientist.

Courtyard of the complex

There are even more military men outside. At this time, you can have time to fire an underbarrel grenade into the place to the right of the rightmost truck, then almost all the soldiers will die, all that remains is to finish off the two hiding right behind the right corner of this building. After the victory, we are in no hurry to move far from the building; there are two machine-gun turrets on the roof above us. We slowly move away from the building and knock over the turrets with shotgun shots. Now you can walk along the street, collect all the first aid kits and weapons.

Chapter 12. Surface Tension
(Surface Tension) Half Life Walkthrough

We leave the tunnel and are immediately attacked by the military. We shoot at explosive barrels to make it easier to kill the military. Behind the booth on the left we take two batteries, behind the net there is a first aid kit. Let's move on. At the substation on the right you can take two more batteries.


We see a huge hydroelectric power station in front of us. We sit on a hill, take aim and start killing soldiers with a crossbow. We come closer to the dam, go into the warehouse on the right, restore health with first aid kits and take cartridges for the Tau gun. We slowly move forward along the dam. A helicopter will appear on the horizon, you need to quickly run back to the warehouse. From the warehouse we shoot the helicopter with a Tau cannon, there should be enough cartridges in the warehouse. We go to the dam again, kill two more soldiers. Then we jump into the water on the right. Be careful, there is a sea monster in the water!

We swim to the high tower, climb the stairs, take inside the tower Tau gun cartridges, press the lever on the wall. After pressing the lever, the water began to flow down through the pipes of the dam. We jump into the water, swim into the pipe, and swim out from the lower side of the dam. We walk through the shallow water until the very end. We climb into the pipes on the left.


We go straight along the gorge. At the end we go up two stairs and recover at charger . We go down one staircase, then we walk along a narrow parapet to another gorge. We climb up the stairs. We find ourselves on a sandy plain, where many big-eyed dogs are running. We enter the tunnel on the left. Here you can go through a small door into the corridor and take a battery and two first aid kits there. We go out into the street through another door in the tunnel or through a side door in the corridor. We kill several military men. We go into the tower with number “2”, press the button on the panel. Outside, Tunnel B opens and a couple more soldiers appear. We go into the tunnel.

Along the way we take full grenade ammunition. We see a minefield ahead. Mines are very clearly visible from afar; they can be shot with bullets or thrown with grenades to clear them. We go around the minefield on the left side, climb onto the mountain slope on the left, jump over the barbed wire from it and go down into the bunker. We climb forward along two pipes.


We climb out of the pipe and see in front of us a panorama of a mountain canyon with a river and various buildings around. We found ourselves on a steep mountain slope.

We carefully go down, first onto the cliff on the left, and then on the right. We go to the right along a narrow mountain path, killing the military along the way. Below we see a metal building, there are also military men walking there, you can kill them with a crossbow with a scope. There will be a cliff ahead. We kill the barnacle so that it does not interfere, and with a run we jump over to the metal fragment. Restoring health wall mounted first aid kit And charger.

Then we go down the huge inclined pipe. Below we go further to the right along the mountain path. We enter the weapons warehouse. We crawl under the lasers and knock over two machine-gun turrets. We restore health at the first aid kit and charger, go into a small room, take RPG rocket launcher.

We leave the warehouse and a helicopter attacks us. We run back and hide behind three green boxes. The helicopter sometimes fires rockets and constantly fires machine-gun bursts. When the machine gun fire ends, we get up from behind the boxes and shoot at the helicopter with a rocket launcher, then hide again. You don't have to spare the rockets; they endlessly appear in the box under the yellow sign, next to the cliff. After five missile hits, the helicopter will catch fire, and after two more hits, it will explode and fall onto the rocks, clearing the way forward for us.

Military base

We go through the pipes as far as possible, there are a lot of soldiers at the top, we need to get around them all. We climb up the stairs and get out in the garage with the cars. There is a tank in front of us. Jumping out from around the corner of the building, we first shoot rockets at the tank turret, and then throw grenades. After destroying the tank, you can kill all other military personnel. We enter the red booth, take a couple of first aid kits, and press the button. We continue along the open road.

An armored personnel carrier with a machine gun drives ahead. We throw it with the remaining grenades or under-barrel grenades from a machine gun. We kill four more military men. To the right of the road there is a military tent where you can get ammunition and first aid kits. We reach the end of the road, climb through the broken window, press the button on the wall. We enter the opened doors.

We see in front of us a building with many wires and a transformer. We kill the emerging vortigaunts. We go around the building on the right side, destroying the blue lasers from afar with bullets. We go out into the backyard, where a sniper is holed up in the upper window. Bullets cannot kill him, so we throw a grenade right at his window. We go into the room and take several grenades. We move on, clearing the minefield in front of us with shots or grenades. In front of the electric fence, we turn around, throw a grenade into the bunker on the top floor, there was another sniper sitting there. We climb under the fence, approach the transformer, press the lever to the right of it. After this, we climb onto the roof using the fallen tower. We jump from the roof into the building through the gap.

Laser room

Inside the building we meet a scientist, we leave the room, we see boxes with explosives and blue lasers in front of us. You can't blow anything up here, otherwise the whole building will explode!!! This is one of the most difficult places in Black Mesa.

We jump over the first laser with a running start (don’t forget to press the “ctrl” key to bend your legs while jumping, this way there is less chance of hitting the laser), the second - we climb over the boxes, under the third we climb from below, to the fourth we first drag the barrel, and then jump from it. We jump over a couple more lasers and find ourselves in a large room filled to the brim with these blue lasers.

We approach the dead monster behind bars, take away his weapon Fly swatter (Hivehand). Then we pass to the right of the large container, climb onto the wooden boxes, and go to the far wall, next to the missiles. We go into the room, exit on the other side, climb to the second floor. We approach the elevator, break the wooden box on it, then lift it up by pressing the button. We jump from the raised elevator to the central platform, where the dead monster lies. We press the button and take the central elevator down.


We go to the surface, here soldiers are fighting with alien monsters. We kill everyone from afar, destroy an armored personnel carrier with a machine gun. We go forward, go around the building, turn into the alley on the right. Here, in the nearest window, there is a sniper sitting above, we throw a grenade at him or fire a rocket. We enter the building through the back doors and kill all the military personnel. We rise to the very top and meet another guard. He lets us in weapons storage, where you can replenish ammo for all types of weapons to the maximum.

We go into the far door of the storage room and go out onto the street on the second floor. We jump over to the other side of the street, there we go up to the third floor. We enter the building, jump into the toilet through the gap. Let's go forward and kill the military. We jump onto the fragment of the interfloor staircase, go up, jump to the far part of the floor, and go into the room. We fall down through the gap in the floor.

Cannon with shells

We fall into the dead end of the tunnel. There is a difficult battle ahead, but we have full ammunition for this. Here we are attacked first by vortigaunts, then by large monsters. We run out of the tunnel and shoot down the cargo helicopter with two rocket shots. (If the helicopter is not shot down in time, it will constantly return, and more and more soldiers will constantly parachute from it). We take the first aid kit, go further, kill two more large monsters with flies.

We go into the next tunnel, recover at wall mounted first aid kit and charger. We go up to the second floor, there is rocket launcher (Tow). And at this time a tank drives into the square. We shoot him from a rocket launcher. You can fire just one shot, then you have to manually drag the next shell to the installation, and only then shoot again. You can also finish off a tank with your hand-held rocket launcher. After the victory, we go down and go into the tunnel where the tank came out.

Multi-storey parking

In the tunnel we approach the machine gun and shoot the vortigaunts.

1st floor. We jump onto the alien trampoline in the center.

2nd floor. We go up the interfloor stairs.

3rd floor. We exit through the gap and go down the air conditioners.

On the street we climb through the scaffolding into the red ventilation. Snarks have settled inside, we fight them off, collect their nests like cartridges.

We fall from the ventilation into the auto repair shop. We kill the military. We go up on the car lift, jump over the cars to the far wall. From the side shelf we jump out through the window onto the street.

Outside, we shoot at the barrels at the gate, they will be blown apart. We walk along the building. On the trampoline we jump onto the tower. In the courtyard. War of the Vortigaunts and Marines. There are a couple of turrets near the trenches, we can use them. We enter the gate. We pass through several security rooms.

Military quarter

On a narrow street, people fight off aliens with the help of a tank, but soon alien aircraft blow up the armored vehicles. We walk along the cleared street. On the right in the alley there is a trampoline, we jump on it to the upper balcony.

On the top floor we find several snark nests and take them with us. We climb out onto the roof along the balcony and are fired upon by snipers. We can inspect the neighboring house where the zombies came from, or immediately run up to the closed hatch at the top. You need to hide behind some kind of barrel, turn the valve and jump into the hatch.

An ambush awaits us in the hatch. We see how the military man put explosives in the pipe and closed it. We quickly return to the water, dive, wait out the explosion.

We walk along the first floor, below the marines are fighting zombies.

There is a red boiler at the bottom in the center, turn the valve. The second valve is missing; we find it in the side room. After that, we climb up and crawl through the pipe.

We find ourselves in a hangar with an airplane and a helicopter. We kill 4 military men. We escort the guard, he opens the doors for us.

We return to the narrow street with the destroyed tank. We kill the monsters that appear. We bring the guard to the checkpoint at the gate, he will open the door inside.

Artillery control

We run away through the tunnels from a huge blue monster. We run forward to the street, climb onto the tank standing in the center. The monster will start shaking the tank to throw us down. Let's approach big screen, it shows an overhead view of this location. We mark the location of the huge monster with a dot, then press the colorless “fire” button at the bottom of the screen. The monster will die from an artillery shell.

Now we need to make a way forward. On the screen, we aim the artillery at the communications tower (it is to the northeast of our tank, near the round pool), and press the colorless button on the screen. We climb over the concrete fence along the fallen tower, turn the valve near the gate, and go through the tunnel.

Chapter 13. Forget about Freeman!
(Forget Freeman!) Half Life Walkthrough

We approach the guard. We press the lever on the wall, from which machine gun turrets will appear on the ceiling behind the glass. While we turn them off, we leave the guard in this room. We go out into the room, notice enemies, and quickly run back into the room to turn on the turrets. Enemies will be shot by cannons. This can be done several times.

Let's move on. We go into the tunnel on the left, destroy the nests of snarks and other monsters, collect them in the boxes all kinds of cartridges. At the end we jump on a live trampoline, collect snarks and cartridges on the second floor. We go into the right tunnel, kill the Vortigaunts, open the hatch in the floor, and go down.


We climb along the boards into the left channel “west”. In the next body of water we kill the sea monster. At the bottom you can find several batteries and pomegranate. We swim into a narrow corridor with gears. Here on the right you can enter the door and recover at the charger. Then we swim under the large gear. We see in front of us a trap of two lasers. We throw a grenade at a standing machine-gun turret on the other side, killing two running out military men. We go up the stairs.

Complex "Lambda"

We find ourselves on the surface. We take the cartridges and go forward. We kill soldiers from afar with a crossbow, and we destroy a tank with a rocket launcher or grenades. There is a military camp on the left, there you can take several first aid kits.

We enter the room, go down the stairs, take a couple of batteries and cartridges. We go further along the top, overturn the turret, and enter the elevator.

Below we jump over the acid and kill a couple of military men. We approach the garage, destroy the tank with rockets and grenades, and finish off the rest. We knock over machine gun turrets with grenade explosions. We get to the inclined freight elevator, press the lever in the control room, press the button on the elevator itself, and go down.

Container warehouse

On the lower floor we deal with the crocodile monsters. We go into a spacious warehouse, here assassins will attack us. We climb up the spiral staircase to the top floor of the warehouse.

(IN old version). In one of the upper slightly open containers we see a purple hat. You need to get there and take the hat with you. We go along the path to the left, climb onto the railing, jump over to the top yellow container, go down from it a little lower, jump onto the roof of the next yellow container, where the hat lies. We approach the far side of the container, where you can jump down onto the ledge of the red container, and climb inside.
The hat must be carried in your hands until the very end of the game as an ordinary object; you will have to constantly put it on the floor during firefights, and then pick it up again and carry it further.

We go along the left path of the second floor, make our way through the container, go through the doors with a green light and go down the elevator.

Scientists' Refuge

We kill the emerging vortigaunts and large monsters. We go further, go up, and meet the scientist. They ask us to launch a reactor to create a new portal to correct the situation. In the next room, another scientist gives us a new weapon - gluon gun. We test it, take cartridges and first aid kits. We go further to the left along the corridor, enter the elevator behind the glass doors, and go down.

Chapter 14. Lambda Core
(Lambda Complex) Halfa remake walkthrough

We kill small monsters. We pass along the corridor, behind a large red and white device we find a battery, underbarrel grenade And crossbow arrows.

Coolant System 01

We go into a large room, go up the stairs to the third floor, and take the elevator down to the floor below. We go further along the corridor, turn into the room on the left, climb over the barricades. On the second floor we go down into the hatch, press the lever there, and go further through the opened doors.

We find ourselves in a large but empty reservoir. We go down the stairs to the bottom of the reservoir. Below on the wall press the green button. We take the elevator back upstairs. On one of the walls near the control panels we find and press the switch. Water will begin to fill the storage. You can return to the central room.

Coolant System 02

We pass through the stone blockage. We approach the reservoir and jump into the water. We find a button underwater, press it, stand on a small moving platform, the platform lifts us higher. We go through the doors and walk along the corridor.

We find ourselves in an empty reservoir. We press the button on the wall. We take the elevator up. We turn on the lever near the control panel, from which the storage will begin to fill with water. We return to the central room.

Maintenance Station

We go into the room and meet a guard. Here you can recover wall mounted first aid kit and charger, and also take lots of cartridges.

Aux. Tank Reactor Access

We enter the room of the central reservoir of the cooling system. A lot of Vortigaunts and large monsters will appear here. We deal with everyone. In the tower on the central yellow bridge you can take a first aid kit and a battery. We jump into the water, press the button in the central compartment on the wall, and swim into the opened underwater tunnel.


We find ourselves in the core of the Lambda complex. We climb the stairs higher and higher, fighting off the emerging vortigaunts. In the upper room we press the lever, from which the central installation will begin to operate and emit powerful red lasers. We continue to rise higher, dodging lasers (it's simple, they always hit the same place). Having got out of the central shaft, we go up the stairs and enter the room to the guard. We restore health from the first aid kit and charger, collect cartridges. We pass further along the corridor.

In the corridor we turn into the left dead end. There is a G-man behind the glass, entering a small portal.

We pass along the corridor to the right. You can go into the door on the left to practice using portals. You can only enter yellow portals, after which we instantly find ourselves where the green portal is located. Further along the corridor you can take the elevator down to see the diagram of the core of the Lambda complex, and through the glass you can see it in person. We return upstairs and enter the last door.

Core with teleports

Here space began to distort and many small portals opened. We need to climb to the very top of the core using teleporters.

1. We approach the yellow teleporter on the stairs and look through the window. When a moving platform passes under the green portal, we go into the yellow portal.

2. From the moving platform we jump into gate 02 (until we enter the portal).

3. We look up, when a platform passes under the green portal at the top, we go into the yellow portal. After teleportation, we quickly sit down so as not to hit the pipe.

Achievement "Rare Specimen"
(In the old version). We jump into gate 05, go into the portal, go down the stairs, and under the shelf we find a secret purple hat. From here we teleport back to room 1 of the core.
The hat needs to be carried until the very end of the game as an ordinary item; you will have to constantly put it on the floor during firefights, and then pick it up again and carry it further.
Through teleports, the hat must be carried in front of you. If a hat falls on a moving platform, it cannot be picked up by hand (a game error), but can be knocked down with gunfire.
(IN new version"Black Mesa" purple hat is not here. Now it is hidden in Chapter 3, at the starting area of ​​the monorail, and must be carried through the entire game).

5. Look up in the right corner. When a platform passes under the green portal at the top, we go into the yellow portal in the center.

6. From the platform we jump into gate 07.

7. We find ourselves in a separate room. Here we jump onto the middle ring, which rises and falls down. From the ring along the platforms we jump to doors 01, press the button, then to doors 02, press another button on them. After this, the path to the portal will open in the center, jump over and teleport.

Teleportation Hall

We find ourselves in a room on the top floor. We go forward along the corridor and take the elevator up. We go to the scientists, listen to them, restore health, collect full arsenal of weapons, let's take rocket pack (Long Jump Module). We pass into the opened white chamber.

We enter a room with a large teleportation installation. One of the scientists will launch this installation, and we need to fight off the emerging enemies. After some time, the portal in the center will be open, and a bridge will extend towards it. We run along the bridge, jump and teleport to the alien world - Xen.

Game completed!!!

Achievements in the game Black Mesa

Achievement "

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